R Maiuro - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by R Maiuro

Research paper thumbnail of Coping as an Index of Illness Behavior in Panic Disorder

The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1987

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex-role differentiation in a female juvenile delinquent population: Prostitute vs. control samples

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1983

... Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Me... more ... Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine ... Theoretical perspectives relating sex-role development and psychological and social adjustment have been altered dramatically ... Early sex-ual experience and prostitution. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Anger self-management in chronic traumatic brain injury: protocol for a psycho-educational treatment with a structurally equivalent control and an evaluation of treatment enactment

Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2015

Anger and irritability are important and persistent clinical problems following traumatic brain i... more Anger and irritability are important and persistent clinical problems following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Treatment options include medications, behavioral modification, and psychotherapies, but some are impractical and none have proven efficacy with this population. We describe a randomized multi-center clinical trial testing a novel, one-on-one, 8-session psychoeducational treatment program, Anger Self-Management Training (ASMT), designed specifically for people with TBI who have significant cognitive impairment. The trial is notable for its use of a structurally equivalent comparison treatment, called Personal Readjustment and Education (PRE), which was created for the study and is intended to maximize equipoise for both participants and treaters. Fidelity assessment is conducted in real time and used in therapist supervision sessions. The primary outcome is change in self-reported anger on validated measures from pre-treatment to 1 week after the final session. Secondary outcomes include participant anger as reported by a significant other; emotional distress in domains other than anger/irritability; behavioral functioning; and quality of life. An interim assessment after the 4th session will allow examination of the trajectory of any observed treatment effects, and a follow-up assessment 2 months after the end of intervention will allow examination of persistence of effects. A treatment enactment phase, in which participants are interviewed several months after the last therapy session, is designed to provide qualitative data on whether and to what extent the principles and techniques learned in treatment are still carried out in daily life.

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Research paper thumbnail of The utility of the MMPI with men who have sexually assaulted children

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986, Vol. 54, No. 4,493-496 Copyright 1986... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986, Vol. 54, No. 4,493-496 Copyright 1986 by the American Psychological Association, In ffl22^06X/86/S00.7 The Utility of the MMPI With Men Who Have Sexually Assaulted Children ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Anger, hostility, and depression in domestically violent versus generally assaultive men and nonviolent control subjects

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1988

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988, Vol. 56, No. 1,17-23 Copyright 1988 b... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988, Vol. 56, No. 1,17-23 Copyright 1988 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-006X/88/S00. 75 Anger, Hostility, and Depression in Domestically Violent Versus ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The utility of the MMPI with men who have sexually assaulted children

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986, Vol. 54, No. 4,493-496 Copyright 1986... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986, Vol. 54, No. 4,493-496 Copyright 1986 by the American Psychological Association, In ffl22^06X/86/S00.7 The Utility of the MMPI With Men Who Have Sexually Assaulted Children ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Anger, hostility, and depression in domestically violent versus generally assaultive men and nonviolent control subjects

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1988

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988, Vol. 56, No. 1,17-23 Copyright 1988 b... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988, Vol. 56, No. 1,17-23 Copyright 1988 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-006X/88/S00. 75 Anger, Hostility, and Depression in Domestically Violent Versus ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Appraised changeability of a stressor as a modifier of the relationship between coping and depression: A test of the hypothesis of fit

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1990

The goodness of fit among the appraised changeability of a stressor, coping, and depression in pe... more The goodness of fit among the appraised changeability of a stressor, coping, and depression in people with psychiatric, physical health, work, and family problems was examined (N = 746). It was expected that problem-focused coping (as opposed to emotion-focused coping) would be used more and be more adaptive in situations appraised as changeable as compared with situations appraised as not changeable. Although few relationships existed between appraisal and coping, tests of fit between coping and depressed mood (maladaption) were much stronger. In people with nonpsychiatric conditions, problem-focused coping and depressed mood were negatively related when a stressor was appraised as changeable but were unrelated when a stressor was appraised as not changeable. Emotion-focused coping was positively related to depression when a stressor was appraised as changeable. No general relations were observed in the people with psychiatric conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Are Current State Standards for Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Adequately Informed by Research?

Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 2001

Summary An empirical review and critique of existing state standards for batterer programs in the... more Summary An empirical review and critique of existing state standards for batterer programs in the domestic violence field appeared timely, given the current debate about their status and utility. Although there has been a considerable amount of polemic discussion of the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification and management of domestic violenceA randomized trial1

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Appraised changeability of a stressor as a modifier of the relationship between coping and depression: A test of the hypothesis of fit

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1990

The goodness of fit among the appraised changeability of a stressor, coping, and depression in pe... more The goodness of fit among the appraised changeability of a stressor, coping, and depression in people with psychiatric, physical health, work, and family problems was examined (N = 746). It was expected that problem-focused coping (as opposed to emotion-focused coping) would be used more and be more adaptive in situations appraised as changeable as compared with situations appraised as not changeable. Although few relationships existed between appraisal and coping, tests of fit between coping and depressed mood (maladaption) were much stronger. In people with nonpsychiatric conditions, problem-focused coping and depressed mood were negatively related when a stressor was appraised as changeable but were unrelated when a stressor was appraised as not changeable. Emotion-focused coping was positively related to depression when a stressor was appraised as changeable. No general relations were observed in the people with psychiatric conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Patient reactions to a no smoking policy in a community mental health center

Community Mental Health Journal, 1989

The prevalence of cigarette smoking in a CMHC population was surveyed and patient attitudes and a... more The prevalence of cigarette smoking in a CMHC population was surveyed and patient attitudes and affective reactions regarding the implementation of a no smoking policy were assessed. The prevalence of smoking (80-84%) was in line with previous reports which have suggested that an extraordinarily high percentage of psychiatric patients engage in cigarette smoking. Significant differences were observed between smokers' and nonsmokers' reactions to the no smoking policy which resulted partially from negative reactions by smokers but also from positive reactions by nonsmokers. Although a slight decrease in client satisfaction was observed, the emotional reactions of smokers were generally not clinically substantive. A 16 month follow-up survey of clinicians further supported the idea that the negative reactions of smokers were not of major magnitude and were probably transitory. The authors conclude that the primary effects of a mental health center smoking policy may be the protection of the service environment and improvements in the well-being of nonsmoking patients and staff who would otherwise be at risk for the effects of second hand smoke.

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Research paper thumbnail of Attitudes, Beliefs, and Self-Reported Behaviors Related to Domestic Violence Measure

PsycTESTS Dataset, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A psychoepidemiologic approach to the study of disaster

Journal of Community Psychology, 1987

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Research paper thumbnail of Anger Self-Management Training for People With Traumatic Brain Injury

Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 2012

: To examine the feasibility and gather preliminary data on the efficacy of a fully manualized, 8... more : To examine the feasibility and gather preliminary data on the efficacy of a fully manualized, 8-session, psychoeducational treatment for irritability and anger after traumatic brain injury (TBI), called anger self-management training (ASMT). : A total of 10 persons with moderate to severe, chronic TBI with significant cognitive impairment and elevated levels of anger and irritability participated in the study; 8 had significant others (SOs) who participated in portions of the treatment and provided pre- and posttreatment measures; 1 SO provided only data. : Two subscales of the State-Trait Anger Expression Scale-Revised and Brief Anger-Aggression Questionnaire. : Pre- to posttreatment pilot study. : There was significant improvement on all 3 measures of self-reported anger, with large effect sizes (>1.0), and on 1 of 3 SO-reported scales. Qualitative feedback from participants was positive and dropout rate was low (1 of 11). : The treatment model represented by the ASMT appears worthy of further study in persons with TBI who have both problematic anger and cognitive impairment.

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Research paper thumbnail of A biopsychosocial model of medical student distress

Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1988

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ways of Coping Checklist: Revision and Psychometric Properties

Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1985

This study examined the psychometric properties of the "original" seven factored scales... more This study examined the psychometric properties of the "original" seven factored scales derived by Aldwin et al. from Folkrnan and Lazarus' Ways of Coping Checklist 1:WCCL) versus a revised set of scales. Four psychometric ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Coping profiles associated with psychiatric, physical health, work, and family problems

Health Psychology, 1990

Compares the coping profiles of 11 samples (total N = 1,298) of individuals experiencing psychiat... more Compares the coping profiles of 11 samples (total N = 1,298) of individuals experiencing psychiatric, physical health, work, or family problems. Comparisons are made in individuals with and without anxiety and depression to control for the effects of distress. Coping was similar for samples in similar problem categories but different for samples in different categories. Psychiatric patients made more use of avoidance and less use of social supports than individuals in the other categories. Samples with physical health problems were among the most frequent users of social supports. Individuals with a family problem were among the most frequent users of problem-focused coping and the least frequent users of self-blame. Groups with work stress were the most frequent users of self-blame. These results suggest that coping profiles may be useful in describing and differentiating groups of stressed individuals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding and Facilitating the Change Process in Perpetrators and Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Summary and Commentary

Violence and Victims, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of State Standards for Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment: Current Status, Trends, and Recommendations

Violence and Victims, 2008

We empirically surveyed and analyzed existing standards for the treatment of perpetrators of dome... more We empirically surveyed and analyzed existing standards for the treatment of perpetrators of domestic violence across the United States. Specific areas examined included: presence and scope; administrative entity for certifying; screening and risk assessment protocols; minimum length of treatment; theoretical or conceptual orientation; treatment content; preferred or allowable modalities of treatment; whether research findings are mentioned; methods for revising standards; and minimum education and training required for providers. We examined trends using several methods including comparisons between present and previous survey data (Maiuro et al., 2001). Positive trends were evident including increased use of multivariate models of treatment content, use of an intake assessment prior to treatment, use of a danger/lethality assessment to manage risk, recognition of the need for program evaluation and supportive research, and the requirement of a minimum level of formal education as a prerequisite for providers. We identify specific areas for further research and development and make recommendations for improving existing practice and standards of care.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coping as an Index of Illness Behavior in Panic Disorder

The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1987

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Research paper thumbnail of Sex-role differentiation in a female juvenile delinquent population: Prostitute vs. control samples

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1983

... Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Me... more ... Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine ... Theoretical perspectives relating sex-role development and psychological and social adjustment have been altered dramatically ... Early sex-ual experience and prostitution. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Anger self-management in chronic traumatic brain injury: protocol for a psycho-educational treatment with a structurally equivalent control and an evaluation of treatment enactment

Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2015

Anger and irritability are important and persistent clinical problems following traumatic brain i... more Anger and irritability are important and persistent clinical problems following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Treatment options include medications, behavioral modification, and psychotherapies, but some are impractical and none have proven efficacy with this population. We describe a randomized multi-center clinical trial testing a novel, one-on-one, 8-session psychoeducational treatment program, Anger Self-Management Training (ASMT), designed specifically for people with TBI who have significant cognitive impairment. The trial is notable for its use of a structurally equivalent comparison treatment, called Personal Readjustment and Education (PRE), which was created for the study and is intended to maximize equipoise for both participants and treaters. Fidelity assessment is conducted in real time and used in therapist supervision sessions. The primary outcome is change in self-reported anger on validated measures from pre-treatment to 1 week after the final session. Secondary outcomes include participant anger as reported by a significant other; emotional distress in domains other than anger/irritability; behavioral functioning; and quality of life. An interim assessment after the 4th session will allow examination of the trajectory of any observed treatment effects, and a follow-up assessment 2 months after the end of intervention will allow examination of persistence of effects. A treatment enactment phase, in which participants are interviewed several months after the last therapy session, is designed to provide qualitative data on whether and to what extent the principles and techniques learned in treatment are still carried out in daily life.

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Research paper thumbnail of The utility of the MMPI with men who have sexually assaulted children

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986, Vol. 54, No. 4,493-496 Copyright 1986... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986, Vol. 54, No. 4,493-496 Copyright 1986 by the American Psychological Association, In ffl22^06X/86/S00.7 The Utility of the MMPI With Men Who Have Sexually Assaulted Children ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Anger, hostility, and depression in domestically violent versus generally assaultive men and nonviolent control subjects

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1988

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988, Vol. 56, No. 1,17-23 Copyright 1988 b... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988, Vol. 56, No. 1,17-23 Copyright 1988 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-006X/88/S00. 75 Anger, Hostility, and Depression in Domestically Violent Versus ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The utility of the MMPI with men who have sexually assaulted children

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986, Vol. 54, No. 4,493-496 Copyright 1986... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986, Vol. 54, No. 4,493-496 Copyright 1986 by the American Psychological Association, In ffl22^06X/86/S00.7 The Utility of the MMPI With Men Who Have Sexually Assaulted Children ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Anger, hostility, and depression in domestically violent versus generally assaultive men and nonviolent control subjects

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1988

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988, Vol. 56, No. 1,17-23 Copyright 1988 b... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988, Vol. 56, No. 1,17-23 Copyright 1988 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-006X/88/S00. 75 Anger, Hostility, and Depression in Domestically Violent Versus ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Appraised changeability of a stressor as a modifier of the relationship between coping and depression: A test of the hypothesis of fit

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1990

The goodness of fit among the appraised changeability of a stressor, coping, and depression in pe... more The goodness of fit among the appraised changeability of a stressor, coping, and depression in people with psychiatric, physical health, work, and family problems was examined (N = 746). It was expected that problem-focused coping (as opposed to emotion-focused coping) would be used more and be more adaptive in situations appraised as changeable as compared with situations appraised as not changeable. Although few relationships existed between appraisal and coping, tests of fit between coping and depressed mood (maladaption) were much stronger. In people with nonpsychiatric conditions, problem-focused coping and depressed mood were negatively related when a stressor was appraised as changeable but were unrelated when a stressor was appraised as not changeable. Emotion-focused coping was positively related to depression when a stressor was appraised as changeable. No general relations were observed in the people with psychiatric conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Are Current State Standards for Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Adequately Informed by Research?

Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 2001

Summary An empirical review and critique of existing state standards for batterer programs in the... more Summary An empirical review and critique of existing state standards for batterer programs in the domestic violence field appeared timely, given the current debate about their status and utility. Although there has been a considerable amount of polemic discussion of the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification and management of domestic violenceA randomized trial1

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Appraised changeability of a stressor as a modifier of the relationship between coping and depression: A test of the hypothesis of fit

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1990

The goodness of fit among the appraised changeability of a stressor, coping, and depression in pe... more The goodness of fit among the appraised changeability of a stressor, coping, and depression in people with psychiatric, physical health, work, and family problems was examined (N = 746). It was expected that problem-focused coping (as opposed to emotion-focused coping) would be used more and be more adaptive in situations appraised as changeable as compared with situations appraised as not changeable. Although few relationships existed between appraisal and coping, tests of fit between coping and depressed mood (maladaption) were much stronger. In people with nonpsychiatric conditions, problem-focused coping and depressed mood were negatively related when a stressor was appraised as changeable but were unrelated when a stressor was appraised as not changeable. Emotion-focused coping was positively related to depression when a stressor was appraised as changeable. No general relations were observed in the people with psychiatric conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Patient reactions to a no smoking policy in a community mental health center

Community Mental Health Journal, 1989

The prevalence of cigarette smoking in a CMHC population was surveyed and patient attitudes and a... more The prevalence of cigarette smoking in a CMHC population was surveyed and patient attitudes and affective reactions regarding the implementation of a no smoking policy were assessed. The prevalence of smoking (80-84%) was in line with previous reports which have suggested that an extraordinarily high percentage of psychiatric patients engage in cigarette smoking. Significant differences were observed between smokers' and nonsmokers' reactions to the no smoking policy which resulted partially from negative reactions by smokers but also from positive reactions by nonsmokers. Although a slight decrease in client satisfaction was observed, the emotional reactions of smokers were generally not clinically substantive. A 16 month follow-up survey of clinicians further supported the idea that the negative reactions of smokers were not of major magnitude and were probably transitory. The authors conclude that the primary effects of a mental health center smoking policy may be the protection of the service environment and improvements in the well-being of nonsmoking patients and staff who would otherwise be at risk for the effects of second hand smoke.

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Research paper thumbnail of Attitudes, Beliefs, and Self-Reported Behaviors Related to Domestic Violence Measure

PsycTESTS Dataset, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A psychoepidemiologic approach to the study of disaster

Journal of Community Psychology, 1987

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Research paper thumbnail of Anger Self-Management Training for People With Traumatic Brain Injury

Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 2012

: To examine the feasibility and gather preliminary data on the efficacy of a fully manualized, 8... more : To examine the feasibility and gather preliminary data on the efficacy of a fully manualized, 8-session, psychoeducational treatment for irritability and anger after traumatic brain injury (TBI), called anger self-management training (ASMT). : A total of 10 persons with moderate to severe, chronic TBI with significant cognitive impairment and elevated levels of anger and irritability participated in the study; 8 had significant others (SOs) who participated in portions of the treatment and provided pre- and posttreatment measures; 1 SO provided only data. : Two subscales of the State-Trait Anger Expression Scale-Revised and Brief Anger-Aggression Questionnaire. : Pre- to posttreatment pilot study. : There was significant improvement on all 3 measures of self-reported anger, with large effect sizes (>1.0), and on 1 of 3 SO-reported scales. Qualitative feedback from participants was positive and dropout rate was low (1 of 11). : The treatment model represented by the ASMT appears worthy of further study in persons with TBI who have both problematic anger and cognitive impairment.

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Research paper thumbnail of A biopsychosocial model of medical student distress

Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1988

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ways of Coping Checklist: Revision and Psychometric Properties

Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1985

This study examined the psychometric properties of the "original" seven factored scales... more This study examined the psychometric properties of the "original" seven factored scales derived by Aldwin et al. from Folkrnan and Lazarus' Ways of Coping Checklist 1:WCCL) versus a revised set of scales. Four psychometric ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Coping profiles associated with psychiatric, physical health, work, and family problems

Health Psychology, 1990

Compares the coping profiles of 11 samples (total N = 1,298) of individuals experiencing psychiat... more Compares the coping profiles of 11 samples (total N = 1,298) of individuals experiencing psychiatric, physical health, work, or family problems. Comparisons are made in individuals with and without anxiety and depression to control for the effects of distress. Coping was similar for samples in similar problem categories but different for samples in different categories. Psychiatric patients made more use of avoidance and less use of social supports than individuals in the other categories. Samples with physical health problems were among the most frequent users of social supports. Individuals with a family problem were among the most frequent users of problem-focused coping and the least frequent users of self-blame. Groups with work stress were the most frequent users of self-blame. These results suggest that coping profiles may be useful in describing and differentiating groups of stressed individuals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding and Facilitating the Change Process in Perpetrators and Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Summary and Commentary

Violence and Victims, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of State Standards for Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment: Current Status, Trends, and Recommendations

Violence and Victims, 2008

We empirically surveyed and analyzed existing standards for the treatment of perpetrators of dome... more We empirically surveyed and analyzed existing standards for the treatment of perpetrators of domestic violence across the United States. Specific areas examined included: presence and scope; administrative entity for certifying; screening and risk assessment protocols; minimum length of treatment; theoretical or conceptual orientation; treatment content; preferred or allowable modalities of treatment; whether research findings are mentioned; methods for revising standards; and minimum education and training required for providers. We examined trends using several methods including comparisons between present and previous survey data (Maiuro et al., 2001). Positive trends were evident including increased use of multivariate models of treatment content, use of an intake assessment prior to treatment, use of a danger/lethality assessment to manage risk, recognition of the need for program evaluation and supportive research, and the requirement of a minimum level of formal education as a prerequisite for providers. We identify specific areas for further research and development and make recommendations for improving existing practice and standards of care.

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