Maarten Prins - (original) (raw)

Papers by Maarten Prins

Research paper thumbnail of Genetically meaningful decomposition of grain-size distributions

Sedimentary Geology, 2007

All spatio-temporal grain-size patterns in sediments can be characterized by a mathematical repre... more All spatio-temporal grain-size patterns in sediments can be characterized by a mathematical representation of (un)mixing. This implies that an inverse model of (un)mixing would be ideally suited to obtain genetically meaningful interpretations of observed grain-size distributions (GSDs). GSDs are therefore often decomposed into theoretical end members by parametric curve-fitting procedures. Many researchers have been tempted to use goodness-of-fit measures as

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Research paper thumbnail of Muddled or mixed? Inferring palaeoclimate from size distributions of deep-sea clastics

Sedimentary Geology, 2003

One of the outstanding problems of palaeoclimate reconstruction from physico-chemical properties ... more One of the outstanding problems of palaeoclimate reconstruction from physico-chemical properties of terrigenous deep-sea sediments stems from the fact that most basin fills are mixtures of sediment populations derived from different sources and transported to the site of deposition by different mechanisms. Conventional approaches to palaeoclimate reconstruction from deep-sea sediments do not distinguish between provenance and dispersal-related variations, and therefore

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of climate, sea level, and tectonics unraveled for last deglaciation turbidite records of the Arabian Sea

Geology, 2000

Turbidite sedimentation in a slope basin of the active margin of southwestern Pakistan (Makran) a... more Turbidite sedimentation in a slope basin of the active margin of southwestern Pakistan (Makran) and on the abyssal plain of the Arabian Sea (Indus Fan) off the passive margin of southeastern Pakistan (Sindh) was most frequent during the last sea-level lowstand. In both regions ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Lower Rhine historical flood magnitudes of the last 450 years reproduced from grain-size measurements of flood deposits using End Member Modelling


Objective: The objective of this research was to unlock the potential of fluvial archives to crea... more Objective: The objective of this research was to unlock the potential of fluvial archives to create flood chronologies, based on grain-size characteristics of flood deposits located in two recently formed fluvio-lacustrine sequences. Methods: Grain-size data was comparedwith contemporaneous dischargemeasurements (for the Lower Rhine, The Netherlands). Regression relations between coarse-tail grain-size parameters and measured discharge were established for the last ~240 years, and applied to the older parts of both cores – resulting in peak discharge estimates back to AD ~1550. Results: Grain-size descriptive parameters such as the 95th percentile and end-member modelling outcomes correlate well with discharge and turn out to be sensitive proxies for inferring flood magnitudes. Locally, geomorphological changes influence the relation between peak dischargemagnitudes and flood bed coarseness, but these can be assessed, using continuous flood layer and background sedimentation measure...

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Research paper thumbnail of Highstand vs. lowstand turbidite system growth in the Makran active margin: Imprints of high-frequency external controls on sediment delivery mechanisms to deep water systems

Marine Geology, 2010

Late Quaternary turbidite system growth along the Makran convergent margin is investigated throug... more Late Quaternary turbidite system growth along the Makran convergent margin is investigated through a set of deep-sea cores from upper slope and piggy-back basins to deep basin plain settings. High-resolution stratigraphy in these various depositional environments permits reconstruction of the evolution of sand-to-mud ratio, sedimentation rates, frequencies, and thickness of turbidite deposits during the last 25ka BP. This study demonstrates

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Research paper thumbnail of Ocean stratification versus vertical mixing in the north Atlantic Ocean during the last glacial

The fluctuating cover of sea ice and melting glaciers in the North Atlantic region during the mos... more The fluctuating cover of sea ice and melting glaciers in the North Atlantic region during the most recent three Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) has been well documented. The consequences of this, either seasonal or perennial ice cover, on oceanographic conditions (i.e. mixing or stratification) has yet to be fully unravelled. Within the scope of the Darwin Center project Sensing Seasonality we shed light on the effects of melting sea-ice versus land-ice on the ocean conditions during short term (i.e. Heinrich Events) and long term (LGM) cold events. Core T88-3P is strategically located just north of the IRD belt (56°43.8N; 27°79.7W; 2819m water depth). The stable isotope data of different species of planktonic and benthic foraminifera reflect the degree of water mass stratification. As we apply single specimen foraminiferal isotope analysis we are able to extract the full seasonal range (i.e. annual mean, minima and maxima) of sea surface temperatures. Combining stable isotopes with fa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Inter-regional correlation of palaeoclimatic records for the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition: a protocol for improved precision recommended by the INTIMATE project group

Quaternary Science Reviews, 2001

The remit of the INTIMATE22Integration of Ice-core, Marine and Terrestrial Records (INTIMATE) is ... more The remit of the INTIMATE22Integration of Ice-core, Marine and Terrestrial Records (INTIMATE) is a core programme of the International Quaternary Union (INQUA) Palaeoclimate Commission.[INTIMATE @] project of the INQUA Palaeoclimate Commission is to synthesise marine, terrestrial and ice-core data for the North Atlantic region during the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (LGIT: ca 13–1014CkyrBP; ca 15–11.5ice-corekyr BP). A major problem, however,

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Research paper thumbnail of Multi-proxy reconstruction of environmental dynamics and colonization impacts in the Mauritian uplands

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Late-Holocene environment and climatic changes in Ameralik Fjord, southwest Greenland: evidence from the sedimentary record

The Holocene, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Holocene North Atlantic surface circulation and climatic variability: evidence from diatom records

The Holocene, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental insights into laser diffraction particle sizing of fine-grained sediments for use in palaeoceanography

Sedimentology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Calibration of modelled mixing patterns in loess grain-size distributions: an example from the north-eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, China

Sedimentology, 2005

... and his MSc students Laura van Schagen, Stefan Buurmans and Martijn van Putten are thanked fo... more ... and his MSc students Laura van Schagen, Stefan Buurmans and Martijn van Putten are thanked for providing the grain-size data set of the Tuxiangdao loess record. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is thanked for the financial support of Prins. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Late Quaternary aeolian dust input variability on the Chinese Loess Plateau: inferences from unmixing of loess grain-size records

Quaternary Science Reviews, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of A reconstruction of sea surface warming in the northern North Atlantic during MIS 3 ice-rafting events

Quaternary Science Reviews, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Saharan Dust Transport and High-Latitude Glacial Climatic Variability: The Alboran Sea Record

Quaternary Research, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Contrasting dust supply patterns across the north-western Chinese Loess Plateau during the last glacial-interglacial cycle

Quaternary International, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Late Quaternary sedimentary processes and ocean circulation changes at the Southeast Greenland margin

Marine Geology, 2003

A study has been made of late Quaternary depositional processes and bottom current activity on th... more A study has been made of late Quaternary depositional processes and bottom current activity on the Southeast Greenland margin, using seismic, sub-bottom profiling and deep-tow side-scan sonar data as well as sediment core information. The seabed data demonstrate the occurrence of strong, southerly bottom currents prevailing on the slope and rise. Well-defined longitudinal bedforms indicate maximum mean near-bottom current velocities

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Research paper thumbnail of Fast reconnaissance of carbonate dissolution based on the size distribution of calcareous ooze on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Ocean

Marine Geology, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of A 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength in southwestern Africa: inferences from grain-size distributions of sediments on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic

Marine Geology, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Controls on terrigenous sediment supply to the Arabian Sea during the late Quaternary: the Makran continental slope

Marine Geology, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Genetically meaningful decomposition of grain-size distributions

Sedimentary Geology, 2007

All spatio-temporal grain-size patterns in sediments can be characterized by a mathematical repre... more All spatio-temporal grain-size patterns in sediments can be characterized by a mathematical representation of (un)mixing. This implies that an inverse model of (un)mixing would be ideally suited to obtain genetically meaningful interpretations of observed grain-size distributions (GSDs). GSDs are therefore often decomposed into theoretical end members by parametric curve-fitting procedures. Many researchers have been tempted to use goodness-of-fit measures as

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Research paper thumbnail of Muddled or mixed? Inferring palaeoclimate from size distributions of deep-sea clastics

Sedimentary Geology, 2003

One of the outstanding problems of palaeoclimate reconstruction from physico-chemical properties ... more One of the outstanding problems of palaeoclimate reconstruction from physico-chemical properties of terrigenous deep-sea sediments stems from the fact that most basin fills are mixtures of sediment populations derived from different sources and transported to the site of deposition by different mechanisms. Conventional approaches to palaeoclimate reconstruction from deep-sea sediments do not distinguish between provenance and dispersal-related variations, and therefore

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of climate, sea level, and tectonics unraveled for last deglaciation turbidite records of the Arabian Sea

Geology, 2000

Turbidite sedimentation in a slope basin of the active margin of southwestern Pakistan (Makran) a... more Turbidite sedimentation in a slope basin of the active margin of southwestern Pakistan (Makran) and on the abyssal plain of the Arabian Sea (Indus Fan) off the passive margin of southeastern Pakistan (Sindh) was most frequent during the last sea-level lowstand. In both regions ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Lower Rhine historical flood magnitudes of the last 450 years reproduced from grain-size measurements of flood deposits using End Member Modelling


Objective: The objective of this research was to unlock the potential of fluvial archives to crea... more Objective: The objective of this research was to unlock the potential of fluvial archives to create flood chronologies, based on grain-size characteristics of flood deposits located in two recently formed fluvio-lacustrine sequences. Methods: Grain-size data was comparedwith contemporaneous dischargemeasurements (for the Lower Rhine, The Netherlands). Regression relations between coarse-tail grain-size parameters and measured discharge were established for the last ~240 years, and applied to the older parts of both cores – resulting in peak discharge estimates back to AD ~1550. Results: Grain-size descriptive parameters such as the 95th percentile and end-member modelling outcomes correlate well with discharge and turn out to be sensitive proxies for inferring flood magnitudes. Locally, geomorphological changes influence the relation between peak dischargemagnitudes and flood bed coarseness, but these can be assessed, using continuous flood layer and background sedimentation measure...

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Research paper thumbnail of Highstand vs. lowstand turbidite system growth in the Makran active margin: Imprints of high-frequency external controls on sediment delivery mechanisms to deep water systems

Marine Geology, 2010

Late Quaternary turbidite system growth along the Makran convergent margin is investigated throug... more Late Quaternary turbidite system growth along the Makran convergent margin is investigated through a set of deep-sea cores from upper slope and piggy-back basins to deep basin plain settings. High-resolution stratigraphy in these various depositional environments permits reconstruction of the evolution of sand-to-mud ratio, sedimentation rates, frequencies, and thickness of turbidite deposits during the last 25ka BP. This study demonstrates

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Research paper thumbnail of Ocean stratification versus vertical mixing in the north Atlantic Ocean during the last glacial

The fluctuating cover of sea ice and melting glaciers in the North Atlantic region during the mos... more The fluctuating cover of sea ice and melting glaciers in the North Atlantic region during the most recent three Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) has been well documented. The consequences of this, either seasonal or perennial ice cover, on oceanographic conditions (i.e. mixing or stratification) has yet to be fully unravelled. Within the scope of the Darwin Center project Sensing Seasonality we shed light on the effects of melting sea-ice versus land-ice on the ocean conditions during short term (i.e. Heinrich Events) and long term (LGM) cold events. Core T88-3P is strategically located just north of the IRD belt (56°43.8N; 27°79.7W; 2819m water depth). The stable isotope data of different species of planktonic and benthic foraminifera reflect the degree of water mass stratification. As we apply single specimen foraminiferal isotope analysis we are able to extract the full seasonal range (i.e. annual mean, minima and maxima) of sea surface temperatures. Combining stable isotopes with fa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Inter-regional correlation of palaeoclimatic records for the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition: a protocol for improved precision recommended by the INTIMATE project group

Quaternary Science Reviews, 2001

The remit of the INTIMATE22Integration of Ice-core, Marine and Terrestrial Records (INTIMATE) is ... more The remit of the INTIMATE22Integration of Ice-core, Marine and Terrestrial Records (INTIMATE) is a core programme of the International Quaternary Union (INQUA) Palaeoclimate Commission.[INTIMATE @] project of the INQUA Palaeoclimate Commission is to synthesise marine, terrestrial and ice-core data for the North Atlantic region during the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (LGIT: ca 13–1014CkyrBP; ca 15–11.5ice-corekyr BP). A major problem, however,

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Research paper thumbnail of Multi-proxy reconstruction of environmental dynamics and colonization impacts in the Mauritian uplands

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Late-Holocene environment and climatic changes in Ameralik Fjord, southwest Greenland: evidence from the sedimentary record

The Holocene, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Holocene North Atlantic surface circulation and climatic variability: evidence from diatom records

The Holocene, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental insights into laser diffraction particle sizing of fine-grained sediments for use in palaeoceanography

Sedimentology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Calibration of modelled mixing patterns in loess grain-size distributions: an example from the north-eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, China

Sedimentology, 2005

... and his MSc students Laura van Schagen, Stefan Buurmans and Martijn van Putten are thanked fo... more ... and his MSc students Laura van Schagen, Stefan Buurmans and Martijn van Putten are thanked for providing the grain-size data set of the Tuxiangdao loess record. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is thanked for the financial support of Prins. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Late Quaternary aeolian dust input variability on the Chinese Loess Plateau: inferences from unmixing of loess grain-size records

Quaternary Science Reviews, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of A reconstruction of sea surface warming in the northern North Atlantic during MIS 3 ice-rafting events

Quaternary Science Reviews, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Saharan Dust Transport and High-Latitude Glacial Climatic Variability: The Alboran Sea Record

Quaternary Research, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Contrasting dust supply patterns across the north-western Chinese Loess Plateau during the last glacial-interglacial cycle

Quaternary International, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Late Quaternary sedimentary processes and ocean circulation changes at the Southeast Greenland margin

Marine Geology, 2003

A study has been made of late Quaternary depositional processes and bottom current activity on th... more A study has been made of late Quaternary depositional processes and bottom current activity on the Southeast Greenland margin, using seismic, sub-bottom profiling and deep-tow side-scan sonar data as well as sediment core information. The seabed data demonstrate the occurrence of strong, southerly bottom currents prevailing on the slope and rise. Well-defined longitudinal bedforms indicate maximum mean near-bottom current velocities

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Research paper thumbnail of Fast reconnaissance of carbonate dissolution based on the size distribution of calcareous ooze on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Ocean

Marine Geology, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of A 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength in southwestern Africa: inferences from grain-size distributions of sediments on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic

Marine Geology, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Controls on terrigenous sediment supply to the Arabian Sea during the late Quaternary: the Makran continental slope

Marine Geology, 2000

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