Petar Sotirov - (original) (raw)

Papers by Petar Sotirov

Research paper thumbnail of Bulgarian Studies in the Polish Linguistics Today: A Change of Perspective

Ezikov svât, Oct 29, 2023

The object of this article is a number of Bulgarian linguistic research studies in Poland from th... more The object of this article is a number of Bulgarian linguistic research studies in Poland from the beginning of the 21st century until today. The aim is to present the new trends manifested in them, related to the aspect of research and the research methodology. The motive for proceeding to such an overview is dictated by the understanding that knowing the new realities in the Bulgarian studies helps in planning and implementing the policy of the Bulgarian institutions regarding the cooperation with Poland. A review of the most significant publications of recent years is made, which shows that in the Polish Bulgarian studies there is a reorientation of the academic interest-from history to modernity, from the language system to communication and from "pure" linguistics to cultural and cognitive linguistics. It is also characteristic that most of the studies are conducted in a comparative Bulgarian-Polish plan. As a proof of this statement, the most significant publications of Polish researchers of the last two decades are commented on. Among these are scientists from the Polish


Research paper thumbnail of The International Anniversary Conference of the Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin Institute for Bulgarian Language 2022

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, Dec 5, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Polish Archaisms against their Equivalents in Bulgarian

Slavistica Vilnensis

The subject are Polish archaic words whose equivalents are in active use in modern Bulgarian. The... more The subject are Polish archaic words whose equivalents are in active use in modern Bulgarian. The aim is to reveal the composition of this group of archaisms and to show the main reasons that led to the Polish-Bulgarian asymmetry in terms of archaism. The conducted research shows that about 140 lexemes that have been archaized in Polish are present in Bulgarian. Among them, lexical and semantic archaisms prevail, while archaic words are in a smaller number. The thematically studied archaisms belong mainly to categories related to human, for example, to physical and mental characteristics, to everyday life or to interpersonal relations. By origin, archaisms are both native and borrowed words. From a formal point of view, Polish archaic words and their modern Bulgarian counterparts are identical, with minimal or more divergence. From the point of view of semantics, most Polish-Bulgarian lexical pairs have the same meaning, there are also pairs with a greater or lesser meaning divergen...

Research paper thumbnail of В. Сумрова. Новите феминални названия в българския език

Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Latest Neologisms: Another Contribution to Bulgarian Lexicography

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Ideas and Achievements of the Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin and the New Perspectives to the Bulgarian Linguistics

Ezikov Svyat (Orbis Linguarum), 2019

e aim of the article is to present the main ideas and some of the contemporary achievements of th... more e aim of the article is to present the main ideas and some of the contemporary achievements of thescholars of the so-called Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin, founded and led by Jerzy Bartminski. The author focuses on its cognitive orientation and, as a confirmation of such orientation, points out and describes in detail its main research objects: language worldview, stereotype, cognitive definition, value, perspective, profiling and subject. The text of the article presents also the main scientific publications and projects realized by the Polish ethnolinguists. Much attention is paid to the EUROJOS project, which studies the axiospheres of the Slavs and their European neighbors. The main aim of the project is to work out cognitive definitions of conceptual values, traditional for Slavic and European culture, such as home, freedom, work, Europe, honor and more. As a result of the project work, 5 volumes of the Axiological Lexicon of the Slavs and their Neighbors were published. In c...

Research paper thumbnail of Ważny przyczynek do rozumienia języka wartości: Nazwy wartości w językach europejskich. Raport z badań empirycznych, red. Iwona BielińskaGardziel, Małgorzata Brzozowska, Beata Żywicka, Przemyśl: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Wschodnioeuropejska, 2017, 375 s

Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury, 2018

Niespełna rok temu ukazała się książka na temat pięciu pojęć (ściślej mówiąc-konceptów) aksjologi... more Niespełna rok temu ukazała się książka na temat pięciu pojęć (ściślej mówiąc-konceptów) aksjologicznych: domu, pracy, wolności, Europy, honoru, zbierająca wyniki ankiety na temat ich rozumienia w 16 krajach europejskich. Opracowanie to jest ściśle związane z pracami prowadzonymi w ramach konwersatorium EUROJOS i można je uznać za swoiste uzupełnienie Leksykonu aksjologicznego Słowian i ich sąsiadów (LASiS) 1. Leksykon jest dziełem zbiorowym, które jest opracowywane od roku 2012 przez międzynardową grupę jezykoznawców 2. Jak wiadomo, metodologia konwersatorium przewiduje wykorzystywanie trzech typów danychsystemowych, ankietowych i tekstowych (S-AT), a głównym celem badań jest opracowanie definicji kognitywnych badanych konceptów (Bartmiński 2015). Dane ankietowe stanowią w bazie źródłowej Leksykonu znaczącą część i to część niemałą. Ze względu na fakt, że wyniki badań ankietowych nie mogły zostać zaprezentowane szczegółowo w całej rozciągłości w ograniczonych objętościowo artykułach hasłowych Leksykonu, redaktorki omawianej tu książki zadecydowały się na odrębne ich opublikowanie. Ich inicjatywę należy uznać za całkowicie uzasadnioną. Publikacja jest ważna z jednego jeszcze powodu. Otóż w roku 2006 ukazał się tom pt. Język-wartości-polityka. Zmiany rozumienia nazw wartości w okresie transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce. Raport z badań empirycznych (JWP). Zaprezentowano w nim wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w roku 1990 i powtórzonych (wedle tych samych założeń) w roku 2000. Kolejne podobne badania po upływie następnej dekady pozwalają więc uchwycić dynamikę zmian w zakresie semantyki tych pojęć, które były przedmiotem badania.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Bulgarian-Polish Asymmetry in Terms of Archaic Vocabulary

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, 2017

ON THE BULGARIAN-POLISH ASYMMETRY IN TERMS OF ARCHAIC VOCABULARY. The study uses as its basis a c... more ON THE BULGARIAN-POLISH ASYMMETRY IN TERMS OF ARCHAIC VOCABULARY. The study uses as its basis a collection of 237 words categorised as archaic in Bulgarian which are nevertheless actively used in Modern Polish. The aim of the research is to determine the origin of these units and the degrees of similarity between Bulgarian and Polish words regarding their lexical form and semantic properties. The analysis demonstrates that the examined material is mainly of the Slavic origin, but it also includes words of French, Latin, Italian, Romanian, German and English origins. Three Bulgarian-Polish lexical pairs can be distinguished with relation to their form: 1) identical pairs, 2) pairs of minimum difference, 3) pairs of larger formal difference. By investigating their semantic properties, the lexical pairs can be grouped into: 1) words with identical or similar meaning, 2) words with distant semantic similarities, 3) words with no semantic similarities. Research on the Bulgarian-Polish lexical asymmetry regarding lexical archaisation contributes to an in-depth description of the factors that determine the lifespan of a word-i.e. whether it remains in use or wanes in time. These factors may be of linguistic or extra-linguistic nature and are specific to each of the reported cases.


Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Научно Филологическо Списание София Iliana Genew-Puhalewa the Polish Academy of Sciences Project Eurojos and Bulgaria's Participation in It

This review is devoted to The Polish Academy of Sciences research project entitled EUROJOS. The p... more This review is devoted to The Polish Academy of Sciences research project entitled EUROJOS. The project concerns the linguistic and cultural image of the world of the Slavs and their neighbors viewed from a comparative perspective. Briefly presented are: the history of the project, the initiators and supervisors, its objectives, and the theoretical and methodological basis of EUROJOS. Attention is paid to the final product of the project, which is the multi-volume publication "Axiological lexicon of the Slavs and their neighbors" (original Polish title: Leksykon aksjologiczny Słowian i ich sąsiadów), also including the relevant bibliographic data of the volumes published so far. The scale and international character of the initiative, as well as the significance of EUROJOS for the development of Slavic humanities have been emphasized. Bulgaria's participation in the project is assessed as active and substantial as evidenced in two ways-(1) in the study on the Bulgarian...

[Research paper thumbnail of Bułgarsko-polski słownik leksyki potocznej", t. 1, Petar Sotirov, Mariola Mostowska, Lublin 2011 : [recenzja] / Katarzyna Gileta-Klępka](

[Research paper thumbnail of [Recenzja] Михаил Виденов, Езиковедски щрихи и етюди, [Michaił Widenow, Szkice i studia językoznawcze], Международно социолингви стическо дружество, София 2013, ss. 274](


Research paper thumbnail of Współczesny bułgarski obraz bałkańskich sąsiadów - między swoim a obcym : (na materiale bułgarskich internetowych forów dyskusyjnych) / Petar Sotirov

Research paper thumbnail of On some Bulgarian-Polish parallels in the field of colloquial lexis

Резюме. Обект на изследването е българската и полската разговорна лексика в съпоставителен аспект... more Резюме. Обект на изследването е българската и полската разговорна лексика в съпоставителен аспект. Главната цел е да се представят някои проблеми, резултати от досегашни проучвания и насоки за бъдещи изследвания в тази област. Основни източници за езиковия материал са български и полски лексикографски издания. В статията най-напред е представено разбирането за разговорност в България и в Полша и терминологията, свързана с нея. След това са разгледани основните групи лексеми в структурата на разговорната лексика. Накратко са описани най-важните черти на лексемите от чужд произход и на лексемите, образувани по словообразувателен начин. По-подробно са анализирани лексемите, образувани в резултат на метафоризация. В края на статията са представени изводи, които показват както прилики, така и някои значителни разлики между двата езика. Предложена е също и авторска интерпретация за причините, които са довели до това състояние.


Research paper thumbnail of Квалификаторът Разговорно (Potoczne) В Полските Лексикографски Източници / the Qualifier Colloquially (Potoczne) in Polish Lexicographic Sources

Journal of Bulgarian Language, 2021

The object of research is the qualifier ‘colloquial’ (potoczne) in Polish lexicographic practice.... more The object of research is the qualifier ‘colloquial’ (potoczne) in Polish lexicographic practice. The aim is to outline the practice of its use in Poland and to compare it with the practice in Bulgaria. Since different notions regarding the concept of colloquialism exist in Poland, the aim is also to examine which of them is decisive when using the qualifier. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the information about the qualifier ‘colloquially’ in several Polish dictionaries. The analysis shows that, as in Bulgaria, this qualifier is considered to be stylistically-pragmatic, therefore the stylistic concept of colloquialism dominates in the Polish lexicographic practice. There are also some cases of inconsistencies or discrepancies in the use of the qualifier ‘colloquial’, which supports the complexity of the problem of colloquial vocabulary.

Research paper thumbnail of Cenny Wkład Do Współczesnej Leksykografii Słowiańskiej

Research paper thumbnail of Międzynarodowy Projekt Badawczy Dwie Archaiczne Słowiańskie Wyspy Językowe I Kulturowe: Polesie I Rodopy

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Bulgarian Studies in the Polish Linguistics Today: A Change of Perspective

Ezikov svât, Oct 29, 2023

The object of this article is a number of Bulgarian linguistic research studies in Poland from th... more The object of this article is a number of Bulgarian linguistic research studies in Poland from the beginning of the 21st century until today. The aim is to present the new trends manifested in them, related to the aspect of research and the research methodology. The motive for proceeding to such an overview is dictated by the understanding that knowing the new realities in the Bulgarian studies helps in planning and implementing the policy of the Bulgarian institutions regarding the cooperation with Poland. A review of the most significant publications of recent years is made, which shows that in the Polish Bulgarian studies there is a reorientation of the academic interest-from history to modernity, from the language system to communication and from "pure" linguistics to cultural and cognitive linguistics. It is also characteristic that most of the studies are conducted in a comparative Bulgarian-Polish plan. As a proof of this statement, the most significant publications of Polish researchers of the last two decades are commented on. Among these are scientists from the Polish


Research paper thumbnail of The International Anniversary Conference of the Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin Institute for Bulgarian Language 2022

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, Dec 5, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Polish Archaisms against their Equivalents in Bulgarian

Slavistica Vilnensis

The subject are Polish archaic words whose equivalents are in active use in modern Bulgarian. The... more The subject are Polish archaic words whose equivalents are in active use in modern Bulgarian. The aim is to reveal the composition of this group of archaisms and to show the main reasons that led to the Polish-Bulgarian asymmetry in terms of archaism. The conducted research shows that about 140 lexemes that have been archaized in Polish are present in Bulgarian. Among them, lexical and semantic archaisms prevail, while archaic words are in a smaller number. The thematically studied archaisms belong mainly to categories related to human, for example, to physical and mental characteristics, to everyday life or to interpersonal relations. By origin, archaisms are both native and borrowed words. From a formal point of view, Polish archaic words and their modern Bulgarian counterparts are identical, with minimal or more divergence. From the point of view of semantics, most Polish-Bulgarian lexical pairs have the same meaning, there are also pairs with a greater or lesser meaning divergen...

Research paper thumbnail of В. Сумрова. Новите феминални названия в българския език

Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Latest Neologisms: Another Contribution to Bulgarian Lexicography

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Ideas and Achievements of the Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin and the New Perspectives to the Bulgarian Linguistics

Ezikov Svyat (Orbis Linguarum), 2019

e aim of the article is to present the main ideas and some of the contemporary achievements of th... more e aim of the article is to present the main ideas and some of the contemporary achievements of thescholars of the so-called Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin, founded and led by Jerzy Bartminski. The author focuses on its cognitive orientation and, as a confirmation of such orientation, points out and describes in detail its main research objects: language worldview, stereotype, cognitive definition, value, perspective, profiling and subject. The text of the article presents also the main scientific publications and projects realized by the Polish ethnolinguists. Much attention is paid to the EUROJOS project, which studies the axiospheres of the Slavs and their European neighbors. The main aim of the project is to work out cognitive definitions of conceptual values, traditional for Slavic and European culture, such as home, freedom, work, Europe, honor and more. As a result of the project work, 5 volumes of the Axiological Lexicon of the Slavs and their Neighbors were published. In c...

Research paper thumbnail of Ważny przyczynek do rozumienia języka wartości: Nazwy wartości w językach europejskich. Raport z badań empirycznych, red. Iwona BielińskaGardziel, Małgorzata Brzozowska, Beata Żywicka, Przemyśl: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Wschodnioeuropejska, 2017, 375 s

Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury, 2018

Niespełna rok temu ukazała się książka na temat pięciu pojęć (ściślej mówiąc-konceptów) aksjologi... more Niespełna rok temu ukazała się książka na temat pięciu pojęć (ściślej mówiąc-konceptów) aksjologicznych: domu, pracy, wolności, Europy, honoru, zbierająca wyniki ankiety na temat ich rozumienia w 16 krajach europejskich. Opracowanie to jest ściśle związane z pracami prowadzonymi w ramach konwersatorium EUROJOS i można je uznać za swoiste uzupełnienie Leksykonu aksjologicznego Słowian i ich sąsiadów (LASiS) 1. Leksykon jest dziełem zbiorowym, które jest opracowywane od roku 2012 przez międzynardową grupę jezykoznawców 2. Jak wiadomo, metodologia konwersatorium przewiduje wykorzystywanie trzech typów danychsystemowych, ankietowych i tekstowych (S-AT), a głównym celem badań jest opracowanie definicji kognitywnych badanych konceptów (Bartmiński 2015). Dane ankietowe stanowią w bazie źródłowej Leksykonu znaczącą część i to część niemałą. Ze względu na fakt, że wyniki badań ankietowych nie mogły zostać zaprezentowane szczegółowo w całej rozciągłości w ograniczonych objętościowo artykułach hasłowych Leksykonu, redaktorki omawianej tu książki zadecydowały się na odrębne ich opublikowanie. Ich inicjatywę należy uznać za całkowicie uzasadnioną. Publikacja jest ważna z jednego jeszcze powodu. Otóż w roku 2006 ukazał się tom pt. Język-wartości-polityka. Zmiany rozumienia nazw wartości w okresie transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce. Raport z badań empirycznych (JWP). Zaprezentowano w nim wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w roku 1990 i powtórzonych (wedle tych samych założeń) w roku 2000. Kolejne podobne badania po upływie następnej dekady pozwalają więc uchwycić dynamikę zmian w zakresie semantyki tych pojęć, które były przedmiotem badania.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Bulgarian-Polish Asymmetry in Terms of Archaic Vocabulary

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, 2017

ON THE BULGARIAN-POLISH ASYMMETRY IN TERMS OF ARCHAIC VOCABULARY. The study uses as its basis a c... more ON THE BULGARIAN-POLISH ASYMMETRY IN TERMS OF ARCHAIC VOCABULARY. The study uses as its basis a collection of 237 words categorised as archaic in Bulgarian which are nevertheless actively used in Modern Polish. The aim of the research is to determine the origin of these units and the degrees of similarity between Bulgarian and Polish words regarding their lexical form and semantic properties. The analysis demonstrates that the examined material is mainly of the Slavic origin, but it also includes words of French, Latin, Italian, Romanian, German and English origins. Three Bulgarian-Polish lexical pairs can be distinguished with relation to their form: 1) identical pairs, 2) pairs of minimum difference, 3) pairs of larger formal difference. By investigating their semantic properties, the lexical pairs can be grouped into: 1) words with identical or similar meaning, 2) words with distant semantic similarities, 3) words with no semantic similarities. Research on the Bulgarian-Polish lexical asymmetry regarding lexical archaisation contributes to an in-depth description of the factors that determine the lifespan of a word-i.e. whether it remains in use or wanes in time. These factors may be of linguistic or extra-linguistic nature and are specific to each of the reported cases.


Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Научно Филологическо Списание София Iliana Genew-Puhalewa the Polish Academy of Sciences Project Eurojos and Bulgaria's Participation in It

This review is devoted to The Polish Academy of Sciences research project entitled EUROJOS. The p... more This review is devoted to The Polish Academy of Sciences research project entitled EUROJOS. The project concerns the linguistic and cultural image of the world of the Slavs and their neighbors viewed from a comparative perspective. Briefly presented are: the history of the project, the initiators and supervisors, its objectives, and the theoretical and methodological basis of EUROJOS. Attention is paid to the final product of the project, which is the multi-volume publication "Axiological lexicon of the Slavs and their neighbors" (original Polish title: Leksykon aksjologiczny Słowian i ich sąsiadów), also including the relevant bibliographic data of the volumes published so far. The scale and international character of the initiative, as well as the significance of EUROJOS for the development of Slavic humanities have been emphasized. Bulgaria's participation in the project is assessed as active and substantial as evidenced in two ways-(1) in the study on the Bulgarian...

[Research paper thumbnail of Bułgarsko-polski słownik leksyki potocznej", t. 1, Petar Sotirov, Mariola Mostowska, Lublin 2011 : [recenzja] / Katarzyna Gileta-Klępka](

[Research paper thumbnail of [Recenzja] Михаил Виденов, Езиковедски щрихи и етюди, [Michaił Widenow, Szkice i studia językoznawcze], Международно социолингви стическо дружество, София 2013, ss. 274](


Research paper thumbnail of Współczesny bułgarski obraz bałkańskich sąsiadów - między swoim a obcym : (na materiale bułgarskich internetowych forów dyskusyjnych) / Petar Sotirov

Research paper thumbnail of On some Bulgarian-Polish parallels in the field of colloquial lexis

Резюме. Обект на изследването е българската и полската разговорна лексика в съпоставителен аспект... more Резюме. Обект на изследването е българската и полската разговорна лексика в съпоставителен аспект. Главната цел е да се представят някои проблеми, резултати от досегашни проучвания и насоки за бъдещи изследвания в тази област. Основни източници за езиковия материал са български и полски лексикографски издания. В статията най-напред е представено разбирането за разговорност в България и в Полша и терминологията, свързана с нея. След това са разгледани основните групи лексеми в структурата на разговорната лексика. Накратко са описани най-важните черти на лексемите от чужд произход и на лексемите, образувани по словообразувателен начин. По-подробно са анализирани лексемите, образувани в резултат на метафоризация. В края на статията са представени изводи, които показват както прилики, така и някои значителни разлики между двата езика. Предложена е също и авторска интерпретация за причините, които са довели до това състояние.


Research paper thumbnail of Квалификаторът Разговорно (Potoczne) В Полските Лексикографски Източници / the Qualifier Colloquially (Potoczne) in Polish Lexicographic Sources

Journal of Bulgarian Language, 2021

The object of research is the qualifier ‘colloquial’ (potoczne) in Polish lexicographic practice.... more The object of research is the qualifier ‘colloquial’ (potoczne) in Polish lexicographic practice. The aim is to outline the practice of its use in Poland and to compare it with the practice in Bulgaria. Since different notions regarding the concept of colloquialism exist in Poland, the aim is also to examine which of them is decisive when using the qualifier. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the information about the qualifier ‘colloquially’ in several Polish dictionaries. The analysis shows that, as in Bulgaria, this qualifier is considered to be stylistically-pragmatic, therefore the stylistic concept of colloquialism dominates in the Polish lexicographic practice. There are also some cases of inconsistencies or discrepancies in the use of the qualifier ‘colloquial’, which supports the complexity of the problem of colloquial vocabulary.

Research paper thumbnail of Cenny Wkład Do Współczesnej Leksykografii Słowiańskiej

Research paper thumbnail of Międzynarodowy Projekt Badawczy Dwie Archaiczne Słowiańskie Wyspy Językowe I Kulturowe: Polesie I Rodopy

Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, 2017