Pedro Vieira Baptista - (original) (raw)

Papers by Pedro Vieira Baptista

Research paper thumbnail of The Vaginal Microbiome: V. Therapeutic Modalities of Vaginal Microbiome Engineering and Research Challenges

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

Objective This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the ... more Objective This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the recent findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. Materials and Methods A search of PubMed database was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” with “treatment,” “diagnosis,” and “research.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. Results The currently available approaches for treating vaginitis or attempting to modulate the VMB are often insufficient. It has traditionally relied on the use of antibiotics, antiseptics, and antifungals. The fifth and last article of this series discusses the new and/or alternative therapeutic modalities. It addresses the role of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics, activated charcoal, biofilm disrupting agents, acidifying agents, phage therapy, and the concept of vaginal microbiome transplant. The challenges facing the research of VMB, including the clinical impact of microbiome manipulation, classification, and new diagnostic approaches are discussed. Conclusions Microbiome research has grown dramatically in recent years, motivated by innovations in technology and decrease in analysis costs. This research has yielded huge insight into the nature of microbial communities, their interactions, and effects with their hosts and other microbes. Further understanding of the bacterial, fungal, phage, and viral microbiomes in combination with host genetics, immunologic status, and environmental factors is needed to better understand and provide personalized medical diagnostics and interventions to improve women's health.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors for Positive Margins in High-Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia After Transformation Zone Excision

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

Research paper thumbnail of Risk of Development of Vulvar Cancer in Women With Lichen Sclerosus or Lichen Planus

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

Research paper thumbnail of The Vaginal Microbiome: IV. The Role of Vaginal Microbiome in Reproduction and in Gynecologic Cancers

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 2022

Objective This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the ... more Objective This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the recent findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. Materials and Methods A search of PubMed database was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” with “reproduction,” “infertility,” “fertility,” “miscarriages,” “pregnancy” “cervical cancer,” “endometrial cancer,” and “ovarian cancer.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. Results The fourth article of this series focuses on 2 distinct areas: the role of VMB in various aspects of human reproduction and, in sharp contrast, the association between the VMB and gynecologic malignancies. Several of the negative pregnancy outcomes have been associated with an altered VMB. Dysbiosis is remarkably...

Research paper thumbnail of Dor sexual: para além do "vaginismo

Research paper thumbnail of Vulva na menopausa: o normal e o patológico

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis: Clinical or microscopic? A cross‐sectional study

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics

OBJECTIVE To compare the performance of the Amsel criteria, culture of Gardnerella spp., and wet ... more OBJECTIVE To compare the performance of the Amsel criteria, culture of Gardnerella spp., and wet mount microscopy (WMM) in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. METHODS A cross-sectional cohort study was conducted, consisting of evaluating 749 consecutive women, regardless of symptoms. The Amsel criteria were evaluated, WMM microscopy and Gram staining were performed, and a swab was collected for culture. The gold standard for diagnosis was the Nugent score. RESULTS The sensitivity and specificity for the different approaches were: Amsel criteria 41.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 33.76-49.18) and 97.8% (95% CI 96.21-98.81); cultures 59.9% (95% CI 51.47-67.85) and 99.0% (95% CI 97.76-99.69); WMM 82.6% (95% CI 76.02-88.05) and 92.4% (95% CI 89.98-94.45), respectively. WMM performed equally well in symptomatic and asymptomatic women. Amsel criteria in scenarios where there is no use of a microscope had very poor sensitivity (22.8% [CI 16.63 - 29.87%]). CONCLUSION The Amsel criteria have a poor performance for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. WMM performs well but is not routinely used and should be the first approach for the diagnosis of vaginitis.

Research paper thumbnail of Wet Mount Microscopy of the Vaginal Milieu Does Not Predict the Outcome of Fertility Treatments

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to evaluate whether vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis [BV... more OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to evaluate whether vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis [BV] or moderate/severe aerobic vaginitis [AV]/desquamative inflammatory vaginitis) in women subjected to intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection influences the rates of pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is a cross-sectional study involving 392 women who underwent IUI or in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection at a fertility clinic. All had a slide collected for phase contrast wet mount microscopy (WMM), which was classified according to the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease recommendations. Correlation between flora patterns and the rate of pregnancy were evaluated. RESULTS There were no differences in any of the groups in terms of pregnancy rate (biochemical, clinical, at first trimester ultrasound, or live birth) after stratifying for the presence of BV, moderate or severe (ms) AV, BV and/or moderate or severe AV, cytolysis, or abnormal vaginal flora (lactobacillary grade ≥ IIb). The presence of Candida species, cocci, or bacilli morphotypes other than lactobacilli also showed no differences. CONCLUSIONS The vaginal flora assessment by WMM at the time of IUI or oocyte retrieval was not predictive of the success of fertility treatments.The absence of differences may be due to intrinsic limitations of WMM (i.e., identifying only bacterial morphotypes), a positive impact of the treatments in the vaginal flora or because the sperm and embryo transfer is made directly into the uterine cavity, thus overcoming any cervical or vaginal dysbiosis disadvantage. Future studies should focus on the endometrial milieu, rather than in the vaginal and/or cervical one.

Research paper thumbnail of Superficially Invasive Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A 37-Year-Long Experience of a Tertiary Referral Center


Superficially, invasive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (SISCCA) (FIGO stage IA) is a rare subset ... more Superficially, invasive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (SISCCA) (FIGO stage IA) is a rare subset of vulvar cancer defined as a single lesion measuring ≤2 cm with a depth of invasion of ≤1.0 mm. This is a retrospective study performed on 48 patients with SISCCA, surgically treated between 1981 and 2018 at the S. Anna Hospital, University of Turin, to evaluate pathological characteristics and prognosis of these tumors. Ten patients (21%) recurred: seven (14%) as SISCCA and three (7%) as deeply invasive carcinoma. One case with perineural invasion and groin node metastasis at recurrence. No patient had groin lymph node metastases at initial diagnosis. Site of SISCCA, type of surgery, status of surgical margins, and histopathological features did not differ between recurrent and non-recurrent patients. We observed a non-significant trend towards an increase of recurrences in younger women (median age: 63 years vs. 70 years, p = 0.09), while, surprisingly, smaller tumors (<12 mm) were...

Research paper thumbnail of Alterações à classificação da dor vulvar persistente: (vulvodinia)

Research paper thumbnail of Survey on Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Procedures: What do Portuguese Doctors and Medical Students Think?

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia / RBGO Gynecology and Obstetrics

Objective To assess the medical doctors and medical students' opinion regarding the evidence ... more Objective To assess the medical doctors and medical students' opinion regarding the evidence and ethical background of the performance of vulvovaginal aesthetic procedures (VVAPs). Methods Cross-sectional online survey among 664 Portuguese medical doctors and students. Results Most participants considered that there is never or there rarely is a medical reason to perform: vulvar whitening (85.9% [502/584]); hymenoplasty (72.0% [437/607]); mons pubis liposuction (71.6% [426/595]); “G-spot” augmentation (71.0% [409/576]); labia majora augmentation (66.3% [390/588]); labia minora augmentation (58.3% [326/559]); or laser vaginal tightening (52.3% [313/599]). Gynecologists and specialists were more likely to consider that there are no medical reasons to perform VVAPs; the opposite was true for plastic surgeons and students/residents.Hymenoplasty raised ethical doubts in 51.1% (283/554) of the participants. Plastic surgeons and students/residents were less likely to raise ethical obje...

Research paper thumbnail of Deconstructing the genitourinary syndrome of menopause

International Urogynecology Journal, 2017

The concept of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) was recently introduced and has been gai... more The concept of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) was recently introduced and has been gaining widespread use. While some justifications for its introduction are straightforward, others may be questionable. Numerous unspecific symptoms and signs were included in the definition of the syndrome, but the minimum number required for diagnosis was not established. While the GSM definition is designed to facilitate identifying vulvovaginal and urinary estrogen-deprivation-associated symptoms and signs, several concerns have evolved: (1) the syndrome may result in the underdiagnosis of vulvar and urinary pathology; and (2) serious conditions (e.g., high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions of the vulva or vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, differentiated type) may be missed while others may not receive appropriate treatment (e.g., lichen sclerosus, overactive bladder). In addition, the transformation of urogenital symptoms and signs into a syndrome may create an iatrogenization of menopause, which, consequently, can lead to demand for (and offer of) a panacea of treatments. This can be detrimental to the care of women who require focused therapy rather than global treatment addressing a variety of genitourinary conditions, not all of which even require any form of intervention. Women&amp;amp;#39;s needs may be better served by having a more precise urogenital diagnosis.

Research paper thumbnail of O que há de novo em contracepção oral?

Research paper thumbnail of Doença inflamatória pélvica: papel do dispositivo intrauterino

Introdução: a doença inflamatória pélvica (DIP) é uma causa comum de morbilidade, estando associa... more Introdução: a doença inflamatória pélvica (DIP) é uma causa comum de morbilidade, estando associada a complicações a longo prazo como infertilidade, gravidez ectópica e dor crónica. Em Portugal, 85,4% da população feminina em idade fértil usa um método de contracepção, sendo a contracepção hormonal combi¬nada oral (65,9%), o preservativo masculino (13,4%) e o dispositivo intrauterino (DIU; 8,8%) os mais frequentemente utilizados (4º Inquérito Nacional de Saúde). A associação entre o uso de DIU e DIP continua a ser alvo de vários estudos, gerando ainda controvérsia. Objectivos: caracterização dos métodos contraceptivos utilizados pelas mulheres afectadas por DIP com necessidade de tratamento em regime de internamento; avaliação da relação entre o DIU e DIP grave. Materiais e métodos: análise retrospectiva dos dados clínicos de todas as mulheres internadas com o diagnóstico de DIP na nossa instituição num período de quatro anos (Janeiro 2009 - Dezembro 2012). Resultados: Durante o per...

Research paper thumbnail of Consenso da ASCCP 2012 – o que traz de novo e implicações para o dia-a-dia

INTRODUÇÃO O conhecimento sobre o cancro do colo e suas lesões precursoras evoluiu de forma impre... more INTRODUÇÃO O conhecimento sobre o cancro do colo e suas lesões precursoras evoluiu de forma impressionante des-de que se estabeleceu o papel do vírus do papiloma hu-mano (Human Papilloma Virus – HPV) na sua génese. Estes conhecimentos permitiram o desenvolvimento de vacinas e o desenvolvimento de testes, baseados na identificação da sua presença e efeitos biológicos. Para além do óbvio acréscimo de informação em termos epi-demiológicos, permitiu ainda, por exemplo, avaliar com maior precisão o risco individual de cada mulher. O teste de Papanicolaou terá um lugar na história da prevenção do cancro do colo, tendo cumprido o seu pa-pel, especialmente num enquadramento de rastreio or-ganizado, onde demonstrou ter a capacidade de baixar a mortalidade atribuível ao cancro do colo. Contudo, isoladamente, tornou-se claramente insuficiente face às exigências derivadas do actual nível de conhecimento e exigência. A investigação neste campo tem sido profí-cua, resolvendo e facilitando muitas ...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevenção das disfunções do pavimento pélvico

Um dos grandes marcos da evolução humana ocorreu há seis milhões de anos: a aquisição da capacida... more Um dos grandes marcos da evolução humana ocorreu há seis milhões de anos: a aquisição da capacidade de bipedismo. Se por um lado permitiu libertar os membros superiores, conquistar novos habitats e o aumento do volume cerebral, por outro, a bacia teve que adquirir novas capacidades, nomeadamente em termos de suporte. Esta nova função não é, contudo, perfeita e, por tal surgiram as disfunções do pavimento pélvico (DPP): prolapsos, incontinência urinária e fecal. Alguns autores acrescentam ainda a esta lista as alterações sensitivas e do esvaziamento vesical e intestinal, a dor pélvica crónica e algumas disfunções sexuais. Em sentido lato, seria ainda possível acrescentar a esta lista as distócias. A prevenção das DPP pode passar pelo controlo ponderal, pela cessação tabágica, por cuidados posturais aquando do levantamento de pesos e evitando a obstipação. O uso de terapêutica hormonal pode minorar ou diferir as DPP. O papel da gravidez e do parto tem sido alvo de grande debate. A ces...

Research paper thumbnail of Lipschütz ulcers: should we rethink this? An analysis of 33 cases

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2015

To describe the presentation and characteristics of patients with Lipschütz ulcers (LU) and to ev... more To describe the presentation and characteristics of patients with Lipschütz ulcers (LU) and to evaluate the role of a standard protocol in the aetiological diagnosis. Retrospective analysis of all cases of diagnosis of LU at our Vulvar Clinic during a five-year period. Of 110 women with vulvar ulcers, 33 (30.0%) had a diagnosis of LU. The mean age was 29.1±15.14 years (10-79 years). Nine (27.3%) were 35 years old or more. The majority had had their sexual debut (28, 84.8%). Ten patients (30.3%) referred had at least one previous similar episode. Twenty-five (75.7%) had non-gynecological symptoms in the week before. The ulcers were located most frequently on the vestibule (19, 57.6%) and the labia minora (10, 30.3%). Isolated lesions on the left side were uncommon (3, 9.1%). Most had multiple (22, 66.7%) lesions. The mean time to full healing of the lesions was 15.6±6.20 days. A microbiological possible cause was identified in 9 (27.3%) patients: CMV (3 cases), Mycoplasma pneumoniae (3 cases), EBV (2 cases) and PVB19 (1 case). The protocol did not include systematic biopsies, blood count differentials, C-reactive protein and liver enzymes, which may have lead to some missed diagnosis. LU can be found in women of any age, most of them sexually active. In most cases the lesions are preceded by non-gynecological symptoms and recurrence is common. Most lesions occur on the vestibule and labia minora, being rarely found isolated on the left side. Viruses seem to be the most frequent associated agents but Mycoplasma pneumoniae serology should be considered. In one case there was a possible role for PVB19. A standard protocol can effectively exclude sexually transmitted diseases and lead to a diagnosis in up to a third of cases.

Research paper thumbnail of Do oral contraceptives increase the risk of vulvodynia?

Objectives: Data concerning oral contraceptives (OC) and vulvodynia is complex and sometimes cont... more Objectives: Data concerning oral contraceptives (OC) and vulvodynia is complex and sometimes contradictory. The authors tested in a sample of the Portuguese women whether or not there is any relation between OC and vulvodynia. Design & Methods: An online survey was carried between June and November of 2013, inquiring women over 18 years old on demographics, habits, gynaecological and obstetrical history, associated conditions, presence of symptoms compatible with vulvodynia and its duration, treatment and impact in the quality of life. Results: There were 1229 complete questionnaires; the mean age of the women was 33.7±9.90 years old (ranging between 18-66 years). The prevalence of vulvodynia was 6.5%; previous vulvodynia was reported by 9.5% of patients, leading to a cumulative incidence of 16.0%. Premenopausal women currently on OC had a prevalence of vulvodynia of 7.4% vs 3.9% among those who were not, which was non statistical significant (NS)(p=0.100). If considered the endpoin...

Research paper thumbnail of Age, immunosuppression and genital herpes

Introduction: Genital herpes is a common infection, frequently misdiagnosed and overlooked. Some ... more Introduction: Genital herpes is a common infection, frequently misdiagnosed and overlooked. Some reports refer that the pattern of infection might be changing in the last years. Aim: To verify the impact of immunosuppression and age in the distribution of HSV1 and HSV2 in genital infections. Methods: Review of the clinical processes of women with a diagnosis of genital herpes, confirmed by PCR, between January 2009 and June 2013. Results: During the referred period, 37 cases of genital herpes were identified and confirmed by PCR, 10 (27%) of which were positive for HSV1 and 27 (73%) for HSV2. The mean ages were 29±8,6 years and 40±15,6 years, respectively (p=0,037, Mann-Whitney U test). The recurrence of symptoms was similar in HSV1 and HSV2 (33% and 48%, p=0,368). Immunosuppression was identified in 16 patients (43%). It was more common in HSV2 patients (20 vs 52%), but not reaching statically significant difference (p=0,085). As the age of diagnosis of genital herpes increases, th...

Research paper thumbnail of Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia: Are We Using the Most Appropriate Classification?

Objectives: VIN (Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia) is a clinically heterogeneous condition with w... more Objectives: VIN (Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia) is a clinically heterogeneous condition with well defined histopathological characteristics. It has a well known potential of progression to invasive carcinoma. There are three classifications in current use: WHO (World Health Organization), ISSVD (International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease) and Bethesda. This study aims to clinically characterize women with VIN and ascertain the adequacy of the WHO histological classification (VIN1/VIN2/VIN3) in comparison to the ISSVD’s. Methods: Retrospective analysis of clinical data of patients with histologically confirmed VIN2/VIN3 (March 1998-March 2013); VIN1 and cases of concomitant diagnosis of invasive lesion were excluded. Conclusions: In the period analysed, there were 18 cases of VIN2/VIN3. Lichenoid dermatoses (LD) were identified in 27.8% of the cases (16.7% lichen planus and 11,1% lichen sclerosus). Women with LD had a mean age of 64 years and the remaining 45 year...

Research paper thumbnail of The Vaginal Microbiome: V. Therapeutic Modalities of Vaginal Microbiome Engineering and Research Challenges

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

Objective This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the ... more Objective This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the recent findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. Materials and Methods A search of PubMed database was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” with “treatment,” “diagnosis,” and “research.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. Results The currently available approaches for treating vaginitis or attempting to modulate the VMB are often insufficient. It has traditionally relied on the use of antibiotics, antiseptics, and antifungals. The fifth and last article of this series discusses the new and/or alternative therapeutic modalities. It addresses the role of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics, activated charcoal, biofilm disrupting agents, acidifying agents, phage therapy, and the concept of vaginal microbiome transplant. The challenges facing the research of VMB, including the clinical impact of microbiome manipulation, classification, and new diagnostic approaches are discussed. Conclusions Microbiome research has grown dramatically in recent years, motivated by innovations in technology and decrease in analysis costs. This research has yielded huge insight into the nature of microbial communities, their interactions, and effects with their hosts and other microbes. Further understanding of the bacterial, fungal, phage, and viral microbiomes in combination with host genetics, immunologic status, and environmental factors is needed to better understand and provide personalized medical diagnostics and interventions to improve women's health.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors for Positive Margins in High-Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia After Transformation Zone Excision

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

Research paper thumbnail of Risk of Development of Vulvar Cancer in Women With Lichen Sclerosus or Lichen Planus

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

Research paper thumbnail of The Vaginal Microbiome: IV. The Role of Vaginal Microbiome in Reproduction and in Gynecologic Cancers

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 2022

Objective This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the ... more Objective This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the recent findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. Materials and Methods A search of PubMed database was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” with “reproduction,” “infertility,” “fertility,” “miscarriages,” “pregnancy” “cervical cancer,” “endometrial cancer,” and “ovarian cancer.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. Results The fourth article of this series focuses on 2 distinct areas: the role of VMB in various aspects of human reproduction and, in sharp contrast, the association between the VMB and gynecologic malignancies. Several of the negative pregnancy outcomes have been associated with an altered VMB. Dysbiosis is remarkably...

Research paper thumbnail of Dor sexual: para além do "vaginismo

Research paper thumbnail of Vulva na menopausa: o normal e o patológico

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis: Clinical or microscopic? A cross‐sectional study

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics

OBJECTIVE To compare the performance of the Amsel criteria, culture of Gardnerella spp., and wet ... more OBJECTIVE To compare the performance of the Amsel criteria, culture of Gardnerella spp., and wet mount microscopy (WMM) in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. METHODS A cross-sectional cohort study was conducted, consisting of evaluating 749 consecutive women, regardless of symptoms. The Amsel criteria were evaluated, WMM microscopy and Gram staining were performed, and a swab was collected for culture. The gold standard for diagnosis was the Nugent score. RESULTS The sensitivity and specificity for the different approaches were: Amsel criteria 41.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 33.76-49.18) and 97.8% (95% CI 96.21-98.81); cultures 59.9% (95% CI 51.47-67.85) and 99.0% (95% CI 97.76-99.69); WMM 82.6% (95% CI 76.02-88.05) and 92.4% (95% CI 89.98-94.45), respectively. WMM performed equally well in symptomatic and asymptomatic women. Amsel criteria in scenarios where there is no use of a microscope had very poor sensitivity (22.8% [CI 16.63 - 29.87%]). CONCLUSION The Amsel criteria have a poor performance for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. WMM performs well but is not routinely used and should be the first approach for the diagnosis of vaginitis.

Research paper thumbnail of Wet Mount Microscopy of the Vaginal Milieu Does Not Predict the Outcome of Fertility Treatments

Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to evaluate whether vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis [BV... more OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to evaluate whether vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis [BV] or moderate/severe aerobic vaginitis [AV]/desquamative inflammatory vaginitis) in women subjected to intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection influences the rates of pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is a cross-sectional study involving 392 women who underwent IUI or in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection at a fertility clinic. All had a slide collected for phase contrast wet mount microscopy (WMM), which was classified according to the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease recommendations. Correlation between flora patterns and the rate of pregnancy were evaluated. RESULTS There were no differences in any of the groups in terms of pregnancy rate (biochemical, clinical, at first trimester ultrasound, or live birth) after stratifying for the presence of BV, moderate or severe (ms) AV, BV and/or moderate or severe AV, cytolysis, or abnormal vaginal flora (lactobacillary grade ≥ IIb). The presence of Candida species, cocci, or bacilli morphotypes other than lactobacilli also showed no differences. CONCLUSIONS The vaginal flora assessment by WMM at the time of IUI or oocyte retrieval was not predictive of the success of fertility treatments.The absence of differences may be due to intrinsic limitations of WMM (i.e., identifying only bacterial morphotypes), a positive impact of the treatments in the vaginal flora or because the sperm and embryo transfer is made directly into the uterine cavity, thus overcoming any cervical or vaginal dysbiosis disadvantage. Future studies should focus on the endometrial milieu, rather than in the vaginal and/or cervical one.

Research paper thumbnail of Superficially Invasive Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A 37-Year-Long Experience of a Tertiary Referral Center


Superficially, invasive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (SISCCA) (FIGO stage IA) is a rare subset ... more Superficially, invasive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (SISCCA) (FIGO stage IA) is a rare subset of vulvar cancer defined as a single lesion measuring ≤2 cm with a depth of invasion of ≤1.0 mm. This is a retrospective study performed on 48 patients with SISCCA, surgically treated between 1981 and 2018 at the S. Anna Hospital, University of Turin, to evaluate pathological characteristics and prognosis of these tumors. Ten patients (21%) recurred: seven (14%) as SISCCA and three (7%) as deeply invasive carcinoma. One case with perineural invasion and groin node metastasis at recurrence. No patient had groin lymph node metastases at initial diagnosis. Site of SISCCA, type of surgery, status of surgical margins, and histopathological features did not differ between recurrent and non-recurrent patients. We observed a non-significant trend towards an increase of recurrences in younger women (median age: 63 years vs. 70 years, p = 0.09), while, surprisingly, smaller tumors (<12 mm) were...

Research paper thumbnail of Alterações à classificação da dor vulvar persistente: (vulvodinia)

Research paper thumbnail of Survey on Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Procedures: What do Portuguese Doctors and Medical Students Think?

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia / RBGO Gynecology and Obstetrics

Objective To assess the medical doctors and medical students' opinion regarding the evidence ... more Objective To assess the medical doctors and medical students' opinion regarding the evidence and ethical background of the performance of vulvovaginal aesthetic procedures (VVAPs). Methods Cross-sectional online survey among 664 Portuguese medical doctors and students. Results Most participants considered that there is never or there rarely is a medical reason to perform: vulvar whitening (85.9% [502/584]); hymenoplasty (72.0% [437/607]); mons pubis liposuction (71.6% [426/595]); “G-spot” augmentation (71.0% [409/576]); labia majora augmentation (66.3% [390/588]); labia minora augmentation (58.3% [326/559]); or laser vaginal tightening (52.3% [313/599]). Gynecologists and specialists were more likely to consider that there are no medical reasons to perform VVAPs; the opposite was true for plastic surgeons and students/residents.Hymenoplasty raised ethical doubts in 51.1% (283/554) of the participants. Plastic surgeons and students/residents were less likely to raise ethical obje...

Research paper thumbnail of Deconstructing the genitourinary syndrome of menopause

International Urogynecology Journal, 2017

The concept of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) was recently introduced and has been gai... more The concept of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) was recently introduced and has been gaining widespread use. While some justifications for its introduction are straightforward, others may be questionable. Numerous unspecific symptoms and signs were included in the definition of the syndrome, but the minimum number required for diagnosis was not established. While the GSM definition is designed to facilitate identifying vulvovaginal and urinary estrogen-deprivation-associated symptoms and signs, several concerns have evolved: (1) the syndrome may result in the underdiagnosis of vulvar and urinary pathology; and (2) serious conditions (e.g., high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions of the vulva or vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, differentiated type) may be missed while others may not receive appropriate treatment (e.g., lichen sclerosus, overactive bladder). In addition, the transformation of urogenital symptoms and signs into a syndrome may create an iatrogenization of menopause, which, consequently, can lead to demand for (and offer of) a panacea of treatments. This can be detrimental to the care of women who require focused therapy rather than global treatment addressing a variety of genitourinary conditions, not all of which even require any form of intervention. Women&amp;amp;#39;s needs may be better served by having a more precise urogenital diagnosis.

Research paper thumbnail of O que há de novo em contracepção oral?

Research paper thumbnail of Doença inflamatória pélvica: papel do dispositivo intrauterino

Introdução: a doença inflamatória pélvica (DIP) é uma causa comum de morbilidade, estando associa... more Introdução: a doença inflamatória pélvica (DIP) é uma causa comum de morbilidade, estando associada a complicações a longo prazo como infertilidade, gravidez ectópica e dor crónica. Em Portugal, 85,4% da população feminina em idade fértil usa um método de contracepção, sendo a contracepção hormonal combi¬nada oral (65,9%), o preservativo masculino (13,4%) e o dispositivo intrauterino (DIU; 8,8%) os mais frequentemente utilizados (4º Inquérito Nacional de Saúde). A associação entre o uso de DIU e DIP continua a ser alvo de vários estudos, gerando ainda controvérsia. Objectivos: caracterização dos métodos contraceptivos utilizados pelas mulheres afectadas por DIP com necessidade de tratamento em regime de internamento; avaliação da relação entre o DIU e DIP grave. Materiais e métodos: análise retrospectiva dos dados clínicos de todas as mulheres internadas com o diagnóstico de DIP na nossa instituição num período de quatro anos (Janeiro 2009 - Dezembro 2012). Resultados: Durante o per...

Research paper thumbnail of Consenso da ASCCP 2012 – o que traz de novo e implicações para o dia-a-dia

INTRODUÇÃO O conhecimento sobre o cancro do colo e suas lesões precursoras evoluiu de forma impre... more INTRODUÇÃO O conhecimento sobre o cancro do colo e suas lesões precursoras evoluiu de forma impressionante des-de que se estabeleceu o papel do vírus do papiloma hu-mano (Human Papilloma Virus – HPV) na sua génese. Estes conhecimentos permitiram o desenvolvimento de vacinas e o desenvolvimento de testes, baseados na identificação da sua presença e efeitos biológicos. Para além do óbvio acréscimo de informação em termos epi-demiológicos, permitiu ainda, por exemplo, avaliar com maior precisão o risco individual de cada mulher. O teste de Papanicolaou terá um lugar na história da prevenção do cancro do colo, tendo cumprido o seu pa-pel, especialmente num enquadramento de rastreio or-ganizado, onde demonstrou ter a capacidade de baixar a mortalidade atribuível ao cancro do colo. Contudo, isoladamente, tornou-se claramente insuficiente face às exigências derivadas do actual nível de conhecimento e exigência. A investigação neste campo tem sido profí-cua, resolvendo e facilitando muitas ...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevenção das disfunções do pavimento pélvico

Um dos grandes marcos da evolução humana ocorreu há seis milhões de anos: a aquisição da capacida... more Um dos grandes marcos da evolução humana ocorreu há seis milhões de anos: a aquisição da capacidade de bipedismo. Se por um lado permitiu libertar os membros superiores, conquistar novos habitats e o aumento do volume cerebral, por outro, a bacia teve que adquirir novas capacidades, nomeadamente em termos de suporte. Esta nova função não é, contudo, perfeita e, por tal surgiram as disfunções do pavimento pélvico (DPP): prolapsos, incontinência urinária e fecal. Alguns autores acrescentam ainda a esta lista as alterações sensitivas e do esvaziamento vesical e intestinal, a dor pélvica crónica e algumas disfunções sexuais. Em sentido lato, seria ainda possível acrescentar a esta lista as distócias. A prevenção das DPP pode passar pelo controlo ponderal, pela cessação tabágica, por cuidados posturais aquando do levantamento de pesos e evitando a obstipação. O uso de terapêutica hormonal pode minorar ou diferir as DPP. O papel da gravidez e do parto tem sido alvo de grande debate. A ces...

Research paper thumbnail of Lipschütz ulcers: should we rethink this? An analysis of 33 cases

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2015

To describe the presentation and characteristics of patients with Lipschütz ulcers (LU) and to ev... more To describe the presentation and characteristics of patients with Lipschütz ulcers (LU) and to evaluate the role of a standard protocol in the aetiological diagnosis. Retrospective analysis of all cases of diagnosis of LU at our Vulvar Clinic during a five-year period. Of 110 women with vulvar ulcers, 33 (30.0%) had a diagnosis of LU. The mean age was 29.1±15.14 years (10-79 years). Nine (27.3%) were 35 years old or more. The majority had had their sexual debut (28, 84.8%). Ten patients (30.3%) referred had at least one previous similar episode. Twenty-five (75.7%) had non-gynecological symptoms in the week before. The ulcers were located most frequently on the vestibule (19, 57.6%) and the labia minora (10, 30.3%). Isolated lesions on the left side were uncommon (3, 9.1%). Most had multiple (22, 66.7%) lesions. The mean time to full healing of the lesions was 15.6±6.20 days. A microbiological possible cause was identified in 9 (27.3%) patients: CMV (3 cases), Mycoplasma pneumoniae (3 cases), EBV (2 cases) and PVB19 (1 case). The protocol did not include systematic biopsies, blood count differentials, C-reactive protein and liver enzymes, which may have lead to some missed diagnosis. LU can be found in women of any age, most of them sexually active. In most cases the lesions are preceded by non-gynecological symptoms and recurrence is common. Most lesions occur on the vestibule and labia minora, being rarely found isolated on the left side. Viruses seem to be the most frequent associated agents but Mycoplasma pneumoniae serology should be considered. In one case there was a possible role for PVB19. A standard protocol can effectively exclude sexually transmitted diseases and lead to a diagnosis in up to a third of cases.

Research paper thumbnail of Do oral contraceptives increase the risk of vulvodynia?

Objectives: Data concerning oral contraceptives (OC) and vulvodynia is complex and sometimes cont... more Objectives: Data concerning oral contraceptives (OC) and vulvodynia is complex and sometimes contradictory. The authors tested in a sample of the Portuguese women whether or not there is any relation between OC and vulvodynia. Design & Methods: An online survey was carried between June and November of 2013, inquiring women over 18 years old on demographics, habits, gynaecological and obstetrical history, associated conditions, presence of symptoms compatible with vulvodynia and its duration, treatment and impact in the quality of life. Results: There were 1229 complete questionnaires; the mean age of the women was 33.7±9.90 years old (ranging between 18-66 years). The prevalence of vulvodynia was 6.5%; previous vulvodynia was reported by 9.5% of patients, leading to a cumulative incidence of 16.0%. Premenopausal women currently on OC had a prevalence of vulvodynia of 7.4% vs 3.9% among those who were not, which was non statistical significant (NS)(p=0.100). If considered the endpoin...

Research paper thumbnail of Age, immunosuppression and genital herpes

Introduction: Genital herpes is a common infection, frequently misdiagnosed and overlooked. Some ... more Introduction: Genital herpes is a common infection, frequently misdiagnosed and overlooked. Some reports refer that the pattern of infection might be changing in the last years. Aim: To verify the impact of immunosuppression and age in the distribution of HSV1 and HSV2 in genital infections. Methods: Review of the clinical processes of women with a diagnosis of genital herpes, confirmed by PCR, between January 2009 and June 2013. Results: During the referred period, 37 cases of genital herpes were identified and confirmed by PCR, 10 (27%) of which were positive for HSV1 and 27 (73%) for HSV2. The mean ages were 29±8,6 years and 40±15,6 years, respectively (p=0,037, Mann-Whitney U test). The recurrence of symptoms was similar in HSV1 and HSV2 (33% and 48%, p=0,368). Immunosuppression was identified in 16 patients (43%). It was more common in HSV2 patients (20 vs 52%), but not reaching statically significant difference (p=0,085). As the age of diagnosis of genital herpes increases, th...

Research paper thumbnail of Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia: Are We Using the Most Appropriate Classification?

Objectives: VIN (Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia) is a clinically heterogeneous condition with w... more Objectives: VIN (Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia) is a clinically heterogeneous condition with well defined histopathological characteristics. It has a well known potential of progression to invasive carcinoma. There are three classifications in current use: WHO (World Health Organization), ISSVD (International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease) and Bethesda. This study aims to clinically characterize women with VIN and ascertain the adequacy of the WHO histological classification (VIN1/VIN2/VIN3) in comparison to the ISSVD’s. Methods: Retrospective analysis of clinical data of patients with histologically confirmed VIN2/VIN3 (March 1998-March 2013); VIN1 and cases of concomitant diagnosis of invasive lesion were excluded. Conclusions: In the period analysed, there were 18 cases of VIN2/VIN3. Lichenoid dermatoses (LD) were identified in 27.8% of the cases (16.7% lichen planus and 11,1% lichen sclerosus). Women with LD had a mean age of 64 years and the remaining 45 year...

Research paper thumbnail of Cirurgia de correcção de incontinência urinária, qual a melhor opção?

A incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) pode afectar até cerca de 40% das mulheres, com grande ... more A incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) pode afectar até cerca de 40% das mulheres, com grande impacto na qualidade de vida. Após a aplicação de medidas conservadoras (perda de peso, fisioterapia, por exemplo) e falha destas, a cirurgia é uma opção eficaz para o tratamento da IUE.
A existência de mais de 200 cirurgias ou variantes, com o mesmo intuito terapêutico, claramente revela que nenhuma delas será perfeita. Algumas têm interesse apenas histórico e estão hoje perfeitamente desaconselhadas (operação de Kelly e suspensões com agulhas, por exemplo). Outras têm interesse limitado, como por exemplo as injecções peri ou transuretrais.
As cirurgias a realizar em primeira linha incluem as fixações retropúbicas (operação de Burch) e a aplicação de fitas sintéticas sob uretra média. A operação de Burch é a mais estudada até hoje, com elevadas taxas de sucesso, poucas complicações e eficácia comprovada a longo prazo – sendo por tal considerada o padrão. A realização deste procedimento por via laparoscópica, ainda que associada a um melhor pós-operatório, não tem vantagens em termos de eficácia (alguns estudos mostram até menor taxa de sucesso) e é tecnicamente mais complicada.
Mais recentemente, têm-se popularizado o uso de fitas sintéticas na uretra média. As primeiras técnicas deste grupo foram as fitas transvaginais retropúbicas, mas que perderam terreno para as transobturadoras. Estas, são de execução mais rápida e com menor taxa de complicações (nomeadamente de perfurações vesicais), sem perda de eficácia. As fitas de incisão única (“mini-slings”) têm vindo a provar ser menos eficazes que as anteriormente referidas, não sendo a sua utilização recomendável à luz dos dados actuais.
Ainda que a IUE seja mais comum em mulheres mais velhas, pode ser encontrada em qualquer idade. A gravidez após correcção de IUE parece não influenciar significativamente a manutenção da continência. O parto vaginal, comparativamente à cesarina, associa-se a um discreto aumento da probabilidade de recidiva, ainda que sem significado estatístico.
É duvidoso se se deve realizar sistematicamente a correcção de IUE oculta aquando da cirurgia de prolapsos genitais: ainda que seja um achado muito comum, apenas cerca de 30% das mulheres vêm a queixar-se de IUE após a correcção isolada de prolapso.
Em conclusão, não existe “a” melhor opção, mas antes um leque de opções a utilizar de acordo com a experiência do cirurgião, expectativas da doente e meios disponíveis.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelos de rastreio do cancro do colo do útero

1º Congresso de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia dos Países de Língua Portuguesa

O cancro do colo continua a matar mais de meio milhão de mulheres todos os anos, sendo que a maio... more O cancro do colo continua a matar mais de meio milhão de mulheres todos os anos, sendo que a maior parte ocorre na África subsariana. Desde que Georges Papanicolaou anunciou, em 1928, que era possível o diagnóstico do cancro do colo do útero (CCU) através de um esfregaço vaginal, muito se tem progredido no diagnóstico e tratamento das lesões precursoras desta neoplasia. Mais recentemente, com o conhecimento de que o HPV é praticamente condição sine qua non para o desenvolvimento do CCU e suas lesões precursoras, surgiram novas e mais eficazes modalidades de rastreio.
O rastreio organizado, com citologia, tem demonstrado sistematicamente reduzir a mortalidade associada ao CCU. Os testes de pesquisa de HPV de alto risco têm demonstrado maior sensibilidade e uma discreta menor especificidade que a citologia. Os resultados são pouco dependentes do operador e reprodutíveis.
Actualmente, debate-se qual a melhor opção: teste de HPV em primeira linha, co-teste (citologia e teste de HPV no mesmo tempo) ou teste de HPV reflexo (triagem das citologias ASC-US e, eventualmente das LSIL em mulheres mais velhas). A primeira hipótese tem vindo a ganhar terreno na maior parte dos modelos, privilegiando-se os testes com genotipagem parcial do HPV16 e 18. Em contexto de rastreio organizado, os intervalos poderão ser alargados para 5, 7 ou até mais anos.
Quando a vacinação levar a uma diminuição marcada do número de lesões, o valor preditivo positivo da citologia vai diminuir, favorecendo mais ainda o uso dos testes de HPV.
Contudo, estamos perante soluções dispendiosas, com necessidade de tecnologia de ponta e de grandes circuitos de colheita e processamento das amostras. Assim, e no imediato, nos países em via de desenvolvimento, há que investir em vacinar em massa e recorrer a outros métodos de rastreio, como o VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid), que, além do mais, permite o tratamento imediato de lesões.
Serão apresentados os dados preliminares do início do programa de rastreio do cancro do colo na ilha do Príncipe, a partir do qual se demonstrará que é necessário adequar o modelo de rastreio às características da população, à prevalência de doença, à distribuição dos genótipos de HPV e aos meios técnicos e humanos disponíveis.

Research paper thumbnail of Prevenção das disfunções do pavimento pélvico

Um dos grandes marcos da evolução humana ocorreu há seis milhões de anos: a aquisição da capacida... more Um dos grandes marcos da evolução humana ocorreu há seis milhões de anos: a aquisição da capacidade de bipedismo. Se por um lado permitiu libertar os membros superiores, conquistar novos habitats e o aumento do volume cerebral, por outro, a bacia teve que adquirir novas capacidades, nomeadamente em termos de suporte. Esta nova função não é, contudo, perfeita e, por tal surgiram as disfunções do pavimento pélvico (DPP): prolapsos, incontinência urinária e fecal. Alguns autores acrescentam ainda a esta lista as alterações sensitivas e do esvaziamento vesical e intestinal, a dor pélvica crónica e algumas disfunções sexuais. Em sentido lato, seria ainda possível acrescentar a esta lista as distócias.
A prevenção das DPP pode passar pelo controlo ponderal, pela cessação tabágica, por cuidados posturais aquando do levantamento de pesos e evitando a obstipação. O uso de terapêutica hormonal pode minorar ou diferir as DPP.
O papel da gravidez e do parto tem sido alvo de grande debate. A cesariana tem um discreto papel protector em termos de incontinência urinária, mas que só se verifica se todos os partos da mulher forem por essa via e que se perde acima dos 50 anos. A incontinência anal não tem relação com a via de parto (mas sim com as lacerações esfincterianas); o risco de prolapso genital aumenta com o número de partos vaginais. Em qualquer dos casos, o papel da gravidez é superior ao da via de parto. A evidência disponível desaconselha a realização de cesariana para protecção do pavimento pélvico. O parto auxiliado por fórceps poderá ser uma realidade diferente, com maior risco em termos de pavimento pélvico.
A episiotomia foi considerada protectora do pavimento pélvico, contudo, os dados mais recentes não permitem confirmar esse efeito, não devendo, por tal, ser realizada por sistema.
Os exercícios de fortalecimento do pavimento pélvico (exercícios de Kegel) diminuem o risco de incontinência urinária e fecal na gravidez e pós-parto e deverá ser de aconselhar a sua realização em primigestas, em caso de hipermobilidade do colo vesical, na presença de feto macrossómico, e, eventualmente, após parto instrumentado com fórceps ou laceração esfincteriana.
Em resumo, as DPP estão associadas a factores controláveis e outros não controláveis. Muitos daqueles passam por medidas simples em termos de estilos de vida. A via de parto é uma questão controversa neste campo: deve ser decidida por critérios obstétricos, dado não se terem ainda definido grupos de risco que possam beneficiar da realização de cesariana.

Research paper thumbnail of Síndrome genito-urinária da menopausa

Em 2014, a International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) e a North Americ... more Em 2014, a International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) e a North American Menopause Society (NAMS) promoveram uma reunião com o intuito principal de avaliar se a designação “atrofia vulvovaginal” seria adequada ou não.
Este comité concluiu que: 1) o uso de “vaginite” não é adequado, pois implica inflamação ou infecção, 2) “atrofia” tem uma conotação negativa, 3) a designação é redutora, ao deixar de fora a sintomatologia urinária e 4) “vulva” e “vagina” são palavras pouco aceites pelas mulheres e meios de comunicação. Assim, baseados nestes pressupostos, criaram uma nova síndrome: a síndrome genito-urinária da menopausa, abarcando um leque alargado de sintomas genito-urinários e de alterações vulvovaginais.
Não deixa de ser estranho que a comunidade médica fuja de usar termos como “vulva” ou “vagina” e receie utilizar “atrofia”. Adicionalmente, sendo tão grande a panóplia de sintomas e sinais que definem esta “nova” síndrome, corre-se o risco que outras entidades sejam desvalorizadas e subdiagnosticadas, com eventual grave prejuízo para as mulheres.
Independentemente da designação utilizada, estamos efectivamente perante um problema muito comum, atingindo mais de metade das mulheres em menopausa, e com impacto marcado na função sexual e qualidade de vida. Contrariamente à crença comum, a menopausa não equivale a cessação da sexualidade, mas a presença de “atrofia vaginal” aumenta muito o risco de disfunção.
A remissão ou melhoria espontânea dos sintomas é muito pouco provável, havendo, pelo contrário, tendência a um agravamento progressivo.
Os tratamentos passam por dois grandes grupos: hormonais (estrogénios associados ou não a progestativos por via sistémica ou estrogénios vaginais) ou não hormonais (lubrificantes, ospemifeno e, mais recentemente, laser).
A eficácia dos estrogénios é bem conhecida, tal como os seus potenciais efeitos adversos. Recentemente, foi aprovado para tratamento da dispareunia moderada/severa, relacionada com a atrofia vulvovaginal da menopausa, o ospemifeno, um modulador selectivo dos receptores dos estrogénios. Este, tem-se mostrado eficaz no controlo da sintomatologia, sendo seguro em termos de mama e endométrio.
O laser de CO2 fraccionado parece ser uma técnica igualmente promissora e, eventualmente, com efeitos duradouros, mas necessitando ainda de mais estudos. Poderá ser uma opção para os casos de atrofia vaginal em mulheres com cancro da mama. Nestas, o uso de doses ultrabaixas de estriol tem demonstrado eficácia e segurança.
Em resumo, trata-se uma entidade muito comum, mas para a qual existem opções eficazes para o tratamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Age, immunosuppression and genital herpes

Introduction: Genital herpes is a common infection, frequently misdiagnosed and overlooked. Some ... more Introduction: Genital herpes is a common infection, frequently misdiagnosed and overlooked. Some reports refer that the pattern of infection might be changing in the last years.

Aim: To verify the impact of immunosuppression and age in the distribution of HSV1 and HSV2 in genital infections.

Methods: Review of the clinical processes of women with a diagnosis of genital herpes, confirmed by PCR, between January 2009 and June 2013.

Results: During the referred period, 37 cases of genital herpes were identified and confirmed by PCR, 10 (27%) of which were positive for HSV1 and 27 (73%) for HSV2. The mean ages were 29±8,6 years and 40±15,6 years, respectively (p=0,037, Mann-Whitney U test).
The recurrence of symptoms was similar in HSV1 and HSV2 (33% and 48%, p=0,368).
Immunosuppression was identified in 16 patients (43%). It was more common in HSV2 patients (20 vs 52%), but not reaching statically significant difference (p=0,085).
As the age of diagnosis of genital herpes increases, the chance of an associated condition of immunosuppression also increases (reaching statically significance over 35 years, p=0,020). In women over 50 years old, it was identified in 80% of them. In younger patients HIV infection and pregnancy were more frequent, while in older ones cancer and/or chemotherapy were dominant.

Conclusion: HSV1 might be responsible for up to one third of cases of genital herpes in women. It was found in younger women and seemed to be less associated with immunosuppression than HSV2. It might eventually be explained by a change in sexual habits and with a less frequent acquisition of HSV1 in childhood.
HIV co-infection must always be discarded. In older patients, specially over 50 years, other cases of immunosuppression most be investigated, namely cancer.

Research paper thumbnail of Dor sexual: para além do "vaginismo"