Paul Quataert - (original) (raw)
Papers by Paul Quataert
Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2007
Abstract A pan-European, classification of the extent of environmental degradation from chemical... more Abstract A pan-European, classification of the extent of environmental degradation from chemical, physical and biological pressures on fish communities as a precursor to assess the ecological status of running waters based on fish is proposed. Twenty-four potential pressures acting on fish communities at three different spatial scales (river basin, segment and site) were identified and class boundaries for high, good, moderate, poor and bad status, based on existing data and/or expert judgement, were defined. Four pressures (hydrological regime, morphological conditions, toxic or acid conditions, nutrients and organic load) were found to describe the majority of degradation at a specific site and these were combined into a single pressure variable to describe impact at each location. Principal Component Analysis showed that the four variables were correlated with other physical and chemical variables not included in the combined pressure variable. However, biological pressures, e.g. introduction of fish, and longitudinal connectivity were not well correlated, suggesting that two dimensions of human impact on stream fish were poorly accounted for. Low-resolution Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data (1 km grid) on land use and population density correlated well with the four chosen pressures, suggesting it is possible to use standardised GIS data to aid pre-classification of stream degradation.
European Journal of Cancer, 1997
This study describes trends in cervical cancer mortality among women in Belgium from 1954 to 1989... more This study describes trends in cervical cancer mortality among women in Belgium from 1954 to 1989. Data are analysed by means of the standardised mortality rate, age- and cohort-specific mortality rates and standardised cohort mortality ratios. The age-standardised mortality rate decreased progressively from 6.3/100,000 women-years in the first period (1955-1959) to 3.8/100,000 in 1985-1989, indicating a decline of 39.7% over the seven quinquennial periods. A decrease was observed in almost all age groups between 30 and 69 years. In the last 15 years, no further decline, but even a discrete increase, occurred for the age categories younger than 50 years. The successive cohorts born between 1915 and 1939 expressed a continuing lower risk of cervical cancer mortality. This trend was not observed for the most recent generations, for whom even a slight increase of the standardised cohort mortality ratio could be distinguished.
European journal of epidemiology, 1999
More and more citizens urge public health authorities to investigate reports of disease excess in... more More and more citizens urge public health authorities to investigate reports of disease excess in their neighbourhood. These environmental concerns are legitimate and it is part of good public health practice to respond to these complaints. However, the methodological and practical problems are severe and a lot of controversy exists about the usefulness of these investigations. To clarify the possibilities and limitations in this situation, this paper proposes a typology of cluster studies. According to this framework, cluster response is distinguished from two other types of cluster studies: Cluster monitoring. screening proactively for clusters to act as an early warning system, and cluster research, scrutinizing clustering to generate and test aetiological hypotheses. To each of these three types of cluster studies corresponds a different public health context; respectively public health action, public health surveillance and public health research. Probably, part of the controve...
Fisheries Management and Ecology
De toenemende vraag naar informatie door het milieu- en natuurbeleid heeft geleid tot de uitbouw ... more De toenemende vraag naar informatie door het milieu- en natuurbeleid heeft geleid tot de uitbouw van een groot aantal meetnetten. Echter, een groter gegevensaanbod garandeert geen toename van de gewenste kennis. In de eerste plaats moet goed nagedacht worden over de omvang en aard van de gegevens die nodig zijn om de informatiebehoefte in te vullen en bij te dragen aan de beleidswerking. Met deze leidraad bieden we een denkkader aan om een meetnet voor milieu- en natuurinformatie tijdens de ontwerp- of evaluatiefase beter af te stemmen op de informatienoden van het beleid. Het ontwerpen van een kwaliteitsvol meetnet is een interactief en interdisciplinair proces dat een nauwe en herhaalde samenwerking vereist tussen enerzijds de opdrachtgever en anderzijds de meetnetontwerper, bijgestaan door domeinexperts, methodologen en statistici. De versie van de leidraad die u nu in handen heeft, richt zich tot de opdrachtgever en concentreert zich op de taken die u moet uitvoeren.
The taxonomy of the five Crataegus taxa indigenous in Flanders was stud- ied through a morphometr... more The taxonomy of the five Crataegus taxa indigenous in Flanders was stud- ied through a morphometric analysis. The applicability of the taxonomic treatments of Chris- tensen, the botanical authority on Crataegus in Europe, was evaluated. Leaf and fruit charac- teristics were analysed for a total of 186 individuals. The results show that C. monogyna and C. laevigata can easily be
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2005
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1995
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2010
Journal of Fish Biology, 2007
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2004
Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2007
Abstract A pan-European, classification of the extent of environmental degradation from chemical... more Abstract A pan-European, classification of the extent of environmental degradation from chemical, physical and biological pressures on fish communities as a precursor to assess the ecological status of running waters based on fish is proposed. Twenty-four potential pressures acting on fish communities at three different spatial scales (river basin, segment and site) were identified and class boundaries for high, good, moderate, poor and bad status, based on existing data and/or expert judgement, were defined. Four pressures (hydrological regime, morphological conditions, toxic or acid conditions, nutrients and organic load) were found to describe the majority of degradation at a specific site and these were combined into a single pressure variable to describe impact at each location. Principal Component Analysis showed that the four variables were correlated with other physical and chemical variables not included in the combined pressure variable. However, biological pressures, e.g. introduction of fish, and longitudinal connectivity were not well correlated, suggesting that two dimensions of human impact on stream fish were poorly accounted for. Low-resolution Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data (1 km grid) on land use and population density correlated well with the four chosen pressures, suggesting it is possible to use standardised GIS data to aid pre-classification of stream degradation.
European Journal of Cancer, 1997
This study describes trends in cervical cancer mortality among women in Belgium from 1954 to 1989... more This study describes trends in cervical cancer mortality among women in Belgium from 1954 to 1989. Data are analysed by means of the standardised mortality rate, age- and cohort-specific mortality rates and standardised cohort mortality ratios. The age-standardised mortality rate decreased progressively from 6.3/100,000 women-years in the first period (1955-1959) to 3.8/100,000 in 1985-1989, indicating a decline of 39.7% over the seven quinquennial periods. A decrease was observed in almost all age groups between 30 and 69 years. In the last 15 years, no further decline, but even a discrete increase, occurred for the age categories younger than 50 years. The successive cohorts born between 1915 and 1939 expressed a continuing lower risk of cervical cancer mortality. This trend was not observed for the most recent generations, for whom even a slight increase of the standardised cohort mortality ratio could be distinguished.
European journal of epidemiology, 1999
More and more citizens urge public health authorities to investigate reports of disease excess in... more More and more citizens urge public health authorities to investigate reports of disease excess in their neighbourhood. These environmental concerns are legitimate and it is part of good public health practice to respond to these complaints. However, the methodological and practical problems are severe and a lot of controversy exists about the usefulness of these investigations. To clarify the possibilities and limitations in this situation, this paper proposes a typology of cluster studies. According to this framework, cluster response is distinguished from two other types of cluster studies: Cluster monitoring. screening proactively for clusters to act as an early warning system, and cluster research, scrutinizing clustering to generate and test aetiological hypotheses. To each of these three types of cluster studies corresponds a different public health context; respectively public health action, public health surveillance and public health research. Probably, part of the controve...
Fisheries Management and Ecology
De toenemende vraag naar informatie door het milieu- en natuurbeleid heeft geleid tot de uitbouw ... more De toenemende vraag naar informatie door het milieu- en natuurbeleid heeft geleid tot de uitbouw van een groot aantal meetnetten. Echter, een groter gegevensaanbod garandeert geen toename van de gewenste kennis. In de eerste plaats moet goed nagedacht worden over de omvang en aard van de gegevens die nodig zijn om de informatiebehoefte in te vullen en bij te dragen aan de beleidswerking. Met deze leidraad bieden we een denkkader aan om een meetnet voor milieu- en natuurinformatie tijdens de ontwerp- of evaluatiefase beter af te stemmen op de informatienoden van het beleid. Het ontwerpen van een kwaliteitsvol meetnet is een interactief en interdisciplinair proces dat een nauwe en herhaalde samenwerking vereist tussen enerzijds de opdrachtgever en anderzijds de meetnetontwerper, bijgestaan door domeinexperts, methodologen en statistici. De versie van de leidraad die u nu in handen heeft, richt zich tot de opdrachtgever en concentreert zich op de taken die u moet uitvoeren.
The taxonomy of the five Crataegus taxa indigenous in Flanders was stud- ied through a morphometr... more The taxonomy of the five Crataegus taxa indigenous in Flanders was stud- ied through a morphometric analysis. The applicability of the taxonomic treatments of Chris- tensen, the botanical authority on Crataegus in Europe, was evaluated. Leaf and fruit charac- teristics were analysed for a total of 186 individuals. The results show that C. monogyna and C. laevigata can easily be
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2005
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 1995
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2010
Journal of Fish Biology, 2007
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2004