Philippe Fougeras - (original) (raw)


Papers by Philippe Fougeras

Research paper thumbnail of Neutron transport; La neutronique

Research paper thumbnail of Full MOX recycling in ALWR : Lessons Drawn through the MISTRAL Program

From 1995 to 2000, CEA and NUPEC undertook an extensive experimental program, called MISTRAL, dev... more From 1995 to 2000, CEA and NUPEC undertook an extensive experimental program, called MISTRAL, devoted to the study of advanced LWR loaded with 100% of MOX fuel. Four core configurations were implemented in the EOLE facility at Cadarache aiming at the measurement of the main neutronic physical phenomena arising in such lattices. This paper presents the main results obtained during these experiments in term of experimental techniques and calculation/experiment comparisons

Research paper thumbnail of Studies on the Haemagglutination and Haemadsorption Spectra of Parainfluenza Viruses

Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, 1966

Research paper thumbnail of Full MOX ABWR neutron characterization with void increase: the FUBILA Program

CEA and JNES have undertaken a first-of-a-kind full MOX core physics experiments, FUBILA, in the ... more CEA and JNES have undertaken a first-of-a-kind full MOX core physics experiments, FUBILA, in the EOLE critical facility of the CEA Cadarache centre. The experiments have been designed to obtain core physics data of high burn up 9x9 and 10x10 BWR MOX assemblies operating conditions. The experimental program, consisting in eight different core configurations, started in January 2005 and finished on September 1 st , 2006. The analysis of some part of the experimental data has been carried out using the French TRIPOLI4.3 continuous energy Monte Carlo calculation Code with its JEF2.2 and JEFF-3.0 nuclear data libraries, used for all Design and Safety calculations. The average C/E discrepancies obtained enable to estimate all the integral and local parameters with uncertainties largely within the target uncertainties, demonstrating the capability of the code to treat complex geometries with a high degree of accuracy.

Research paper thumbnail of Advanced BWRs fully loaded with MOX fuel: The BASALA Experimental Program

Research paper thumbnail of Backend of the fuel cycle: Neutron integral experiments for qualification of calculations schemes

Research paper thumbnail of Les maquettes critiques du CEA

Revue Générale Nucléaire, 2006

La direction de l'Energie Nucleaire du CEA participe a l'etude de la physique des reacteu... more La direction de l'Energie Nucleaire du CEA participe a l'etude de la physique des reacteurs par la conception et la realisation d'experiences integrales pour la qualification des formulaires de calcul neutronique et de donnees nucleaires de base sur trois maquettes critiques situees sur le site de Cadarache : EOLE (spectres REP et REB), MINERVE (tous types de spectres) et MASURCA (spectre "rapide").

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Analysis of the BASALA-H Experimental Programme

10th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Volume 4, 2002

This paper is focused on the preliminary analysis of results obtained on the first cores of the f... more This paper is focused on the preliminary analysis of results obtained on the first cores of the first phase of the BASALA (Boiling water reactor Advanced core physics Study Aimed at mox fuel Lattice) programme, aimed at studying the neutronic parameters in ABWR core in hot conditions, currently under investigation in the French EOLE critical facility, within the framework of

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) Technique to Subcritical Reactivity Worth Measurements in Thermal and Fast Reactor Systems

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2011

The Amplified Source Multiplication (ASM) method and its improved Modified Source Multiplication ... more The Amplified Source Multiplication (ASM) method and its improved Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) method have been widely used in the CEA's EOLE and MASURCA critical facilities over the past decades for the determination of reactivity worths by using fission chambers in subcritical configurations. They have been successfully applied to absorber (single or clusters) worth measurement in both thermal and fast spectra, or for (sodium or water) void reactivity worths. The ASM methodology, which is the basic technique to estimate a reactivity worth, uses relatively simple relationships between count rates of efficient miniature fission chambers located in slightly subcritical reference and perturbed configurations. If this method works quite well for small reactivity variation (a few effective delayed neutron fraction), its raw results needs to be corrected to take into account the flux perturbation in the fission chamber. This is performed by applying to the measurement a correction factor called MSM. Its characteristics is to take into account the local space and energy variation of the spectrum in the fission chamber, through standard perturbation theory applied to neutron transport calculation in the perturbed configuration. The proposed paper describes in details both methodologies, with their associated uncertainties. Applications on absorber cluster worth in the MISTRAL-4 full MOX mock-up core and the last core loaded in MASURCA show the importance of the MSM correction on raw data.

Research paper thumbnail of Monte Carlo analysis of high moderation 100% MOX BWR cores using JEF2 and JENDL3 nuclear data

Proc. Int. Conf. on …, 2004

... fuel pin is cladded with zircaloy clads and aluminium over-clads. The main nuclear parameters... more ... fuel pin is cladded with zircaloy clads and aluminium over-clads. The main nuclear parameters, such as the core reactivity, power distribution and reactivity worth of UO2-Gd2O3 fuel rods and control blades, were measured and calculated by French and Japanese Monte Carlo ...

Research paper thumbnail of Mass spectrometry and gas chromatography of methyl esters of higher aliphatic branched acids and their α-hydroxy derivatives

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1975

Research paper thumbnail of OSMOSE: An experimental program for the qualification of integral cross sections of actinides

Proc. …, 2004

... (2004) OSMOSE: An Experimental Program for the Qualification of Integral Cross Sections of Ac... more ... (2004) OSMOSE: An Experimental Program for the Qualification of Integral Cross Sections of Actinides Jean-Pascal HUDELOT1, Raymond KLANN2, Philippe FOUGERAS1, Frederic JORION3, Nicolas DRIN3, Louis DONNET3 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Calculation of LWR βeff kinetic parameters: Validation on the MISTRAL experimental program

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2012

This paper presents the analysis of the MISTRAL experimental program in EOLE on the determination... more This paper presents the analysis of the MISTRAL experimental program in EOLE on the determination of the effective delayed neutron fraction b eff for UO2 and MOX Light Water Reactor cores using the APOLLO2.8 code and JEFF-3.1.1 nuclear data library. The objective was to verify if the new 8 time-groups data in JEFF3 library (instead of the classical 6 groups) allow to reduce the calculation-experiment discrepancy observed using ENDF/B-VII.0 or the previous JEF-2.2 library. The present analysis has shown that the C/E bias is reduced from +2.8% with JEF2.2 to +0.8 ± 1.6% for the UO2 cores and from +0.8% (with JEF2.2) to +0.2 ± 1.6% for the MOX cores, using Discrete Ordinates 2D core calculations. The introduction of Method of Characteristics (MOC) in the flux calculation, through so-called Reference ''SHEM-MOC'' (281-groups-P3 for scattering) and optimized ''LWR2005'' (26-groups-P3 and corrected P0 for scattering) calculation schemes improve slightly the results, with C/E discrepancies of +0.2 ± 1.5% and +0.0 ± 1.5% respectively for UO2, and +0.1 ± 1.6% and À0.1 ± 1.6% respectively for MOX.

Research paper thumbnail of EOLE, MINERVE and MASURCA facilities and their associated neutron experimental Programs

Research paper thumbnail of Qualification des schemas de calcul pour le recyclage du plutonium dans les reacteurs a eau sous pression : experience epicure

Cette these est relative a la validation des schemas de calcul neutronique pour les reacteurs a e... more Cette these est relative a la validation des schemas de calcul neutronique pour les reacteurs a eau sous pression avec recyclage du plutonium. On utilise pour cela les resultats de l'experience epicure realisee dans la maquette critique eole du centre d'etudes de cadarache. Apres un panorama de la situation internationale a propos du recyclage du plutonium (experiences industrielles et programmes de validation physique), l'experience epicure elle-meme est presentee dans ses grandes lignes. Un examen physique des modeles de calcul traditionnels dans le cas des curs heterogenes uo#2-mox nous a permis d'en deceler les principales faiblesses qui se traduisent par des ecarts importants entre experience et calcul sur la distribution de puissance. Un schema optimise base sur l'utilisation de la theorie du transport sn et un decoupage en energie raffine a donc ete elabore et son application sur l'experience epicure (mox-uo#2) donne des resultats tres satisfaisants. U...

Research paper thumbnail of BWR MOX Core Physics Experiments and Preliminary Analysis

An experimental program, BASALA, has been planned to measure the main neutronic parameters of hig... more An experimental program, BASALA, has been planned to measure the main neutronic parameters of high moderation 100% MOX BWR mock up cores in the CEA-EOLE critical facility. The first part of the experiments that simulates hot operating conditions of BWR was completed by June 2001 The experiments include five critical cores: a reference core, an increased void core, two different type burnable poison cores and an increased water rod core. The measurement parameters are the critical mass and the core power distribution and the worth of the above-mentioned heterogeneities. The analysis has been done by NUPEC with a deterministic code, SRAC and a continuous energy Monte Carlo code, MVP, combined with the JENDL-3.2 nuclear data library. The preliminary results show that the critical keffs of the five cores are 1.004 to 1.008 for SRAC and about 1.009 for MVP, and the radial power distribution and the worth of the increased void, the burnable poisons and the increased water rods are well re...

Research paper thumbnail of L'apport des maquettes critiques dans la simulation des réacteurs nucléaires

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of a calculation scheme for the treatment of plutonium recycling in pressurized water reactors

Nuclear Science and Engineering - NUCL SCI ENG, 1995

The EPICURE experimental program provides a complete and high-quality experimental database for e... more The EPICURE experimental program provides a complete and high-quality experimental database for evaluating the uncertainties in reactor physics calculations of plutonium-recycling pressurized water reactors. To understand possible discrepancies between experimental values and values calculated with the conventional scheme, a study is performed of the major physics approximations involved in the calculation of heterogeneous Mixed OXide-UOâ-fueled cores. This study determines the origin of the significant discrepancies between the calculated and the measured power distributions. An optimized calculation scheme is developed based on the use of S{sub n} transport calculations and on a refined energy group structure. Its application to the analysis of EPICURE experiments results in very satisfactory agreement.

Research paper thumbnail of The place of EOLE, MINERVE and MASURCA facilities in the R&D activities of the CEA

The CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) is involved in a research program concerning the futu... more The CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) is involved in a research program concerning the future of plutonium, waste management and innovative systems exploration. The critical facilities of the CEA Cadarache: EOLE, MINERVE and MASURCA play an important role in the validation of neutronic calculation tools (codes and nuclear data). Most recent programs notably contributed : • Obtaining a very large and accurate experimental database for nuclides arising in plutonium and waste management (heavy nuclides and long lived fission products). • Exploring long-lived nuclides transmutation. • Exploring innovative systems and new concepts in terms of new materials (ABWR, JHR, ..). • Improving the physics of hybrid systems, involving a sub-critical reactor coupled with an external accelerator (ADS). • Reducing the uncertainties associated to the prediction of most of the current and new core concept parameters such as GEN IV (Gaz Cooled Fast Reactor : RCG-R). All theses programs are carried...

Research paper thumbnail of Fission Products Particular Peak Measurement for UO

This paper presents the principles of the peak check measurements by gamma spectrometry. One deta... more This paper presents the principles of the peak check measurements by gamma spectrometry. One details the main equations used for the analysis of the raw data as the calculation of the different sources of uncertainties and their propagation on the result. The method is illustrated with actual examples from the French-Japanese BASALA ABWR 100% MOX experimental program. • For each individual fission rate, the systematical uncertainty due to the radioactive decay data is smaller than the statistical uncertainty due to the counting process. • The main part of the final uncertainty on the scaling factor is brought by the systematical uncertainty on the average fission yields. This study enables to propose some recommendations for fission products and nuclear data evaluation used. • Only the analysis of the 140La peak at 1596 keV leads to acceptable uncertainties on the fission rate maps renormalization, with a good consistency with the integral γ-scanning results. • The JEF-2.2 evaluation on the fission yields and their associated uncertainties seems more realistic than the ENDF/B-6 and is recommended for the scaling factor analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Neutron transport; La neutronique

Research paper thumbnail of Full MOX recycling in ALWR : Lessons Drawn through the MISTRAL Program

From 1995 to 2000, CEA and NUPEC undertook an extensive experimental program, called MISTRAL, dev... more From 1995 to 2000, CEA and NUPEC undertook an extensive experimental program, called MISTRAL, devoted to the study of advanced LWR loaded with 100% of MOX fuel. Four core configurations were implemented in the EOLE facility at Cadarache aiming at the measurement of the main neutronic physical phenomena arising in such lattices. This paper presents the main results obtained during these experiments in term of experimental techniques and calculation/experiment comparisons

Research paper thumbnail of Studies on the Haemagglutination and Haemadsorption Spectra of Parainfluenza Viruses

Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, 1966

Research paper thumbnail of Full MOX ABWR neutron characterization with void increase: the FUBILA Program

CEA and JNES have undertaken a first-of-a-kind full MOX core physics experiments, FUBILA, in the ... more CEA and JNES have undertaken a first-of-a-kind full MOX core physics experiments, FUBILA, in the EOLE critical facility of the CEA Cadarache centre. The experiments have been designed to obtain core physics data of high burn up 9x9 and 10x10 BWR MOX assemblies operating conditions. The experimental program, consisting in eight different core configurations, started in January 2005 and finished on September 1 st , 2006. The analysis of some part of the experimental data has been carried out using the French TRIPOLI4.3 continuous energy Monte Carlo calculation Code with its JEF2.2 and JEFF-3.0 nuclear data libraries, used for all Design and Safety calculations. The average C/E discrepancies obtained enable to estimate all the integral and local parameters with uncertainties largely within the target uncertainties, demonstrating the capability of the code to treat complex geometries with a high degree of accuracy.

Research paper thumbnail of Advanced BWRs fully loaded with MOX fuel: The BASALA Experimental Program

Research paper thumbnail of Backend of the fuel cycle: Neutron integral experiments for qualification of calculations schemes

Research paper thumbnail of Les maquettes critiques du CEA

Revue Générale Nucléaire, 2006

La direction de l'Energie Nucleaire du CEA participe a l'etude de la physique des reacteu... more La direction de l'Energie Nucleaire du CEA participe a l'etude de la physique des reacteurs par la conception et la realisation d'experiences integrales pour la qualification des formulaires de calcul neutronique et de donnees nucleaires de base sur trois maquettes critiques situees sur le site de Cadarache : EOLE (spectres REP et REB), MINERVE (tous types de spectres) et MASURCA (spectre "rapide").

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Analysis of the BASALA-H Experimental Programme

10th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Volume 4, 2002

This paper is focused on the preliminary analysis of results obtained on the first cores of the f... more This paper is focused on the preliminary analysis of results obtained on the first cores of the first phase of the BASALA (Boiling water reactor Advanced core physics Study Aimed at mox fuel Lattice) programme, aimed at studying the neutronic parameters in ABWR core in hot conditions, currently under investigation in the French EOLE critical facility, within the framework of

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) Technique to Subcritical Reactivity Worth Measurements in Thermal and Fast Reactor Systems

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2011

The Amplified Source Multiplication (ASM) method and its improved Modified Source Multiplication ... more The Amplified Source Multiplication (ASM) method and its improved Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) method have been widely used in the CEA's EOLE and MASURCA critical facilities over the past decades for the determination of reactivity worths by using fission chambers in subcritical configurations. They have been successfully applied to absorber (single or clusters) worth measurement in both thermal and fast spectra, or for (sodium or water) void reactivity worths. The ASM methodology, which is the basic technique to estimate a reactivity worth, uses relatively simple relationships between count rates of efficient miniature fission chambers located in slightly subcritical reference and perturbed configurations. If this method works quite well for small reactivity variation (a few effective delayed neutron fraction), its raw results needs to be corrected to take into account the flux perturbation in the fission chamber. This is performed by applying to the measurement a correction factor called MSM. Its characteristics is to take into account the local space and energy variation of the spectrum in the fission chamber, through standard perturbation theory applied to neutron transport calculation in the perturbed configuration. The proposed paper describes in details both methodologies, with their associated uncertainties. Applications on absorber cluster worth in the MISTRAL-4 full MOX mock-up core and the last core loaded in MASURCA show the importance of the MSM correction on raw data.

Research paper thumbnail of Monte Carlo analysis of high moderation 100% MOX BWR cores using JEF2 and JENDL3 nuclear data

Proc. Int. Conf. on …, 2004

... fuel pin is cladded with zircaloy clads and aluminium over-clads. The main nuclear parameters... more ... fuel pin is cladded with zircaloy clads and aluminium over-clads. The main nuclear parameters, such as the core reactivity, power distribution and reactivity worth of UO2-Gd2O3 fuel rods and control blades, were measured and calculated by French and Japanese Monte Carlo ...

Research paper thumbnail of Mass spectrometry and gas chromatography of methyl esters of higher aliphatic branched acids and their α-hydroxy derivatives

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1975

Research paper thumbnail of OSMOSE: An experimental program for the qualification of integral cross sections of actinides

Proc. …, 2004

... (2004) OSMOSE: An Experimental Program for the Qualification of Integral Cross Sections of Ac... more ... (2004) OSMOSE: An Experimental Program for the Qualification of Integral Cross Sections of Actinides Jean-Pascal HUDELOT1, Raymond KLANN2, Philippe FOUGERAS1, Frederic JORION3, Nicolas DRIN3, Louis DONNET3 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Calculation of LWR βeff kinetic parameters: Validation on the MISTRAL experimental program

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2012

This paper presents the analysis of the MISTRAL experimental program in EOLE on the determination... more This paper presents the analysis of the MISTRAL experimental program in EOLE on the determination of the effective delayed neutron fraction b eff for UO2 and MOX Light Water Reactor cores using the APOLLO2.8 code and JEFF-3.1.1 nuclear data library. The objective was to verify if the new 8 time-groups data in JEFF3 library (instead of the classical 6 groups) allow to reduce the calculation-experiment discrepancy observed using ENDF/B-VII.0 or the previous JEF-2.2 library. The present analysis has shown that the C/E bias is reduced from +2.8% with JEF2.2 to +0.8 ± 1.6% for the UO2 cores and from +0.8% (with JEF2.2) to +0.2 ± 1.6% for the MOX cores, using Discrete Ordinates 2D core calculations. The introduction of Method of Characteristics (MOC) in the flux calculation, through so-called Reference ''SHEM-MOC'' (281-groups-P3 for scattering) and optimized ''LWR2005'' (26-groups-P3 and corrected P0 for scattering) calculation schemes improve slightly the results, with C/E discrepancies of +0.2 ± 1.5% and +0.0 ± 1.5% respectively for UO2, and +0.1 ± 1.6% and À0.1 ± 1.6% respectively for MOX.

Research paper thumbnail of EOLE, MINERVE and MASURCA facilities and their associated neutron experimental Programs

Research paper thumbnail of Qualification des schemas de calcul pour le recyclage du plutonium dans les reacteurs a eau sous pression : experience epicure

Cette these est relative a la validation des schemas de calcul neutronique pour les reacteurs a e... more Cette these est relative a la validation des schemas de calcul neutronique pour les reacteurs a eau sous pression avec recyclage du plutonium. On utilise pour cela les resultats de l'experience epicure realisee dans la maquette critique eole du centre d'etudes de cadarache. Apres un panorama de la situation internationale a propos du recyclage du plutonium (experiences industrielles et programmes de validation physique), l'experience epicure elle-meme est presentee dans ses grandes lignes. Un examen physique des modeles de calcul traditionnels dans le cas des curs heterogenes uo#2-mox nous a permis d'en deceler les principales faiblesses qui se traduisent par des ecarts importants entre experience et calcul sur la distribution de puissance. Un schema optimise base sur l'utilisation de la theorie du transport sn et un decoupage en energie raffine a donc ete elabore et son application sur l'experience epicure (mox-uo#2) donne des resultats tres satisfaisants. U...

Research paper thumbnail of BWR MOX Core Physics Experiments and Preliminary Analysis

An experimental program, BASALA, has been planned to measure the main neutronic parameters of hig... more An experimental program, BASALA, has been planned to measure the main neutronic parameters of high moderation 100% MOX BWR mock up cores in the CEA-EOLE critical facility. The first part of the experiments that simulates hot operating conditions of BWR was completed by June 2001 The experiments include five critical cores: a reference core, an increased void core, two different type burnable poison cores and an increased water rod core. The measurement parameters are the critical mass and the core power distribution and the worth of the above-mentioned heterogeneities. The analysis has been done by NUPEC with a deterministic code, SRAC and a continuous energy Monte Carlo code, MVP, combined with the JENDL-3.2 nuclear data library. The preliminary results show that the critical keffs of the five cores are 1.004 to 1.008 for SRAC and about 1.009 for MVP, and the radial power distribution and the worth of the increased void, the burnable poisons and the increased water rods are well re...

Research paper thumbnail of L'apport des maquettes critiques dans la simulation des réacteurs nucléaires

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of a calculation scheme for the treatment of plutonium recycling in pressurized water reactors

Nuclear Science and Engineering - NUCL SCI ENG, 1995

The EPICURE experimental program provides a complete and high-quality experimental database for e... more The EPICURE experimental program provides a complete and high-quality experimental database for evaluating the uncertainties in reactor physics calculations of plutonium-recycling pressurized water reactors. To understand possible discrepancies between experimental values and values calculated with the conventional scheme, a study is performed of the major physics approximations involved in the calculation of heterogeneous Mixed OXide-UOâ-fueled cores. This study determines the origin of the significant discrepancies between the calculated and the measured power distributions. An optimized calculation scheme is developed based on the use of S{sub n} transport calculations and on a refined energy group structure. Its application to the analysis of EPICURE experiments results in very satisfactory agreement.

Research paper thumbnail of The place of EOLE, MINERVE and MASURCA facilities in the R&D activities of the CEA

The CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) is involved in a research program concerning the futu... more The CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) is involved in a research program concerning the future of plutonium, waste management and innovative systems exploration. The critical facilities of the CEA Cadarache: EOLE, MINERVE and MASURCA play an important role in the validation of neutronic calculation tools (codes and nuclear data). Most recent programs notably contributed : • Obtaining a very large and accurate experimental database for nuclides arising in plutonium and waste management (heavy nuclides and long lived fission products). • Exploring long-lived nuclides transmutation. • Exploring innovative systems and new concepts in terms of new materials (ABWR, JHR, ..). • Improving the physics of hybrid systems, involving a sub-critical reactor coupled with an external accelerator (ADS). • Reducing the uncertainties associated to the prediction of most of the current and new core concept parameters such as GEN IV (Gaz Cooled Fast Reactor : RCG-R). All theses programs are carried...

Research paper thumbnail of Fission Products Particular Peak Measurement for UO

This paper presents the principles of the peak check measurements by gamma spectrometry. One deta... more This paper presents the principles of the peak check measurements by gamma spectrometry. One details the main equations used for the analysis of the raw data as the calculation of the different sources of uncertainties and their propagation on the result. The method is illustrated with actual examples from the French-Japanese BASALA ABWR 100% MOX experimental program. • For each individual fission rate, the systematical uncertainty due to the radioactive decay data is smaller than the statistical uncertainty due to the counting process. • The main part of the final uncertainty on the scaling factor is brought by the systematical uncertainty on the average fission yields. This study enables to propose some recommendations for fission products and nuclear data evaluation used. • Only the analysis of the 140La peak at 1596 keV leads to acceptable uncertainties on the fission rate maps renormalization, with a good consistency with the integral γ-scanning results. • The JEF-2.2 evaluation on the fission yields and their associated uncertainties seems more realistic than the ENDF/B-6 and is recommended for the scaling factor analysis.