Prita Devy Igiany - (original) (raw)
Papers by Prita Devy Igiany
Jurnal ilmiah perekam dan informasi kesehatan Imelda, Feb 29, 2024
Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia, Dec 29, 2023
In every organization, including Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) which is a public health inst... more In every organization, including Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) which is a public health institution based on community empowerment, information systems have a key role in providing accurate and timely information for reporting and decision making, in line with the Ministry of Health's regulations regarding health transformation as outlined in PMK No.24 of 2022. However, the effectiveness of the SIMBAT Posyandu Information System is hampered by the lack of ability of a number of posyandu cadres to use information and communication technology (ICT). To overcome this problem, this program was implemented which aims to improve the ability of Posyandu cadres in managing health information, especially in registration, recording and reporting, through socialization of the use of the Web-Based Posyandu Information System. Methods for implementing this socialization program include coordination with partners, needs analysis, training planning, preparation of training tools and materials, and implementation of training. The result of this activity is the ability of posyandu cadres to use information and communication technology, including the SIMBAT application based on pretest and posttest results, initially 40% after training became 80%.
International Journal Of Health Science
POSYANDU (Integrated Service Post) is a monthly activity post to monitor the health status of pre... more POSYANDU (Integrated Service Post) is a monthly activity post to monitor the health status of pregnant women and toddlers (children under the age of five). This activity is carried out to monitor the growth and nutritional status of children under five on a regular basis and to understand the situation of pregnant women who are at risk so that preventive measures can be taken to prevent the death of pregnant women and malnourished children. However, in practice there are some difficulties such as searching for data and recording the same name in different formats. This study uses a qualitative method with a cross-sectional approach, where the aim of this research is to design and build a system that can manage Posyandu data in an integrated and well-computerized manner based on WEB cloud computing. The result of this study is a posyandu application consisting of immune data, vaccine data, child data, mother data, officer data, and posyandu data. The accuracy of the application imple...
Jurnal Ilmiah Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda (JIPIKI)
Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 on Medical Records requires all healthcar... more Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 on Medical Records requires all healthcare facilities must implement Electronic Medical Records (EMR) no later than December 31, 2023. Kartasura Primary Healthcare is one of the healthcare in Sukoharjo Regency that has not implemented EMR yet. A readiness analysis of EMRS is required to to improve service quality and workflow efficiency. CAFP instrument can be used for evaluating primary healthcare in transitioning to EMR. The purpose of this study is to determine the readiness of implementing EMR on management capacity, finance & budgeting, operations, technology, and organizational alignment. This was a descriptive-quantitative- research. Sample was 9 people who selected by stratified random sampling. Data collection used interviews and documentation studies. Results showed that management capacity was in range II with average score 9.3; financial capacity and budget were in range III with average score 5.2; operational capac...
APMa Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Kader kesehatan merupakan perwujudan peran serta aktif masyarakat dalam posyandu. Kader merupakan... more Kader kesehatan merupakan perwujudan peran serta aktif masyarakat dalam posyandu. Kader merupakan sasaran yang tepat dalam pelaksanaan program kesehatan karena dianggap sebagai tempat rujukan pertama pelayanan kesehatan, sehingga kader kesehatan yang berada di sekitar masyarakat wajib mempunyai bekal tingkat pengetahuan, agar dapat melaksanakan fungsi lima meja dengan baik. Kader di Posyandu Teratai XII belum mengetahaui dan memahami sistem lima meja dengan baik sehingga pelaksanaan posyandu kurang maksimal. Sosialisai dan pelatihan sistem lima meja terhadap kader Posyandu Teratai XII dianggap perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengertahuan dan kompetensi kader dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat di posyandu. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah menyelenggarakan pembekalan materi dan diskusi oleh tim pengabdian serta pendampingan pelaksanaan posyandu. Berdasarkan pretest dan posttest yang dilakukan terhadap kader posyandu menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan kader ten...
Seminar Informasi Kesehatan Nasional (SIKesNas), Jun 19, 2021
Peran tenaga rekam medis pada masa pandemi adalah membaca, menganalisis serta menggunakan informa... more Peran tenaga rekam medis pada masa pandemi adalah membaca, menganalisis serta menggunakan informasi (big data) pada era digital. Dalam mewujudkan perannya, petugas rekam medis wajib menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang menjadi stresor. Tujuan penelitian ini menentukan faktor yang berhubungan dengan gejala stres pada petugas rekam medis di era pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian berupa observasional analitik dengan studi cross sectional dan menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Junlah responden dalam penelitian ini 147 orang. Penelitian dilakukan pada 5 September 2020 pukul 12.00-15.00 WIB melalui link Googleform. Analisis data dilakukan dengan SPSS. Gejala psikologi dan fisik menunjukkan skor lebih tinggi pada laki-laki. Gejala psikologi menunjukkan skor lebih tinggi pada perempuan. Berdasarkan tempat kerja, petugas yang bekerja di Puskesmas menunjukkan gejala stres yang lebih tinggi. Jenis kelamin dan tempat kerja berhubungan sdengan gejala fisik. Variabel umur dan lama kerja menunjukkan korelasi yang lemah-berlawanan arah pada gejala perilaku. Untuk variabel gejala psikologis, terbukti berkorelasi dengan lama kerja yang menunjukkan korelasi lemah-berlawanan arah. Selanjutnya, pada variabel gejala fisik berkolerasi dengan umur yang artinya terdapat korelasi lemah-berlawanan arah.
Seminar Informasi Kesehatan Nasional (SIKesNas), Jun 19, 2021
International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020, Dec 19, 2020
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNDIP 2020, Dec 11, 2020
Situasi pandemi umumnya menimbulkan perasaan tertekan dan khawatir bagi masyarakat. Namun, para t... more Situasi pandemi umumnya menimbulkan perasaan tertekan dan khawatir bagi masyarakat. Namun, para tenaga kesehatan menjadi kelompok yang lebih rentan menghadapi tekanan terutama pada tempat kerja mereka yang bersinggungan langsung dengan penderita Covid-19. Keadaan ini seringkali menimbulkan stress kerja pada tenaga kesehatan. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah seluruh tenaga kesehatan sebanyak 78 orang yang dilakukan dalam bentuk seminar daring dan dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 kali. Lingkup materi pelatihan: Stress Kerja dan Mental Health; Mekanisme Stress Ditinjau dari Anatomi dan Fisiologi Sistem Saraf; Tantangan Tenaga Kesehatan di Era Pandemi; Manajemen Stress Kerja dengan Self Care. Sebagian besar tenaga kesehatan belum memiliki pemahaman yang cukup tentang stress kerja dan mental illness.Hasil praktik dilihat dari perubahan gejala psikologi, fisik dan perilaku. Ketiga indikator tersebut merupakan indikator penting dalam mendeteksi keadaan stress.
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) adalah bagian dari sistem informasi kesehatan yang... more Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) adalah bagian dari sistem informasi kesehatan yang menyediakan sumber informasi secara relevan di seluruh rumah sakit untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan yang efektif dan administrasi rumah sakit. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya ternyata masih banyak rumah sakit yang masih belum berhasil dalam implementasi SIMRS. Studi kasus yang pernah dilakukan di sebuah rumah sakit, ditemukan bahwa walaupun rumah sakit tersebut telah menerapkan SIMRS cukup lama, tetapi belum sepenuhnya dirasakan manfaatnya oleh stakeholder. Implementasi SIMRS yang kurang baik tentunya akan mempengaruhi mutu pelayanan rumah sakit. Hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna layanan. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor penting yang mempengaruhi implementasi SIMRS. Systematic review dilakukan pada 10 jurnal internasional dan 10 jurnal nasional yang diunggah di media daring tahun 2010-2018. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam implementasi SIMRS adalah people...
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia
Kanker payudara merupakan masalah kesehatan dan penyebab kematian terbesar pada wanita diseluruh ... more Kanker payudara merupakan masalah kesehatan dan penyebab kematian terbesar pada wanita diseluruh dunia. Hal itu karena masih kurangnya minat kaum wanita dalam memahami kanker payudara guna menghindarkan diri dari serangan kanker payudara serta cara melakukan deteksi sejak dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas media leaflet untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswi tentang SADARI. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pre experimental dengan one group pretest posttest design, Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2020, populasi sebanyak 176 responden, pengambilan sampel dengan quota sampling sehingga diperoleh 123 responden. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat nilai rata-rata sebelum diberikan leaflet sebesar 8,6 dan sesudah diberikan leaflet sebesar 11,1. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan peningkatan nilai rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah diberikan leaflet. Hasil uji Wilcoxon didapatkan p value 0,000 < 0,05 yang artinya media leaflet efektif untuk menin...
Seminar Informasi Kesehatan Nasional (SIKesNas), 2021
Covid-19 merupakan penyakit pernasapan akibat virus corona yang menjadi pandemi sepanjang tahun 2... more Covid-19 merupakan penyakit pernasapan akibat virus corona yang menjadi pandemi sepanjang tahun 2020 dan terus berlanjut hingga saat ini. Penyakit ini menyebabkan kematian tertinggi di dunia, terutama penderita dengan penyakit komorbid. Penerapan protokol kesehatan yang ketat menjadi cara pencegahan Covid-19 yang harus dilakukan masyarakat terutama di tempat umum, seperti pasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku penerapan protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19 pada pedagang Pasar Gemolong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pasar Gemolong, Sragen dengan jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 295 responden yang dikumpulan menggunakan metode quota sampling. Penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan secara online melalui aplikasi google form, dan data yang terkumpul di analisis secara univariat dengan menyajikan distribusi frekuensi variabel. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh yaitu dari 295 responden yang diteliti, terdapat 79% responden sudah menerapkan protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19. Dari hasil tersebut dapat dikatakan mayoritas pedagang, sudah menerapkan protokol kesehatan.
Background: The use of beds in hospitals should be efficient from economic as well as medical asp... more Background: The use of beds in hospitals should be efficient from economic as well as medical aspects. To unite the two aspects, an appropriate parameter is needed, namely; BOR, AvLOS, TOI, and BTO can then be seen clearly the level of efficient use of beds in hospitals and the four parameters are brought together at one point. Research Methods: This research uses descriptive type of research. The population is the forms (RP 1 and RL 1) for the 2017 period, sampling using total sampling techniques. Data collection techniques using observation techniques and documentation studies, data analysis is done by the Barber Johnson Graph method. Results & Discussion: Based on the calculation of the average frequency of the number of days a bed occupied (TOI), the average bed used by a patient in a certain period (BTO), the value of GDR and NDR in Muhammadiyah Selogiri hospital is ideal. However, the calculation of the efficiency of the use of beds (BOR), the average number of days a patient ...
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Berkala
The success of the immunization program can be measured by the achievement of the village's Unive... more The success of the immunization program can be measured by the achievement of the village's Universal Child Immunization (UCI) which can be seen from the coverage of complete basic immunization. WHO expressed doubts about vaccines (immunization) occur when a person delays or refuses to get the available immunization services, causing incomplete immunization coverage. Although the background of parents is very heterogeneous, the pattern of parents' decision-making towards immunization has a similar picture. These factors influence parents who refuse or accept certain immunization programs or vaccines, including support factors that come from families. This research is a descriptive analytic study with cross-sectional time approach that aims to see the relationship between family support and basic immunization completeness. In this study the authors used a purposive sampling technique where the data obtained was analyzed univariately and bivariately. The results showed that the description of respondents based on the completeness of basic immunizations is known that of 35 research respondents, 74% had a complete history of immunization, while based on family support it was found that respondents with high family support were 54%. From the analysis of data using the Chi Square test, it was found that there was a significant relationship between family support and basic immunization completeness, with a p-value of 0.004 and an OR 18.
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Berkala
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi dan Administrasi Kesehatan (JMIAK)
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi dan Administrasi Kesehatan (JMIAK)
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
Implementation of health promotion needs to be addressed is the selection of media y ang accordan... more Implementation of health promotion needs to be addressed is the selection of media y ang accordance with the target. Health promotion media is a tool used to help the health promotion process. The right media make information more easily accepted by the target, so that behavior will also change according to the knowledge gained. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of using visual media (leaflets) in health promotion about immunization. This research is a pre-experimental study with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data analysis technique used univariate and bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis was performed to see responden characterstic, while while bivariate data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon test to see how visual media's effect to knowledge and behaviour of immunization. The result showed that health promotion using visual media, namely leaflets can significantly increase both the knowledge and behavior of mothers about immunization
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat
Effectiveness of video and illustrated book to improve mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of... more Effectiveness of video and illustrated book to improve mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of handwashing with soapPurposeThis study aimed to determine the effect of video and illustrated book to mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of handwashing with soap in Air Terbit village and Sungai Putih village. MethodsThis study used quasi-experimental design, with a non-equivalent control group design. Samples consisted of 21 respondents in each group, which were chosen with predetermined inclusion criteria. ResultsBivariate analysis showed no significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and skills (p>0.05) between illustrated book and video during the pretest. At the posttest, knowledge in both groups were significantly different (p<0.05) which showed the illustrated book was more effective to improve knowledge than video. For attitude and skills during posttest, results were significantly different showing the video was more effective to be used (p<0.05). Comparing k...
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat
Effectiveness of video and illustrated book to improve mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of... more Effectiveness of video and illustrated book to improve mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of handwashing with soapPurposeThis study aimed to determine the effect of video and illustrated book to mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of handwashing with soap in Air Terbit village and Sungai Putih village. MethodsThis study used quasi-experimental design, with a non-equivalent control group design. Samples consisted of 21 respondents in each group, which were chosen with predetermined inclusion criteria. ResultsBivariate analysis showed no significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and skills (p>0.05) between illustrated book and video during the pretest. At the posttest, knowledge in both groups were significantly different (p<0.05) which showed the illustrated book was more effective to improve knowledge than video. For attitude and skills during posttest, results were significantly different showing the video was more effective to be used (p<0.05). Comparing k...
Jurnal ilmiah perekam dan informasi kesehatan Imelda, Feb 29, 2024
Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia, Dec 29, 2023
In every organization, including Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) which is a public health inst... more In every organization, including Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) which is a public health institution based on community empowerment, information systems have a key role in providing accurate and timely information for reporting and decision making, in line with the Ministry of Health's regulations regarding health transformation as outlined in PMK No.24 of 2022. However, the effectiveness of the SIMBAT Posyandu Information System is hampered by the lack of ability of a number of posyandu cadres to use information and communication technology (ICT). To overcome this problem, this program was implemented which aims to improve the ability of Posyandu cadres in managing health information, especially in registration, recording and reporting, through socialization of the use of the Web-Based Posyandu Information System. Methods for implementing this socialization program include coordination with partners, needs analysis, training planning, preparation of training tools and materials, and implementation of training. The result of this activity is the ability of posyandu cadres to use information and communication technology, including the SIMBAT application based on pretest and posttest results, initially 40% after training became 80%.
International Journal Of Health Science
POSYANDU (Integrated Service Post) is a monthly activity post to monitor the health status of pre... more POSYANDU (Integrated Service Post) is a monthly activity post to monitor the health status of pregnant women and toddlers (children under the age of five). This activity is carried out to monitor the growth and nutritional status of children under five on a regular basis and to understand the situation of pregnant women who are at risk so that preventive measures can be taken to prevent the death of pregnant women and malnourished children. However, in practice there are some difficulties such as searching for data and recording the same name in different formats. This study uses a qualitative method with a cross-sectional approach, where the aim of this research is to design and build a system that can manage Posyandu data in an integrated and well-computerized manner based on WEB cloud computing. The result of this study is a posyandu application consisting of immune data, vaccine data, child data, mother data, officer data, and posyandu data. The accuracy of the application imple...
Jurnal Ilmiah Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda (JIPIKI)
Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 on Medical Records requires all healthcar... more Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 on Medical Records requires all healthcare facilities must implement Electronic Medical Records (EMR) no later than December 31, 2023. Kartasura Primary Healthcare is one of the healthcare in Sukoharjo Regency that has not implemented EMR yet. A readiness analysis of EMRS is required to to improve service quality and workflow efficiency. CAFP instrument can be used for evaluating primary healthcare in transitioning to EMR. The purpose of this study is to determine the readiness of implementing EMR on management capacity, finance & budgeting, operations, technology, and organizational alignment. This was a descriptive-quantitative- research. Sample was 9 people who selected by stratified random sampling. Data collection used interviews and documentation studies. Results showed that management capacity was in range II with average score 9.3; financial capacity and budget were in range III with average score 5.2; operational capac...
APMa Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Kader kesehatan merupakan perwujudan peran serta aktif masyarakat dalam posyandu. Kader merupakan... more Kader kesehatan merupakan perwujudan peran serta aktif masyarakat dalam posyandu. Kader merupakan sasaran yang tepat dalam pelaksanaan program kesehatan karena dianggap sebagai tempat rujukan pertama pelayanan kesehatan, sehingga kader kesehatan yang berada di sekitar masyarakat wajib mempunyai bekal tingkat pengetahuan, agar dapat melaksanakan fungsi lima meja dengan baik. Kader di Posyandu Teratai XII belum mengetahaui dan memahami sistem lima meja dengan baik sehingga pelaksanaan posyandu kurang maksimal. Sosialisai dan pelatihan sistem lima meja terhadap kader Posyandu Teratai XII dianggap perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengertahuan dan kompetensi kader dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat di posyandu. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah menyelenggarakan pembekalan materi dan diskusi oleh tim pengabdian serta pendampingan pelaksanaan posyandu. Berdasarkan pretest dan posttest yang dilakukan terhadap kader posyandu menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan kader ten...
Seminar Informasi Kesehatan Nasional (SIKesNas), Jun 19, 2021
Peran tenaga rekam medis pada masa pandemi adalah membaca, menganalisis serta menggunakan informa... more Peran tenaga rekam medis pada masa pandemi adalah membaca, menganalisis serta menggunakan informasi (big data) pada era digital. Dalam mewujudkan perannya, petugas rekam medis wajib menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang menjadi stresor. Tujuan penelitian ini menentukan faktor yang berhubungan dengan gejala stres pada petugas rekam medis di era pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian berupa observasional analitik dengan studi cross sectional dan menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Junlah responden dalam penelitian ini 147 orang. Penelitian dilakukan pada 5 September 2020 pukul 12.00-15.00 WIB melalui link Googleform. Analisis data dilakukan dengan SPSS. Gejala psikologi dan fisik menunjukkan skor lebih tinggi pada laki-laki. Gejala psikologi menunjukkan skor lebih tinggi pada perempuan. Berdasarkan tempat kerja, petugas yang bekerja di Puskesmas menunjukkan gejala stres yang lebih tinggi. Jenis kelamin dan tempat kerja berhubungan sdengan gejala fisik. Variabel umur dan lama kerja menunjukkan korelasi yang lemah-berlawanan arah pada gejala perilaku. Untuk variabel gejala psikologis, terbukti berkorelasi dengan lama kerja yang menunjukkan korelasi lemah-berlawanan arah. Selanjutnya, pada variabel gejala fisik berkolerasi dengan umur yang artinya terdapat korelasi lemah-berlawanan arah.
Seminar Informasi Kesehatan Nasional (SIKesNas), Jun 19, 2021
International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020, Dec 19, 2020
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNDIP 2020, Dec 11, 2020
Situasi pandemi umumnya menimbulkan perasaan tertekan dan khawatir bagi masyarakat. Namun, para t... more Situasi pandemi umumnya menimbulkan perasaan tertekan dan khawatir bagi masyarakat. Namun, para tenaga kesehatan menjadi kelompok yang lebih rentan menghadapi tekanan terutama pada tempat kerja mereka yang bersinggungan langsung dengan penderita Covid-19. Keadaan ini seringkali menimbulkan stress kerja pada tenaga kesehatan. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah seluruh tenaga kesehatan sebanyak 78 orang yang dilakukan dalam bentuk seminar daring dan dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 kali. Lingkup materi pelatihan: Stress Kerja dan Mental Health; Mekanisme Stress Ditinjau dari Anatomi dan Fisiologi Sistem Saraf; Tantangan Tenaga Kesehatan di Era Pandemi; Manajemen Stress Kerja dengan Self Care. Sebagian besar tenaga kesehatan belum memiliki pemahaman yang cukup tentang stress kerja dan mental illness.Hasil praktik dilihat dari perubahan gejala psikologi, fisik dan perilaku. Ketiga indikator tersebut merupakan indikator penting dalam mendeteksi keadaan stress.
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) adalah bagian dari sistem informasi kesehatan yang... more Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) adalah bagian dari sistem informasi kesehatan yang menyediakan sumber informasi secara relevan di seluruh rumah sakit untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan yang efektif dan administrasi rumah sakit. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya ternyata masih banyak rumah sakit yang masih belum berhasil dalam implementasi SIMRS. Studi kasus yang pernah dilakukan di sebuah rumah sakit, ditemukan bahwa walaupun rumah sakit tersebut telah menerapkan SIMRS cukup lama, tetapi belum sepenuhnya dirasakan manfaatnya oleh stakeholder. Implementasi SIMRS yang kurang baik tentunya akan mempengaruhi mutu pelayanan rumah sakit. Hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna layanan. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor penting yang mempengaruhi implementasi SIMRS. Systematic review dilakukan pada 10 jurnal internasional dan 10 jurnal nasional yang diunggah di media daring tahun 2010-2018. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam implementasi SIMRS adalah people...
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia
Kanker payudara merupakan masalah kesehatan dan penyebab kematian terbesar pada wanita diseluruh ... more Kanker payudara merupakan masalah kesehatan dan penyebab kematian terbesar pada wanita diseluruh dunia. Hal itu karena masih kurangnya minat kaum wanita dalam memahami kanker payudara guna menghindarkan diri dari serangan kanker payudara serta cara melakukan deteksi sejak dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas media leaflet untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswi tentang SADARI. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pre experimental dengan one group pretest posttest design, Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2020, populasi sebanyak 176 responden, pengambilan sampel dengan quota sampling sehingga diperoleh 123 responden. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat nilai rata-rata sebelum diberikan leaflet sebesar 8,6 dan sesudah diberikan leaflet sebesar 11,1. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan peningkatan nilai rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah diberikan leaflet. Hasil uji Wilcoxon didapatkan p value 0,000 < 0,05 yang artinya media leaflet efektif untuk menin...
Seminar Informasi Kesehatan Nasional (SIKesNas), 2021
Covid-19 merupakan penyakit pernasapan akibat virus corona yang menjadi pandemi sepanjang tahun 2... more Covid-19 merupakan penyakit pernasapan akibat virus corona yang menjadi pandemi sepanjang tahun 2020 dan terus berlanjut hingga saat ini. Penyakit ini menyebabkan kematian tertinggi di dunia, terutama penderita dengan penyakit komorbid. Penerapan protokol kesehatan yang ketat menjadi cara pencegahan Covid-19 yang harus dilakukan masyarakat terutama di tempat umum, seperti pasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku penerapan protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19 pada pedagang Pasar Gemolong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pasar Gemolong, Sragen dengan jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 295 responden yang dikumpulan menggunakan metode quota sampling. Penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan secara online melalui aplikasi google form, dan data yang terkumpul di analisis secara univariat dengan menyajikan distribusi frekuensi variabel. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh yaitu dari 295 responden yang diteliti, terdapat 79% responden sudah menerapkan protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19. Dari hasil tersebut dapat dikatakan mayoritas pedagang, sudah menerapkan protokol kesehatan.
Background: The use of beds in hospitals should be efficient from economic as well as medical asp... more Background: The use of beds in hospitals should be efficient from economic as well as medical aspects. To unite the two aspects, an appropriate parameter is needed, namely; BOR, AvLOS, TOI, and BTO can then be seen clearly the level of efficient use of beds in hospitals and the four parameters are brought together at one point. Research Methods: This research uses descriptive type of research. The population is the forms (RP 1 and RL 1) for the 2017 period, sampling using total sampling techniques. Data collection techniques using observation techniques and documentation studies, data analysis is done by the Barber Johnson Graph method. Results & Discussion: Based on the calculation of the average frequency of the number of days a bed occupied (TOI), the average bed used by a patient in a certain period (BTO), the value of GDR and NDR in Muhammadiyah Selogiri hospital is ideal. However, the calculation of the efficiency of the use of beds (BOR), the average number of days a patient ...
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Berkala
The success of the immunization program can be measured by the achievement of the village's Unive... more The success of the immunization program can be measured by the achievement of the village's Universal Child Immunization (UCI) which can be seen from the coverage of complete basic immunization. WHO expressed doubts about vaccines (immunization) occur when a person delays or refuses to get the available immunization services, causing incomplete immunization coverage. Although the background of parents is very heterogeneous, the pattern of parents' decision-making towards immunization has a similar picture. These factors influence parents who refuse or accept certain immunization programs or vaccines, including support factors that come from families. This research is a descriptive analytic study with cross-sectional time approach that aims to see the relationship between family support and basic immunization completeness. In this study the authors used a purposive sampling technique where the data obtained was analyzed univariately and bivariately. The results showed that the description of respondents based on the completeness of basic immunizations is known that of 35 research respondents, 74% had a complete history of immunization, while based on family support it was found that respondents with high family support were 54%. From the analysis of data using the Chi Square test, it was found that there was a significant relationship between family support and basic immunization completeness, with a p-value of 0.004 and an OR 18.
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Berkala
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi dan Administrasi Kesehatan (JMIAK)
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi dan Administrasi Kesehatan (JMIAK)
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
Implementation of health promotion needs to be addressed is the selection of media y ang accordan... more Implementation of health promotion needs to be addressed is the selection of media y ang accordance with the target. Health promotion media is a tool used to help the health promotion process. The right media make information more easily accepted by the target, so that behavior will also change according to the knowledge gained. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of using visual media (leaflets) in health promotion about immunization. This research is a pre-experimental study with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data analysis technique used univariate and bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis was performed to see responden characterstic, while while bivariate data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon test to see how visual media's effect to knowledge and behaviour of immunization. The result showed that health promotion using visual media, namely leaflets can significantly increase both the knowledge and behavior of mothers about immunization
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat
Effectiveness of video and illustrated book to improve mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of... more Effectiveness of video and illustrated book to improve mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of handwashing with soapPurposeThis study aimed to determine the effect of video and illustrated book to mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of handwashing with soap in Air Terbit village and Sungai Putih village. MethodsThis study used quasi-experimental design, with a non-equivalent control group design. Samples consisted of 21 respondents in each group, which were chosen with predetermined inclusion criteria. ResultsBivariate analysis showed no significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and skills (p>0.05) between illustrated book and video during the pretest. At the posttest, knowledge in both groups were significantly different (p<0.05) which showed the illustrated book was more effective to improve knowledge than video. For attitude and skills during posttest, results were significantly different showing the video was more effective to be used (p<0.05). Comparing k...
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat
Effectiveness of video and illustrated book to improve mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of... more Effectiveness of video and illustrated book to improve mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of handwashing with soapPurposeThis study aimed to determine the effect of video and illustrated book to mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and skill of handwashing with soap in Air Terbit village and Sungai Putih village. MethodsThis study used quasi-experimental design, with a non-equivalent control group design. Samples consisted of 21 respondents in each group, which were chosen with predetermined inclusion criteria. ResultsBivariate analysis showed no significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and skills (p>0.05) between illustrated book and video during the pretest. At the posttest, knowledge in both groups were significantly different (p<0.05) which showed the illustrated book was more effective to improve knowledge than video. For attitude and skills during posttest, results were significantly different showing the video was more effective to be used (p<0.05). Comparing k...