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Diglosia, Feb 1, 2023
This research aims to analyze the personality of the character Meirose in the film Surga yang Tak... more This research aims to analyze the personality of the character Meirose in the film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan based on Abraham Maslow's theory of humanistic psychology. The approach used in this study is a literary psychology approach. The auxiliary theory used is Abraham Maslow's theory of humanistic psychology. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the type of library research. The research results show that Meirose's character in Surga yang Tak Dirindukan film has a drastic personality change. Meirose's character at the story's beginning is easily discouraged, moody, and vindictive. It occurs due to physiological needs not being met, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. By not fulfilling physiological and psychological needs, Meirose's character experiences a mental shock that makes her try to fulfil all her needs. One of the things that can help meet Meirose's needs is to become the second wife of the character Prasetya. Meirose's physiological needs are met after becoming Prasetya's wife. Even so, her psychological needs have not been completely fulfilled because of his status as a second wife. Meirose's personality becomes patient, religious, and strong by meeting physiological and psychological needs. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kepribadian tokoh Meirose dalam film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan berdasarkan teori psikologi humanistik Abraham Maslow. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan psikologi sastra. Teori bantu yang digunakan adalah teori psikologi humanistik Abraham Maslow. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tokoh Meirose dalam film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan mengalami perubahan kepribadian secara drastis. Kepribadian tokoh Meirose pada awal cerita adalah mudah putus asa, pemurung, dan pendendam. Hal ini terjadi akibat tidak tercapainya kebutuhan secara fisiologis, kebutuhan rasa aman, kebutuhan rasa cinta dan memiliki, kebutuhan harga diri dan kebutuhan aktualisasi diri. Dengan tidak tercapainya kebutuhan fisiologis dan kebutuhan psikis, maka tokoh Meirose mengalami guncangan jiwa yang membuatnya berusaha untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhannya. Salah satu hal yang dapat membantu terpenuhinya kebutuhan Meirose adalah dengan menjadi istri kedua dari tokoh Prasetya. Kebutuhan Meirose secara fisiologis terpenuhi setelah menjadi istri Prasetya. Meskipun begitu, kebutuhan secara psikis belum sempurna terpenuhi karena statusnya sebagai istri kedua. Dengan tercapainya kebutuhan fisiologis dan psikis, kepribadian Meirose menjadi penyabar, religius, dan kuat.
Literary works are cultural objects of industrial products. Speaking about the production of lite... more Literary works are cultural objects of industrial products. Speaking about the production of literary works meant dealing with laws (systems, mechanisms, and strategies) imposed by the institution concerned-producing, ie the publisher. Therefore, publisher institution (chicklit novel and Teenlit) will create a typical industrial laws, which differ from the laws of other publisher institutions. Systems and mechanisms production of chicklit and Teenlit novel consist of the publisher profile, script acquisition (recruitment), script editing (editing), and script distribution (distribution). Publisher profile includes the publisher history, the publisher specifications and product diversification, as well as the publisher contact. In the modern business communication, publisher identity is as important as product identity. Consumer's trust is built through the image depiction of products and publisher, thus publisher profile becomes the main reference for consumers. Therefore, in the publisher profile description, it always emphasized its excellence experience (history) in publishing the kind of novel as mentioned before, the specifications and features of products they produce, as well as the tools and the modern systems-mechanisms production (worker qualification, printing machines, management). In relation to the publisher profile, some publishers, Elex Media Komputindo, GagasMedia, and Gramedia Pustaka Utama, have been uniquely designing and presenting (honest, intelligent, and "hanging") and convince the society of readers, especially the readers of Teenlit and chicklit novel.
Humanika, Dec 1, 2015
An author creative process includes the issue of why and how the author wrote the novel. Among th... more An author creative process includes the issue of why and how the author wrote the novel. Among the chicklit and Teenlit novelists there are similar supporting factors, namely talent, hobby, intelligence, and daily life experience around them. The Supporting factors are then combined with skills, methods and storytelling which spontaneous and honest.They never thought about storytelling techniques when writing a novel. They do not think about the structure of fiction such as the grooves, figure-characterizations, backgrounds, storytelling, and so on.The creative process of the authors can not be separated from the influence of life in their surrounding environment that provides reality as a source of inspiration to write the story. The reality is in the form of social problems, personal problems, society, humanity, divinity, and so on. All sorts of information and experience are gained through association and access to information technology. All are quickly and simultaneously enrich the treasury of their knowledge so that they can talk anywhere, anytime, and about anything. Thus, the young chicklit and Teenlit novelists become successful and famous is not in a sudden and without a process. Nor because special facilities given by publisher or certain parties, but through hard work. Lot of terms and conditions that they can meet through their struggle.Thus, it can be concluded that the creative process of chicklit and Teenlit novelist is a blend of natural talent, hobby, intelligence, and life experience, supporting by intelligence, hard work, a wealth of experience, breadth of relationships, social sensitivity, the ability of storytelling and writing skills.
Novel APDP bercerita keseharian hidup tokoh Medasing yang kejam terungkap dalam novel Anak Perawa... more Novel APDP bercerita keseharian hidup tokoh Medasing yang kejam terungkap dalam novel Anak Perawan Disarang Penyamun karya Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap kaitan antarunsur struktur dan eksistensi manusia. Tahap analisis dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data yang diperoleh, setelah itu dianalisis menggunakan teori struktural dan eksistensialisme Kierkegaard untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek sosial yang ada di dalamnya, yaitu aspek eksistensialisme tokoh Medasing. Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Metode ini digunakan untuk memaparkan hasil dari penelitian, struktur novel mulai dari alur pengaluran, tokoh penokohan, latar, tema dan amanat. Mendeskripsikan masalah eksistensi Kerkegaard yang terdiri dari eksistensi estetis, etis dan religius. Tokoh utama adalah Medasing, Penokohan menggunakan metode dramatik dan analitik. Alur pengaluran menggunakan alur lurus, peristiwa demi peristiwa diceritakan secara kronologis. Adapun latar novel APDP adalah di tengah-tengah hutan rimba, pada zaman dulu. Tema cerita novel APDP menggunakan tema implisit, dengan membaca secara tekun, barulah akan diketahui isi dan maksud dalam cerita novel APDP . Amanat yang terkandung pesan moral, bahwa kejahatan tidak harus dibalas dengan kejahatan. Eksistensi estetis tokoh Medasing berorientasi terbatas masalah materialistis saja, yaitu merampok. Eksistensi etis tokoh Medasing memperhatikan dunia batinnya, yaitu pernikahannya dengan Sayu. Eksistensi religius, tokoh Medasing sudah mulai menjalankan perintah agama, seperti sholat dan naik haji. Hasil penelitian novel Anak Perawan Disarang Penyamun karya Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, tokoh Medasing memilih eksistensinya dengan menjadi perampok yang kejam hingga akhirnya bertobat dan kembali ke jalan yang benar. Kejahatannya luluh dengan kesabaran dan kasih sayang yang diberikan tokoh Sayu.
Nusa, Nov 1, 2017
Popular literature is not bad literature, its standard does not lie in its inability to meet the ... more Popular literature is not bad literature, its standard does not lie in its inability to meet the demands of criticism, but on what benefits it gives to the reader. The study of popular literary structures is not important and interesting because the formulas of popular literary structures have definite and consistent criteria. However, popular sociological literary research provides another important and interesting possibility. The sociological facets of popular literature both inside and outside of the text are vast areas of literary research and have a wide range of issues. The production, distribution, and reception aspects are the areas of popular literary research outside the text whose phenomenon is constantly evolving. The social aspect in the text is the area of literary research that has unlimited problems as the object of research material, in line with the productivity of popular literature writing which is very high and fast. Popular literature as an object of research is very rich in materials and data, especially sociological materials and data that are closely related to social issues, both in the text and outside the text. The quality of literary research is actually not determined by the object of research material, but is determined by the formal object and the proper cultivation of its research and the use of appropriate theories and methods so as to produce original, important, and useful findings for the sciences and society.
E3S web of conferences, 2021
Langen Mandra Wanara is a Javanese dance-drama genre that tells Ramayana story taking place in th... more Langen Mandra Wanara is a Javanese dance-drama genre that tells Ramayana story taking place in the Kepatihan complex. It has become a very popular performing art and has been widely studied by the people of Yogyakarta. This study aimed to discuss the concept, attractiveness and development of the "Langen Mandra Wanara" art. The study used a descriptive analysis method. In this research, the data was the art of Langen Mandra Wanara from Yogyakarta, which was obtained from various secondary sources, including previous research journals, internet sites, books and documentation. The results showed that Langen Mandra Wanara has a basic concept called the Joged Mataram philosophy in dancing. At the beginning of its development, the art performance was marked by the appearance of a large number of wanara (monkey) dancers. Unlike other arts, Langen Mandra Wanara basically aims to provide entertainment to the public for free. In its development, Langen Mandra Wanara's performance declined due to the influence of the Dutch colonial economic situation. Currently, Langen Mandra Wanara shows tend to be concise, performed much shorter, and involve fewer players. Thus, the production cost of court performing arts can be reduced much cheaper than before.
Japanese literature, Oct 1, 2015
This thesis is research on any process in which students in seeking employment in Japan. The aim ... more This thesis is research on any process in which students in seeking employment in Japan. The aim of this research is to understand students preparation in seeking their first job.The methods used in this research are library research and descriptive method. The theory used in this study is etnosains and ethnometodology. The results showed that, the preparation of students in Japan with job hunting has been started from two years before they graduated. Many preparation to be done by students in order to get their desired job. The result shows that systematic employee recruitment system in Japan make students more discipline and have better plan for their future.
Nusa, May 30, 2017
Industrialization of Indonesian popular novel 1980-1990 period marked by the increasing of writin... more Industrialization of Indonesian popular novel 1980-1990 period marked by the increasing of writing productivity. That increased caused by the increasing number of readers. The increasing number of readers caused by the growing tradition of reading due to the publication of magazines and newspapers containing fictional stories (short stories, serialized stories, novella). To meet the needs of the novel in large numbers, the novel is produced in mass. The massalization of popular novel production involves four supporting elements, namely authors, publishers, distributors, and consumers. The involvement of the four supporting elements suggests that popular novel has become a useful commodity which make it to produce with industrial systems and strategies. The popular novel industry is a leisure-class product which has a very strong business spirit. Popular novels are at the center of sophisticated and modern communication solutions. Business communication is related to a variety of professions that work synergistically. Every popular novel published is the collective work of editors, illustrators, graphic design, lay-outer, offset-operation, marketing, sales-promotion, and so on. Thus, popular novels can no longer be referred as the work of individuals but it can be referred as collective work that build upon industrial law.
Humanika, Jun 25, 2021
Struggle is one thing that must be continuously strived for success. The manga Takasugi san chi n... more Struggle is one thing that must be continuously strived for success. The manga Takasugi san chi no Obentou by Nozomi Yanahara clearly shows the struggle of a young man named Harumi Takasugi to become the guardian of a minor. This study aims to find out how the process of Harumi Takasugi's struggle to become a responsible guardian in the manga Takasugi san Chi No Obentou by Nozomi Yanahara. This research is a qualitative research with a literary psychology approach, using the theory of Striving for Superiority proposed by Alfred Adler to show the beginning of a person's awakening from his sense of inferiority. The research data is taken from several scenes that show the process of Harumi Takasugi's struggle from being inferior to achieving superiority. The results of the study of the striving for superiority process show clearly that aggressiveness, self-motivation, positive thinking, self-sacrifice, and hard work make Harumi's character's striving for superiority the driving force for overcoming her feelings of inferiority and even satisfaction as the happiness Harumi feels in her life. Takasugi san Chi No Obentou manga by Nozomi Yanahara.
Nusa, Feb 27, 2020
Information technology causes cultural transformation that makes global culture is formed. Cultur... more Information technology causes cultural transformation that makes global culture is formed. Cultural products called local-genius (local wisdom) are increasingly rare, including art and literature. Classical literature is no longer lived as the orientation of the great values of the past, but is considered a cultural artifact. For modern literature when an author recognizes new conventions and values in his mind, then when he perceives and creates them into literary works, in fact he has made hybrid literature. In biology, hybrid is the result of crossing between one species with another species, naturally or through manipulation. If you look at the origins of language and literature, modern literature is actually hybrid literature, we called modern Indonesian. Really, modern Indonesian author were limited to updating the disclosure method. Basically they remain grounded in the traditions and culture that gave birth to them, which have local-genius (localwisdom).
Nusa, Feb 25, 2019
In the context of promotion there are interesting phenomena related to the process of traveling c... more In the context of promotion there are interesting phenomena related to the process of traveling chicklit and teenlit novels since going out from the publisher's warehouse to the readers. The process is through systems and mechanisms that involve many professional workers outside the field of literature. They are the marketing profession; from a publicrelation, sales-promotion, to event organizers. To spread the chicklit and teenlit novels, teamwork utilizes mass psychology conditions. The potential for public consumerism is exploited through various strategies. Every major publisher such as Elex Media Komputindo, GagasMedia, and Gramedia Pustaka Utama, has a promotion and marketing division that is responsible for selling products and ensuring the smooth distribution of products to consumers in the broadest range of regions. This business involves professional workers in certain fields that work in synergy. Promotional tips are carried out through event launching, book launching, book reviews, "meet the authors", and others. That way, marketing novels is not enough just to be stacked in a shop window, but promoted on a large scale through magazines, newspapers, book covers, even on-line bookstores (e-shop) on the internet.
Anuva: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, Perpustakaan, dan Informasi, Dec 1, 2021
The Author's Ideological Negotiation on Of Mice And Men Novel By John Steinbeck]. This research d... more The Author's Ideological Negotiation on Of Mice And Men Novel By John Steinbeck]. This research discusses about the ideological negotiation of the author in John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men. This novel represents the inevitable conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in a capitalist society. This research question is the ideology negotiated by the author in John Steinbeck's in novel Of Mice and Men. This research uses a sociological literature study approach. This research uses Antonio Gramsci's theory of the resistance of figures in capitalist society. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. From the analysis, it can be summarized that the ideology negotiated by the author in novel Of Mice and Men is the resistance to capitalist ideology represented by the main characters, George, Lennie and Curley.
E3S web of conferences, 2022
Kudus Regency is an interesting area to see its dynamics. Kudus Regency is known as the largest c... more Kudus Regency is an interesting area to see its dynamics. Kudus Regency is known as the largest clove cigarette producing city in Central Java and is also known as the city of santri. This city was the center of the development of Islam in the Middle Ages. In the past, Kudus City was named Tajug City because in that area there were many Tajugs. Tajug used to be a place of worship for Hindus in the area. Sunan Kudus approached the residents of the city of Tajug by making the structure of the Menara Kudus Mosque in the form of Tajug. Kudus Regency is an area that inherited the existence of Sunan Kudus. Efforts to revitalize past glories are a representation. Existence by building the collective memory of the people of Kudus Regency is very important. This research uses ethnographic method. This study shows that there are three important things related to the construction of Sunan Kudus as a religious icon for the people of Kudus Regency. First, Sunan Kudus is an influential Islamic preacher. Second, the construction of the collective memory of the people of Kudus Regency is related to the existence of Sunan Kudus. Third, the material culture of Sunan Kudus can still be witnessed today.
Anuva: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, Perpustakaan, dan Informasi, Dec 1, 2021
Conducted by the Pattani community, Southern Thailand in every year. This ritual is a legacy from... more Conducted by the Pattani community, Southern Thailand in every year. This ritual is a legacy from the ancestors of the Pattani people, Southern Thailand. This ritual aims to welcome the new year of Islam. This paper aims to examine the relatiobship between belief in Ashura and the myths and beliefs of the local community as well as to see the empirical ritual procession of the local community.Pattani Province, Southern Thailand is a province of mixed religions. The total population in Pattani is 95% Muslim. Thus in Pattani Province held a Bubur Sura event in the month of Muharram following the Islamic celender (Hijriah). Pattani province was chosen as a place to take research through literature studies to strengthen its explanation of myths and rituals. The Bubur Sura ritual is performed as afrom of trust, joyous and honor for its history. This ritual is performed differently in each province and every place. Some of these rituals are carried out only with the family and some are carried out in general with the provincial or specifically in certain districts. Basically, this ritual has the same essence, namely a ceremony of honor to history, the happiness of society, and unity among the people.
Anuva: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, Perpustakaan, dan Informasi, May 30, 2021
The meaning of a literary work depends on the use of language style. The use of various language ... more The meaning of a literary work depends on the use of language style. The use of various language styles by the author is intended to have a certain effect on the readers, especially on the aesthetic aspects of a literary work. The poem entitled "Sajak Cinta" by Mustofa Bisri is an interesting poem to be studied in the literary research using a stylistic approach. The purpose of this study is to describe and reveal the language style used by the author and also to find aesthetic value in this literary work. This study uses a qualitative method which aimed to find the function of language style in this literary work. The researcher focused on several elements, there are: language style, sentence structure, figure of speech, images and rhyme patterns contained in the poem entitled Love Poems.
Nusa, May 31, 2018
Some literary experts say that literary works are cultural objects and production is an industria... more Some literary experts say that literary works are cultural objects and production is an industrial process. When literature enters the territory of production then the laws imposed upon itself are industrial law. That is why when talking about the production of literary works means dealing with laws (read: systems, mechanisms, and strategies) imposed by the institution of manufacture, i.e. publishers. Whereas in industrial business competition, every producing institution besides applying the conventional laws of industry, also develops distinctive internal laws to maintain the competitive power of its institution against the strength of other producing institutions.The modern publisher as a bookproducing institution must creatively develop its industrial laws in order to compete with other similar publishers. Starting from the above references in chicklit and teenlit novel Indonesia's production article will discuss chicklit and teenlit novel production mechanism and mechanism covering three publishers, namely Elex Media Komputindo, GagasMedia, and Gramedia Pustaka Utama. The system and production mechanism in question includes the acquisition of the manuscript. Acquisition of manuscripts includes hunting and auction of manuscripts.
E3S web of conferences, 2021
This research aims to describe, mention, and analyze the family disorganization in Konon poetry b... more This research aims to describe, mention, and analyze the family disorganization in Konon poetry by Sapardi Djoko Damono. This research uses the library research method with the object of the study of Konon poetry and uses a sociological, literary approach. This research represents family disorganization in the Konon poetry by Sapardi Djoko Damono was caused by several reasons. Based on these causes, family disorganization has resulted in an imbalance of roles in the family, which will impact affection for children. Furthermore, there was found discovered the reasons for her family disorganization there are divorce, infidelity, and lack of good communication between family members.
Nusa, May 30, 2019
There are three important social-cultural functions of literary works. First, the assumption that... more There are three important social-cultural functions of literary works. First, the assumption that literary work is at the same level as the work of a priest or prophet. Second, the notion that the most important thing for the literary work is entertains. Third, the assumption that literary works should teach something with using entertaining system. The linkage of literary works to social-cultural systems can be further known by studying the value of relationships in literary works with the value of system in society. The value in literature is the system of social norms imposed in literary works, and the value of system in society is the norm system prevailing in the daily life of society. Ideally literary works should bring innovation, means renewal to the society. Therefore, the deviations of values in literary works do not imply the defiance of the standard conventions of social norms. Such deviations signify the creation of cultural dynamics, the establishment of new values. At the same time its open opportunities for people to move continuously, reconstructing thought to become more critical, analytical, and humanistic.
Fon: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
ABSTRAK: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah perubahan psikologis yang terjadi pada tokoh Azura ... more ABSTRAK: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah perubahan psikologis yang terjadi pada tokoh Azura dalam novel Persona karya Fakhrisina Amalia. Perubahan psikologis tersebut disebabkan oleh ketidakseimbangan aspek kepribadian sehingga mengakibatkan gangguan kejiwaan, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mendeskripsikan dinamika kepribadian yang dialami tokoh Azura dalam novel Persona karya Fakhrisina Amalia, 2) Memaparkan aspek gangguan kejiwaan yang dialami tokoh Azura, 3) Menjelaskan penanganan perilaku abnormal yang dialami oleh tokoh Azura. Untuk mengungkapkan permasalahan tersebut maka digunakan teori psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Teori psikoanalisis digunakan sebagai pembedah dinamika kepribadian dan gangguan kejiwaan yang terjadi. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kata-kata, kalimat, maupun paragraf yang ada dalam novel Persona karya Fakhrisina Amalia terbitan Gramedia Pustaka Utama tahun 2016. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitik. Instrument penelitian adalah p...
Jurnal Ilmiah Fonema, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dari diksi, pengimajian, dan tipografi pada puisi ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dari diksi, pengimajian, dan tipografi pada puisi yang berjudul Terengah-Engah dalam Tabung dan Selang karya Peri Sandi Huizache. Peneliti menggunakan satu judul puisi dari dua puluh dua judul puisi pada kumpulan puisi esai Mata Luka Sengkon Karta karena bertemakan kemanusiaan dan keadilan yang menjadi fenomena dan realita di negara saat ini. Data dalam pada penelitian kali ini didapatkan dari Kumpulan Puisi Esai Mata Luka Sengkon Karta Karya Peri Sandi Huizache, sedangkan sumber data berupa salah satu puisi dari kumpulan puisi esai tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang berarti fakta dan data yang telah dikumpulkan oleh peneliti berbentuk kata atau gambar. Data berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang berkaitan dengan pembahasan pada penelitian dikumpulkan dengan teknik simak catat setelah melalui pembacaan tertutup terhadap objek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data ini dilakukan dengan cara teknik pu...
Diglosia, Feb 1, 2023
This research aims to analyze the personality of the character Meirose in the film Surga yang Tak... more This research aims to analyze the personality of the character Meirose in the film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan based on Abraham Maslow's theory of humanistic psychology. The approach used in this study is a literary psychology approach. The auxiliary theory used is Abraham Maslow's theory of humanistic psychology. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the type of library research. The research results show that Meirose's character in Surga yang Tak Dirindukan film has a drastic personality change. Meirose's character at the story's beginning is easily discouraged, moody, and vindictive. It occurs due to physiological needs not being met, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. By not fulfilling physiological and psychological needs, Meirose's character experiences a mental shock that makes her try to fulfil all her needs. One of the things that can help meet Meirose's needs is to become the second wife of the character Prasetya. Meirose's physiological needs are met after becoming Prasetya's wife. Even so, her psychological needs have not been completely fulfilled because of his status as a second wife. Meirose's personality becomes patient, religious, and strong by meeting physiological and psychological needs. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kepribadian tokoh Meirose dalam film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan berdasarkan teori psikologi humanistik Abraham Maslow. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan psikologi sastra. Teori bantu yang digunakan adalah teori psikologi humanistik Abraham Maslow. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tokoh Meirose dalam film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan mengalami perubahan kepribadian secara drastis. Kepribadian tokoh Meirose pada awal cerita adalah mudah putus asa, pemurung, dan pendendam. Hal ini terjadi akibat tidak tercapainya kebutuhan secara fisiologis, kebutuhan rasa aman, kebutuhan rasa cinta dan memiliki, kebutuhan harga diri dan kebutuhan aktualisasi diri. Dengan tidak tercapainya kebutuhan fisiologis dan kebutuhan psikis, maka tokoh Meirose mengalami guncangan jiwa yang membuatnya berusaha untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhannya. Salah satu hal yang dapat membantu terpenuhinya kebutuhan Meirose adalah dengan menjadi istri kedua dari tokoh Prasetya. Kebutuhan Meirose secara fisiologis terpenuhi setelah menjadi istri Prasetya. Meskipun begitu, kebutuhan secara psikis belum sempurna terpenuhi karena statusnya sebagai istri kedua. Dengan tercapainya kebutuhan fisiologis dan psikis, kepribadian Meirose menjadi penyabar, religius, dan kuat.
Literary works are cultural objects of industrial products. Speaking about the production of lite... more Literary works are cultural objects of industrial products. Speaking about the production of literary works meant dealing with laws (systems, mechanisms, and strategies) imposed by the institution concerned-producing, ie the publisher. Therefore, publisher institution (chicklit novel and Teenlit) will create a typical industrial laws, which differ from the laws of other publisher institutions. Systems and mechanisms production of chicklit and Teenlit novel consist of the publisher profile, script acquisition (recruitment), script editing (editing), and script distribution (distribution). Publisher profile includes the publisher history, the publisher specifications and product diversification, as well as the publisher contact. In the modern business communication, publisher identity is as important as product identity. Consumer's trust is built through the image depiction of products and publisher, thus publisher profile becomes the main reference for consumers. Therefore, in the publisher profile description, it always emphasized its excellence experience (history) in publishing the kind of novel as mentioned before, the specifications and features of products they produce, as well as the tools and the modern systems-mechanisms production (worker qualification, printing machines, management). In relation to the publisher profile, some publishers, Elex Media Komputindo, GagasMedia, and Gramedia Pustaka Utama, have been uniquely designing and presenting (honest, intelligent, and "hanging") and convince the society of readers, especially the readers of Teenlit and chicklit novel.
Humanika, Dec 1, 2015
An author creative process includes the issue of why and how the author wrote the novel. Among th... more An author creative process includes the issue of why and how the author wrote the novel. Among the chicklit and Teenlit novelists there are similar supporting factors, namely talent, hobby, intelligence, and daily life experience around them. The Supporting factors are then combined with skills, methods and storytelling which spontaneous and honest.They never thought about storytelling techniques when writing a novel. They do not think about the structure of fiction such as the grooves, figure-characterizations, backgrounds, storytelling, and so on.The creative process of the authors can not be separated from the influence of life in their surrounding environment that provides reality as a source of inspiration to write the story. The reality is in the form of social problems, personal problems, society, humanity, divinity, and so on. All sorts of information and experience are gained through association and access to information technology. All are quickly and simultaneously enrich the treasury of their knowledge so that they can talk anywhere, anytime, and about anything. Thus, the young chicklit and Teenlit novelists become successful and famous is not in a sudden and without a process. Nor because special facilities given by publisher or certain parties, but through hard work. Lot of terms and conditions that they can meet through their struggle.Thus, it can be concluded that the creative process of chicklit and Teenlit novelist is a blend of natural talent, hobby, intelligence, and life experience, supporting by intelligence, hard work, a wealth of experience, breadth of relationships, social sensitivity, the ability of storytelling and writing skills.
Novel APDP bercerita keseharian hidup tokoh Medasing yang kejam terungkap dalam novel Anak Perawa... more Novel APDP bercerita keseharian hidup tokoh Medasing yang kejam terungkap dalam novel Anak Perawan Disarang Penyamun karya Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap kaitan antarunsur struktur dan eksistensi manusia. Tahap analisis dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data yang diperoleh, setelah itu dianalisis menggunakan teori struktural dan eksistensialisme Kierkegaard untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek sosial yang ada di dalamnya, yaitu aspek eksistensialisme tokoh Medasing. Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Metode ini digunakan untuk memaparkan hasil dari penelitian, struktur novel mulai dari alur pengaluran, tokoh penokohan, latar, tema dan amanat. Mendeskripsikan masalah eksistensi Kerkegaard yang terdiri dari eksistensi estetis, etis dan religius. Tokoh utama adalah Medasing, Penokohan menggunakan metode dramatik dan analitik. Alur pengaluran menggunakan alur lurus, peristiwa demi peristiwa diceritakan secara kronologis. Adapun latar novel APDP adalah di tengah-tengah hutan rimba, pada zaman dulu. Tema cerita novel APDP menggunakan tema implisit, dengan membaca secara tekun, barulah akan diketahui isi dan maksud dalam cerita novel APDP . Amanat yang terkandung pesan moral, bahwa kejahatan tidak harus dibalas dengan kejahatan. Eksistensi estetis tokoh Medasing berorientasi terbatas masalah materialistis saja, yaitu merampok. Eksistensi etis tokoh Medasing memperhatikan dunia batinnya, yaitu pernikahannya dengan Sayu. Eksistensi religius, tokoh Medasing sudah mulai menjalankan perintah agama, seperti sholat dan naik haji. Hasil penelitian novel Anak Perawan Disarang Penyamun karya Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, tokoh Medasing memilih eksistensinya dengan menjadi perampok yang kejam hingga akhirnya bertobat dan kembali ke jalan yang benar. Kejahatannya luluh dengan kesabaran dan kasih sayang yang diberikan tokoh Sayu.
Nusa, Nov 1, 2017
Popular literature is not bad literature, its standard does not lie in its inability to meet the ... more Popular literature is not bad literature, its standard does not lie in its inability to meet the demands of criticism, but on what benefits it gives to the reader. The study of popular literary structures is not important and interesting because the formulas of popular literary structures have definite and consistent criteria. However, popular sociological literary research provides another important and interesting possibility. The sociological facets of popular literature both inside and outside of the text are vast areas of literary research and have a wide range of issues. The production, distribution, and reception aspects are the areas of popular literary research outside the text whose phenomenon is constantly evolving. The social aspect in the text is the area of literary research that has unlimited problems as the object of research material, in line with the productivity of popular literature writing which is very high and fast. Popular literature as an object of research is very rich in materials and data, especially sociological materials and data that are closely related to social issues, both in the text and outside the text. The quality of literary research is actually not determined by the object of research material, but is determined by the formal object and the proper cultivation of its research and the use of appropriate theories and methods so as to produce original, important, and useful findings for the sciences and society.
E3S web of conferences, 2021
Langen Mandra Wanara is a Javanese dance-drama genre that tells Ramayana story taking place in th... more Langen Mandra Wanara is a Javanese dance-drama genre that tells Ramayana story taking place in the Kepatihan complex. It has become a very popular performing art and has been widely studied by the people of Yogyakarta. This study aimed to discuss the concept, attractiveness and development of the "Langen Mandra Wanara" art. The study used a descriptive analysis method. In this research, the data was the art of Langen Mandra Wanara from Yogyakarta, which was obtained from various secondary sources, including previous research journals, internet sites, books and documentation. The results showed that Langen Mandra Wanara has a basic concept called the Joged Mataram philosophy in dancing. At the beginning of its development, the art performance was marked by the appearance of a large number of wanara (monkey) dancers. Unlike other arts, Langen Mandra Wanara basically aims to provide entertainment to the public for free. In its development, Langen Mandra Wanara's performance declined due to the influence of the Dutch colonial economic situation. Currently, Langen Mandra Wanara shows tend to be concise, performed much shorter, and involve fewer players. Thus, the production cost of court performing arts can be reduced much cheaper than before.
Japanese literature, Oct 1, 2015
This thesis is research on any process in which students in seeking employment in Japan. The aim ... more This thesis is research on any process in which students in seeking employment in Japan. The aim of this research is to understand students preparation in seeking their first job.The methods used in this research are library research and descriptive method. The theory used in this study is etnosains and ethnometodology. The results showed that, the preparation of students in Japan with job hunting has been started from two years before they graduated. Many preparation to be done by students in order to get their desired job. The result shows that systematic employee recruitment system in Japan make students more discipline and have better plan for their future.
Nusa, May 30, 2017
Industrialization of Indonesian popular novel 1980-1990 period marked by the increasing of writin... more Industrialization of Indonesian popular novel 1980-1990 period marked by the increasing of writing productivity. That increased caused by the increasing number of readers. The increasing number of readers caused by the growing tradition of reading due to the publication of magazines and newspapers containing fictional stories (short stories, serialized stories, novella). To meet the needs of the novel in large numbers, the novel is produced in mass. The massalization of popular novel production involves four supporting elements, namely authors, publishers, distributors, and consumers. The involvement of the four supporting elements suggests that popular novel has become a useful commodity which make it to produce with industrial systems and strategies. The popular novel industry is a leisure-class product which has a very strong business spirit. Popular novels are at the center of sophisticated and modern communication solutions. Business communication is related to a variety of professions that work synergistically. Every popular novel published is the collective work of editors, illustrators, graphic design, lay-outer, offset-operation, marketing, sales-promotion, and so on. Thus, popular novels can no longer be referred as the work of individuals but it can be referred as collective work that build upon industrial law.
Humanika, Jun 25, 2021
Struggle is one thing that must be continuously strived for success. The manga Takasugi san chi n... more Struggle is one thing that must be continuously strived for success. The manga Takasugi san chi no Obentou by Nozomi Yanahara clearly shows the struggle of a young man named Harumi Takasugi to become the guardian of a minor. This study aims to find out how the process of Harumi Takasugi's struggle to become a responsible guardian in the manga Takasugi san Chi No Obentou by Nozomi Yanahara. This research is a qualitative research with a literary psychology approach, using the theory of Striving for Superiority proposed by Alfred Adler to show the beginning of a person's awakening from his sense of inferiority. The research data is taken from several scenes that show the process of Harumi Takasugi's struggle from being inferior to achieving superiority. The results of the study of the striving for superiority process show clearly that aggressiveness, self-motivation, positive thinking, self-sacrifice, and hard work make Harumi's character's striving for superiority the driving force for overcoming her feelings of inferiority and even satisfaction as the happiness Harumi feels in her life. Takasugi san Chi No Obentou manga by Nozomi Yanahara.
Nusa, Feb 27, 2020
Information technology causes cultural transformation that makes global culture is formed. Cultur... more Information technology causes cultural transformation that makes global culture is formed. Cultural products called local-genius (local wisdom) are increasingly rare, including art and literature. Classical literature is no longer lived as the orientation of the great values of the past, but is considered a cultural artifact. For modern literature when an author recognizes new conventions and values in his mind, then when he perceives and creates them into literary works, in fact he has made hybrid literature. In biology, hybrid is the result of crossing between one species with another species, naturally or through manipulation. If you look at the origins of language and literature, modern literature is actually hybrid literature, we called modern Indonesian. Really, modern Indonesian author were limited to updating the disclosure method. Basically they remain grounded in the traditions and culture that gave birth to them, which have local-genius (localwisdom).
Nusa, Feb 25, 2019
In the context of promotion there are interesting phenomena related to the process of traveling c... more In the context of promotion there are interesting phenomena related to the process of traveling chicklit and teenlit novels since going out from the publisher's warehouse to the readers. The process is through systems and mechanisms that involve many professional workers outside the field of literature. They are the marketing profession; from a publicrelation, sales-promotion, to event organizers. To spread the chicklit and teenlit novels, teamwork utilizes mass psychology conditions. The potential for public consumerism is exploited through various strategies. Every major publisher such as Elex Media Komputindo, GagasMedia, and Gramedia Pustaka Utama, has a promotion and marketing division that is responsible for selling products and ensuring the smooth distribution of products to consumers in the broadest range of regions. This business involves professional workers in certain fields that work in synergy. Promotional tips are carried out through event launching, book launching, book reviews, "meet the authors", and others. That way, marketing novels is not enough just to be stacked in a shop window, but promoted on a large scale through magazines, newspapers, book covers, even on-line bookstores (e-shop) on the internet.
Anuva: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, Perpustakaan, dan Informasi, Dec 1, 2021
The Author's Ideological Negotiation on Of Mice And Men Novel By John Steinbeck]. This research d... more The Author's Ideological Negotiation on Of Mice And Men Novel By John Steinbeck]. This research discusses about the ideological negotiation of the author in John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men. This novel represents the inevitable conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in a capitalist society. This research question is the ideology negotiated by the author in John Steinbeck's in novel Of Mice and Men. This research uses a sociological literature study approach. This research uses Antonio Gramsci's theory of the resistance of figures in capitalist society. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. From the analysis, it can be summarized that the ideology negotiated by the author in novel Of Mice and Men is the resistance to capitalist ideology represented by the main characters, George, Lennie and Curley.
E3S web of conferences, 2022
Kudus Regency is an interesting area to see its dynamics. Kudus Regency is known as the largest c... more Kudus Regency is an interesting area to see its dynamics. Kudus Regency is known as the largest clove cigarette producing city in Central Java and is also known as the city of santri. This city was the center of the development of Islam in the Middle Ages. In the past, Kudus City was named Tajug City because in that area there were many Tajugs. Tajug used to be a place of worship for Hindus in the area. Sunan Kudus approached the residents of the city of Tajug by making the structure of the Menara Kudus Mosque in the form of Tajug. Kudus Regency is an area that inherited the existence of Sunan Kudus. Efforts to revitalize past glories are a representation. Existence by building the collective memory of the people of Kudus Regency is very important. This research uses ethnographic method. This study shows that there are three important things related to the construction of Sunan Kudus as a religious icon for the people of Kudus Regency. First, Sunan Kudus is an influential Islamic preacher. Second, the construction of the collective memory of the people of Kudus Regency is related to the existence of Sunan Kudus. Third, the material culture of Sunan Kudus can still be witnessed today.
Anuva: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, Perpustakaan, dan Informasi, Dec 1, 2021
Conducted by the Pattani community, Southern Thailand in every year. This ritual is a legacy from... more Conducted by the Pattani community, Southern Thailand in every year. This ritual is a legacy from the ancestors of the Pattani people, Southern Thailand. This ritual aims to welcome the new year of Islam. This paper aims to examine the relatiobship between belief in Ashura and the myths and beliefs of the local community as well as to see the empirical ritual procession of the local community.Pattani Province, Southern Thailand is a province of mixed religions. The total population in Pattani is 95% Muslim. Thus in Pattani Province held a Bubur Sura event in the month of Muharram following the Islamic celender (Hijriah). Pattani province was chosen as a place to take research through literature studies to strengthen its explanation of myths and rituals. The Bubur Sura ritual is performed as afrom of trust, joyous and honor for its history. This ritual is performed differently in each province and every place. Some of these rituals are carried out only with the family and some are carried out in general with the provincial or specifically in certain districts. Basically, this ritual has the same essence, namely a ceremony of honor to history, the happiness of society, and unity among the people.
Anuva: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, Perpustakaan, dan Informasi, May 30, 2021
The meaning of a literary work depends on the use of language style. The use of various language ... more The meaning of a literary work depends on the use of language style. The use of various language styles by the author is intended to have a certain effect on the readers, especially on the aesthetic aspects of a literary work. The poem entitled "Sajak Cinta" by Mustofa Bisri is an interesting poem to be studied in the literary research using a stylistic approach. The purpose of this study is to describe and reveal the language style used by the author and also to find aesthetic value in this literary work. This study uses a qualitative method which aimed to find the function of language style in this literary work. The researcher focused on several elements, there are: language style, sentence structure, figure of speech, images and rhyme patterns contained in the poem entitled Love Poems.
Nusa, May 31, 2018
Some literary experts say that literary works are cultural objects and production is an industria... more Some literary experts say that literary works are cultural objects and production is an industrial process. When literature enters the territory of production then the laws imposed upon itself are industrial law. That is why when talking about the production of literary works means dealing with laws (read: systems, mechanisms, and strategies) imposed by the institution of manufacture, i.e. publishers. Whereas in industrial business competition, every producing institution besides applying the conventional laws of industry, also develops distinctive internal laws to maintain the competitive power of its institution against the strength of other producing institutions.The modern publisher as a bookproducing institution must creatively develop its industrial laws in order to compete with other similar publishers. Starting from the above references in chicklit and teenlit novel Indonesia's production article will discuss chicklit and teenlit novel production mechanism and mechanism covering three publishers, namely Elex Media Komputindo, GagasMedia, and Gramedia Pustaka Utama. The system and production mechanism in question includes the acquisition of the manuscript. Acquisition of manuscripts includes hunting and auction of manuscripts.
E3S web of conferences, 2021
This research aims to describe, mention, and analyze the family disorganization in Konon poetry b... more This research aims to describe, mention, and analyze the family disorganization in Konon poetry by Sapardi Djoko Damono. This research uses the library research method with the object of the study of Konon poetry and uses a sociological, literary approach. This research represents family disorganization in the Konon poetry by Sapardi Djoko Damono was caused by several reasons. Based on these causes, family disorganization has resulted in an imbalance of roles in the family, which will impact affection for children. Furthermore, there was found discovered the reasons for her family disorganization there are divorce, infidelity, and lack of good communication between family members.
Nusa, May 30, 2019
There are three important social-cultural functions of literary works. First, the assumption that... more There are three important social-cultural functions of literary works. First, the assumption that literary work is at the same level as the work of a priest or prophet. Second, the notion that the most important thing for the literary work is entertains. Third, the assumption that literary works should teach something with using entertaining system. The linkage of literary works to social-cultural systems can be further known by studying the value of relationships in literary works with the value of system in society. The value in literature is the system of social norms imposed in literary works, and the value of system in society is the norm system prevailing in the daily life of society. Ideally literary works should bring innovation, means renewal to the society. Therefore, the deviations of values in literary works do not imply the defiance of the standard conventions of social norms. Such deviations signify the creation of cultural dynamics, the establishment of new values. At the same time its open opportunities for people to move continuously, reconstructing thought to become more critical, analytical, and humanistic.
Fon: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
ABSTRAK: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah perubahan psikologis yang terjadi pada tokoh Azura ... more ABSTRAK: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah perubahan psikologis yang terjadi pada tokoh Azura dalam novel Persona karya Fakhrisina Amalia. Perubahan psikologis tersebut disebabkan oleh ketidakseimbangan aspek kepribadian sehingga mengakibatkan gangguan kejiwaan, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mendeskripsikan dinamika kepribadian yang dialami tokoh Azura dalam novel Persona karya Fakhrisina Amalia, 2) Memaparkan aspek gangguan kejiwaan yang dialami tokoh Azura, 3) Menjelaskan penanganan perilaku abnormal yang dialami oleh tokoh Azura. Untuk mengungkapkan permasalahan tersebut maka digunakan teori psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Teori psikoanalisis digunakan sebagai pembedah dinamika kepribadian dan gangguan kejiwaan yang terjadi. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kata-kata, kalimat, maupun paragraf yang ada dalam novel Persona karya Fakhrisina Amalia terbitan Gramedia Pustaka Utama tahun 2016. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitik. Instrument penelitian adalah p...
Jurnal Ilmiah Fonema, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dari diksi, pengimajian, dan tipografi pada puisi ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dari diksi, pengimajian, dan tipografi pada puisi yang berjudul Terengah-Engah dalam Tabung dan Selang karya Peri Sandi Huizache. Peneliti menggunakan satu judul puisi dari dua puluh dua judul puisi pada kumpulan puisi esai Mata Luka Sengkon Karta karena bertemakan kemanusiaan dan keadilan yang menjadi fenomena dan realita di negara saat ini. Data dalam pada penelitian kali ini didapatkan dari Kumpulan Puisi Esai Mata Luka Sengkon Karta Karya Peri Sandi Huizache, sedangkan sumber data berupa salah satu puisi dari kumpulan puisi esai tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang berarti fakta dan data yang telah dikumpulkan oleh peneliti berbentuk kata atau gambar. Data berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang berkaitan dengan pembahasan pada penelitian dikumpulkan dengan teknik simak catat setelah melalui pembacaan tertutup terhadap objek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data ini dilakukan dengan cara teknik pu...