Pascal Masilya - (original) (raw)

Papers by Pascal Masilya

Research paper thumbnail of The recent introduction of Lamprichthys tanganicanus in Lake Kivu (Eastern Africa): a threat for the pelagic fishery?

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Research paper thumbnail of Monogeneans from Catfishes in Lake Tanganyika. II: New Infection site, New Record, and Additional Details on the Morphology of the Male Copulatory Organ of Gyrodactylus transvaalensis Prudhoe and Hussey, 1977

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Research paper thumbnail of Oil extraction imperils Africa's Great Lakes

Science, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation par hydroacoustique du stock de Limnothrissa miodon,«sardine du Tanganyika» introduite dans le lac Kivu (Afrique de l'Est)

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Research paper thumbnail of Déterminants de la pérennité des systèmes antiérosifs au Burundi

VertigO, 2013

La presente etude vise a identifier les determinants qui contribuent a perenniser les systemes an... more La presente etude vise a identifier les determinants qui contribuent a perenniser les systemes antierosifs au Burundi. Elle a consiste en une enquete sur les caracteristiques de 200 menages (dont 100 ont conserve les systemes antierosifs et 100 autres les ont abandonnes) dans les communes de Kabarore et Rutegama. Les resultats obtenus en analysant les questionnaires d’enquete (test Khi-carre et logit test) et les reponses obtenues au cours des echanges dans les focus group indiquent que ce sont les personnes nanties, mieux informees et formees et disposant d’elevages sont les plus enclines a maintenir un systeme antierosif. Par contre, la coercition, les dons en nature ou en especes ne permettent de maintenir les systemes que le temps du projet et representent donc des investissements a eviter. Seules l’animation et la recherche-action participative qui privilegie des technologies faciles (priorites aux haies et non aux fosses) et des incitants qui procurent des ressources aux populations (Herbes fourrageres, animaux, Grevillea) et discutes au prealable avec les populations peuvent permettre d’ameliorer irreversiblement l’adoption des systemes antierosifs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vers une bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans les sociétés post-conflits : concepts, expériences et leçons des Grands Lacs en Afrique

VertigO, 2013

Dans ce chapitre introductif, nous dressons un etat des lieux des questions de gestion des ressou... more Dans ce chapitre introductif, nous dressons un etat des lieux des questions de gestion des ressources naturelles dans le contexte post conflit du Burundi et de la RD Congo avec une perspective regionale des grands lacs africains. Ensuite, nous discutons le cercle vicieux entre conflits, degradation des ressources naturelles et pauvrete et les defis de rehabilitation des ressources naturelles en periode post-conflit. La section suivante essaie de definir et circonscrire le concept de post-conflit qui, bien que d’usage courant, pose des problemes conceptuels et pratiques. D’autres concepts importants tels que la co-gestion, la gouvernance participative et la resilience sont definis dans le contexte de cet ouvrage. Ces definitions permettent alors d’envisager comment renforcer la gouvernance environnementale et de presenter le projet de bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles collectives dans les societes post-conflit (PGRN). Ce projet constitue le soubassement de ce livre. Le cadre conceptuel et l’approche methodologique du projet sont inspires par l’apprentissage social adaptif, la recherche action participative et le systeme d’analyse social. Les incidences et les changements impulses par le PGRN, les lecons tirees de ce projet et les defis et perspectives d’avenir pour la bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles, sont ensuite presentes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes

Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes

Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Biogeochemistry of a large and deep tropical lake (Lake Kivu, East Africa): insights from a stable isotope study covering an annual cycle

Biogeosciences Discussions, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsafe drinking water distribution in Nguba area, South‐Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

World Water Policy

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of the aquatic macrofauna of the Kalengo River, South-Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo

A systematic sampling of the aquatic macrofauna of the Kalengo River has been achieved of October... more A systematic sampling of the aquatic macrofauna of the Kalengo River has been achieved of October 2011 to September 2012 in five stations according to the method Man-time. To the whole 56 species were inventoried, repartees in 7 groups taxonomies to know: Bugs (35 species, either 62, 5%), Mollusks (8, either 14,3%), Fishes (6, either 10,7%), Annelids (3, either 5,4%), the Plathelmintheses (2, either 3,6%), Crustaceans and Amphibians (1, either 1,8%). Bugs, Mollusks and Annelids were present in all sites and it during all year round of survey. The evolution of populations of the aquatic macrofauna during the period of survey, watch a certain stability of the total specific wealth and a better representativeness during months of April and June.

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Research paper thumbnail of Denitrification, anammox and fixed nitrogen removal in the water column of a tropical great lake

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Research paper thumbnail of Physico‐chemical characterization of littoral water of Lake Kivu (Southern basin, Central Africa) and use of water quality index to assess their anthropogenic disturbances

World Water Policy

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Research paper thumbnail of Association between Labeobarbus spp. (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) and environmental variables in the Luhoho basin (Eastern Congo River basin; DRC)

Journal of Fish Biology

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Research paper thumbnail of Food and Feeding Activity of Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger 1906) in the Southern Part of Lake Kivu, Central Africa

The diet (food, feeding activity and daily food consumption) of L. miodon was analysed at 3-hr. i... more The diet (food, feeding activity and daily food consumption) of
L. miodon was analysed at 3-hr. intervals during four 24-hr. cycles (between 29 October 2004 and 8 January 2005) in the southern part of Lake Kivu, i.e. Bukavu bay. Our results allow us to confirm the opportunistic character of this fish which ducts it to
cannibalism. In this part of Lake Kivu, the diet activity of L. miodon, which depends on its larvae, starts from dawn until noon, while its dusk diet depends on zooplankton.
The calculated daily food ration for a L. miodon adult is about 0.72 g and is equal to about 6.1% of its weight.

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Research paper thumbnail of Food and Feeding Activity of Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger 1906) in the Southern Part of Lake Kivu, Central Africa

The diet (food, feeding activity and daily food consumption) of L. miodon was analysed at 3-hr. i... more The diet (food, feeding activity and daily food consumption) of
L. miodon was analysed at 3-hr. intervals during four 24-hr. cycles (between 29 October 2004 and 8 January 2005) in the southern part of Lake Kivu, i.e. Bukavu bay. Our results allow us to confirm the opportunistic character of this fish which ducts it to cannibalism. In this part of Lake Kivu, the diet activity of L. miodon, which depends on its larvae, starts from dawn until noon, while its dusk diet depends on zooplankton.
The calculated daily food ration for a L. miodon adult is about 0.72 g and is equal to about 6.1% of its weight.

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Research paper thumbnail of Is the fishery of the introduced Tanganyika sardine (Limnothrissa miodon) in Lake Kivu (East Africa) sustainable

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Limnothrissa miodon, a small pelagic clupeid fish introduced at the end of the 1950s into Lake Kivu, became an important resource for the human populations of this area. The total stock of pelagic fish populations of this lake was estimated in 2008 by two hydroacoustic surveys, using an EK60 split-beam sounder (frequency 70 kHz). The total fish stocks were estimated to be approximately 5000 t in the rainy season and 6000 tons in the dry season. These values are similar to previous estimations performed in the 1980s. During 2008, the stock did not fluctuate throughout the seasons; however, the spatial distributions were different in the two hydrological seasons. Interestingly, the L. miodon stock has appeared to remain stable over the last two decades, which suggests that the pelagic fishery in Lake Kivu has not been overexploited and that it is sustainable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Denitrification, anammox and fixed nitrogen removal in the water column of a tropical great lake

of the Congo If rates of microbial denitrification in aquatic systems are poorly constrained, it ... more of the Congo If rates of microbial denitrification in aquatic systems are poorly constrained, it is much more the case for tropical water bodies. Lake Kivu [2.50˚S 1.59˚S, 29.37˚E 28.83˚E] is one of the great lakes of the East African Rift. It is an oligotrophic lake characterized by anoxic deep waters rich in dissolved gases (methane and carbon dioxide) and nutrients, and by well oxygenated and nutrient-depleted surface waters. During the seasonally stratified rainy season (October to May), a nitrogenous zone characterized by the accumulation of nitrite (NO − 2) and nitrate (NO − 3) is often observed in the lower layer of the mixolimnion. It results from nitrification of ammonium released by decaying organic matter. With the seasonal uplift of the oxygen minimum zone, the nitrogenous zone becomes anoxic and might be the most preferential area for fixed nitrogen (N) removal in Lake Kivu. Our work aimed at identifying and quantifying the processes of N losses by denitrification and/or anammox in the nitrogenous zone of the Lake Kivu water column. During 5 sampling campaigns (), isotopic labelling experiments were used to quantify denitrification and anammox rates along vertical profiles at two pelagic stations of the main lake. Moreover, N 2 :Ar ratios were estimated during the September 2012 campaign, and 16S rDNA pyrosequencing was used to describe bacterial community composition during the last 2 campaigns. No bacteria related to organisms performing anammox was observed and labelling experiments failed to detect anammox at any locations and any depths. In Lake Kivu, denitrifying bacteria were mainly related to Denitratisoma and Thiobacillus genus. Significant denitrification rates were observed at several occasions, especially under the oxic-anoxic interface in the bottom of the nitracline. The annual average denitrifi-cation rate was estimated at ∼150 µmoles N m −2 d −1. Denitrification was not the only nitrate-consuming process: dissimilative nitrate reduction to ammonium led to oxidized N removal with the same magnitude than denitri-fication alone. Isotopic labelling accompanied by addition of elemental sulfur evidenced that the upper vertical expansion of denitrification was limited by the abundance of reducing agents, while oxidized forms of N limited the lower expansion of denitrification.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teleconnections between ecosystem productivity and climate indices in a tropical great lake

Productivity of deep tropical lakes is mainly determined by physical forcing. Located in the East... more Productivity of deep tropical lakes is mainly determined by physical forcing. Located in the East African Rift, Lake Kivu [2.50˚S 1.59˚S, 29.37˚E 28.83˚E] is a deep meromictic lake. Phytoplankton biomass is generally low due to the lake's oligotrophic nature except when seasonal deeper mixing of the surface water layer brings up nutrients from deeper waters, allowing a seasonal peak of phytoplankton biomass. This seasonal mixing favours the development of diatoms, while, during the rest of the year, the phytoplankton assemblage is dominated by cyanobacteria, chrysophytes and cryptophytes. A long-term limnological survey on Lake Kivu conducted from 2002-2011 allowed us to delineate relationships between intra-and inter-annual variations of limnological parameters and lake productivity. During this survey, inter-annual variations of biomass and productivity were high, with for example a 5-fold maximum difference between the seasonal peak of biomass. The importance of the annual biomass peak was negatively correlated to the stability of the water column during the season preceding the bloom. This suggests that the importance of the annual bloom is not driven by weather conditions during the mixing period but by the stratifying conditions prevailing several months earlier. Statistically highly significant correlations were observed between intra-and inter-annual variations of water column stability, phytoplankton biomass and tropical ocean climate indexes, including Western Tropical Indian Ocean (WTIO) sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly index, Dipole Mode Index (DMI), Southern Ocean Index (SOI) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), were also observed. Inter-annual variations in relation to large scale climate oscillations can be used as natural laboratories and give indications how ecosystems will respond to climate change. This study allowed us to make some predictions on the effects of climate change on lake water column stability and lake productivity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Déchets Sciences et Techniques -N°65 -Novembre 2013

Essai de compostage comme voie de valorisation des déchets ménagers solides dans la ville de Buka... more Essai de compostage comme voie de valorisation des déchets ménagers solides dans la ville de Bukavu au Sud-Kivu (rD congo) Essai de compostage comme voie de valorisation des déchets ménagers solides dans la ville de bukavu au sud-Kivu (RD Congo) 30 RESUME Un travail d'identification des décharges sau-vages et d'évaluation de la nature des déchets rencontrés sur ces sites a été mené du 04 au 18 octobre 2010 dans la ville de Bukavu (RD Congo). Les résultats ont montré une répartition inégale des décharges selon les communes et une forte hétérogénéité des types de déchets ren-contrés. Ces paramètres s'avèrent liés au nombre d'habitants de chaque quartier, à la localisation du quartier par rapport au centre-ville ainsi qu'à la nature des activités menées dans les différents quartiers des différentes communes. Au sein de la ville de Bukavu, les travaux com-plémentaires réalisés dans la commune d'Ibanda ont montré qu'en moyenne 2,7 kg de déchets sont produits par jour et par habitant dans cette commune. Compte tenu du taux élevé de ma-tières organiques biodégradables de ces déchets ménagers solides, le compostage a été étudié comme mode de valorisation envisageable à l'aide d'une étude expérimentale de 8 semaines. Le traitement étudié s'est révélé capable de ré-duire 92,5% de volume de déchets produits en quatre semaines. ABSTRACT The identification of fly-tipping and the quantifica-tion of waste found conducted from 4th October 2010 in Bukavu town (DR Congo) for the waste recovery has shown an unequal distribution of waste fly-tipping according to the commune and a big heterogeneity of waste found; unequal distribution and heterogeneity in relation with the number of residents of each quarter, the location of quarter due to down town and type of activities done in different quarters of different communes. The results of quan-tification of waste produced in Ibanda commune has shown that the average of 2.7 kg of waste are produced per day and per resident in this commune. And the composting proposed and checked within 8 weeks as mode of waste recovery of domestic solid waste majority biodegradable proven to be able to reduce 92.5% of volume of waste produced in four weeks.

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Research paper thumbnail of The recent introduction of Lamprichthys tanganicanus in Lake Kivu (Eastern Africa): a threat for the pelagic fishery?

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Research paper thumbnail of Monogeneans from Catfishes in Lake Tanganyika. II: New Infection site, New Record, and Additional Details on the Morphology of the Male Copulatory Organ of Gyrodactylus transvaalensis Prudhoe and Hussey, 1977

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Research paper thumbnail of Oil extraction imperils Africa's Great Lakes

Science, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation par hydroacoustique du stock de Limnothrissa miodon,«sardine du Tanganyika» introduite dans le lac Kivu (Afrique de l'Est)

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Research paper thumbnail of Déterminants de la pérennité des systèmes antiérosifs au Burundi

VertigO, 2013

La presente etude vise a identifier les determinants qui contribuent a perenniser les systemes an... more La presente etude vise a identifier les determinants qui contribuent a perenniser les systemes antierosifs au Burundi. Elle a consiste en une enquete sur les caracteristiques de 200 menages (dont 100 ont conserve les systemes antierosifs et 100 autres les ont abandonnes) dans les communes de Kabarore et Rutegama. Les resultats obtenus en analysant les questionnaires d’enquete (test Khi-carre et logit test) et les reponses obtenues au cours des echanges dans les focus group indiquent que ce sont les personnes nanties, mieux informees et formees et disposant d’elevages sont les plus enclines a maintenir un systeme antierosif. Par contre, la coercition, les dons en nature ou en especes ne permettent de maintenir les systemes que le temps du projet et representent donc des investissements a eviter. Seules l’animation et la recherche-action participative qui privilegie des technologies faciles (priorites aux haies et non aux fosses) et des incitants qui procurent des ressources aux populations (Herbes fourrageres, animaux, Grevillea) et discutes au prealable avec les populations peuvent permettre d’ameliorer irreversiblement l’adoption des systemes antierosifs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vers une bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans les sociétés post-conflits : concepts, expériences et leçons des Grands Lacs en Afrique

VertigO, 2013

Dans ce chapitre introductif, nous dressons un etat des lieux des questions de gestion des ressou... more Dans ce chapitre introductif, nous dressons un etat des lieux des questions de gestion des ressources naturelles dans le contexte post conflit du Burundi et de la RD Congo avec une perspective regionale des grands lacs africains. Ensuite, nous discutons le cercle vicieux entre conflits, degradation des ressources naturelles et pauvrete et les defis de rehabilitation des ressources naturelles en periode post-conflit. La section suivante essaie de definir et circonscrire le concept de post-conflit qui, bien que d’usage courant, pose des problemes conceptuels et pratiques. D’autres concepts importants tels que la co-gestion, la gouvernance participative et la resilience sont definis dans le contexte de cet ouvrage. Ces definitions permettent alors d’envisager comment renforcer la gouvernance environnementale et de presenter le projet de bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles collectives dans les societes post-conflit (PGRN). Ce projet constitue le soubassement de ce livre. Le cadre conceptuel et l’approche methodologique du projet sont inspires par l’apprentissage social adaptif, la recherche action participative et le systeme d’analyse social. Les incidences et les changements impulses par le PGRN, les lecons tirees de ce projet et les defis et perspectives d’avenir pour la bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles, sont ensuite presentes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes

Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes

Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Biogeochemistry of a large and deep tropical lake (Lake Kivu, East Africa): insights from a stable isotope study covering an annual cycle

Biogeosciences Discussions, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsafe drinking water distribution in Nguba area, South‐Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

World Water Policy

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of the aquatic macrofauna of the Kalengo River, South-Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo

A systematic sampling of the aquatic macrofauna of the Kalengo River has been achieved of October... more A systematic sampling of the aquatic macrofauna of the Kalengo River has been achieved of October 2011 to September 2012 in five stations according to the method Man-time. To the whole 56 species were inventoried, repartees in 7 groups taxonomies to know: Bugs (35 species, either 62, 5%), Mollusks (8, either 14,3%), Fishes (6, either 10,7%), Annelids (3, either 5,4%), the Plathelmintheses (2, either 3,6%), Crustaceans and Amphibians (1, either 1,8%). Bugs, Mollusks and Annelids were present in all sites and it during all year round of survey. The evolution of populations of the aquatic macrofauna during the period of survey, watch a certain stability of the total specific wealth and a better representativeness during months of April and June.

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Research paper thumbnail of Denitrification, anammox and fixed nitrogen removal in the water column of a tropical great lake

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Research paper thumbnail of Physico‐chemical characterization of littoral water of Lake Kivu (Southern basin, Central Africa) and use of water quality index to assess their anthropogenic disturbances

World Water Policy

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Research paper thumbnail of Association between Labeobarbus spp. (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) and environmental variables in the Luhoho basin (Eastern Congo River basin; DRC)

Journal of Fish Biology

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Research paper thumbnail of Food and Feeding Activity of Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger 1906) in the Southern Part of Lake Kivu, Central Africa

The diet (food, feeding activity and daily food consumption) of L. miodon was analysed at 3-hr. i... more The diet (food, feeding activity and daily food consumption) of
L. miodon was analysed at 3-hr. intervals during four 24-hr. cycles (between 29 October 2004 and 8 January 2005) in the southern part of Lake Kivu, i.e. Bukavu bay. Our results allow us to confirm the opportunistic character of this fish which ducts it to
cannibalism. In this part of Lake Kivu, the diet activity of L. miodon, which depends on its larvae, starts from dawn until noon, while its dusk diet depends on zooplankton.
The calculated daily food ration for a L. miodon adult is about 0.72 g and is equal to about 6.1% of its weight.

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Research paper thumbnail of Food and Feeding Activity of Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger 1906) in the Southern Part of Lake Kivu, Central Africa

The diet (food, feeding activity and daily food consumption) of L. miodon was analysed at 3-hr. i... more The diet (food, feeding activity and daily food consumption) of
L. miodon was analysed at 3-hr. intervals during four 24-hr. cycles (between 29 October 2004 and 8 January 2005) in the southern part of Lake Kivu, i.e. Bukavu bay. Our results allow us to confirm the opportunistic character of this fish which ducts it to cannibalism. In this part of Lake Kivu, the diet activity of L. miodon, which depends on its larvae, starts from dawn until noon, while its dusk diet depends on zooplankton.
The calculated daily food ration for a L. miodon adult is about 0.72 g and is equal to about 6.1% of its weight.

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Research paper thumbnail of Is the fishery of the introduced Tanganyika sardine (Limnothrissa miodon) in Lake Kivu (East Africa) sustainable

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Limnothrissa miodon, a small pelagic clupeid fish introduced at the end of the 1950s into Lake Kivu, became an important resource for the human populations of this area. The total stock of pelagic fish populations of this lake was estimated in 2008 by two hydroacoustic surveys, using an EK60 split-beam sounder (frequency 70 kHz). The total fish stocks were estimated to be approximately 5000 t in the rainy season and 6000 tons in the dry season. These values are similar to previous estimations performed in the 1980s. During 2008, the stock did not fluctuate throughout the seasons; however, the spatial distributions were different in the two hydrological seasons. Interestingly, the L. miodon stock has appeared to remain stable over the last two decades, which suggests that the pelagic fishery in Lake Kivu has not been overexploited and that it is sustainable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Denitrification, anammox and fixed nitrogen removal in the water column of a tropical great lake

of the Congo If rates of microbial denitrification in aquatic systems are poorly constrained, it ... more of the Congo If rates of microbial denitrification in aquatic systems are poorly constrained, it is much more the case for tropical water bodies. Lake Kivu [2.50˚S 1.59˚S, 29.37˚E 28.83˚E] is one of the great lakes of the East African Rift. It is an oligotrophic lake characterized by anoxic deep waters rich in dissolved gases (methane and carbon dioxide) and nutrients, and by well oxygenated and nutrient-depleted surface waters. During the seasonally stratified rainy season (October to May), a nitrogenous zone characterized by the accumulation of nitrite (NO − 2) and nitrate (NO − 3) is often observed in the lower layer of the mixolimnion. It results from nitrification of ammonium released by decaying organic matter. With the seasonal uplift of the oxygen minimum zone, the nitrogenous zone becomes anoxic and might be the most preferential area for fixed nitrogen (N) removal in Lake Kivu. Our work aimed at identifying and quantifying the processes of N losses by denitrification and/or anammox in the nitrogenous zone of the Lake Kivu water column. During 5 sampling campaigns (), isotopic labelling experiments were used to quantify denitrification and anammox rates along vertical profiles at two pelagic stations of the main lake. Moreover, N 2 :Ar ratios were estimated during the September 2012 campaign, and 16S rDNA pyrosequencing was used to describe bacterial community composition during the last 2 campaigns. No bacteria related to organisms performing anammox was observed and labelling experiments failed to detect anammox at any locations and any depths. In Lake Kivu, denitrifying bacteria were mainly related to Denitratisoma and Thiobacillus genus. Significant denitrification rates were observed at several occasions, especially under the oxic-anoxic interface in the bottom of the nitracline. The annual average denitrifi-cation rate was estimated at ∼150 µmoles N m −2 d −1. Denitrification was not the only nitrate-consuming process: dissimilative nitrate reduction to ammonium led to oxidized N removal with the same magnitude than denitri-fication alone. Isotopic labelling accompanied by addition of elemental sulfur evidenced that the upper vertical expansion of denitrification was limited by the abundance of reducing agents, while oxidized forms of N limited the lower expansion of denitrification.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teleconnections between ecosystem productivity and climate indices in a tropical great lake

Productivity of deep tropical lakes is mainly determined by physical forcing. Located in the East... more Productivity of deep tropical lakes is mainly determined by physical forcing. Located in the East African Rift, Lake Kivu [2.50˚S 1.59˚S, 29.37˚E 28.83˚E] is a deep meromictic lake. Phytoplankton biomass is generally low due to the lake's oligotrophic nature except when seasonal deeper mixing of the surface water layer brings up nutrients from deeper waters, allowing a seasonal peak of phytoplankton biomass. This seasonal mixing favours the development of diatoms, while, during the rest of the year, the phytoplankton assemblage is dominated by cyanobacteria, chrysophytes and cryptophytes. A long-term limnological survey on Lake Kivu conducted from 2002-2011 allowed us to delineate relationships between intra-and inter-annual variations of limnological parameters and lake productivity. During this survey, inter-annual variations of biomass and productivity were high, with for example a 5-fold maximum difference between the seasonal peak of biomass. The importance of the annual biomass peak was negatively correlated to the stability of the water column during the season preceding the bloom. This suggests that the importance of the annual bloom is not driven by weather conditions during the mixing period but by the stratifying conditions prevailing several months earlier. Statistically highly significant correlations were observed between intra-and inter-annual variations of water column stability, phytoplankton biomass and tropical ocean climate indexes, including Western Tropical Indian Ocean (WTIO) sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly index, Dipole Mode Index (DMI), Southern Ocean Index (SOI) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), were also observed. Inter-annual variations in relation to large scale climate oscillations can be used as natural laboratories and give indications how ecosystems will respond to climate change. This study allowed us to make some predictions on the effects of climate change on lake water column stability and lake productivity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Déchets Sciences et Techniques -N°65 -Novembre 2013

Essai de compostage comme voie de valorisation des déchets ménagers solides dans la ville de Buka... more Essai de compostage comme voie de valorisation des déchets ménagers solides dans la ville de Bukavu au Sud-Kivu (rD congo) Essai de compostage comme voie de valorisation des déchets ménagers solides dans la ville de bukavu au sud-Kivu (RD Congo) 30 RESUME Un travail d'identification des décharges sau-vages et d'évaluation de la nature des déchets rencontrés sur ces sites a été mené du 04 au 18 octobre 2010 dans la ville de Bukavu (RD Congo). Les résultats ont montré une répartition inégale des décharges selon les communes et une forte hétérogénéité des types de déchets ren-contrés. Ces paramètres s'avèrent liés au nombre d'habitants de chaque quartier, à la localisation du quartier par rapport au centre-ville ainsi qu'à la nature des activités menées dans les différents quartiers des différentes communes. Au sein de la ville de Bukavu, les travaux com-plémentaires réalisés dans la commune d'Ibanda ont montré qu'en moyenne 2,7 kg de déchets sont produits par jour et par habitant dans cette commune. Compte tenu du taux élevé de ma-tières organiques biodégradables de ces déchets ménagers solides, le compostage a été étudié comme mode de valorisation envisageable à l'aide d'une étude expérimentale de 8 semaines. Le traitement étudié s'est révélé capable de ré-duire 92,5% de volume de déchets produits en quatre semaines. ABSTRACT The identification of fly-tipping and the quantifica-tion of waste found conducted from 4th October 2010 in Bukavu town (DR Congo) for the waste recovery has shown an unequal distribution of waste fly-tipping according to the commune and a big heterogeneity of waste found; unequal distribution and heterogeneity in relation with the number of residents of each quarter, the location of quarter due to down town and type of activities done in different quarters of different communes. The results of quan-tification of waste produced in Ibanda commune has shown that the average of 2.7 kg of waste are produced per day and per resident in this commune. And the composting proposed and checked within 8 weeks as mode of waste recovery of domestic solid waste majority biodegradable proven to be able to reduce 92.5% of volume of waste produced in four weeks.

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