Pierre Koning - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Pierre Koning
Social Science Research Network, 2010
The Effect of Education on Smoking Behavior: New Evidence from Smoking Durations of a Sample of T... more The Effect of Education on Smoking Behavior: New Evidence from Smoking Durations of a Sample of Twins This paper analyses the effect of education on starting and quitting smoking, using longitudinal data of Australian twins. The endogeneity of education, censoring of smoking durations and the timing of starting smoking versus that of completion of education are taken into account by the flexible Mixed Proportional Hazard specification. Unobserved effects are assumed to be twin specific and possibly correlated with completed education years. We find that one additional year of education reduces the duration of smoking with 9 months but has no effect on the decision to start smoking.
Social Science Research Network, 2016
Assessing the Effects of Disability Insurance Experience Rating: The Case of the Netherlands * Ex... more Assessing the Effects of Disability Insurance Experience Rating: The Case of the Netherlands * Experience rated Disability Insurance (DI) premiums are often advocated as a means to stimulate firms to reduce DI inflow and increase DI outflow. To assess the size of these intended effects of experience rating, this study provides an empirical analysis of the effects of DI experience rating in the Netherlands. We use a difference-indifference approach with administrative matched firm and worker data that exploits the removal of experience rating for small firms in 2003 and 2004. According to our results, removing experience rating caused an increase of DI inflow of about 7% for small firms, while DI outflow decreased by 12% as a result of the reform. We argue that these effects were largely confined to the sickness period that preceded the DI claims assessment, as well as the first year of DI benefit receipt.
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2022
We study whether experience rating for disability insurance (DI) affects the labor costs of firms... more We study whether experience rating for disability insurance (DI) affects the labor costs of firms and the probability of bankruptcy. The experience rating requires firms to contribute to the DI benefit costs of their workers. We use matched worker–firm data of the Netherlands, where the DI premium of firms is a function of historic disability risks. To measure the effect of experience‐rated premiums, we exploit exogenous changes in the schedule that determines the firms’ DI premiums. We find that higher premiums increase not only labor costs but also the probability of firm bankruptcy. These effects are concentrated on small firms.
Social Science Research Network, 2010
The Effect of Childhood Conduct Disorder on Human Capital This paper estimates the longer-term ef... more The Effect of Childhood Conduct Disorder on Human Capital This paper estimates the longer-term effects of childhood conduct disorder on human capital accumulation and violent and criminal behaviour later in life using data of Australian twins. We measure conduct disorder with a rich set of indicators based on diagnostic criteria from psychiatry. Using ordinary least squares (OLS) and twin fixed effects (FE) estimation approaches, we find that early (pre-18) conduct disorder problems significantly affect both human capital accumulation and violent and criminal behaviour over the life course. In addition, we find that conduct disorder is more deleterious if these behaviours occur earlier in life.
BMC Public Health
Background The aims of this study were: (1) to explore the frequency of discrepancies in work acc... more Background The aims of this study were: (1) to explore the frequency of discrepancies in work accommodations reported by workers and their supervisors, and (2) to investigate whether these discrepancies are associated with full return to work (RTW). Methods We used data from a longitudinal survey study of long-term sick-listed workers and their supervisors (n = 406). Discrepancies in reports on implementing eight types of work accommodations were explored. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to test associations between discrepancies in reported work accommodations and odds of full RTW 27 months after the sick-leave onset. Results Discrepancies were the lowest for the work accommodation therapeutic RTW (53%) and the highest (85%) for job training or education and reimbursement of therapy or treatment. Four out of eight types of work accommodations were more often reported by workers than by their supervisors. Only a discrepancy on a job reassignment within the organization w...
Safety and Health at Work
Sinds de invoering van de Wet Werk en Bijstand (WWB) beschikken Nederlandse gemeenten over een st... more Sinds de invoering van de Wet Werk en Bijstand (WWB) beschikken Nederlandse gemeenten over een sterke financiële prikkel tot reductie van het aantal bijstandsuitkeringen. Ondanks brede consensus dat de WWB tot de beoogde effecten heeft geleid, zijn er aanwijzingen dat de werkingskracht van de prikkel desondanks niet tot volle wasdom is gekomen. Dit artikel bespreekt drie mogelijke achterliggende redenen hiervoor: (i) verwatering van de financiële prikkel in organisaties of organisatielagen; (ii) vertaling van de prikkels naar prestatie-indicatoren die verkeerd uitwerken op het management of klantmanagers; en (iii) prikkels die strijdig zijn met de intrinsieke motivatie klantmanagers en daarom contraproductief werken. Vooral op de eerste twee schakels blijken belangrijke verbeteringen mogelijk. Daarbij kunnen juist ook andere sturingsmethoden dan prikkels behulpzaam zijn, zoals het faciliteren en cofinancieren van het innovatief onderzoek en het transparant maken van de relatieve prestaties van gemeenten.
SSRN Electronic Journal
Workers with fixed-term contracts typically have worse health than workers with permanent contrac... more Workers with fixed-term contracts typically have worse health than workers with permanent contracts. We show that these differences in health translate into a substantially higher (30%) risk of applying for disability insurance (DI) in the Netherlands. Using unique administrative data on health and labor market outcomes of all employees in the Netherlands, we decompose this differential into: (i) selection of workers types into fixed-term contracts; (ii) the causal impact of temporary work conditions on worker health; (iii) the impact of differential employer incentives to reintegrate ill workers; and (iv) the differential impact of labor market prospects on the decision to apply for DI benefits. We find that selection actually masks part of the DI risk premium, whereas the causal impact of temporary work conditions on worker health is limited. At the same time, the differences in employer commitment during illness and differences in labor market prospects between fixed-term and permanent workers jointly explain more than 80% of the higher DI risk.
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2021
Purpose There is growing awareness that the employer plays an important role in preventing early ... more Purpose There is growing awareness that the employer plays an important role in preventing early labor market exit of workers with poor health. This systematic review aims to explore the employer characteristics associated with work participation of workers with disabilities. An interdisciplinary approach was used to capture relevant characteristics at all organizational levels. Methods To identify relevant longitudinal observational studies, a systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO and EconLit. Three key concepts were central to the search: (a) employer characteristics, (b) work participation, including continued employment, return to work and long-term work disability, and (c) chronic diseases. Results The search strategy resulted in 4456 articles. In total 50 articles met the inclusion criteria. We found 14 determinants clustered in four domains: work accommodations, social support, organizational culture and company characteristics. On sup...
As recently as 15 years ago, the high level of Disability Insurance (DI) enrollment was considere... more As recently as 15 years ago, the high level of Disability Insurance (DI) enrollment was considered to be one of the major social and economic problems of the Netherlands; indeed, the Netherlands was characterized as the country with the most out-of-control disability program of OECD countries. But since about 2002, the Netherlands has seen a spectacular decline in its Disability Insurance enrollment rate. Radical reforms to the Dutch DI system were implemented over the period 1996 to 2006. We cluster these reforms in three broad categories: 1) reducing the incentives of employers to move workers to disability; 2) increased gatekeeping; and 3) tightening disability eligibility criteria while enhancing worker incentives. The reforms appear to have been very effective. Since 2002, yearly DI inflow rates dropped from 1.5 percent in 2001 to about 0.5 percent of the insured population in 2012. We argue that particularly the interaction of employer incentives and formal employer obligation...
Do non-profits make a difference? Evaluating non-profit vis-à-vis for-profit organisations in soc... more Do non-profits make a difference? Evaluating non-profit vis-à-vis for-profit organisations in social services
Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published i... more Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions. The IZA research network is committed to the IZA Guiding Principles of Research Integrity. The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn is a local and virtual international research center and a place of communication between science, politics and business. IZA is an independent nonprofit organization supported by Deutsche Post Foundation. The center is associated with the University of Bonn and offers a stimulating research environment through its international network, workshops and conferences, data service, project support, research visits and doctoral program. IZA engages in (i) original and internationally competitive research in all fields of labor economics, (ii) development of policy concepts, and (iii) dissemination of research results and concepts to the intereste...
Review of Economics of the Household, 2022
We study the added-worker effect in the Netherlands with large-scale administrative panel data fo... more We study the added-worker effect in the Netherlands with large-scale administrative panel data for the period 1999-2015. Conditioning on samples with similar employment histories, we employ differences-indifferences to estimate the effect of a male partner's unemployment shock on the female partner's income. We find a modest added-worker effect of 2-5% of the male partner's income loss, as compared to the much larger compensating effect from social insurance schemes. The addedworker effect largely disappeared at the beginning of the Great Recession, but resurfaced a few years later. Over the years, profits from self-employment have become more important in dealing with unemployment shocks. JEL codes C21 • H31 • J21 Keywords Added-worker effect • Great Recession • Differences-indifferences * Emile Cammeraat
Activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid omvat een divers palet aan instrumenten, die elk op verschillende w... more Activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid omvat een divers palet aan instrumenten, die elk op verschillende wijze op hun merites dienen te worden bezien. Voor beleidsmakers maakt dit het leven niet eenvoudig; zij zitten namelijk met de vraag welk instrument voor welke werkloze passend is. Gevolg is dat – zeker in het verleden – gesubsidieerde arbeid, loonkostensubsidies, scholing en bemiddeling allen onvoldoende selectief en gericht zijn ingezet. Hoog tijd dus voor een integraal raamwerk voor activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid, waarin de verschillende instrumenten tegen elkaar kunnen worden afgewogen. 1 Inleiding Economische wetenschappers en beleidsmakers verschillen nogal eens van inzicht over het nut en de noodzaak van activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid voor werklozen. Het verwijt aan het adres van economen is die van een te beperkte blik, namelijk op alleen de meetbare effecten – snelle plaatsing in reguliere arbeid. Beleidsmakers en uitvoerders verlangen een breder verhaal, met aandacht voor de maat...
In 2009 is de Wet investeren in jongeren (WIJ) ingevoerd, een verplicht activeringsprogramma voor... more In 2009 is de Wet investeren in jongeren (WIJ) ingevoerd, een verplicht activeringsprogramma voor jongeren in de bijstand. Heeft de wet daadwerkelijk geleid tot een daling van het aantal jongeren in de bijstand en tot meer scholing en een hogere werkgelegenheid voor deze groep?
Sinds de start van de economische crisis is in zo goed als alle West-Europese landen de relatieve... more Sinds de start van de economische crisis is in zo goed als alle West-Europese landen de relatieve arbeidsmarktpositie van laagopgeleiden verzwakt. Kijken we naar Nederland, Duitsland, Frankrijk en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, dan is de beleidsrespons hierop heel verschillend geweest. Maar er is ook een belangrijke overeenkomst: deze landen hebben niet zozeer hun heil gezocht in het conventionele arbeidsmarktinstrumentarium, zoals scholing en gesubsidieerde arbeid, maar in het financieel aantrekkelijker maken van werk aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt.
Social Science Research Network, 2010
The Effect of Education on Smoking Behavior: New Evidence from Smoking Durations of a Sample of T... more The Effect of Education on Smoking Behavior: New Evidence from Smoking Durations of a Sample of Twins This paper analyses the effect of education on starting and quitting smoking, using longitudinal data of Australian twins. The endogeneity of education, censoring of smoking durations and the timing of starting smoking versus that of completion of education are taken into account by the flexible Mixed Proportional Hazard specification. Unobserved effects are assumed to be twin specific and possibly correlated with completed education years. We find that one additional year of education reduces the duration of smoking with 9 months but has no effect on the decision to start smoking.
Social Science Research Network, 2016
Assessing the Effects of Disability Insurance Experience Rating: The Case of the Netherlands * Ex... more Assessing the Effects of Disability Insurance Experience Rating: The Case of the Netherlands * Experience rated Disability Insurance (DI) premiums are often advocated as a means to stimulate firms to reduce DI inflow and increase DI outflow. To assess the size of these intended effects of experience rating, this study provides an empirical analysis of the effects of DI experience rating in the Netherlands. We use a difference-indifference approach with administrative matched firm and worker data that exploits the removal of experience rating for small firms in 2003 and 2004. According to our results, removing experience rating caused an increase of DI inflow of about 7% for small firms, while DI outflow decreased by 12% as a result of the reform. We argue that these effects were largely confined to the sickness period that preceded the DI claims assessment, as well as the first year of DI benefit receipt.
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2022
We study whether experience rating for disability insurance (DI) affects the labor costs of firms... more We study whether experience rating for disability insurance (DI) affects the labor costs of firms and the probability of bankruptcy. The experience rating requires firms to contribute to the DI benefit costs of their workers. We use matched worker–firm data of the Netherlands, where the DI premium of firms is a function of historic disability risks. To measure the effect of experience‐rated premiums, we exploit exogenous changes in the schedule that determines the firms’ DI premiums. We find that higher premiums increase not only labor costs but also the probability of firm bankruptcy. These effects are concentrated on small firms.
Social Science Research Network, 2010
The Effect of Childhood Conduct Disorder on Human Capital This paper estimates the longer-term ef... more The Effect of Childhood Conduct Disorder on Human Capital This paper estimates the longer-term effects of childhood conduct disorder on human capital accumulation and violent and criminal behaviour later in life using data of Australian twins. We measure conduct disorder with a rich set of indicators based on diagnostic criteria from psychiatry. Using ordinary least squares (OLS) and twin fixed effects (FE) estimation approaches, we find that early (pre-18) conduct disorder problems significantly affect both human capital accumulation and violent and criminal behaviour over the life course. In addition, we find that conduct disorder is more deleterious if these behaviours occur earlier in life.
BMC Public Health
Background The aims of this study were: (1) to explore the frequency of discrepancies in work acc... more Background The aims of this study were: (1) to explore the frequency of discrepancies in work accommodations reported by workers and their supervisors, and (2) to investigate whether these discrepancies are associated with full return to work (RTW). Methods We used data from a longitudinal survey study of long-term sick-listed workers and their supervisors (n = 406). Discrepancies in reports on implementing eight types of work accommodations were explored. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to test associations between discrepancies in reported work accommodations and odds of full RTW 27 months after the sick-leave onset. Results Discrepancies were the lowest for the work accommodation therapeutic RTW (53%) and the highest (85%) for job training or education and reimbursement of therapy or treatment. Four out of eight types of work accommodations were more often reported by workers than by their supervisors. Only a discrepancy on a job reassignment within the organization w...
Safety and Health at Work
Sinds de invoering van de Wet Werk en Bijstand (WWB) beschikken Nederlandse gemeenten over een st... more Sinds de invoering van de Wet Werk en Bijstand (WWB) beschikken Nederlandse gemeenten over een sterke financiële prikkel tot reductie van het aantal bijstandsuitkeringen. Ondanks brede consensus dat de WWB tot de beoogde effecten heeft geleid, zijn er aanwijzingen dat de werkingskracht van de prikkel desondanks niet tot volle wasdom is gekomen. Dit artikel bespreekt drie mogelijke achterliggende redenen hiervoor: (i) verwatering van de financiële prikkel in organisaties of organisatielagen; (ii) vertaling van de prikkels naar prestatie-indicatoren die verkeerd uitwerken op het management of klantmanagers; en (iii) prikkels die strijdig zijn met de intrinsieke motivatie klantmanagers en daarom contraproductief werken. Vooral op de eerste twee schakels blijken belangrijke verbeteringen mogelijk. Daarbij kunnen juist ook andere sturingsmethoden dan prikkels behulpzaam zijn, zoals het faciliteren en cofinancieren van het innovatief onderzoek en het transparant maken van de relatieve prestaties van gemeenten.
SSRN Electronic Journal
Workers with fixed-term contracts typically have worse health than workers with permanent contrac... more Workers with fixed-term contracts typically have worse health than workers with permanent contracts. We show that these differences in health translate into a substantially higher (30%) risk of applying for disability insurance (DI) in the Netherlands. Using unique administrative data on health and labor market outcomes of all employees in the Netherlands, we decompose this differential into: (i) selection of workers types into fixed-term contracts; (ii) the causal impact of temporary work conditions on worker health; (iii) the impact of differential employer incentives to reintegrate ill workers; and (iv) the differential impact of labor market prospects on the decision to apply for DI benefits. We find that selection actually masks part of the DI risk premium, whereas the causal impact of temporary work conditions on worker health is limited. At the same time, the differences in employer commitment during illness and differences in labor market prospects between fixed-term and permanent workers jointly explain more than 80% of the higher DI risk.
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2021
Purpose There is growing awareness that the employer plays an important role in preventing early ... more Purpose There is growing awareness that the employer plays an important role in preventing early labor market exit of workers with poor health. This systematic review aims to explore the employer characteristics associated with work participation of workers with disabilities. An interdisciplinary approach was used to capture relevant characteristics at all organizational levels. Methods To identify relevant longitudinal observational studies, a systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO and EconLit. Three key concepts were central to the search: (a) employer characteristics, (b) work participation, including continued employment, return to work and long-term work disability, and (c) chronic diseases. Results The search strategy resulted in 4456 articles. In total 50 articles met the inclusion criteria. We found 14 determinants clustered in four domains: work accommodations, social support, organizational culture and company characteristics. On sup...
As recently as 15 years ago, the high level of Disability Insurance (DI) enrollment was considere... more As recently as 15 years ago, the high level of Disability Insurance (DI) enrollment was considered to be one of the major social and economic problems of the Netherlands; indeed, the Netherlands was characterized as the country with the most out-of-control disability program of OECD countries. But since about 2002, the Netherlands has seen a spectacular decline in its Disability Insurance enrollment rate. Radical reforms to the Dutch DI system were implemented over the period 1996 to 2006. We cluster these reforms in three broad categories: 1) reducing the incentives of employers to move workers to disability; 2) increased gatekeeping; and 3) tightening disability eligibility criteria while enhancing worker incentives. The reforms appear to have been very effective. Since 2002, yearly DI inflow rates dropped from 1.5 percent in 2001 to about 0.5 percent of the insured population in 2012. We argue that particularly the interaction of employer incentives and formal employer obligation...
Do non-profits make a difference? Evaluating non-profit vis-à-vis for-profit organisations in soc... more Do non-profits make a difference? Evaluating non-profit vis-à-vis for-profit organisations in social services
Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published i... more Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions. The IZA research network is committed to the IZA Guiding Principles of Research Integrity. The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn is a local and virtual international research center and a place of communication between science, politics and business. IZA is an independent nonprofit organization supported by Deutsche Post Foundation. The center is associated with the University of Bonn and offers a stimulating research environment through its international network, workshops and conferences, data service, project support, research visits and doctoral program. IZA engages in (i) original and internationally competitive research in all fields of labor economics, (ii) development of policy concepts, and (iii) dissemination of research results and concepts to the intereste...
Review of Economics of the Household, 2022
We study the added-worker effect in the Netherlands with large-scale administrative panel data fo... more We study the added-worker effect in the Netherlands with large-scale administrative panel data for the period 1999-2015. Conditioning on samples with similar employment histories, we employ differences-indifferences to estimate the effect of a male partner's unemployment shock on the female partner's income. We find a modest added-worker effect of 2-5% of the male partner's income loss, as compared to the much larger compensating effect from social insurance schemes. The addedworker effect largely disappeared at the beginning of the Great Recession, but resurfaced a few years later. Over the years, profits from self-employment have become more important in dealing with unemployment shocks. JEL codes C21 • H31 • J21 Keywords Added-worker effect • Great Recession • Differences-indifferences * Emile Cammeraat
Activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid omvat een divers palet aan instrumenten, die elk op verschillende w... more Activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid omvat een divers palet aan instrumenten, die elk op verschillende wijze op hun merites dienen te worden bezien. Voor beleidsmakers maakt dit het leven niet eenvoudig; zij zitten namelijk met de vraag welk instrument voor welke werkloze passend is. Gevolg is dat – zeker in het verleden – gesubsidieerde arbeid, loonkostensubsidies, scholing en bemiddeling allen onvoldoende selectief en gericht zijn ingezet. Hoog tijd dus voor een integraal raamwerk voor activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid, waarin de verschillende instrumenten tegen elkaar kunnen worden afgewogen. 1 Inleiding Economische wetenschappers en beleidsmakers verschillen nogal eens van inzicht over het nut en de noodzaak van activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid voor werklozen. Het verwijt aan het adres van economen is die van een te beperkte blik, namelijk op alleen de meetbare effecten – snelle plaatsing in reguliere arbeid. Beleidsmakers en uitvoerders verlangen een breder verhaal, met aandacht voor de maat...
In 2009 is de Wet investeren in jongeren (WIJ) ingevoerd, een verplicht activeringsprogramma voor... more In 2009 is de Wet investeren in jongeren (WIJ) ingevoerd, een verplicht activeringsprogramma voor jongeren in de bijstand. Heeft de wet daadwerkelijk geleid tot een daling van het aantal jongeren in de bijstand en tot meer scholing en een hogere werkgelegenheid voor deze groep?
Sinds de start van de economische crisis is in zo goed als alle West-Europese landen de relatieve... more Sinds de start van de economische crisis is in zo goed als alle West-Europese landen de relatieve arbeidsmarktpositie van laagopgeleiden verzwakt. Kijken we naar Nederland, Duitsland, Frankrijk en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, dan is de beleidsrespons hierop heel verschillend geweest. Maar er is ook een belangrijke overeenkomst: deze landen hebben niet zozeer hun heil gezocht in het conventionele arbeidsmarktinstrumentarium, zoals scholing en gesubsidieerde arbeid, maar in het financieel aantrekkelijker maken van werk aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt.