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Research paper thumbnail of A Study on Consumer Behavior towards Online Shopping in Punjab (With Special Reference to Sangrur and Patiala Districts

Online shopping is gaining popularity day by day in the current market scene. People of all age g... more Online shopping is gaining popularity day by day in the current market scene. People of all age groups frequently visit a plethora of e-commerce websites to buy the necessaries and luxuries of life. In this context, the the present study endeavours to comprehend the awareness and priorities of consumers towards various products being offered by various e-commerce platforms, to understand the frequency of online shopping and the factors that affect online purchases and the method that consumers adopt to make the payments for the purchases they make online. The study is empirical in nature and cross-sectional research design was applied and the primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire. The study has taken a sample size of 200 respondents from Punjab residents mainly residing in Sangrur and Patiala Districts by applying judgemental and convenience sampling method. This study made use of Buyer Black Box Model in order to analyse the various factors that facilitate the online shopping behaviour of the consumers. Furthermore, Hierarchy of Effects Model was also used to study the inclination, habits and intentions shown by the consumers when they go for online shopping. Apart from this, a separate gender-wise differentiation was also made to know how Male and Female respond to a particular category of product consists of Apparels, Beauty products, Household items, Electronic Gadgets etc. A preference measurement check was made to know the perception of consumers regarding the most famous ecommerce websites i.e. AMAZON, FLIPKART, SNAPDEAL, MYNTRA and others. The study has a massive future scope as it can be done among different demographic profile & in other cities. The Internet has become an essential part of our daily life, and companies realise that the Internet can be a shopping channel to reach existing and potential consumers. The emergence and exponential growth of Internet and E-commerce has revolutionsed the way of today's living of not only consumers but also of companies, suppliers and middlemen.

Research paper thumbnail of Conservation of Ocean Resource of High Sea: A Study of Sustainability of Biodiversity in Area Beyond National Jurisdiction

Oceans are essential ecosystem of Earth's ecology since it covers more than 70 percent of the pla... more Oceans are essential ecosystem of Earth's ecology since it covers more than 70 percent of the planet's surface and offers important nutrients for human survival. The oceans or the high seas outside of any country's jurisdictional waters, is home to rich biodiversity and valuable resources. The long-term survival of marine life and ecosystems is in serious jeopardy due to overfishing, pollution, climate change, and other human activities. The long-term viability of marine life and the preservation of maritime resources is a matter to be investigated. By evaluating relevant literature and collecting data from numerous sources, this study investigates the current condition of high seas conservation, the challenges of conserving high seas biodiversity, and the effectiveness of existing conservation initiatives. The research stresses the importance of better governance, stricter enforcement of conservation measures, and the creation of marine protected areas as part of a comprehensive and integrated plan for protecting the oceans. Insights into the future of conservation on the oceans beyond national jurisdiction and recommendations for improving current efforts are provided in this study. The establishment of a legally obligatory instrument for the protection and equitable utilisation of natural resources in regions outside national borders having the conservation programs, and enhanced scientific understanding and data exchange are the need of the present day globalized world. There is a need for addressing the issues influencing the protection of the high seas and supporting the maintainable governance of ocean flora and fauna, conserving the long-term health and vitality of the ocean and its biodiversity and safeguarding the welfare of future generations.

Research paper thumbnail of Harishankar Parsai (22Aug. 1922-10 Aug. 1995): The Critic of Post-Independent India Sanjna

This research examines how far the prose works of Harishankar Parsai are a scathing attack on asp... more This research examines how far the prose works of Harishankar Parsai are a scathing attack on aspects of Post-Independent India. This research draws upon mostly primary sources, including satires of Parsai and a few other satirists who targeted politics. To do this, it will be necessary first to examine the political conditions in democratic India and what made Parsai target politics with his satires. I will also examine Parsai's thoughts on satire which he penned in his essay, Vyangya Kyon? Kaise? Kis Liye? Secondly, to scrutinize more about the political conditions, I will chiefly look at some of his works like A Shivering Republic (Thithurta Hua Gantantra), Inspector Matadeen on the Moon (Inspector Matadeen Chaand Par), Sheep and wolves (Bhede Aur Bhediye), Handicapped Politics (Viklaang Rajneeti), Ek Gaubhakt se bhaint, Sudama's Rice (Sudamakechawal), Contesting an election in Bihar (Hum Bihar mein chunaav ladd rahe hain), and Bholaram's Spirit (Bholaram ka Jeev). "The literature of Harishankar Parsai is the social and political reality of post-independent India. 1 Parsai had a major role to play in making satire a serious work of writing, and from the wider world of composition, by which he elaborated a distinctive and unique language style within the prevailing genres, just as a great writer did his own special work in genres." (Shrotriya) As per my knowledge, till now, the research work done on the literature of Harishankar Parsai and critical books that have been published include are Dr.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence Of Leg -Body Ratio on Nordic Hamstring Strength Test in Football Players -A Criterion Validity Study

BACKGROUND: Hamstring injury is most common in sports especially in football players, due to over... more BACKGROUND: Hamstring injury is most common in sports especially in football players, due to over force and acting of muscle in both open and closed kinematics. Based on previous studies Nordic hamstring strength exercises prevent hamstring injuries. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to find whether the leg-body ratio will have any impact on the Nordic hamstring strength test or not. STUDY DESIGN: Correlational study design. SUBJECT: 50 subjects were selected football players. They received training 5 times and one official match per week and are semi-professional football players. PROCEDURE: A video-based Nordic hamstring strength test is performed on participants to analyze the Nordic break point angle (Eccentric mode). In Isometric mode, the tester stabilized the player on plantarflexed ankles at 20º. The video-based hamstring strength test is reliable and valid to measure eccentric hamstring strength among football players and it is less time-consuming it could be carried out in clinics or training grounds. OUTCOME MEASURES: Dartfish analysis software. RESULTS: The result of this study shows that leg body ratio and both isometric and eccentric Nordic hamstring strength tests as a positive correlation. CONCLUSION: There is a positive correlation between the Leg body ratio in isometric and eccentric Nordic hamstring strength tests.

Research paper thumbnail of AGRI-Woman Entrepreneurship: Understanding a Journey from Periphery to Centre

Rural female's participation and contribution in the development of the rural sector have been on... more Rural female's participation and contribution in the development of the rural sector have been one of the most neglected and discriminate assessed area of the study. Various efforts have been made and studies have been done so par on the diversified growing participation of urban females in development activities of different sector. But active involvement of rural as well as non-rural sector has been overlooked by passed, under estimated.The journey of a woman in agricultural sector is very long from a supporting role to centre role, howeverthis journey not ended. The role of women in agribusiness is now a days creating her individual identity as an entrepreneur and increasing the opportunities for entrepreneurship.

Research paper thumbnail of Fixed point theorems for weakly contractive mappings in S-metric space

In this paper, we shall introduce the new notion of generalized ∫ weak contraction and (,) weak c... more In this paper, we shall introduce the new notion of generalized ∫ weak contraction and (,) weak contraction. Some fixed point theorems in-metric space are also proved using these contractions.

Research paper thumbnail of Association between Osteoporosis and Periodontal Disease -An Update

Osteoporosis and periodontitis affect a large number of men and women worldwide with increase in ... more Osteoporosis and periodontitis affect a large number of men and women worldwide with increase in incidence with advancing age. Periodontitis has long been defined as an infection mediated destruction of the alveolar bone and soft tissue attachment of the tooth, responsible for tooth loss among adult populations. Several studies support an association of osteoporosis with the onset and progression of periodontal disease in humans. Systemic loss of bone density in osteoporosis including that of the oral cavity may provide a host system that is increasingly susceptible to infectious destruction of periodontal tissue. Understanding the association between these common diseases and the mechanisms underlying these associations will aid health professionals to provide improved means to prevent, diagnose and treat these very common diseases.

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Graphic Organizer Strategy on Achievement in Geography among Secondary School Students

The most effective learning takes place when there is a maximum of mental activity. A good teache... more The most effective learning takes place when there is a maximum of mental activity. A good teacher should be one who knows many effective techniques to impart knowledge to his pupils. The present study was an attempt to find out the effectiveness of Graphic organizer Strategy over the existing method of teaching on achievement in Geography among Secondary School students. The graphic organizers are designed to facilitate understanding of key concepts by allowing students to visually identify key points and ideas. Use of graphic organizers across all subject areas, will be empowering students to master subject matter faster and more effectively. The present study has been conducted employing the experimental method, and the design used was the pre-test post-test non-equivalent group design. The sample consisted of 60 secondary school students, comprising two intact class groups (30 pupils each) as the experimental and control groups respectively. The study made use of two types of lesson transcripts, and achievement test in geography. Statistical techniques used were mean difference analysis. Analysis of the data revealed that students taught through Graphic organizer strategy performed better than those who were taught through existing method of teaching. Graphic organizer strategy helps the students to understand the Geography concepts easily and it will remain in memory for a long time.

Research paper thumbnail of Territorialisation Religieuse En Milieu Urbain : Cas D'abobo Sud (Abidjan-Côte D'ivoire

a été retenu comme champ d'expérimentation. La méthodologie de collecte de données s'est basée su... more a été retenu comme champ d'expérimentation. La méthodologie de collecte de données s'est basée sur la recherche documentaire, et sur des entretiens avec des responsables de l'administration en charge du culte et des responsables de communautés cultuelles. L'utilisation du GPS a permis d'inventorier, de géolocaliser les lieux de culte islamique et de déterminer leurs quartiers d'appartenance par l'entremise d'un SIG. L'étude révèle que le Sud d'Abobo est un territoire d'impact religieux musulman. De ce fait, la partie Sud d'Abobo abrite en grande majorité des populations originaires du monde savanicole de la Côte d'Ivoire (Mandé du Nord, Voltaïque et non nationaux). Ces populations se caractérisent notamment par leur adhésion massive à l'Islam, et par leur forte participation aux activités économiques de la commune (populations fortement impliquées dans le commerce et le transport).

Research paper thumbnail of A Study of Digital Divide and Online Learning Habits of Senior Secondary School Students during Covid-19 Pandemic

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliometric Study of Publications on the Impact of Covid-19 and Psychology

The paper examines the global research output on psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Sco... more The paper examines the global research output on psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Scopus database was used to identify the publications on psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic from the beginning of the pandemic up to 22nd August 2022. The 11750 publications emerging from 143 countries were found on the topic. The publications from the top 10 most productive countries accounted for 87% of all publications. The highest number of publications emerged from the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. The top 10 most productive organizations and authors contributed 12.83% and 11.48% of publications respectively. The maximum number of papers were published in the Frontiers In Psychology, followed by the Asian Journal Of Psychiatry and Journal Of Affective Disorders. This study reveals that the field of psychology has received considerable attention during the ongoing COIVD-19 pandemic.In terms of authors, organizations, and countries, research collaboration is comparatively high. It is necessary to pay more attention to low-income nations. Under COVID-19, psychological research has become much more popular and important.

Research paper thumbnail of Usage de la plateforme Moodle dans l'enseignement supérieur marocain : enjeux et perspectives

RESUME Cet article a pour objectif d'étudier l'usage la plateforme Moodle et ses implications dan... more RESUME Cet article a pour objectif d'étudier l'usage la plateforme Moodle et ses implications dans l'enseignement/apprentissage de la langue française en milieu universitaire marocain. Il permet, en particulier, de mettre l'accent sur les différents outils numériques dans un objectif de personnalisation et de responsabilisation de l'apprentissage. Dans la même perspective, il questionne la pertinence et l'effet des dispositifs de formation et d'accompagnement des étudiants. Enfin, il s'agit d'envisager la possibilité de mutualiser les ressources et l'ingénierie pédagogique pour offrir de nouvelles perspectives et répondre aux besoins de l'enseignement supérieur. Une étude empirique basée sur des méthodes d'investigation aussi bien quantitatives que qualitatives a été menée dans le cadre de ce travail. Mots-clés : Plateforme-usage-personnalisation-l'enseignement/apprentissage Abstract This article aims to study the use of the Moodle platform and its implications in the teaching/learning of the French language in a Moroccan university environment. It allows, in particular, to focus on the various digital tools in an objective of personalization and empowerment of learning. In the same perspective, it questions the relevance and the effect of the training and support devices for students. Finally, it is a question of considering the possibility of pooling resources and pedagogical engineering to offer new perspectives and meet the needs of higher education. An empirical study based on both quantitative and qualitative methods of investigation was conducted as part of this work.

Research paper thumbnail of Disaster Management of Public Secondary Schools in Antique Province

Objective-This descriptive study primarily aims to assess the level of disaster management of pub... more Objective-This descriptive study primarily aims to assess the level of disaster management of public secondary schools in Antique Province, Philippines Methodology-The study was conducted using the descriptive survey design. Data were gathered using an instrument on Safety Checklist and interpreted using frequency, percentage, and mean. The researchers adapted the standardized questionnaire from Gawad KALASAG (National Disaster Risk Reduction Management). Finding-Findings revealed that as an entire group and in terms of school size and location, the schools are less prepared in the conduct of drills and school mapping, prepared in school preparedness plan. As to safety check on health and environment, schools are prepared in school safety but very prepared in school security and health and environment safety and when categorized as to variables. Regardless of size and location, school safety is less prepared. In conclusion, most schools have not undertaken any drill on tsunami and landslide but are prepared for earthquake and fire drills. It is recommended that local government units should coordinate with schools to achieve its mandate on disaster management. Novelty-The study proposes planning programs and strategies to achieve the mandate of schools and LGUs on disaster management. Likewise, secondary schools proposes an E-School Investment Plan and Annual Investment Plan on disaster preparedness, and effort should be exerted to conduct drills on flood, landslide, mudslide and tsunami to heighten the awareness and preparation of the students and faculty to continuously improve on the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management.

Research paper thumbnail of Leadership And Political Crises in Nigeria's Democratic Rule (1999-2019

This study examined the relationship between the disposition and character of successive Nigerian... more This study examined the relationship between the disposition and character of successive Nigerian leadership and the emergence of political crises from 1999 to 2019. The Nigerian state has been faced with several crises since her formation but there is no gainsaying the point that major crises in Nigeria, especially since 1999, in most instances have their roots in the quest for political dominance and unsavory styles of elite leadership. This work made use of quantitative data sourced and collated from various secondary sources. To explain the variables (leadership styles and their crises generation or diffusion tendencies),descriptive research design was adopted.The qualitative content analysis method was adopted. Study revealed that Nigerian leadership exhibits corrupt tendencies; there is wanton absence of exemplary leadership and lack of patriotism on the part of the ruling class; and all of these negative attributes fuel sociopolitical stagnation, discontent and ultimately leads to political crises. It was also found that the rampantcases of disregard for the rule of law by leadership promote crises in the polity. The study recommended reorientation of leadership on ethical values that would encourage patriotism, building of strong institutions rather than strong men,true federalism by devolving the enormous powers of the central government to the federating states and stipulation and enforcement of stricter penalties against proven cases of corruption by leadership.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Psychological and Social impacts of Bariatric surgery in the Indian context: A Qualitative study

Obesity is a major concern and health condition people face which also comes with a high risk of ... more Obesity is a major concern and health condition people face which also comes with a high risk of morbidity and mortality. With help of new medical science Bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) is a positive option for patients. The study mainly focuses on filling in the knowledge gap about the psychological and social impacts of the procedure as there is minimal research and providing a holistic treatment plan for adjustment post the procedure. The above qualitative study was conducted with the help of semi-structured interviews and the participant was selected with help of purposive sampling. Thematic analysis results revealed various themes which highlighted the need for psychological and social adjustments like the role of the adaption of post-recovery changes, the role of medical counseling, the role of family support, the social response, the role of physical appearance, and motivation, willingness to perform task and activities, secretiveness in sharing the information. The gap of knowledge in the Indian context is filled and the importance of psychological and social adjustments with the physical recovery is marked out. Along with providing the patients with a holistic recovery treatment plan post-surgery, Psychoeducation for patients in their pre and post-recovery as well as with family as the support system in process of recovery is seen as important.

Research paper thumbnail of Product Quality and Customer Loyalty in Telecommunications Industry in Nigeria: A Theoretical Review

The study reviewed the telecommunications industry, product caliber and client loyalty. Product q... more The study reviewed the telecommunications industry, product caliber and client loyalty. Product quality has great effect on the growth of clients' fidelity in communications sector. Objective of this study was to review literature related to In Nigeria's telecommunications business, product quality and client loyalty are important factors. The eight criteria for product quality are: functionality, features, conformity, dependability, durability, usability, aesthetics, and consumer perception of quality that are widely used to evaluate customers' loyalty showed positive results in empirical researches. The reviewed papers' findings for this study variously found significant correlationinvolvingproductsuperiorityas well as customers' reliability in many organizations studied: telecommunications sector; banking industry; healthcare sector; tourism and hospitality industry and others. It has been concluded that management of the telecommunications companies especially, the mobile phone will find this study useful in their decision regarding customers' loyalty if the results of this research are used. It is suggested that service providers should attend to customers' request promptly and network failures reports must be made available to customers as quickly as possible to avoid frustrations on customers.

Research paper thumbnail of "A Study on Preference and Satisfaction for IPO Investors in Ahmedabad City"

IPO is a milestone in a Corporation financial strategy it is gaining important worldwide as an im... more IPO is a milestone in a Corporation financial strategy it is gaining important worldwide as an importance source of funds for the company to accelerate their growth by using the mobilized funds to innovation strategy as well as considered as an important tool for investment since it offer huge profit on listing day.In this study we analysis investor's preference and satisfaction for investment in IPO in Ahmedabad city. The period of study the is from August 2022-January 2023 The sample for study includes 150 respondents. the results of their study will throw light on the preference and satisfaction of the IPO's which are majority considered as speculative tool and hence support the respondents for better decision making for investment. The finding will also help to conclude if IPO can be long term investment tool or speculative opportunity to earn booming profit.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling Land-Use Change and Forest Carbon Stock Changes for Forests Reserves in Nigeria

Nigeria's forest reserves are severely impacted by human activity, which alters their natural sta... more Nigeria's forest reserves are severely impacted by human activity, which alters their natural state and has a negative effect on the ecology and biodiversity. The continuing indiscriminate felling of trees for construction, fuelwood, agricultural use, grazing, and hunting without a replacement has degraded the forest ecology and caused the extinction of rare and irreplaceable trees, fauna, and biodiversity. This study presents an in-depth analysis of land-use change and forest carbon stock changes in forest reserves in Nigeria. By utilising remote sensing, GIS techniques, and field surveys, we quantify the impacts of land-use changes on forest carbon stocks and provide recommendations for sustainable forest management practices. Our findings indicate that between 1990 and 2020, forest cover in Nigerian forest reserves decreased by 25%, while agricultural lands and urban areas increased by 20% and 15%, respectively. As a result, forest carbon stocks decreased by approximately 10% during this period. The Land Change Modeler (LCM) projections suggest a continued decline in forest cover under the business-as-usual scenario, with a potential loss of an additional 15% by 2050. By offering valuable insights for policymakers, conservationists, and other stakeholders, this study emphasises the need for immediate action to preserve Nigeria's forest reserves and their vital ecosystem services.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling And Evaluation Of The Effects Of Deforestation On Carbon Stocks In Nigeria: A Case Study Of 36 States And The Fct

Nigeria's forests are under severe human interference, distorting their natural state and negativ... more Nigeria's forests are under severe human interference, distorting their natural state and negatively impacting the biodiversity composition and the environment. The continued indiscriminate cutting down of trees without replacement for constructions, fuelwood, agricultural purpose, grazing and hunting has led to the degradation of the forest ecosystem, extinction of valuable trees, wildlife and loss of biodiversity. Forested land significantly mitigates global warming by carbon stocking and sequestrating elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) globally. Forested land is critical in mitigating global warming by stocking carbon and sequestering elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) globally. This study uses data and statistical figures to evaluate deforestation's effects on carbon stocking (CS) across Nigeria's 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The results reveal variations in tree cover loss (TCL-kg-ha) and carbon stocks across the states, with a 35% average decrease in tree cover and a 30% reduction in carbon stocks between 2010 and 2022. These findings highlight the need for targeted interventions to enhance carbon sequestration and improve climate change mitigation strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of 0904126128.pdf

The basic requirements for any E-commerce transaction are privacy, authentication, integrity, and... more The basic requirements for any E-commerce transaction are privacy, authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation. This paper presents a transaction processing for an E-commerce application by using a Blockchain technology.

Research paper thumbnail of A Study on Consumer Behavior towards Online Shopping in Punjab (With Special Reference to Sangrur and Patiala Districts

Online shopping is gaining popularity day by day in the current market scene. People of all age g... more Online shopping is gaining popularity day by day in the current market scene. People of all age groups frequently visit a plethora of e-commerce websites to buy the necessaries and luxuries of life. In this context, the the present study endeavours to comprehend the awareness and priorities of consumers towards various products being offered by various e-commerce platforms, to understand the frequency of online shopping and the factors that affect online purchases and the method that consumers adopt to make the payments for the purchases they make online. The study is empirical in nature and cross-sectional research design was applied and the primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire. The study has taken a sample size of 200 respondents from Punjab residents mainly residing in Sangrur and Patiala Districts by applying judgemental and convenience sampling method. This study made use of Buyer Black Box Model in order to analyse the various factors that facilitate the online shopping behaviour of the consumers. Furthermore, Hierarchy of Effects Model was also used to study the inclination, habits and intentions shown by the consumers when they go for online shopping. Apart from this, a separate gender-wise differentiation was also made to know how Male and Female respond to a particular category of product consists of Apparels, Beauty products, Household items, Electronic Gadgets etc. A preference measurement check was made to know the perception of consumers regarding the most famous ecommerce websites i.e. AMAZON, FLIPKART, SNAPDEAL, MYNTRA and others. The study has a massive future scope as it can be done among different demographic profile & in other cities. The Internet has become an essential part of our daily life, and companies realise that the Internet can be a shopping channel to reach existing and potential consumers. The emergence and exponential growth of Internet and E-commerce has revolutionsed the way of today's living of not only consumers but also of companies, suppliers and middlemen.

Research paper thumbnail of Conservation of Ocean Resource of High Sea: A Study of Sustainability of Biodiversity in Area Beyond National Jurisdiction

Oceans are essential ecosystem of Earth's ecology since it covers more than 70 percent of the pla... more Oceans are essential ecosystem of Earth's ecology since it covers more than 70 percent of the planet's surface and offers important nutrients for human survival. The oceans or the high seas outside of any country's jurisdictional waters, is home to rich biodiversity and valuable resources. The long-term survival of marine life and ecosystems is in serious jeopardy due to overfishing, pollution, climate change, and other human activities. The long-term viability of marine life and the preservation of maritime resources is a matter to be investigated. By evaluating relevant literature and collecting data from numerous sources, this study investigates the current condition of high seas conservation, the challenges of conserving high seas biodiversity, and the effectiveness of existing conservation initiatives. The research stresses the importance of better governance, stricter enforcement of conservation measures, and the creation of marine protected areas as part of a comprehensive and integrated plan for protecting the oceans. Insights into the future of conservation on the oceans beyond national jurisdiction and recommendations for improving current efforts are provided in this study. The establishment of a legally obligatory instrument for the protection and equitable utilisation of natural resources in regions outside national borders having the conservation programs, and enhanced scientific understanding and data exchange are the need of the present day globalized world. There is a need for addressing the issues influencing the protection of the high seas and supporting the maintainable governance of ocean flora and fauna, conserving the long-term health and vitality of the ocean and its biodiversity and safeguarding the welfare of future generations.

Research paper thumbnail of Harishankar Parsai (22Aug. 1922-10 Aug. 1995): The Critic of Post-Independent India Sanjna

This research examines how far the prose works of Harishankar Parsai are a scathing attack on asp... more This research examines how far the prose works of Harishankar Parsai are a scathing attack on aspects of Post-Independent India. This research draws upon mostly primary sources, including satires of Parsai and a few other satirists who targeted politics. To do this, it will be necessary first to examine the political conditions in democratic India and what made Parsai target politics with his satires. I will also examine Parsai's thoughts on satire which he penned in his essay, Vyangya Kyon? Kaise? Kis Liye? Secondly, to scrutinize more about the political conditions, I will chiefly look at some of his works like A Shivering Republic (Thithurta Hua Gantantra), Inspector Matadeen on the Moon (Inspector Matadeen Chaand Par), Sheep and wolves (Bhede Aur Bhediye), Handicapped Politics (Viklaang Rajneeti), Ek Gaubhakt se bhaint, Sudama's Rice (Sudamakechawal), Contesting an election in Bihar (Hum Bihar mein chunaav ladd rahe hain), and Bholaram's Spirit (Bholaram ka Jeev). "The literature of Harishankar Parsai is the social and political reality of post-independent India. 1 Parsai had a major role to play in making satire a serious work of writing, and from the wider world of composition, by which he elaborated a distinctive and unique language style within the prevailing genres, just as a great writer did his own special work in genres." (Shrotriya) As per my knowledge, till now, the research work done on the literature of Harishankar Parsai and critical books that have been published include are Dr.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence Of Leg -Body Ratio on Nordic Hamstring Strength Test in Football Players -A Criterion Validity Study

BACKGROUND: Hamstring injury is most common in sports especially in football players, due to over... more BACKGROUND: Hamstring injury is most common in sports especially in football players, due to over force and acting of muscle in both open and closed kinematics. Based on previous studies Nordic hamstring strength exercises prevent hamstring injuries. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to find whether the leg-body ratio will have any impact on the Nordic hamstring strength test or not. STUDY DESIGN: Correlational study design. SUBJECT: 50 subjects were selected football players. They received training 5 times and one official match per week and are semi-professional football players. PROCEDURE: A video-based Nordic hamstring strength test is performed on participants to analyze the Nordic break point angle (Eccentric mode). In Isometric mode, the tester stabilized the player on plantarflexed ankles at 20º. The video-based hamstring strength test is reliable and valid to measure eccentric hamstring strength among football players and it is less time-consuming it could be carried out in clinics or training grounds. OUTCOME MEASURES: Dartfish analysis software. RESULTS: The result of this study shows that leg body ratio and both isometric and eccentric Nordic hamstring strength tests as a positive correlation. CONCLUSION: There is a positive correlation between the Leg body ratio in isometric and eccentric Nordic hamstring strength tests.

Research paper thumbnail of AGRI-Woman Entrepreneurship: Understanding a Journey from Periphery to Centre

Rural female's participation and contribution in the development of the rural sector have been on... more Rural female's participation and contribution in the development of the rural sector have been one of the most neglected and discriminate assessed area of the study. Various efforts have been made and studies have been done so par on the diversified growing participation of urban females in development activities of different sector. But active involvement of rural as well as non-rural sector has been overlooked by passed, under estimated.The journey of a woman in agricultural sector is very long from a supporting role to centre role, howeverthis journey not ended. The role of women in agribusiness is now a days creating her individual identity as an entrepreneur and increasing the opportunities for entrepreneurship.

Research paper thumbnail of Fixed point theorems for weakly contractive mappings in S-metric space

In this paper, we shall introduce the new notion of generalized ∫ weak contraction and (,) weak c... more In this paper, we shall introduce the new notion of generalized ∫ weak contraction and (,) weak contraction. Some fixed point theorems in-metric space are also proved using these contractions.

Research paper thumbnail of Association between Osteoporosis and Periodontal Disease -An Update

Osteoporosis and periodontitis affect a large number of men and women worldwide with increase in ... more Osteoporosis and periodontitis affect a large number of men and women worldwide with increase in incidence with advancing age. Periodontitis has long been defined as an infection mediated destruction of the alveolar bone and soft tissue attachment of the tooth, responsible for tooth loss among adult populations. Several studies support an association of osteoporosis with the onset and progression of periodontal disease in humans. Systemic loss of bone density in osteoporosis including that of the oral cavity may provide a host system that is increasingly susceptible to infectious destruction of periodontal tissue. Understanding the association between these common diseases and the mechanisms underlying these associations will aid health professionals to provide improved means to prevent, diagnose and treat these very common diseases.

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Graphic Organizer Strategy on Achievement in Geography among Secondary School Students

The most effective learning takes place when there is a maximum of mental activity. A good teache... more The most effective learning takes place when there is a maximum of mental activity. A good teacher should be one who knows many effective techniques to impart knowledge to his pupils. The present study was an attempt to find out the effectiveness of Graphic organizer Strategy over the existing method of teaching on achievement in Geography among Secondary School students. The graphic organizers are designed to facilitate understanding of key concepts by allowing students to visually identify key points and ideas. Use of graphic organizers across all subject areas, will be empowering students to master subject matter faster and more effectively. The present study has been conducted employing the experimental method, and the design used was the pre-test post-test non-equivalent group design. The sample consisted of 60 secondary school students, comprising two intact class groups (30 pupils each) as the experimental and control groups respectively. The study made use of two types of lesson transcripts, and achievement test in geography. Statistical techniques used were mean difference analysis. Analysis of the data revealed that students taught through Graphic organizer strategy performed better than those who were taught through existing method of teaching. Graphic organizer strategy helps the students to understand the Geography concepts easily and it will remain in memory for a long time.

Research paper thumbnail of Territorialisation Religieuse En Milieu Urbain : Cas D'abobo Sud (Abidjan-Côte D'ivoire

a été retenu comme champ d'expérimentation. La méthodologie de collecte de données s'est basée su... more a été retenu comme champ d'expérimentation. La méthodologie de collecte de données s'est basée sur la recherche documentaire, et sur des entretiens avec des responsables de l'administration en charge du culte et des responsables de communautés cultuelles. L'utilisation du GPS a permis d'inventorier, de géolocaliser les lieux de culte islamique et de déterminer leurs quartiers d'appartenance par l'entremise d'un SIG. L'étude révèle que le Sud d'Abobo est un territoire d'impact religieux musulman. De ce fait, la partie Sud d'Abobo abrite en grande majorité des populations originaires du monde savanicole de la Côte d'Ivoire (Mandé du Nord, Voltaïque et non nationaux). Ces populations se caractérisent notamment par leur adhésion massive à l'Islam, et par leur forte participation aux activités économiques de la commune (populations fortement impliquées dans le commerce et le transport).

Research paper thumbnail of A Study of Digital Divide and Online Learning Habits of Senior Secondary School Students during Covid-19 Pandemic

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliometric Study of Publications on the Impact of Covid-19 and Psychology

The paper examines the global research output on psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Sco... more The paper examines the global research output on psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Scopus database was used to identify the publications on psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic from the beginning of the pandemic up to 22nd August 2022. The 11750 publications emerging from 143 countries were found on the topic. The publications from the top 10 most productive countries accounted for 87% of all publications. The highest number of publications emerged from the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. The top 10 most productive organizations and authors contributed 12.83% and 11.48% of publications respectively. The maximum number of papers were published in the Frontiers In Psychology, followed by the Asian Journal Of Psychiatry and Journal Of Affective Disorders. This study reveals that the field of psychology has received considerable attention during the ongoing COIVD-19 pandemic.In terms of authors, organizations, and countries, research collaboration is comparatively high. It is necessary to pay more attention to low-income nations. Under COVID-19, psychological research has become much more popular and important.

Research paper thumbnail of Usage de la plateforme Moodle dans l'enseignement supérieur marocain : enjeux et perspectives

RESUME Cet article a pour objectif d'étudier l'usage la plateforme Moodle et ses implications dan... more RESUME Cet article a pour objectif d'étudier l'usage la plateforme Moodle et ses implications dans l'enseignement/apprentissage de la langue française en milieu universitaire marocain. Il permet, en particulier, de mettre l'accent sur les différents outils numériques dans un objectif de personnalisation et de responsabilisation de l'apprentissage. Dans la même perspective, il questionne la pertinence et l'effet des dispositifs de formation et d'accompagnement des étudiants. Enfin, il s'agit d'envisager la possibilité de mutualiser les ressources et l'ingénierie pédagogique pour offrir de nouvelles perspectives et répondre aux besoins de l'enseignement supérieur. Une étude empirique basée sur des méthodes d'investigation aussi bien quantitatives que qualitatives a été menée dans le cadre de ce travail. Mots-clés : Plateforme-usage-personnalisation-l'enseignement/apprentissage Abstract This article aims to study the use of the Moodle platform and its implications in the teaching/learning of the French language in a Moroccan university environment. It allows, in particular, to focus on the various digital tools in an objective of personalization and empowerment of learning. In the same perspective, it questions the relevance and the effect of the training and support devices for students. Finally, it is a question of considering the possibility of pooling resources and pedagogical engineering to offer new perspectives and meet the needs of higher education. An empirical study based on both quantitative and qualitative methods of investigation was conducted as part of this work.

Research paper thumbnail of Disaster Management of Public Secondary Schools in Antique Province

Objective-This descriptive study primarily aims to assess the level of disaster management of pub... more Objective-This descriptive study primarily aims to assess the level of disaster management of public secondary schools in Antique Province, Philippines Methodology-The study was conducted using the descriptive survey design. Data were gathered using an instrument on Safety Checklist and interpreted using frequency, percentage, and mean. The researchers adapted the standardized questionnaire from Gawad KALASAG (National Disaster Risk Reduction Management). Finding-Findings revealed that as an entire group and in terms of school size and location, the schools are less prepared in the conduct of drills and school mapping, prepared in school preparedness plan. As to safety check on health and environment, schools are prepared in school safety but very prepared in school security and health and environment safety and when categorized as to variables. Regardless of size and location, school safety is less prepared. In conclusion, most schools have not undertaken any drill on tsunami and landslide but are prepared for earthquake and fire drills. It is recommended that local government units should coordinate with schools to achieve its mandate on disaster management. Novelty-The study proposes planning programs and strategies to achieve the mandate of schools and LGUs on disaster management. Likewise, secondary schools proposes an E-School Investment Plan and Annual Investment Plan on disaster preparedness, and effort should be exerted to conduct drills on flood, landslide, mudslide and tsunami to heighten the awareness and preparation of the students and faculty to continuously improve on the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management.

Research paper thumbnail of Leadership And Political Crises in Nigeria's Democratic Rule (1999-2019

This study examined the relationship between the disposition and character of successive Nigerian... more This study examined the relationship between the disposition and character of successive Nigerian leadership and the emergence of political crises from 1999 to 2019. The Nigerian state has been faced with several crises since her formation but there is no gainsaying the point that major crises in Nigeria, especially since 1999, in most instances have their roots in the quest for political dominance and unsavory styles of elite leadership. This work made use of quantitative data sourced and collated from various secondary sources. To explain the variables (leadership styles and their crises generation or diffusion tendencies),descriptive research design was adopted.The qualitative content analysis method was adopted. Study revealed that Nigerian leadership exhibits corrupt tendencies; there is wanton absence of exemplary leadership and lack of patriotism on the part of the ruling class; and all of these negative attributes fuel sociopolitical stagnation, discontent and ultimately leads to political crises. It was also found that the rampantcases of disregard for the rule of law by leadership promote crises in the polity. The study recommended reorientation of leadership on ethical values that would encourage patriotism, building of strong institutions rather than strong men,true federalism by devolving the enormous powers of the central government to the federating states and stipulation and enforcement of stricter penalties against proven cases of corruption by leadership.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Psychological and Social impacts of Bariatric surgery in the Indian context: A Qualitative study

Obesity is a major concern and health condition people face which also comes with a high risk of ... more Obesity is a major concern and health condition people face which also comes with a high risk of morbidity and mortality. With help of new medical science Bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) is a positive option for patients. The study mainly focuses on filling in the knowledge gap about the psychological and social impacts of the procedure as there is minimal research and providing a holistic treatment plan for adjustment post the procedure. The above qualitative study was conducted with the help of semi-structured interviews and the participant was selected with help of purposive sampling. Thematic analysis results revealed various themes which highlighted the need for psychological and social adjustments like the role of the adaption of post-recovery changes, the role of medical counseling, the role of family support, the social response, the role of physical appearance, and motivation, willingness to perform task and activities, secretiveness in sharing the information. The gap of knowledge in the Indian context is filled and the importance of psychological and social adjustments with the physical recovery is marked out. Along with providing the patients with a holistic recovery treatment plan post-surgery, Psychoeducation for patients in their pre and post-recovery as well as with family as the support system in process of recovery is seen as important.

Research paper thumbnail of Product Quality and Customer Loyalty in Telecommunications Industry in Nigeria: A Theoretical Review

The study reviewed the telecommunications industry, product caliber and client loyalty. Product q... more The study reviewed the telecommunications industry, product caliber and client loyalty. Product quality has great effect on the growth of clients' fidelity in communications sector. Objective of this study was to review literature related to In Nigeria's telecommunications business, product quality and client loyalty are important factors. The eight criteria for product quality are: functionality, features, conformity, dependability, durability, usability, aesthetics, and consumer perception of quality that are widely used to evaluate customers' loyalty showed positive results in empirical researches. The reviewed papers' findings for this study variously found significant correlationinvolvingproductsuperiorityas well as customers' reliability in many organizations studied: telecommunications sector; banking industry; healthcare sector; tourism and hospitality industry and others. It has been concluded that management of the telecommunications companies especially, the mobile phone will find this study useful in their decision regarding customers' loyalty if the results of this research are used. It is suggested that service providers should attend to customers' request promptly and network failures reports must be made available to customers as quickly as possible to avoid frustrations on customers.

Research paper thumbnail of "A Study on Preference and Satisfaction for IPO Investors in Ahmedabad City"

IPO is a milestone in a Corporation financial strategy it is gaining important worldwide as an im... more IPO is a milestone in a Corporation financial strategy it is gaining important worldwide as an importance source of funds for the company to accelerate their growth by using the mobilized funds to innovation strategy as well as considered as an important tool for investment since it offer huge profit on listing day.In this study we analysis investor's preference and satisfaction for investment in IPO in Ahmedabad city. The period of study the is from August 2022-January 2023 The sample for study includes 150 respondents. the results of their study will throw light on the preference and satisfaction of the IPO's which are majority considered as speculative tool and hence support the respondents for better decision making for investment. The finding will also help to conclude if IPO can be long term investment tool or speculative opportunity to earn booming profit.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling Land-Use Change and Forest Carbon Stock Changes for Forests Reserves in Nigeria

Nigeria's forest reserves are severely impacted by human activity, which alters their natural sta... more Nigeria's forest reserves are severely impacted by human activity, which alters their natural state and has a negative effect on the ecology and biodiversity. The continuing indiscriminate felling of trees for construction, fuelwood, agricultural use, grazing, and hunting without a replacement has degraded the forest ecology and caused the extinction of rare and irreplaceable trees, fauna, and biodiversity. This study presents an in-depth analysis of land-use change and forest carbon stock changes in forest reserves in Nigeria. By utilising remote sensing, GIS techniques, and field surveys, we quantify the impacts of land-use changes on forest carbon stocks and provide recommendations for sustainable forest management practices. Our findings indicate that between 1990 and 2020, forest cover in Nigerian forest reserves decreased by 25%, while agricultural lands and urban areas increased by 20% and 15%, respectively. As a result, forest carbon stocks decreased by approximately 10% during this period. The Land Change Modeler (LCM) projections suggest a continued decline in forest cover under the business-as-usual scenario, with a potential loss of an additional 15% by 2050. By offering valuable insights for policymakers, conservationists, and other stakeholders, this study emphasises the need for immediate action to preserve Nigeria's forest reserves and their vital ecosystem services.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling And Evaluation Of The Effects Of Deforestation On Carbon Stocks In Nigeria: A Case Study Of 36 States And The Fct

Nigeria's forests are under severe human interference, distorting their natural state and negativ... more Nigeria's forests are under severe human interference, distorting their natural state and negatively impacting the biodiversity composition and the environment. The continued indiscriminate cutting down of trees without replacement for constructions, fuelwood, agricultural purpose, grazing and hunting has led to the degradation of the forest ecosystem, extinction of valuable trees, wildlife and loss of biodiversity. Forested land significantly mitigates global warming by carbon stocking and sequestrating elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) globally. Forested land is critical in mitigating global warming by stocking carbon and sequestering elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) globally. This study uses data and statistical figures to evaluate deforestation's effects on carbon stocking (CS) across Nigeria's 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The results reveal variations in tree cover loss (TCL-kg-ha) and carbon stocks across the states, with a 35% average decrease in tree cover and a 30% reduction in carbon stocks between 2010 and 2022. These findings highlight the need for targeted interventions to enhance carbon sequestration and improve climate change mitigation strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of 0904126128.pdf

The basic requirements for any E-commerce transaction are privacy, authentication, integrity, and... more The basic requirements for any E-commerce transaction are privacy, authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation. This paper presents a transaction processing for an E-commerce application by using a Blockchain technology.