Pedro José Rabanales Rodriguez - (original) (raw)
Papers by Pedro José Rabanales Rodriguez
Revista Espanola De Salud Publica, 2007
La tuberculosis fue una enfermedad de ninos y jovenes adultos, sin embargo, en la actualidad, en ... more La tuberculosis fue una enfermedad de ninos y jovenes adultos, sin embargo, en la actualidad, en los paises desarrollados su incidencia se ha desplazado a poblaciones de mayor edad. Los casos de tuberculosis extrapulmonar se han incrementado en los ultimos anos y se acepta que puede ser debido al aumento de personas inmunodeficientes1. La tuberculosis en los ancianos puede ser una entidad diferente a la de las personas mas jovenes, debido a la senescencia del sistema inmunitario, que convertiria a estas personas en un grupo de...
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, 2011
Revista Juridica Portucalense Portucalense Law Journal, Sep 29, 2014
scenery and also different involvement, difficult to reach the agreements in this area. Then, the... more scenery and also different involvement, difficult to reach the agreements in this area. Then, the main point is more focusing on the control of the migratory flows and in security than in the integration of the immigrants. In Spain, the deeply analysis is about the inputs of the Reform 2/2009 of Organic Law of Foreigners. Also, they talk over the Strategic Program of Citizenship and Integration, particularly focused on housing, health, education, employment, women, social services and raising awareness. Since 2005, all these fields have increased their restrictive politics and have become less sensitive about the needs of the immigrants, specially since second semester of 2008 until now.
Studia Historica Historia Contemporanea, May 15, 2013
Revista Cubana De Cirugia, Jun 1, 2013
Introducción: la afección herniaria es uno de los procesos mejor estudiados y cuyo tratamiento pe... more Introducción: la afección herniaria es uno de los procesos mejor estudiados y cuyo tratamiento persigue la excelencia, aunque todavía quedan muchas controversias por resolver. Objetivo: exponer los resultados de la aplicación de la técnica del doctor Mohan P. Desarda en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital General Docente "Enrique Cabrera", entre enero de 2002 y diciembre de 2011. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo aleatorio de 678 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente con el diagnóstico de hernia inguinal entre enero de 2002 y diciembre de 2011, a los cuales se les realizó la técnica quirúrgica del doctor Mohan P. Desarda, los cuales fueron evolucionados por consulta externa y finalmente por teléfono. Resultados: la mayor incidencia ocurrió en el sexo masculino con 625 pacientes (92,2 %) y la edad promedio fue de 58,3 años. La localización más frecuente fue la derecha en 330 pacientes (48,7 %). Se aplicó la anestesia local a 490 (72,3 %). Se trataron de manera ambulatoria 461 (68 %). En 26 de ellos (3,4 %) se diagnosticaron complicaciones. La recidiva se observó en 4 pacientes para el 0,5 % del total. Conclusiones: con la herniorrafia de Mohan P. Desarda, se obtienen resultados satisfactorios al igual que con las técnicas protésicas, aportando ahorros económicos importantes. Palabras clave: herniorrafia, hernioplastia, anestesia local, tratamiento ambulatorio. Introduction: affection by hernia is one of the best studied processes and its treatment aims at excellence, although some controversy still persists. Objective: to present the results of the use of Mohan P. Desarda technique in the Surgery Service at "Enrique Cabrera" General Teaching Hospital, between January 2002 and December 2011. Methods: a random prospective study was conducted between January 2012 and December 2011 in 678 patients who had undergone surgery after the diagnosis of inguinal hernia, to whom Mohan P. Desarda surgical technique was performed, who were followed up in the outpatient consultation and, finally, by telephone. Results: the highest incidence was in the male sex, with 625 patients (92.2 %) and the average age was 58.3 years. The most frequent localization was the right one in 330 patients (48.7 %). Local anesthesia was applied to 490 patients (72.3 %). 461 patients received outpatient treatment (68 %). In 26 of them, (3.4 %), complications were diagnosed. Relapse was observed in 4 patients, for a 0.5 % of the total. Conclusions: satisfactory results are obtained with Mohan P. Desarda herniorrhaphy as well as with prosthetist techniques, contributing to important economic savings.
The application of marketing principles in the administration of cities has been usually reduced ... more The application of marketing principles in the administration of cities has been usually reduced to the use of the communication tools to try to diffuse the city’s image among the different target publics. At the same time, the development of cities has habitually been based on the endowment of infrastructures and singular buildings, by means of relatively opaque strategic planning
Polis (Santiago), 2014
Re-etnización y descolonización: resistencias epistémicas en el curriculum intercultural en la Re... more Re-etnización y descolonización: resistencias epistémicas en el curriculum intercultural en la Región de Los Lagos-Chile Re-ethnicity and decolonization: epistemic resistances in the intercultural curriculum in the Los Lagos region, Chile Re-etnicização e descolonização: resistências epistêmicas no currículo intercultural na região
IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010
This paper proposes a new and explicitly frequencyadaptive method for Virtual Flux estimation and... more This paper proposes a new and explicitly frequencyadaptive method for Virtual Flux estimation and voltage sensorless grid synchronization under unbalanced conditions. The proposed system is based on using Second Order Generalized Integrators, arranged to simultaneously fulfill the purposes of frequency-adaptive band-pass filtering, integration and quadrature signal generation. This results in a simple and efficient structure for combined Virtual Flux estimation and separation into positive and negative sequence components. The properties of the proposed Virtual Flux model is analyzed theoretically, first as an integrator for implementing generic Virtual Flux estimation, and then with respect to sequence separation. The dynamic performance of the proposed estimation method is tested by simulations for the case of an unbalanced voltage drop in the grid and for a step in grid frequency. The simulations verify the performance to be as expected, with similar dynamics as synchronization based on voltage measurements. I.
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2008
In this paper, we propose a new method to reconstruct high resolution images from structured illu... more In this paper, we propose a new method to reconstruct high resolution images from structured illumination microscopy. It consists of estimating the illumination pattern parameters with a multiscale analysis in the Fourier domain and filtering the significative features with a statistical test. Our method is fast and automatic, aiming at being computationally effective for in vivo biomedical applications.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2006
Archivos de Bronconeumología ((English Edition)), 2007
Archivos de Bronconeumología ((English Edition)), 2007
The aim of this study was to describe 5 microepidemics of tuberculosis occurring in schools, esta... more The aim of this study was to describe 5 microepidemics of tuberculosis occurring in schools, establish the risk factors associated with the outbreaks, assess how well a concentric circles strategy for contact tracing predicts infection, and assess the usefulness of genotyping strains in the analysis of the outbreaks. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study assessed 5 epidemic outbreaks of tuberculosis using a standard contact tracing procedure. The outbreaks occurred in 2 day nurseries and 2 high schools between 1998 and 2005. Contacts were stratified using a concentric circle system based on level of exposure. DNA fingerprints of the available strains were determined based on the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) IS6110 and compared with the contact study to interpret the transmission of the infection. RESULTS: We analyzed 5 outbreaks. Eighty-five contacts were analyzed in the first outbreak, 519 in the second, 116 in the third, 655 in the fourth, and 102 in the fifth. The rate of infection was 31%, 29%, 66%, 37.6%, and 32%, respectively. Secondary cases of active disease were detected: 9 in the first outbreak, 16 in the second, 5 in the third, 6 in the fourth, and 13 in the fifth. RFLP analysis revealed that a single strain was involved in 3 of the outbreaks, and in a fourth, at least 2 strains were involved. In outbreaks 2, 3, and 5, there was a significant association between the degree of contact and the probability of infection (P<.05). In all of the outbreaks, the relative risk of developing the disease was associated with the level of exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of contacts based on concentric circles of risk predicts the likelihood of infection. RFLP facilitates analysis of complex transmission routes that are not detected using traditional methods of contact screening.
La Calera, 2010
El tema disponibilidad y acceso se enmarca dentro dela seguridad alimentaria y nutricional; espec... more El tema disponibilidad y acceso se enmarca dentro dela seguridad alimentaria y nutricional; específicamente,es un análisis de las variables disponibilidad, acceso yaprovechamiento de alimentos de los pobladores ruralesdel Municipio de San José de Cusmapa (El Mojón, ElRodeo, Los Llanitos, Los Ángeles I, II III, San Franciscode Imires y La Fuente). En el estudio se planteó disponerde información respecto a la situación alimentaria de lalocalidad, para que los decisores orienten líneas, políticas yestrategias en función de mejorar la calidad de vida de lospobladores rurales del municipio. La metodología utilizadafue participativa con pobladores rurales de San José,líderes comunales, representantes de ONG's, autoridadesmunicipales, del Ministerio de Educación y Salud. Ellosbrindaron información que fue recopilada a través de laobservación, encuestas y entrevistas que luego, fue analizaday presentada ante las autoridades locales de las cualessurgieron sugerencias que fueron incorpora...
La Calera, 2010
El estudio fue realizado el mes de julio del 2008, con elpropósito de analizar información clave ... more El estudio fue realizado el mes de julio del 2008, con elpropósito de analizar información clave de tipo comercialespecíficamente de ocho (8) mercados municipales delpaís; para que productores y demás interesados dispongande información de mercado para la toma de decisioneseconómico-social en el rubro papa. Para el estudio se utilizóinformación escrita de fuentes del sector agrario, además defuentes directas como informantes claves de ocho mercadosmunicipales de un universo de 292 puestos de venta, de loscuales se seleccionaron 131 puestos como muestra de estudio.Las variables del estudio versaron sobre oferta y demanda,proyección y tipo de demanda, calidad y ventanas de mercadoen diferentes periodos del año. Los resultados reflejan que laproducción de papas frescas en Nicaragua es deficitaria encomparación a la demanda global, considerando un percapitade 8 kilogramos (17.6 libras) en el consumo anual. Estosignifica que el país depende de las importaciones que oscilanen un 40% y que...
Optics Letters, 2008
We report a simple optical setup to produce both axial and lateral structured illumination throug... more We report a simple optical setup to produce both axial and lateral structured illumination through a single objective lens. With a minimum of six full-field images obtained without moving either the sample or the microscope objective, 100 nm diameter fluorescent beads can be localized axially with an accuracy of 50 nm in a 1.76-m-thick layer. We show that this axial localization improvement can easily be combined with classical lateral structured illumination, so that lateral resolution enhancement by a factor of 2 is maintained.
Ophthalmology, 2007
To assess efficacy, safety, predictability, and stability after clear lens extraction (CLE) with ... more To assess efficacy, safety, predictability, and stability after clear lens extraction (CLE) with multifocal diffractive intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Design: Prospective, nonrandomized, masked observational case series (self-controlled). Participants: Two hundred twenty-four eyes of 112 consecutive patients after CLE with bilateral AcrySof ReSTOR Natural IOL implantation. Eyes were divided into myopic (mean spherical equivalent [SE], Ϫ6.01Ϯ2.71 diopters [D]) and hyperopic (mean SE, ϩ3.86Ϯ2.52 D) groups. Methods: Monocular and binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity (VA), best-corrected distance VA, uncorrected distance near VA, and best distance-corrected near VA were recorded preoperatively and 6 months after surgery. Main Outcomes Measures: Efficacy, safety, predictability, and stability. Results: At 6 months postoperatively, uncorrected distance VA was 20/25 or better in 100% of the eyes. Efficacy indexes were 0.97 for myopic and 0.96 for hyperopic patients. No eye lost Ն2 lines of best-corrected distance VA; for the myopic group, 10 eyes gained 1 line, and 10 eyes gained Ն2 lines; for the hyperopic group, 20 eyes gained 1 line, and 15 eyes gained Ն2 lines. Safety indexes were 1.05 for myopic and 1.02 for hyperopic patients. All eyes were within Ϯ1.00 D of the desired refraction. No eye lost Ͼ2 lines of best distance-corrected near VA; for the myopic group, 10 eyes lost 1 or 2 lines, 15 eyes gained 1 line, and 5 eyes gained 2 lines; for the hyperopic group, 8 eyes lost 1 or 2 lines, 20 eyes gained 1 line, and 16 eyes gained 2 lines. Safety indexes at near were 1.05 for myopic and 1.11 for hyperopic patients. Uncorrected distance near VA was better for hyperopic than myopic patients (0.95Ϯ0.08 vs. 0.88Ϯ0.15). Efficacy indexes at near were 1.03 for myopic and 1.10 for hyperopic patients. Conclusions: Clear lens extraction with multifocal IOL implantation is an effective procedure for correcting ametropia and presbyopia. Safety and efficacy indexes at distance were comparable in myopic and hyperopic patients. However, at near, both indexes were larger for hyperopic patients.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1997
Background: Clinical outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions depend on clinical, angiogra... more Background: Clinical outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions depend on clinical, angiographic and procedure-related characteristics. The present study aimed to analyze patients with thrombus-containing lesions to study how the variables of interest influence inhospital mortality. Methods: A retrospective study of procedures registered on the Central Nacional de Intervenções Cardiovasculares (CENIC) between 2006 and 2016, divided into three periods. Results: The sample comprised 22,587 patients. There were 22,978 procedures; in that, 25,107 vessels were treated, 23,237 (92.5%) of which with stents. The mean age of the patients was 60.9±12.1 years, 70.3% were male, and 20.5% diabetics. Of procedures, 93.8% were successful, 46.4% of which a primary intervention. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors were used in 15.3%, thromboaspiration in 4.3% and, drug-eluding stents were placed in 9.1% of cases. The variables that better explained mortality were the initial period of treatment, advanced age, female sex, absence of dyslipidemia, presence of diabetes, previous acute myocardial infarction, more extensive coronary artery disease, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors and primary percutaneous coronary intervention in the multiple logistic regression model. Conclusion: The CENIC database was analyzed based on clinical, angiographic and procedure-related characteristics, as well as on clinical outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with thrombus-containing lesions. Variables influencing inhospital mortality were initial period, elderly, female, absence of dyslipidemia and diabetes, previous acute myocardial infarction, more extensive coronary artery disease, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors and primary percutaneous coronary intervention.
Revista Espanola De Salud Publica, 2007
La tuberculosis fue una enfermedad de ninos y jovenes adultos, sin embargo, en la actualidad, en ... more La tuberculosis fue una enfermedad de ninos y jovenes adultos, sin embargo, en la actualidad, en los paises desarrollados su incidencia se ha desplazado a poblaciones de mayor edad. Los casos de tuberculosis extrapulmonar se han incrementado en los ultimos anos y se acepta que puede ser debido al aumento de personas inmunodeficientes1. La tuberculosis en los ancianos puede ser una entidad diferente a la de las personas mas jovenes, debido a la senescencia del sistema inmunitario, que convertiria a estas personas en un grupo de...
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, 2011
Revista Juridica Portucalense Portucalense Law Journal, Sep 29, 2014
scenery and also different involvement, difficult to reach the agreements in this area. Then, the... more scenery and also different involvement, difficult to reach the agreements in this area. Then, the main point is more focusing on the control of the migratory flows and in security than in the integration of the immigrants. In Spain, the deeply analysis is about the inputs of the Reform 2/2009 of Organic Law of Foreigners. Also, they talk over the Strategic Program of Citizenship and Integration, particularly focused on housing, health, education, employment, women, social services and raising awareness. Since 2005, all these fields have increased their restrictive politics and have become less sensitive about the needs of the immigrants, specially since second semester of 2008 until now.
Studia Historica Historia Contemporanea, May 15, 2013
Revista Cubana De Cirugia, Jun 1, 2013
Introducción: la afección herniaria es uno de los procesos mejor estudiados y cuyo tratamiento pe... more Introducción: la afección herniaria es uno de los procesos mejor estudiados y cuyo tratamiento persigue la excelencia, aunque todavía quedan muchas controversias por resolver. Objetivo: exponer los resultados de la aplicación de la técnica del doctor Mohan P. Desarda en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital General Docente "Enrique Cabrera", entre enero de 2002 y diciembre de 2011. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo aleatorio de 678 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente con el diagnóstico de hernia inguinal entre enero de 2002 y diciembre de 2011, a los cuales se les realizó la técnica quirúrgica del doctor Mohan P. Desarda, los cuales fueron evolucionados por consulta externa y finalmente por teléfono. Resultados: la mayor incidencia ocurrió en el sexo masculino con 625 pacientes (92,2 %) y la edad promedio fue de 58,3 años. La localización más frecuente fue la derecha en 330 pacientes (48,7 %). Se aplicó la anestesia local a 490 (72,3 %). Se trataron de manera ambulatoria 461 (68 %). En 26 de ellos (3,4 %) se diagnosticaron complicaciones. La recidiva se observó en 4 pacientes para el 0,5 % del total. Conclusiones: con la herniorrafia de Mohan P. Desarda, se obtienen resultados satisfactorios al igual que con las técnicas protésicas, aportando ahorros económicos importantes. Palabras clave: herniorrafia, hernioplastia, anestesia local, tratamiento ambulatorio. Introduction: affection by hernia is one of the best studied processes and its treatment aims at excellence, although some controversy still persists. Objective: to present the results of the use of Mohan P. Desarda technique in the Surgery Service at "Enrique Cabrera" General Teaching Hospital, between January 2002 and December 2011. Methods: a random prospective study was conducted between January 2012 and December 2011 in 678 patients who had undergone surgery after the diagnosis of inguinal hernia, to whom Mohan P. Desarda surgical technique was performed, who were followed up in the outpatient consultation and, finally, by telephone. Results: the highest incidence was in the male sex, with 625 patients (92.2 %) and the average age was 58.3 years. The most frequent localization was the right one in 330 patients (48.7 %). Local anesthesia was applied to 490 patients (72.3 %). 461 patients received outpatient treatment (68 %). In 26 of them, (3.4 %), complications were diagnosed. Relapse was observed in 4 patients, for a 0.5 % of the total. Conclusions: satisfactory results are obtained with Mohan P. Desarda herniorrhaphy as well as with prosthetist techniques, contributing to important economic savings.
The application of marketing principles in the administration of cities has been usually reduced ... more The application of marketing principles in the administration of cities has been usually reduced to the use of the communication tools to try to diffuse the city’s image among the different target publics. At the same time, the development of cities has habitually been based on the endowment of infrastructures and singular buildings, by means of relatively opaque strategic planning
Polis (Santiago), 2014
Re-etnización y descolonización: resistencias epistémicas en el curriculum intercultural en la Re... more Re-etnización y descolonización: resistencias epistémicas en el curriculum intercultural en la Región de Los Lagos-Chile Re-ethnicity and decolonization: epistemic resistances in the intercultural curriculum in the Los Lagos region, Chile Re-etnicização e descolonização: resistências epistêmicas no currículo intercultural na região
IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010
This paper proposes a new and explicitly frequencyadaptive method for Virtual Flux estimation and... more This paper proposes a new and explicitly frequencyadaptive method for Virtual Flux estimation and voltage sensorless grid synchronization under unbalanced conditions. The proposed system is based on using Second Order Generalized Integrators, arranged to simultaneously fulfill the purposes of frequency-adaptive band-pass filtering, integration and quadrature signal generation. This results in a simple and efficient structure for combined Virtual Flux estimation and separation into positive and negative sequence components. The properties of the proposed Virtual Flux model is analyzed theoretically, first as an integrator for implementing generic Virtual Flux estimation, and then with respect to sequence separation. The dynamic performance of the proposed estimation method is tested by simulations for the case of an unbalanced voltage drop in the grid and for a step in grid frequency. The simulations verify the performance to be as expected, with similar dynamics as synchronization based on voltage measurements. I.
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2008
In this paper, we propose a new method to reconstruct high resolution images from structured illu... more In this paper, we propose a new method to reconstruct high resolution images from structured illumination microscopy. It consists of estimating the illumination pattern parameters with a multiscale analysis in the Fourier domain and filtering the significative features with a statistical test. Our method is fast and automatic, aiming at being computationally effective for in vivo biomedical applications.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2006
Archivos de Bronconeumología ((English Edition)), 2007
Archivos de Bronconeumología ((English Edition)), 2007
The aim of this study was to describe 5 microepidemics of tuberculosis occurring in schools, esta... more The aim of this study was to describe 5 microepidemics of tuberculosis occurring in schools, establish the risk factors associated with the outbreaks, assess how well a concentric circles strategy for contact tracing predicts infection, and assess the usefulness of genotyping strains in the analysis of the outbreaks. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study assessed 5 epidemic outbreaks of tuberculosis using a standard contact tracing procedure. The outbreaks occurred in 2 day nurseries and 2 high schools between 1998 and 2005. Contacts were stratified using a concentric circle system based on level of exposure. DNA fingerprints of the available strains were determined based on the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) IS6110 and compared with the contact study to interpret the transmission of the infection. RESULTS: We analyzed 5 outbreaks. Eighty-five contacts were analyzed in the first outbreak, 519 in the second, 116 in the third, 655 in the fourth, and 102 in the fifth. The rate of infection was 31%, 29%, 66%, 37.6%, and 32%, respectively. Secondary cases of active disease were detected: 9 in the first outbreak, 16 in the second, 5 in the third, 6 in the fourth, and 13 in the fifth. RFLP analysis revealed that a single strain was involved in 3 of the outbreaks, and in a fourth, at least 2 strains were involved. In outbreaks 2, 3, and 5, there was a significant association between the degree of contact and the probability of infection (P<.05). In all of the outbreaks, the relative risk of developing the disease was associated with the level of exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of contacts based on concentric circles of risk predicts the likelihood of infection. RFLP facilitates analysis of complex transmission routes that are not detected using traditional methods of contact screening.
La Calera, 2010
El tema disponibilidad y acceso se enmarca dentro dela seguridad alimentaria y nutricional; espec... more El tema disponibilidad y acceso se enmarca dentro dela seguridad alimentaria y nutricional; específicamente,es un análisis de las variables disponibilidad, acceso yaprovechamiento de alimentos de los pobladores ruralesdel Municipio de San José de Cusmapa (El Mojón, ElRodeo, Los Llanitos, Los Ángeles I, II III, San Franciscode Imires y La Fuente). En el estudio se planteó disponerde información respecto a la situación alimentaria de lalocalidad, para que los decisores orienten líneas, políticas yestrategias en función de mejorar la calidad de vida de lospobladores rurales del municipio. La metodología utilizadafue participativa con pobladores rurales de San José,líderes comunales, representantes de ONG's, autoridadesmunicipales, del Ministerio de Educación y Salud. Ellosbrindaron información que fue recopilada a través de laobservación, encuestas y entrevistas que luego, fue analizaday presentada ante las autoridades locales de las cualessurgieron sugerencias que fueron incorpora...
La Calera, 2010
El estudio fue realizado el mes de julio del 2008, con elpropósito de analizar información clave ... more El estudio fue realizado el mes de julio del 2008, con elpropósito de analizar información clave de tipo comercialespecíficamente de ocho (8) mercados municipales delpaís; para que productores y demás interesados dispongande información de mercado para la toma de decisioneseconómico-social en el rubro papa. Para el estudio se utilizóinformación escrita de fuentes del sector agrario, además defuentes directas como informantes claves de ocho mercadosmunicipales de un universo de 292 puestos de venta, de loscuales se seleccionaron 131 puestos como muestra de estudio.Las variables del estudio versaron sobre oferta y demanda,proyección y tipo de demanda, calidad y ventanas de mercadoen diferentes periodos del año. Los resultados reflejan que laproducción de papas frescas en Nicaragua es deficitaria encomparación a la demanda global, considerando un percapitade 8 kilogramos (17.6 libras) en el consumo anual. Estosignifica que el país depende de las importaciones que oscilanen un 40% y que...
Optics Letters, 2008
We report a simple optical setup to produce both axial and lateral structured illumination throug... more We report a simple optical setup to produce both axial and lateral structured illumination through a single objective lens. With a minimum of six full-field images obtained without moving either the sample or the microscope objective, 100 nm diameter fluorescent beads can be localized axially with an accuracy of 50 nm in a 1.76-m-thick layer. We show that this axial localization improvement can easily be combined with classical lateral structured illumination, so that lateral resolution enhancement by a factor of 2 is maintained.
Ophthalmology, 2007
To assess efficacy, safety, predictability, and stability after clear lens extraction (CLE) with ... more To assess efficacy, safety, predictability, and stability after clear lens extraction (CLE) with multifocal diffractive intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Design: Prospective, nonrandomized, masked observational case series (self-controlled). Participants: Two hundred twenty-four eyes of 112 consecutive patients after CLE with bilateral AcrySof ReSTOR Natural IOL implantation. Eyes were divided into myopic (mean spherical equivalent [SE], Ϫ6.01Ϯ2.71 diopters [D]) and hyperopic (mean SE, ϩ3.86Ϯ2.52 D) groups. Methods: Monocular and binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity (VA), best-corrected distance VA, uncorrected distance near VA, and best distance-corrected near VA were recorded preoperatively and 6 months after surgery. Main Outcomes Measures: Efficacy, safety, predictability, and stability. Results: At 6 months postoperatively, uncorrected distance VA was 20/25 or better in 100% of the eyes. Efficacy indexes were 0.97 for myopic and 0.96 for hyperopic patients. No eye lost Ն2 lines of best-corrected distance VA; for the myopic group, 10 eyes gained 1 line, and 10 eyes gained Ն2 lines; for the hyperopic group, 20 eyes gained 1 line, and 15 eyes gained Ն2 lines. Safety indexes were 1.05 for myopic and 1.02 for hyperopic patients. All eyes were within Ϯ1.00 D of the desired refraction. No eye lost Ͼ2 lines of best distance-corrected near VA; for the myopic group, 10 eyes lost 1 or 2 lines, 15 eyes gained 1 line, and 5 eyes gained 2 lines; for the hyperopic group, 8 eyes lost 1 or 2 lines, 20 eyes gained 1 line, and 16 eyes gained 2 lines. Safety indexes at near were 1.05 for myopic and 1.11 for hyperopic patients. Uncorrected distance near VA was better for hyperopic than myopic patients (0.95Ϯ0.08 vs. 0.88Ϯ0.15). Efficacy indexes at near were 1.03 for myopic and 1.10 for hyperopic patients. Conclusions: Clear lens extraction with multifocal IOL implantation is an effective procedure for correcting ametropia and presbyopia. Safety and efficacy indexes at distance were comparable in myopic and hyperopic patients. However, at near, both indexes were larger for hyperopic patients.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1997
Background: Clinical outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions depend on clinical, angiogra... more Background: Clinical outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions depend on clinical, angiographic and procedure-related characteristics. The present study aimed to analyze patients with thrombus-containing lesions to study how the variables of interest influence inhospital mortality. Methods: A retrospective study of procedures registered on the Central Nacional de Intervenções Cardiovasculares (CENIC) between 2006 and 2016, divided into three periods. Results: The sample comprised 22,587 patients. There were 22,978 procedures; in that, 25,107 vessels were treated, 23,237 (92.5%) of which with stents. The mean age of the patients was 60.9±12.1 years, 70.3% were male, and 20.5% diabetics. Of procedures, 93.8% were successful, 46.4% of which a primary intervention. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors were used in 15.3%, thromboaspiration in 4.3% and, drug-eluding stents were placed in 9.1% of cases. The variables that better explained mortality were the initial period of treatment, advanced age, female sex, absence of dyslipidemia, presence of diabetes, previous acute myocardial infarction, more extensive coronary artery disease, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors and primary percutaneous coronary intervention in the multiple logistic regression model. Conclusion: The CENIC database was analyzed based on clinical, angiographic and procedure-related characteristics, as well as on clinical outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with thrombus-containing lesions. Variables influencing inhospital mortality were initial period, elderly, female, absence of dyslipidemia and diabetes, previous acute myocardial infarction, more extensive coronary artery disease, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors and primary percutaneous coronary intervention.