Pawan Kumar Tharu - (original) (raw)
Papers by Pawan Kumar Tharu
Jounal of Gururbaba (An Educational Research Journal) is published bi-annually by the Gurubaba Yo... more Jounal of Gururbaba (An Educational Research Journal) is published bi-annually by
the Gurubaba Youth Organization. The Organization publishes the research and peer
reviewed articles on various subject areas that bring new information and innovation
in different academic disciplines. Therefore, for the publication of December session
2021, the innovatively creative articles on any topic or from any discipline are asked
from the interested researchers and scholars.
Title: The first page of the manuscript should contain the title, the author’s
designation and his/her e-mail address.
Abstract: The contributors should submit the article along with an abstract, not
exceeding more than one hundred words.
Key Words: Some of the key terms or the terminologies related to the major concepts
of the subject or the topic should be mentioned.
Length: The articles should be written within the limitation of 3,000 to 5000 words.
Introduction: Give the general statements of the problem of your study. State the
main ideas of your paper with the clear and concise and yet thorough understanding of
what you want to present in it. Discuss also the scope, context and significance of
your research article by summarizing current understanding and background
information about the topic, stating the purpose and objective of the work and
explaining briefly the methodological approach used to examine it.
Major Part of Analysis: Analyze the major sections and contents of your paper as
what has been done with the data found. Avoid being too verbose and jargon during
your analysis.
Conclusion: Include the important findings and conclude precisely in the best
possible way with the further suggestions or implications.
References and other styles: The articles submitted must be original works. The
articles published already must not be submitted for the re-publication in this journal.
The articles for submission should be typed in the Times New Roman, font 12. They
should be in double space on one side of the A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margin on all
sides. The articles must follow the APA and MLA guidelines.
Deadline for the submission of the article: One hard copy of the manuscript and the
other electronic soft copy of it should be submitted by (Nov. 10, 2021) in the e-mail.
dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog... more dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog 8f=bLks uf} td jftfj/0f k| b' if0fn] :jf:Yodf kf/] sf] k| efj clwjQmf s' ' df/L ;Ltf rf} w/L blnt hfltsf ljBfyL{ sf] l;sfO pknlAwsf] ljZn] if0f hfu] Zj/ pkfWofo ljBfno ;' wf/ of] hgf lgdf{ 0f / sfof{ Gjog k| r08h+ u zfx k| ltaGw sljtfdf k| ultjfbL r] t ofd/fh lu/L ufpF sf] dfof syfsf] ;ª\ syg ljZn] if0f /fds' df/L afx| 3f/] dlxnf dfly x' g] 3/] n' lx+ ;fsf] cj:yf ;' zLn s' df/ sfsL{ clj/n aUb5 OGb| fjtL pkGof;df ;dfhjfbL oyfy{ xl/hª\ u zfx sf] le8-!(n] ljBfno lzIffdf kf/] sf] k| efj lxdfs' df/L jg
dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog... more dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog 8f=bLks uf} td jftfj/0f k| b' if0fn] :jf:Yodf kf/] sf] k| efj clwjQmf s' ' df/L ;Ltf rf} w/L blnt hfltsf ljBfyL{ sf] l;sfO pknlAwsf] ljZn] if0f hfu] Zj/ pkfWofo ljBfno ;' wf/ of] hgf lgdf{ 0f / sfof{ Gjog k| r08h+ u zfx k| ltaGw sljtfdf k| ultjfbL r] t ofd/fh lu/L ufpF sf] dfof syfsf] ;ª\ syg ljZn] if0f /fds' df/L afx| 3f/] dlxnf dfly x' g] 3/] n' lx+ ;fsf] cj:yf ;' zLn s' df/ sfsL{ clj/n aUb5 OGb| fjtL pkGof;df ;dfhjfbL oyfy{ xl/hª\ u zfx sf] le8-!(n] ljBfno lzIffdf kf/] sf] k| efj lxdfs' df/L jg
dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog... more dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog 8f=bLks uf} td jftfj/0f k| b' if0fn] :jf:Yodf kf/] sf] k| efj clwjQmf s' ' df/L ;Ltf rf} w/L blnt hfltsf ljBfyL{ sf] l;sfO pknlAwsf] ljZn] if0f hfu] Zj/ pkfWofo ljBfno ;' wf/ of] hgf lgdf{ 0f / sfof{ Gjog k| r08h+ u zfx k| ltaGw sljtfdf k| ultjfbL r] t ofd/fh lu/L ufpF sf] dfof syfsf] ;ª\ syg ljZn] if0f /fds' df/L afx| 3f/] dlxnf dfly x' g] 3/] n' lx+ ;fsf] cj:yf ;' zLn s' df/ sfsL{ clj/n aUb5 OGb| fjtL pkGof;df ;dfhjfbL oyfy{ xl/hª\ u zfx sf] le8-!(n] ljBfno lzIffdf kf/] sf] k| efj lxdfs' df/L jg
Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is globa... more Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is global epidemic that kills, tortures women physically psychologically, sexually, economically and so on.
Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is globa... more Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is global epidemic that kills, tortures women physically psychologically, sexually, economically and so on.
Teaching Documents by Pawan Kumar Tharu
Journal Name : Journal of Academia, Vol. 3, No. 3, July : 2018 Democrat Professor's Association, Nepal District Co-ordination Committee, Surkhet, 2018
Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is globa... more Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is global epidemic that kills, tortures women physically psychologically, sexually, economically and so on. There are also many more forms of violence against women in our society from which women have been being suffered since decades. Violence against women is also referred to as gender based violence because it is rooted in women's lack of power in relationship and in society relative to men. Such kind of violence can be found in everywhere, though there are variations to the patterns of violence. Domestic violence is not a private matter. It is a serious crime and public health concern that can include physical, sexual, psychological, emotional abuse of one current, former intimate partner by another. Everyone can be a victim of domestic violence no matter how old we are, what our racial cultural background may be, what type of education we have, how much money, our religious beliefs may be. Domestic violence is usually not single event and often becomes more severe and frequent over time. Many batterers are not violent in other relationships, such as at work with friends (Keeling and Mason 2008). Domestic violence the severity of that violence, when confronted with their abusive behavior they tend to blame their partner for provoking. Many factors may contribute to abuse. Some batterers lack the ability to control their actions and do not know how to react appropriately and nonviolently to stress and dissatisfaction. A need for power and control, an abusive family background, feelings of inadequacy and stress all may contribute to abusive behavior. Alcoholism drug abuse do not cause domestic violence but being drunk high does intensify existing violent behaviors. Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior, which involves violence other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage cohabitation. Intimate partner violence is violence by a spouse partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse partner. Domestic violence can take place in heterosexual and same-sex family relationships and can involve violence against children in the family (Harne and Radford, 2008). In abusive relationships, there may be a cycle of abuse during which tensions rise and an act of violence is committed, followed by a period of reconciliation and calm. Victims of domestic violence
Books by Pawan Kumar Tharu
Journal of GURUBABA, 2022
Jounal of Gururbaba (An Educational Research Journal) is published bi-annually by the Gurubaba Yo... more Jounal of Gururbaba (An Educational Research Journal) is published bi-annually by the Gurubaba Youth Organization. The Organization publishes the research and peer reviewed articles on various subject areas that bring new information and innovation in different academic disciplines. Therefore, for the publication of May session 2022, the innovatively creative articles on any topic or from any discipline are asked from the interested researchers and scholars.
Title: The first page of the manuscript should contain the title, the author’s designation and his/her e-mail address.
Abstract: The contributors should submit the article along with an abstract, not exceeding more than one hundred words.
Key Words: Some of the key terms or the terminologies related to the major concepts of the subject or the topic should be mentioned.
Length: The articles should be written within the limitation of 3,000 to 5000 words.
Introduction: Give the general statements of the problem of your study. State the main ideas of your paper with the clear and concise and yet thorough understanding of what you want to present in it. Discuss also the scope, context and significance of your research article by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic, stating the purpose and objective of the work and explaining briefly the methodological approach used to examine it.
Major Part of Analysis: Analyze the major sections and contents of your paper as what has been done with the data found. Avoid being too verbose and jargon during your analysis.
Conclusion: Include the important findings and conclude precisely in the best possible way with the further suggestions or implications.
References and other styles: The articles submitted must be original works. The articles published already must not be submitted for the re-publication in this journal. The articles for submission should be typed in the Times New Roman, font 12. They should be in double space on one side of the A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margin on all sides. The articles must follow the APA and MLA guidelines.
Deadline for the submission of the article: One hard copy of the manuscript and the other electronic soft copy of it should be submitted by (March. 18, 2022) in the e-mail.
Jounal of Gururbaba (An Educational Research Journal) is published bi-annually by the Gurubaba Yo... more Jounal of Gururbaba (An Educational Research Journal) is published bi-annually by
the Gurubaba Youth Organization. The Organization publishes the research and peer
reviewed articles on various subject areas that bring new information and innovation
in different academic disciplines. Therefore, for the publication of December session
2021, the innovatively creative articles on any topic or from any discipline are asked
from the interested researchers and scholars.
Title: The first page of the manuscript should contain the title, the author’s
designation and his/her e-mail address.
Abstract: The contributors should submit the article along with an abstract, not
exceeding more than one hundred words.
Key Words: Some of the key terms or the terminologies related to the major concepts
of the subject or the topic should be mentioned.
Length: The articles should be written within the limitation of 3,000 to 5000 words.
Introduction: Give the general statements of the problem of your study. State the
main ideas of your paper with the clear and concise and yet thorough understanding of
what you want to present in it. Discuss also the scope, context and significance of
your research article by summarizing current understanding and background
information about the topic, stating the purpose and objective of the work and
explaining briefly the methodological approach used to examine it.
Major Part of Analysis: Analyze the major sections and contents of your paper as
what has been done with the data found. Avoid being too verbose and jargon during
your analysis.
Conclusion: Include the important findings and conclude precisely in the best
possible way with the further suggestions or implications.
References and other styles: The articles submitted must be original works. The
articles published already must not be submitted for the re-publication in this journal.
The articles for submission should be typed in the Times New Roman, font 12. They
should be in double space on one side of the A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margin on all
sides. The articles must follow the APA and MLA guidelines.
Deadline for the submission of the article: One hard copy of the manuscript and the
other electronic soft copy of it should be submitted by (Nov. 10, 2021) in the e-mail.
dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog... more dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog 8f=bLks uf} td jftfj/0f k| b' if0fn] :jf:Yodf kf/] sf] k| efj clwjQmf s' ' df/L ;Ltf rf} w/L blnt hfltsf ljBfyL{ sf] l;sfO pknlAwsf] ljZn] if0f hfu] Zj/ pkfWofo ljBfno ;' wf/ of] hgf lgdf{ 0f / sfof{ Gjog k| r08h+ u zfx k| ltaGw sljtfdf k| ultjfbL r] t ofd/fh lu/L ufpF sf] dfof syfsf] ;ª\ syg ljZn] if0f /fds' df/L afx| 3f/] dlxnf dfly x' g] 3/] n' lx+ ;fsf] cj:yf ;' zLn s' df/ sfsL{ clj/n aUb5 OGb| fjtL pkGof;df ;dfhjfbL oyfy{ xl/hª\ u zfx sf] le8-!(n] ljBfno lzIffdf kf/] sf] k| efj lxdfs' df/L jg
dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog... more dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog 8f=bLks uf} td jftfj/0f k| b' if0fn] :jf:Yodf kf/] sf] k| efj clwjQmf s' ' df/L ;Ltf rf} w/L blnt hfltsf ljBfyL{ sf] l;sfO pknlAwsf] ljZn] if0f hfu] Zj/ pkfWofo ljBfno ;' wf/ of] hgf lgdf{ 0f / sfof{ Gjog k| r08h+ u zfx k| ltaGw sljtfdf k| ultjfbL r] t ofd/fh lu/L ufpF sf] dfof syfsf] ;ª\ syg ljZn] if0f /fds' df/L afx| 3f/] dlxnf dfly x' g] 3/] n' lx+ ;fsf] cj:yf ;' zLn s' df/ sfsL{ clj/n aUb5 OGb| fjtL pkGof;df ;dfhjfbL oyfy{ xl/hª\ u zfx sf] le8-!(n] ljBfno lzIffdf kf/] sf] k| efj lxdfs' df/L jg
dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog... more dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{ x¿sf] Jofjxfl/s n] vg Ifdtf pkk| f=8f=cf] dk| sfz cfrfo{ pT;u{ dxfsfJo cWoog 8f=bLks uf} td jftfj/0f k| b' if0fn] :jf:Yodf kf/] sf] k| efj clwjQmf s' ' df/L ;Ltf rf} w/L blnt hfltsf ljBfyL{ sf] l;sfO pknlAwsf] ljZn] if0f hfu] Zj/ pkfWofo ljBfno ;' wf/ of] hgf lgdf{ 0f / sfof{ Gjog k| r08h+ u zfx k| ltaGw sljtfdf k| ultjfbL r] t ofd/fh lu/L ufpF sf] dfof syfsf] ;ª\ syg ljZn] if0f /fds' df/L afx| 3f/] dlxnf dfly x' g] 3/] n' lx+ ;fsf] cj:yf ;' zLn s' df/ sfsL{ clj/n aUb5 OGb| fjtL pkGof;df ;dfhjfbL oyfy{ xl/hª\ u zfx sf] le8-!(n] ljBfno lzIffdf kf/] sf] k| efj lxdfs' df/L jg
Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is globa... more Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is global epidemic that kills, tortures women physically psychologically, sexually, economically and so on.
Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is globa... more Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is global epidemic that kills, tortures women physically psychologically, sexually, economically and so on.
Journal Name : Journal of Academia, Vol. 3, No. 3, July : 2018 Democrat Professor's Association, Nepal District Co-ordination Committee, Surkhet, 2018
Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is globa... more Domestic violence indicates brutal manner to women within family. Violence against women is global epidemic that kills, tortures women physically psychologically, sexually, economically and so on. There are also many more forms of violence against women in our society from which women have been being suffered since decades. Violence against women is also referred to as gender based violence because it is rooted in women's lack of power in relationship and in society relative to men. Such kind of violence can be found in everywhere, though there are variations to the patterns of violence. Domestic violence is not a private matter. It is a serious crime and public health concern that can include physical, sexual, psychological, emotional abuse of one current, former intimate partner by another. Everyone can be a victim of domestic violence no matter how old we are, what our racial cultural background may be, what type of education we have, how much money, our religious beliefs may be. Domestic violence is usually not single event and often becomes more severe and frequent over time. Many batterers are not violent in other relationships, such as at work with friends (Keeling and Mason 2008). Domestic violence the severity of that violence, when confronted with their abusive behavior they tend to blame their partner for provoking. Many factors may contribute to abuse. Some batterers lack the ability to control their actions and do not know how to react appropriately and nonviolently to stress and dissatisfaction. A need for power and control, an abusive family background, feelings of inadequacy and stress all may contribute to abusive behavior. Alcoholism drug abuse do not cause domestic violence but being drunk high does intensify existing violent behaviors. Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior, which involves violence other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage cohabitation. Intimate partner violence is violence by a spouse partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse partner. Domestic violence can take place in heterosexual and same-sex family relationships and can involve violence against children in the family (Harne and Radford, 2008). In abusive relationships, there may be a cycle of abuse during which tensions rise and an act of violence is committed, followed by a period of reconciliation and calm. Victims of domestic violence
Journal of GURUBABA, 2022
Jounal of Gururbaba (An Educational Research Journal) is published bi-annually by the Gurubaba Yo... more Jounal of Gururbaba (An Educational Research Journal) is published bi-annually by the Gurubaba Youth Organization. The Organization publishes the research and peer reviewed articles on various subject areas that bring new information and innovation in different academic disciplines. Therefore, for the publication of May session 2022, the innovatively creative articles on any topic or from any discipline are asked from the interested researchers and scholars.
Title: The first page of the manuscript should contain the title, the author’s designation and his/her e-mail address.
Abstract: The contributors should submit the article along with an abstract, not exceeding more than one hundred words.
Key Words: Some of the key terms or the terminologies related to the major concepts of the subject or the topic should be mentioned.
Length: The articles should be written within the limitation of 3,000 to 5000 words.
Introduction: Give the general statements of the problem of your study. State the main ideas of your paper with the clear and concise and yet thorough understanding of what you want to present in it. Discuss also the scope, context and significance of your research article by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic, stating the purpose and objective of the work and explaining briefly the methodological approach used to examine it.
Major Part of Analysis: Analyze the major sections and contents of your paper as what has been done with the data found. Avoid being too verbose and jargon during your analysis.
Conclusion: Include the important findings and conclude precisely in the best possible way with the further suggestions or implications.
References and other styles: The articles submitted must be original works. The articles published already must not be submitted for the re-publication in this journal. The articles for submission should be typed in the Times New Roman, font 12. They should be in double space on one side of the A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margin on all sides. The articles must follow the APA and MLA guidelines.
Deadline for the submission of the article: One hard copy of the manuscript and the other electronic soft copy of it should be submitted by (March. 18, 2022) in the e-mail.