Pamela Ashmore - (original) (raw)
Papers by Pamela Ashmore
대한체질인류학회 학술대회 연제 초록, May 1, 2010
Society & animals, Jun 13, 2024
The social studies, Sep 1, 1999
... trans. R. Nice. London: Sage. Brameld, T. 1963. ... write Christopher D. Roy, Ph.D., or Prita... more ... trans. R. Nice. London: Sage. Brameld, T. 1963. ... write Christopher D. Roy, Ph.D., or Prita Meier, research assistant, at Art and Life in Africa Project, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, I 0 0 Oakdale Campus, Rm# N 15 1 OH, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-5000. ...
Anthropology News, Mar 1, 2006
This paper was selected for publication in the AAA's Anthropology News as part of the "Rethinking... more This paper was selected for publication in the AAA's Anthropology News as part of the "Rethinking Race and Human Variation" special editions of February and March 2006. The special editions were sponsored by the Understanding Race and Human Variation project and funded by the Ford Foundation. The Understanding Race and Human Variation project is a multi-year public education effort funded by the National Science Foundation and the Ford Foundation. This paper represents the views of the author and not that of the AAA or the Understanding Race and Human Variation project.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2007
Practicing anthropology, Sep 1, 2004
Anthro notes, Sep 12, 2014
Show Me Standards M2, FA1 Goals: Students will calculate the diameter of a ceramic artifact and m... more Show Me Standards M2, FA1 Goals: Students will calculate the diameter of a ceramic artifact and model the process of reconstruction. Objectives: Students will work in teams to distinguish different ceramic types, calculate diameter, inventory pieces, reconstruct vessels, assess function, and draw their ceramic artifact. Materials needed: Black markers, white glue, plain paper, lined paper, colored pencils, regular pencils, copies of diameter chart, straight rulers. Terra cotta flower pots of various colors Stoneware cups of various colors (Each cup or terra cotta pot should be a different color and the number of items needed is dependent on the number of groups).
Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nonhuman Primates Chapter 2: Primate Classification Chapte... more Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nonhuman Primates Chapter 2: Primate Classification Chapter 3: Primate Biogeography Chapter 4: The Primate Body Chapter 5: Primate Evolution Chapter 6: Primate Ecology Chapter 7: Primate Social Organization Chapter 8: Primate Social Relationships Chapter 9: Primate Communication Chapter 10: The Primate Brain and Complex Behavior Chapter 11: Primate Conservation Appendix A Metric-Imperial Conversions Appendix B Comparative Primate Skeletons Appendix C List of all Extant Species Appendix D List of all Extinct Species Glossary Bibliography
Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nonhuman Primates Chapter 2: Primate Classification Chapte... more Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nonhuman Primates Chapter 2: Primate Classification Chapter 3: Primate Biogeography Chapter 4: The Primate Body Chapter 5: Primate Evolution Chapter 6: Primate Ecology Chapter 7: Primate Social Organization Chapter 8: Primate Social Relationships Chapter 9: Primate Communication Chapter 10: The Primate Brain and Complex Behavior Chapter 11: Primate Conservation Appendix A Metric-Imperial Conversions Appendix B Comparative Primate Skeletons Appendix C List of all Extant Species Appendix D List of all Extinct Species Glossary Bibliography
손바닥문은 생김새가 사람마다 다르고 평생 바뀌지 않는다. 손바닥의 atd각도는 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 것으로, 남자의 손바닥이 여자의 손바닥보다 큼에도 불구하고 남... more 손바닥문은 생김새가 사람마다 다르고 평생 바뀌지 않는다. 손바닥의 atd각도는 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 것으로, 남자의 손바닥이 여자의 손바닥보다 큼에도 불구하고 남자의 atd각도가 작다. 이에 본 연구는 atd각도와 손바닥 계측치의 관계를 성별에 따라 비교해봄으로써 atd각도의 성별 차이를 형태학적으로 규명해보고자 시도하였다. 연구대상은 대전·충남지역 대학생 379명을 대상으로 하였으며, 남자 174명, 여자 205명이었다. 자료를 수집하기 위한 손바닥 계측은 양손의 atd각도, a-d거리, 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이, 손바닥너비와 손바닥길이를 측정하였고, 자료 분석은 SPSS win PC 14.0으로 빈도분석, independent sample t-test, paired t-test, Pearson correlation analysis를 실시하였다. 손바닥의 atd각도는 남자 39.2°, 여자 40.5°로 남자가 여자보다 통계적으로 유의하게 작았으며, 손바닥너비는 남자가 더 넓고, 손바닥길이와 a-d거리는 남자가 더 멀었으나 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이는 남녀차이가 없었다. 또한 손바닥너비: 손바닥길이 비율은 남자가 큰 것으로 나타났으나 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이: 손바닥길이 비율과 a-d거리: 손바닥너비 비율은 남자가 더 작은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 남녀 모두 atd각도는 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이: 손바닥길이 비율과 상관관계가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 atd각도에서 남자가 여자보다 유의하게 각도가 작은 이유는, 남자가 여자보다 손바닥길이에 비해 상대적으로 손바닥너비가 넓음에도 불구하고, 손바닥너비에 비해 상대적으로 a-d거리가 가깝고, 손바닥길이에 비해 상대적으로 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이가 짧기 때문이며, 그 중에서도 먼쪽 손목주름에서 점t까지 길이: 손바닥길이 비율이 더 높은 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료된다.
미국인은 여러 민족과 인종으로 구성되어 있다. 손바닥문은 민족에 따라 다르기 때문에 유럽계 미국인에서 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 atd각도에 영향을 주는 손바닥 계측치... more 미국인은 여러 민족과 인종으로 구성되어 있다. 손바닥문은 민족에 따라 다르기 때문에 유럽계 미국인에서 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 atd각도에 영향을 주는 손바닥 계측치를 파악하고 atd각도를 추정하는 회귀식을 산출해 보고자 본 연구를 시도하였다. 자료수집은 미국 미주리대학교의 재학생 중 유럽계 미국인 208명(남자 102명, 여자 106명)을 대상으로 양손의 atd각도, 손바닥너비, 손바닥길이, a-d거리, 먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이를 측정하였고, 수집된 자료는 SPSS win PC 18.0으로 기술통계, 빈도분석, independent t-test, paired t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, 단계적 회귀분석(stepwise regression)을 실시하였다. Atd각도는 남자 38.6˚, 여자 40.4˚로 남자가 여자보다 통계적으로 유의하게 작았다. 남자에서 atd각도에 의미있게 영향을 주는 변수는 a-d거리(β=.774), 먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이: 손바닥길이비(β=.665), 손바닥길이(β=-.384)였다. 한편, 여자에서 atd각도에 의미있게 영향을 주는 변수는 먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이: 손바닥길이비(β=.689), a-d거리 : 손바닥너비비(β=.643), 손바닥너비 : 손바닥길이비(β=.346)이었다. 또한 atd각도 회귀식은 다음과 같이 산출되었다. 남자의 atd각도는 26.150+(0.741×a-d거리)+(52.856×먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이: 손바닥길이비)-(0.332×손바닥길이)이었고, 여자의 atd각도는 -42.935+(51.657×먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이: 손바닥길이비)+(63.314×a-d거리: 손바닥너비비)+(42.764×손바닥너비: 손바닥길이비)이었다. 따라서, 유럽계 미국인에서 atd각도에 영향을 주는 손바닥 계측치는 남녀 차이가 있으며, 특히 먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이 : 손바닥길이비는 남녀 모두에게 매우 중요한 영향을 주는 계측치라고 할 수 있을 것이다.
AnthroNotes : National Museum of Natural History bulletin for teachers, 2014
Show Me Standards M2, FA1 Goals: Students will calculate the diameter of a ceramic artifact and m... more Show Me Standards M2, FA1 Goals: Students will calculate the diameter of a ceramic artifact and model the process of reconstruction. Objectives: Students will work in teams to distinguish different ceramic types, calculate diameter, inventory pieces, reconstruct vessels, assess function, and draw their ceramic artifact. Materials needed: Black markers, white glue, plain paper, lined paper, colored pencils, regular pencils, copies of diameter chart, straight rulers. Terra cotta flower pots of various colors Stoneware cups of various colors (Each cup or terra cotta pot should be a different color and the number of items needed is dependent on the number of groups).
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2011
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, Nov 20, 2014
Leptodactylus fallax, commonly known as the mountain chicken frog, is a large terrestrial frog cu... more Leptodactylus fallax, commonly known as the mountain chicken frog, is a large terrestrial frog currently found on two islands in the Caribbean. Habitat destruction, overhunting and disease outbreaks have contributed to declining population numbers. In order to identify appropriate conservation strategies, the historic geographic distribution of this frog must first be determined. Because no archeological evidence exists, this was accomplished by reviewing historical documents and inspecting museum collections. Inaccuracies in location and species names were identified in documents as well as in the mislabeling of museum specimens. Two means for natural immigration (dispersal and vicariance) and the artificial introduction by humans were considered. The authors concluded that the Amerindians transported L. fallax to eight islands throughout the Lesser Antilles as potential food resources as they colonized this area. The implication that 75% of the historical distribution is currently unoccupied by this species is considered in light of future reintroduction projects.
Practicing Anthropology, 2004
For decades educators have struggled to find effective and appropriate strategies to teach childr... more For decades educators have struggled to find effective and appropriate strategies to teach children about others not like themselves. Although there are many success stories in diversity training and pluralistic or multicultural educational programs there has been a long legacy of ineffective and even erroneous programs as well. The bottom line is that we still have a lot of work to do, especially in pre-collegiate education, to promote understanding and appreciation of human diversity.
Anthropology News, 2006
This paper was selected for publication in the AAA's Anthropology News as part of the "Rethinking... more This paper was selected for publication in the AAA's Anthropology News as part of the "Rethinking Race and Human Variation" special editions of February and March 2006. The special editions were sponsored by the Understanding Race and Human Variation project and funded by the Ford Foundation. The Understanding Race and Human Variation project is a multi-year public education effort funded by the National Science Foundation and the Ford Foundation. This paper represents the views of the author and not that of the AAA or the Understanding Race and Human Variation project.
The Social Studies, 1999
... trans. R. Nice. London: Sage. Brameld, T. 1963. ... write Christopher D. Roy, Ph.D., or Prita... more ... trans. R. Nice. London: Sage. Brameld, T. 1963. ... write Christopher D. Roy, Ph.D., or Prita Meier, research assistant, at Art and Life in Africa Project, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, I 0 0 Oakdale Campus, Rm# N 15 1 OH, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-5000. ...
Teacher Education and Practice, 2007
This article presents an innovative approach to diversity education. The approach is multidiscipl... more This article presents an innovative approach to diversity education. The approach is multidisciplinary, and it was developed by blending the expertise of anthropological research with the pedagogical skills developed by education specialists. To institutionalize this ...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2007
대한체질인류학회 학술대회 연제 초록, May 1, 2010
Society & animals, Jun 13, 2024
The social studies, Sep 1, 1999
... trans. R. Nice. London: Sage. Brameld, T. 1963. ... write Christopher D. Roy, Ph.D., or Prita... more ... trans. R. Nice. London: Sage. Brameld, T. 1963. ... write Christopher D. Roy, Ph.D., or Prita Meier, research assistant, at Art and Life in Africa Project, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, I 0 0 Oakdale Campus, Rm# N 15 1 OH, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-5000. ...
Anthropology News, Mar 1, 2006
This paper was selected for publication in the AAA's Anthropology News as part of the "Rethinking... more This paper was selected for publication in the AAA's Anthropology News as part of the "Rethinking Race and Human Variation" special editions of February and March 2006. The special editions were sponsored by the Understanding Race and Human Variation project and funded by the Ford Foundation. The Understanding Race and Human Variation project is a multi-year public education effort funded by the National Science Foundation and the Ford Foundation. This paper represents the views of the author and not that of the AAA or the Understanding Race and Human Variation project.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2007
Practicing anthropology, Sep 1, 2004
Anthro notes, Sep 12, 2014
Show Me Standards M2, FA1 Goals: Students will calculate the diameter of a ceramic artifact and m... more Show Me Standards M2, FA1 Goals: Students will calculate the diameter of a ceramic artifact and model the process of reconstruction. Objectives: Students will work in teams to distinguish different ceramic types, calculate diameter, inventory pieces, reconstruct vessels, assess function, and draw their ceramic artifact. Materials needed: Black markers, white glue, plain paper, lined paper, colored pencils, regular pencils, copies of diameter chart, straight rulers. Terra cotta flower pots of various colors Stoneware cups of various colors (Each cup or terra cotta pot should be a different color and the number of items needed is dependent on the number of groups).
Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nonhuman Primates Chapter 2: Primate Classification Chapte... more Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nonhuman Primates Chapter 2: Primate Classification Chapter 3: Primate Biogeography Chapter 4: The Primate Body Chapter 5: Primate Evolution Chapter 6: Primate Ecology Chapter 7: Primate Social Organization Chapter 8: Primate Social Relationships Chapter 9: Primate Communication Chapter 10: The Primate Brain and Complex Behavior Chapter 11: Primate Conservation Appendix A Metric-Imperial Conversions Appendix B Comparative Primate Skeletons Appendix C List of all Extant Species Appendix D List of all Extinct Species Glossary Bibliography
Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nonhuman Primates Chapter 2: Primate Classification Chapte... more Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to the Nonhuman Primates Chapter 2: Primate Classification Chapter 3: Primate Biogeography Chapter 4: The Primate Body Chapter 5: Primate Evolution Chapter 6: Primate Ecology Chapter 7: Primate Social Organization Chapter 8: Primate Social Relationships Chapter 9: Primate Communication Chapter 10: The Primate Brain and Complex Behavior Chapter 11: Primate Conservation Appendix A Metric-Imperial Conversions Appendix B Comparative Primate Skeletons Appendix C List of all Extant Species Appendix D List of all Extinct Species Glossary Bibliography
손바닥문은 생김새가 사람마다 다르고 평생 바뀌지 않는다. 손바닥의 atd각도는 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 것으로, 남자의 손바닥이 여자의 손바닥보다 큼에도 불구하고 남... more 손바닥문은 생김새가 사람마다 다르고 평생 바뀌지 않는다. 손바닥의 atd각도는 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 것으로, 남자의 손바닥이 여자의 손바닥보다 큼에도 불구하고 남자의 atd각도가 작다. 이에 본 연구는 atd각도와 손바닥 계측치의 관계를 성별에 따라 비교해봄으로써 atd각도의 성별 차이를 형태학적으로 규명해보고자 시도하였다. 연구대상은 대전·충남지역 대학생 379명을 대상으로 하였으며, 남자 174명, 여자 205명이었다. 자료를 수집하기 위한 손바닥 계측은 양손의 atd각도, a-d거리, 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이, 손바닥너비와 손바닥길이를 측정하였고, 자료 분석은 SPSS win PC 14.0으로 빈도분석, independent sample t-test, paired t-test, Pearson correlation analysis를 실시하였다. 손바닥의 atd각도는 남자 39.2°, 여자 40.5°로 남자가 여자보다 통계적으로 유의하게 작았으며, 손바닥너비는 남자가 더 넓고, 손바닥길이와 a-d거리는 남자가 더 멀었으나 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이는 남녀차이가 없었다. 또한 손바닥너비: 손바닥길이 비율은 남자가 큰 것으로 나타났으나 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이: 손바닥길이 비율과 a-d거리: 손바닥너비 비율은 남자가 더 작은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 남녀 모두 atd각도는 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이: 손바닥길이 비율과 상관관계가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 atd각도에서 남자가 여자보다 유의하게 각도가 작은 이유는, 남자가 여자보다 손바닥길이에 비해 상대적으로 손바닥너비가 넓음에도 불구하고, 손바닥너비에 비해 상대적으로 a-d거리가 가깝고, 손바닥길이에 비해 상대적으로 먼쪽손목주름에서 점t까지 길이가 짧기 때문이며, 그 중에서도 먼쪽 손목주름에서 점t까지 길이: 손바닥길이 비율이 더 높은 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료된다.
미국인은 여러 민족과 인종으로 구성되어 있다. 손바닥문은 민족에 따라 다르기 때문에 유럽계 미국인에서 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 atd각도에 영향을 주는 손바닥 계측치... more 미국인은 여러 민족과 인종으로 구성되어 있다. 손바닥문은 민족에 따라 다르기 때문에 유럽계 미국인에서 손바닥문의 삼교차점에 의해 형성된 atd각도에 영향을 주는 손바닥 계측치를 파악하고 atd각도를 추정하는 회귀식을 산출해 보고자 본 연구를 시도하였다. 자료수집은 미국 미주리대학교의 재학생 중 유럽계 미국인 208명(남자 102명, 여자 106명)을 대상으로 양손의 atd각도, 손바닥너비, 손바닥길이, a-d거리, 먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이를 측정하였고, 수집된 자료는 SPSS win PC 18.0으로 기술통계, 빈도분석, independent t-test, paired t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, 단계적 회귀분석(stepwise regression)을 실시하였다. Atd각도는 남자 38.6˚, 여자 40.4˚로 남자가 여자보다 통계적으로 유의하게 작았다. 남자에서 atd각도에 의미있게 영향을 주는 변수는 a-d거리(β=.774), 먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이: 손바닥길이비(β=.665), 손바닥길이(β=-.384)였다. 한편, 여자에서 atd각도에 의미있게 영향을 주는 변수는 먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이: 손바닥길이비(β=.689), a-d거리 : 손바닥너비비(β=.643), 손바닥너비 : 손바닥길이비(β=.346)이었다. 또한 atd각도 회귀식은 다음과 같이 산출되었다. 남자의 atd각도는 26.150+(0.741×a-d거리)+(52.856×먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이: 손바닥길이비)-(0.332×손바닥길이)이었고, 여자의 atd각도는 -42.935+(51.657×먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이: 손바닥길이비)+(63.314×a-d거리: 손바닥너비비)+(42.764×손바닥너비: 손바닥길이비)이었다. 따라서, 유럽계 미국인에서 atd각도에 영향을 주는 손바닥 계측치는 남녀 차이가 있으며, 특히 먼쪽손목주름에서 t점까지 길이 : 손바닥길이비는 남녀 모두에게 매우 중요한 영향을 주는 계측치라고 할 수 있을 것이다.
AnthroNotes : National Museum of Natural History bulletin for teachers, 2014
Show Me Standards M2, FA1 Goals: Students will calculate the diameter of a ceramic artifact and m... more Show Me Standards M2, FA1 Goals: Students will calculate the diameter of a ceramic artifact and model the process of reconstruction. Objectives: Students will work in teams to distinguish different ceramic types, calculate diameter, inventory pieces, reconstruct vessels, assess function, and draw their ceramic artifact. Materials needed: Black markers, white glue, plain paper, lined paper, colored pencils, regular pencils, copies of diameter chart, straight rulers. Terra cotta flower pots of various colors Stoneware cups of various colors (Each cup or terra cotta pot should be a different color and the number of items needed is dependent on the number of groups).
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2011
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, Nov 20, 2014
Leptodactylus fallax, commonly known as the mountain chicken frog, is a large terrestrial frog cu... more Leptodactylus fallax, commonly known as the mountain chicken frog, is a large terrestrial frog currently found on two islands in the Caribbean. Habitat destruction, overhunting and disease outbreaks have contributed to declining population numbers. In order to identify appropriate conservation strategies, the historic geographic distribution of this frog must first be determined. Because no archeological evidence exists, this was accomplished by reviewing historical documents and inspecting museum collections. Inaccuracies in location and species names were identified in documents as well as in the mislabeling of museum specimens. Two means for natural immigration (dispersal and vicariance) and the artificial introduction by humans were considered. The authors concluded that the Amerindians transported L. fallax to eight islands throughout the Lesser Antilles as potential food resources as they colonized this area. The implication that 75% of the historical distribution is currently unoccupied by this species is considered in light of future reintroduction projects.
Practicing Anthropology, 2004
For decades educators have struggled to find effective and appropriate strategies to teach childr... more For decades educators have struggled to find effective and appropriate strategies to teach children about others not like themselves. Although there are many success stories in diversity training and pluralistic or multicultural educational programs there has been a long legacy of ineffective and even erroneous programs as well. The bottom line is that we still have a lot of work to do, especially in pre-collegiate education, to promote understanding and appreciation of human diversity.
Anthropology News, 2006
This paper was selected for publication in the AAA's Anthropology News as part of the "Rethinking... more This paper was selected for publication in the AAA's Anthropology News as part of the "Rethinking Race and Human Variation" special editions of February and March 2006. The special editions were sponsored by the Understanding Race and Human Variation project and funded by the Ford Foundation. The Understanding Race and Human Variation project is a multi-year public education effort funded by the National Science Foundation and the Ford Foundation. This paper represents the views of the author and not that of the AAA or the Understanding Race and Human Variation project.
The Social Studies, 1999
... trans. R. Nice. London: Sage. Brameld, T. 1963. ... write Christopher D. Roy, Ph.D., or Prita... more ... trans. R. Nice. London: Sage. Brameld, T. 1963. ... write Christopher D. Roy, Ph.D., or Prita Meier, research assistant, at Art and Life in Africa Project, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, I 0 0 Oakdale Campus, Rm# N 15 1 OH, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-5000. ...
Teacher Education and Practice, 2007
This article presents an innovative approach to diversity education. The approach is multidiscipl... more This article presents an innovative approach to diversity education. The approach is multidisciplinary, and it was developed by blending the expertise of anthropological research with the pedagogical skills developed by education specialists. To institutionalize this ...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2007