Pekka Hakkarainen - (original) (raw)
journal articles in Finnish by Pekka Hakkarainen
Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 2002
Papers by Pekka Hakkarainen
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2003
This article presents a comparative analysis of the treatment of the drug problem and drug policy... more This article presents a comparative analysis of the treatment of the drug problem and drug policy issues in Finnish newspaper editorials across three periods, viz. 1966–1971, 1972–1985 and 1993–2000. The material for the first two periods was obtained through Alko Inc.'s library and information service, while the editorials published in the 1990s were drawn from the newspapers' own electronic archives. The analysis reveals three main shifts in the welfare state's drug policy rationality over the past 35 years. First, there has been a shift from the closed nation to a global world. During the first drug wave of the 1960s Finland was categorised as a separate, isolated corner beyond the reach of the world's trafficking routes, and the aim was to create a united national front in defence against the external enemy. In the 1990s, the enemy is both on the outside and in, and Finland is positioned as an integral part of global processes. Secondly, there is evidence of a tr...
Drugs-education Prevention and Policy, Oct 26, 2021
This article analyzes the riskiness attached to illicit drug use by means of a social representat... more This article analyzes the riskiness attached to illicit drug use by means of a social representations framework. The implications of these social representations are further studied through their associations with views on drug policy: restrictive control and harm reduction measures. The data for the study is from a Finnish Drug Survey (N ¼ 3229). Latent class analysis (LCA) and multinomial logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Four representational profiles of perceived risk were identified: high-risk (70% of respondents), cannabis OK (15%), experimenting OK (10%), and low-risk (2%). All illicit drug use was considered as a moderate or high risk in the high-risk profile. Cannabis was considered less risky than other substances in the cannabis OK profile and experimenting was a less risky way of use in the experimenting OK profile. Most people in the low-risk profile considered the risks related to illicit drug use as nonexistent or minor. These representational profiles were also connected to opinions on drug policy: those who saw the most risks with use tended to support restrictive control measures, while those who considered illicit drug use to be less risky were more accepting toward harm reduction measures.
Duodecim lääketieteellinen aikakauskirja, 2017
TAUSTA. Kuvaamme niitä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon päihdeasiakkaita, jotka käyttävät samanaikai... more TAUSTA. Kuvaamme niitä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon päihdeasiakkaita, jotka käyttävät samanaikaisesti useampaa kuin yhtä päihdettä. AINEISTO ja menetelmät. Aineistona käytettiin vuonna 2015 kerättyä Päihdetapauslaskennan 10 650 tapausta. Mukaan analyyseihin otettiin ne 3 369 päihde-ehtoista asiointia, joissa oli päihteiden samanaikaista käyttöä viimeisen vuoden aikana, sekä ne 3 343, joissa ei ollut päihteiden samanaikaista käyttöä. Analyysimenetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia sekä logistista regressioanalyysia. TULOKSET. Päihteiden sekakäyttö oli yleisempää suurissa kaupungeissa kuin pienissä kunnissa. Myös yliopistosairaaloiden erityisvastuualueiden välillä esiintyi eroja. Lääkkeet ja alkoholi olivat yleisin päihdeyhdistelmä. Nuoruus, naimattomuus tai eroaminen, työttömyys tai eläkkeellä oleminen sekä mielenterveyden häiriöt, suonensisäinen huumeiden käyttö ja uhkaava tai väkivaltainen käyttäytyminen olivat yhteydessä sekakäyttöön. PÄÄTELMÄT. Sekakäyttäjät ovat moniongelmainen ja vaativa asiakasryhmä, joiden palveluiden saatavuudesta ja riittävästä resursoinnista tulee huolehtia sote-uudistuksessa
Drugs and Alcohol Today, Sep 5, 2016
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study vaporizers – especially the vape pen – as a new tec... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study vaporizers – especially the vape pen – as a new technology in cannabis use. Until now, almost all information on the use of vaporizers or e-cigarettes for cannabis consumption has come from the internet, the popular press, and accounts by users, but not from the scientific literature. More research is needed. Design/methodology/approach Since scientific studies of the phenomenon are virtually non-existent, the author will also base his study on sociological reflections upon internet sites and articles published both in subcultural and mainstream media. The author will document a national estimate of the prevalence of vaping based on a recent population survey in Finland. Findings Vaping is an emerging trend in cannabis culture internationally. It has been seen as a healthier route of administration than traditional ways of smoking cannabis. Other images, created especially with the help of advanced high-tech machinery and stylish and fashionable designs for the vape pen, are aiming at being cool and easy to use. In Finland, 6 percent of cannabis users make regular use of a vaporizer, and around a quarter of users use one occasionally. A vape pen or e-cigarette was regularly used by 2.6 percent and occasionally by 9.1 percent of cannabis users. Originality/value The trend of increasing vaping and the use of new devices has not been properly recognized among researchers. The paper presents some original results from a national population survey.
Nordic studies on alcohol and drugs, Nov 4, 2022
Background: We analysed illicit stimulant use in Finland by comparing three separate datasets col... more Background: We analysed illicit stimulant use in Finland by comparing three separate datasets collected at the same time. Methods: The data used were wastewater analysis (2014 and 2018), population-based drug surveys (2014 and 2018) and European Web Survey on Drugs (2018, Finnish data). Proportions, prevalence levels and trends of stimulant use as well as their consumption were measured. Factors associated with stimulant use were assessed for past-year stimulant or amphetamine use as an outcome measure in regression analyses. Results: Both population-based drug survey and wastewater data showed that stimulant use has increased in Finland between 2014 and 2018. Disadvantaged socio-demographic background and other substance use were associated with past-year stimulant use, with no geographical variation in Finland. The socio-demographics of those reporting amphetamine use differed between population-based drug survey and web survey. In the web survey, infrequent and occasional users of amphetamine were quite alike, whereas frequent users were more likely to be unemployed or use injection as the route of administration. Conclusion: Analysis of three different data revealed findings that would have been missed and conclusions that could not have been made by using only one dataset. Putting findings from different methods into dialogue raises new questions and opens new interpretations. This analysis emphasises the importance of the prevention of frequent use and associated harm, as well as the impact of versatile drug treatment and harm reduction services on it.
KARL BOHRN, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist. President of IREFREA Austria. Head of the sci... more KARL BOHRN, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist. President of IREFREA Austria. Head of the scientific branch of the Institute for Social and Health Psychology (ISG). Member of the NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs at the UN Office in Vienna. Development of a systemic approach of drug prevention in the association RISIKO ("Systemic prevention of addictive behaviour-SPS").
Journal of Substance Use, Aug 1, 2023
Paihteiden sekakaytto on viime aikoina nostettu laajempaan yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun, ja se... more Paihteiden sekakaytto on viime aikoina nostettu laajempaan yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun, ja sen on todettu lisaantyneen merkittavasti viime vuosikymmenina seka Suomessa etta kansainvalisesti. Kasitteena sekakaytto on epamaarainen, ja sen maaritelmat vaihtelevat niin paihdetyossa kuin tutkimuskirjallisuudessakin. Tarkastelemme paihteiden kayttajien ja paihdetyon ammattilaisten maaritelmia paihteiden sekakaytolle. Empiirisena aineistona kaytamme paihteiden kayttajien haastatteluja ja paihdetyon ammattilaisille suunnattua sahkopostikyselya. Aineistoja olemme kasitelleet sisallonanalyysin keinoin. Analyysimme osoittaa, etta kayttajien ja ammattilaisten maaritelmat ovat moniulotteisia ja toisiinsa kietoutuneita. Maaritelmia ohjaavat vahvat sekakayttoon liitetyt mielikuvat, jotka heijastuvat aineistossa tuotettuun ymmarrykseen paihteiden kaytosta ja kayttajista.
Addiction, Oct 12, 2011
The Department of Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction started operations on 1 January 2009, when the Nat... more The Department of Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction started operations on 1 January 2009, when the National Institute of Public Health (KTL) and the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES) were merged. The newly formed institute, called the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), operates under the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The scope of the research and preventive work conducted in the Department covers alcohol, drugs, tobacco and gambling issues. The two main tasks of the Department are (i) to research, produce and disseminate information on alcohol and drugs, substance use, addictions and their social and health-related effects and (ii) to develop prevention and good practices with a view to counteracting the onset and development of alcohol and drug problems and the damaging effects of smoking and other addictions. The number of staff hovers at approximately 60 people. The Department is organized into three units, one specialized in social sciences (the Alcohol and Drug Research Unit), another in laboratory analytics (the Alcohol and Drug Analytics Unit) and the third primarily in preventive work (the Addiction Prevention Unit). These units incorporate a rich variety and long traditions of both research and preventive work. The mixture of different disciplines creates good opportunities for interdisciplinary research projects and collaboration within the Department. Also, the fact that in the same administrative context there are both researchers and people specialized in preventive work opens up interesting possibilities for combining efforts from these two branches. Nationally, the Department is a key player in all its fields of interest. It engages in a great deal of cooperation both nationally and internationally, and among its strengths are the high-quality, regularly collected long-term data sets.
Millaisia hoitovaihtoehtoja huumeiden kayttajille on Suomessa olemassa, sitä selvitetään tässä hu... more Millaisia hoitovaihtoehtoja huumeiden kayttajille on Suomessa olemassa, sitä selvitetään tässä huumehoidon erityispalveluja tarkastelevan artikkelisarjan toisessa osassa. On paikallaan heti alkuun korostaa, että tarkoitus ei ole arvioida hoidon tehokkuutta tai eri vaihto-I40
... 3–4 Artikel ABSTRACT PEKKA HAKKARAINEN CHRISTOFFER TIGERSTEDT Substitutions-behandlingens gen... more ... 3–4 Artikel ABSTRACT PEKKA HAKKARAINEN CHRISTOFFER TIGERSTEDT Substitutions-behandlingens genombrott i Finland Politisk helomvändning I ett europeiskt perspektiv var narkotikasitua-tionen i Finland högst odramatisk fram till 1990-talet, och myndigheterna ...
Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 2002
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2003
This article presents a comparative analysis of the treatment of the drug problem and drug policy... more This article presents a comparative analysis of the treatment of the drug problem and drug policy issues in Finnish newspaper editorials across three periods, viz. 1966–1971, 1972–1985 and 1993–2000. The material for the first two periods was obtained through Alko Inc.'s library and information service, while the editorials published in the 1990s were drawn from the newspapers' own electronic archives. The analysis reveals three main shifts in the welfare state's drug policy rationality over the past 35 years. First, there has been a shift from the closed nation to a global world. During the first drug wave of the 1960s Finland was categorised as a separate, isolated corner beyond the reach of the world's trafficking routes, and the aim was to create a united national front in defence against the external enemy. In the 1990s, the enemy is both on the outside and in, and Finland is positioned as an integral part of global processes. Secondly, there is evidence of a tr...
Drugs-education Prevention and Policy, Oct 26, 2021
This article analyzes the riskiness attached to illicit drug use by means of a social representat... more This article analyzes the riskiness attached to illicit drug use by means of a social representations framework. The implications of these social representations are further studied through their associations with views on drug policy: restrictive control and harm reduction measures. The data for the study is from a Finnish Drug Survey (N ¼ 3229). Latent class analysis (LCA) and multinomial logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Four representational profiles of perceived risk were identified: high-risk (70% of respondents), cannabis OK (15%), experimenting OK (10%), and low-risk (2%). All illicit drug use was considered as a moderate or high risk in the high-risk profile. Cannabis was considered less risky than other substances in the cannabis OK profile and experimenting was a less risky way of use in the experimenting OK profile. Most people in the low-risk profile considered the risks related to illicit drug use as nonexistent or minor. These representational profiles were also connected to opinions on drug policy: those who saw the most risks with use tended to support restrictive control measures, while those who considered illicit drug use to be less risky were more accepting toward harm reduction measures.
Duodecim lääketieteellinen aikakauskirja, 2017
TAUSTA. Kuvaamme niitä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon päihdeasiakkaita, jotka käyttävät samanaikai... more TAUSTA. Kuvaamme niitä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon päihdeasiakkaita, jotka käyttävät samanaikaisesti useampaa kuin yhtä päihdettä. AINEISTO ja menetelmät. Aineistona käytettiin vuonna 2015 kerättyä Päihdetapauslaskennan 10 650 tapausta. Mukaan analyyseihin otettiin ne 3 369 päihde-ehtoista asiointia, joissa oli päihteiden samanaikaista käyttöä viimeisen vuoden aikana, sekä ne 3 343, joissa ei ollut päihteiden samanaikaista käyttöä. Analyysimenetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia sekä logistista regressioanalyysia. TULOKSET. Päihteiden sekakäyttö oli yleisempää suurissa kaupungeissa kuin pienissä kunnissa. Myös yliopistosairaaloiden erityisvastuualueiden välillä esiintyi eroja. Lääkkeet ja alkoholi olivat yleisin päihdeyhdistelmä. Nuoruus, naimattomuus tai eroaminen, työttömyys tai eläkkeellä oleminen sekä mielenterveyden häiriöt, suonensisäinen huumeiden käyttö ja uhkaava tai väkivaltainen käyttäytyminen olivat yhteydessä sekakäyttöön. PÄÄTELMÄT. Sekakäyttäjät ovat moniongelmainen ja vaativa asiakasryhmä, joiden palveluiden saatavuudesta ja riittävästä resursoinnista tulee huolehtia sote-uudistuksessa
Drugs and Alcohol Today, Sep 5, 2016
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study vaporizers – especially the vape pen – as a new tec... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study vaporizers – especially the vape pen – as a new technology in cannabis use. Until now, almost all information on the use of vaporizers or e-cigarettes for cannabis consumption has come from the internet, the popular press, and accounts by users, but not from the scientific literature. More research is needed. Design/methodology/approach Since scientific studies of the phenomenon are virtually non-existent, the author will also base his study on sociological reflections upon internet sites and articles published both in subcultural and mainstream media. The author will document a national estimate of the prevalence of vaping based on a recent population survey in Finland. Findings Vaping is an emerging trend in cannabis culture internationally. It has been seen as a healthier route of administration than traditional ways of smoking cannabis. Other images, created especially with the help of advanced high-tech machinery and stylish and fashionable designs for the vape pen, are aiming at being cool and easy to use. In Finland, 6 percent of cannabis users make regular use of a vaporizer, and around a quarter of users use one occasionally. A vape pen or e-cigarette was regularly used by 2.6 percent and occasionally by 9.1 percent of cannabis users. Originality/value The trend of increasing vaping and the use of new devices has not been properly recognized among researchers. The paper presents some original results from a national population survey.
Nordic studies on alcohol and drugs, Nov 4, 2022
Background: We analysed illicit stimulant use in Finland by comparing three separate datasets col... more Background: We analysed illicit stimulant use in Finland by comparing three separate datasets collected at the same time. Methods: The data used were wastewater analysis (2014 and 2018), population-based drug surveys (2014 and 2018) and European Web Survey on Drugs (2018, Finnish data). Proportions, prevalence levels and trends of stimulant use as well as their consumption were measured. Factors associated with stimulant use were assessed for past-year stimulant or amphetamine use as an outcome measure in regression analyses. Results: Both population-based drug survey and wastewater data showed that stimulant use has increased in Finland between 2014 and 2018. Disadvantaged socio-demographic background and other substance use were associated with past-year stimulant use, with no geographical variation in Finland. The socio-demographics of those reporting amphetamine use differed between population-based drug survey and web survey. In the web survey, infrequent and occasional users of amphetamine were quite alike, whereas frequent users were more likely to be unemployed or use injection as the route of administration. Conclusion: Analysis of three different data revealed findings that would have been missed and conclusions that could not have been made by using only one dataset. Putting findings from different methods into dialogue raises new questions and opens new interpretations. This analysis emphasises the importance of the prevention of frequent use and associated harm, as well as the impact of versatile drug treatment and harm reduction services on it.
KARL BOHRN, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist. President of IREFREA Austria. Head of the sci... more KARL BOHRN, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist. President of IREFREA Austria. Head of the scientific branch of the Institute for Social and Health Psychology (ISG). Member of the NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs at the UN Office in Vienna. Development of a systemic approach of drug prevention in the association RISIKO ("Systemic prevention of addictive behaviour-SPS").
Journal of Substance Use, Aug 1, 2023
Paihteiden sekakaytto on viime aikoina nostettu laajempaan yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun, ja se... more Paihteiden sekakaytto on viime aikoina nostettu laajempaan yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun, ja sen on todettu lisaantyneen merkittavasti viime vuosikymmenina seka Suomessa etta kansainvalisesti. Kasitteena sekakaytto on epamaarainen, ja sen maaritelmat vaihtelevat niin paihdetyossa kuin tutkimuskirjallisuudessakin. Tarkastelemme paihteiden kayttajien ja paihdetyon ammattilaisten maaritelmia paihteiden sekakaytolle. Empiirisena aineistona kaytamme paihteiden kayttajien haastatteluja ja paihdetyon ammattilaisille suunnattua sahkopostikyselya. Aineistoja olemme kasitelleet sisallonanalyysin keinoin. Analyysimme osoittaa, etta kayttajien ja ammattilaisten maaritelmat ovat moniulotteisia ja toisiinsa kietoutuneita. Maaritelmia ohjaavat vahvat sekakayttoon liitetyt mielikuvat, jotka heijastuvat aineistossa tuotettuun ymmarrykseen paihteiden kaytosta ja kayttajista.
Addiction, Oct 12, 2011
The Department of Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction started operations on 1 January 2009, when the Nat... more The Department of Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction started operations on 1 January 2009, when the National Institute of Public Health (KTL) and the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES) were merged. The newly formed institute, called the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), operates under the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The scope of the research and preventive work conducted in the Department covers alcohol, drugs, tobacco and gambling issues. The two main tasks of the Department are (i) to research, produce and disseminate information on alcohol and drugs, substance use, addictions and their social and health-related effects and (ii) to develop prevention and good practices with a view to counteracting the onset and development of alcohol and drug problems and the damaging effects of smoking and other addictions. The number of staff hovers at approximately 60 people. The Department is organized into three units, one specialized in social sciences (the Alcohol and Drug Research Unit), another in laboratory analytics (the Alcohol and Drug Analytics Unit) and the third primarily in preventive work (the Addiction Prevention Unit). These units incorporate a rich variety and long traditions of both research and preventive work. The mixture of different disciplines creates good opportunities for interdisciplinary research projects and collaboration within the Department. Also, the fact that in the same administrative context there are both researchers and people specialized in preventive work opens up interesting possibilities for combining efforts from these two branches. Nationally, the Department is a key player in all its fields of interest. It engages in a great deal of cooperation both nationally and internationally, and among its strengths are the high-quality, regularly collected long-term data sets.
Millaisia hoitovaihtoehtoja huumeiden kayttajille on Suomessa olemassa, sitä selvitetään tässä hu... more Millaisia hoitovaihtoehtoja huumeiden kayttajille on Suomessa olemassa, sitä selvitetään tässä huumehoidon erityispalveluja tarkastelevan artikkelisarjan toisessa osassa. On paikallaan heti alkuun korostaa, että tarkoitus ei ole arvioida hoidon tehokkuutta tai eri vaihto-I40
... 3–4 Artikel ABSTRACT PEKKA HAKKARAINEN CHRISTOFFER TIGERSTEDT Substitutions-behandlingens gen... more ... 3–4 Artikel ABSTRACT PEKKA HAKKARAINEN CHRISTOFFER TIGERSTEDT Substitutions-behandlingens genombrott i Finland Politisk helomvändning I ett europeiskt perspektiv var narkotikasitua-tionen i Finland högst odramatisk fram till 1990-talet, och myndigheterna ...
Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift, 2003
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2018
Aims: Information technology has become an essential part of drug culture, providing a platform f... more Aims: Information technology has become an essential part of drug culture, providing a platform for lay knowledge concerning drug use. Due to the co-effects of different substances, making substance “combos” requires advanced skills to enhance pleasures and manage risks. In this study, we focus on Finnish and Swedish online discussions as a context for learning and sharing experiences of combining substances.
Methods: Taking influences from positioning theory, we used qualitative methods to map what kinds of mutual interactive positions related to the expertise in polydrug use online discussants take and how these positions are negotiated and reformulated in the online setting. We reflect these results through Howard S. Becker’s theory of social learning, according to which becoming a drug user is a process that occurs in interaction with other users, as the beginners need a model and advice from experienced users in order to claim their place in the users’ community.
Results: In online forums, users discuss the risks and pleasures of combining drugs – on the one hand, in relation to different situations and, on the other hand, in relation to different competence positions. This occurs by asking for advice, presenting one’s knowledge, challenging others, repositioning oneself, defending one’s position or proving one’s competence.
Conclusion: Online discussion forums constitute a kind of virtual academy where knowledge of the pleasures and risks of combining substances is produced and circulated, and where experienced masters mediate their expertise to less experienced novices.