Petr Hejna - (original) (raw)
Papers by Petr Hejna
Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 2016
The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of catecholamines and their O-methylated... more The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of catecholamines and their O-methylated metabolites in vitreous humor samples in identifying antemortem cold exposure and fatal hypothermia in the forensic casework. A total of 80 autopsy cases (40 hypothermia fatalities and 40 cases in which hypothermia as the main or contributory cause of death was excluded) were selected for this study. Catecholamines and their O-methylated metabolites were measured in urine and vitreous humor samples collected at autopsy. Urine catecholamine and their O-methylated metabolite concentrations were significantly higher in hypothermia-related deaths. On the other hand, measurements in vitreous humor samples did not reveal statistically significant differences between hypothermia-related deaths and controls. Globally considered, our findings seem to suggest that, contrary to urine catecholamines and their O-methylated metabolites, vitreous levels of these compounds appear to be of limited value...
International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2016
Protrusion of the tongue is a common, though often neglected finding in fire fatalities. Accordin... more Protrusion of the tongue is a common, though often neglected finding in fire fatalities. According to a study recently published by Bernitz et al., it is an indicator of vital burning. This statement has been doubted repeatedly. Retrospective analysis of 61 fire fatalities from our own autopsy material did not show any statistically significant increased incidence of tongue protrusion in deaths with vital exposure to heat. Similarly, there was no correlation with the degree of destruction by the fire in general or the extent of cervical burning. Further prospective studies seem to be necessary also with regard to the pathophysiological processes.
Amer J Foren Med Path, 2010
A rare case of vehicle-assisted suicide in a 40-year-old man is presented. The victim had tied a ... more A rare case of vehicle-assisted suicide in a 40-year-old man is presented. The victim had tied a rope between his neck and a tree and then attempted to drive the vehicle away while seated in the driver's seat.The acceleration of the vehicle resulted in complete decapitation. Injuries to the organs of the man's neck bore vital signs. This, together with blood aspiration into his airways, confirmed that the victim's injuries took place when vital functions of his organism were still preserved. The degree of cervical trauma found in this case was far greater than that in characteristic ligature strangulation or hanging, except in cases where the body has fallen some distance.
Pfiednosta: Doc. MUDr. Petr Hottmar, CSc.
Resuscitation, 2016
The aim of the study was to evaluate prevalence, seriousness and risk factors of intra-thoracic i... more The aim of the study was to evaluate prevalence, seriousness and risk factors of intra-thoracic injuries (ITI) injuries associated with CPR in non-survivors after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. This was a prospective forensic autopsy cohort study conducted in a single institution. Pathologists recorded autopsy data using standardized protocol which contained data from external and internal examination of the body focused on ITI. In total, 80 persons were included in this study. CPR-associated injuries were found in 93.7% of cases; majority of injuries were skeletal chest fractures (rib fractures in 73.7%, sternal fractures in 66.3%). ITI were identified in 41.2% of cases. Contusion of at least one lung lobe was found in 31.2%, lung laceration in 2.5%, and hemothorax in 5.0% of cases. Transmural heart contusion was identified in 17.5% of cases; hemopericard on the grounds of right atrium rupture of aortic rupture was revealed in 8.7% of cases. Risk factor analysis did not show any statistically significant correlation between ITI and any of general data (age, gender, BMI, cause of death, season of the year or location where the body was found) or CPR specifications (type and duration of CPR, manner of chest compressions). A strong correlation between ITI and skeletal chest fractures was proven. ITI present frequent and serious complications of unsuccessful CPR. ITI could contribute to the death only provided the fact that ROSC had been achieved. Correct performance of chest compressions according to guidelines is the best way to avoid ITI.
Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 2014
Acute aortic dissection is typically seen in the middle aged and elderly population, the majority... more Acute aortic dissection is typically seen in the middle aged and elderly population, the majority of the cases are related to systemic hypertension and atherogenic process. In contrast, aortic dissection-related deaths in the young are rare and are mainly associated with genetically based disorders and congenital cardiac anomalies. One of the most recognized congenital risk factors that predispose to aortic dissection is the bicuspid aortic valve. This report describes an illustrative case of acute aortic dissection in a 29-year-old athlete secondary to previously unrecognized congenital bicuspid aortic valve. Moreover, further cardiac autopsy disclosed bicuspid pulmonary valve -an exceedingly rare congenital valvular anomaly. The authors characterize and discuss, with emphasis on medicolegal approach, the mechanisms and interactions between these pathologic entities that led to the athlete's sudden unexpected death.
Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 2014
Soudni Lekarstvi Casopis Sekce Soudniho Lekarstvi Cs Lekarske Spolecnosti J Ev Purkyne, Jul 1, 2014
Rentgenové vyšetření je základní, nezbytnou a nejčastěji využívanou zobrazovací metodou v soudním... more Rentgenové vyšetření je základní, nezbytnou a nejčastěji využívanou zobrazovací metodou v soudním lékařství. Slouží k zobrazení a lokalizaci cizích (rentgen kontrastních) předmětů v těle, k průkazu úrazových i chorobných změn a k antropologické identifikaci. Nejčastěji se využívá při hodnocení střelných poranění, bodnořezných poranění a dopravních úrazů; zcela nezastupitelné je pak při posuzování úmrtí, která souvisejí s týráním. Hlavním smyslem rentgenového vyšetření je hodnocení konvenční pitvou těžko přístupných kostěných struktur, predikce pitevního nálezu a volba optimální strategie postupu celé pitvy. Vedle rentgenového vyšetření se v současné době stále více uplatňují v soudním lékařství moderní zobrazovací metody, zejména počítačová tomografie a magnetická rezonance. Jejich aplikace na mrtvé tělo se označuje jako tzv. virtuální pitva.
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Official Publication of the National Association of Medical Examiners, Mar 1, 2011
Legal Medicine, 2016
Fatalities attributed to powered circular saws appear to be vanishingly rare events with highly w... more Fatalities attributed to powered circular saws appear to be vanishingly rare events with highly wounding and rapidly incapacitating effects. When they do occur, they are mainly self-inflicted in nature. We report the suicide committed by a 79-year-old man using a self-made circular table saw. Autopsy confirmed that the man received multiple heterogeneously distributed saw-type impacts to the head and neck resulting in complete amputation of the upper skull and partial beheading. Homemade or modified commercial sawing instruments and the resultant injuries pose a number of forensic challenges starting from the death scene investigation, continuing with technical examinations, and concluding with determining the manner of death. As with all deaths due to sharp force injuries, fatalities involving power tools such as chainsaws, circular, and band saws warrant a high degree of suspicion of criminal activity and require diligence during all phases of the death investigation.
Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 2015
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Autofii referují o poãítaãovém programu NEWTON Dictate, kter˘ je urãen k pfievodu diktovaného tex... more Autofii referují o poãítaãovém programu NEWTON Dictate, kter˘ je urãen k pfievodu diktovaného textu do písemné podoby, a popisují jeho moÏné uÏití v soudním lékafiství k pfiepisu diktovaného pitevního nálezu. Jsou diskutována specifika soudního lékafiství a jejich vliv na pfiepisovací proces, zejména je analyzována otázka, jak v˘hodnû upravit poãítaãov˘ program, aby nepfiesnosti pfiepisu, zapfiíãinûné charakterem pitevního provozu, byly co nejmen‰í. Jde o hlasové adaptace a uÏití vhodného slovníku. Úloha pitevní dokumentátorky není v textu zpochybÀována.
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Soudní lékařství
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Injuries caused by a shotgun belong to the group of less frequent gunshot wounds. Shotguns are us... more Injuries caused by a shotgun belong to the group of less frequent gunshot wounds. Shotguns are usually used to fire multiple pellets, but they are capable of firing single projectiles. Shotgun slug injuries are rare and severe, and fully compareable to those inflicted by highvelocity projectiles. Thanks to great slug's mass and size can create more tissue destruction than the high-velocity missiles. Characteristic ballistic properties of shotgun slugs, their wounding potential and significance in forensic pathology are presented.
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Soudní lékařství 11 ÚVOD Fundamentálním úkolem soudního lékaře při vyšetřování fatálních střelnýc... more Soudní lékařství 11 ÚVOD Fundamentálním úkolem soudního lékaře při vyšetřování fatálních střelných poranění je rozlišit, zda-li se jednalo o nešťastnou náhodu, sebevraždu či vraždu. V soudním lékařství je známá celá řada zásadních charakteristik, známek, indicií či markant, které jsou velmi podstatné při takovém rozhodovacím procesu. Mezi nejdůležitější úkony patří především hodnocení místa vstřelu, vzdálenosti střelby, směru střelby, celkového počtu střelných poranění, schopnosti jednání v případě vícečetných střelných poranění, přítomnosti krevních stříkanců, popř. jiných biologických stop a povýstřelových zplodin na střílející ruce či ruce přidržující zbraň, přítomnosti užité zbraně na místě činu a další . Vedle těchto hlavních kritérií soudní lékařství uznává celou řadu dalších pomocných indicií. Empirické pravidlo tvrdící, že sebevrah odstraňuje oděv a střílí na obnaženou kůži, je jednou z takových indicií . Odstraňování oděvu se týká těch míst, kde je logická a předpokládaná přítomnost oděvních součástek -oblast trupu, velmi vzácně oblast hlavy (čepice, klobouk). Tento fenomén je zmiňován německými autory jako sebevražedná známka již na počátku 20. století . S větším nebo menším imperativem se tendence odhalovat oděv z místa budoucího vstřelu uvádí a cituje i v současné domácí a zahraniční soudně-lékařské literatuře .
Správn˘ postup ohledávajícího lékafie na místû ãinu je prvním krokem v úspû‰ném vy‰etfiování v‰ec... more Správn˘ postup ohledávajícího lékafie na místû ãinu je prvním krokem v úspû‰ném vy‰etfiování v‰ech násil-n˘ch smrtí, aÈ jiÏ jde o náhodu, sebevraÏdu ãi smrt zpÛsobenou druhou osobou. U stfieln˘ch poranûní má prohlídka mrtvého celou fiadu specifik, které je nutné znát a poãítat s nimi. Velká pozornost musí b˘t vûnována odûvu, krevním stopám na obûti a v jejím okolí, vlastním stfieln˘m poranûním, místu ãinu a podezfie-l˘m okolnostem. Nesprávnû provedená prohlídka mÛÏe zniãit dÛleÏité stopy ãi vést k nerozpoznání trestného ãinu. V ãlánku je rozebrán správn˘ zpÛsob ohledání mrtvého se stfieln˘m poranûním. Klíãová slova: Stfielné poranûní -místo ãinu -prohlídka ABSTRACT Hejna P., Hottmar P.: Search at the locale of a criminal act following a gunshot injury -procedure of the medical examiner. The appropriate method of the medical examiner's inquest at the scene of death is the first step in the successful evaluation of the violence deaths generally. Examination of gunshot injuries at place of death has a long scale of specifics, which have to be known and be calculated with. Great attention must be paid to the clothing, the backspatters on the victims and blood evidence at the place of death, the proper gunshot injuries, the scene of death and to the suspicious conditions. Incorrect investigation can destroy necessary evidence or can lead to unrecognition of the violent crime. In our article the appropriate way of the investigation of the gunshot fatalities provided by medical examiner´s is discussed.
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Three cases of suicide by single bullet injury to head by home-made guns with immediate incapacit... more Three cases of suicide by single bullet injury to head by home-made guns with immediate incapacitation are reported in following article. Zip gun (home-made gun) is a improvised firearm, usually a handgun. Home-made guns are almost always single-shot, as the improvised construction sometimes makes them weak enough to be destroyed by the act of firing. Zip guns are mostly smoothbore. Zip gun injuries, although unique today, represent a special category of missile injury with atypical low velocity terminal ballistics.
X-ray is the most common, basic and essential imaging method used in forensic medicine. It serves... more X-ray is the most common, basic and essential imaging method used in forensic medicine. It serves to display and localize the foreign objects in the body and helps to detect various traumatic and pathological changes. X-ray imaging is valuable in anthropological assessment of an individual. X-ray allows non-invasive evaluation of important findings before the autopsy and thus selection of the optimal strategy for dissection. Basic indications for postmortem X-ray imaging in forensic medicine include gunshot and explosive fatalities (identification and localization of projectiles or other components of ammunition, visualization of secondary missiles), sharp force injuries (air embolism, identification of the weapon) and motor vehicle related deaths. The method is also helpful for complex injury evaluation in abused victims or in persons where abuse is suspected. Finally, X-ray imaging still remains the gold standard method for identification of unknown deceased. With time modern imag...
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Suicides are divided into simple and complex suicides. Complex suicides are further classified as... more Suicides are divided into simple and complex suicides. Complex suicides are further classified as primary (planned) and secondary (unplanned) complex suicides. The term "complex suicide" refers to a suicide in which more than one suicide method is applied. In primary complex suicide several methods of suicide are employed simultaneously (two and more). In secondary complex suicide additional suicide methods are involved after the initial chosen suicide method failed. Authors present a 30-year retrospective study of complex suicides (1989-2009). Of the 2753 finished suicides in the given time period, 66 complex suicides were identified: 15 primary complex suicides and 51 secondary complex suicides. Complex suicides were analyzed in terms of gender, age, methods of suicide, locality and time of suicide, presence of alcohol and of the presence of suicide note and were compared with remaining 2687 cases of simple suicides from the same time period. Keywords: suicide - complex ...
Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 2016
The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of catecholamines and their O-methylated... more The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of catecholamines and their O-methylated metabolites in vitreous humor samples in identifying antemortem cold exposure and fatal hypothermia in the forensic casework. A total of 80 autopsy cases (40 hypothermia fatalities and 40 cases in which hypothermia as the main or contributory cause of death was excluded) were selected for this study. Catecholamines and their O-methylated metabolites were measured in urine and vitreous humor samples collected at autopsy. Urine catecholamine and their O-methylated metabolite concentrations were significantly higher in hypothermia-related deaths. On the other hand, measurements in vitreous humor samples did not reveal statistically significant differences between hypothermia-related deaths and controls. Globally considered, our findings seem to suggest that, contrary to urine catecholamines and their O-methylated metabolites, vitreous levels of these compounds appear to be of limited value...
International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2016
Protrusion of the tongue is a common, though often neglected finding in fire fatalities. Accordin... more Protrusion of the tongue is a common, though often neglected finding in fire fatalities. According to a study recently published by Bernitz et al., it is an indicator of vital burning. This statement has been doubted repeatedly. Retrospective analysis of 61 fire fatalities from our own autopsy material did not show any statistically significant increased incidence of tongue protrusion in deaths with vital exposure to heat. Similarly, there was no correlation with the degree of destruction by the fire in general or the extent of cervical burning. Further prospective studies seem to be necessary also with regard to the pathophysiological processes.
Amer J Foren Med Path, 2010
A rare case of vehicle-assisted suicide in a 40-year-old man is presented. The victim had tied a ... more A rare case of vehicle-assisted suicide in a 40-year-old man is presented. The victim had tied a rope between his neck and a tree and then attempted to drive the vehicle away while seated in the driver's seat.The acceleration of the vehicle resulted in complete decapitation. Injuries to the organs of the man's neck bore vital signs. This, together with blood aspiration into his airways, confirmed that the victim's injuries took place when vital functions of his organism were still preserved. The degree of cervical trauma found in this case was far greater than that in characteristic ligature strangulation or hanging, except in cases where the body has fallen some distance.
Pfiednosta: Doc. MUDr. Petr Hottmar, CSc.
Resuscitation, 2016
The aim of the study was to evaluate prevalence, seriousness and risk factors of intra-thoracic i... more The aim of the study was to evaluate prevalence, seriousness and risk factors of intra-thoracic injuries (ITI) injuries associated with CPR in non-survivors after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. This was a prospective forensic autopsy cohort study conducted in a single institution. Pathologists recorded autopsy data using standardized protocol which contained data from external and internal examination of the body focused on ITI. In total, 80 persons were included in this study. CPR-associated injuries were found in 93.7% of cases; majority of injuries were skeletal chest fractures (rib fractures in 73.7%, sternal fractures in 66.3%). ITI were identified in 41.2% of cases. Contusion of at least one lung lobe was found in 31.2%, lung laceration in 2.5%, and hemothorax in 5.0% of cases. Transmural heart contusion was identified in 17.5% of cases; hemopericard on the grounds of right atrium rupture of aortic rupture was revealed in 8.7% of cases. Risk factor analysis did not show any statistically significant correlation between ITI and any of general data (age, gender, BMI, cause of death, season of the year or location where the body was found) or CPR specifications (type and duration of CPR, manner of chest compressions). A strong correlation between ITI and skeletal chest fractures was proven. ITI present frequent and serious complications of unsuccessful CPR. ITI could contribute to the death only provided the fact that ROSC had been achieved. Correct performance of chest compressions according to guidelines is the best way to avoid ITI.
Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 2014
Acute aortic dissection is typically seen in the middle aged and elderly population, the majority... more Acute aortic dissection is typically seen in the middle aged and elderly population, the majority of the cases are related to systemic hypertension and atherogenic process. In contrast, aortic dissection-related deaths in the young are rare and are mainly associated with genetically based disorders and congenital cardiac anomalies. One of the most recognized congenital risk factors that predispose to aortic dissection is the bicuspid aortic valve. This report describes an illustrative case of acute aortic dissection in a 29-year-old athlete secondary to previously unrecognized congenital bicuspid aortic valve. Moreover, further cardiac autopsy disclosed bicuspid pulmonary valve -an exceedingly rare congenital valvular anomaly. The authors characterize and discuss, with emphasis on medicolegal approach, the mechanisms and interactions between these pathologic entities that led to the athlete's sudden unexpected death.
Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 2014
Soudni Lekarstvi Casopis Sekce Soudniho Lekarstvi Cs Lekarske Spolecnosti J Ev Purkyne, Jul 1, 2014
Rentgenové vyšetření je základní, nezbytnou a nejčastěji využívanou zobrazovací metodou v soudním... more Rentgenové vyšetření je základní, nezbytnou a nejčastěji využívanou zobrazovací metodou v soudním lékařství. Slouží k zobrazení a lokalizaci cizích (rentgen kontrastních) předmětů v těle, k průkazu úrazových i chorobných změn a k antropologické identifikaci. Nejčastěji se využívá při hodnocení střelných poranění, bodnořezných poranění a dopravních úrazů; zcela nezastupitelné je pak při posuzování úmrtí, která souvisejí s týráním. Hlavním smyslem rentgenového vyšetření je hodnocení konvenční pitvou těžko přístupných kostěných struktur, predikce pitevního nálezu a volba optimální strategie postupu celé pitvy. Vedle rentgenového vyšetření se v současné době stále více uplatňují v soudním lékařství moderní zobrazovací metody, zejména počítačová tomografie a magnetická rezonance. Jejich aplikace na mrtvé tělo se označuje jako tzv. virtuální pitva.
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Official Publication of the National Association of Medical Examiners, Mar 1, 2011
Legal Medicine, 2016
Fatalities attributed to powered circular saws appear to be vanishingly rare events with highly w... more Fatalities attributed to powered circular saws appear to be vanishingly rare events with highly wounding and rapidly incapacitating effects. When they do occur, they are mainly self-inflicted in nature. We report the suicide committed by a 79-year-old man using a self-made circular table saw. Autopsy confirmed that the man received multiple heterogeneously distributed saw-type impacts to the head and neck resulting in complete amputation of the upper skull and partial beheading. Homemade or modified commercial sawing instruments and the resultant injuries pose a number of forensic challenges starting from the death scene investigation, continuing with technical examinations, and concluding with determining the manner of death. As with all deaths due to sharp force injuries, fatalities involving power tools such as chainsaws, circular, and band saws warrant a high degree of suspicion of criminal activity and require diligence during all phases of the death investigation.
Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 2015
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Autofii referují o poãítaãovém programu NEWTON Dictate, kter˘ je urãen k pfievodu diktovaného tex... more Autofii referují o poãítaãovém programu NEWTON Dictate, kter˘ je urãen k pfievodu diktovaného textu do písemné podoby, a popisují jeho moÏné uÏití v soudním lékafiství k pfiepisu diktovaného pitevního nálezu. Jsou diskutována specifika soudního lékafiství a jejich vliv na pfiepisovací proces, zejména je analyzována otázka, jak v˘hodnû upravit poãítaãov˘ program, aby nepfiesnosti pfiepisu, zapfiíãinûné charakterem pitevního provozu, byly co nejmen‰í. Jde o hlasové adaptace a uÏití vhodného slovníku. Úloha pitevní dokumentátorky není v textu zpochybÀována.
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Soudní lékařství
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Injuries caused by a shotgun belong to the group of less frequent gunshot wounds. Shotguns are us... more Injuries caused by a shotgun belong to the group of less frequent gunshot wounds. Shotguns are usually used to fire multiple pellets, but they are capable of firing single projectiles. Shotgun slug injuries are rare and severe, and fully compareable to those inflicted by highvelocity projectiles. Thanks to great slug's mass and size can create more tissue destruction than the high-velocity missiles. Characteristic ballistic properties of shotgun slugs, their wounding potential and significance in forensic pathology are presented.
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Soudní lékařství 11 ÚVOD Fundamentálním úkolem soudního lékaře při vyšetřování fatálních střelnýc... more Soudní lékařství 11 ÚVOD Fundamentálním úkolem soudního lékaře při vyšetřování fatálních střelných poranění je rozlišit, zda-li se jednalo o nešťastnou náhodu, sebevraždu či vraždu. V soudním lékařství je známá celá řada zásadních charakteristik, známek, indicií či markant, které jsou velmi podstatné při takovém rozhodovacím procesu. Mezi nejdůležitější úkony patří především hodnocení místa vstřelu, vzdálenosti střelby, směru střelby, celkového počtu střelných poranění, schopnosti jednání v případě vícečetných střelných poranění, přítomnosti krevních stříkanců, popř. jiných biologických stop a povýstřelových zplodin na střílející ruce či ruce přidržující zbraň, přítomnosti užité zbraně na místě činu a další . Vedle těchto hlavních kritérií soudní lékařství uznává celou řadu dalších pomocných indicií. Empirické pravidlo tvrdící, že sebevrah odstraňuje oděv a střílí na obnaženou kůži, je jednou z takových indicií . Odstraňování oděvu se týká těch míst, kde je logická a předpokládaná přítomnost oděvních součástek -oblast trupu, velmi vzácně oblast hlavy (čepice, klobouk). Tento fenomén je zmiňován německými autory jako sebevražedná známka již na počátku 20. století . S větším nebo menším imperativem se tendence odhalovat oděv z místa budoucího vstřelu uvádí a cituje i v současné domácí a zahraniční soudně-lékařské literatuře .
Správn˘ postup ohledávajícího lékafie na místû ãinu je prvním krokem v úspû‰ném vy‰etfiování v‰ec... more Správn˘ postup ohledávajícího lékafie na místû ãinu je prvním krokem v úspû‰ném vy‰etfiování v‰ech násil-n˘ch smrtí, aÈ jiÏ jde o náhodu, sebevraÏdu ãi smrt zpÛsobenou druhou osobou. U stfieln˘ch poranûní má prohlídka mrtvého celou fiadu specifik, které je nutné znát a poãítat s nimi. Velká pozornost musí b˘t vûnována odûvu, krevním stopám na obûti a v jejím okolí, vlastním stfieln˘m poranûním, místu ãinu a podezfie-l˘m okolnostem. Nesprávnû provedená prohlídka mÛÏe zniãit dÛleÏité stopy ãi vést k nerozpoznání trestného ãinu. V ãlánku je rozebrán správn˘ zpÛsob ohledání mrtvého se stfieln˘m poranûním. Klíãová slova: Stfielné poranûní -místo ãinu -prohlídka ABSTRACT Hejna P., Hottmar P.: Search at the locale of a criminal act following a gunshot injury -procedure of the medical examiner. The appropriate method of the medical examiner's inquest at the scene of death is the first step in the successful evaluation of the violence deaths generally. Examination of gunshot injuries at place of death has a long scale of specifics, which have to be known and be calculated with. Great attention must be paid to the clothing, the backspatters on the victims and blood evidence at the place of death, the proper gunshot injuries, the scene of death and to the suspicious conditions. Incorrect investigation can destroy necessary evidence or can lead to unrecognition of the violent crime. In our article the appropriate way of the investigation of the gunshot fatalities provided by medical examiner´s is discussed.
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Three cases of suicide by single bullet injury to head by home-made guns with immediate incapacit... more Three cases of suicide by single bullet injury to head by home-made guns with immediate incapacitation are reported in following article. Zip gun (home-made gun) is a improvised firearm, usually a handgun. Home-made guns are almost always single-shot, as the improvised construction sometimes makes them weak enough to be destroyed by the act of firing. Zip guns are mostly smoothbore. Zip gun injuries, although unique today, represent a special category of missile injury with atypical low velocity terminal ballistics.
X-ray is the most common, basic and essential imaging method used in forensic medicine. It serves... more X-ray is the most common, basic and essential imaging method used in forensic medicine. It serves to display and localize the foreign objects in the body and helps to detect various traumatic and pathological changes. X-ray imaging is valuable in anthropological assessment of an individual. X-ray allows non-invasive evaluation of important findings before the autopsy and thus selection of the optimal strategy for dissection. Basic indications for postmortem X-ray imaging in forensic medicine include gunshot and explosive fatalities (identification and localization of projectiles or other components of ammunition, visualization of secondary missiles), sharp force injuries (air embolism, identification of the weapon) and motor vehicle related deaths. The method is also helpful for complex injury evaluation in abused victims or in persons where abuse is suspected. Finally, X-ray imaging still remains the gold standard method for identification of unknown deceased. With time modern imag...
Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne
Suicides are divided into simple and complex suicides. Complex suicides are further classified as... more Suicides are divided into simple and complex suicides. Complex suicides are further classified as primary (planned) and secondary (unplanned) complex suicides. The term "complex suicide" refers to a suicide in which more than one suicide method is applied. In primary complex suicide several methods of suicide are employed simultaneously (two and more). In secondary complex suicide additional suicide methods are involved after the initial chosen suicide method failed. Authors present a 30-year retrospective study of complex suicides (1989-2009). Of the 2753 finished suicides in the given time period, 66 complex suicides were identified: 15 primary complex suicides and 51 secondary complex suicides. Complex suicides were analyzed in terms of gender, age, methods of suicide, locality and time of suicide, presence of alcohol and of the presence of suicide note and were compared with remaining 2687 cases of simple suicides from the same time period. Keywords: suicide - complex ...