Emine Ozturk - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Emine Ozturk

Research paper thumbnail of Beynelmilel İçtimaiyat Kongresi ve İntibalarım

Kafkas üniversitesi ilahiyat fakültesi dergisi, Jul 1, 2017

The following text consists of the impressions of the authors on the sociology congress held by M... more The following text consists of the impressions of the authors on the sociology congress held by Muslihiddin Adil Taylan on the 1st International Congress of International Sociology, held in Turin, Italy, on 9-16 October 1921 and texts discussed at the meeting.

Research paper thumbnail of Love from Attitudes of Two Muslim and Christian Mystics (Rabia Adaviye and Teresa of Avila)

DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 1, 2013

Love is an affection which is the extreme and peak. In this extreme love, lover (mystic) loves hi... more Love is an affection which is the extreme and peak. In this extreme love, lover (mystic) loves his/her beloved (God) with all of his/her own and he/she burns in his parting, mystical lover in fact will survive with the destruction (join to lover) in true lover. Love of God is essential issue in Rabia Adaviye and Teresa of Avila works. Rabia believes that in the bond of true love must be absolutely no contamination as a lover not ask for reward in turn his/her love not even waiting for an answer to his/her love. Also Teresa believes that original love is only for God and all loves along this love are justified and interpreted. Other friendships should not be an obstacle in the way God's love or their ending should lead to divine love.

Research paper thumbnail of The Human as the Actor of Love in Mevlana Who is the Bridge of Culture Between East and West

European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2017

In universe, there are hidden steps rising up to the sky.Each community has its own step. Each pa... more In universe, there are hidden steps rising up to the sky.Each community has its own step. Each path has its own sky.Each is unaware of another.Skies are a vast, immense country. They are so vast, so infinite that they neither have a beginning or ending.In the first volume of the annotation Tahirü’l-Mevlevi wrote on Mesnevi, he annotates the lines of 10th couplet of Mevlana on love as such “The fire in reed flute and the heave in wine is all the work of love”. There is a well-known hadith among sufis as “I was a hidden treasure, desired to be known and created people.” According to what is indicated by this hadith, love is the sheer reason of the creation of entire universe. Every creature’s love is suitable to its capability and liking. As it is the work of love that the bulbul sings sorrowfully hiding between the leaves of rose, painful heehaw of a donkey while Rolling around in the dust is also the work of love. In a manner of speaking, the former is the love of bulbul (perfect), ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Analyses of Abdullatif Suphi Pashas’ Uyûnü’l-Ahbârfi'n-Nukûd ve’l-Âsâr Tractate from the Perspective of Economic Sociology

Kafkas Ünivesitesi sosyal bilimler enstitüsü dergisi, 2019

Çalışmanın Türü: Araştırma Öz Kiş Siyaset ve İktisat sosyolojisi açısından para/para basımı, devl... more Çalışmanın Türü: Araştırma Öz Kiş Siyaset ve İktisat sosyolojisi açısından para/para basımı, devletlerin başka devletlere olan bağımsızlığının bir sembolü ve göstergesi kabul edilmektedir. Para bilimi olarak da bilinen nümizmatik ilmi, yalnızca mekanik bir üretim biçimini değil aynı zamanda toplumların sosyo-ekonomik hayatı hakkında da veriler sunmaktadır. Hayatı boyunca Osmanlı devletinin farklı kurumlarında önemli vazifeler ifa eden Abdullatif Suphi Paşa, kendi tarihimiz açısından değerlendirildiğinde ilk "nümizmatik"tir. Kişisel para koleksiyonundaki paralar hakkında yaptığı önemli çalışmaları ile Abdullatif Suphi Paşa, İslam tarihi bilimine yeni bilgilerin kazandırılmasını sağlamıştır. Bu çalışmaya konu olan Uyûnü'l-AhbârFi'n-NukûdVe'l-Âsâr adlı risalesindeki bulguları vesilesiyle Abdullah Suphi Paşa, günümüze kadar ulaşmamış genelde bazı tarihsel açıdan önemli bulgulara ve bilgilere, özelde ise İslam tarihi açısından çok önemli bilgilere işaret etmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Food and Energy Costs from the Perspective of Sociology of Social Problems

British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies

Since human beings are social creatures, it is inevitable for them to live in society. However, m... more Since human beings are social creatures, it is inevitable for them to live in society. However, many positive or negative changes and developments in society affect people directly or indirectly. At the beginning of the issues that affect the individuals in a society most deeply are the social problems that have emerged in that society. Just as it is not possible to completely eliminate the social problem that has arisen in a society, there seems to be no society that does not experience social problems. In this context, social problems in each society may differ. In addition, while social problems have a continuity feature because they affect many institutions and areas in the society, it has the feature of multi-causality principle because it is based on many different reasons. Likewise, social problems are not social events that occur suddenly or whose effect ends in an instant. In order for such problems to arise, certain conditions and social formations must be present. Because...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Non-Communication on Individual and Social Life in the Communication Age, which is Caused by Social Distance Problem Based on Technological Social Isolation

European Journal of Social Sciences, 2020

Today, we all live 24/7 online with our computers, tablets and smart phones. We are at the center... more Today, we all live 24/7 online with our computers, tablets and smart phones. We are at the center of communication tools in all environments at home, workplace, hospital, school, etc. and we are always open to communication. While a high level of interaction is expected between people in such an environment, according to most studies, people of our age are far away from establishing a sustainable communication environment with each other. With the development of technology, many problems in interpersonal communication and corporate communication come to the fore, despite the communication tools that have become a life phenomenon that is increasingly common in all areas of life. Here are some of the problems caused by non-communication in the age of communication we are in. 1.Stressful Office Environment and a 2. A Stressful Life. In our daily life equipped with a wide variety of communication tools, it is so easy to reach and communicate with each other, a common non-communication p...

Research paper thumbnail of The Comparision of Classical Ethical Theories in Ancient Greece Philosophy and Islamic Philosophy: The Example of Aristotle and Ibn Miskavayh, Tusi and Kinalizade

European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2021

In this study, I will make an analysis of the comparision of classical ethical theories in Ancien... more In this study, I will make an analysis of the comparision of classical ethical theories in Ancient Greece Philosophy and Islamic Philosophy. The analysis of the comparision of classical ethical theories in Ancient Greece Philosophy and Islamic Philosophy depends on three philosophical and psychological concepts. These concepts are first of all, the thought in other words the ability of thinking, secondly the desire, in other words the ability of desire, as Freud said libido, and thirdly agression the ability of anger. These three abilities in one person reveals one virtue in society, this virtue is the virtue of justice. And this study will tells about how we can reveal the virtue of justice in one society by applying these three abilities and virtues in one person. Because these abilties corresponds three virtues in classical ethics. These three virtues are thinking, chastity and courage. And this study will analyze the thinking, chastity and courage in Ancient Greece Philosophy an...

Research paper thumbnail of Erol Güngör Perspektifinden Ahlâk ve Ahlâkın Toplumsal Önemi

Kafkas Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

İnsanın kişilik yapısını, eylemlerini, bunlarla ilgili davranışlarını ve değerlendirmelerini tert... more İnsanın kişilik yapısını, eylemlerini, bunlarla ilgili davranışlarını ve değerlendirmelerini tertip eden kaidelerin bütünü olan ahlâkın hem bireysel hem de toplumsal yönü bulunmaktadır. İnsan sosyal bir varlık olarak bir arada yaşama zorunluluğunda olduğuna göre, onları bir arada tutarak birlikteliklerini sağlayacak olan manevi değerlerin en başında ahlâk ve ahlâki kurallar gelir. Türk düşünce hayatının son dönemlerinde yaşamış ve sosyal bilimlerin birçok alanında görüşleri bulunan ünlü fikir insanı, mütefekkiri, münevveri ve kültür taşıyıcısı olan Erol Güngör, ahlâkı gerek psikolojik boyutta gerekse sosyolojik boyutta ele alarak incelemiştir. Güngör’e göre ahlâk, bir toplumun refahı ve huzuru için vazgeçilmez bir sistemdir. Ahlâk, bir insanın kişiliği hakkında fikir vermekle birlikte bir toplumun sosyal yapısı hakkında da ipuçları sunmaktadır. Ahlâkın oluşmasında ve temellendirilmesinde çevrenin ve ailenin çok önemli rolleri ve işlevleri bulunmaktadır. Bireyler ve toplumlar değişim...

Research paper thumbnail of The Waqfs of Money in Ottoman Society (The Waqfs of Hatuniye Example)

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 25, 2022

Vakıf müessesesi Osmanlı cemiyet hayatının şekillenmesinde önemli bir etken olarak karşımıza çıkm... more Vakıf müessesesi Osmanlı cemiyet hayatının şekillenmesinde önemli bir etken olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Vakıf anlayışıyla kurulan ve işletilen kurumların başta dini hizmetler olmak üzere eğitim sağlık, sosyal güvenlik, bayındırlık gibi alanlarda, içtimai hayatın altyapısını oluşturduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Osmanlı toplumunda önemli bir fonksiyona sahip olan vakıf sistemi çeşitli açılardan araştırma konusu olmuştur. Bunun yanında vakıfların sosyal ve iktisadi yönleriyle ilgili olarak da hatırı sayılır derecede araştırma mevcuttur. Özellikle son yıllarda arşiv kaynaklarına dayalı olarak yapılan vakıf konulu çalışmaların sayısında hissedilir bir artış görülmektedir. Özetle söylemek gerekirse bu çalışmada genel olarak, vakıfların hukuki, tarihi, sosyal ve ekonomik açıdan önemi, vakıfların doğuşu gelişmesi, kurumsal hale gelişi ulemanın para vakıflarına bakışları ve konu üzerindeki tartışmaları; Hanım Sultan Vakfiyeleri özelinde incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Hanım sultanların kurdukları para vakıflarına ait çeşitli yıllık istatistiklere yer verilerek konu istatistiki açıdan farklı detaylara yer verilerek anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca metin içinde ve sonuç kısmında bu vakıfların Osmanlı toplumuna katkıları da ele alınarak konu zenginleştirilmeye çalışılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Sufis Identified With Their Cities: Kars-Abu'l-Hasan Kharakanî (Contributions Of Kharakani Stories To Social Document And Social Integration Of Kars)

The wise (enlightened) people are like candles; they enlighten surroundings as they melt. They ar... more The wise (enlightened) people are like candles; they enlighten surroundings as they melt. They are like mirrors which reflect your soul to you. Many of the wise from Anatolia identify with the city they lived in. It is impossible to imagine Konya without Mevlana as well as it is impossible to think Kırşehir without Aji Evran, Nevşehir without Hacı Bektaş and Ankara without Hacı Bayram-ıVelî. Likewise, it is also impossible imagine Kars without Ebu'l-Hasan Harakani. The contribution of Ebu'l-Hasan Kharakani and his anecdotes to social pattern, socio-cultural structure and social integrity of Kars is pretty quite important. Inter alia Ebu'l-Hasan Kharakani is a man who still contributes Kars and the city culture of Kars. The purpose of this presentation is to show His contribution to the city and the culture of city. He is like a social instrument which attaches the sunni, alewi people and people from different ethnicities. He is still illuminating and enlightening. ÖZ Ari...

Research paper thumbnail of Selçuklu Anadolusu'Nda Sufi̇ Ahlaki Ve Sosyal Bariş

Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2014

Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Anadolu'nun tarihsel olarak en karışık ve sancılı süreçlerinden olan ve... more Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Anadolu'nun tarihsel olarak en karışık ve sancılı süreçlerinden olan ve tam da Moğol İstilâsı dönemine denk gelen Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti'nin egemenlik yıllarında dönemin Selçuklu toplumunda sosyal barışın tesisinde sûfîlerin ve onların yaşadığı sûfî ahlâkının rolünü araştırmak ve incelemektir. Bu amaçla çalışmamızın hacminin ancak buna izin vereceğinin düşünülmesinden dolayı sadece dönemin en ünlü iki Mutasavvıfının konuyla ilgili görüş ve düşüncelerinin ele alınması uygun görülmüştür. Bu iki sûfî Mevlâna Celâleddin-i Rûmi ve Yunus Emre'dir. Çalışma yapılırken dokümantasyon metodundan faydalanılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Beynelmilel İçtimaiyat Kongresi ve İntibalarım

Kafkas Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017

Aşağıdaki metin 9-16 Ekim 1921 tarihinde İtalya'nın Torino şehrinde gerçekleştirilen Beynelmilel ... more Aşağıdaki metin 9-16 Ekim 1921 tarihinde İtalya'nın Torino şehrinde gerçekleştirilen Beynelmilel İçtimaiyat Kongresi yani I. Uluslararası Dünya Sosyoloji Kongresi üzerine Muslihiddin Adil Taylan tarafından kaleme alınan sosyoloji kongresi hakkında müellifin izlenimlerinden ve toplantıda tartışılan metinlerden oluşmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Analyses of Abdullatif Suphi Pashas’ Uyûnü’l-Ahbârfi'n-Nukûd ve’l-Âsâr Tractate from the Perspective of Economic Sociology

Kafkas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Attitude of muslim youth to the other (erzurum ataturk university. Department of religious studies sample)

Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2013

The purpose of this study is to understand whether or not our prejudgements from past to present ... more The purpose of this study is to understand whether or not our prejudgements from past to present shape today’s youth and to what extent it’s shaped. The research is a field work and questionnaire technique has been used in the research as well as qualitative method. The place that the questionnaire is used has been chosen as Erzurum Ataturk University. Department of Religious Studies. In other words. the research is a qualitative research. The subject of the research is “Attitude of Today’s Muslim Youth to the Other”. The definition of the other in this research has been considered as the members of the three other major religions. These major religions; O Jewishness O Christianity O Finally. Buddhism.

Research paper thumbnail of Abdullati̇f Suphi̇ Paşa'Nin "Hâtem-İ Şeri̇f Hatem-İ Nübüvvet" Adli Makalesi̇ni̇n Tahr

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Ahdi Atik ve Ahdi Cedid'de Saldırganlık ve Şiddet Olgusunun Sosyolojik Tahlili

Insan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Arastırmaları Dergisi, Mar 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Aile, Şiddet ve Kadın Sığınmaevleri

21 Yuzyılda Egitim Ve Toplum, 2014

Family is a core institution in the society. Relations from society to individual and relations f... more Family is a core institution in the society. Relations from society to individual and relations form individuals to society continues by means of family.In this important institution which founds the communication between individuals and society there are many authority struggles as many other institutions. These authority struggles are generally the reason for the family violence against women. There are many researches of which subject is family violence. As these reasearches say there

Research paper thumbnail of Hz. Fatma Kültü

Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, Dec 30, 2010

The Cult of Fatima. The aim of this research not to say the last word about thedaughter of the Pr... more The Cult of Fatima. The aim of this research not to say the last word about thedaughter of the Prophet. The aim of this research is to look out this subjectfrom the cultic perspctive. So this research searchs the subject of the FatimaCult in Islam, especiallay in the beleif of Shia. The main goal of this research tolook out the subject of Fatma cult from the perspective of anthropology andsociology. In the first part of research, first of all, we explained the term of cultand cultic groups an bleives, and in the second part we have told the life ofFatima and the last part we heve tried to tell the bleif of Fatima in Shia and thecult of Fatima in Shia.

Research paper thumbnail of Primary Ovarian Leiomyoma

Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 1993

Research paper thumbnail of Beynelmilel İçtimaiyat Kongresi ve İntibalarım

Kafkas üniversitesi ilahiyat fakültesi dergisi, Jul 1, 2017

The following text consists of the impressions of the authors on the sociology congress held by M... more The following text consists of the impressions of the authors on the sociology congress held by Muslihiddin Adil Taylan on the 1st International Congress of International Sociology, held in Turin, Italy, on 9-16 October 1921 and texts discussed at the meeting.

Research paper thumbnail of Love from Attitudes of Two Muslim and Christian Mystics (Rabia Adaviye and Teresa of Avila)

DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 1, 2013

Love is an affection which is the extreme and peak. In this extreme love, lover (mystic) loves hi... more Love is an affection which is the extreme and peak. In this extreme love, lover (mystic) loves his/her beloved (God) with all of his/her own and he/she burns in his parting, mystical lover in fact will survive with the destruction (join to lover) in true lover. Love of God is essential issue in Rabia Adaviye and Teresa of Avila works. Rabia believes that in the bond of true love must be absolutely no contamination as a lover not ask for reward in turn his/her love not even waiting for an answer to his/her love. Also Teresa believes that original love is only for God and all loves along this love are justified and interpreted. Other friendships should not be an obstacle in the way God's love or their ending should lead to divine love.

Research paper thumbnail of The Human as the Actor of Love in Mevlana Who is the Bridge of Culture Between East and West

European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2017

In universe, there are hidden steps rising up to the sky.Each community has its own step. Each pa... more In universe, there are hidden steps rising up to the sky.Each community has its own step. Each path has its own sky.Each is unaware of another.Skies are a vast, immense country. They are so vast, so infinite that they neither have a beginning or ending.In the first volume of the annotation Tahirü’l-Mevlevi wrote on Mesnevi, he annotates the lines of 10th couplet of Mevlana on love as such “The fire in reed flute and the heave in wine is all the work of love”. There is a well-known hadith among sufis as “I was a hidden treasure, desired to be known and created people.” According to what is indicated by this hadith, love is the sheer reason of the creation of entire universe. Every creature’s love is suitable to its capability and liking. As it is the work of love that the bulbul sings sorrowfully hiding between the leaves of rose, painful heehaw of a donkey while Rolling around in the dust is also the work of love. In a manner of speaking, the former is the love of bulbul (perfect), ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Analyses of Abdullatif Suphi Pashas’ Uyûnü’l-Ahbârfi'n-Nukûd ve’l-Âsâr Tractate from the Perspective of Economic Sociology

Kafkas Ünivesitesi sosyal bilimler enstitüsü dergisi, 2019

Çalışmanın Türü: Araştırma Öz Kiş Siyaset ve İktisat sosyolojisi açısından para/para basımı, devl... more Çalışmanın Türü: Araştırma Öz Kiş Siyaset ve İktisat sosyolojisi açısından para/para basımı, devletlerin başka devletlere olan bağımsızlığının bir sembolü ve göstergesi kabul edilmektedir. Para bilimi olarak da bilinen nümizmatik ilmi, yalnızca mekanik bir üretim biçimini değil aynı zamanda toplumların sosyo-ekonomik hayatı hakkında da veriler sunmaktadır. Hayatı boyunca Osmanlı devletinin farklı kurumlarında önemli vazifeler ifa eden Abdullatif Suphi Paşa, kendi tarihimiz açısından değerlendirildiğinde ilk "nümizmatik"tir. Kişisel para koleksiyonundaki paralar hakkında yaptığı önemli çalışmaları ile Abdullatif Suphi Paşa, İslam tarihi bilimine yeni bilgilerin kazandırılmasını sağlamıştır. Bu çalışmaya konu olan Uyûnü'l-AhbârFi'n-NukûdVe'l-Âsâr adlı risalesindeki bulguları vesilesiyle Abdullah Suphi Paşa, günümüze kadar ulaşmamış genelde bazı tarihsel açıdan önemli bulgulara ve bilgilere, özelde ise İslam tarihi açısından çok önemli bilgilere işaret etmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Food and Energy Costs from the Perspective of Sociology of Social Problems

British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies

Since human beings are social creatures, it is inevitable for them to live in society. However, m... more Since human beings are social creatures, it is inevitable for them to live in society. However, many positive or negative changes and developments in society affect people directly or indirectly. At the beginning of the issues that affect the individuals in a society most deeply are the social problems that have emerged in that society. Just as it is not possible to completely eliminate the social problem that has arisen in a society, there seems to be no society that does not experience social problems. In this context, social problems in each society may differ. In addition, while social problems have a continuity feature because they affect many institutions and areas in the society, it has the feature of multi-causality principle because it is based on many different reasons. Likewise, social problems are not social events that occur suddenly or whose effect ends in an instant. In order for such problems to arise, certain conditions and social formations must be present. Because...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Non-Communication on Individual and Social Life in the Communication Age, which is Caused by Social Distance Problem Based on Technological Social Isolation

European Journal of Social Sciences, 2020

Today, we all live 24/7 online with our computers, tablets and smart phones. We are at the center... more Today, we all live 24/7 online with our computers, tablets and smart phones. We are at the center of communication tools in all environments at home, workplace, hospital, school, etc. and we are always open to communication. While a high level of interaction is expected between people in such an environment, according to most studies, people of our age are far away from establishing a sustainable communication environment with each other. With the development of technology, many problems in interpersonal communication and corporate communication come to the fore, despite the communication tools that have become a life phenomenon that is increasingly common in all areas of life. Here are some of the problems caused by non-communication in the age of communication we are in. 1.Stressful Office Environment and a 2. A Stressful Life. In our daily life equipped with a wide variety of communication tools, it is so easy to reach and communicate with each other, a common non-communication p...

Research paper thumbnail of The Comparision of Classical Ethical Theories in Ancient Greece Philosophy and Islamic Philosophy: The Example of Aristotle and Ibn Miskavayh, Tusi and Kinalizade

European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2021

In this study, I will make an analysis of the comparision of classical ethical theories in Ancien... more In this study, I will make an analysis of the comparision of classical ethical theories in Ancient Greece Philosophy and Islamic Philosophy. The analysis of the comparision of classical ethical theories in Ancient Greece Philosophy and Islamic Philosophy depends on three philosophical and psychological concepts. These concepts are first of all, the thought in other words the ability of thinking, secondly the desire, in other words the ability of desire, as Freud said libido, and thirdly agression the ability of anger. These three abilities in one person reveals one virtue in society, this virtue is the virtue of justice. And this study will tells about how we can reveal the virtue of justice in one society by applying these three abilities and virtues in one person. Because these abilties corresponds three virtues in classical ethics. These three virtues are thinking, chastity and courage. And this study will analyze the thinking, chastity and courage in Ancient Greece Philosophy an...

Research paper thumbnail of Erol Güngör Perspektifinden Ahlâk ve Ahlâkın Toplumsal Önemi

Kafkas Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

İnsanın kişilik yapısını, eylemlerini, bunlarla ilgili davranışlarını ve değerlendirmelerini tert... more İnsanın kişilik yapısını, eylemlerini, bunlarla ilgili davranışlarını ve değerlendirmelerini tertip eden kaidelerin bütünü olan ahlâkın hem bireysel hem de toplumsal yönü bulunmaktadır. İnsan sosyal bir varlık olarak bir arada yaşama zorunluluğunda olduğuna göre, onları bir arada tutarak birlikteliklerini sağlayacak olan manevi değerlerin en başında ahlâk ve ahlâki kurallar gelir. Türk düşünce hayatının son dönemlerinde yaşamış ve sosyal bilimlerin birçok alanında görüşleri bulunan ünlü fikir insanı, mütefekkiri, münevveri ve kültür taşıyıcısı olan Erol Güngör, ahlâkı gerek psikolojik boyutta gerekse sosyolojik boyutta ele alarak incelemiştir. Güngör’e göre ahlâk, bir toplumun refahı ve huzuru için vazgeçilmez bir sistemdir. Ahlâk, bir insanın kişiliği hakkında fikir vermekle birlikte bir toplumun sosyal yapısı hakkında da ipuçları sunmaktadır. Ahlâkın oluşmasında ve temellendirilmesinde çevrenin ve ailenin çok önemli rolleri ve işlevleri bulunmaktadır. Bireyler ve toplumlar değişim...

Research paper thumbnail of The Waqfs of Money in Ottoman Society (The Waqfs of Hatuniye Example)

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 25, 2022

Vakıf müessesesi Osmanlı cemiyet hayatının şekillenmesinde önemli bir etken olarak karşımıza çıkm... more Vakıf müessesesi Osmanlı cemiyet hayatının şekillenmesinde önemli bir etken olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Vakıf anlayışıyla kurulan ve işletilen kurumların başta dini hizmetler olmak üzere eğitim sağlık, sosyal güvenlik, bayındırlık gibi alanlarda, içtimai hayatın altyapısını oluşturduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Osmanlı toplumunda önemli bir fonksiyona sahip olan vakıf sistemi çeşitli açılardan araştırma konusu olmuştur. Bunun yanında vakıfların sosyal ve iktisadi yönleriyle ilgili olarak da hatırı sayılır derecede araştırma mevcuttur. Özellikle son yıllarda arşiv kaynaklarına dayalı olarak yapılan vakıf konulu çalışmaların sayısında hissedilir bir artış görülmektedir. Özetle söylemek gerekirse bu çalışmada genel olarak, vakıfların hukuki, tarihi, sosyal ve ekonomik açıdan önemi, vakıfların doğuşu gelişmesi, kurumsal hale gelişi ulemanın para vakıflarına bakışları ve konu üzerindeki tartışmaları; Hanım Sultan Vakfiyeleri özelinde incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Hanım sultanların kurdukları para vakıflarına ait çeşitli yıllık istatistiklere yer verilerek konu istatistiki açıdan farklı detaylara yer verilerek anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca metin içinde ve sonuç kısmında bu vakıfların Osmanlı toplumuna katkıları da ele alınarak konu zenginleştirilmeye çalışılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Sufis Identified With Their Cities: Kars-Abu'l-Hasan Kharakanî (Contributions Of Kharakani Stories To Social Document And Social Integration Of Kars)

The wise (enlightened) people are like candles; they enlighten surroundings as they melt. They ar... more The wise (enlightened) people are like candles; they enlighten surroundings as they melt. They are like mirrors which reflect your soul to you. Many of the wise from Anatolia identify with the city they lived in. It is impossible to imagine Konya without Mevlana as well as it is impossible to think Kırşehir without Aji Evran, Nevşehir without Hacı Bektaş and Ankara without Hacı Bayram-ıVelî. Likewise, it is also impossible imagine Kars without Ebu'l-Hasan Harakani. The contribution of Ebu'l-Hasan Kharakani and his anecdotes to social pattern, socio-cultural structure and social integrity of Kars is pretty quite important. Inter alia Ebu'l-Hasan Kharakani is a man who still contributes Kars and the city culture of Kars. The purpose of this presentation is to show His contribution to the city and the culture of city. He is like a social instrument which attaches the sunni, alewi people and people from different ethnicities. He is still illuminating and enlightening. ÖZ Ari...

Research paper thumbnail of Selçuklu Anadolusu'Nda Sufi̇ Ahlaki Ve Sosyal Bariş

Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2014

Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Anadolu'nun tarihsel olarak en karışık ve sancılı süreçlerinden olan ve... more Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Anadolu'nun tarihsel olarak en karışık ve sancılı süreçlerinden olan ve tam da Moğol İstilâsı dönemine denk gelen Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti'nin egemenlik yıllarında dönemin Selçuklu toplumunda sosyal barışın tesisinde sûfîlerin ve onların yaşadığı sûfî ahlâkının rolünü araştırmak ve incelemektir. Bu amaçla çalışmamızın hacminin ancak buna izin vereceğinin düşünülmesinden dolayı sadece dönemin en ünlü iki Mutasavvıfının konuyla ilgili görüş ve düşüncelerinin ele alınması uygun görülmüştür. Bu iki sûfî Mevlâna Celâleddin-i Rûmi ve Yunus Emre'dir. Çalışma yapılırken dokümantasyon metodundan faydalanılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Beynelmilel İçtimaiyat Kongresi ve İntibalarım

Kafkas Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017

Aşağıdaki metin 9-16 Ekim 1921 tarihinde İtalya'nın Torino şehrinde gerçekleştirilen Beynelmilel ... more Aşağıdaki metin 9-16 Ekim 1921 tarihinde İtalya'nın Torino şehrinde gerçekleştirilen Beynelmilel İçtimaiyat Kongresi yani I. Uluslararası Dünya Sosyoloji Kongresi üzerine Muslihiddin Adil Taylan tarafından kaleme alınan sosyoloji kongresi hakkında müellifin izlenimlerinden ve toplantıda tartışılan metinlerden oluşmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Analyses of Abdullatif Suphi Pashas’ Uyûnü’l-Ahbârfi'n-Nukûd ve’l-Âsâr Tractate from the Perspective of Economic Sociology

Kafkas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Attitude of muslim youth to the other (erzurum ataturk university. Department of religious studies sample)

Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2013

The purpose of this study is to understand whether or not our prejudgements from past to present ... more The purpose of this study is to understand whether or not our prejudgements from past to present shape today’s youth and to what extent it’s shaped. The research is a field work and questionnaire technique has been used in the research as well as qualitative method. The place that the questionnaire is used has been chosen as Erzurum Ataturk University. Department of Religious Studies. In other words. the research is a qualitative research. The subject of the research is “Attitude of Today’s Muslim Youth to the Other”. The definition of the other in this research has been considered as the members of the three other major religions. These major religions; O Jewishness O Christianity O Finally. Buddhism.

Research paper thumbnail of Abdullati̇f Suphi̇ Paşa'Nin "Hâtem-İ Şeri̇f Hatem-İ Nübüvvet" Adli Makalesi̇ni̇n Tahr

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Ahdi Atik ve Ahdi Cedid'de Saldırganlık ve Şiddet Olgusunun Sosyolojik Tahlili

Insan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Arastırmaları Dergisi, Mar 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Aile, Şiddet ve Kadın Sığınmaevleri

21 Yuzyılda Egitim Ve Toplum, 2014

Family is a core institution in the society. Relations from society to individual and relations f... more Family is a core institution in the society. Relations from society to individual and relations form individuals to society continues by means of family.In this important institution which founds the communication between individuals and society there are many authority struggles as many other institutions. These authority struggles are generally the reason for the family violence against women. There are many researches of which subject is family violence. As these reasearches say there

Research paper thumbnail of Hz. Fatma Kültü

Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, Dec 30, 2010

The Cult of Fatima. The aim of this research not to say the last word about thedaughter of the Pr... more The Cult of Fatima. The aim of this research not to say the last word about thedaughter of the Prophet. The aim of this research is to look out this subjectfrom the cultic perspctive. So this research searchs the subject of the FatimaCult in Islam, especiallay in the beleif of Shia. The main goal of this research tolook out the subject of Fatma cult from the perspective of anthropology andsociology. In the first part of research, first of all, we explained the term of cultand cultic groups an bleives, and in the second part we have told the life ofFatima and the last part we heve tried to tell the bleif of Fatima in Shia and thecult of Fatima in Shia.

Research paper thumbnail of Primary Ovarian Leiomyoma

Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 1993