Pearl Dykstra - (original) (raw)
Papers by Pearl Dykstra
Demographic Research, Oct 11, 2012
Mens en Maatschappij, 1994
We worden steeds ouder, m aar de winst in jaren brengen we vooral ongezond door. Dit is te lezen ... more We worden steeds ouder, m aar de winst in jaren brengen we vooral ongezond door. Dit is te lezen in de recente uitgave van het Rijksinstituut voor Volksge zondheid en M ilieuhygiëne (RIVM), Volksgezondheid toekomstverkenning: de gezondheidstoestand van de N ederlandse bevolking in de perio d e 1950-2010.
This publication has been prepared for the European Commission by © Cover illustration: European ... more This publication has been prepared for the European Commission by © Cover illustration: European Union Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission may be held responsible for use of any information contained in this publication.
PubMed, Jun 1, 1987
The present study examined whether the specific functions that are generally ascribed to friends,... more The present study examined whether the specific functions that are generally ascribed to friends, are also fulfilled by other types of close relationships. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 46 men and women between the ages of 65 and 75, and living in their own homes. The majority of the romantic partners, sons (in-law), daughters (in-law), other relatives and neighbours were considered to be 'like friends'. Clear differences were found between the people who were friends or who were like friends, on the one hand, and the people who were not considered as such, on the other hand. People who were friends or like friends, shared more intimate feelings, and provided more self-esteem support and instrumental help. The findings indicate that relationships that have their origins in the family-network or in the neighbourhood, can play the role of friends. Older men and women should be encouraged to intensify these relationships.
Mensch en maatschappij, Jan 14, 2015
This report attempts to quantify the impact of changes over time in kinship networks in the Nethe... more This report attempts to quantify the impact of changes over time in kinship networks in the Netherlands and to project future developments. A microsimulation model of kinship networks KINSIM is developed in order to generate future trends. "After a historical sketch based on the analysis of a large number of existing genealogies the KINSIM model and its input parameters are described. Demographic scenarios are formulated and the corresponding kinship patterns are presented. For all age groups the number of living kin will sharply decline during the period 1993-2050. This is the case for both so-called `horizontal kin relationships (e.g. siblings and cousins) and `vertical kin relationships (e.g. children and nieces and nephews). The decline in the availability of kin is particularly true for the elderly kinship patterns of whom are discussed in a separate chapter." (EXCERPT) (SUMMARY IN ENG)
Concise summary of research problematic The objective of the research project is to identify patt... more Concise summary of research problematic The objective of the research project is to identify patterns in the transitions and trajectories in late life as they pertain to the domains of marriage, the family, the household, personal relationships, health, employment, and the domicile, and in the outcomes of these transitions and trajectories for late-life social embeddedness, wellbeing, health and mortality. Specific attention is paid to intra-and intercohort differences. An account for increasing heterogeneity with increasing age is sought in the identification of key life-course transition points. The project also aims to find out whether a typology can be identified that attributes the shape and course of late-life trajectories to a deliberate narrowing and a compensatory balancing of activities. Finally, an explanation for differences in late-life wellbeing is sought in differences in the degree of balance that has been achieved between older adults' life goals, the demands imposed by circumstances and available resources. The latter have been shaped by a complex interplay of people's individual life histories and the institutional context surrounding them during the course of their life time.
Mens en Maatschappij, 1999
Naties hebben het laatste jaar van deze eeuw, op de drempel naar een nieuw millennium, uitgeroepe... more Naties hebben het laatste jaar van deze eeuw, op de drempel naar een nieuw millennium, uitgeroepen tot het Internationale Jaar van de Ouderen. Het thema is: 'naar een samenleving voor alle leeftijden'. Zoals de Noorse sociologe Gunhild Hagestad aangaf in haar toespraak bij de opening van het Internationale jaar, nodigt dit thema uit tot reflectie over de betekenis van leeftijd in onze samenleving en w^at die idealiter zou kunnen zijn. Wat levert een dergelijke reflectie op? Om te beginnen worden we attent gemaakt op een ontwikkeling die weinig onder de aandacht komt, namelijk dat er in het dagelijkse leven grenzen bestaan tussen leeftijdsgroepen. Mensen brengen een groot deel van hun djd door in leeftijdsenclaves, ieder met hun eigen cultuur en met op hun leeftijd gerichte bezigheden. Met andere woorden, jongeren en ouderen leven in gescheiden werelden-niet alleen fysiek, maar ook ideologisch. Ironisch genoeg is er echter geen sprake van generatieconflicten, zoals die er in de jaren zestig en zeventig waren. Integendeel, intergenerationele relaties zijn gekenmerkt door een 'leven en laten leven'. Onze samenleving is zodanig ingericht dat contacten tussen ouderen en jongeren worden bemoeilijkt. Uit klassiek sociologische studies weten we dat dit ideale condities zijn voor het ontstaan en voortbestaan van stereotype ideeen en opvattingen over 'de ander'. Een samenleving voor alle leeftijden schept mogelijkheden voor gedachtenuitwisselingen tussen mensen die in verschillende historische perioden verankerd zijn. Ouderen bieden een venster op het verleden, maar dan moet er wel naar hun ervaringen worden gevraagd. Als aan ouderen geen kans wordt gegeven om hun levensverhaal te vertellen, dan groeien jongeren op zonder geschiedenis. En als niemand naar jongeren luistert, dan is er geen toekomst. Hoe zit het met pogingen tot intergenerationeel contact? Deze zijn te omschrijven als 'eenrichtingsverkeer'. Onder ouderen lijkt er een sterkere behoefte te zijn aan interactie en communicatie met jongeren dan andersom. In dit kader zijn uitspraken van ouderen in een recent radioprogramma over senionueh veelzeggend. Senionveh is een initiatief om de elektronische snelweg toegankelijker te maken voor ouderen. Gevraagd werd naar de ervaringen. De teneur van de reacties was dat internetten niet echt leuk is, maar dat het 'moet' om bij te blijven en om erbij te horen, voor de kleinkinderen. Een dergelijk 'moeten' in de contacten richting ouderen is ver te zoeken. Hoeveel jongeren grijpen naar een geschiedenisboek om zich te verdiepen in het verleden van zijn of haar grootouders? 'Intergenerationeel werk' als vorm van lokaal sociaal beleid begint langzaam op gang te komen. In het eerste nummer van het nieuwe blad Geron beschrijft Kees Penninx een groot aantal initiatieven die onder deze noemer vallen: leesoma's op de basisschool, tieners die klussen doen voor oudere buurtbewoners, gepensioneerde vaklieden die moeilijk lerenden begeleiden, reminiscentieprojecten waarin herinneringen van ouderen via toneel tot leven komen voor jongere generaties, enzovoort. De meeste activiteiten hebben echter een ad-hoc karakter. Structurele financiering is er niet en ze zijn te vaak afliankelijk van toevalsfactoren zoals een enthousiaste kartrekker.
Mens en Maatschappij, Sep 1, 1987
Friends and frie n d sh ip Ik present stu d y exa m in ed w hether a theoretically-based conceptu... more Friends and frie n d sh ip Ik present stu d y exa m in ed w hether a theoretically-based conceptualization o f fiends was in agreem ent w ith w hat in dividuals rep o rted a b o u t th eir frie n d s. F riends nre identified b y m eans o f tw o criteria: a. w hether o r n o t a c o n ta ct was labeled a jriend; and b. w hether o r n o t co n ta cts w ho were given a d iffe r e n t label than th a t o f friend, were considered to be like frie n d s. T h e results revealed th a t characteristics perally assigned to frie n d s, also a p p ly to o th e r ty p e s o fp e r so n a l relationships such mmantic partners a n d relatives. In o u r view th e fin d in g s are related to th e distinc-Imbetween the con cep t ' fr ie n d ', w hich is a category label, a n d th e co n cep t fr ie n dskip', which applies to th e q u a lity o f a relationship. C aution is suggested in th e use o f tie label attached to a relationship as th e (sole) in d ica to r o f th e pa rticu lar q u a lity o f iki relationship.
PubMed, Oct 1, 1999
Using data from the 1992 NESTOR-survey 'Living arrangements and social networks of older adults' ... more Using data from the 1992 NESTOR-survey 'Living arrangements and social networks of older adults' (N = 4494), the aim of the present study is to identify specific categories of older adults who are most vulnerable to loneliness. By looking at different types of partner relationships (first, second, and third marriages; consensual unions; partners who are not household members) and at partner histories (never married, ever divorced, ever widowed, remarried), this study elaborates on previous research which has tended to look only at the presence versus the absence of partner relationships. Findings indicate that different types of partner relationships provide differential protection against loneliness. There appears to be a 'shadow of the past' of a previous divorce or widowhood in second and third partnerships, which accounts for generally higher levels of loneliness. Single men tend to be more lonely than single women. Moreover, there are no differences in loneliness between men who have always been single and those previously married. Among single women, differences in partner history are relevant: never married single women tend to be least vulnerable to loneliness. The differences in loneliness between older adults with different types of partner relationships and partner histories are only partially attributable to network and social participation differences. The latter independently contribute to the explanation of loneliness. The role of non-social determinants (health and socioeconomic position) is also examined. The results underscore the socially isolating effects of sensory impairments. Older adults with functional limitations, and those with visual or auditory problems tend to be more lonely, findings which are only partially attributable to differences in the number and quality of social relationships. Socioeconomic circumstances primarily have an indirect influence on loneliness. Those with higher levels of educational attainment and higher incomes tend to have more extensive social networks and are therefore less prone to loneliness.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers eBooks, 1999
... Evert van Imhoff, Bert van der Knaap, Anton Kuijsten, Aart Liefbroer, Clara Mulder, Nico van ... more ... Evert van Imhoff, Bert van der Knaap, Anton Kuijsten, Aart Liefbroer, Clara Mulder, Nico van Nimwegen, Harrie Verbon, Ad Vossen, and Frans ... ourselves extremely fortunate to have been able to call upon Willemien Kneppelhout and her colleagues Ginger van Hasselt and Anne ...
Ageing & Society, Jun 1, 1994
Women Come of Age is the product of a collective effort to provide 'a holistic review and ana... more Women Come of Age is the product of a collective effort to provide 'a holistic review and analysis of what it means to be an older woman living in late twentieth century Britain' (p. viii). The book is written for students, professionals and lay persons interested in learning more about the circumstances of older women. The editors express the hope that readers will find it a stimulating introduction which I found to be the case. Though the volume focuses on the United Kingdom, readers from other western industrialized countries will find sufficient information that is relevant to their situation. The topics considered in the book have been thoughtfully selected. By covering a wide range, they provide a multi-faceted view of older women's lives. Successive chapters provide reviews of research findings relating to: economic status and income, health, intimacy and sexuality, giving and receiving care, living environments, and leisure. It is evident that the production of the book was truly collective and that it has been carefully edited. Its various topics are, by their nature, interwoven, but care has been taken to differentiate the chapters. Where relevant, e.g. for the interrelations between income and leisure activities or those between health and care, useful cross-references are given. Cooperation among the contributors is also evident in the shared themes guiding the presentation of research findings. The starting point for the book was dissatisfaction with dominant conceptualizations. As is argued in the first chapter, life course approaches have largely neglected age and gender, gerontological approaches have tended to be gender-blind, while feminist researchers have only recently started to pay attention to older women. The arguments are sound but are presented summarily as in a textbook, something that is of course convenient for those looking for a concise overview of key issues. Each of the following chapters adopts a similar perspective, one that I would describe as woman-friendly and cognizant of the importance of life histories. Accordingly, each chapter for its own topic shows with insight what is unique about being old and female and the ways in which current circumstances may be shaped by the past. Moreover, careful consideration is given to diversity among older women. As far as relevant data exist, attention is paid to differences according to social class, age, marital status, sexual orientation, employment status and, most noteworthy, race and ethnicity.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 6, 2023
With much pride, we see ODISSEI entering maturity. Many of its facilities are fully operational a... more With much pride, we see ODISSEI entering maturity. Many of its facilities are fully operational and ODISSEI has developed a vibrant community of users. Over the past year, the ODISSEI Portal has been further developed, and the usage of the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer has increased, and we have been granted SSHOC-NL, a new NWO Roadmap grant, which will open up exciting avenues for ODISSEI development. We are particularly proud of last year's Community Conference. With over 300 participants and 50 high-quality presentations, the event brought together a vibrant ODISSEI community that has grown over the past years. We are entering the final period of the current Roadmap project-Better Infrastructure, Better Science, Better Society-and in this annual plan, we outline how ODISSEI will continue to provide important facilities for the scientific community. With a few tasks already successfully completed and others well on track, we are confident that ODISSEI will deliver the promise of the Roadmap project and will further consolidate ODISSEI's position as a leader in the social sciences regarding access to data, tools, high-performance computing capacity, and expertise. A number of initiatives will be continued in the coming year. Technological developments aimed at removing barriers to microdata usage will benefit the whole community. The OSSC will be used to test groundbreaking developments in privacy-preserving techniques. Implementation of the access broker will help the Portal reach its full potential, while the benchmark platform will further expand opportunities for predicting outcomes in people's lives. All this work will serve the greater goal of helping the social science community improve the empirical basis of their research. This summer we will welcome a new cohort of ODISSEI Summer School for Computational Social Science (SICSS) participants, who will delve into topics such as network analysis, machine learning, benchmarking, and the ethics of big data. We also look forward to our next Community Conference on 2nd November 2023, which we hope, will again be a celebration of the social sciences in the Netherlands. Pearl Dykstra Director, ODISSEI i 2 Governance ODISSEI now consists of 45 member organisations who have all signed the participants agreement and committed their financial contribution to ODISSEI until 2024, the end of the Roadmap project. The Supervisory Board consists of Pieter Hooimeijer (DSW, chair), Carlo Schuengel (DSW), Henk van der Kolk (DSW), Viola Angelini (DEB), Hanneke Imbens (Statistics Netherlands), Helga de Valk (KNAW/NWO institutes and E-infrastructures), and Pauline Flore (public research institutes).
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 9, 2022
Mens en Maatschappij, 1997
The article discusses issues concerning labor market participation of women in the Netherlands an... more The article discusses issues concerning labor market participation of women in the Netherlands and Belgium. Figures comparing the labor participation of women in the Netherlands and Belgium are presented. Reasons behind the significant higher number of women in part-time works in the Netherlands than in Belgium are discussed. The family life and traditions of the Dutch and the Belgians is compared. The economic condition that prevailed in the Netherlands during the seventeenth century is highlighted.
Demographic Research, Oct 11, 2012
Mens en Maatschappij, 1994
We worden steeds ouder, m aar de winst in jaren brengen we vooral ongezond door. Dit is te lezen ... more We worden steeds ouder, m aar de winst in jaren brengen we vooral ongezond door. Dit is te lezen in de recente uitgave van het Rijksinstituut voor Volksge zondheid en M ilieuhygiëne (RIVM), Volksgezondheid toekomstverkenning: de gezondheidstoestand van de N ederlandse bevolking in de perio d e 1950-2010.
This publication has been prepared for the European Commission by © Cover illustration: European ... more This publication has been prepared for the European Commission by © Cover illustration: European Union Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission may be held responsible for use of any information contained in this publication.
PubMed, Jun 1, 1987
The present study examined whether the specific functions that are generally ascribed to friends,... more The present study examined whether the specific functions that are generally ascribed to friends, are also fulfilled by other types of close relationships. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 46 men and women between the ages of 65 and 75, and living in their own homes. The majority of the romantic partners, sons (in-law), daughters (in-law), other relatives and neighbours were considered to be 'like friends'. Clear differences were found between the people who were friends or who were like friends, on the one hand, and the people who were not considered as such, on the other hand. People who were friends or like friends, shared more intimate feelings, and provided more self-esteem support and instrumental help. The findings indicate that relationships that have their origins in the family-network or in the neighbourhood, can play the role of friends. Older men and women should be encouraged to intensify these relationships.
Mensch en maatschappij, Jan 14, 2015
This report attempts to quantify the impact of changes over time in kinship networks in the Nethe... more This report attempts to quantify the impact of changes over time in kinship networks in the Netherlands and to project future developments. A microsimulation model of kinship networks KINSIM is developed in order to generate future trends. "After a historical sketch based on the analysis of a large number of existing genealogies the KINSIM model and its input parameters are described. Demographic scenarios are formulated and the corresponding kinship patterns are presented. For all age groups the number of living kin will sharply decline during the period 1993-2050. This is the case for both so-called `horizontal kin relationships (e.g. siblings and cousins) and `vertical kin relationships (e.g. children and nieces and nephews). The decline in the availability of kin is particularly true for the elderly kinship patterns of whom are discussed in a separate chapter." (EXCERPT) (SUMMARY IN ENG)
Concise summary of research problematic The objective of the research project is to identify patt... more Concise summary of research problematic The objective of the research project is to identify patterns in the transitions and trajectories in late life as they pertain to the domains of marriage, the family, the household, personal relationships, health, employment, and the domicile, and in the outcomes of these transitions and trajectories for late-life social embeddedness, wellbeing, health and mortality. Specific attention is paid to intra-and intercohort differences. An account for increasing heterogeneity with increasing age is sought in the identification of key life-course transition points. The project also aims to find out whether a typology can be identified that attributes the shape and course of late-life trajectories to a deliberate narrowing and a compensatory balancing of activities. Finally, an explanation for differences in late-life wellbeing is sought in differences in the degree of balance that has been achieved between older adults' life goals, the demands imposed by circumstances and available resources. The latter have been shaped by a complex interplay of people's individual life histories and the institutional context surrounding them during the course of their life time.
Mens en Maatschappij, 1999
Naties hebben het laatste jaar van deze eeuw, op de drempel naar een nieuw millennium, uitgeroepe... more Naties hebben het laatste jaar van deze eeuw, op de drempel naar een nieuw millennium, uitgeroepen tot het Internationale Jaar van de Ouderen. Het thema is: 'naar een samenleving voor alle leeftijden'. Zoals de Noorse sociologe Gunhild Hagestad aangaf in haar toespraak bij de opening van het Internationale jaar, nodigt dit thema uit tot reflectie over de betekenis van leeftijd in onze samenleving en w^at die idealiter zou kunnen zijn. Wat levert een dergelijke reflectie op? Om te beginnen worden we attent gemaakt op een ontwikkeling die weinig onder de aandacht komt, namelijk dat er in het dagelijkse leven grenzen bestaan tussen leeftijdsgroepen. Mensen brengen een groot deel van hun djd door in leeftijdsenclaves, ieder met hun eigen cultuur en met op hun leeftijd gerichte bezigheden. Met andere woorden, jongeren en ouderen leven in gescheiden werelden-niet alleen fysiek, maar ook ideologisch. Ironisch genoeg is er echter geen sprake van generatieconflicten, zoals die er in de jaren zestig en zeventig waren. Integendeel, intergenerationele relaties zijn gekenmerkt door een 'leven en laten leven'. Onze samenleving is zodanig ingericht dat contacten tussen ouderen en jongeren worden bemoeilijkt. Uit klassiek sociologische studies weten we dat dit ideale condities zijn voor het ontstaan en voortbestaan van stereotype ideeen en opvattingen over 'de ander'. Een samenleving voor alle leeftijden schept mogelijkheden voor gedachtenuitwisselingen tussen mensen die in verschillende historische perioden verankerd zijn. Ouderen bieden een venster op het verleden, maar dan moet er wel naar hun ervaringen worden gevraagd. Als aan ouderen geen kans wordt gegeven om hun levensverhaal te vertellen, dan groeien jongeren op zonder geschiedenis. En als niemand naar jongeren luistert, dan is er geen toekomst. Hoe zit het met pogingen tot intergenerationeel contact? Deze zijn te omschrijven als 'eenrichtingsverkeer'. Onder ouderen lijkt er een sterkere behoefte te zijn aan interactie en communicatie met jongeren dan andersom. In dit kader zijn uitspraken van ouderen in een recent radioprogramma over senionueh veelzeggend. Senionveh is een initiatief om de elektronische snelweg toegankelijker te maken voor ouderen. Gevraagd werd naar de ervaringen. De teneur van de reacties was dat internetten niet echt leuk is, maar dat het 'moet' om bij te blijven en om erbij te horen, voor de kleinkinderen. Een dergelijk 'moeten' in de contacten richting ouderen is ver te zoeken. Hoeveel jongeren grijpen naar een geschiedenisboek om zich te verdiepen in het verleden van zijn of haar grootouders? 'Intergenerationeel werk' als vorm van lokaal sociaal beleid begint langzaam op gang te komen. In het eerste nummer van het nieuwe blad Geron beschrijft Kees Penninx een groot aantal initiatieven die onder deze noemer vallen: leesoma's op de basisschool, tieners die klussen doen voor oudere buurtbewoners, gepensioneerde vaklieden die moeilijk lerenden begeleiden, reminiscentieprojecten waarin herinneringen van ouderen via toneel tot leven komen voor jongere generaties, enzovoort. De meeste activiteiten hebben echter een ad-hoc karakter. Structurele financiering is er niet en ze zijn te vaak afliankelijk van toevalsfactoren zoals een enthousiaste kartrekker.
Mens en Maatschappij, Sep 1, 1987
Friends and frie n d sh ip Ik present stu d y exa m in ed w hether a theoretically-based conceptu... more Friends and frie n d sh ip Ik present stu d y exa m in ed w hether a theoretically-based conceptualization o f fiends was in agreem ent w ith w hat in dividuals rep o rted a b o u t th eir frie n d s. F riends nre identified b y m eans o f tw o criteria: a. w hether o r n o t a c o n ta ct was labeled a jriend; and b. w hether o r n o t co n ta cts w ho were given a d iffe r e n t label than th a t o f friend, were considered to be like frie n d s. T h e results revealed th a t characteristics perally assigned to frie n d s, also a p p ly to o th e r ty p e s o fp e r so n a l relationships such mmantic partners a n d relatives. In o u r view th e fin d in g s are related to th e distinc-Imbetween the con cep t ' fr ie n d ', w hich is a category label, a n d th e co n cep t fr ie n dskip', which applies to th e q u a lity o f a relationship. C aution is suggested in th e use o f tie label attached to a relationship as th e (sole) in d ica to r o f th e pa rticu lar q u a lity o f iki relationship.
PubMed, Oct 1, 1999
Using data from the 1992 NESTOR-survey 'Living arrangements and social networks of older adults' ... more Using data from the 1992 NESTOR-survey 'Living arrangements and social networks of older adults' (N = 4494), the aim of the present study is to identify specific categories of older adults who are most vulnerable to loneliness. By looking at different types of partner relationships (first, second, and third marriages; consensual unions; partners who are not household members) and at partner histories (never married, ever divorced, ever widowed, remarried), this study elaborates on previous research which has tended to look only at the presence versus the absence of partner relationships. Findings indicate that different types of partner relationships provide differential protection against loneliness. There appears to be a 'shadow of the past' of a previous divorce or widowhood in second and third partnerships, which accounts for generally higher levels of loneliness. Single men tend to be more lonely than single women. Moreover, there are no differences in loneliness between men who have always been single and those previously married. Among single women, differences in partner history are relevant: never married single women tend to be least vulnerable to loneliness. The differences in loneliness between older adults with different types of partner relationships and partner histories are only partially attributable to network and social participation differences. The latter independently contribute to the explanation of loneliness. The role of non-social determinants (health and socioeconomic position) is also examined. The results underscore the socially isolating effects of sensory impairments. Older adults with functional limitations, and those with visual or auditory problems tend to be more lonely, findings which are only partially attributable to differences in the number and quality of social relationships. Socioeconomic circumstances primarily have an indirect influence on loneliness. Those with higher levels of educational attainment and higher incomes tend to have more extensive social networks and are therefore less prone to loneliness.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers eBooks, 1999
... Evert van Imhoff, Bert van der Knaap, Anton Kuijsten, Aart Liefbroer, Clara Mulder, Nico van ... more ... Evert van Imhoff, Bert van der Knaap, Anton Kuijsten, Aart Liefbroer, Clara Mulder, Nico van Nimwegen, Harrie Verbon, Ad Vossen, and Frans ... ourselves extremely fortunate to have been able to call upon Willemien Kneppelhout and her colleagues Ginger van Hasselt and Anne ...
Ageing & Society, Jun 1, 1994
Women Come of Age is the product of a collective effort to provide 'a holistic review and ana... more Women Come of Age is the product of a collective effort to provide 'a holistic review and analysis of what it means to be an older woman living in late twentieth century Britain' (p. viii). The book is written for students, professionals and lay persons interested in learning more about the circumstances of older women. The editors express the hope that readers will find it a stimulating introduction which I found to be the case. Though the volume focuses on the United Kingdom, readers from other western industrialized countries will find sufficient information that is relevant to their situation. The topics considered in the book have been thoughtfully selected. By covering a wide range, they provide a multi-faceted view of older women's lives. Successive chapters provide reviews of research findings relating to: economic status and income, health, intimacy and sexuality, giving and receiving care, living environments, and leisure. It is evident that the production of the book was truly collective and that it has been carefully edited. Its various topics are, by their nature, interwoven, but care has been taken to differentiate the chapters. Where relevant, e.g. for the interrelations between income and leisure activities or those between health and care, useful cross-references are given. Cooperation among the contributors is also evident in the shared themes guiding the presentation of research findings. The starting point for the book was dissatisfaction with dominant conceptualizations. As is argued in the first chapter, life course approaches have largely neglected age and gender, gerontological approaches have tended to be gender-blind, while feminist researchers have only recently started to pay attention to older women. The arguments are sound but are presented summarily as in a textbook, something that is of course convenient for those looking for a concise overview of key issues. Each of the following chapters adopts a similar perspective, one that I would describe as woman-friendly and cognizant of the importance of life histories. Accordingly, each chapter for its own topic shows with insight what is unique about being old and female and the ways in which current circumstances may be shaped by the past. Moreover, careful consideration is given to diversity among older women. As far as relevant data exist, attention is paid to differences according to social class, age, marital status, sexual orientation, employment status and, most noteworthy, race and ethnicity.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 6, 2023
With much pride, we see ODISSEI entering maturity. Many of its facilities are fully operational a... more With much pride, we see ODISSEI entering maturity. Many of its facilities are fully operational and ODISSEI has developed a vibrant community of users. Over the past year, the ODISSEI Portal has been further developed, and the usage of the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer has increased, and we have been granted SSHOC-NL, a new NWO Roadmap grant, which will open up exciting avenues for ODISSEI development. We are particularly proud of last year's Community Conference. With over 300 participants and 50 high-quality presentations, the event brought together a vibrant ODISSEI community that has grown over the past years. We are entering the final period of the current Roadmap project-Better Infrastructure, Better Science, Better Society-and in this annual plan, we outline how ODISSEI will continue to provide important facilities for the scientific community. With a few tasks already successfully completed and others well on track, we are confident that ODISSEI will deliver the promise of the Roadmap project and will further consolidate ODISSEI's position as a leader in the social sciences regarding access to data, tools, high-performance computing capacity, and expertise. A number of initiatives will be continued in the coming year. Technological developments aimed at removing barriers to microdata usage will benefit the whole community. The OSSC will be used to test groundbreaking developments in privacy-preserving techniques. Implementation of the access broker will help the Portal reach its full potential, while the benchmark platform will further expand opportunities for predicting outcomes in people's lives. All this work will serve the greater goal of helping the social science community improve the empirical basis of their research. This summer we will welcome a new cohort of ODISSEI Summer School for Computational Social Science (SICSS) participants, who will delve into topics such as network analysis, machine learning, benchmarking, and the ethics of big data. We also look forward to our next Community Conference on 2nd November 2023, which we hope, will again be a celebration of the social sciences in the Netherlands. Pearl Dykstra Director, ODISSEI i 2 Governance ODISSEI now consists of 45 member organisations who have all signed the participants agreement and committed their financial contribution to ODISSEI until 2024, the end of the Roadmap project. The Supervisory Board consists of Pieter Hooimeijer (DSW, chair), Carlo Schuengel (DSW), Henk van der Kolk (DSW), Viola Angelini (DEB), Hanneke Imbens (Statistics Netherlands), Helga de Valk (KNAW/NWO institutes and E-infrastructures), and Pauline Flore (public research institutes).
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 9, 2022
Mens en Maatschappij, 1997
The article discusses issues concerning labor market participation of women in the Netherlands an... more The article discusses issues concerning labor market participation of women in the Netherlands and Belgium. Figures comparing the labor participation of women in the Netherlands and Belgium are presented. Reasons behind the significant higher number of women in part-time works in the Netherlands than in Belgium are discussed. The family life and traditions of the Dutch and the Belgians is compared. The economic condition that prevailed in the Netherlands during the seventeenth century is highlighted.