Patrizia Bertini - (original) (raw)

Papers by Patrizia Bertini

Research paper thumbnail of Focus Groups, Meaning Making and Data Quality

Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering, 2012

Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main ... more Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main influencing factors impacting on organisations' practices related to customers' data collection. Other elements which affects this relationship are individuals handling data within the organisation and their different needs, however there is limited research focussing on these aspects. This work presents early findings of an empirical qualitative research using focus groups within a social constructivist approach to delve into managers' perception of data quality and to understand the impact of privacy on organisational practices. Focus groups have been widely adopted in academic research as an exploratory method to collect people's opinion. This study shows how some features, like involving pre-existing groups, the adoption of questionnaires and the workshops' setting can positively influence focus groups' outcome, encouraging participants' cooperative interaction, helping them to clarify concepts and raising awareness about privacy and data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of European Internet Accessibility Observatory: let's make accessibility measurements, accessible to everyone! Accessible Presentation of Measurements from a Web Accessibility Observatory

Research paper thumbnail of B4: Before | Bricks for

Research paper thumbnail of Web Accessibility in Europe and the United States: What We Are Doing to Increase Inclusion

Rehabilitation Education, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Co-Creation: Designing With the User, For the User

In the past decade, new technologies ranging from Twitter to customer service chat-windows have l... more In the past decade, new technologies ranging from Twitter to customer service chat-windows have led to an increase in the quantity and quality of interactions between people and organizations. But listening to user feedback isn’t where the company-user interactions end. Today more than 50% of Fortune 500 companies have made co-creation an integral part of their innovation strategy, as Andrew Welch—Chief Executive Officer of Y&R reports.

Yet in user experience design, most organizations take a traditional approach to user research and design, using a researcher to act as a middle-man between users, designers, and business stakeholders. Users are consulted in the process, but not given creative control over solutions.

Co-creation is an alternative, collaborative approach that brings UX teams closer to their future users. It’s an approach that increases the user’s direct involvement; teams literally design concepts in collaboration with their end-users. In this article we’ll explore how this process of co-creation can ultimately improve the quality of output, and the end user’s experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Focus Groups, meaning making and data quality

“Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering”, M. De Marco, D. Te’eni, V. Albano, S. Za (Editors) with ISBN: 978-3-7908-2788-0, Sep 2012

Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main ... more Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main influencing factors impacting on organisations' practices related to customers' data collection. Other elements which affects this relationship are individuals handling data within the organisation and their different needs, however there is limited research focussing on these aspects. This work presents early findings of an empirical qualitative research using focus groups within a social constructivist approach to delve into managers' perception of data quality and to understand the impact of privacy on organisational practices. Focus groups have been widely adopted in academic research as an exploratory method to collect people's opinion. This study shows how some features, like involving pre-existing groups, the adoption of questionnaires and the workshops' setting can positively influence focus groups' outcome, encouraging participants' co-operative interaction, helping them to clarify concepts and raising awareness about privacy and data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Focus Groups: the co-construction of meanings and the understanding of privacy

Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main ... more Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main influencing factors impacting on organisations' prac- tices related to customers' data collection. Other elements which affects this re- lationship are individuals handling data within the organisation and their differ- ent needs, however there is limited research focussing on these aspects. This work presents early findings of an empirical research using focus groups within a social constructivist approach to delve into managers' perception of data qual- ity and to understand the impact of privacy on organisational practices. Focus groups have been widely adopted in academic research as an exploratory meth- od to collect people's opinion. This study shows how some features, like in- volving pre-existing groups, the adoption of preliminary questionnaires and the workshops' setting can positively influence focus groups' outcome, encouraging participants' co-operative interaction, helping them to clarify concepts and rais- ing their awareness about privacy and data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding data quality in the organisation: A social constructivist approach

There is an increasing tension between data quality and privacy concerns. Organisations need data... more There is an increasing tension between data quality and privacy concerns. Organisations need data from data subjects1 to improve their practice and strategies. On the other hand, the growing attention media give to data breach cases has increased data subjects’ concerns for their personal information, inducing them to provide incorrect information or withdraw from interaction to protect their privacy. By considering interactions between data subjects and organisations, this research analyses this tension from a social constructivist perspective. The study identifies key features in data control and trust that may have a major impact on data disclosure and data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Trust me! Explaining the relationship between privacy and data quality

ItAIS 2010, Sep 2010

There is an increasing tension between data quality and privacy con- cerns. Organisations need da... more There is an increasing tension between data quality and privacy con- cerns. Organisations need data from data subjects1 in order to improve their prac- tice and strategies. On the other hand, data breach cases have increased data sub- jects’ concerns for their personal information, inducing them to adopt protective measures to defend their privacy. The literature has already underlined the role of trust as a key factor which can enable the relationship between data subjects and organisations. This paper investigates such a relationship in the light of a social constructivist perspective and attempt to analyse the key elements which can im- prove trust and consequently the quality of data collected by organisations.

Research paper thumbnail of Policy is an elephant

EnCoRe project internal document, 2009

Policy is a term adopted in many different contexts: it is used in every day's speech, in social ... more Policy is a term adopted in many different contexts: it is used in every day's speech, in social science and in computer science, in political science, in economics and even as an eye catching word in newspaper headings.
This extensive usage of the term can lead to misunderstandings when referring to policies in context-related settings and people with different background and experiences refer to the same word adding different meanings and making different associations.
The problem - paraphrasing Collins (1990) - is not what we know about policy, but what we can say about what we know about policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Web Accessibility in Europe and the United States: What We Are Doing to Increase Inclusion

Rehabilitation Education, Volume 21, Number 4, 2007, pp. 259-267(9), 2007

This paper reviews the accessibility laws and regulations in the United States and selected Eur... more This paper reviews the accessibility laws and regulations in the United States and
selected European countries to provide information on Web accessibility to rehabilitation
educators. Readers can use this information to gain an understanding of what is being done
to make websites accessible in order to better advocate for persons with disabilities.

Research paper thumbnail of European Internet Accessibility Observatory: let's make accessibility measurements, accessible to everyone! Accessible Presentation of Measurements from a Web Accessibility Observatory

Accessibility is increasingly becoming a huge priority to improve e-democracy and to remove the d... more Accessibility is increasingly becoming a huge priority to improve e-democracy and to remove the digital divide which affects not only the elderly or disabled, but can affect virtually every citizen. 37 million people in Europe are disabled and the society is aging rapidly. Digital application and services could greatly improve disabled and elder people’s everyday life, providing valuable services through an Internet connection.
But in order to allow everyone to take advantage of the information society, we need to ensure that information is accessible and the interface is user friendly. For this reason Accessibility has become a huge priority for national governments and also for the European Commission which, since the meeting in Lisbon in March 2000, adopted the so called Lisbon Strategy, which is expected to show its full potential by 2010, and released a number of important communications concerning accessibility.
The European Internet Accessibility Observatory (EIAO) ( is an IST project launched in September 2004 which aims at creating a new tool for government, associations, stakeholders and EU decision makers to get a clear picture of the accessibility status across Europe. The lack of common metrics and the number of national regulations which have came into force in the last years asking for accessible websites, shows that web accessibility needs to be monitored and controlled based on a common set of rules. EAIO is going to provide a concrete answer to this need by developing a technological infrastructure consisting of a web crawler, web accessibility assessment modules, and a data warehouse for storing the measurements, which will enable us to show developments in the results over time.

Research paper thumbnail of What's all this about a "World" Wide Web? The need and mandate for Web accessibility

Research paper thumbnail of A Jovo Mediaszolgaltatasi Terkepe. (The map of future Media Services)

Report, 2005

Kutatásunk során arra kerestük a választ, hogy milyen forgatókönyv alapján zajlik a digitális tel... more Kutatásunk során arra kerestük a választ, hogy milyen forgatókönyv alapján zajlik a digitális televíziózás bevezetése világszerte, és mi várható e téren Magyarországon. Megpróbáltuk felfedni, hogy mely mozgatórugók befolyásolják e folyamatokat, és hogy mit tartogat számunkra a DTT az elkövetkező 5-10 évben.
Lévén, hogy a digitális televíziózás eddigi rövid hazai történetének részletei ismertek, a magyarországi események ismertetését mellőztük. Nem így a Magyarországnál e téren jócskán előrébb tartó országok DTT-történetét: beszámolunk az eddigi legfontosabb történésekről, kiemelve a sikertörténeteket és a kudarcokat egyaránt.
Áttekintettük a digitális televíziózás történetét a kezdetektől, a technológia alapjait, valamint az utóbbi idők fejlesztéseit, a külföldön nemrégiben elindult / lezajlott kezdeményezéseket. Kiemelten foglalkoztunk a digitális televíziós platformon megvalósított elektronikus kormányzati programokkal, projektekkel.
A tanulmányban ismertetjük két empirikus kutatási fázis eredményeit, tapasztalatait is.

Research paper thumbnail of Designing Accessibile T-government services

Research paper thumbnail of Il processo di comunicazione istituzionale attraverso technologie Web. Il caso del sito 3.0 dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita


An institutional web site design cannot leave out of consideration the conformity with specific r... more An institutional web site design cannot leave out of consideration the conformity with specific regulations and is a job which involves different and specialized professionalities. Concepts as accessibility and usability must be held into consideration, not neglecting the vital cycle analysis of the contents and as these must be carried towards the web site visitors. The discussion involves the editorial coordination that must guarantee to the user that the entire site is benefited in the same way, with the same clarity and a coherent language, as the contents are produced from various structures. There are detailed instruments and strategies that have brought to the publication of release 3.0 of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità site and it comes back a panoramic on the method with which it has been managed this new project, since the dynamism is a continuous necessity and one of the foundations of the web communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Le leggi sull'accessibilità nello scenario internazionale

I quaderni del CNIPA, voll 3, Rapporto 2004, 2004

"L'economia è oggi guidata e dominata dal sapere, dalla conoscenza, dalla ricerca, dall'informazi... more "L'economia è oggi guidata e dominata dal sapere, dalla conoscenza, dalla ricerca, dall'informazione.
Questi sono gli elementi che caratterizzano la nostra società e le dinamiche economiche in cui operiamo.
L'era della Società dell'Informazione è ufficialmente iniziata nel momento in cui Bell spostò il nucleo dell'economia del lavoro dalla produzione materiale alla produzione del sapere, che sta a monte, individuandola come il fondamento su cui avrebbe poggiato la nuova economia del III millennio.
Per Bell "ogni società è una società dell'informazione e ogni organizzazione è un'organizzazione di informazione (.) L'informazione è necessaria per far funzionare ogni cosa, dalla cellula alla General Motors".
Dagli anni '70 in tutto il mondo inizia a svilupparsi la chiara consapevolezza che qualcosa di importante stava cambiando, che la società stava attraversando una profonda, ma sensibile, trasformazione."

Research paper thumbnail of Cultura accessibile? Esperienze di biblioteche e musei online

La Comunicazione Multimediale" Edited by M. Rossi & P. Salonia. Ed. Addison Wesley, 2003

La rapida diffusione delle tecnologie e gli importanti fatti storici dell’ultimo decennio hanno p... more La rapida diffusione delle tecnologie e gli importanti fatti storici dell’ultimo decennio hanno profondamente trasformato la società in cui viviamo. I cambiamenti sono stati rapidi ed hanno seguito una nuova logica del potere e della conoscenza.

Siamo passati da una cultura post industriale, in cui il massimo bene di
una societa’ era costituito dalle risorse materiali, ad una realta’ in cui la
principale fonte di potere e’ rappresentata dalla conoscenza. Siamo partiti dall’era dell’atomo, della materialità e del concreto per arrivare all’era dei bit, “il DNA dell’informazione”, il più piccolo elemento atomico del’informazione stessa1.
La tendenza economica e sociale dell’ultimo trentennio è stato il passaggio
dalla labor theory of value alla knowledge theory of value2 , ovvero il
valore economico di un Paese viene definito in base alla stima della
conoscenza che sottende l’evoluzione economica e tecnologica del Paese
I fattori economici e sociali hanno cosi subito cambiamenti verso direzioni
inattese, trasformando il concetto di ricchezza, inteso come possesso di
beni materiali, nell’idea per cui “tutte le forme di ricchezza derivano dallo
spostamento di informazioni”3 - e le informazioni, la conoscenza sono un
patrimonio di tutti.
Questi cambiamenti culturali stanno trasformando notevolmente la scala di valori e gli obiettivi delle persone; “la nuova era (…) é più immateriale e celebrale; é un mondo di forme platoniche, di idee, di immagini, archetipi, concetti e finzioni. Se l’individuo, nell’epoca industriale si preoccupava di possedere la materia per manipolarla, il rappresentante tipico della prima generazione dell’accesso é assai più interessato alla manipolazione delle menti.”4

Il grande vantaggio offerto da Internet e dai mezzi interattivi non è, e non
è stato, l’ampliamento della dimensione spaziale, bensì la sua stessa
soppressione. La Rete ha unificato ciò che prima era diviso e
specializzato, ha creato rapporti fondati sulla comunicazione e lo scambio
di conoscenze. Internet ha rotto le barriere (fisiche) ed esteso il potere
delle idee e della conoscenza.
Questa conoscenza è la forza stessa che ci permette di migliorare
costantemente la qualità della vita ed i servizi ai cittadini, soprattutto nei
casi in cui l’evoluzione tecnologica permette una maggiore integrazione dei cittadini disabili o con qualche difficoltà e, quindi, spesso esclusi dalla vita sociale

Research paper thumbnail of What Happened to Hungarian advertisment during socialism?

Hungarians always looked to the West as to a better and desirable world, as to a place of freedom... more Hungarians always looked to the West as to a better and desirable world, as to a place of freedom and wellbeing. Advertisement couldn’t be safe from this mental disposition, and after the end of the socialism in 1989, Hungarian advertisers started to think about the role of advertisement in the new Hungarian society. What was advertising then? “ Advertisement is that special way to inform people that reflects the owners’ interests, who are also the one who pay for advertisements. The main aim of ads is to simplify the choice to people who is going to buy a product: ads turns to more than one addressee and have to show them the advantages and qualities of the article” (Ravasz & Kaminski 1973:16).
In Hungarian there are two terms to define advertisement: this dualism is really important to understand the conflicts in the definition of ads’ role in Hungary after the socialism.

Talks by Patrizia Bertini

Research paper thumbnail of Co-creation & UX

There has been a divorce between users and organisations and today's UX practice risks to miss so... more There has been a divorce between users and organisations and today's UX practice risks to miss some key points. We are not designing anymore for needs, but for values and meanings which can only be revealed through participative activities where users, designers and stakeholders have the opportunity to collaboratively construct and shape innovation.
Co-creation can be extremely beneficial to UX as can complete its approach by giving vision, engaging users in conversations - because "markets are conversations".

Research paper thumbnail of Focus Groups, Meaning Making and Data Quality

Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering, 2012

Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main ... more Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main influencing factors impacting on organisations' practices related to customers' data collection. Other elements which affects this relationship are individuals handling data within the organisation and their different needs, however there is limited research focussing on these aspects. This work presents early findings of an empirical qualitative research using focus groups within a social constructivist approach to delve into managers' perception of data quality and to understand the impact of privacy on organisational practices. Focus groups have been widely adopted in academic research as an exploratory method to collect people's opinion. This study shows how some features, like involving pre-existing groups, the adoption of questionnaires and the workshops' setting can positively influence focus groups' outcome, encouraging participants' cooperative interaction, helping them to clarify concepts and raising awareness about privacy and data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of European Internet Accessibility Observatory: let's make accessibility measurements, accessible to everyone! Accessible Presentation of Measurements from a Web Accessibility Observatory

Research paper thumbnail of B4: Before | Bricks for

Research paper thumbnail of Web Accessibility in Europe and the United States: What We Are Doing to Increase Inclusion

Rehabilitation Education, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Co-Creation: Designing With the User, For the User

In the past decade, new technologies ranging from Twitter to customer service chat-windows have l... more In the past decade, new technologies ranging from Twitter to customer service chat-windows have led to an increase in the quantity and quality of interactions between people and organizations. But listening to user feedback isn’t where the company-user interactions end. Today more than 50% of Fortune 500 companies have made co-creation an integral part of their innovation strategy, as Andrew Welch—Chief Executive Officer of Y&R reports.

Yet in user experience design, most organizations take a traditional approach to user research and design, using a researcher to act as a middle-man between users, designers, and business stakeholders. Users are consulted in the process, but not given creative control over solutions.

Co-creation is an alternative, collaborative approach that brings UX teams closer to their future users. It’s an approach that increases the user’s direct involvement; teams literally design concepts in collaboration with their end-users. In this article we’ll explore how this process of co-creation can ultimately improve the quality of output, and the end user’s experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Focus Groups, meaning making and data quality

“Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering”, M. De Marco, D. Te’eni, V. Albano, S. Za (Editors) with ISBN: 978-3-7908-2788-0, Sep 2012

Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main ... more Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main influencing factors impacting on organisations' practices related to customers' data collection. Other elements which affects this relationship are individuals handling data within the organisation and their different needs, however there is limited research focussing on these aspects. This work presents early findings of an empirical qualitative research using focus groups within a social constructivist approach to delve into managers' perception of data quality and to understand the impact of privacy on organisational practices. Focus groups have been widely adopted in academic research as an exploratory method to collect people's opinion. This study shows how some features, like involving pre-existing groups, the adoption of questionnaires and the workshops' setting can positively influence focus groups' outcome, encouraging participants' co-operative interaction, helping them to clarify concepts and raising awareness about privacy and data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Focus Groups: the co-construction of meanings and the understanding of privacy

Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main ... more Data quality represents a major strategic asset for organisations and privacy is one of the main influencing factors impacting on organisations' prac- tices related to customers' data collection. Other elements which affects this re- lationship are individuals handling data within the organisation and their differ- ent needs, however there is limited research focussing on these aspects. This work presents early findings of an empirical research using focus groups within a social constructivist approach to delve into managers' perception of data qual- ity and to understand the impact of privacy on organisational practices. Focus groups have been widely adopted in academic research as an exploratory meth- od to collect people's opinion. This study shows how some features, like in- volving pre-existing groups, the adoption of preliminary questionnaires and the workshops' setting can positively influence focus groups' outcome, encouraging participants' co-operative interaction, helping them to clarify concepts and rais- ing their awareness about privacy and data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding data quality in the organisation: A social constructivist approach

There is an increasing tension between data quality and privacy concerns. Organisations need data... more There is an increasing tension between data quality and privacy concerns. Organisations need data from data subjects1 to improve their practice and strategies. On the other hand, the growing attention media give to data breach cases has increased data subjects’ concerns for their personal information, inducing them to provide incorrect information or withdraw from interaction to protect their privacy. By considering interactions between data subjects and organisations, this research analyses this tension from a social constructivist perspective. The study identifies key features in data control and trust that may have a major impact on data disclosure and data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Trust me! Explaining the relationship between privacy and data quality

ItAIS 2010, Sep 2010

There is an increasing tension between data quality and privacy con- cerns. Organisations need da... more There is an increasing tension between data quality and privacy con- cerns. Organisations need data from data subjects1 in order to improve their prac- tice and strategies. On the other hand, data breach cases have increased data sub- jects’ concerns for their personal information, inducing them to adopt protective measures to defend their privacy. The literature has already underlined the role of trust as a key factor which can enable the relationship between data subjects and organisations. This paper investigates such a relationship in the light of a social constructivist perspective and attempt to analyse the key elements which can im- prove trust and consequently the quality of data collected by organisations.

Research paper thumbnail of Policy is an elephant

EnCoRe project internal document, 2009

Policy is a term adopted in many different contexts: it is used in every day's speech, in social ... more Policy is a term adopted in many different contexts: it is used in every day's speech, in social science and in computer science, in political science, in economics and even as an eye catching word in newspaper headings.
This extensive usage of the term can lead to misunderstandings when referring to policies in context-related settings and people with different background and experiences refer to the same word adding different meanings and making different associations.
The problem - paraphrasing Collins (1990) - is not what we know about policy, but what we can say about what we know about policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Web Accessibility in Europe and the United States: What We Are Doing to Increase Inclusion

Rehabilitation Education, Volume 21, Number 4, 2007, pp. 259-267(9), 2007

This paper reviews the accessibility laws and regulations in the United States and selected Eur... more This paper reviews the accessibility laws and regulations in the United States and
selected European countries to provide information on Web accessibility to rehabilitation
educators. Readers can use this information to gain an understanding of what is being done
to make websites accessible in order to better advocate for persons with disabilities.

Research paper thumbnail of European Internet Accessibility Observatory: let's make accessibility measurements, accessible to everyone! Accessible Presentation of Measurements from a Web Accessibility Observatory

Accessibility is increasingly becoming a huge priority to improve e-democracy and to remove the d... more Accessibility is increasingly becoming a huge priority to improve e-democracy and to remove the digital divide which affects not only the elderly or disabled, but can affect virtually every citizen. 37 million people in Europe are disabled and the society is aging rapidly. Digital application and services could greatly improve disabled and elder people’s everyday life, providing valuable services through an Internet connection.
But in order to allow everyone to take advantage of the information society, we need to ensure that information is accessible and the interface is user friendly. For this reason Accessibility has become a huge priority for national governments and also for the European Commission which, since the meeting in Lisbon in March 2000, adopted the so called Lisbon Strategy, which is expected to show its full potential by 2010, and released a number of important communications concerning accessibility.
The European Internet Accessibility Observatory (EIAO) ( is an IST project launched in September 2004 which aims at creating a new tool for government, associations, stakeholders and EU decision makers to get a clear picture of the accessibility status across Europe. The lack of common metrics and the number of national regulations which have came into force in the last years asking for accessible websites, shows that web accessibility needs to be monitored and controlled based on a common set of rules. EAIO is going to provide a concrete answer to this need by developing a technological infrastructure consisting of a web crawler, web accessibility assessment modules, and a data warehouse for storing the measurements, which will enable us to show developments in the results over time.

Research paper thumbnail of What's all this about a "World" Wide Web? The need and mandate for Web accessibility

Research paper thumbnail of A Jovo Mediaszolgaltatasi Terkepe. (The map of future Media Services)

Report, 2005

Kutatásunk során arra kerestük a választ, hogy milyen forgatókönyv alapján zajlik a digitális tel... more Kutatásunk során arra kerestük a választ, hogy milyen forgatókönyv alapján zajlik a digitális televíziózás bevezetése világszerte, és mi várható e téren Magyarországon. Megpróbáltuk felfedni, hogy mely mozgatórugók befolyásolják e folyamatokat, és hogy mit tartogat számunkra a DTT az elkövetkező 5-10 évben.
Lévén, hogy a digitális televíziózás eddigi rövid hazai történetének részletei ismertek, a magyarországi események ismertetését mellőztük. Nem így a Magyarországnál e téren jócskán előrébb tartó országok DTT-történetét: beszámolunk az eddigi legfontosabb történésekről, kiemelve a sikertörténeteket és a kudarcokat egyaránt.
Áttekintettük a digitális televíziózás történetét a kezdetektől, a technológia alapjait, valamint az utóbbi idők fejlesztéseit, a külföldön nemrégiben elindult / lezajlott kezdeményezéseket. Kiemelten foglalkoztunk a digitális televíziós platformon megvalósított elektronikus kormányzati programokkal, projektekkel.
A tanulmányban ismertetjük két empirikus kutatási fázis eredményeit, tapasztalatait is.

Research paper thumbnail of Designing Accessibile T-government services

Research paper thumbnail of Il processo di comunicazione istituzionale attraverso technologie Web. Il caso del sito 3.0 dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita


An institutional web site design cannot leave out of consideration the conformity with specific r... more An institutional web site design cannot leave out of consideration the conformity with specific regulations and is a job which involves different and specialized professionalities. Concepts as accessibility and usability must be held into consideration, not neglecting the vital cycle analysis of the contents and as these must be carried towards the web site visitors. The discussion involves the editorial coordination that must guarantee to the user that the entire site is benefited in the same way, with the same clarity and a coherent language, as the contents are produced from various structures. There are detailed instruments and strategies that have brought to the publication of release 3.0 of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità site and it comes back a panoramic on the method with which it has been managed this new project, since the dynamism is a continuous necessity and one of the foundations of the web communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Le leggi sull'accessibilità nello scenario internazionale

I quaderni del CNIPA, voll 3, Rapporto 2004, 2004

"L'economia è oggi guidata e dominata dal sapere, dalla conoscenza, dalla ricerca, dall'informazi... more "L'economia è oggi guidata e dominata dal sapere, dalla conoscenza, dalla ricerca, dall'informazione.
Questi sono gli elementi che caratterizzano la nostra società e le dinamiche economiche in cui operiamo.
L'era della Società dell'Informazione è ufficialmente iniziata nel momento in cui Bell spostò il nucleo dell'economia del lavoro dalla produzione materiale alla produzione del sapere, che sta a monte, individuandola come il fondamento su cui avrebbe poggiato la nuova economia del III millennio.
Per Bell "ogni società è una società dell'informazione e ogni organizzazione è un'organizzazione di informazione (.) L'informazione è necessaria per far funzionare ogni cosa, dalla cellula alla General Motors".
Dagli anni '70 in tutto il mondo inizia a svilupparsi la chiara consapevolezza che qualcosa di importante stava cambiando, che la società stava attraversando una profonda, ma sensibile, trasformazione."

Research paper thumbnail of Cultura accessibile? Esperienze di biblioteche e musei online

La Comunicazione Multimediale" Edited by M. Rossi & P. Salonia. Ed. Addison Wesley, 2003

La rapida diffusione delle tecnologie e gli importanti fatti storici dell’ultimo decennio hanno p... more La rapida diffusione delle tecnologie e gli importanti fatti storici dell’ultimo decennio hanno profondamente trasformato la società in cui viviamo. I cambiamenti sono stati rapidi ed hanno seguito una nuova logica del potere e della conoscenza.

Siamo passati da una cultura post industriale, in cui il massimo bene di
una societa’ era costituito dalle risorse materiali, ad una realta’ in cui la
principale fonte di potere e’ rappresentata dalla conoscenza. Siamo partiti dall’era dell’atomo, della materialità e del concreto per arrivare all’era dei bit, “il DNA dell’informazione”, il più piccolo elemento atomico del’informazione stessa1.
La tendenza economica e sociale dell’ultimo trentennio è stato il passaggio
dalla labor theory of value alla knowledge theory of value2 , ovvero il
valore economico di un Paese viene definito in base alla stima della
conoscenza che sottende l’evoluzione economica e tecnologica del Paese
I fattori economici e sociali hanno cosi subito cambiamenti verso direzioni
inattese, trasformando il concetto di ricchezza, inteso come possesso di
beni materiali, nell’idea per cui “tutte le forme di ricchezza derivano dallo
spostamento di informazioni”3 - e le informazioni, la conoscenza sono un
patrimonio di tutti.
Questi cambiamenti culturali stanno trasformando notevolmente la scala di valori e gli obiettivi delle persone; “la nuova era (…) é più immateriale e celebrale; é un mondo di forme platoniche, di idee, di immagini, archetipi, concetti e finzioni. Se l’individuo, nell’epoca industriale si preoccupava di possedere la materia per manipolarla, il rappresentante tipico della prima generazione dell’accesso é assai più interessato alla manipolazione delle menti.”4

Il grande vantaggio offerto da Internet e dai mezzi interattivi non è, e non
è stato, l’ampliamento della dimensione spaziale, bensì la sua stessa
soppressione. La Rete ha unificato ciò che prima era diviso e
specializzato, ha creato rapporti fondati sulla comunicazione e lo scambio
di conoscenze. Internet ha rotto le barriere (fisiche) ed esteso il potere
delle idee e della conoscenza.
Questa conoscenza è la forza stessa che ci permette di migliorare
costantemente la qualità della vita ed i servizi ai cittadini, soprattutto nei
casi in cui l’evoluzione tecnologica permette una maggiore integrazione dei cittadini disabili o con qualche difficoltà e, quindi, spesso esclusi dalla vita sociale

Research paper thumbnail of What Happened to Hungarian advertisment during socialism?

Hungarians always looked to the West as to a better and desirable world, as to a place of freedom... more Hungarians always looked to the West as to a better and desirable world, as to a place of freedom and wellbeing. Advertisement couldn’t be safe from this mental disposition, and after the end of the socialism in 1989, Hungarian advertisers started to think about the role of advertisement in the new Hungarian society. What was advertising then? “ Advertisement is that special way to inform people that reflects the owners’ interests, who are also the one who pay for advertisements. The main aim of ads is to simplify the choice to people who is going to buy a product: ads turns to more than one addressee and have to show them the advantages and qualities of the article” (Ravasz & Kaminski 1973:16).
In Hungarian there are two terms to define advertisement: this dualism is really important to understand the conflicts in the definition of ads’ role in Hungary after the socialism.

Research paper thumbnail of Co-creation & UX

There has been a divorce between users and organisations and today's UX practice risks to miss so... more There has been a divorce between users and organisations and today's UX practice risks to miss some key points. We are not designing anymore for needs, but for values and meanings which can only be revealed through participative activities where users, designers and stakeholders have the opportunity to collaboratively construct and shape innovation.
Co-creation can be extremely beneficial to UX as can complete its approach by giving vision, engaging users in conversations - because "markets are conversations".

Research paper thumbnail of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY: Imagination & Creativity for the Business

Lego Serious Play is a creative, imaginative and story-telling based approach that since 2002 has... more Lego Serious Play is a creative, imaginative and story-telling based approach that since 2002 has been successfully adopted by businesses ad organisations all around the world.
LSP has proved to be an effective solution for team building, strategy, co-creation, concept, conflict resolution…
And its efficacy can be tracked back to the key theories that have been included in the development and formalisation of LSP: from management, Psychology of play, Imagination, Embodied cognition, Metaphors, constructionism… They are all perfectly integrated in the Lego Serious Play experience and deliver unexpected results efficiently. This presentation tells who adopted this approach and the whys.

Research paper thumbnail of Consent, Privacy and Data Quality: the invisible Link

Research paper thumbnail of Using Focus groups to understand organisational practice

Early findings about the relationship between privacy and data quality. The analysis focuses on h... more Early findings about the relationship between privacy and data quality. The analysis focuses on how meaning is constructed and the key dimensions of data quality.

Research paper thumbnail of TRUST ME! EXPLAINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRIVACY AND DATA QUALITY A social constructivist approach

Research paper thumbnail of Focus Groups:  the co-construction of meanings and the understanding of privacy

Research paper thumbnail of LegoViews: From LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ to a model based interviewing technique.

LegoViews is an innovative journalistic interviewing technique developed by Patrizia Bertini, Cer... more LegoViews is an innovative journalistic interviewing technique developed by Patrizia Bertini, Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ facilitator. Starting from the theoretical framework of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™, the LegoView technique allows new ideas and new concepts to emerge, providing original and new insights about the topics at hand. The Lego-interviewing technique has been tested in highly sensitive contexts, including Palestine, Israel and the Occupy LSX movement, and it has also been used to provide new insights on specific concepts, like art, creativity, colour and architecture by involving artists, architects, professionals and thinkers.
The presentation was given during the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ Certified facilitators' Annual Meeting in Billund (Denmark) on April 7th 2013.
The presentations draws from LSP workshops' and Lego-interviews' experiences to present similarities and differences and to highlight the high potential of a creative and constructive approach both to elicit new meanings and perspectives and to create new meanings. A final comparison between LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ and LegoViews completes the presentation, summarising more than 3 years' work and research in the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Consent, Privacy and Data quality: The invisible links. Evidences from Focus Groups.

The presentation will introduce the methodology adopted for the research and some early findings ... more The presentation will introduce the methodology adopted for the research and some early findings collected in 6 focus groups regarding the relationship between data quality and Consent and Revocation (C&R) practices within organisations.
Focus groups have been widely adopted in academic research especially as an exploratory method to collect data about people's perceptions, opinions and experiences. The key feature of focus groups is interaction among participants, which allows the researcher to observe how opinions are formed. In order to analyse inter-organisational realities and understand organisational practices in the area of data quality and privacy, the method has been modified and adapted to the specific needs of the research.
The presentation will illustrate the methodological changes and provide the early findings concerning the practice of Consent and Revocation and its impact on data quality in a socio-constructivist perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Focus groups, meaning making and data quality

Research paper thumbnail of European Internet Accessibility Observatory: let's make accessibility measurements, accessible to everyone!   Accessible Presentation of Measurements from a Web Accessibility Observatory

Research paper thumbnail of Shaping an Inclusive  Information Society: The role of Accessibility

Research paper thumbnail of Accessibilita' e Tecnologie. Dal Web alla telefonia 3G alla domotica: la sfida dell'accesso alla società dell'informazione

L'accesso delle persone disabili ai contenuti e agli strumenti dell'era digitale è un tema di ril... more L'accesso delle persone disabili ai contenuti e agli strumenti dell'era digitale è un tema di rilevanza sempre maggiore. Questo è il primo libro italiano dedicato all'accessibilità, vengono illustrate le normative e gli standard (sia nazionali che internazionali) per la realizzazione di siti web e servizi digitali accessibili: regole per consentire ad anziani e disabili l'accesso alle informazioni e l'interazione online. Il tutto è presentato tramite principi teorici, esempi concreti, interviste ai protagonisti del settore. Vengono poste in evidenza le questioni strategiche non solo in termini tecnici e sociali ma anche di business: ad esempio, i principi dell'accessibilità applicati all'e-banking, alla telefonia di terza generazione, alla demotica.

Argomenti trattati:
• Che cos'è l'accessibilità: dalla teoria alla realtà concreta
• Accessibilità delle tecnologie e tramite le tecnologie
• Disabilità: lo scenario, i dati, il futuro
• Le normative nazionali e internazionali sull'accessibilità
• Web, telefonia 3G, demotica: quando l'accessibilità incontra le frontiere della ricerca e del business
• Interviste ai protagonisti mondiali del settore: Cynthia D. Waddel (ICORI, Usa), Knut Nordby (ETSI HF TC, Norvegia), Steve Vosloo (South Africa), Dominique Burger (INSERM, Francia), Tony Verelst (IsdAC, Belgio), George van Lieshout (iRv, Netherlands) e altri importanti ricercatori e studiosi internazionali
• Ampia raccolta di fonti cartacee e online

Research paper thumbnail of E-Banking: quando il servizio non e' accessibile

Il 2003 è stato dichiarato l’Anno Europeo del Disabile. Questo lo identifica come l’Anno di 37 m... more Il 2003 è stato dichiarato l’Anno Europeo del Disabile. Questo lo identifica come l’Anno di 37 milioni di Europei, l’Anno di un Europeo su dieci. La BBC ha lanciato un si- to Web dal titolo “Ouch!” in cui propone in immagini la vita vista da una persona disabile ( Esplorare il sito è utile, identificarsi è inevitabile. Quanti di noi, nel guardare un sito o la stampigliatura su un biglietto del tram, si sono già posti la fatidica domanda: ma perché non lo hanno scritto un po’ più grande? Quanti di noi hanno già sperimentato l’improvvisa sospensione del quotidiano, in seguito ad una immobilità temporanea?
La zona di confine tra normalità e disabilità è una del- le più permeabili, soprattutto quando, come oggi, l’invecchiamento crescente della popolazione è messo a dura pro- va da una continua rincorsa ad apprendere e padroneggiare sempre nuove tecnologie di accesso ai servizi.
L’e-book di Patrizia Bertini e Marco Trevisan non arriva per caso nell’Anno del Disabile. È frutto di un in- teresse di lunga data e di un sistematico lavoro di ricerca per rendere visibili e quindi superabili le barriere più insi- diose, quelle dell’informazione. In particolare, quelle barriere che continuano a impedire l’accesso di tutti ai servizi bancari automatizzati (ATM/Bancomat) e ai servizi in rete (e-banking).
Facile, rapido, funzionale ed efficiente: così secondo Pa- trizia Bertini e Marco Trevisan deve presentarsi un servizio bancario effettivamente centrato sul cliente. Ma, prima di tutto, deve essere accessibile. A tutti.
Il panorama dell’accessibilità che si deriva dalle lunghe ricerche condotte a livello internazionale non è incoraggian- te, ma evidenzia un crescente interesse di gruppi, associa- zioni e di pochi, pochissimi istituti bancari già capaci di guardare avanti.
Per stimolare in molti questo cambiamento di prospetti- va, il libro fornisce soluzioni di facile attuazione per rendere accessibili sportelli e pagine web, senza mai banalizzare il problema. Non si pensi ad esempio che basti tradurre i tasti del bancomat in Braille: il non vedente che effettua da solo un prelievo deve poter operare in sicurezza, non gli occorre solo la leggibilità.
Molti riferimenti e valutazioni utili diretti ai potenzia- li committenti, dunque, cioè ai servizi bancari, ma anche molte soluzioni già sperimentate offerte ai progettisti. Per costruire negli uni e negli altri, a partire dalle soluzioni, una cultura dell’accessibilità e quindi l’intenzione di operare in questa prospettiva. - Prof. A. Re

Research paper thumbnail of AAA - Accessibilita' cercasi

L’Accessibilità: croce e delizia del 2003, spauracchio e alieno presentato in una legge in quest... more L’Accessibilità: croce e delizia del 2003, spauracchio e alieno presentato in una legge in questo 2004. L’Accessibilità è un Giano bifronte, è una disciplina che oltre a richiedere una serie di conoscenze ed esperienze estremamente eterogenee, ha portato alla luce una serie di atteggiamenti mentali differenti in chi si è trovato, per scelta o per necessità, coinvolto in questa disciplina.
Fare Accessibilità significa avere delle conoscenze tecniche, avere dimestichezza con Standard e Raccomandazioni del W3C. Ma non solo. Significa conoscere il target dell’Accessibilità, erroneamente ed ingenuamente precluso ai soli disabili. Significa conoscere chi sono le persone disabili, che prima di essere disabili, sono Persone. Sono coloro che vivono sulla propria pelle ogni giorno le conseguenze di scelte strategiche sbagliate di coloro che hanno il potere, con un sì o con un no, di creare o abbattere le barriere tecnologiche che ostacolano il libero accesso alle informazioni ed ai servizi online.
Lavorare seriamente sull’Accessibilità vuol dire conoscere i problemi dei disabili, conoscere le tecnologie, conoscere gli aspetti più sottili ed i meccanismi che guidano la navigazione di coloro che vivono la Rete con strumenti non convenzionali. Conoscere le persone e le tecnologie, ma non solo.
Accessibilità vuol dire capire le patologie che coinvolgono le persone, capire i limiti e le differenti prospettive con cui le persone disabili vivono e vedono il mondo che corre attorno a loro. Capirle soprattutto da un punto di vista scientifico e non solo da una prospettiva divulgativa e pressappochista. ~ P. Bertini

Research paper thumbnail of Quaderni Webbit: accessibilità/usabilità e webdesign: atti di Webbit

Research paper thumbnail of Using LEGO Serious Play to boost collective creativity & increase trust 532

UX is a team effort: So many different skills, points of views, and expertise is needed to delive... more UX is a team effort: So many different skills, points of views, and expertise is needed to deliver best-in-class services and products. But to do this a team must function well, with members trusting each other and communicating smoothly, overcoming differences and diverse point of views. In this session we'll use LEGO Serious Play to think creatively in groups, share ideas, innovate, and co-create the next winning experiences through efficient interaction, participation, collaboration, and a shared goals.