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Papers by Flaminia Pedone
L’Impero che emerge oggi è il centro che supporta la globalizzazione delle forze produttive e che... more L’Impero che emerge oggi è il centro che supporta la globalizzazione delle forze produttive e che raccoglie al suo interno le relazioni di potere; il processo di globalizzazione è la fonte della definizione giuridica di Impero che proietta su una singola figura internazionale il potere politico globale.
C’è ignoranza diffusa per quel che riguarda l’epoca di circa mille anni, conosciuta come Medioevo... more C’è ignoranza diffusa per quel che riguarda l’epoca di circa mille anni, conosciuta come Medioevo, si potrebbe invece definire in maniera più particolareggiata l’intero periodo in questione: Periodo Franco: V - VIII secolo; Periodo Imperiale: VIII- X sec.; Età feudale: X - XIII sec.; Medioevo: XIV - XVI sec. Si osserverà allora che quest’ultimo periodo, e solo esso, giustifica le vedute sommarie che fanno del Medioevo un’epoca buia, caratterizzata da carestie, epidemie e guerre.
La grande carestia che sconvolse l’Europa nel 1315-1317 fu causata dal cambio delle condizioni climatiche: a un periodo di clima caldo subentrò un periodo freddo e piovoso. Nel 1350, il mondo è scosso dal più violento cataclisma mai conosciuto dall’uomo: la peste bubbonica. Inoltre nel XIV, un elemento nuovo trasforma le condizioni di guerra: la polvere da sparo; da cui, l’uomo si dedicherà esclusivamente ai mezzi di attacco che non cesseranno di perfezionarsi… Infine, nel XIV secolo,ci fu l’invezione dell’orologio meccanico. Dunque, guerre, carestie, epidemie, caratterizzano bene i secoli dal XIV e XV secolo del Medioevo, propriamente detto. Sarebbe perciò opportuno iniziare a studiare in maniera appropriata questi mille anni di storia e provare a capire se di fatto esistono certi schemi mentale che hanno strutturato il nostro pensiero dal medioevo in poi, schemi mentali passibili di essere modificati per aumentare il benessere individuale, se questa è la condizione Pareto ottimale da raggiugere nel sistema.
Una nueva guerra mundial que afecte a la mayoría de los países, es hoy improbable aunque no impos... more Una nueva guerra mundial que afecte a la mayoría de los países, es hoy improbable aunque no imposible.
Se viven momentos de enorme incertidumbre y volatilidad en un escenario mundial cada vez más complejo en el que los cambios se suceden con una rapidez inusitada, favorecidos por la tecnología, especialmente de las comunicaciones.
De momento, la pugna solo se esta librando a través de actores interpuestos y de las llamadas "guerra híbridas", en las que se combinan economía, desinformación, terrorismo, actividad criminal y subversión para provocar desordenes civiles y confrontaciones localizadas.
En este contexto tiene especial relevancia el enfrentamiento existente en su escala global a través de la guerra económica, que se realiza por intereses económicos y mediante instrumentos económico-financieros.
Dio sarà anche morto ma le domande urgenti che ci hanno spinto a crearlo esigono sempre una rispo... more Dio sarà anche morto ma le domande urgenti che ci hanno spinto a crearlo esigono sempre una risposta, anche quando riscontriamo qualche inesattezza scientifica nella divisione dei pani e dei pesci.
L'errore dell'ateismo moderno è quello di ignorare gli aspetti delle religioni che rimangono apprezzabili anche dopo che i loro dogmi vengono confutati.
Dopo aver perso una serie di pratiche e tradizioni, che gli atei trovavano insopportabili perché troppo impregnate da quello che Nietzsche definiva "il cattivo odore della religione", la società laica si è impoverita.
Quello che segue è un tentativo di leggere le fedi, principalmente quella cristiana, in relazione ai problemi sollevati dalla convivenza all'interno di una comunità, e dalle sofferenze mentali e fisiche di un'esistenza mortale in un pianeta al collasso.
How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of i... more How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of idealized types of masculinity and femininity? In order to answer to this question, primarily I consider the meaning the economic and institutional legitimacy crisis by reasoning with Marx's theory of value, then I use it as a driver for my analysis of the last 100 years in western countries. On the basis of the high rate of technological change that follow the second world war, I suggest that the economic and institutional crisis put under pressure the idealized types of masculinity. Actually, the following analysis gives a bird view of the co-evolution of capitalism and society and as result I partially explain the increasing rate of violence of men behaviour, against other people as well as against themselves. Eventually, I draw attention to the fact that given the indeterminacy of institutions in our time is important to redefine what being a man in the twenty-first century really means, given that the definition of masculinity developed to ensure the survival of offspring is old fashion and can be even dangerous. In this paper I am going to investigate the relationship between economic crisis and masculinity. I interpret here "economic crisis" as a very broad expression that refers to Capitalism as a whole, during the most part of his evolution; exactly, I am going to consider the evolution of capitalism just from the crisis of 1929 up to recent time, in western capitalistic countries. I analyse the evolution 1 of capitalism from that date because the high rate of technological change, that has been burst by the world wars, allows me to follow the potential of liberation enclosed in the process of globalization and hence in the system of production which drives this process; as consequence, I can inquiry clearly why today men have problem to deal with their own masculinity. As defined by Clinical Psychopathology, masculinity present itself in the three forms: being a fighter and a winner; being a provider and a protector; retaining mastery of control of everything possible in the world. But it's only been in the last 100 or so years that half of the humanity has dared to question men's rights to dominate the sphere of influence. What I am going to explore is at what extent the evolution of society and of Capitalism undermine the capacity of men to find their kind of new, sane masculinity. The fact that today men have problems to deal with the concept of masculinity is clearly expressed by the increasing number of men who have violent behaviour toward themselves (high rate of men suicide), toward other people, toward women, and eventually becoming bombers or foreign fighters. Adam Smith (1776), the founder of political economy show how European Modernity is inseparable from 1 Capitalism. He explains that the capitalist intends only his own gain but the invisible hand of the market promote an end which was no part of his intention. The invisible hand of the market work thanks to a state, minimal but effective, which makes the interest of private individuals coincide with the public interest, reducing all social function to one measure of value. Therefore, Smith's theory of value give the substance of the concept of modern sovereign state. In other world, since the beginning of Capitalism, it is clear how the process of production give the substance to the society, both at individual and at more aggregate level.
Per Papa Francesco i disastri ecologici sono il risultato degli attuali modelli di produzione e d... more Per Papa Francesco i disastri ecologici sono il risultato degli attuali modelli di produzione e di consumo; i problemi ecologici sono il frutto degli "ingranaggi dell'attuale economia globalizzata" che danno luogo ad un "sistema di relazioni commerciali e di proprietà strutturalmente perverso". In questo sistema predominano gli "interessi limitati delle imprese" ed una "discutibile razionalità economica". Il sistema "perverso" è una diretta conseguenze del principio della massimizzazione del profitto: "il principio di massimizzazione del profitto, che tende ad isolarsi da qualsiasi altra considerazione, è una distorsione concettuale dell'economia: se aumenta la produzione, interessa poco se si produca a spese delle risorse future o della salute dell'ambiente". Questo sistema è un "sistema mondiale dove prevalgono speculazione e ricerca della rendita finanziaria che tendono ad ignorare tutto il contesto, sia gli effetti sulla dignità umana che dell'ambiente naturale. Emerge così che la degradazione ambientale e la degradazione umana ed etica sono intimamente unite".
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the size of religious organizati... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the size of religious organizations and the state. Both of these institutions maximize the utility of individuals to modify one another's size. The literature regarding the economics of religion recognizes that the size of a religious organization is inversely related to the level of participation in religious activities and that religious organizations provide temporal bliss and deferred perpetuity. Empirical analysis and history suggest that an increase in the number of members of a religious organization increases deferred perpetuity credibility but decreases the level of temporal bliss that can be achieved. Empirical evidence also highlights that the state can change participation levels in religious activities. This paper proposes a model whereby the religious organization's size is determined by the trade-o between the goods provided and is modied by the rise of one or more states.
When religious organizations and nation-states are equivalent in size, the state's support of rel... more When religious organizations and nation-states are equivalent in size, the state's support of religious organizations is justied by the fact that the latter provides some positive externalities to the collective community. A problem arises, however, when there is a disparity between the sizes of the two overlapping organizations, and the state continues to support religious organizations both nancially and by allowing them to provide public goods on its behalf. This is problematic because religious organizations and the rest of the national community often have dierent views with respect to public policies elaborated by the central government. In this paper I propose an analytical model to explain why the state supports religious organizations. Existing literature about federalism suggests that the government should decentralize the supply of public goods, and there are many conicting views with respect to preferences of sub-jurisdictions. Drawing on this literature, I will examine under which conditions the different communities will divert costly resources to ght each other, ultimately suggesting that the state supports religious organization to reduce the probability of social conict.
The rule of capitalism has created a homogenization of the world's cultures while paradoxically t... more The rule of capitalism has created a homogenization of the world's cultures while paradoxically the importance of identity has been growing on global level. This paper aims to study the eect of social heterogeneity on the expansion of the world market and, specically, on the economic conditions of countries. To date, only one study has tried to analyze the contrasting Tendencies of globalization that are creating a more unied yet pluralistic world at the same time. In this paper I expand upon that model with more recent data, specically by considering the composition of local heterogeneity in a large number of countries. Recent data shows that social heterogeneity does not aect growth directly, but instead indirectly. The results of this research highlight world cultural Tendencies such as the importance of religious fractionalization to increase private investment and ethnic fractionalization to decrease government spending. I additionally reect upon the Pressure Group Theory and its ability to explain such changes. Ultimately, I discover that changes in the composition of social heterogeneity are likely to increase the probability of civil conict. The goal of this paper is to oer an in-depth investigation of the relationship between capitalism and social heterogeneity to demonstrate that the Western method of development is not the sole possible way. JEL Classication: D43, E21,F63
Drafts by Flaminia Pedone
Questo scritto focalizza l'attenzione su come l'uomo viene progressivamente dis-umanizzato dall'u... more Questo scritto focalizza l'attenzione su come l'uomo viene progressivamente dis-umanizzato dall'uso dissennato della tecnologia, come risulta imposto dal modello di capitalismo vigente. Specificatamente, dopo aver evidenziato le conseguenze negative della moderna tecnologia sull'uomo, tecnologia sintetizzata nell'Iphone e nei social media, e si propone di superarle. Tali conseguenze negative sono bene conosciute ai pensatori sin dal periodo tra le due guerre, ma mentre agli antichi mancavano gli strumenti per superarle ad oggi la tecnologia offre gli strumenti per uscire dalla trappola creata da essa stessa; una trappola che non è più solo una crisi di sovrapproduzione ma che addirittura è la dis-umanizzazione dell'uomo. Infatti, gli strumenti tecnologici moderni consentono di affrontare la detta trappola permettendo all'uomo di non ridurre necessariamente la quantità di lavoro individuale, ma ne offrono la via d'uscita redistribuendo equamente i frutti che i big data propriamente elaborati possono offrire alla collettività.
How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of i... more How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of idealized types of masculinity and femininity? In order to answer to this question, primarily I consider the meaning the economic and institutional legitimacy crisis by reasoning with Marx's theory of value, then I use it as a driver for my analysis of the last 100 years in western countries. On the basis of the high rate of technological change that follow the second world war, I suggest that the economic and institutional crisis put under pressure the idealized types of masculinity. Actually, the following analysis gives a bird view of the co-evolution of capitalism and society and as result I partially explain the increasing rate of violence of men behaviour, against other people as well as against themselves. Eventually, I draw attention to the fact that given the indeterminacy of institutions in our time is important to redefine what being a man in the twenty-first century really means, given that the definition of masculinity developed to ensure the survival of offspring is old fashion and can be even dangerous. In this paper I am going to investigate the relationship between economic crisis and masculinity. I interpret here "economic crisis" as a very broad expression that refers to Capitalism as a whole, during the most part of his evolution; exactly, I am going to consider the evolution of capitalism just from the crisis of 1929 up to recent time, in western capitalistic countries. I analyse the evolution 1 of capitalism from that date because the high rate of technological change, that has been burst by the world wars, allows me to follow the potential of liberation enclosed in the process of globalization and hence in the system of production which drives this process; as consequence, I can inquiry clearly why today men have problem to deal with their own masculinity. As defined by Clinical Psychopathology, masculinity present itself in the three forms: being a fighter and a winner; being a provider and a protector; retaining mastery of control of everything possible in the world. But it's only been in the last 100 or so years that half of the humanity has dared to question men's rights to dominate the sphere of influence. What I am going to explore is at what extent the evolution of society and of Capitalism undermine the capacity of men to find their kind of new, sane masculinity. The fact that today men have problems to deal with the concept of masculinity is clearly expressed by the increasing number of men who have violent behaviour toward themselves (high rate of men suicide), toward other people, toward women, and eventually becoming bombers or foreign fighters. Adam Smith (1776), the founder of political economy show how European Modernity is inseparable from 1 Capitalism. He explains that the capitalist intends only his own gain but the invisible hand of the market promote an end which was no part of his intention. The invisible hand of the market work thanks to a state, minimal but effective, which makes the interest of private individuals coincide with the public interest, reducing all social function to one measure of value. Therefore, Smith's theory of value give the substance of the concept of modern sovereign state. In other world, since the beginning of Capitalism, it is clear how the process of production give the substance to the society, both at individual and at more aggregate level.
How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of i... more How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of idealized types of masculinity and femininity? In order to answer to this question, primarily I consider the meaning the economic and institutional legitimacy crisis by reasoning with Marx's theory of value, then I use it as a driver for my analysis of the last 100 years in western countries. On the basis of the high rate of technological change that follow the second world war, I suggest that the economic and institutional crisis put under pressure the idealized types of masculinity. Actually, the following analysis gives a bird view of the co-evolution of capitalism and society and as result I partially explain the increasing rate of violence of men behaviour, against other people as well as against themselves. Eventually, I draw attention to the fact that given the indeterminacy of institutions in our time is important to redefine what being a man in the twenty-first century really means, given that the definition of masculinity developed to ensure the survival of offspring is old fashion and can be even dangerous. In this paper I am going to investigate the relationship between economic crisis and masculinity. I interpret here "economic crisis" as a very broad expression that refers to Capitalism as a whole, during the most part of his evolution; exactly, I am going to consider the evolution of capitalism just from the crisis of 1929 up to recent time, in western capitalistic countries. I analyse the evolution 1 of capitalism from that date because the high rate of technological change, that has been burst by the world wars, allows me to follow the potential of liberation enclosed in the process of globalization and hence in the system of production which drives this process; as consequence, I can inquiry clearly why today men have problem to deal with their own masculinity. As defined by Clinical Psychopathology, masculinity present itself in the three forms: being a fighter and a winner; being a provider and a protector; retaining mastery of control of everything possible in the world. But it's only been in the last 100 or so years that half of the humanity has dared to question men's rights to dominate the sphere of influence. What I am going to explore is at what extent the evolution of society and of Capitalism undermine the capacity of men to find their kind of new, sane masculinity. The fact that today men have problems to deal with the concept of masculinity is clearly expressed by the increasing number of men who have violent behaviour toward themselves (high rate of men suicide), toward other people, toward women, and eventually becoming bombers or foreign fighters. Adam Smith (1776), the founder of political economy show how European Modernity is inseparable from 1 Capitalism. He explains that the capitalist intends only his own gain but the invisible hand of the market promote an end which was no part of his intention. The invisible hand of the market work thanks to a state, minimal but effective, which makes the interest of private individuals coincide with the public interest, reducing all social function to one measure of value. Therefore, Smith's theory of value give the substance of the concept of modern sovereign state. In other world, since the beginning of Capitalism, it is clear how the process of production give the substance to the society, both at individual and at more aggregate level.
L’Impero che emerge oggi è il centro che supporta la globalizzazione delle forze produttive e che... more L’Impero che emerge oggi è il centro che supporta la globalizzazione delle forze produttive e che raccoglie al suo interno le relazioni di potere; il processo di globalizzazione è la fonte della definizione giuridica di Impero che proietta su una singola figura internazionale il potere politico globale.
C’è ignoranza diffusa per quel che riguarda l’epoca di circa mille anni, conosciuta come Medioevo... more C’è ignoranza diffusa per quel che riguarda l’epoca di circa mille anni, conosciuta come Medioevo, si potrebbe invece definire in maniera più particolareggiata l’intero periodo in questione: Periodo Franco: V - VIII secolo; Periodo Imperiale: VIII- X sec.; Età feudale: X - XIII sec.; Medioevo: XIV - XVI sec. Si osserverà allora che quest’ultimo periodo, e solo esso, giustifica le vedute sommarie che fanno del Medioevo un’epoca buia, caratterizzata da carestie, epidemie e guerre.
La grande carestia che sconvolse l’Europa nel 1315-1317 fu causata dal cambio delle condizioni climatiche: a un periodo di clima caldo subentrò un periodo freddo e piovoso. Nel 1350, il mondo è scosso dal più violento cataclisma mai conosciuto dall’uomo: la peste bubbonica. Inoltre nel XIV, un elemento nuovo trasforma le condizioni di guerra: la polvere da sparo; da cui, l’uomo si dedicherà esclusivamente ai mezzi di attacco che non cesseranno di perfezionarsi… Infine, nel XIV secolo,ci fu l’invezione dell’orologio meccanico. Dunque, guerre, carestie, epidemie, caratterizzano bene i secoli dal XIV e XV secolo del Medioevo, propriamente detto. Sarebbe perciò opportuno iniziare a studiare in maniera appropriata questi mille anni di storia e provare a capire se di fatto esistono certi schemi mentale che hanno strutturato il nostro pensiero dal medioevo in poi, schemi mentali passibili di essere modificati per aumentare il benessere individuale, se questa è la condizione Pareto ottimale da raggiugere nel sistema.
Una nueva guerra mundial que afecte a la mayoría de los países, es hoy improbable aunque no impos... more Una nueva guerra mundial que afecte a la mayoría de los países, es hoy improbable aunque no imposible.
Se viven momentos de enorme incertidumbre y volatilidad en un escenario mundial cada vez más complejo en el que los cambios se suceden con una rapidez inusitada, favorecidos por la tecnología, especialmente de las comunicaciones.
De momento, la pugna solo se esta librando a través de actores interpuestos y de las llamadas "guerra híbridas", en las que se combinan economía, desinformación, terrorismo, actividad criminal y subversión para provocar desordenes civiles y confrontaciones localizadas.
En este contexto tiene especial relevancia el enfrentamiento existente en su escala global a través de la guerra económica, que se realiza por intereses económicos y mediante instrumentos económico-financieros.
Dio sarà anche morto ma le domande urgenti che ci hanno spinto a crearlo esigono sempre una rispo... more Dio sarà anche morto ma le domande urgenti che ci hanno spinto a crearlo esigono sempre una risposta, anche quando riscontriamo qualche inesattezza scientifica nella divisione dei pani e dei pesci.
L'errore dell'ateismo moderno è quello di ignorare gli aspetti delle religioni che rimangono apprezzabili anche dopo che i loro dogmi vengono confutati.
Dopo aver perso una serie di pratiche e tradizioni, che gli atei trovavano insopportabili perché troppo impregnate da quello che Nietzsche definiva "il cattivo odore della religione", la società laica si è impoverita.
Quello che segue è un tentativo di leggere le fedi, principalmente quella cristiana, in relazione ai problemi sollevati dalla convivenza all'interno di una comunità, e dalle sofferenze mentali e fisiche di un'esistenza mortale in un pianeta al collasso.
How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of i... more How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of idealized types of masculinity and femininity? In order to answer to this question, primarily I consider the meaning the economic and institutional legitimacy crisis by reasoning with Marx's theory of value, then I use it as a driver for my analysis of the last 100 years in western countries. On the basis of the high rate of technological change that follow the second world war, I suggest that the economic and institutional crisis put under pressure the idealized types of masculinity. Actually, the following analysis gives a bird view of the co-evolution of capitalism and society and as result I partially explain the increasing rate of violence of men behaviour, against other people as well as against themselves. Eventually, I draw attention to the fact that given the indeterminacy of institutions in our time is important to redefine what being a man in the twenty-first century really means, given that the definition of masculinity developed to ensure the survival of offspring is old fashion and can be even dangerous. In this paper I am going to investigate the relationship between economic crisis and masculinity. I interpret here "economic crisis" as a very broad expression that refers to Capitalism as a whole, during the most part of his evolution; exactly, I am going to consider the evolution of capitalism just from the crisis of 1929 up to recent time, in western capitalistic countries. I analyse the evolution 1 of capitalism from that date because the high rate of technological change, that has been burst by the world wars, allows me to follow the potential of liberation enclosed in the process of globalization and hence in the system of production which drives this process; as consequence, I can inquiry clearly why today men have problem to deal with their own masculinity. As defined by Clinical Psychopathology, masculinity present itself in the three forms: being a fighter and a winner; being a provider and a protector; retaining mastery of control of everything possible in the world. But it's only been in the last 100 or so years that half of the humanity has dared to question men's rights to dominate the sphere of influence. What I am going to explore is at what extent the evolution of society and of Capitalism undermine the capacity of men to find their kind of new, sane masculinity. The fact that today men have problems to deal with the concept of masculinity is clearly expressed by the increasing number of men who have violent behaviour toward themselves (high rate of men suicide), toward other people, toward women, and eventually becoming bombers or foreign fighters. Adam Smith (1776), the founder of political economy show how European Modernity is inseparable from 1 Capitalism. He explains that the capitalist intends only his own gain but the invisible hand of the market promote an end which was no part of his intention. The invisible hand of the market work thanks to a state, minimal but effective, which makes the interest of private individuals coincide with the public interest, reducing all social function to one measure of value. Therefore, Smith's theory of value give the substance of the concept of modern sovereign state. In other world, since the beginning of Capitalism, it is clear how the process of production give the substance to the society, both at individual and at more aggregate level.
Per Papa Francesco i disastri ecologici sono il risultato degli attuali modelli di produzione e d... more Per Papa Francesco i disastri ecologici sono il risultato degli attuali modelli di produzione e di consumo; i problemi ecologici sono il frutto degli "ingranaggi dell'attuale economia globalizzata" che danno luogo ad un "sistema di relazioni commerciali e di proprietà strutturalmente perverso". In questo sistema predominano gli "interessi limitati delle imprese" ed una "discutibile razionalità economica". Il sistema "perverso" è una diretta conseguenze del principio della massimizzazione del profitto: "il principio di massimizzazione del profitto, che tende ad isolarsi da qualsiasi altra considerazione, è una distorsione concettuale dell'economia: se aumenta la produzione, interessa poco se si produca a spese delle risorse future o della salute dell'ambiente". Questo sistema è un "sistema mondiale dove prevalgono speculazione e ricerca della rendita finanziaria che tendono ad ignorare tutto il contesto, sia gli effetti sulla dignità umana che dell'ambiente naturale. Emerge così che la degradazione ambientale e la degradazione umana ed etica sono intimamente unite".
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the size of religious organizati... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the size of religious organizations and the state. Both of these institutions maximize the utility of individuals to modify one another's size. The literature regarding the economics of religion recognizes that the size of a religious organization is inversely related to the level of participation in religious activities and that religious organizations provide temporal bliss and deferred perpetuity. Empirical analysis and history suggest that an increase in the number of members of a religious organization increases deferred perpetuity credibility but decreases the level of temporal bliss that can be achieved. Empirical evidence also highlights that the state can change participation levels in religious activities. This paper proposes a model whereby the religious organization's size is determined by the trade-o between the goods provided and is modied by the rise of one or more states.
When religious organizations and nation-states are equivalent in size, the state's support of rel... more When religious organizations and nation-states are equivalent in size, the state's support of religious organizations is justied by the fact that the latter provides some positive externalities to the collective community. A problem arises, however, when there is a disparity between the sizes of the two overlapping organizations, and the state continues to support religious organizations both nancially and by allowing them to provide public goods on its behalf. This is problematic because religious organizations and the rest of the national community often have dierent views with respect to public policies elaborated by the central government. In this paper I propose an analytical model to explain why the state supports religious organizations. Existing literature about federalism suggests that the government should decentralize the supply of public goods, and there are many conicting views with respect to preferences of sub-jurisdictions. Drawing on this literature, I will examine under which conditions the different communities will divert costly resources to ght each other, ultimately suggesting that the state supports religious organization to reduce the probability of social conict.
The rule of capitalism has created a homogenization of the world's cultures while paradoxically t... more The rule of capitalism has created a homogenization of the world's cultures while paradoxically the importance of identity has been growing on global level. This paper aims to study the eect of social heterogeneity on the expansion of the world market and, specically, on the economic conditions of countries. To date, only one study has tried to analyze the contrasting Tendencies of globalization that are creating a more unied yet pluralistic world at the same time. In this paper I expand upon that model with more recent data, specically by considering the composition of local heterogeneity in a large number of countries. Recent data shows that social heterogeneity does not aect growth directly, but instead indirectly. The results of this research highlight world cultural Tendencies such as the importance of religious fractionalization to increase private investment and ethnic fractionalization to decrease government spending. I additionally reect upon the Pressure Group Theory and its ability to explain such changes. Ultimately, I discover that changes in the composition of social heterogeneity are likely to increase the probability of civil conict. The goal of this paper is to oer an in-depth investigation of the relationship between capitalism and social heterogeneity to demonstrate that the Western method of development is not the sole possible way. JEL Classication: D43, E21,F63
Questo scritto focalizza l'attenzione su come l'uomo viene progressivamente dis-umanizzato dall'u... more Questo scritto focalizza l'attenzione su come l'uomo viene progressivamente dis-umanizzato dall'uso dissennato della tecnologia, come risulta imposto dal modello di capitalismo vigente. Specificatamente, dopo aver evidenziato le conseguenze negative della moderna tecnologia sull'uomo, tecnologia sintetizzata nell'Iphone e nei social media, e si propone di superarle. Tali conseguenze negative sono bene conosciute ai pensatori sin dal periodo tra le due guerre, ma mentre agli antichi mancavano gli strumenti per superarle ad oggi la tecnologia offre gli strumenti per uscire dalla trappola creata da essa stessa; una trappola che non è più solo una crisi di sovrapproduzione ma che addirittura è la dis-umanizzazione dell'uomo. Infatti, gli strumenti tecnologici moderni consentono di affrontare la detta trappola permettendo all'uomo di non ridurre necessariamente la quantità di lavoro individuale, ma ne offrono la via d'uscita redistribuendo equamente i frutti che i big data propriamente elaborati possono offrire alla collettività.
How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of i... more How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of idealized types of masculinity and femininity? In order to answer to this question, primarily I consider the meaning the economic and institutional legitimacy crisis by reasoning with Marx's theory of value, then I use it as a driver for my analysis of the last 100 years in western countries. On the basis of the high rate of technological change that follow the second world war, I suggest that the economic and institutional crisis put under pressure the idealized types of masculinity. Actually, the following analysis gives a bird view of the co-evolution of capitalism and society and as result I partially explain the increasing rate of violence of men behaviour, against other people as well as against themselves. Eventually, I draw attention to the fact that given the indeterminacy of institutions in our time is important to redefine what being a man in the twenty-first century really means, given that the definition of masculinity developed to ensure the survival of offspring is old fashion and can be even dangerous. In this paper I am going to investigate the relationship between economic crisis and masculinity. I interpret here "economic crisis" as a very broad expression that refers to Capitalism as a whole, during the most part of his evolution; exactly, I am going to consider the evolution of capitalism just from the crisis of 1929 up to recent time, in western capitalistic countries. I analyse the evolution 1 of capitalism from that date because the high rate of technological change, that has been burst by the world wars, allows me to follow the potential of liberation enclosed in the process of globalization and hence in the system of production which drives this process; as consequence, I can inquiry clearly why today men have problem to deal with their own masculinity. As defined by Clinical Psychopathology, masculinity present itself in the three forms: being a fighter and a winner; being a provider and a protector; retaining mastery of control of everything possible in the world. But it's only been in the last 100 or so years that half of the humanity has dared to question men's rights to dominate the sphere of influence. What I am going to explore is at what extent the evolution of society and of Capitalism undermine the capacity of men to find their kind of new, sane masculinity. The fact that today men have problems to deal with the concept of masculinity is clearly expressed by the increasing number of men who have violent behaviour toward themselves (high rate of men suicide), toward other people, toward women, and eventually becoming bombers or foreign fighters. Adam Smith (1776), the founder of political economy show how European Modernity is inseparable from 1 Capitalism. He explains that the capitalist intends only his own gain but the invisible hand of the market promote an end which was no part of his intention. The invisible hand of the market work thanks to a state, minimal but effective, which makes the interest of private individuals coincide with the public interest, reducing all social function to one measure of value. Therefore, Smith's theory of value give the substance of the concept of modern sovereign state. In other world, since the beginning of Capitalism, it is clear how the process of production give the substance to the society, both at individual and at more aggregate level.
How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of i... more How do the economic and institutional legitimacy crises affect negotiation (and questioning) of idealized types of masculinity and femininity? In order to answer to this question, primarily I consider the meaning the economic and institutional legitimacy crisis by reasoning with Marx's theory of value, then I use it as a driver for my analysis of the last 100 years in western countries. On the basis of the high rate of technological change that follow the second world war, I suggest that the economic and institutional crisis put under pressure the idealized types of masculinity. Actually, the following analysis gives a bird view of the co-evolution of capitalism and society and as result I partially explain the increasing rate of violence of men behaviour, against other people as well as against themselves. Eventually, I draw attention to the fact that given the indeterminacy of institutions in our time is important to redefine what being a man in the twenty-first century really means, given that the definition of masculinity developed to ensure the survival of offspring is old fashion and can be even dangerous. In this paper I am going to investigate the relationship between economic crisis and masculinity. I interpret here "economic crisis" as a very broad expression that refers to Capitalism as a whole, during the most part of his evolution; exactly, I am going to consider the evolution of capitalism just from the crisis of 1929 up to recent time, in western capitalistic countries. I analyse the evolution 1 of capitalism from that date because the high rate of technological change, that has been burst by the world wars, allows me to follow the potential of liberation enclosed in the process of globalization and hence in the system of production which drives this process; as consequence, I can inquiry clearly why today men have problem to deal with their own masculinity. As defined by Clinical Psychopathology, masculinity present itself in the three forms: being a fighter and a winner; being a provider and a protector; retaining mastery of control of everything possible in the world. But it's only been in the last 100 or so years that half of the humanity has dared to question men's rights to dominate the sphere of influence. What I am going to explore is at what extent the evolution of society and of Capitalism undermine the capacity of men to find their kind of new, sane masculinity. The fact that today men have problems to deal with the concept of masculinity is clearly expressed by the increasing number of men who have violent behaviour toward themselves (high rate of men suicide), toward other people, toward women, and eventually becoming bombers or foreign fighters. Adam Smith (1776), the founder of political economy show how European Modernity is inseparable from 1 Capitalism. He explains that the capitalist intends only his own gain but the invisible hand of the market promote an end which was no part of his intention. The invisible hand of the market work thanks to a state, minimal but effective, which makes the interest of private individuals coincide with the public interest, reducing all social function to one measure of value. Therefore, Smith's theory of value give the substance of the concept of modern sovereign state. In other world, since the beginning of Capitalism, it is clear how the process of production give the substance to the society, both at individual and at more aggregate level.