Philippe Ha-Vinh - (original) (raw)
Papers by Philippe Ha-Vinh
Journal de gestion et d'economie de la sante, 2021
Santé Publique, 2013
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que d... more La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Presse medicale, 2005
OBJECTIVE To assess the need to clarify indications for transfer to a rehabilitation center after... more OBJECTIVE To assess the need to clarify indications for transfer to a rehabilitation center after hip arthroplasty, we sought to determine the number of hip prostheses placed in the year 2000 in southwestern France (PACA region), the frequency of transfer for inpatient rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty, and the factors associated with transfer. We also examined the differences between private and public hospitals and between hip replacement due to fracture and those for other reasons. METHODS We searched the database of the regional medical information systems program (MPSI) to identify short term hospitalizations for orthopedic surgery during the year 2000 in the region's public and private hospitals. RESULTS In all, 4705 hospitalizations included hip arthroplasty, and 46% of the patients were subsequently transferred to a rehabilitation center. Multivariate analysis showed that the following factors were associated with this transfer: age (older patients), sex (women...
Revue du Rhumatisme, 2016
Resume Objectifs En secteur liberal, y a-t-il augmentation des taux de recours et quelle est l’ep... more Resume Objectifs En secteur liberal, y a-t-il augmentation des taux de recours et quelle est l’epidemiologie des interventions sur le rachis ? Y a-t-il un lien avec le travail dans le bâtiment ou le recours a un psychiatre ? Methodes A partir de la base de donnees de remboursement du Regime social des independants, nous avons analyse les categories d’interventions suivantes effectuees en secteur liberal : arthrodese, chirurgie de l’arc neural, chirurgie du disque, infiltration des nerfs rachidiens, infiltration des articulaires posterieures. Resultats Pour la plupart des categories d’interventions, il n’y avait pas d’augmentation significative des taux de recours entre 2010 et 2013 sauf pour les infiltrations des nerfs rachidiens. Pour la plupart des categories d’interventions, les taux de recours etaient plus eleves chez les personnes âgees et n’etaient pas moins eleves chez les femmes. Un taux de recours significativement plus eleve etait retrouve chez : (i) les sujets âges (pour ...
Sante publique, 2019
OBJECTIVES This study presents nationally representative estimates and trends for infertility ser... more OBJECTIVES This study presents nationally representative estimates and trends for infertility service use among women aged 25-43 and men aged 25-49 in France in 2013-2016. METHODS Two retrospective repeated cross-sectional analyses for years 2013 to 2016 were performed on the statutory French health care insurance reimbursement database for independent workers. Use rate was calculated on the number of individuals who underwent at least one infertility service within the studied year per women and men who utilized health services the same year. RESULTS 1.69% [IC 95%: 1.65; 1.72] of women aged 25-43 who utilized health services had used infertility services during the year 2016: 1.5% used ovulation induction, 0.7% ultrasound monitoring of follicles, 0.3% embryo transfer, 0.3% in vitro fertilization.The use increased significantly from 2013 to 2016 for the following services: ultrasound monitoring of follicles (+ 10%), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (+ 12%), freezing of embryos (+ 32...
Journal de gestion et d'economie de la santé, 2021
Objective: Our aim was to evaluate community consumption of strong prescription opioid treatments... more Objective: Our aim was to evaluate community consumption of strong prescription opioid treatments in France in 2015 and 2017.Methods: A nation-wide French health care insurance claims database was analyzed for opioids average annual cost, annual prevalence of dispensations and users by mean of two repeated retrospective cross sectional study in 2015 and 2017.Results: In 2015–2017 prevalence of users per 100 000 beneficiaries per year rose from 878 to 932 (+6%) for strong opioid analgesics and lowered from 160 to 150 (-6%) for opiate substitution treatments. Prevalence of users of oxycodone, fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone, buprenorphine, and methadone shifted by +17%, -5%, +4%, -8%, -13%, and +10%, respectively (+20% for methadone capsules). Oxycodone moved from third place to first place in terms of number of dispensation. Highest prevalence were in the western half of France, age over 60 and female for strong analgesic opioids and the north-east quarter and the south-west quarte...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical, 2016
Background In France, two studies analysed multiple sclerosis prevalence nationwide: one was carr... more Background In France, two studies analysed multiple sclerosis prevalence nationwide: one was carried out in farmers, and the other one in employees. A south-north gradient of prevalence was found solely in farmers. Objective In order to better describe the latitude gradient in France, which is not uniform depending on the studied population, we assessed whether a gradient exists in another population than farmers and employees: independent workers. The same methods of case ascertainment have been used. Methods Altogether 4,165,903 persons insured by the French health insurance scheme for independent workers were included. We searched the database for (a) long term disease status ‘multiple sclerosis’, (b) domicile, (c) gender and (d) age. Results A total of 4182 cases of multiple sclerosis were registered giving a prevalence of 100.39/100,000. Adjustment by age and sex and spatial smoothing with a Bayesian analysis showed a gradual increase of prevalence from the southwest to the nor...
t u d e s e t e n q u ê t e s Arrêts de travail pour cancer dans une population de travailleurs i... more t u d e s e t e n q u ê t e s Arrêts de travail pour cancer dans une population de travailleurs indépendants L es études spécifiques sur les relations entre le travail et les pathologies chez les travail-leurs indépendants sont rares. Une seule publication sur ce thème a été retrouvée dans la littéra-ture [1]. En effet, ce type d'étude fait classique-ment appel à la participation des médecins du travail et les travailleurs indépendants ne bénéficient pas du suivi régulier réglementaire de santé au travail, tel qu'il existe chez les salariés. Chez les travailleurs indépendants (encadré 1), il n'existe actuellement aucun système de déclaration ni de reconnaissance particulière des affections d'origine professionnelle, sauf souscription d'une assurance spé-cifique auprès du régime général de la Sécurité sociale. La seule indemnisation possible est l'attribution d'in-demnités journalières ou d'invalidité de droit commun versées par le régime social des in...
Revue française des affaires sociales, 2014
Pratiques et Organisation des Soins, 2011
Distribution électronique pour CNAMTS. © CNAMTS. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. ... more Distribution électronique pour CNAMTS. © CNAMTS. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Prat Organ Soins. 2009; 2: 99, 2009
... 104 Pratiques et Organisation des Soins volume 40 n° 2 / avril-juin 2009 Tableau III 1 re p a... more ... 104 Pratiques et Organisation des Soins volume 40 n° 2 / avril-juin 2009 Tableau III 1 re p artie Imp act des caractéristiq u es à l'in clusion , sur le risq u e in stan tan é de déclarer u n p remier arrêt de travail ap rès l'in clusion : risq u es relatifs (RR ) ajustés selon le modèle ...
Journal de gestion et d'économie médicales, 2012
Santé publique (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France)
When self-employed andsmall business owners are diagnosed with cancer what is the effect on their... more When self-employed andsmall business owners are diagnosed with cancer what is the effect on their small-firm survival duration? Data Sources: secondary data for 3,587 subjects, 18-65 years, working when diagnosed with cancer in 1995-2009 and a comparison group of 27,688 subjects matched for gender, age and occupation. Study design: a comprehensive population-based longitudinal study. A Cox model described time to failures of small businesses and terminations ofself-employment. Data Collection Methods: extraction from the statutory mandatory self-employed social security scheme database. Findings were that age, cancer prognosis and very intense physical workload occupation were independent predictors of enterprise failure for cancer-exposed subjects. Compared with unexposed subjects, their global hazard ratio was 1.59 (95% CI = 1.50 - 1.70). However, the difference atfiveyears after cancer diagnosis became non-significant: hazard ratio 1.11 (95% CI = 0.95 - 1.30). These findings demo...
Aim: Assessing disparities in morbidity between salaried workers and the specific population of s... more Aim: Assessing disparities in morbidity between salaried workers and the specific population of self employed workers, covered by a special mandatory statutory sheme: the self employed workers national healthcare insurance fund (RSI). Methods: Incidence rates of affections with exemption of co-payment(reimbursed at a 100% replacement level)are compared between the population covered by the salaried workers national healthcare insurance fund and the population covered by the RSI. The two populations differ strongly regarding important health determinants: age and sex ratio. To control for this confounding factors we perform a direct age and sex standardisation.Results: The age and sex adjusted overall incidence rate of severe chronic illness is significantly higher for the self employed workers than for the salaried workers. By disease subgroup analysis there is no significantly difference for cancers; the severe psychiatric diseases are significantly lower for the self employed work...
Pratiques et Organisation des Soins volume 43 n° 2 / avril-juin 2012 97 1 Médecin-conseil, Servic... more Pratiques et Organisation des Soins volume 43 n° 2 / avril-juin 2012 97 1 Médecin-conseil, Service médical du régime social des indépendants (RSI) de Provence-Alpes, Marseille (France). 2 Médecin-conseil, Service médical du régime social des indépendants (RSI) de Côte d'Azur, Nice (France). Summary Aim: Few quantified data on work injuries are available on a regular basis for self-employed workers due to a lack of legislation and investigation. We designed a two months original survey in the PACA region of southern France. Our aims were first a better epidemiological knowledge of occupational accidents and second to evaluate the opportunity of sharing a common prevention program with salaried workers. Methods: The main ratio is made up of the work injury cases stemmed from regular wage replacement claims at the numerator; health insurance enrolment data provided the denominator. Circumstances were obtained by self administered questionnaires. Data from salaried population were i...
Journal de gestion et d'economie de la sante, 2021
Santé Publique, 2013
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que d... more La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Presse medicale, 2005
OBJECTIVE To assess the need to clarify indications for transfer to a rehabilitation center after... more OBJECTIVE To assess the need to clarify indications for transfer to a rehabilitation center after hip arthroplasty, we sought to determine the number of hip prostheses placed in the year 2000 in southwestern France (PACA region), the frequency of transfer for inpatient rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty, and the factors associated with transfer. We also examined the differences between private and public hospitals and between hip replacement due to fracture and those for other reasons. METHODS We searched the database of the regional medical information systems program (MPSI) to identify short term hospitalizations for orthopedic surgery during the year 2000 in the region's public and private hospitals. RESULTS In all, 4705 hospitalizations included hip arthroplasty, and 46% of the patients were subsequently transferred to a rehabilitation center. Multivariate analysis showed that the following factors were associated with this transfer: age (older patients), sex (women...
Revue du Rhumatisme, 2016
Resume Objectifs En secteur liberal, y a-t-il augmentation des taux de recours et quelle est l’ep... more Resume Objectifs En secteur liberal, y a-t-il augmentation des taux de recours et quelle est l’epidemiologie des interventions sur le rachis ? Y a-t-il un lien avec le travail dans le bâtiment ou le recours a un psychiatre ? Methodes A partir de la base de donnees de remboursement du Regime social des independants, nous avons analyse les categories d’interventions suivantes effectuees en secteur liberal : arthrodese, chirurgie de l’arc neural, chirurgie du disque, infiltration des nerfs rachidiens, infiltration des articulaires posterieures. Resultats Pour la plupart des categories d’interventions, il n’y avait pas d’augmentation significative des taux de recours entre 2010 et 2013 sauf pour les infiltrations des nerfs rachidiens. Pour la plupart des categories d’interventions, les taux de recours etaient plus eleves chez les personnes âgees et n’etaient pas moins eleves chez les femmes. Un taux de recours significativement plus eleve etait retrouve chez : (i) les sujets âges (pour ...
Sante publique, 2019
OBJECTIVES This study presents nationally representative estimates and trends for infertility ser... more OBJECTIVES This study presents nationally representative estimates and trends for infertility service use among women aged 25-43 and men aged 25-49 in France in 2013-2016. METHODS Two retrospective repeated cross-sectional analyses for years 2013 to 2016 were performed on the statutory French health care insurance reimbursement database for independent workers. Use rate was calculated on the number of individuals who underwent at least one infertility service within the studied year per women and men who utilized health services the same year. RESULTS 1.69% [IC 95%: 1.65; 1.72] of women aged 25-43 who utilized health services had used infertility services during the year 2016: 1.5% used ovulation induction, 0.7% ultrasound monitoring of follicles, 0.3% embryo transfer, 0.3% in vitro fertilization.The use increased significantly from 2013 to 2016 for the following services: ultrasound monitoring of follicles (+ 10%), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (+ 12%), freezing of embryos (+ 32...
Journal de gestion et d'economie de la santé, 2021
Objective: Our aim was to evaluate community consumption of strong prescription opioid treatments... more Objective: Our aim was to evaluate community consumption of strong prescription opioid treatments in France in 2015 and 2017.Methods: A nation-wide French health care insurance claims database was analyzed for opioids average annual cost, annual prevalence of dispensations and users by mean of two repeated retrospective cross sectional study in 2015 and 2017.Results: In 2015–2017 prevalence of users per 100 000 beneficiaries per year rose from 878 to 932 (+6%) for strong opioid analgesics and lowered from 160 to 150 (-6%) for opiate substitution treatments. Prevalence of users of oxycodone, fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone, buprenorphine, and methadone shifted by +17%, -5%, +4%, -8%, -13%, and +10%, respectively (+20% for methadone capsules). Oxycodone moved from third place to first place in terms of number of dispensation. Highest prevalence were in the western half of France, age over 60 and female for strong analgesic opioids and the north-east quarter and the south-west quarte...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical, 2016
Background In France, two studies analysed multiple sclerosis prevalence nationwide: one was carr... more Background In France, two studies analysed multiple sclerosis prevalence nationwide: one was carried out in farmers, and the other one in employees. A south-north gradient of prevalence was found solely in farmers. Objective In order to better describe the latitude gradient in France, which is not uniform depending on the studied population, we assessed whether a gradient exists in another population than farmers and employees: independent workers. The same methods of case ascertainment have been used. Methods Altogether 4,165,903 persons insured by the French health insurance scheme for independent workers were included. We searched the database for (a) long term disease status ‘multiple sclerosis’, (b) domicile, (c) gender and (d) age. Results A total of 4182 cases of multiple sclerosis were registered giving a prevalence of 100.39/100,000. Adjustment by age and sex and spatial smoothing with a Bayesian analysis showed a gradual increase of prevalence from the southwest to the nor...
t u d e s e t e n q u ê t e s Arrêts de travail pour cancer dans une population de travailleurs i... more t u d e s e t e n q u ê t e s Arrêts de travail pour cancer dans une population de travailleurs indépendants L es études spécifiques sur les relations entre le travail et les pathologies chez les travail-leurs indépendants sont rares. Une seule publication sur ce thème a été retrouvée dans la littéra-ture [1]. En effet, ce type d'étude fait classique-ment appel à la participation des médecins du travail et les travailleurs indépendants ne bénéficient pas du suivi régulier réglementaire de santé au travail, tel qu'il existe chez les salariés. Chez les travailleurs indépendants (encadré 1), il n'existe actuellement aucun système de déclaration ni de reconnaissance particulière des affections d'origine professionnelle, sauf souscription d'une assurance spé-cifique auprès du régime général de la Sécurité sociale. La seule indemnisation possible est l'attribution d'in-demnités journalières ou d'invalidité de droit commun versées par le régime social des in...
Revue française des affaires sociales, 2014
Pratiques et Organisation des Soins, 2011
Distribution électronique pour CNAMTS. © CNAMTS. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. ... more Distribution électronique pour CNAMTS. © CNAMTS. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Prat Organ Soins. 2009; 2: 99, 2009
... 104 Pratiques et Organisation des Soins volume 40 n° 2 / avril-juin 2009 Tableau III 1 re p a... more ... 104 Pratiques et Organisation des Soins volume 40 n° 2 / avril-juin 2009 Tableau III 1 re p artie Imp act des caractéristiq u es à l'in clusion , sur le risq u e in stan tan é de déclarer u n p remier arrêt de travail ap rès l'in clusion : risq u es relatifs (RR ) ajustés selon le modèle ...
Journal de gestion et d'économie médicales, 2012
Santé publique (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France)
When self-employed andsmall business owners are diagnosed with cancer what is the effect on their... more When self-employed andsmall business owners are diagnosed with cancer what is the effect on their small-firm survival duration? Data Sources: secondary data for 3,587 subjects, 18-65 years, working when diagnosed with cancer in 1995-2009 and a comparison group of 27,688 subjects matched for gender, age and occupation. Study design: a comprehensive population-based longitudinal study. A Cox model described time to failures of small businesses and terminations ofself-employment. Data Collection Methods: extraction from the statutory mandatory self-employed social security scheme database. Findings were that age, cancer prognosis and very intense physical workload occupation were independent predictors of enterprise failure for cancer-exposed subjects. Compared with unexposed subjects, their global hazard ratio was 1.59 (95% CI = 1.50 - 1.70). However, the difference atfiveyears after cancer diagnosis became non-significant: hazard ratio 1.11 (95% CI = 0.95 - 1.30). These findings demo...
Aim: Assessing disparities in morbidity between salaried workers and the specific population of s... more Aim: Assessing disparities in morbidity between salaried workers and the specific population of self employed workers, covered by a special mandatory statutory sheme: the self employed workers national healthcare insurance fund (RSI). Methods: Incidence rates of affections with exemption of co-payment(reimbursed at a 100% replacement level)are compared between the population covered by the salaried workers national healthcare insurance fund and the population covered by the RSI. The two populations differ strongly regarding important health determinants: age and sex ratio. To control for this confounding factors we perform a direct age and sex standardisation.Results: The age and sex adjusted overall incidence rate of severe chronic illness is significantly higher for the self employed workers than for the salaried workers. By disease subgroup analysis there is no significantly difference for cancers; the severe psychiatric diseases are significantly lower for the self employed work...
Pratiques et Organisation des Soins volume 43 n° 2 / avril-juin 2012 97 1 Médecin-conseil, Servic... more Pratiques et Organisation des Soins volume 43 n° 2 / avril-juin 2012 97 1 Médecin-conseil, Service médical du régime social des indépendants (RSI) de Provence-Alpes, Marseille (France). 2 Médecin-conseil, Service médical du régime social des indépendants (RSI) de Côte d'Azur, Nice (France). Summary Aim: Few quantified data on work injuries are available on a regular basis for self-employed workers due to a lack of legislation and investigation. We designed a two months original survey in the PACA region of southern France. Our aims were first a better epidemiological knowledge of occupational accidents and second to evaluate the opportunity of sharing a common prevention program with salaried workers. Methods: The main ratio is made up of the work injury cases stemmed from regular wage replacement claims at the numerator; health insurance enrolment data provided the denominator. Circumstances were obtained by self administered questionnaires. Data from salaried population were i...