Piotr Maleszyk - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Piotr Maleszyk

Research paper thumbnail of Occupational Barometer as a Tool for Identifying Shortage and Surplus Occupations on Local Labour Markets: Evidence from Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Russia and the Prospect of OECD Membership: between de jure and de facto Modernization

Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Instytucje rynku pracy a dostosowania płac na rynkach pracy krajów Unii Europejskiej w następstwie recesji 2008–2009

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperation between vocational schools and business in Poland: employers’ perspective

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Dec 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Estimate GDP per capita for the City of Lublin in the Years 2008–2015

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Jun 20, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Unemployment in Poland after EU accession: a success story?

Routledge eBooks, Oct 21, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperation Between Vocational Schools and Business in Poland: Schools’ vs. Employers’ Perspective

International Journal of Synergy and Research, May 25, 2018

Purpose-The aim of the article is to identify the barriers to cooperation between vocational scho... more Purpose-The aim of the article is to identify the barriers to cooperation between vocational schools and employers. Design/Methodology/Approach-The main data source are the results of two surveys (CAWI): on vocational schools in Lublin, and on employers cooperating with those schools. Findings-The results show the asymmetry of schools' and enterprises' objectives, which should be regarded as an important barrier to the development of cooperation between the two. Employers are set on increasing the number of hours of students' practical vocational training in the workplace, but are reluctant to undertake more costly and more demanding forms of cooperation with schools, like participating in vocational exams, training teachers or providing equipment for school workshops. Meanwhile, schools primarily indicate the need to improve their own resources, especially workshop equipment. They often consider the present state of cooperation with business as satisfactory. Employers' limited willingness to cooperate stems i.a. from fragmentation of the enterprise sector in Poland, poorly developed cooperative bonds between enterprises, and the small scale of recruitment problems during most of the last two decades. Practical implications-The results allow for the identification of these forms of cooperation between schools and employers, which should be supported by EU structural funds. Value-The research is based on information of high substantive value from the employers who already have experience in cooperation with vocational schools. Results contribute to the formulation of the view on the effects of the reform of vocational education in Poland. Keywords-vocational education and training, vocational education and enterprises, VET and the labour market, VET in Poland Notes: Micro-enterprises employ up to 10 people, small-10 to 49, medium-50 to 249, and large-250 or more Source: Own research and data from CSO in Poland. In one of the questions, the employers were asked to indicate and sort by priority up to five actions which in their opinion should be taken to strengthen vocational training and to adjust it to the requirements of labor market. Figure 1 presents the 3 Survey at schools was carried out jointly by the City Council of Lublin and the entity responsible for the document entitled Diagnosis and development plan for vocational education in the Lubelskie Voivodeship until the year 2025, commissioned by Konwent Powiatów Województwa Lubelskiego.

Research paper thumbnail of Migracje edukacyjne absolwentów szkół średnich. Przykład Lublina

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2021

Celem artykułu jest ukazanie i ocena zjawiska migracji edukacyjnych jako mechanizmu redystrybucji... more Celem artykułu jest ukazanie i ocena zjawiska migracji edukacyjnych jako mechanizmu redystrybucji zasobów kapitału ludzkiego między regionami. Badanie losów 8,5 tys. absolwentów szkół średnich w Lublinie pozwoliło na zgromadzenie danych jednostkowych o mobilności młodzieży oraz wyniku maturalnym traktowanym jako miara kapitału ludzkiego. Wyniki wskazują, że odsetek młodzieży migrującej poza region wynosi około 20% i na tle ustaleń w literaturze jest niski. Rozkład stopy migracji oraz wyniki regresji logistycznej potwierdziły wysokie prawdopodobieństwo odpływu najbardziej uzdolnionej młodzieży. Silną pozytywną selekcję do migracji studenckich uznano za ważny mechanizm redystrybucji zasobów kapitału ludzkiego między regionami, który może wpływać negatywnie na akumulację kapitału ludzkiego obszaru wysyłającego.

Research paper thumbnail of Specyfika lubelskiego rynku pracy

Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2013

ABSTRACT W artykule dokonano statystycznej analizy rynku pracy województwa lubelskiego wskazując ... more ABSTRACT W artykule dokonano statystycznej analizy rynku pracy województwa lubelskiego wskazując cechy wyróżniające go na tle pozostałych województw, a następnie omówiono cechy gospodarki regionu oddziałujące na stronę popytową rynku pracy: poziom i dynamikę produkcji, znaczenie obszarów wiejskich i rolnictwa oraz kondycję sektora przedsiębiorstw. Wykazano, że dla wyjaśnienia niższej od krajowej dynamiki zatrudnienia, większe znaczenie mogą mieć czynniki związane z popytową stroną rynku pracy niż nieuzasadniony ekonomicznie wzrost płac. The article analyzes the labour market in Lublin Voivodeship. Firstly, it presents its distinctive features on the background of the domestic labour market in Poland. Subsequently, three characteristics of the region’s economy are discussed: the level and dynamics of GDP, significance of agriculture and rural areas, and performance of the business sector in comparison to the domestic economy. The analysis proves that the labour market in Lublin Voivodeship can be characterized by relatively weaker performance of its demand side.

Research paper thumbnail of Polityka zatrudnienia w realizacji celów spójności Unii Europejskiej

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio H. Oeconomia, 2009

ABSTRACT Autor artykułu dokonał analizy powiązania wspólnotowej polityki zatrudnienia z realizacj... more ABSTRACT Autor artykułu dokonał analizy powiązania wspólnotowej polityki zatrudnienia z realizacją celów spójności. Przesłanki polityki zatrudnienia dowodzą rosnącego znaczenia zagadnienia rynków pracy dla rozwoju gospodarczego Unii Europejskiej. Realizowana od 2000 roku Strategia Lizbońska nadała kwestii zatrudnienia priorytetowego charakteru, coraz bardziej integrując w swoich ramach politykę zatrudnienia z polityką spójności. Działania Wspólnoty stworzyły beneficjentom polityki spójności większe możliwości w oddziaływaniu na rynki pracy, jednak efekty polityki w poszczególnych krajach są zróżnicowane.

Research paper thumbnail of Cykliczne i strukturalne determinanty wzrostu bezrobocia w Unii Europejskiej w okresie niskiej koniunktury gospodarczej

Zeszyty Naukowe / Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperation between Vocational Schools and Firms: Schools and Firms Perspectives

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2017

The aim of the article is to identify existing barriers to cooperation between vocational schools... more The aim of the article is to identify existing barriers to cooperation between vocational schools and firms, with the particular attention paid to incompatibility of interests of schools and business entities, structural features of entrepreneurial sector, and labour market situation, which altogether strongly affect employers’ willingness to cooperate with schools. Conclusions are based primarily on results of two surveys: of schools in the City of Lublin, and of employers already cooperating with those schools. The general conclusion is that many of these barriers results from strongly decentralized entrepreneurial sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Pros and cons of the OECD EPL Index. Measuring employment protection legislation in Poland

Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, Oct 1, 2016

The objective of this paper is to identify and discuss the advantages and limitations of measurin... more The objective of this paper is to identify and discuss the advantages and limitations of measuring the employment protection legislation (EPL) by means of the OECD EPL Indices, using the Polish labour market as an example. It is argued that the OECD EPL Indices play an important role in measuring the strictness of the employment protection legislation. Specifically, calculating the EPL Indices enables applying quantitative methods to assess the impact of the strictness of the labour market regulations on the unemployment level and its dynamics. It also makes it possible to compare the EPL level among the OECD countries, and to track or evaluate labour market reforms. Even if as a result of modifications, the OECD Indices have become a more accurate measure of EPL, this measure should be interpreted with caution. In this context, the case of Poland reveals that regulation for employees on open-ended contracts is very lax, though the uncertainty in terms of trial length and courts decisions remains an issue. Legislation of fixed-term contracts is rather lax, however utterly flexible civil contracts and ‘bogus’ self-employment are being abused. From a different angle, regulations for collective dismissals and on Temporary Work Agencies seem to be moderately restrictive.

Research paper thumbnail of Recognizing intra-urban disparities in smart cities: An example from Poland

Abstract “Smart, i.e., ICT-enhanced, governance” is one of the key objectives urban authorities s... more Abstract “Smart, i.e., ICT-enhanced, governance” is one of the key objectives urban authorities seek to implement today. However, a significant cross-country heterogeneity with respect to the perception, implementation, and outcomes of smart governance can be observed. This chapter discusses the application of a smart tool for recognizing neighborhood satisfaction implemented in Lublin (Poland). The chapter also presents broader patterns in “smart city” development in Poland and then specifically in Lublin. In this way, it contributes to the discussion on addressing intra-urban inequalities, seen as a part of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The data was gathered from residents who took part in online voting on participatory budget projects and who were asked to assess the public amenities in their neighborhoods. Given the fact that the participants accounted for 2% of the urban population, the research allows us to recognize differences in neighborhood satisfaction within urban areas—a problem that is difficult to address empirically and thus rarely explored, yet critical in efforts to make urban areas more inclusive and sustainable. The results show that Lublin is not affected by strong spatial inequalities in terms of residential satisfaction with public goods provision, while existing moderate differences concern mainly infrastructure for urban mobility, air quality, and sports facilities and amenities. We identify some spatial patterns in neighborhood satisfaction and compare the results with insights from objective data. We also consider how our tool might contribute to the “smart governance” concept and to the sustainable spatial development of urban areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Porażka flexicurity? Duński rynek pracy w okresie kryzysu finansowo-gospodarczego

Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Czego potrzebuje Lublin? Raport z badania jakości życia w dzielnicach Lublina

Research paper thumbnail of Trafność identyfikacji zawodów nadwyżkowych i deficytowych w „Barometrze zawodów”

Research paper thumbnail of Specyfika lubelskiego rynku pracy. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu = Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics, 2013, Nr 320, s. 80-90

Informacje o naborze artykułów i zasadach recenzowania znajdują się na stronie internetowej Wydaw... more Informacje o naborze artykułów i zasadach recenzowania znajdują się na stronie internetowej Wydawnictwa www.wydawnictwo.ue.wroc.pl Kopiowanie i powielanie w jakiejkolwiek formie wymaga pisemnej zgody Wydawcy

Research paper thumbnail of Outflow of Talents or Exodus? Evidence on youth emigration from EU’s peripheral areas

Region, Jan 19, 2021

Human capital migration and its consequences for regional development are among the central issue... more Human capital migration and its consequences for regional development are among the central issues discussed in migration and regional literature. A growing interest has been recently observed in student migration as a driver of brain exchange between regions and countries. Furthermore, poor sending areas are often considered to be severely affected by the brain drain. Nevertheless, firm empirical evidence on the degree of the human capital selectivity of youth migration is actually scarce due to measurement and methodological limitations. This paper sheds some light on human capital redistribution across regions and countries by estimating the intensity and human capital selectivity of youth emigration from the Lubelskie Region (Poland)-one of the poorest, peripheral EU regions. A survey of ten thousand secondary school graduates allowed an analysis of mobility patterns in relation to school-leaving exam results being a proxy for human capital, as well as to sex, type of school, and former place of residence. This study revealed, that roughly 20% of graduates leave their home region and predominantly continue education on higher education institutions. Migration rates across the youth characteristics followed by the results of logit regression model confirm that migration outflows, and particularly interregional moves, are a highly selective phenomenon. With regard to international mobility, student migration is positively selected as well, but economic migration among graduates electing not to continue education turns out to be adversely selected. Overall, the brain drain on the EU's peripheral areas in Poland with respect to the emigration of secondary school graduates should be regarded as a selective outflow of the most talented graduates to the leading academic centers, rather than massive migration of all graduates.

Research paper thumbnail of Engaging citizens in land use policy in the smart city context

Research paper thumbnail of Occupational Barometer as a Tool for Identifying Shortage and Surplus Occupations on Local Labour Markets: Evidence from Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Russia and the Prospect of OECD Membership: between de jure and de facto Modernization

Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Instytucje rynku pracy a dostosowania płac na rynkach pracy krajów Unii Europejskiej w następstwie recesji 2008–2009

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperation between vocational schools and business in Poland: employers’ perspective

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Dec 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Estimate GDP per capita for the City of Lublin in the Years 2008–2015

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Jun 20, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Unemployment in Poland after EU accession: a success story?

Routledge eBooks, Oct 21, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperation Between Vocational Schools and Business in Poland: Schools’ vs. Employers’ Perspective

International Journal of Synergy and Research, May 25, 2018

Purpose-The aim of the article is to identify the barriers to cooperation between vocational scho... more Purpose-The aim of the article is to identify the barriers to cooperation between vocational schools and employers. Design/Methodology/Approach-The main data source are the results of two surveys (CAWI): on vocational schools in Lublin, and on employers cooperating with those schools. Findings-The results show the asymmetry of schools' and enterprises' objectives, which should be regarded as an important barrier to the development of cooperation between the two. Employers are set on increasing the number of hours of students' practical vocational training in the workplace, but are reluctant to undertake more costly and more demanding forms of cooperation with schools, like participating in vocational exams, training teachers or providing equipment for school workshops. Meanwhile, schools primarily indicate the need to improve their own resources, especially workshop equipment. They often consider the present state of cooperation with business as satisfactory. Employers' limited willingness to cooperate stems i.a. from fragmentation of the enterprise sector in Poland, poorly developed cooperative bonds between enterprises, and the small scale of recruitment problems during most of the last two decades. Practical implications-The results allow for the identification of these forms of cooperation between schools and employers, which should be supported by EU structural funds. Value-The research is based on information of high substantive value from the employers who already have experience in cooperation with vocational schools. Results contribute to the formulation of the view on the effects of the reform of vocational education in Poland. Keywords-vocational education and training, vocational education and enterprises, VET and the labour market, VET in Poland Notes: Micro-enterprises employ up to 10 people, small-10 to 49, medium-50 to 249, and large-250 or more Source: Own research and data from CSO in Poland. In one of the questions, the employers were asked to indicate and sort by priority up to five actions which in their opinion should be taken to strengthen vocational training and to adjust it to the requirements of labor market. Figure 1 presents the 3 Survey at schools was carried out jointly by the City Council of Lublin and the entity responsible for the document entitled Diagnosis and development plan for vocational education in the Lubelskie Voivodeship until the year 2025, commissioned by Konwent Powiatów Województwa Lubelskiego.

Research paper thumbnail of Migracje edukacyjne absolwentów szkół średnich. Przykład Lublina

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2021

Celem artykułu jest ukazanie i ocena zjawiska migracji edukacyjnych jako mechanizmu redystrybucji... more Celem artykułu jest ukazanie i ocena zjawiska migracji edukacyjnych jako mechanizmu redystrybucji zasobów kapitału ludzkiego między regionami. Badanie losów 8,5 tys. absolwentów szkół średnich w Lublinie pozwoliło na zgromadzenie danych jednostkowych o mobilności młodzieży oraz wyniku maturalnym traktowanym jako miara kapitału ludzkiego. Wyniki wskazują, że odsetek młodzieży migrującej poza region wynosi około 20% i na tle ustaleń w literaturze jest niski. Rozkład stopy migracji oraz wyniki regresji logistycznej potwierdziły wysokie prawdopodobieństwo odpływu najbardziej uzdolnionej młodzieży. Silną pozytywną selekcję do migracji studenckich uznano za ważny mechanizm redystrybucji zasobów kapitału ludzkiego między regionami, który może wpływać negatywnie na akumulację kapitału ludzkiego obszaru wysyłającego.

Research paper thumbnail of Specyfika lubelskiego rynku pracy

Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2013

ABSTRACT W artykule dokonano statystycznej analizy rynku pracy województwa lubelskiego wskazując ... more ABSTRACT W artykule dokonano statystycznej analizy rynku pracy województwa lubelskiego wskazując cechy wyróżniające go na tle pozostałych województw, a następnie omówiono cechy gospodarki regionu oddziałujące na stronę popytową rynku pracy: poziom i dynamikę produkcji, znaczenie obszarów wiejskich i rolnictwa oraz kondycję sektora przedsiębiorstw. Wykazano, że dla wyjaśnienia niższej od krajowej dynamiki zatrudnienia, większe znaczenie mogą mieć czynniki związane z popytową stroną rynku pracy niż nieuzasadniony ekonomicznie wzrost płac. The article analyzes the labour market in Lublin Voivodeship. Firstly, it presents its distinctive features on the background of the domestic labour market in Poland. Subsequently, three characteristics of the region’s economy are discussed: the level and dynamics of GDP, significance of agriculture and rural areas, and performance of the business sector in comparison to the domestic economy. The analysis proves that the labour market in Lublin Voivodeship can be characterized by relatively weaker performance of its demand side.

Research paper thumbnail of Polityka zatrudnienia w realizacji celów spójności Unii Europejskiej

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio H. Oeconomia, 2009

ABSTRACT Autor artykułu dokonał analizy powiązania wspólnotowej polityki zatrudnienia z realizacj... more ABSTRACT Autor artykułu dokonał analizy powiązania wspólnotowej polityki zatrudnienia z realizacją celów spójności. Przesłanki polityki zatrudnienia dowodzą rosnącego znaczenia zagadnienia rynków pracy dla rozwoju gospodarczego Unii Europejskiej. Realizowana od 2000 roku Strategia Lizbońska nadała kwestii zatrudnienia priorytetowego charakteru, coraz bardziej integrując w swoich ramach politykę zatrudnienia z polityką spójności. Działania Wspólnoty stworzyły beneficjentom polityki spójności większe możliwości w oddziaływaniu na rynki pracy, jednak efekty polityki w poszczególnych krajach są zróżnicowane.

Research paper thumbnail of Cykliczne i strukturalne determinanty wzrostu bezrobocia w Unii Europejskiej w okresie niskiej koniunktury gospodarczej

Zeszyty Naukowe / Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperation between Vocational Schools and Firms: Schools and Firms Perspectives

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2017

The aim of the article is to identify existing barriers to cooperation between vocational schools... more The aim of the article is to identify existing barriers to cooperation between vocational schools and firms, with the particular attention paid to incompatibility of interests of schools and business entities, structural features of entrepreneurial sector, and labour market situation, which altogether strongly affect employers’ willingness to cooperate with schools. Conclusions are based primarily on results of two surveys: of schools in the City of Lublin, and of employers already cooperating with those schools. The general conclusion is that many of these barriers results from strongly decentralized entrepreneurial sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Pros and cons of the OECD EPL Index. Measuring employment protection legislation in Poland

Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, Oct 1, 2016

The objective of this paper is to identify and discuss the advantages and limitations of measurin... more The objective of this paper is to identify and discuss the advantages and limitations of measuring the employment protection legislation (EPL) by means of the OECD EPL Indices, using the Polish labour market as an example. It is argued that the OECD EPL Indices play an important role in measuring the strictness of the employment protection legislation. Specifically, calculating the EPL Indices enables applying quantitative methods to assess the impact of the strictness of the labour market regulations on the unemployment level and its dynamics. It also makes it possible to compare the EPL level among the OECD countries, and to track or evaluate labour market reforms. Even if as a result of modifications, the OECD Indices have become a more accurate measure of EPL, this measure should be interpreted with caution. In this context, the case of Poland reveals that regulation for employees on open-ended contracts is very lax, though the uncertainty in terms of trial length and courts decisions remains an issue. Legislation of fixed-term contracts is rather lax, however utterly flexible civil contracts and ‘bogus’ self-employment are being abused. From a different angle, regulations for collective dismissals and on Temporary Work Agencies seem to be moderately restrictive.

Research paper thumbnail of Recognizing intra-urban disparities in smart cities: An example from Poland

Abstract “Smart, i.e., ICT-enhanced, governance” is one of the key objectives urban authorities s... more Abstract “Smart, i.e., ICT-enhanced, governance” is one of the key objectives urban authorities seek to implement today. However, a significant cross-country heterogeneity with respect to the perception, implementation, and outcomes of smart governance can be observed. This chapter discusses the application of a smart tool for recognizing neighborhood satisfaction implemented in Lublin (Poland). The chapter also presents broader patterns in “smart city” development in Poland and then specifically in Lublin. In this way, it contributes to the discussion on addressing intra-urban inequalities, seen as a part of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The data was gathered from residents who took part in online voting on participatory budget projects and who were asked to assess the public amenities in their neighborhoods. Given the fact that the participants accounted for 2% of the urban population, the research allows us to recognize differences in neighborhood satisfaction within urban areas—a problem that is difficult to address empirically and thus rarely explored, yet critical in efforts to make urban areas more inclusive and sustainable. The results show that Lublin is not affected by strong spatial inequalities in terms of residential satisfaction with public goods provision, while existing moderate differences concern mainly infrastructure for urban mobility, air quality, and sports facilities and amenities. We identify some spatial patterns in neighborhood satisfaction and compare the results with insights from objective data. We also consider how our tool might contribute to the “smart governance” concept and to the sustainable spatial development of urban areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Porażka flexicurity? Duński rynek pracy w okresie kryzysu finansowo-gospodarczego

Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Czego potrzebuje Lublin? Raport z badania jakości życia w dzielnicach Lublina

Research paper thumbnail of Trafność identyfikacji zawodów nadwyżkowych i deficytowych w „Barometrze zawodów”

Research paper thumbnail of Specyfika lubelskiego rynku pracy. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu = Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics, 2013, Nr 320, s. 80-90

Informacje o naborze artykułów i zasadach recenzowania znajdują się na stronie internetowej Wydaw... more Informacje o naborze artykułów i zasadach recenzowania znajdują się na stronie internetowej Wydawnictwa www.wydawnictwo.ue.wroc.pl Kopiowanie i powielanie w jakiejkolwiek formie wymaga pisemnej zgody Wydawcy

Research paper thumbnail of Outflow of Talents or Exodus? Evidence on youth emigration from EU’s peripheral areas

Region, Jan 19, 2021

Human capital migration and its consequences for regional development are among the central issue... more Human capital migration and its consequences for regional development are among the central issues discussed in migration and regional literature. A growing interest has been recently observed in student migration as a driver of brain exchange between regions and countries. Furthermore, poor sending areas are often considered to be severely affected by the brain drain. Nevertheless, firm empirical evidence on the degree of the human capital selectivity of youth migration is actually scarce due to measurement and methodological limitations. This paper sheds some light on human capital redistribution across regions and countries by estimating the intensity and human capital selectivity of youth emigration from the Lubelskie Region (Poland)-one of the poorest, peripheral EU regions. A survey of ten thousand secondary school graduates allowed an analysis of mobility patterns in relation to school-leaving exam results being a proxy for human capital, as well as to sex, type of school, and former place of residence. This study revealed, that roughly 20% of graduates leave their home region and predominantly continue education on higher education institutions. Migration rates across the youth characteristics followed by the results of logit regression model confirm that migration outflows, and particularly interregional moves, are a highly selective phenomenon. With regard to international mobility, student migration is positively selected as well, but economic migration among graduates electing not to continue education turns out to be adversely selected. Overall, the brain drain on the EU's peripheral areas in Poland with respect to the emigration of secondary school graduates should be regarded as a selective outflow of the most talented graduates to the leading academic centers, rather than massive migration of all graduates.

Research paper thumbnail of Engaging citizens in land use policy in the smart city context

Research paper thumbnail of Rynki pracy państw Unii Europejskiej w okresie kryzysu. Procesy dostosowawcze i działanie antykyzysowe

Autor, podejmując ważny i ciekawy temat, wykazał wysokie umiejętności analizy naukowej i z powodz... more Autor, podejmując ważny i ciekawy temat, wykazał wysokie umiejętności analizy naukowej i z powodzeniem zrealizował swoje zamierzenie badawcze. Jest to oryginalne rozwiązanie problemu naukowego, dotychczas niewystarczająco rozpoznanego […]. Trzeba w szczególności podkreślić szerokie osadzenie tematu w teorii ekonomii i najnowszej literaturze światowej pozwalającej uchwycić prawidłowo istotę procesów przystosowawczych na rynkach pracy oraz ich determinanty, wykorzystanie bogatej bazy danych statystycznych w celu identyfikacji cech dostosowań rynków pracy w okresach gorszej koniunktury, wykorzystanie różnorodnych informacji faktograficznych o programach i instrumentach polityki państwa w okresie globalnego kryzysu, zastosowanie różnorodnych metod badawczych w rozprawie, od najprostszych do bardziej zaawansowanych, m.in. ekonometrycznych.