Preben Lindøe - (original) (raw)

Papers by Preben Lindøe

Research paper thumbnail of Risk regulation and resilience in offshore oil and gas operation

Research paper thumbnail of Risk governance of hazardous industrial ports and areas: a case study of industrial areas and harbors in Norway

Journal of Risk Research, Mar 19, 2015

Composite industrial areas created to store, process, and transport energy pose risks to the heal... more Composite industrial areas created to store, process, and transport energy pose risks to the health, safety, property, and environment of their host communities. Whether these risks are seen as acceptable may, however, depend on frameworks applied in risk governance processes and may also be subject to controversy between stakeholders and roles. Individual companies and actors may follow safety standards and regulations within their domain, but the accumulated risks may not be properly evaluated. Furthermore, attitudes and perceptions about risk in host communities may trigger conflicts regarding the siting or continuance of activities or plans for new activities. The paper addresses these issues from a risk governance perspective, focusing on conflicting goals, roles, and knowledge base among decision-makers and on regulatory complexity. The empirical basis is comprised of two case studies of industrial areas including storage and transport of energy and dangerous goods in major harbors close to urban and populated areas. The first case is an LNG storage and distribution facility located in a harbor and industrial area in the Sola municipality near the city of Stavanger. Disputes about safety issues have arisen during the planning, construction, and current operation of this facility. The second case is a multiple-facility industrial area in Oslo Harbor that has been undergoing a major expansion combined with parallel expansions in public environments (e.g. housing, transport, institutions, etc.).

Research paper thumbnail of C1 Comparison of risk regulation regimes and challenges with soft law approaches - experience from offshore oil and gas operations

The paper has to main components. Firstly it summarize and compare some of the key elements of th... more The paper has to main components. Firstly it summarize and compare some of the key elements of the risk regulating regimes developed by Norway, UK and US towards the prevention of major accidents in the exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources by using three characteristics of control components (1) information gathering, (2) standard setting and (3) behaviour modification. Secondly the paper address challenges and dilemmas embedded within the new modes of risk regulation with a “soft law approach”. Such dilemmas can be found within the institutional arrangement among regulators and industrial stakeholders as: (1) developing strategies to cope with increasing complexity embedded in technological developments; (2) organizational change and innovation when firms adapt to new situations and new technology and thereby reframe their activity with new norms and rules; (3) inspectors’ role of compliance with the law and acting as a change agent to improve industrial safety performanc...

Research paper thumbnail of Delingen av Oljedirektoratet – et svar på målkonflikter i petroleumsindustrien?

Det tidligere Oljedirektoratet skulle bidra til størst mulig verdiskaping for samfunnet under hen... more Det tidligere Oljedirektoratet skulle bidra til størst mulig verdiskaping for samfunnet under hensyn til en forsvarlig ressursforvaltning, på samme tid som det skulle ivareta helse, miljø og sikkerhet under hensyn til høyest mulig produktivitet. Dette innebar flere typer av målkonflikter, dilemmaer og organisatoriske utfordringer når det gjaldt å håndtere rollene som rådgiver og tilsynsmyndighet. Problemstilling som drøftes i rapporten er om en utskilling av et Petroleumstilsyn (Ptil) er et svar på disse målkonfliktene og hvor relevant denne løsningen er i forhold til de utfordringer næringen står overfor. Sammenhengen mellom verdiskaping, ressursforvaltning, helse, arbeidsmiljø, ytre miljø og sikkerhet representerer i seg selv mulige målkonflikter og dilemmaer som kan opptre på ulike nivå. Noen av dem er av politisk karakter, mens andre faller inn under bedriftenes interne virksomhet. Janusansiktet introduseres for å tematisere risikohåndtering som en side ved målkonflikter og dile...

Research paper thumbnail of Endringsagenter og forskere

Rapporten drøfter det spenningsforhold forskere kommer i når en skal delta som endringsagenter i ... more Rapporten drøfter det spenningsforhold forskere kommer i når en skal delta som endringsagenter i et program for bedriftsutvikling. Overfor bedriftene skal en vise at en kan bidra til endring og overfor forskersamfunnet skal en bevise hva denne endring har bestått i. I rapporten vises hvordan ulike kunnskapstradisjoner har forholdt seg til programmer for bedriftsutvikling. Det dokumenteres ved å bruke Frederick W. Taylor og Kurt Lewin som prototyper og rollemodeller. De ledelseskonsepter som presenteres som dagens løsninger bærer med seg elementer fra en utviklingsprosess som har løpt gjennom hele dette århundret. Rapporten konkluderer med å peke på en rekke dilemmaer som forskere bør være oppmerksomme på både ved planlegging, gjennomføring og evaluering av bedriftsutvikling.NFR/NH

Research paper thumbnail of Bærekraftige kredittordninger for entreprenører og mikroindustri

På bakgrunn av de signaler som gis i stortingsmelding 51, 1991-92, "Om utviklingstrekk i Nor... more På bakgrunn av de signaler som gis i stortingsmelding 51, 1991-92, "Om utviklingstrekk i Nord-sør forholdet og Norges samarbeide med utviklingslandene", drøfter rapporten kredittprogram mot mikroindustri. Tre ulike perspektiv for program mot utvikling av småskala-sektoren og en typologi for kredittordninge blir gjennomgått. Det påvises et behov for nye samarbeidsformer mellom finansieringsinstitusjoner og private organisasjoner mot' den aktuelle målgruppen.NORA

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Communication Between Companies and Local Stakeholders for Improving Accident Prevention and Emergency Response

SpringerBriefs in applied sciences and technology, 2018

Hazardous industrial areas pose major accident risks. In recent years, two innovative approaches ... more Hazardous industrial areas pose major accident risks. In recent years, two innovative approaches have been used for improving accident prevention and emergency response beyond conventional regulatory requirements: the Seveso and RMP models of local involvement in state regulation. Both promote information sharing and enable direct engagement between companies and local stakeholders, and therefore involve extensive risk-related communications. The authors examine the two approaches in detail by using case studies of their application to hazardous industrial sites in Norway and the US and identify obstacles to their implementation. Nevertheless, they conclude that the approaches advance corporate social responsibility and make risk governance more democratic, respectful, and responsive to the population sectors that are most vulnerable to major industrial accidents.

Research paper thumbnail of Certification as support for resilience? Behind the curtains of a certification body — a qualitative study

BMC Health Services Research, Aug 8, 2020

Background: Certification in healthcare often involves independent private sector bodies performi... more Background: Certification in healthcare often involves independent private sector bodies performing legally required or voluntary external assurance activities. These certification practices are embedded in international standards founded in traditional beliefs about rational and predictable processes for quality and safety improvement. Certification can affect organizational and cultural changes, support collaboration and encourage improvement that may be conducive to resilient performance. This study explores whether ISO 9001 quality management system certification can support resilience in healthcare, by looking at characteristics in the objectives, methods, and practice of certification from a certification body's perspective. Methods: One of Norway's four certification bodies in healthcare was studied, using an explorative embedded single-case design. The study relies on document analysis of the international standards and associated guidances for the performance of certification bodies and thematic analyses of data from 60 h of observations of auditors in three certification processes and nine qualitative interviews with managers and personnel from the certification body. Results from the analyses were compared to identify discrepancies between the written and perceived certification approach and practice. Results: Standards and guidances for certification embed an elasticity between formal and consistent assessments of nonconformities in organizations and emphasize holistic approaches that brings added value. Auditors were then left with the latitude to navigate their auditing strategy during interaction with the auditees. Members of the certification body perceived and practiced a holistic and flexible auditing approach using opportunities to share knowledge, empower and make guidance for improvement. Conclusions: ISO certification expects structures and systems to ensure consistent and objective certification processes. At the same time, it embodies a latitude to adopt flexible and context-specific certification approaches, as demonstrated by a certification body in this study, to give added value to the certified organizations. Such an ISO 9001 certification approach may support resilient performance in healthcare by nurturing the potential to respond and learn. These results are important for further development of methods that certification bodies use in the auditing encounter.

Research paper thumbnail of Conflicting goals and mixed roles in risk regulation: a case study of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate*

Journal of Risk Research, Jun 1, 2009

This paper discusses the challenge of a regulator being on a position of preventing organisationa... more This paper discusses the challenge of a regulator being on a position of preventing organisational accidents in high-technology domains when causes are complex, often poorly understood and with an open or hidden expectation of adding values to society. The purpose of the paper is to assess the combination of mixed roles when a regulator combines the task of facilitating resources management along with controlling the accompanied risks-multiple goals that may be in opposition to each other and mixed roles that may serve opposite interests. The roles and goals of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), divided after 30 years of successful operation, are used as a case study. The analysis shows that separating the mixed roles of NPD seems reasonable. However, multiple goals embedded in the resource development create dilemmas facing institutions in the market as well as the regulating authorities in their effort to realise their purpose. That cannot be suspended by a shortcut redesign or new division of labour in ministries, directorates or agencies. The Janus face is a reminder of risks as essential human and social phenomena, being particularly true in sectors and arenas where economic, social and technological risks being at stake.

Research paper thumbnail of Sikkerhetsutfordringer under endring og omstilling i norsk luftfart

104, 2005

Dette prosjektet er en del av utredningen som Havarikommisjonen for sivil luftfart og jernbane, H... more Dette prosjektet er en del av utredningen som Havarikommisjonen for sivil luftfart og jernbane, HSLB, gjennomfører på vegne av Samferdselsdepartementet. HSLB skal ”foreta en vurdering av hvordan flysikkerheten ivaretas i den omstillingsfasen som både luftfartsnæringen og luftfartsmyndighetene nå er inne i” (fra pressemelding Nr. 108/04). Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over arbeidet utført av SEROS med hensyn til å kartlegge endrings- og omstillingsprosesser i land det er naturlig å sammenligne med norsk luftfart. Den overordnede målsettingen for studien er å belyse hvorvidt endringene som foregår i norsk luftfart kan påvirke flysikkerheten, basert på sammenligning med omstillingsprosesser som har skjedd i andre land eller andre sektorer

Research paper thumbnail of Implementing Quality and Health/Safety Systems in the Hospitality Industry. A Comparison with the Aluminium Industry in Norway

Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2004

This paper discusses mechanisms facilitating the implementation and merging of Occupational Healt... more This paper discusses mechanisms facilitating the implementation and merging of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management and Quality Management Systems (QMS) in the hospitality industry in Norway. An earlier study concluded that combining a quality system of food control with regulation of OHS seems to be a healthy recipe for the hospitality industry in Norway (Lindøe & Lie, 2002). This study goes a step further by addressing issues regarding the industrial context, industrial relations and active participation from all stakeholders. By comparing the implementation of QMS and OHS-management with the process in the aluminium industry what seems to be lacking in the hospitality industry is an implementation process rooted in the workforce where workers and safety representatives act as constructive and critical stakeholders. In booth industries issues concerning quality will to a large extent be managed through market signals, whereas health and safety issues still need to be regulated and supported by the authorities due to lack of market influence. If the OHS-management is not to be institutionalized among the stakeholders in the hospitality sector there is a risk of degenerating from a healthy and dynamic participatory process to a bureaucratic management tool.

Research paper thumbnail of Patient safety in the interface between hospital and risk regulator1

Journal of Risk Research, Jun 1, 2009

... In Risk, reliability, and societal safety , Edited by: Aven, T and Vinnem, JE Vol. 1, 219–227... more ... In Risk, reliability, and societal safety , Edited by: Aven, T and Vinnem, JE Vol. 1, 219–227. London: Taylor & Francis. View all references; Wiig 200861. Wiig, S. 2008. “Contributions to risk management in the public sector”. PhD thesis, UiS no. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Governance of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Sep 30, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Trailing research based evaluation; phases and roles

Evaluation and Program Planning, Nov 1, 2004

The shortcomings of standardized and expert evaluations and the shortcomings of action research h... more The shortcomings of standardized and expert evaluations and the shortcomings of action research have reoriented many professional change agents to a new style of intervention, monitoring and evaluations. In this process, a concept of trailing research evaluations has been developed in order to utilise the strengths of both traditional and action research approaches in evaluations. That implies a double role for the evaluator and a need for a double mind when the evaluator at first contributes to the process of change and then is supposed to 'prove' the changes. A major problem in trailing research has been a lack of legitimacy due to the mix up of roles the evaluator needs to play during the evaluation. A framework is developed to identify key issues in the evaluation process. Based on experiences from four major evaluations, the roles of project owners, users and evaluators throughout the project implementation are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of standards in hard and soft approaches to safety regulation

Routledge eBooks, Nov 4, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Risk on the ramble: The international transfer of risk and vulnerability

Safety Science, Jul 1, 2009

... concept. We would define this phenomenon as the process of re-innovations. Among other names ... more ... concept. We would define this phenomenon as the process of re-innovations. Among other names on almost the same phenomenon are reinventions (Grønhaug and Kaufmann, 1988:2) or meta-innovations (Broehl, 1978:12). The ...

Research paper thumbnail of Regulatory Frameworks and Concepts

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Sep 30, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Coping with different system logics of standardization in regulatory regimes. Norwegian offshore experience

Research paper thumbnail of Den som vil får det til

63, 2001

Gjennom nasjonale survey er det påvist at i perioden 1996 til 1999 skjedde det en dobling av anta... more Gjennom nasjonale survey er det påvist at i perioden 1996 til 1999 skjedde det en dobling av antall bedrifter som hadde innført et systematisk HMS-arbeid innen reiselivsbransjen. Dette kan virke overraskende fordi reiselivsbedriftene representerer en type virksomheter har vært lite ”reguleringsvillige”, og de fleste av dem har hatt få resursser og liten kompetanse for denne type endringsarbeid. Disse forbedringene var utgangspunkt for problemstillingen som er reist i denne evalueringen, nemlig: Hvilke endringer i rammebetingelser eller hvilke tiltak er iverksatt som kan bidra til en forklaring på denne framgangen? I denne perioden har Reiselivsbedriftenes landsforeningen gjennomført et omfattende prosjekt som de har kalt ”Utvidet HMS i RBL”. Det var derfor naturlig å undersøke hvilke tiltak dette prosjektet omfatter og hvilke mulige effekt som kan måles av denne innsatsen. I den samme perioden har også myndighetene vært aktive. I særlig grad gjelder dette Nærinsmiddeltilsynet som har hatt ansvar for innføringen av IK-MAT. Et spørreskjema (HMS-barometeret) ble sendt til alle medlemsbedriftene i RBL tre ganger gjennom prosjektperioden, og omkring 1000 bedrifter gav respons hver gang. Dette gir oss pålitelige data som styrker analysen. Antallet hotell/overnattingssteder og serveringssteder utgjør omtrent 40% hver. Reiselivsbedriftene utgjør nærmest et konglomerat av virksomheter og det er ikke lett å finne noen fellesnevner for dem. Det er derfor en meget stor spredning i bedriftene som har svart, både når det gjelder type av virksomheter og størrelse (målt i sysselsetting og ansatte)

Research paper thumbnail of Vegen blir til

Research paper thumbnail of Risk regulation and resilience in offshore oil and gas operation

Research paper thumbnail of Risk governance of hazardous industrial ports and areas: a case study of industrial areas and harbors in Norway

Journal of Risk Research, Mar 19, 2015

Composite industrial areas created to store, process, and transport energy pose risks to the heal... more Composite industrial areas created to store, process, and transport energy pose risks to the health, safety, property, and environment of their host communities. Whether these risks are seen as acceptable may, however, depend on frameworks applied in risk governance processes and may also be subject to controversy between stakeholders and roles. Individual companies and actors may follow safety standards and regulations within their domain, but the accumulated risks may not be properly evaluated. Furthermore, attitudes and perceptions about risk in host communities may trigger conflicts regarding the siting or continuance of activities or plans for new activities. The paper addresses these issues from a risk governance perspective, focusing on conflicting goals, roles, and knowledge base among decision-makers and on regulatory complexity. The empirical basis is comprised of two case studies of industrial areas including storage and transport of energy and dangerous goods in major harbors close to urban and populated areas. The first case is an LNG storage and distribution facility located in a harbor and industrial area in the Sola municipality near the city of Stavanger. Disputes about safety issues have arisen during the planning, construction, and current operation of this facility. The second case is a multiple-facility industrial area in Oslo Harbor that has been undergoing a major expansion combined with parallel expansions in public environments (e.g. housing, transport, institutions, etc.).

Research paper thumbnail of C1 Comparison of risk regulation regimes and challenges with soft law approaches - experience from offshore oil and gas operations

The paper has to main components. Firstly it summarize and compare some of the key elements of th... more The paper has to main components. Firstly it summarize and compare some of the key elements of the risk regulating regimes developed by Norway, UK and US towards the prevention of major accidents in the exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources by using three characteristics of control components (1) information gathering, (2) standard setting and (3) behaviour modification. Secondly the paper address challenges and dilemmas embedded within the new modes of risk regulation with a “soft law approach”. Such dilemmas can be found within the institutional arrangement among regulators and industrial stakeholders as: (1) developing strategies to cope with increasing complexity embedded in technological developments; (2) organizational change and innovation when firms adapt to new situations and new technology and thereby reframe their activity with new norms and rules; (3) inspectors’ role of compliance with the law and acting as a change agent to improve industrial safety performanc...

Research paper thumbnail of Delingen av Oljedirektoratet – et svar på målkonflikter i petroleumsindustrien?

Det tidligere Oljedirektoratet skulle bidra til størst mulig verdiskaping for samfunnet under hen... more Det tidligere Oljedirektoratet skulle bidra til størst mulig verdiskaping for samfunnet under hensyn til en forsvarlig ressursforvaltning, på samme tid som det skulle ivareta helse, miljø og sikkerhet under hensyn til høyest mulig produktivitet. Dette innebar flere typer av målkonflikter, dilemmaer og organisatoriske utfordringer når det gjaldt å håndtere rollene som rådgiver og tilsynsmyndighet. Problemstilling som drøftes i rapporten er om en utskilling av et Petroleumstilsyn (Ptil) er et svar på disse målkonfliktene og hvor relevant denne løsningen er i forhold til de utfordringer næringen står overfor. Sammenhengen mellom verdiskaping, ressursforvaltning, helse, arbeidsmiljø, ytre miljø og sikkerhet representerer i seg selv mulige målkonflikter og dilemmaer som kan opptre på ulike nivå. Noen av dem er av politisk karakter, mens andre faller inn under bedriftenes interne virksomhet. Janusansiktet introduseres for å tematisere risikohåndtering som en side ved målkonflikter og dile...

Research paper thumbnail of Endringsagenter og forskere

Rapporten drøfter det spenningsforhold forskere kommer i når en skal delta som endringsagenter i ... more Rapporten drøfter det spenningsforhold forskere kommer i når en skal delta som endringsagenter i et program for bedriftsutvikling. Overfor bedriftene skal en vise at en kan bidra til endring og overfor forskersamfunnet skal en bevise hva denne endring har bestått i. I rapporten vises hvordan ulike kunnskapstradisjoner har forholdt seg til programmer for bedriftsutvikling. Det dokumenteres ved å bruke Frederick W. Taylor og Kurt Lewin som prototyper og rollemodeller. De ledelseskonsepter som presenteres som dagens løsninger bærer med seg elementer fra en utviklingsprosess som har løpt gjennom hele dette århundret. Rapporten konkluderer med å peke på en rekke dilemmaer som forskere bør være oppmerksomme på både ved planlegging, gjennomføring og evaluering av bedriftsutvikling.NFR/NH

Research paper thumbnail of Bærekraftige kredittordninger for entreprenører og mikroindustri

På bakgrunn av de signaler som gis i stortingsmelding 51, 1991-92, "Om utviklingstrekk i Nor... more På bakgrunn av de signaler som gis i stortingsmelding 51, 1991-92, "Om utviklingstrekk i Nord-sør forholdet og Norges samarbeide med utviklingslandene", drøfter rapporten kredittprogram mot mikroindustri. Tre ulike perspektiv for program mot utvikling av småskala-sektoren og en typologi for kredittordninge blir gjennomgått. Det påvises et behov for nye samarbeidsformer mellom finansieringsinstitusjoner og private organisasjoner mot' den aktuelle målgruppen.NORA

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Communication Between Companies and Local Stakeholders for Improving Accident Prevention and Emergency Response

SpringerBriefs in applied sciences and technology, 2018

Hazardous industrial areas pose major accident risks. In recent years, two innovative approaches ... more Hazardous industrial areas pose major accident risks. In recent years, two innovative approaches have been used for improving accident prevention and emergency response beyond conventional regulatory requirements: the Seveso and RMP models of local involvement in state regulation. Both promote information sharing and enable direct engagement between companies and local stakeholders, and therefore involve extensive risk-related communications. The authors examine the two approaches in detail by using case studies of their application to hazardous industrial sites in Norway and the US and identify obstacles to their implementation. Nevertheless, they conclude that the approaches advance corporate social responsibility and make risk governance more democratic, respectful, and responsive to the population sectors that are most vulnerable to major industrial accidents.

Research paper thumbnail of Certification as support for resilience? Behind the curtains of a certification body — a qualitative study

BMC Health Services Research, Aug 8, 2020

Background: Certification in healthcare often involves independent private sector bodies performi... more Background: Certification in healthcare often involves independent private sector bodies performing legally required or voluntary external assurance activities. These certification practices are embedded in international standards founded in traditional beliefs about rational and predictable processes for quality and safety improvement. Certification can affect organizational and cultural changes, support collaboration and encourage improvement that may be conducive to resilient performance. This study explores whether ISO 9001 quality management system certification can support resilience in healthcare, by looking at characteristics in the objectives, methods, and practice of certification from a certification body's perspective. Methods: One of Norway's four certification bodies in healthcare was studied, using an explorative embedded single-case design. The study relies on document analysis of the international standards and associated guidances for the performance of certification bodies and thematic analyses of data from 60 h of observations of auditors in three certification processes and nine qualitative interviews with managers and personnel from the certification body. Results from the analyses were compared to identify discrepancies between the written and perceived certification approach and practice. Results: Standards and guidances for certification embed an elasticity between formal and consistent assessments of nonconformities in organizations and emphasize holistic approaches that brings added value. Auditors were then left with the latitude to navigate their auditing strategy during interaction with the auditees. Members of the certification body perceived and practiced a holistic and flexible auditing approach using opportunities to share knowledge, empower and make guidance for improvement. Conclusions: ISO certification expects structures and systems to ensure consistent and objective certification processes. At the same time, it embodies a latitude to adopt flexible and context-specific certification approaches, as demonstrated by a certification body in this study, to give added value to the certified organizations. Such an ISO 9001 certification approach may support resilient performance in healthcare by nurturing the potential to respond and learn. These results are important for further development of methods that certification bodies use in the auditing encounter.

Research paper thumbnail of Conflicting goals and mixed roles in risk regulation: a case study of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate*

Journal of Risk Research, Jun 1, 2009

This paper discusses the challenge of a regulator being on a position of preventing organisationa... more This paper discusses the challenge of a regulator being on a position of preventing organisational accidents in high-technology domains when causes are complex, often poorly understood and with an open or hidden expectation of adding values to society. The purpose of the paper is to assess the combination of mixed roles when a regulator combines the task of facilitating resources management along with controlling the accompanied risks-multiple goals that may be in opposition to each other and mixed roles that may serve opposite interests. The roles and goals of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), divided after 30 years of successful operation, are used as a case study. The analysis shows that separating the mixed roles of NPD seems reasonable. However, multiple goals embedded in the resource development create dilemmas facing institutions in the market as well as the regulating authorities in their effort to realise their purpose. That cannot be suspended by a shortcut redesign or new division of labour in ministries, directorates or agencies. The Janus face is a reminder of risks as essential human and social phenomena, being particularly true in sectors and arenas where economic, social and technological risks being at stake.

Research paper thumbnail of Sikkerhetsutfordringer under endring og omstilling i norsk luftfart

104, 2005

Dette prosjektet er en del av utredningen som Havarikommisjonen for sivil luftfart og jernbane, H... more Dette prosjektet er en del av utredningen som Havarikommisjonen for sivil luftfart og jernbane, HSLB, gjennomfører på vegne av Samferdselsdepartementet. HSLB skal ”foreta en vurdering av hvordan flysikkerheten ivaretas i den omstillingsfasen som både luftfartsnæringen og luftfartsmyndighetene nå er inne i” (fra pressemelding Nr. 108/04). Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over arbeidet utført av SEROS med hensyn til å kartlegge endrings- og omstillingsprosesser i land det er naturlig å sammenligne med norsk luftfart. Den overordnede målsettingen for studien er å belyse hvorvidt endringene som foregår i norsk luftfart kan påvirke flysikkerheten, basert på sammenligning med omstillingsprosesser som har skjedd i andre land eller andre sektorer

Research paper thumbnail of Implementing Quality and Health/Safety Systems in the Hospitality Industry. A Comparison with the Aluminium Industry in Norway

Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2004

This paper discusses mechanisms facilitating the implementation and merging of Occupational Healt... more This paper discusses mechanisms facilitating the implementation and merging of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management and Quality Management Systems (QMS) in the hospitality industry in Norway. An earlier study concluded that combining a quality system of food control with regulation of OHS seems to be a healthy recipe for the hospitality industry in Norway (Lindøe & Lie, 2002). This study goes a step further by addressing issues regarding the industrial context, industrial relations and active participation from all stakeholders. By comparing the implementation of QMS and OHS-management with the process in the aluminium industry what seems to be lacking in the hospitality industry is an implementation process rooted in the workforce where workers and safety representatives act as constructive and critical stakeholders. In booth industries issues concerning quality will to a large extent be managed through market signals, whereas health and safety issues still need to be regulated and supported by the authorities due to lack of market influence. If the OHS-management is not to be institutionalized among the stakeholders in the hospitality sector there is a risk of degenerating from a healthy and dynamic participatory process to a bureaucratic management tool.

Research paper thumbnail of Patient safety in the interface between hospital and risk regulator1

Journal of Risk Research, Jun 1, 2009

... In Risk, reliability, and societal safety , Edited by: Aven, T and Vinnem, JE Vol. 1, 219–227... more ... In Risk, reliability, and societal safety , Edited by: Aven, T and Vinnem, JE Vol. 1, 219–227. London: Taylor & Francis. View all references; Wiig 200861. Wiig, S. 2008. “Contributions to risk management in the public sector”. PhD thesis, UiS no. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Governance of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Sep 30, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Trailing research based evaluation; phases and roles

Evaluation and Program Planning, Nov 1, 2004

The shortcomings of standardized and expert evaluations and the shortcomings of action research h... more The shortcomings of standardized and expert evaluations and the shortcomings of action research have reoriented many professional change agents to a new style of intervention, monitoring and evaluations. In this process, a concept of trailing research evaluations has been developed in order to utilise the strengths of both traditional and action research approaches in evaluations. That implies a double role for the evaluator and a need for a double mind when the evaluator at first contributes to the process of change and then is supposed to 'prove' the changes. A major problem in trailing research has been a lack of legitimacy due to the mix up of roles the evaluator needs to play during the evaluation. A framework is developed to identify key issues in the evaluation process. Based on experiences from four major evaluations, the roles of project owners, users and evaluators throughout the project implementation are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of standards in hard and soft approaches to safety regulation

Routledge eBooks, Nov 4, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Risk on the ramble: The international transfer of risk and vulnerability

Safety Science, Jul 1, 2009

... concept. We would define this phenomenon as the process of re-innovations. Among other names ... more ... concept. We would define this phenomenon as the process of re-innovations. Among other names on almost the same phenomenon are reinventions (Grønhaug and Kaufmann, 1988:2) or meta-innovations (Broehl, 1978:12). The ...

Research paper thumbnail of Regulatory Frameworks and Concepts

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Sep 30, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Coping with different system logics of standardization in regulatory regimes. Norwegian offshore experience

Research paper thumbnail of Den som vil får det til

63, 2001

Gjennom nasjonale survey er det påvist at i perioden 1996 til 1999 skjedde det en dobling av anta... more Gjennom nasjonale survey er det påvist at i perioden 1996 til 1999 skjedde det en dobling av antall bedrifter som hadde innført et systematisk HMS-arbeid innen reiselivsbransjen. Dette kan virke overraskende fordi reiselivsbedriftene representerer en type virksomheter har vært lite ”reguleringsvillige”, og de fleste av dem har hatt få resursser og liten kompetanse for denne type endringsarbeid. Disse forbedringene var utgangspunkt for problemstillingen som er reist i denne evalueringen, nemlig: Hvilke endringer i rammebetingelser eller hvilke tiltak er iverksatt som kan bidra til en forklaring på denne framgangen? I denne perioden har Reiselivsbedriftenes landsforeningen gjennomført et omfattende prosjekt som de har kalt ”Utvidet HMS i RBL”. Det var derfor naturlig å undersøke hvilke tiltak dette prosjektet omfatter og hvilke mulige effekt som kan måles av denne innsatsen. I den samme perioden har også myndighetene vært aktive. I særlig grad gjelder dette Nærinsmiddeltilsynet som har hatt ansvar for innføringen av IK-MAT. Et spørreskjema (HMS-barometeret) ble sendt til alle medlemsbedriftene i RBL tre ganger gjennom prosjektperioden, og omkring 1000 bedrifter gav respons hver gang. Dette gir oss pålitelige data som styrker analysen. Antallet hotell/overnattingssteder og serveringssteder utgjør omtrent 40% hver. Reiselivsbedriftene utgjør nærmest et konglomerat av virksomheter og det er ikke lett å finne noen fellesnevner for dem. Det er derfor en meget stor spredning i bedriftene som har svart, både når det gjelder type av virksomheter og størrelse (målt i sysselsetting og ansatte)

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