Panagiotis Sotiris - (original) (raw)
Papers by Panagiotis Sotiris
The aim of this presentation is to revisit Althusser’s writings in the 1970s in defense of the di... more The aim of this presentation is to revisit Althusser’s writings in the 1970s in defense of the dictatorship of the proletariat and examine the tensions running through them, tensions that can be related to his parallel thinking, at that period, on a potential materialism of the encounter. On the one hand, Althusser tried to expand a highly original politico-theoretical project of recreating the possibility of a fusion between the working class and Marxism, by means of a renewal of the communist movement, and a
radical democratic conception of the dictatorship of the proletariat that included autonomous movements outside the party. On the other hand, the realisation of the extent of the rupture between the subaltern classes and both Marxist theory and communist political organisations led Althusser to a conception of the encounter as almost chance, including the imagery of islets of communism. What I want to suggest in this presentation is that this tension is not just one that runs through Althusser’s writings, but also one that is at the heart of any politics for communism.
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 2014
Beginning with a reading of Kant’s The Conflict of the Faculties and then moving towards a tentat... more Beginning with a reading of Kant’s The Conflict of the Faculties and then moving towards a tentative possible theorization of the University as a hegemonic apparatus this paper aims at discussing university movements in terms of (counter) hegemony. Recent struggles against austerity, neoliberalism and the erosion of democracy, have brought together students, researchers and academics along with activists from different movements. The current restructuring of Higher Education induces profound changes in its functioning as a hegemonic apparatus, in the Gramscian sense, aiming not only at making universities more efficient and market oriented but also at embedding a new and more aggressive form of neoliberal hegemony. In light of all these, resistances to the entrepreneurialization of Universities should be viewed as not only attempts to defend public education as a public social good but also as attempts to create new forms of subaltern counter-hegemony. Militant academics must see themselves as critical educators but also as facilitators of mass critical intellectuality in direct relation to movements both within and outside academia. This requires experimentation with new forms of collective research and critical enquiry, new practices to produce and disseminate knowledge within movements, and an awareness of the potential to change the ideological balance of forces. In this sense mass movements in Higher Education can be seen not only as ‘pressure groups’ in favour of public universities but also as integral parts of efforts to create laboratories of a new (counter)hegemony.
International Gramsci Journal, 2022
This presentation offers an overview and discussion of how the work of Antonio Gramsci, and notio... more This presentation offers an overview and discussion of how the work of Antonio Gramsci, and notions and themes stemming from it, have been used in the context of political, strategic, and theoretical debates in Greece since the second half of the 2000s. What emerges is a situation where despite the widespread use of notions and themes coming from Gramsci, there is not extensive reference or dialogue with the more recent Gramsci research and scholarship, and nor has a more 'native' tradition of Gramsci Studies emerged. However, both political-strategic and theoretical debates could benefit from engagement with Gramsci in that direction, especially since the particular Greek conjuncture after 2010 points to the continuing pertinence of Gramscian notions as means to analyse social and political dynamics and exigencies, but also to deal with open theoretical questions in the field of the Social Sciences.
Dual power has been traditionally associated with a very historically specific conception of revo... more Dual power has been traditionally associated with a very historically specific conception of revolutionary strategy, that for many is now outdated. In contrast I think that its strategic scope is broader and that it does not refer to just a specific 'moment' but rather to a dynamic that can emerge within prolonged struggles and confrontational social movements within conjunctures characterized by crisis of hegemony or at least elements of a hegemonic crisis. In such conjunctures one can see movements that are not limited to simple 'demands' but are at the same time learning processes and experimental sites for new social and political configurations, something that becomes evident in the way they are organized, their democratic forms, the discourses they produce, the forms of militancy but also collective ingenuity they liberate. In this sense, they can be considered laboratories of dual power. In this sense, it is important for political movements aiming at social emancipation to refuse treating social movements in an instrumental way, as just forms of 'political pressure' or as 'recruiting grounds' or simply as the 'background' of electoral battles. In contrast, they need to be considered as 'strategic instances' in the elaboration of a social and political dynamic for social change and incorporated in any serious rethinking of the organizational forms that can help such dynamics. In this presentation, I will try to discuss some of these questions based on the experiences of recent movements.
Mass parties, dual power and the open questions of strategy: A dialogue with the writings of Leo... more Mass parties, dual power and the open questions of strategy:
A dialogue with the writings of Leo Panitch
Paper presented at the 2021 Historical Materialism Conference
An attempt to reread Althusser's metaphors for communism.
In A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser Panagiotis Sotiris attempts a reading of the ... more In A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser Panagiotis Sotiris attempts a reading of the work of the French philosopher centered upon his deeply political conception of philosophy. Althusser’s endeavour is presented as a quest for a new practice of philosophy that would enable a new practice of politics for communism, in opposition to idealism and teleology. The central point is that in his trajectory from the crucial interventions of the 1960s to the texts on aleatory materialism, Althusser remained a communist in philosophy. This is based upon a reading of the tensions and dynamics running through Althusser’s work and his dialogue with other thinkers. Particular attention is paid to crucial texts by Althusser that remained unpublished until relatively recently.
Historical Materialism, 2020
COVID-19 is not only a health emergency but also a strategic challenge for any politics of resist... more COVID-19 is not only a health emergency but also a strategic challenge for any politics of resistance, struggle and transformation. Understanding the social and political dynamics associated with morbidity and mortality and the many 'ecologies of disease' associated with the pandemic is necessary if we want to think beyond the limits of the lockdown strategy. It is here that the possibility of a democratic biopolitics emerges as part of a broader strategy for communism.
International Gramsci Journal, 2019
The aim of this article is to return to Antonio Gramsci’s highly original contributions in the Pr... more The aim of this article is to return to Antonio Gramsci’s highly original contributions in the Prison Notebooks concerning questions of organization and especially his conceptualization of the Modern Prince. In particular, I want to stress the importance of a certain conception of the intellectuality of politics that emerges in the Prison Notebooks, and which I consider to be one of Gramsci’s more original contributions. Since Gramsci’s texts were written against the background of the various debates around the “organization question” in the history of the working class movement, the article begins by revisiting some the answers offered to this question, in order to stress that the question of a certain intellectuality of politics from the beginning has been central to these debates. Then, I move forward to Gramsci’s own intervention, in an attempt to show how a conception of organization as a laboratory of political intellectuality and experimentation emerges and how it is linked to the entire conceptual framework of Gramsci’s work-in-progress. Finally, I attempt to show how all these are relevant to contemporary debates regarding radical left political parties and fronts.
Presentation at the Historical Materialism Barcelona Conference, 28-30 June, 2019
The strategic question revisited: Ten Theses
The electoral rise of Golden Dawn from obscurity to parliamentary representation has drawn attent... more The electoral rise of Golden Dawn from obscurity to parliamentary representation has drawn attention to its particular neo-fascist discourse. In sharp contrast to the tendency of most far-right movements in Europe to present themselves as being part of the political mainstream, Golden Dawn has never disavowed its openly neo-Nazi references. Its political and ideological discourse combines extreme racism, nationalism and authoritarianism along with traditional conservative positions in favour of traditional family roles and values and the Greek Orthodox Church. The aim of this paper is twofold: on the one hand to situate the ideology and discourse of Golden Dawn in a conjuncture of economic and social crisis, a crisis of the project of European Integration, and examine it aspart of a broader authoritarian post-democratic and post-hegemonic transformation of the State in contemporary capitalism; on the other hand to criticize the position suggested recently that Golden Dawn was also the result of the supposedly “national-populist” discourse of the anti-austerity movement. On the contrary, we will insist on the opposition between the discourses and practices of Golden Dawn and the anti-austerity movement in Greece.
Paper presented at the 2019 ‘Socialism in Our Time’ / HMNY Conference , New York City April 13-14... more Paper presented at the 2019 ‘Socialism in Our Time’ / HMNY Conference , New York City April 13-14, 2019
Zeitschrift Luxemburg, 2017
Interview mit Panagiotis Sotiris, Zeitschrift Luxemburg August 2017 https://www.zeitschrift-luxem...[ more ](;)Interview mit Panagiotis Sotiris, Zeitschrift Luxemburg August 2017 Hierzulande erfährt man nur noch wenig über die jetzigen Verhältnisse in Griechenland. Wie schätzt Du die soziale Lage der Menschen dort ein? Panagiotis Sotiris: Die soziale Situation in Griechenland ist sehr schwierig aufgrund der anhaltenden Austeritätspolitik und der beispiellosen Wirtschaftsdepression. Die Löhne sind sehr niedrig, insbesondere für junge Menschen. Die offizielle Erwerbslosigkeit liegt bei über 23 Prozent. ie meisten Jobs sind in Teilzeit und prekär. Vor diesem Hintergrund verlassen viele höher Qualifizierte das Land. Es hat sich eine Stimmung breitgemacht, dass es keine Zukunft gibt. Das führt zu einer Mischung aus Angst und atomisierter Verzweiflung anstelle des Gefühls, dass Veränderungen möglich sind. Bis 2015 überwog durchaus die Hoffnung. Aber die Niederlage der Regierung von Alexis Tsipras im Sommer 2015trotz der großen Entschlossenheit, die die subalternen Klassen im Referendum zeigtenhat das Gefühl der Hilflosigkeit und Unveränderbarkeit der Situation gesteigert. Daraus erklärt sich auch, weshalb es trotz der Schwere und Härte der Maßnahmen bisher keine soziale Explosion gegeben hat. Eigentlich sieht man lediglich in sehr konkreten und lokalen Auseinandersetzungen und in der Solidaritätsarbeit mit Geflüchteten noch ein wenig von der Dynamik, die es in der vorhergehenden Periode gab. Gleichzeitig sind aber die Momente einer tiefen politischen oder einer möglichen Hegemoniekrise immer noch da. Die Herrschenden können den subalternen Klassen keine positive Erzählung anbieten. Es gibt eine konstante Erosion demokratischer Verfahren. Ohne dass die Linke Alternativen wieder denkbar macht, dürfte es schwierig werden, eine soziale Erhebung oder Massenbewegungen zu erreichen.
The aim of this presentation is to present the dialogue between the positions of Charles Bettelhe... more The aim of this presentation is to present the dialogue between the positions of Charles Bettelheim and Robert Linhart regarding socialist transition and in particular the New Economic Policy. Our approach will not attempt to judge the accuracy of their assessment in the regards to actual developments and class relations of the Soviet social formation. What we want to do is to attempt to see this dialogue as part of the relation of western Marxism to this question. Therefore we attempt to see their respective theoretical positions.
The aim of this presentation is twofold. On the one hand it attempts to retrace the emergence of ... more The aim of this presentation is twofold. On the one hand it attempts to retrace the emergence of the notion of the hegemonic project, in various debates, beginning with the debate within British Marxism on Thatcherism as a hegemonic project. On the other hand, by means of a return to Gramsci's thinking on hegemony, it attempts to rethink the notion of the hegemonic project in contemporary political debates in the left and to suggest that we must attempt to think of hegemonic projects not as simple political projects or electoral strategies, but rather as historical initiatives of the subaltern.
This paper, which was presented at the 2013 London Historical Materialism Conference, is part of... more This paper, which was presented at the 2013 London Historical Materialism Conference, is part of a broader theoretical project for a rereading of some of the crucial theoretical debates of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s,
especially those related to the theoretical and philosophical interventions of Louis Althusser. Some of the positions sketched here had been initially presented as part of a seminar we coordinated in the Spring of 2013 in Athens. We have also discussed these issues as part of preparation the new edition of some of Louis Althusser’s major works in Greek. Moreover, this project also has to do with broader theoretical and political debates in the Greek Left and the challenges we are facing in the current conjuncture.
Paper presented at the “Soggettività e trasformazione. Prospettive marxiane" Conference – Padova ... more Paper presented at the “Soggettività e trasformazione. Prospettive marxiane" Conference – Padova and Rome May 23th-26th 2018
The aim of this presentation is to revisit Althusser’s writings in the 1970s in defense of the di... more The aim of this presentation is to revisit Althusser’s writings in the 1970s in defense of the dictatorship of the proletariat and examine the tensions running through them, tensions that can be related to his parallel thinking, at that period, on a potential materialism of the encounter. On the one hand, Althusser tried to expand a highly original politico-theoretical project of recreating the possibility of a fusion between the working class and Marxism, by means of a renewal of the communist movement, and a
radical democratic conception of the dictatorship of the proletariat that included autonomous movements outside the party. On the other hand, the realisation of the extent of the rupture between the subaltern classes and both Marxist theory and communist political organisations led Althusser to a conception of the encounter as almost chance, including the imagery of islets of communism. What I want to suggest in this presentation is that this tension is not just one that runs through Althusser’s writings, but also one that is at the heart of any politics for communism.
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 2014
Beginning with a reading of Kant’s The Conflict of the Faculties and then moving towards a tentat... more Beginning with a reading of Kant’s The Conflict of the Faculties and then moving towards a tentative possible theorization of the University as a hegemonic apparatus this paper aims at discussing university movements in terms of (counter) hegemony. Recent struggles against austerity, neoliberalism and the erosion of democracy, have brought together students, researchers and academics along with activists from different movements. The current restructuring of Higher Education induces profound changes in its functioning as a hegemonic apparatus, in the Gramscian sense, aiming not only at making universities more efficient and market oriented but also at embedding a new and more aggressive form of neoliberal hegemony. In light of all these, resistances to the entrepreneurialization of Universities should be viewed as not only attempts to defend public education as a public social good but also as attempts to create new forms of subaltern counter-hegemony. Militant academics must see themselves as critical educators but also as facilitators of mass critical intellectuality in direct relation to movements both within and outside academia. This requires experimentation with new forms of collective research and critical enquiry, new practices to produce and disseminate knowledge within movements, and an awareness of the potential to change the ideological balance of forces. In this sense mass movements in Higher Education can be seen not only as ‘pressure groups’ in favour of public universities but also as integral parts of efforts to create laboratories of a new (counter)hegemony.
International Gramsci Journal, 2022
This presentation offers an overview and discussion of how the work of Antonio Gramsci, and notio... more This presentation offers an overview and discussion of how the work of Antonio Gramsci, and notions and themes stemming from it, have been used in the context of political, strategic, and theoretical debates in Greece since the second half of the 2000s. What emerges is a situation where despite the widespread use of notions and themes coming from Gramsci, there is not extensive reference or dialogue with the more recent Gramsci research and scholarship, and nor has a more 'native' tradition of Gramsci Studies emerged. However, both political-strategic and theoretical debates could benefit from engagement with Gramsci in that direction, especially since the particular Greek conjuncture after 2010 points to the continuing pertinence of Gramscian notions as means to analyse social and political dynamics and exigencies, but also to deal with open theoretical questions in the field of the Social Sciences.
Dual power has been traditionally associated with a very historically specific conception of revo... more Dual power has been traditionally associated with a very historically specific conception of revolutionary strategy, that for many is now outdated. In contrast I think that its strategic scope is broader and that it does not refer to just a specific 'moment' but rather to a dynamic that can emerge within prolonged struggles and confrontational social movements within conjunctures characterized by crisis of hegemony or at least elements of a hegemonic crisis. In such conjunctures one can see movements that are not limited to simple 'demands' but are at the same time learning processes and experimental sites for new social and political configurations, something that becomes evident in the way they are organized, their democratic forms, the discourses they produce, the forms of militancy but also collective ingenuity they liberate. In this sense, they can be considered laboratories of dual power. In this sense, it is important for political movements aiming at social emancipation to refuse treating social movements in an instrumental way, as just forms of 'political pressure' or as 'recruiting grounds' or simply as the 'background' of electoral battles. In contrast, they need to be considered as 'strategic instances' in the elaboration of a social and political dynamic for social change and incorporated in any serious rethinking of the organizational forms that can help such dynamics. In this presentation, I will try to discuss some of these questions based on the experiences of recent movements.
Mass parties, dual power and the open questions of strategy: A dialogue with the writings of Leo... more Mass parties, dual power and the open questions of strategy:
A dialogue with the writings of Leo Panitch
Paper presented at the 2021 Historical Materialism Conference
An attempt to reread Althusser's metaphors for communism.
In A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser Panagiotis Sotiris attempts a reading of the ... more In A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser Panagiotis Sotiris attempts a reading of the work of the French philosopher centered upon his deeply political conception of philosophy. Althusser’s endeavour is presented as a quest for a new practice of philosophy that would enable a new practice of politics for communism, in opposition to idealism and teleology. The central point is that in his trajectory from the crucial interventions of the 1960s to the texts on aleatory materialism, Althusser remained a communist in philosophy. This is based upon a reading of the tensions and dynamics running through Althusser’s work and his dialogue with other thinkers. Particular attention is paid to crucial texts by Althusser that remained unpublished until relatively recently.
Historical Materialism, 2020
COVID-19 is not only a health emergency but also a strategic challenge for any politics of resist... more COVID-19 is not only a health emergency but also a strategic challenge for any politics of resistance, struggle and transformation. Understanding the social and political dynamics associated with morbidity and mortality and the many 'ecologies of disease' associated with the pandemic is necessary if we want to think beyond the limits of the lockdown strategy. It is here that the possibility of a democratic biopolitics emerges as part of a broader strategy for communism.
International Gramsci Journal, 2019
The aim of this article is to return to Antonio Gramsci’s highly original contributions in the Pr... more The aim of this article is to return to Antonio Gramsci’s highly original contributions in the Prison Notebooks concerning questions of organization and especially his conceptualization of the Modern Prince. In particular, I want to stress the importance of a certain conception of the intellectuality of politics that emerges in the Prison Notebooks, and which I consider to be one of Gramsci’s more original contributions. Since Gramsci’s texts were written against the background of the various debates around the “organization question” in the history of the working class movement, the article begins by revisiting some the answers offered to this question, in order to stress that the question of a certain intellectuality of politics from the beginning has been central to these debates. Then, I move forward to Gramsci’s own intervention, in an attempt to show how a conception of organization as a laboratory of political intellectuality and experimentation emerges and how it is linked to the entire conceptual framework of Gramsci’s work-in-progress. Finally, I attempt to show how all these are relevant to contemporary debates regarding radical left political parties and fronts.
Presentation at the Historical Materialism Barcelona Conference, 28-30 June, 2019
The strategic question revisited: Ten Theses
The electoral rise of Golden Dawn from obscurity to parliamentary representation has drawn attent... more The electoral rise of Golden Dawn from obscurity to parliamentary representation has drawn attention to its particular neo-fascist discourse. In sharp contrast to the tendency of most far-right movements in Europe to present themselves as being part of the political mainstream, Golden Dawn has never disavowed its openly neo-Nazi references. Its political and ideological discourse combines extreme racism, nationalism and authoritarianism along with traditional conservative positions in favour of traditional family roles and values and the Greek Orthodox Church. The aim of this paper is twofold: on the one hand to situate the ideology and discourse of Golden Dawn in a conjuncture of economic and social crisis, a crisis of the project of European Integration, and examine it aspart of a broader authoritarian post-democratic and post-hegemonic transformation of the State in contemporary capitalism; on the other hand to criticize the position suggested recently that Golden Dawn was also the result of the supposedly “national-populist” discourse of the anti-austerity movement. On the contrary, we will insist on the opposition between the discourses and practices of Golden Dawn and the anti-austerity movement in Greece.
Paper presented at the 2019 ‘Socialism in Our Time’ / HMNY Conference , New York City April 13-14... more Paper presented at the 2019 ‘Socialism in Our Time’ / HMNY Conference , New York City April 13-14, 2019
Zeitschrift Luxemburg, 2017
Interview mit Panagiotis Sotiris, Zeitschrift Luxemburg August 2017 https://www.zeitschrift-luxem...[ more ](;)Interview mit Panagiotis Sotiris, Zeitschrift Luxemburg August 2017 Hierzulande erfährt man nur noch wenig über die jetzigen Verhältnisse in Griechenland. Wie schätzt Du die soziale Lage der Menschen dort ein? Panagiotis Sotiris: Die soziale Situation in Griechenland ist sehr schwierig aufgrund der anhaltenden Austeritätspolitik und der beispiellosen Wirtschaftsdepression. Die Löhne sind sehr niedrig, insbesondere für junge Menschen. Die offizielle Erwerbslosigkeit liegt bei über 23 Prozent. ie meisten Jobs sind in Teilzeit und prekär. Vor diesem Hintergrund verlassen viele höher Qualifizierte das Land. Es hat sich eine Stimmung breitgemacht, dass es keine Zukunft gibt. Das führt zu einer Mischung aus Angst und atomisierter Verzweiflung anstelle des Gefühls, dass Veränderungen möglich sind. Bis 2015 überwog durchaus die Hoffnung. Aber die Niederlage der Regierung von Alexis Tsipras im Sommer 2015trotz der großen Entschlossenheit, die die subalternen Klassen im Referendum zeigtenhat das Gefühl der Hilflosigkeit und Unveränderbarkeit der Situation gesteigert. Daraus erklärt sich auch, weshalb es trotz der Schwere und Härte der Maßnahmen bisher keine soziale Explosion gegeben hat. Eigentlich sieht man lediglich in sehr konkreten und lokalen Auseinandersetzungen und in der Solidaritätsarbeit mit Geflüchteten noch ein wenig von der Dynamik, die es in der vorhergehenden Periode gab. Gleichzeitig sind aber die Momente einer tiefen politischen oder einer möglichen Hegemoniekrise immer noch da. Die Herrschenden können den subalternen Klassen keine positive Erzählung anbieten. Es gibt eine konstante Erosion demokratischer Verfahren. Ohne dass die Linke Alternativen wieder denkbar macht, dürfte es schwierig werden, eine soziale Erhebung oder Massenbewegungen zu erreichen.
The aim of this presentation is to present the dialogue between the positions of Charles Bettelhe... more The aim of this presentation is to present the dialogue between the positions of Charles Bettelheim and Robert Linhart regarding socialist transition and in particular the New Economic Policy. Our approach will not attempt to judge the accuracy of their assessment in the regards to actual developments and class relations of the Soviet social formation. What we want to do is to attempt to see this dialogue as part of the relation of western Marxism to this question. Therefore we attempt to see their respective theoretical positions.
The aim of this presentation is twofold. On the one hand it attempts to retrace the emergence of ... more The aim of this presentation is twofold. On the one hand it attempts to retrace the emergence of the notion of the hegemonic project, in various debates, beginning with the debate within British Marxism on Thatcherism as a hegemonic project. On the other hand, by means of a return to Gramsci's thinking on hegemony, it attempts to rethink the notion of the hegemonic project in contemporary political debates in the left and to suggest that we must attempt to think of hegemonic projects not as simple political projects or electoral strategies, but rather as historical initiatives of the subaltern.
This paper, which was presented at the 2013 London Historical Materialism Conference, is part of... more This paper, which was presented at the 2013 London Historical Materialism Conference, is part of a broader theoretical project for a rereading of some of the crucial theoretical debates of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s,
especially those related to the theoretical and philosophical interventions of Louis Althusser. Some of the positions sketched here had been initially presented as part of a seminar we coordinated in the Spring of 2013 in Athens. We have also discussed these issues as part of preparation the new edition of some of Louis Althusser’s major works in Greek. Moreover, this project also has to do with broader theoretical and political debates in the Greek Left and the challenges we are facing in the current conjuncture.
Paper presented at the “Soggettività e trasformazione. Prospettive marxiane" Conference – Padova ... more Paper presented at the “Soggettività e trasformazione. Prospettive marxiane" Conference – Padova and Rome May 23th-26th 2018
Materialismo Storico. Rivista di filosofia, storia e scienze umane afferente al Dipartimento di studi umanistici dell'Università di Urbino e con il patrocinio della Internationale Gesellschaft Hegel-Marx fuer dialektisches Denken, 2017
Il volume contiene gli atti del seminario di Pavia della International Gramsci Society del settem... more Il volume contiene gli atti del seminario di Pavia della International Gramsci Society del settembre 2016 e altri testi.