Paul Myrow - (original) (raw)

Papers by Paul Myrow

Research paper thumbnail of Ordovician strata of the Indian subcontinent

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Jan 6, 2023

Ordovician rocks of the Indian Tethyan Himalaya contain a conspicuous angular unconformity betwee... more Ordovician rocks of the Indian Tethyan Himalaya contain a conspicuous angular unconformity between mostly marine Cambrian and overlying terrestrial Ordovician strata, which is a record of the Kurgiakh Orogeny. This tectonic event is traceable across the Tethyan Himalaya from Pakistan to Bhutan. The Pin Formation in the Spiti Valley provides a high-resolution account of the marine depositional history, palaeontology and isotope geochemistry of Late Ordovician events. The middle (Takche) member is late Katian and the upper Mikkim Member is lower Silurian (Llandovery), based on an ozarkodinid conodont fauna. The Pin Formation records the Boda event, the last warming interval prior to Hirnantian glaciation. The δ 13 C carb chemostratigraphic data allow precise global correlation, and recognition of the Paroveja positive excursion, the last major excursion of the Katian. The Mikkim Member records a ‘lower HICE’ (Hirnantian isotopic carbon excursion) of the Katian–Hirnantian boundary interval. Palaeontological data indicate that there are no known fossils diagnostic of any Ordovician ages older than the Katian Stage in India. Evidence of Ordovician sedimentary rocks in the Lesser Himalaya is intriguing, but presently equivocal. The widespread absence of pre-Katian strata on the Indian subcontinent is due to erosion associated with the Kurghiak orogeny and delayed onlap onto topographically high areas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tonian deltaic and storm-influenced marine sedimentation on the edge of Laurentia: The Veteranen Group of northeastern Spitsbergen, Svalbard

Sedimentary Geology, Dec 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambrian microfossils from the Tethyan Himalaya

Journal of Paleontology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Megaripples, multiple cap carbonates, and apparently conformable sections: observations that normalize some interpretations of Snowball Earth stratigraphy while complicating others

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of The first systematic description of Cambrian fossils from Myanmar: Late Furongian trilobites from the southern part of the Shan State and the early Palaeozoic palaeogeographical affinities of Sibumasu

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Jul 1, 2021

Abstract The existence of late Cambrian (Furongian) trilobites in Myanmar (Burma) has been acknow... more Abstract The existence of late Cambrian (Furongian) trilobites in Myanmar (Burma) has been acknowledged since the 1970s, but no formal systematic descriptions of such fossils have been published to date. Herein, we provide such descriptions of some trilobites from the Molohein Group’s Myet-Ye Formation from the Linwe area, Ye-Ngan Township of the southern Shan State. Three species from two genera are reported: Asioptychaspis (A. asiatica, previously known from the North China Block, and a new species, A. lata) and Eosaukia buravasi, also known from peninsular Thailand. The Molohein Group was initially assigned a late Cambrian age based on the reported, but unsubstantiated, occurrence of the Laurentian genera Saukiella and Drumaspis, and this age assessment is supported by the fauna we present, although Saukiella or Drumaspis remain unconfirmed from Myanmar. Asioptychaspis asiatica first appears in late Jiangshanian strata, and Eosaukia buravasi ranges up to the middle of Stage 10. Thus these ranges provide a more specific constraint on the age of the Molohein Group. Similarities are strong between upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician successions in Sibumasu and northwestern Australia, particularly those from the Canning Basin succession. Regional geological data supports placement of Sibumasu adjacent to western Australia during the Cambrian, without the Lhasa Block intervening between them, and Baoshan at the western end of Sibumasu during the early Paleozoic, towards the Himalayan margin. The new Burmese fauna is consistent with these suggestions, as they belong to the Sino-Australian faunal province.

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Research paper thumbnail of Infaunal augurs of the Cambrian explosion: An Ediacaran trace fossil assemblage from Nevada, USA

Geobiology, Apr 3, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing the Himalayan margin prior to collision with Asia: Proterozoic and lower Paleozoic geology and its implications for Cenozoic tectonics

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Nov 21, 2018

Reconstructing the stratigraphic architecture of deposits prior to Cenozoic Himalayan uplift is c... more Reconstructing the stratigraphic architecture of deposits prior to Cenozoic Himalayan uplift is critical for unravelling the structural, metamorphic, depositional and erosional history of the orogen. The nature and distribution of Proterozoic and lower Paleozoic strata have helped elucidate the relationship between lithotectonic zones, as well as the geometries of major bounding faults. Stratigraphic and geochronological work has revealed a uniform and widespread pattern of Paleoproterozoic strata >1.6 Ga that are unconformably overlain by <1.1 Ga rocks. The overlying Neoproterozoic strata record marine sedimentation, including a Cryogenian diamictite, a well-developed carbonate platform succession and condensed fossiliferous Precambrian–Cambrian boundary strata. Palaeontological study of Cambrian units permits correlation from the Indian craton through three Himalayan lithotectonic zones to a precision of within a few million years. Detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis shows the differentiation of a proximal realm of relatively condensed, nearshore, evaporite-rich units to the south and a distal realm of thick, deltaic deposits to the north. Thus, Neoproterozoic and Cambrian strata blanketed the northern Indian craton with an extensive, northward-deepening, succession. Today, these rocks are absent from parts of the inner Lesser Himalaya, and the uplift and erosion of these proximal facies explains a marked change in global seawater isotopic chemistry at 16 Ma.

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Research paper thumbnail of Establishing a chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental framework for the Cambrian of the Himalaya and its geological implication

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural control of Cambrian paleotopography and patterns of transgression in western Laurentia


The Cambrian transgression across the Great Unconformity produced one of the largest expansions o... more The Cambrian transgression across the Great Unconformity produced one of the largest expansions of shallow marine habitats and associated diversification of marine invertebrate faunas in Earth history. However, identification of the underlying controls on the pattern of transgression of Cambrian seas has been hampered by imprecise or inaccurate age assignments for many formations. Recovery of an Ehmaniella Zone trilobite fauna from the Lodore Formation in northwestern Colorado (United States) revises the age of this unit to be significantly older, specifically middle Miaolingian (upper Wuliuan). This expands the established distribution of thick Miaolingian deposits of the northern Rocky Mountains to within 90 km of a broad region of central Colorado where Miaolingian strata are missing and Furongian successions rest directly on basement. The boundary between these two regions marks the position of an ~200 km east-west offset within the generally north-south–trending Cambrian paleos...

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Research paper thumbnail of Revised Paleozoic depositional history of the central Rocky Mountains (Utah and Colorado)

Sedimentary Geology

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatio-temporal distribution of the Cambrian maceriate reefs across the North China Platform

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

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Research paper thumbnail of The amalgamation of Gondwana: calcite twinning and finite strains from the early–late Paleozoic Buzios, Ross, Kurgiakh and Gondwanide orogens

Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Orientated carbonate (calcite twinning strains; n = 78 with 2414 twin measurements) and quartzite... more Orientated carbonate (calcite twinning strains; n = 78 with 2414 twin measurements) and quartzites (finite strains; n = 15) were collected around Gondwana to study the deformational history associated with the amalgamation of the supercontinent. The Buzios orogen (545–500 Ma), within interior Gondwana, records the high-grade collisional orogen between the São Francisco Craton (Brazil) and the Congo–Angola Craton (Angola and Namibia), and twinning strains in calc-silicates record a SE–NW shortening fabric parallel to the thrust transport. Along Gondwana's southern margin, the Saldanian–Ross–Delamerian orogen (590–480 Ma) is marked by a regional unconformity that cuts into deformed Neoproterozoic–Ordovician sedimentary rocks and associated intrusions. Cambrian carbonate is preserved in the central part of the southern Gondwana margin, namely in the Kango Inlier of the Cape Fold Belt and the Ellsworth, Pensacola and Transantarctic mountains. Paleozoic carbonate is not preserved in ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Records of Environmental Change and Mass Extinctions during the Early Paleozoic

1University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, 2Virginia Polytechnic Institute and ... more 1University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, 2Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VT USA, 3University of California, Riverside, Rivside CA USA, 4Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China, 5Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 6Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO USA, 7University of California, Riverside, Rivside CA USA,

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Famennian Carbon Isotopic Excursions in Western Laurentia Linked to Diagenetic Alteration During Lowstands

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambrian depositional history of the Indian Himalaya and the record of Cambrian-Ordovician orogenesis

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambrian and earliest Ordovician fauna and geology of the Sông Đà and adjacent terranes in Việt Nam (Vietnam)

Geological Magazine, 2021

Later Cambrian and earliest Ordovician trilobites and brachiopods spanning eight horizons from fi... more Later Cambrian and earliest Ordovician trilobites and brachiopods spanning eight horizons from five localities within the Sông Mã, Hàm Rồng and Đông Sơn formations of the Thanh Hóa province of Việt Nam, constrain the age and faunal affinities of rocks within the Sông Đà terrane, one of several suture/fault-bounded units situated between South China to the north and Indochina to the south. ‘Ghost-like’ preservation in dolomite coupled with tectonic deformation leaves many of the fossils poorly preserved, and poor exposure precludes collecting within continuously exposed stratigraphic successions. Cambrian carbonate facies pass conformably into Lower Ordovician carbonate-rich strata that also include minor siliciclastic facies, and the recovered fauna spans several uppermost Cambrian and Lower Ordovician biozones. The fauna is of equatorial Gondwanan affinity, and comparable to that from South China, North China, Sibumasu and Australia. A new species of Miaolingian ‘ptychopariid’ tril...

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent studies in the Proterozoic sedimentary belt of Himalaya

Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Mesoproterozoic Strata in Northern Helan Mountains, China

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambrian geology of the Salt Range of Pakistan: Linking the Himalayan margin to the Indian craton

GSA Bulletin, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Ancient record of changing flows from wave ripple defects

Geology, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Ordovician strata of the Indian subcontinent

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Jan 6, 2023

Ordovician rocks of the Indian Tethyan Himalaya contain a conspicuous angular unconformity betwee... more Ordovician rocks of the Indian Tethyan Himalaya contain a conspicuous angular unconformity between mostly marine Cambrian and overlying terrestrial Ordovician strata, which is a record of the Kurgiakh Orogeny. This tectonic event is traceable across the Tethyan Himalaya from Pakistan to Bhutan. The Pin Formation in the Spiti Valley provides a high-resolution account of the marine depositional history, palaeontology and isotope geochemistry of Late Ordovician events. The middle (Takche) member is late Katian and the upper Mikkim Member is lower Silurian (Llandovery), based on an ozarkodinid conodont fauna. The Pin Formation records the Boda event, the last warming interval prior to Hirnantian glaciation. The δ 13 C carb chemostratigraphic data allow precise global correlation, and recognition of the Paroveja positive excursion, the last major excursion of the Katian. The Mikkim Member records a ‘lower HICE’ (Hirnantian isotopic carbon excursion) of the Katian–Hirnantian boundary interval. Palaeontological data indicate that there are no known fossils diagnostic of any Ordovician ages older than the Katian Stage in India. Evidence of Ordovician sedimentary rocks in the Lesser Himalaya is intriguing, but presently equivocal. The widespread absence of pre-Katian strata on the Indian subcontinent is due to erosion associated with the Kurghiak orogeny and delayed onlap onto topographically high areas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tonian deltaic and storm-influenced marine sedimentation on the edge of Laurentia: The Veteranen Group of northeastern Spitsbergen, Svalbard

Sedimentary Geology, Dec 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambrian microfossils from the Tethyan Himalaya

Journal of Paleontology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Megaripples, multiple cap carbonates, and apparently conformable sections: observations that normalize some interpretations of Snowball Earth stratigraphy while complicating others

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of The first systematic description of Cambrian fossils from Myanmar: Late Furongian trilobites from the southern part of the Shan State and the early Palaeozoic palaeogeographical affinities of Sibumasu

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Jul 1, 2021

Abstract The existence of late Cambrian (Furongian) trilobites in Myanmar (Burma) has been acknow... more Abstract The existence of late Cambrian (Furongian) trilobites in Myanmar (Burma) has been acknowledged since the 1970s, but no formal systematic descriptions of such fossils have been published to date. Herein, we provide such descriptions of some trilobites from the Molohein Group’s Myet-Ye Formation from the Linwe area, Ye-Ngan Township of the southern Shan State. Three species from two genera are reported: Asioptychaspis (A. asiatica, previously known from the North China Block, and a new species, A. lata) and Eosaukia buravasi, also known from peninsular Thailand. The Molohein Group was initially assigned a late Cambrian age based on the reported, but unsubstantiated, occurrence of the Laurentian genera Saukiella and Drumaspis, and this age assessment is supported by the fauna we present, although Saukiella or Drumaspis remain unconfirmed from Myanmar. Asioptychaspis asiatica first appears in late Jiangshanian strata, and Eosaukia buravasi ranges up to the middle of Stage 10. Thus these ranges provide a more specific constraint on the age of the Molohein Group. Similarities are strong between upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician successions in Sibumasu and northwestern Australia, particularly those from the Canning Basin succession. Regional geological data supports placement of Sibumasu adjacent to western Australia during the Cambrian, without the Lhasa Block intervening between them, and Baoshan at the western end of Sibumasu during the early Paleozoic, towards the Himalayan margin. The new Burmese fauna is consistent with these suggestions, as they belong to the Sino-Australian faunal province.

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Research paper thumbnail of Infaunal augurs of the Cambrian explosion: An Ediacaran trace fossil assemblage from Nevada, USA

Geobiology, Apr 3, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing the Himalayan margin prior to collision with Asia: Proterozoic and lower Paleozoic geology and its implications for Cenozoic tectonics

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Nov 21, 2018

Reconstructing the stratigraphic architecture of deposits prior to Cenozoic Himalayan uplift is c... more Reconstructing the stratigraphic architecture of deposits prior to Cenozoic Himalayan uplift is critical for unravelling the structural, metamorphic, depositional and erosional history of the orogen. The nature and distribution of Proterozoic and lower Paleozoic strata have helped elucidate the relationship between lithotectonic zones, as well as the geometries of major bounding faults. Stratigraphic and geochronological work has revealed a uniform and widespread pattern of Paleoproterozoic strata >1.6 Ga that are unconformably overlain by <1.1 Ga rocks. The overlying Neoproterozoic strata record marine sedimentation, including a Cryogenian diamictite, a well-developed carbonate platform succession and condensed fossiliferous Precambrian–Cambrian boundary strata. Palaeontological study of Cambrian units permits correlation from the Indian craton through three Himalayan lithotectonic zones to a precision of within a few million years. Detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis shows the differentiation of a proximal realm of relatively condensed, nearshore, evaporite-rich units to the south and a distal realm of thick, deltaic deposits to the north. Thus, Neoproterozoic and Cambrian strata blanketed the northern Indian craton with an extensive, northward-deepening, succession. Today, these rocks are absent from parts of the inner Lesser Himalaya, and the uplift and erosion of these proximal facies explains a marked change in global seawater isotopic chemistry at 16 Ma.

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Research paper thumbnail of Establishing a chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental framework for the Cambrian of the Himalaya and its geological implication

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural control of Cambrian paleotopography and patterns of transgression in western Laurentia


The Cambrian transgression across the Great Unconformity produced one of the largest expansions o... more The Cambrian transgression across the Great Unconformity produced one of the largest expansions of shallow marine habitats and associated diversification of marine invertebrate faunas in Earth history. However, identification of the underlying controls on the pattern of transgression of Cambrian seas has been hampered by imprecise or inaccurate age assignments for many formations. Recovery of an Ehmaniella Zone trilobite fauna from the Lodore Formation in northwestern Colorado (United States) revises the age of this unit to be significantly older, specifically middle Miaolingian (upper Wuliuan). This expands the established distribution of thick Miaolingian deposits of the northern Rocky Mountains to within 90 km of a broad region of central Colorado where Miaolingian strata are missing and Furongian successions rest directly on basement. The boundary between these two regions marks the position of an ~200 km east-west offset within the generally north-south–trending Cambrian paleos...

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Research paper thumbnail of Revised Paleozoic depositional history of the central Rocky Mountains (Utah and Colorado)

Sedimentary Geology

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatio-temporal distribution of the Cambrian maceriate reefs across the North China Platform

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

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Research paper thumbnail of The amalgamation of Gondwana: calcite twinning and finite strains from the early–late Paleozoic Buzios, Ross, Kurgiakh and Gondwanide orogens

Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Orientated carbonate (calcite twinning strains; n = 78 with 2414 twin measurements) and quartzite... more Orientated carbonate (calcite twinning strains; n = 78 with 2414 twin measurements) and quartzites (finite strains; n = 15) were collected around Gondwana to study the deformational history associated with the amalgamation of the supercontinent. The Buzios orogen (545–500 Ma), within interior Gondwana, records the high-grade collisional orogen between the São Francisco Craton (Brazil) and the Congo–Angola Craton (Angola and Namibia), and twinning strains in calc-silicates record a SE–NW shortening fabric parallel to the thrust transport. Along Gondwana's southern margin, the Saldanian–Ross–Delamerian orogen (590–480 Ma) is marked by a regional unconformity that cuts into deformed Neoproterozoic–Ordovician sedimentary rocks and associated intrusions. Cambrian carbonate is preserved in the central part of the southern Gondwana margin, namely in the Kango Inlier of the Cape Fold Belt and the Ellsworth, Pensacola and Transantarctic mountains. Paleozoic carbonate is not preserved in ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Records of Environmental Change and Mass Extinctions during the Early Paleozoic

1University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, 2Virginia Polytechnic Institute and ... more 1University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, 2Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VT USA, 3University of California, Riverside, Rivside CA USA, 4Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China, 5Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 6Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO USA, 7University of California, Riverside, Rivside CA USA,

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Famennian Carbon Isotopic Excursions in Western Laurentia Linked to Diagenetic Alteration During Lowstands

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambrian depositional history of the Indian Himalaya and the record of Cambrian-Ordovician orogenesis

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambrian and earliest Ordovician fauna and geology of the Sông Đà and adjacent terranes in Việt Nam (Vietnam)

Geological Magazine, 2021

Later Cambrian and earliest Ordovician trilobites and brachiopods spanning eight horizons from fi... more Later Cambrian and earliest Ordovician trilobites and brachiopods spanning eight horizons from five localities within the Sông Mã, Hàm Rồng and Đông Sơn formations of the Thanh Hóa province of Việt Nam, constrain the age and faunal affinities of rocks within the Sông Đà terrane, one of several suture/fault-bounded units situated between South China to the north and Indochina to the south. ‘Ghost-like’ preservation in dolomite coupled with tectonic deformation leaves many of the fossils poorly preserved, and poor exposure precludes collecting within continuously exposed stratigraphic successions. Cambrian carbonate facies pass conformably into Lower Ordovician carbonate-rich strata that also include minor siliciclastic facies, and the recovered fauna spans several uppermost Cambrian and Lower Ordovician biozones. The fauna is of equatorial Gondwanan affinity, and comparable to that from South China, North China, Sibumasu and Australia. A new species of Miaolingian ‘ptychopariid’ tril...

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent studies in the Proterozoic sedimentary belt of Himalaya

Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Mesoproterozoic Strata in Northern Helan Mountains, China

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambrian geology of the Salt Range of Pakistan: Linking the Himalayan margin to the Indian craton

GSA Bulletin, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Ancient record of changing flows from wave ripple defects

Geology, 2018

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