Philippe Bacchet - (original) (raw)


Books by Philippe Bacchet

Research paper thumbnail of Poissons côtiers des Marquises

Malgré plusieurs missions d'inventaire focalisées sur les poissons des îles Marquises, depuis Jar... more Malgré plusieurs missions d'inventaire focalisées sur les poissons des îles Marquises, depuis Jardin, 1859, les poissons côtiers de cet archipel sont encore mal connus : 20 espèces nouvelles découver-tes lors de la dernière mission en 2011 et la liste actuelle comprenant 495 espèces décrites, dont 68 espèces endémiques (13,7 %). La communauté des poissons des Marquises est très différente des faunes des autres archipels de la Polynésie française et même de celles des autres îles du Pacifique Sud. Si le nombre d'espèces recensées n'est pas très élevé (richesse spécifique), les abondances et surtout les biomasses sont très importantes (de nombreux gros individus pour certaines espè-ces). La grande taille des espèces commerciales constitue un enjeu certain pour la préservation de la ressource vivrière de ces îles alors que la présence de certaines espèces emblématiques est un atout pour l'activité touristique de la plongée (raies, requins, carangues, poissons hauturiers présents sur le proche côtier). La structure trophique* est dominée par un couple piscivore*/planctophage contrairement au couple carnivore/herbivore généralement observé dans les autres archipels. Cette différence pourrait être due à la présence de forts upwelling* autour des Marquises qui entraînent une production primaire importante et qui pourraient également expliquer l'absence de récifs coralliens construits. Le taux d'espèces endémiques dépasse les 10 %, ce qui représente le plus fort taux des archipels de la Polynésie française, taux qui restent inférieurs à ceux rencontrés à Hawaii ou à l'île de Pâques. Cette faune ichtyologique importante et particulière semble encore relativement épargnée et mérite d'être protégée. Nous recommandons une préservation du complexe Eiao/Hatu Tu pour la richesse spécifique et l'abondance des poissons au nord, l'île de Tahuata au centre pour l'originalité de certains de ses paysages côtiers, et l'île de Fatu Iva au sud pour l'originalité de sa faune ichtyologique.

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Papers by Philippe Bacchet

Research paper thumbnail of Fifty new records of shore fishes from the Society Islands and Tuamotu Archipelago." aqua

The following species of fishes are here recorded from the Society Islands and/or the Tuamotu Arc... more The following species of fishes are here recorded from the Society Islands and/or the Tuamotu Archipelago: Gymnothorax elegans, G. formosus, Monopenchelys Sommario Nelle Isole della Società e/o dell'Arcipelago delle Tuamotu viene registrata per la prima volta la presenza delle seguenti specie di pesci: Gymnothorax elegans, G. formosus, Monopenchelys acuta, Heteroaqua vol. 5 no. 4 -2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Poissons côtiers des Marquises

Since the early work of Jardin in 1859, there have been numerous biodiversity surveys of the fish... more Since the early work of Jardin in 1859, there have been numerous biodiversity surveys of the fishes of the Marquesas Islands. Although each survey contributed new information about the fishes of the Marquesas, the Marquesan coastal fish fauna remains poorly known. A recent fish biodiversity survey conducted in 2011, resulted in the discovery of about 20 new species in addition to 495 described species, including 68 endemic species (13.7%). Fish communities of the Marquesas are very different from the fish faunas of other archipelagoes of French Polynesia and other islands in the South Pacific. The number of species (species richness) known from this isolated island group is low, but those species occurring at the Marquesas are found to be abundant and the biomasses tend to be very high for each species (some species are represented by many large-sized individuals). The larger sizes reached by many of the commercial species at the Marquesas are important to the conservation of food r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fifty new records of shore fishes from the Society Islands andTuamotu Archipelago

The following species of fishes are here recorded from the Society Islands and/or the Tuamotu Arc... more The following species of fishes are here recorded from the Society Islands and/or the Tuamotu Archipel ago: Gymnothorax elegans , G. formosus , Monopenchelys acuta , Heteroconger hassi , Ophichthus altipennis , Synodus capricornis , Antennarius macula tus , A. scriptissimus , Minyichthys myersi , Beryx decadactylus , Myripristis chryseres , Sebastapistes galactacma , Plectranthias rubrifasciatus , Liopropoma tonstrinum , Belonoperca chabanaudi , Oxycirrhites typus , Apogon fukuii , Atule mate , Seriola rivoliana , Emmelichthys karnellai , Erythrocles scintillans , Aphareus rutilans , Etelis radiosus , Paracaesio xan thurus , Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus , P. auricilla , P. filamentosus , P. flavipinnis , Randallichthys filamen tosus , Chaetodon tinkeri , Oxycheilinus arenatus , Polylepion russelli , Callionymus filamentosus , Diplo grammus goramensis , Bryaninops tigris, B. yongei , Gobiodon quinquestrigatus , Gobiopsis exigua , Paragobiodon modestus , Pleurosicya coerulea , P. mi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Shore fishes of French Polynesia

On the occasion of the 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference ( to be held in... more On the occasion of the 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference ( to be held in Tahiti in October 2017, it seemed timely to update Randall's 1985 list of the fishes known from French Polynesia. Many studies focusing on fishes in this area have been published since 1985, but Randall's list remains the authoritative source. Herein we present an expanded species list of 1,301 fishes now known to occur in French Polynesia and we review the expeditions and information sources responsible for the over 60% increase in the number of known species since the publication of Randall's checklist in 1985. Our list of the fishes known from French Polynesia includes only those species with a reliably verifiable presence in these waters. In cases where there was any doubt about the identity of a species, or of the reliability of a reported sighting, the species was not included in our list.

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Research paper thumbnail of First records of the pipefishes Minyichthys myersi and Micrognathus andersonii from the Society Islands

Cybium, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Shore fishes of the Marquesas Islands, an updated checklist with new records and new percentage of endemic species

Check List, 2015

Expedition Pakaihi I Te Moana was conducted in 2011 to the Marquesas Islands, lying between 07°50... more Expedition Pakaihi I Te Moana was conducted in 2011 to the Marquesas Islands, lying between 07°50ʹ S and 10°35ʹ S latitude and 138°25ʹ W and 140°50ʹ W longitude. The expedition combined extensive collections and visual censuses of the shore fish fauna. A total of 74 species are added as new records for the Marquesas Islands; the coastal fish fauna of the Marquesas Islands is increased from 415 to 495 species and the number of endemic species is increased from 48 to 68 species. This increases the percentage of species-level endemism for the Marquesas Islands to 13.7%, ranking as the third highest region of endemism for coral reef fishes in the Indo-Pacific. Only two other peripheral regions, the Hawai’ian Islands and Easter Island, have higher values.

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Research paper thumbnail of Poissons côtiers des Marquises

Malgré plusieurs missions d'inventaire focalisées sur les poissons des îles Marquises, depuis Jar... more Malgré plusieurs missions d'inventaire focalisées sur les poissons des îles Marquises, depuis Jardin, 1859, les poissons côtiers de cet archipel sont encore mal connus : 20 espèces nouvelles découver-tes lors de la dernière mission en 2011 et la liste actuelle comprenant 495 espèces décrites, dont 68 espèces endémiques (13,7 %). La communauté des poissons des Marquises est très différente des faunes des autres archipels de la Polynésie française et même de celles des autres îles du Pacifique Sud. Si le nombre d'espèces recensées n'est pas très élevé (richesse spécifique), les abondances et surtout les biomasses sont très importantes (de nombreux gros individus pour certaines espè-ces). La grande taille des espèces commerciales constitue un enjeu certain pour la préservation de la ressource vivrière de ces îles alors que la présence de certaines espèces emblématiques est un atout pour l'activité touristique de la plongée (raies, requins, carangues, poissons hauturiers présents sur le proche côtier). La structure trophique* est dominée par un couple piscivore*/planctophage contrairement au couple carnivore/herbivore généralement observé dans les autres archipels. Cette différence pourrait être due à la présence de forts upwelling* autour des Marquises qui entraînent une production primaire importante et qui pourraient également expliquer l'absence de récifs coralliens construits. Le taux d'espèces endémiques dépasse les 10 %, ce qui représente le plus fort taux des archipels de la Polynésie française, taux qui restent inférieurs à ceux rencontrés à Hawaii ou à l'île de Pâques. Cette faune ichtyologique importante et particulière semble encore relativement épargnée et mérite d'être protégée. Nous recommandons une préservation du complexe Eiao/Hatu Tu pour la richesse spécifique et l'abondance des poissons au nord, l'île de Tahuata au centre pour l'originalité de certains de ses paysages côtiers, et l'île de Fatu Iva au sud pour l'originalité de sa faune ichtyologique.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fifty new records of shore fishes from the Society Islands and Tuamotu Archipelago." aqua

The following species of fishes are here recorded from the Society Islands and/or the Tuamotu Arc... more The following species of fishes are here recorded from the Society Islands and/or the Tuamotu Archipelago: Gymnothorax elegans, G. formosus, Monopenchelys Sommario Nelle Isole della Società e/o dell'Arcipelago delle Tuamotu viene registrata per la prima volta la presenza delle seguenti specie di pesci: Gymnothorax elegans, G. formosus, Monopenchelys acuta, Heteroaqua vol. 5 no. 4 -2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Poissons côtiers des Marquises

Since the early work of Jardin in 1859, there have been numerous biodiversity surveys of the fish... more Since the early work of Jardin in 1859, there have been numerous biodiversity surveys of the fishes of the Marquesas Islands. Although each survey contributed new information about the fishes of the Marquesas, the Marquesan coastal fish fauna remains poorly known. A recent fish biodiversity survey conducted in 2011, resulted in the discovery of about 20 new species in addition to 495 described species, including 68 endemic species (13.7%). Fish communities of the Marquesas are very different from the fish faunas of other archipelagoes of French Polynesia and other islands in the South Pacific. The number of species (species richness) known from this isolated island group is low, but those species occurring at the Marquesas are found to be abundant and the biomasses tend to be very high for each species (some species are represented by many large-sized individuals). The larger sizes reached by many of the commercial species at the Marquesas are important to the conservation of food r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fifty new records of shore fishes from the Society Islands andTuamotu Archipelago

The following species of fishes are here recorded from the Society Islands and/or the Tuamotu Arc... more The following species of fishes are here recorded from the Society Islands and/or the Tuamotu Archipel ago: Gymnothorax elegans , G. formosus , Monopenchelys acuta , Heteroconger hassi , Ophichthus altipennis , Synodus capricornis , Antennarius macula tus , A. scriptissimus , Minyichthys myersi , Beryx decadactylus , Myripristis chryseres , Sebastapistes galactacma , Plectranthias rubrifasciatus , Liopropoma tonstrinum , Belonoperca chabanaudi , Oxycirrhites typus , Apogon fukuii , Atule mate , Seriola rivoliana , Emmelichthys karnellai , Erythrocles scintillans , Aphareus rutilans , Etelis radiosus , Paracaesio xan thurus , Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus , P. auricilla , P. filamentosus , P. flavipinnis , Randallichthys filamen tosus , Chaetodon tinkeri , Oxycheilinus arenatus , Polylepion russelli , Callionymus filamentosus , Diplo grammus goramensis , Bryaninops tigris, B. yongei , Gobiodon quinquestrigatus , Gobiopsis exigua , Paragobiodon modestus , Pleurosicya coerulea , P. mi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Shore fishes of French Polynesia

On the occasion of the 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference ( to be held in... more On the occasion of the 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference ( to be held in Tahiti in October 2017, it seemed timely to update Randall's 1985 list of the fishes known from French Polynesia. Many studies focusing on fishes in this area have been published since 1985, but Randall's list remains the authoritative source. Herein we present an expanded species list of 1,301 fishes now known to occur in French Polynesia and we review the expeditions and information sources responsible for the over 60% increase in the number of known species since the publication of Randall's checklist in 1985. Our list of the fishes known from French Polynesia includes only those species with a reliably verifiable presence in these waters. In cases where there was any doubt about the identity of a species, or of the reliability of a reported sighting, the species was not included in our list.

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Research paper thumbnail of First records of the pipefishes Minyichthys myersi and Micrognathus andersonii from the Society Islands

Cybium, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Shore fishes of the Marquesas Islands, an updated checklist with new records and new percentage of endemic species

Check List, 2015

Expedition Pakaihi I Te Moana was conducted in 2011 to the Marquesas Islands, lying between 07°50... more Expedition Pakaihi I Te Moana was conducted in 2011 to the Marquesas Islands, lying between 07°50ʹ S and 10°35ʹ S latitude and 138°25ʹ W and 140°50ʹ W longitude. The expedition combined extensive collections and visual censuses of the shore fish fauna. A total of 74 species are added as new records for the Marquesas Islands; the coastal fish fauna of the Marquesas Islands is increased from 415 to 495 species and the number of endemic species is increased from 48 to 68 species. This increases the percentage of species-level endemism for the Marquesas Islands to 13.7%, ranking as the third highest region of endemism for coral reef fishes in the Indo-Pacific. Only two other peripheral regions, the Hawai’ian Islands and Easter Island, have higher values.

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