Prasanta Subudhi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Prasanta Subudhi

Research paper thumbnail of Pyramiding QTLs using multiparental advanced generation introgression lines enhances salinity tolerance in rice

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic Dissection of Alkalinity Tolerance at the Seedling Stage in Rice (Oryza sativa) Using a High-Resolution Linkage Map


Although both salinity and alkalinity result from accumulation of soluble salts in soil, high pH ... more Although both salinity and alkalinity result from accumulation of soluble salts in soil, high pH and ionic imbalance make alkaline stress more harmful to plants. This study aimed to provide molecular insights into the alkalinity tolerance using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population developed from a cross between Cocodrie and Dular with contrasting response to alkalinity stress. Forty-six additive QTLs for nine morpho-physiological traits were mapped on to a linkage map of 4679 SNPs under alkalinity stress at the seedling stage and seven major-effect QTLs were for alkalinity tolerance scoring, Na+ and K+ concentrations and Na+:K+ ratio. The candidate genes were identified based on the comparison of the impacts of variants of genes present in five QTL intervals using the whole genome sequences of both parents. Differential expression of no apical meristem protein, cysteine protease precursor, retrotransposon protein, OsWAK28, MYB transcription factor, protein kinase, ubiquitin-ca...

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic interaction involving photoperiod-responsive Hd1 promotes early flowering under long-day conditions in rice

Scientific reports, Feb 1, 2018

Although flowering in rice has been extensively investigated, few studies focused on genetic inte... more Although flowering in rice has been extensively investigated, few studies focused on genetic interactions. Flowering evaluation of two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations involving photo-insensitive rice cultivars, Bengal and Cypress, and a weedy rice accession, PSRR-1, under natural long-day (LD) conditions, revealed six to ten quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and a major QTL interaction. In addition to the validation of several previously cloned genes using an introgression lines (IL) population of PSRR-1, a few novel QTLs were also discovered. Analysis of the marker profiles of the advanced backcross lines revealed that Hd1 allele of PSRR-1 was responsible for the photoperiodic response in the near-isogenic lines (NILs) developed in both cultivar backgrounds. Based on the phenotypic and genotypic data of the NILs, and NIL mapping population and the transcript abundance of key flowering pathway genes, we conclude that Hd1 and its interaction with a novel gene other than Ghd7 p...

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for reducing aflatoxin accumulation in corn

Research paper thumbnail of Chromosomal location of introgressed weedy rice segments and quantitative trait loci for seven agronomic and two domestication traits in weedy rice CSSLs

<p>The linkage map developed in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from the cross b... more <p>The linkage map developed in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from the cross between Bengal and PSRR-1 [<a href="; target="_blank">21</a>] was used to determine the substituted segments and coverage of rice genome in each CSSL. The bars to the right side of chromosomes indicate the substituted weedy rice chromosome segments in the CSSLs. The presence of a QTL is inferred when there is a significant difference between the means of each CSSL and the recurrent parent at p<0.01 using the Dunnett’s test. When multiple CSSLs with overlapping chromosome segments are significantly different from the recurrent parent for the trait values, the QTL location was narrowed down to smaller region using substitution mapping [<a href="; target="_blank">17</a>]. Bars with a red border indicate the PSRR-1 alleles responsible for increased trait values.</p

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative trait loci for five agronomic traits detected in the RIL population developed from the cross Bengal x PSRR-1 using a composite interval mapping procedure

<p><sup><i>a</i></sup> QTL peak position on the linkage map.</p&... more <p><sup><i>a</i></sup> QTL peak position on the linkage map.</p><p><sup><i>b</i></sup> Additive effects of Bengal allele.</p><p><sup><i>c</i></sup> Phenotypic variation (%) explained by each QTL.</p><p><sup><i>d</i></sup> DPE, direction of phenotypic effect. B and R denote Bengal and PSRR-1 alleles increasing the phenotypic values, respectively.</p><p><sup><i>e</i></sup> Estimate of the total phenotypic variation explained by the QTLs from a multiple QTL model fit in QTL Cartographer [<a href="; target="_blank">28</a>].</p><p>Quantitative trait loci for five agronomic traits detected in the RIL population developed from the cross Bengal x PSRR-1 using a composite interval mapping procedure.</p

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of QTL Mapping and Whole Genome Sequencing Identifies Candidate Genes for Alkalinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa)

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Soil alkalinity is an important stressor that impairs crop growth and development, resulting in r... more Soil alkalinity is an important stressor that impairs crop growth and development, resulting in reduced crop productivity. Unlike salinity stress, research efforts to understand the mechanism of plant adaptation to alkaline stress is limited in rice, a major staple food for the world population. We evaluated a population of 193 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) developed from a cross between Cocodrie and N22 under alkaline stress at the seedling stage. Using a linkage map consisting of 4849 SNP markers, 42 additive QTLs were identified. There were seven genomic regions where two or more QTLs for multiple traits colocalized. Three important QTL clusters were targeted, and several candidate genes were identified based on high impact variants using whole genome sequences (WGS) of both parents and differential expression in response to alkalinity stress. These genes included two expressed protein genes, the glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase precursor, F-box domain-containing proteins, doubl...

Research paper thumbnail of Genetics of yield component traits under salt stress at flowering stage and selection of salt tolerant pre-breeding lines for rice improvement

Research paper thumbnail of Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) that are significantly different for various agronomic traits compared to the recurrent parent Bengal’ at p < 0.01

<p>(A) plant height; (B) plant length; (C) flag leaf length; (D) flag leaf width; (E) grain... more <p>(A) plant height; (B) plant length; (C) flag leaf length; (D) flag leaf width; (E) grain length; (F) grain width; (G) thousand grain weight. Bars indicate the mean values of traits±standard error. Data from the CSSLs with overlapping chromosome segments were used to narrow down the QTL regions for traits using substitution mapping [<a href="; target="_blank">17</a>].</p

Research paper thumbnail of Planthopper Resistance in a Doubled Haploid Rice Population

We have developed an RFLP framework map with 146 RFLP markers based on a doubled haploid populati... more We have developed an RFLP framework map with 146 RFLP markers based on a doubled haploid population derived from a cross between an indica variety IR64 and a japonica variety Azucena. The population carries 50.2% of IR64 loci and 49.8 % of Azucena loci, indicating an equal amount of genetic materials from each parent has been transmitted to the progenies through anther culture. However, some markers show segregation distortion. These distorted marker loci are located on 10 chromosomal segments. Using this map we were able to place 8 isozymes, 14 RAPDs, 12 cloned genes, 1 gene for brown planthopper (BPH) resistance, and 12 QTLs for grain length, grain width and length/width ratio onto rice chromosomes. The major gene for BPH resistance was mapped on chromosome 12 near RG463 and isozyme Sdh-1. Most of the QTLs identified for the three grain characters were closely linked on chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 10. We concluded that the RFLP framework map presented here will be useful for mapping o...

Research paper thumbnail of Whole-genome sequencing reveals uniqueness of black-hulled and straw-hulled weedy rice genomes

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020

[Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Transgene Pyramiding of Salt Responsive Protein 3-1 () and From L. Enhances Salt Tolerance in Rice.", "i"=>[{"__content__"=>"SaSRP3-1"}, {"__content__"=>"SaVHAc1"}, {"__content__"=>"Spartina alterniflora"}]}](

Frontiers in plant science, 2018

The transgenic technology using a single gene has been widely used for crop improvement. But the ... more The transgenic technology using a single gene has been widely used for crop improvement. But the transgenic pyramiding of multiple genes, a promising alternative especially for enhancing complexly inherited abiotic stress tolerance, has received little attention. Here, we developed and evaluated transgenic rice lines with a single Salt Responsive Protein 3-1 () gene as well as pyramids with two-genes and Vacuolar H-ATPase subunit c1 () derived from a halophyte grass L. for salt tolerance at seedling, vegetative, and reproductive stages. The overexpression of this novel gene resulted in significantly better growth of with the recombinant plasmid under 600 mM NaCl stress condition compared with the control. During early seedling and vegetative stages, the single gene and pyramided transgenic rice plants showed enhanced tolerance to salt stress with minimal wilting and drying symptoms, improved shoot and root growth, and significantly higher chlorophyll content, relative water content,...

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of genes responsible for leaf narrowing and dwarfism in rice

Research paper thumbnail of Epigenetic Influence on Gene Expression Under Salinity Stress in Salt Tolerant and Salt Susceptible Rice Cultivars

Salinity affects the growth and development of plants by disturbing their normal metabolism. Rice... more Salinity affects the growth and development of plants by disturbing their normal metabolism. Rice plants have unique stress adaptation mechanisms with wide range of variation in salt tolerance level among genotypes. DNA methylation is one of the epigenetic mechanisms for regulation of gene expression in response to various environmental stimuli. We studied the effect of salinity on DNA methylation pattern in root and shoot of six rice genotypes differing in salinity response (salinity susceptible: Bengal, IR29, Nipponbare and salinity tolerant: Pokkali, Nonabokra, Geumgangbyeo), using methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism technique. Salt stress affected the overall methylation/demethylation of DNA in root, shoot of all genotypes. However, under salinity stress, full methylation was more than hemi-methylation both in root and shoot of all the six rice genotypes irrespective of their level of salt tolerance. Except Nipponbare, a general trend of more demethylation was obser...

Research paper thumbnail of Novel breeding approaches for developing climate-resilient rice

Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding, 2020

This chapter focuses on breeding methods for developing climate-resilient rice. Stress response a... more This chapter focuses on breeding methods for developing climate-resilient rice. Stress response and tolerance (such as salinity, drought, flooding, heat, and cold stress), conventional and mutation breeding, genomics, QTL mapping, genome-wide association, marker-assisted selection, genomic selection, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, phenomics, transgenic approach, and genome editing were discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 2: Table S3. of Molecular Dissection of Seedling Salinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using a High-Density GBS-Based SNP Linkage Map

List of candidate genes contained in QTL intervals. (XLSX 84Â kb)

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 3: Table S2. of Molecular Dissection of Seedling Salinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using a High-Density GBS-Based SNP Linkage Map

Comparison of 38 SNP calls by GBS and resequencing data. (XLSX 12Â kb)

Research paper thumbnail of Whole-Genome Sequencing and RNA-Seq Reveal Differences in Genetic Mechanism for Flowering Response between Weedy Rice and Cultivated Rice

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Flowering is a key agronomic trait that influences adaptation and productivity. Previous studies ... more Flowering is a key agronomic trait that influences adaptation and productivity. Previous studies have indicated the genetic complexity associated with the flowering response in a photoinsensitive weedy rice accession PSRR-1 despite the presence of a photosensitive allele of a key flowering gene Hd1. In this study, we used whole-genome and RNA sequencing data from both cultivated and weedy rice to add further insights. The de novo assembly of unaligned sequences predicted 225 genes, in which 45 were specific to PSRR-1, including two genes associated with flowering. Comparison of the variants in PSRR-1 with the 3K rice genome (RG) dataset identified unique variants within the heading date QTLs. Analyses of the RNA-Seq result under both short-day (SD) and long-day (LD) conditions revealed that many differentially expressed genes (DEGs) colocalized with the flowering QTLs, and some DEGs such as Hd1, OsMADS56, Hd3a, and RFT1 had unique variants in PSRR-1. Ehd1, Hd1, OsMADS15, and OsMADS5...

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 1: Table S1. of Molecular Dissection of Seedling Salinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using a High-Density GBS-Based SNP Linkage Map

Order and position of SNP markers in genetic map. (XLSX 234Â kb)

Research paper thumbnail of Whole genome sequence analysis of rice genotypes with contrasting response to salinity stress

Scientific Reports

Salinity is a major abiotic constraint for rice farming. Abundant natural variability exists in r... more Salinity is a major abiotic constraint for rice farming. Abundant natural variability exists in rice germplasm for salt tolerance traits. Since few studies focused on the genome level variation in rice genotypes with contrasting response to salt stress, genomic resequencing in diverse genetic materials is needed to elucidate the molecular basis of salt tolerance mechanisms. The whole genome sequences of two salt tolerant (Pokkali and Nona Bokra) and three salt sensitive (Bengal, Cocodrie, and IR64) rice genotypes were analyzed. A total of 413 million reads were generated with a mean genome coverage of 93% and mean sequencing depth of 18X. Analysis of the DNA polymorphisms revealed that 2347 nonsynonymous SNPs and 51 frameshift mutations could differentiate the salt tolerant from the salt sensitive genotypes. The integration of genome-wide polymorphism information with the QTL mapping and expression profiling data led to identification of 396 differentially expressed genes with large...

Research paper thumbnail of Pyramiding QTLs using multiparental advanced generation introgression lines enhances salinity tolerance in rice

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic Dissection of Alkalinity Tolerance at the Seedling Stage in Rice (Oryza sativa) Using a High-Resolution Linkage Map


Although both salinity and alkalinity result from accumulation of soluble salts in soil, high pH ... more Although both salinity and alkalinity result from accumulation of soluble salts in soil, high pH and ionic imbalance make alkaline stress more harmful to plants. This study aimed to provide molecular insights into the alkalinity tolerance using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population developed from a cross between Cocodrie and Dular with contrasting response to alkalinity stress. Forty-six additive QTLs for nine morpho-physiological traits were mapped on to a linkage map of 4679 SNPs under alkalinity stress at the seedling stage and seven major-effect QTLs were for alkalinity tolerance scoring, Na+ and K+ concentrations and Na+:K+ ratio. The candidate genes were identified based on the comparison of the impacts of variants of genes present in five QTL intervals using the whole genome sequences of both parents. Differential expression of no apical meristem protein, cysteine protease precursor, retrotransposon protein, OsWAK28, MYB transcription factor, protein kinase, ubiquitin-ca...

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic interaction involving photoperiod-responsive Hd1 promotes early flowering under long-day conditions in rice

Scientific reports, Feb 1, 2018

Although flowering in rice has been extensively investigated, few studies focused on genetic inte... more Although flowering in rice has been extensively investigated, few studies focused on genetic interactions. Flowering evaluation of two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations involving photo-insensitive rice cultivars, Bengal and Cypress, and a weedy rice accession, PSRR-1, under natural long-day (LD) conditions, revealed six to ten quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and a major QTL interaction. In addition to the validation of several previously cloned genes using an introgression lines (IL) population of PSRR-1, a few novel QTLs were also discovered. Analysis of the marker profiles of the advanced backcross lines revealed that Hd1 allele of PSRR-1 was responsible for the photoperiodic response in the near-isogenic lines (NILs) developed in both cultivar backgrounds. Based on the phenotypic and genotypic data of the NILs, and NIL mapping population and the transcript abundance of key flowering pathway genes, we conclude that Hd1 and its interaction with a novel gene other than Ghd7 p...

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for reducing aflatoxin accumulation in corn

Research paper thumbnail of Chromosomal location of introgressed weedy rice segments and quantitative trait loci for seven agronomic and two domestication traits in weedy rice CSSLs

<p>The linkage map developed in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from the cross b... more <p>The linkage map developed in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from the cross between Bengal and PSRR-1 [<a href="; target="_blank">21</a>] was used to determine the substituted segments and coverage of rice genome in each CSSL. The bars to the right side of chromosomes indicate the substituted weedy rice chromosome segments in the CSSLs. The presence of a QTL is inferred when there is a significant difference between the means of each CSSL and the recurrent parent at p<0.01 using the Dunnett’s test. When multiple CSSLs with overlapping chromosome segments are significantly different from the recurrent parent for the trait values, the QTL location was narrowed down to smaller region using substitution mapping [<a href="; target="_blank">17</a>]. Bars with a red border indicate the PSRR-1 alleles responsible for increased trait values.</p

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative trait loci for five agronomic traits detected in the RIL population developed from the cross Bengal x PSRR-1 using a composite interval mapping procedure

<p><sup><i>a</i></sup> QTL peak position on the linkage map.</p&... more <p><sup><i>a</i></sup> QTL peak position on the linkage map.</p><p><sup><i>b</i></sup> Additive effects of Bengal allele.</p><p><sup><i>c</i></sup> Phenotypic variation (%) explained by each QTL.</p><p><sup><i>d</i></sup> DPE, direction of phenotypic effect. B and R denote Bengal and PSRR-1 alleles increasing the phenotypic values, respectively.</p><p><sup><i>e</i></sup> Estimate of the total phenotypic variation explained by the QTLs from a multiple QTL model fit in QTL Cartographer [<a href="; target="_blank">28</a>].</p><p>Quantitative trait loci for five agronomic traits detected in the RIL population developed from the cross Bengal x PSRR-1 using a composite interval mapping procedure.</p

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of QTL Mapping and Whole Genome Sequencing Identifies Candidate Genes for Alkalinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa)

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Soil alkalinity is an important stressor that impairs crop growth and development, resulting in r... more Soil alkalinity is an important stressor that impairs crop growth and development, resulting in reduced crop productivity. Unlike salinity stress, research efforts to understand the mechanism of plant adaptation to alkaline stress is limited in rice, a major staple food for the world population. We evaluated a population of 193 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) developed from a cross between Cocodrie and N22 under alkaline stress at the seedling stage. Using a linkage map consisting of 4849 SNP markers, 42 additive QTLs were identified. There were seven genomic regions where two or more QTLs for multiple traits colocalized. Three important QTL clusters were targeted, and several candidate genes were identified based on high impact variants using whole genome sequences (WGS) of both parents and differential expression in response to alkalinity stress. These genes included two expressed protein genes, the glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase precursor, F-box domain-containing proteins, doubl...

Research paper thumbnail of Genetics of yield component traits under salt stress at flowering stage and selection of salt tolerant pre-breeding lines for rice improvement

Research paper thumbnail of Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) that are significantly different for various agronomic traits compared to the recurrent parent Bengal’ at p < 0.01

<p>(A) plant height; (B) plant length; (C) flag leaf length; (D) flag leaf width; (E) grain... more <p>(A) plant height; (B) plant length; (C) flag leaf length; (D) flag leaf width; (E) grain length; (F) grain width; (G) thousand grain weight. Bars indicate the mean values of traits±standard error. Data from the CSSLs with overlapping chromosome segments were used to narrow down the QTL regions for traits using substitution mapping [<a href="; target="_blank">17</a>].</p

Research paper thumbnail of Planthopper Resistance in a Doubled Haploid Rice Population

We have developed an RFLP framework map with 146 RFLP markers based on a doubled haploid populati... more We have developed an RFLP framework map with 146 RFLP markers based on a doubled haploid population derived from a cross between an indica variety IR64 and a japonica variety Azucena. The population carries 50.2% of IR64 loci and 49.8 % of Azucena loci, indicating an equal amount of genetic materials from each parent has been transmitted to the progenies through anther culture. However, some markers show segregation distortion. These distorted marker loci are located on 10 chromosomal segments. Using this map we were able to place 8 isozymes, 14 RAPDs, 12 cloned genes, 1 gene for brown planthopper (BPH) resistance, and 12 QTLs for grain length, grain width and length/width ratio onto rice chromosomes. The major gene for BPH resistance was mapped on chromosome 12 near RG463 and isozyme Sdh-1. Most of the QTLs identified for the three grain characters were closely linked on chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 10. We concluded that the RFLP framework map presented here will be useful for mapping o...

Research paper thumbnail of Whole-genome sequencing reveals uniqueness of black-hulled and straw-hulled weedy rice genomes

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020

[Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Transgene Pyramiding of Salt Responsive Protein 3-1 () and From L. Enhances Salt Tolerance in Rice.", "i"=>[{"__content__"=>"SaSRP3-1"}, {"__content__"=>"SaVHAc1"}, {"__content__"=>"Spartina alterniflora"}]}](

Frontiers in plant science, 2018

The transgenic technology using a single gene has been widely used for crop improvement. But the ... more The transgenic technology using a single gene has been widely used for crop improvement. But the transgenic pyramiding of multiple genes, a promising alternative especially for enhancing complexly inherited abiotic stress tolerance, has received little attention. Here, we developed and evaluated transgenic rice lines with a single Salt Responsive Protein 3-1 () gene as well as pyramids with two-genes and Vacuolar H-ATPase subunit c1 () derived from a halophyte grass L. for salt tolerance at seedling, vegetative, and reproductive stages. The overexpression of this novel gene resulted in significantly better growth of with the recombinant plasmid under 600 mM NaCl stress condition compared with the control. During early seedling and vegetative stages, the single gene and pyramided transgenic rice plants showed enhanced tolerance to salt stress with minimal wilting and drying symptoms, improved shoot and root growth, and significantly higher chlorophyll content, relative water content,...

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of genes responsible for leaf narrowing and dwarfism in rice

Research paper thumbnail of Epigenetic Influence on Gene Expression Under Salinity Stress in Salt Tolerant and Salt Susceptible Rice Cultivars

Salinity affects the growth and development of plants by disturbing their normal metabolism. Rice... more Salinity affects the growth and development of plants by disturbing their normal metabolism. Rice plants have unique stress adaptation mechanisms with wide range of variation in salt tolerance level among genotypes. DNA methylation is one of the epigenetic mechanisms for regulation of gene expression in response to various environmental stimuli. We studied the effect of salinity on DNA methylation pattern in root and shoot of six rice genotypes differing in salinity response (salinity susceptible: Bengal, IR29, Nipponbare and salinity tolerant: Pokkali, Nonabokra, Geumgangbyeo), using methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism technique. Salt stress affected the overall methylation/demethylation of DNA in root, shoot of all genotypes. However, under salinity stress, full methylation was more than hemi-methylation both in root and shoot of all the six rice genotypes irrespective of their level of salt tolerance. Except Nipponbare, a general trend of more demethylation was obser...

Research paper thumbnail of Novel breeding approaches for developing climate-resilient rice

Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding, 2020

This chapter focuses on breeding methods for developing climate-resilient rice. Stress response a... more This chapter focuses on breeding methods for developing climate-resilient rice. Stress response and tolerance (such as salinity, drought, flooding, heat, and cold stress), conventional and mutation breeding, genomics, QTL mapping, genome-wide association, marker-assisted selection, genomic selection, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, phenomics, transgenic approach, and genome editing were discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 2: Table S3. of Molecular Dissection of Seedling Salinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using a High-Density GBS-Based SNP Linkage Map

List of candidate genes contained in QTL intervals. (XLSX 84Â kb)

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 3: Table S2. of Molecular Dissection of Seedling Salinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using a High-Density GBS-Based SNP Linkage Map

Comparison of 38 SNP calls by GBS and resequencing data. (XLSX 12Â kb)

Research paper thumbnail of Whole-Genome Sequencing and RNA-Seq Reveal Differences in Genetic Mechanism for Flowering Response between Weedy Rice and Cultivated Rice

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Flowering is a key agronomic trait that influences adaptation and productivity. Previous studies ... more Flowering is a key agronomic trait that influences adaptation and productivity. Previous studies have indicated the genetic complexity associated with the flowering response in a photoinsensitive weedy rice accession PSRR-1 despite the presence of a photosensitive allele of a key flowering gene Hd1. In this study, we used whole-genome and RNA sequencing data from both cultivated and weedy rice to add further insights. The de novo assembly of unaligned sequences predicted 225 genes, in which 45 were specific to PSRR-1, including two genes associated with flowering. Comparison of the variants in PSRR-1 with the 3K rice genome (RG) dataset identified unique variants within the heading date QTLs. Analyses of the RNA-Seq result under both short-day (SD) and long-day (LD) conditions revealed that many differentially expressed genes (DEGs) colocalized with the flowering QTLs, and some DEGs such as Hd1, OsMADS56, Hd3a, and RFT1 had unique variants in PSRR-1. Ehd1, Hd1, OsMADS15, and OsMADS5...

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 1: Table S1. of Molecular Dissection of Seedling Salinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using a High-Density GBS-Based SNP Linkage Map

Order and position of SNP markers in genetic map. (XLSX 234Â kb)

Research paper thumbnail of Whole genome sequence analysis of rice genotypes with contrasting response to salinity stress

Scientific Reports

Salinity is a major abiotic constraint for rice farming. Abundant natural variability exists in r... more Salinity is a major abiotic constraint for rice farming. Abundant natural variability exists in rice germplasm for salt tolerance traits. Since few studies focused on the genome level variation in rice genotypes with contrasting response to salt stress, genomic resequencing in diverse genetic materials is needed to elucidate the molecular basis of salt tolerance mechanisms. The whole genome sequences of two salt tolerant (Pokkali and Nona Bokra) and three salt sensitive (Bengal, Cocodrie, and IR64) rice genotypes were analyzed. A total of 413 million reads were generated with a mean genome coverage of 93% and mean sequencing depth of 18X. Analysis of the DNA polymorphisms revealed that 2347 nonsynonymous SNPs and 51 frameshift mutations could differentiate the salt tolerant from the salt sensitive genotypes. The integration of genome-wide polymorphism information with the QTL mapping and expression profiling data led to identification of 396 differentially expressed genes with large...