Radia Bernaoui - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Radia Bernaoui
Our research shows the use of the mobile phone that consolidates the relationship between veterin... more Our research shows the use of the mobile phone that consolidates the relationship between veterinarians, and that between breeders and veterinarians. On the other hand it asserts that the tool in question is a means of economic development. The results of our survey reveal a positive return to the veterinary community, which shows that the mobile phone has become an effective means of sustainable development through the transfer of a rapid and punctual information inheritance via social networks; including many Internet applications. Our results show that almost all veterinarians use the mobile phone for interprofessional communication. We therefore believe that the use of the mobile phone by livestock operators has greatly improved the working conditions, just as the use of this tool contributes to a better management of the exploitation as long as it allows limit travel but also save time. These results show that we are witnessing a growth in the use of mobile telephony technologi...
Ce résumé synthétise les résultats d’une enquête que nous avons menée auprès des scientifiques al... more Ce résumé synthétise les résultats d’une enquête que nous avons menée auprès des scientifiques algériens spécialisés en sciences agronomiques, vétérinaires et biologiques en vue de gérer leurs connaissances, d’analyser leurs pratiques informationnelles et d’évaluer la place qu’ils accordent au partage des savoirs et au processus d’intelligence collective, face à la création d’un dispositif national d’information sur la recherche agronomique en Algérie. Les données obtenues révèlent un besoin indispensable de création d’un cadre opportun au partage des savoirs pour plus d’intelligence collective. Il s’agit du projet de création d’un système d’information à haute valeur ajoutée (système d’information national sur la recherche agronomique). L’Algérie, fortement confrontée aux contraintes de l’insuffisance de sa production agricole, a besoin de s’insérer dans cette logique et d’utiliser ses résultats de recherche comme source d’innovation et de performance dans sa stratégie actuelle de ...
Categories, Contexts and Relations in Knowledge Organization
This paper summarizes the results of a survey that conducted among scientists and professionals i... more This paper summarizes the results of a survey that conducted among scientists and professionals in the Algerian agricultural sector, in order to analyze their information behavior toward the use of electronic document and assess the importance of knowledge sharing and progress of collective intelligence. To this logic of development and transfer of their production so that they become shared social goods, researchers and professionals need to develop tools for display and analysis of their activities. We are witnessing a phenomenon of the proliferation of databases of publications by researchers to ensure the sustainability of their data. In this context, we present the results of two surveys we conducted with researchers and professionals in the agricultural sector, in order to measure the need for the creation of a national information on agricultural research, in terms of use of digital documents for better recovery and sustainability.
Ce resume synthetise les resultats d’une enquete que nous avons menee aupres des scientifiques al... more Ce resume synthetise les resultats d’une enquete que nous avons menee aupres des scientifiques algeriens specialises en sciences agronomiques, veterinaires et biologiques en vue de gerer leurs connaissances, d’analyser leurs pratiques informationnelles et d’evaluer la place qu’ils accordent au partage des savoirs et au processus d’intelligence collective, face a la creation d’un dispositif national d’information sur la recherche agronomique en Algerie. Les donnees obtenues revelent un besoin indispensable de creation d’un cadre opportun au partage des savoirs pour plus d’intelligence collective. Il s’agit du projet de creation d’un systeme d’information a haute valeur ajoutee (systeme d’information national sur la recherche agronomique). L’Algerie, fortement confrontee aux contraintes de l’insuffisance de sa production agricole, a besoin de s’inserer dans cette logique et d’utiliser ses resultats de recherche comme source d’innovation et de performance dans sa strategie actuelle de ...
Cet article synthetise les resultats d'une enquete que nous avons menee aupres des scientifiq... more Cet article synthetise les resultats d'une enquete que nous avons menee aupres des scientifiques algeriens specialises en sciences agronomiques, en vue d'analyser leurs comportement informationnel face a l'utilisation du document electronique et d'evaluer l'importance qu'ils portent au partage des savoirs et au progres d'intelligence collective. Pour s'inscrire dans cette logique de valorisation et de transfert de leurs productions, afin que celles-ci deviennent des biens sociaux partages, les chercheurs ont besoin de se doter d'outils d'affichage et d'analyse de leurs activites. On assiste a un veritable phenomene de proliferation de bases de donnees des publications des chercheurs pour assurer la perennite de leurs donnees. Dans ce contexte, nous presentons les resultats d'une enquete que nous avons conduite aupres des chercheurs, specialisee en sciences agronomiques, en vue de mesurer ce besoin de creation d'un dispositif nation...
Our survey deals of the management knowledge of actors in Algerian agricultural sector, through a... more Our survey deals of the management knowledge of actors in Algerian agricultural sector, through a study carried out with professionals affiliated to agroalimentary "agribusinesses". Taking into account the creation of a national device of information on the agronomic research in Algeria, the aim is to analyze their informational practices and to assess how they rate the sharing of knowledge and the process of collective intelligence. The results of our study reveal a more crucial need: The creation a suitable framework to the division of the knowledge, to produce "shared social goods" where the scientific community could interact with firms. It is a question of promoting processes for the adaptation and the spreading of knowledge, through a partnership between the R&D sector and the production one, to increase the competitiveness of the firms, even the sustainable development of the country. This leads us to create this tryptic (research-development-production) b...
This abstract summarizes the results of a survey which we conducted with Algerian scientists spec... more This abstract summarizes the results of a survey which we conducted with Algerian scientists specialized in agronomy, veterinary and biological knowledge to manage, analyze their information practices and evaluate the place they agree to share knowledge and the process of collective intelligence, facing the creation of a national information on agricultural research in Algeria. The data reveal a critical need to create an appropriate framework to share knowledge for collective intelligence. This is the project of creating an information system with high added value (National Information System on Agricultural Research). The organization of our investigation consisted of two main phases. An exploratory phase for which was conducted for qualitative interviews, followed by a pre-survey and another phase which was devoted to the questionnaire survey. Algeria, strongly faced with constraints of insufficient agricultural production, needs to fit into this logic and use its search results ...
The lack of a structured and visible memory in the Algerian approach for professional knowledge a... more The lack of a structured and visible memory in the Algerian approach for professional knowledge and agronomic research, the partitioning of companies and research institutions make the valorization of the pool of scientific production and the centers of competence quite difficult. So, the purpose of this study is to think about how to make visible the results of the Algerian scientific research focused on improvements in production and economic development. With the aim to examine in this task the necessity and requirements of an information management system two surveys were conducted among Algerian researchers and professionals in 2008 and 2010. The results of the two surveys that recommend links between the economic and research sector suggest an establishment of an information system in order to share knowledge between the two sectors. The results of the survey helped us to validate our hypothesis. Algeria has a great need to realize the project of establishing a collaborative p...
We studied Algerian researchers in the field of agronomic research to analyze their information s... more We studied Algerian researchers in the field of agronomic research to analyze their information seeking behavior and evaluate their level of interest in sharing knowledge. "Communication… is one of the core requirements for carrying out collaboration, or maintaining any kind of productive relationship" (Shah 2010). Therefore we propose a timely framework for sharing knowledge to increase collective intelligence and spur innovation to rise agricultural and food production in Algeria.
Le lien entre la performance des organisations, l'efficacite de leur Systeme d'Informatio... more Le lien entre la performance des organisations, l'efficacite de leur Systeme d'Information et leur usage pertinent de l'information est definitivement etabli. Tout comme les systemes d'information, la qualite est au cœur des preoccupations des organisations performantes. La presente etude traite de l'adaptation d'une demarche qualite au systeme d'information de la direction generale des douanes (DGD). Elle est realise a partir d'une enquete effectuee aupres des responsables de cette institution. La (...)
The objective of this work is to uncover the scientific and technical production of researchers a... more The objective of this work is to uncover the scientific and technical production of researchers and their preferred partnership type in research projects for innovative development. Our study discusses the new information devices, such as social networking. So, it focuses on social media communication tools between researchers and practitioners in the AgriFood sector. The control of information becomes more and more important and thus is essential for the competitive advantage for the global knowledge-based economy. This leads to the creation of competitive advantages. In this context, platforms are means that provide access to resources and facilitate interaction between partners in a collective innovation process.
espanolLa falta de una memoria estructurada y visible que apoye la estrategia argelina de potenci... more espanolLa falta de una memoria estructurada y visible que apoye la estrategia argelina de potenciamiento del conocimiento profesional y la investigacion agronomica, junto con el fraccionamiento del mapa de las empresas e instituciones de investigacion especializadas en el tema dificultan la puesta en valor de la produccion cientifica disponible y de los centros de competencia. Por lo tanto, el proposito de este estudio es pensar en como hacer visibles los resultados de la investigacion cientifica argelina para promover la mejora de la produccion agricula y el desarrollo economico. Con el objetivo de conocer mejor las necesidades y requerimientos de dicho sistema, se realizaron dos encuestas entre los investigadores y profesionales de Argelia en 2008 y 2010. Los resultados de los dos estudios recomiendan incrementar los vinculos entre el sector economico y la investigacion, y establecer un sistema de informacion con el fin de compartir conocimientos entre los dos sectores. Los result...
The objective of this study is to measure knowledge management of actors of agricultural sectors ... more The objective of this study is to measure knowledge management of actors of agricultural sectors in Algeria through two major surveys. One for professionals to analyze their information practices and the other for researchers to understand their culture of knowledge sharing in order to offer a collaborative platform, tool of development for the actors of the agricultural sector. Indeed, the actors of agricultural sector demand this collaborative tool in order to manage, to transfer and to share knowledge. They want to create this community of sharing and collaboration between research and economic sector. The construction of an information system is a tool for development and transfer of research results to the destination sector of agricultural production. Because it is better for us to propose a model of information system capable of managing intellectual capital in the Algerian agricultural sector and generate value from intellectual assets. Then, the creation of a shared space s...
La maitrise de gestion de l'information est devenue un besoin vital pour tous les secteurs d&... more La maitrise de gestion de l'information est devenue un besoin vital pour tous les secteurs d'activites. Cependant les formations dispensees en Algerie commencent a s'ouvrir vers ce grand besoin combien meme important en tics. En Algerie, l'information scientifique et technique est enseignee a travers plusieurs institutions, nous avons le Departement de Bibliotheconomie et des Sciences Documentaires d'Alger, l'Institut de Bibliotheconomie de Constantine et celui d'Oran, la Post-Graduation Specialisee en Information Scientifique et Technique du CERIST, Le Master Professionnel en Ingenierie de l'Information de l'Institut National de la Productivite et du Developpement Industriel (INPED) et la formation de l'ISIDE (Magister en Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information et du Document Electronique). Nous presenterons a cet effet la reforme des programmes des enseignements qui a permis la revision du programme officiel de licence en mettant en place ...
Our research shows the use of the mobile phone that consolidates the relationship between veterin... more Our research shows the use of the mobile phone that consolidates the relationship between veterinarians, and that between breeders and veterinarians. On the other hand it asserts that the tool in question is a means of economic development. The results of our survey reveal a positive return to the veterinary community, which shows that the mobile phone has become an effective means of sustainable development through the transfer of a rapid and punctual information inheritance via social networks; including many Internet applications. Our results show that almost all veterinarians use the mobile phone for interprofessional communication. We therefore believe that the use of the mobile phone by livestock operators has greatly improved the working conditions, just as the use of this tool contributes to a better management of the exploitation as long as it allows limit travel but also save time. These results show that we are witnessing a growth in the use of mobile telephony technologi...
Ce résumé synthétise les résultats d’une enquête que nous avons menée auprès des scientifiques al... more Ce résumé synthétise les résultats d’une enquête que nous avons menée auprès des scientifiques algériens spécialisés en sciences agronomiques, vétérinaires et biologiques en vue de gérer leurs connaissances, d’analyser leurs pratiques informationnelles et d’évaluer la place qu’ils accordent au partage des savoirs et au processus d’intelligence collective, face à la création d’un dispositif national d’information sur la recherche agronomique en Algérie. Les données obtenues révèlent un besoin indispensable de création d’un cadre opportun au partage des savoirs pour plus d’intelligence collective. Il s’agit du projet de création d’un système d’information à haute valeur ajoutée (système d’information national sur la recherche agronomique). L’Algérie, fortement confrontée aux contraintes de l’insuffisance de sa production agricole, a besoin de s’insérer dans cette logique et d’utiliser ses résultats de recherche comme source d’innovation et de performance dans sa stratégie actuelle de ...
Categories, Contexts and Relations in Knowledge Organization
This paper summarizes the results of a survey that conducted among scientists and professionals i... more This paper summarizes the results of a survey that conducted among scientists and professionals in the Algerian agricultural sector, in order to analyze their information behavior toward the use of electronic document and assess the importance of knowledge sharing and progress of collective intelligence. To this logic of development and transfer of their production so that they become shared social goods, researchers and professionals need to develop tools for display and analysis of their activities. We are witnessing a phenomenon of the proliferation of databases of publications by researchers to ensure the sustainability of their data. In this context, we present the results of two surveys we conducted with researchers and professionals in the agricultural sector, in order to measure the need for the creation of a national information on agricultural research, in terms of use of digital documents for better recovery and sustainability.
Ce resume synthetise les resultats d’une enquete que nous avons menee aupres des scientifiques al... more Ce resume synthetise les resultats d’une enquete que nous avons menee aupres des scientifiques algeriens specialises en sciences agronomiques, veterinaires et biologiques en vue de gerer leurs connaissances, d’analyser leurs pratiques informationnelles et d’evaluer la place qu’ils accordent au partage des savoirs et au processus d’intelligence collective, face a la creation d’un dispositif national d’information sur la recherche agronomique en Algerie. Les donnees obtenues revelent un besoin indispensable de creation d’un cadre opportun au partage des savoirs pour plus d’intelligence collective. Il s’agit du projet de creation d’un systeme d’information a haute valeur ajoutee (systeme d’information national sur la recherche agronomique). L’Algerie, fortement confrontee aux contraintes de l’insuffisance de sa production agricole, a besoin de s’inserer dans cette logique et d’utiliser ses resultats de recherche comme source d’innovation et de performance dans sa strategie actuelle de ...
Cet article synthetise les resultats d'une enquete que nous avons menee aupres des scientifiq... more Cet article synthetise les resultats d'une enquete que nous avons menee aupres des scientifiques algeriens specialises en sciences agronomiques, en vue d'analyser leurs comportement informationnel face a l'utilisation du document electronique et d'evaluer l'importance qu'ils portent au partage des savoirs et au progres d'intelligence collective. Pour s'inscrire dans cette logique de valorisation et de transfert de leurs productions, afin que celles-ci deviennent des biens sociaux partages, les chercheurs ont besoin de se doter d'outils d'affichage et d'analyse de leurs activites. On assiste a un veritable phenomene de proliferation de bases de donnees des publications des chercheurs pour assurer la perennite de leurs donnees. Dans ce contexte, nous presentons les resultats d'une enquete que nous avons conduite aupres des chercheurs, specialisee en sciences agronomiques, en vue de mesurer ce besoin de creation d'un dispositif nation...
Our survey deals of the management knowledge of actors in Algerian agricultural sector, through a... more Our survey deals of the management knowledge of actors in Algerian agricultural sector, through a study carried out with professionals affiliated to agroalimentary "agribusinesses". Taking into account the creation of a national device of information on the agronomic research in Algeria, the aim is to analyze their informational practices and to assess how they rate the sharing of knowledge and the process of collective intelligence. The results of our study reveal a more crucial need: The creation a suitable framework to the division of the knowledge, to produce "shared social goods" where the scientific community could interact with firms. It is a question of promoting processes for the adaptation and the spreading of knowledge, through a partnership between the R&D sector and the production one, to increase the competitiveness of the firms, even the sustainable development of the country. This leads us to create this tryptic (research-development-production) b...
This abstract summarizes the results of a survey which we conducted with Algerian scientists spec... more This abstract summarizes the results of a survey which we conducted with Algerian scientists specialized in agronomy, veterinary and biological knowledge to manage, analyze their information practices and evaluate the place they agree to share knowledge and the process of collective intelligence, facing the creation of a national information on agricultural research in Algeria. The data reveal a critical need to create an appropriate framework to share knowledge for collective intelligence. This is the project of creating an information system with high added value (National Information System on Agricultural Research). The organization of our investigation consisted of two main phases. An exploratory phase for which was conducted for qualitative interviews, followed by a pre-survey and another phase which was devoted to the questionnaire survey. Algeria, strongly faced with constraints of insufficient agricultural production, needs to fit into this logic and use its search results ...
The lack of a structured and visible memory in the Algerian approach for professional knowledge a... more The lack of a structured and visible memory in the Algerian approach for professional knowledge and agronomic research, the partitioning of companies and research institutions make the valorization of the pool of scientific production and the centers of competence quite difficult. So, the purpose of this study is to think about how to make visible the results of the Algerian scientific research focused on improvements in production and economic development. With the aim to examine in this task the necessity and requirements of an information management system two surveys were conducted among Algerian researchers and professionals in 2008 and 2010. The results of the two surveys that recommend links between the economic and research sector suggest an establishment of an information system in order to share knowledge between the two sectors. The results of the survey helped us to validate our hypothesis. Algeria has a great need to realize the project of establishing a collaborative p...
We studied Algerian researchers in the field of agronomic research to analyze their information s... more We studied Algerian researchers in the field of agronomic research to analyze their information seeking behavior and evaluate their level of interest in sharing knowledge. "Communication… is one of the core requirements for carrying out collaboration, or maintaining any kind of productive relationship" (Shah 2010). Therefore we propose a timely framework for sharing knowledge to increase collective intelligence and spur innovation to rise agricultural and food production in Algeria.
Le lien entre la performance des organisations, l'efficacite de leur Systeme d'Informatio... more Le lien entre la performance des organisations, l'efficacite de leur Systeme d'Information et leur usage pertinent de l'information est definitivement etabli. Tout comme les systemes d'information, la qualite est au cœur des preoccupations des organisations performantes. La presente etude traite de l'adaptation d'une demarche qualite au systeme d'information de la direction generale des douanes (DGD). Elle est realise a partir d'une enquete effectuee aupres des responsables de cette institution. La (...)
The objective of this work is to uncover the scientific and technical production of researchers a... more The objective of this work is to uncover the scientific and technical production of researchers and their preferred partnership type in research projects for innovative development. Our study discusses the new information devices, such as social networking. So, it focuses on social media communication tools between researchers and practitioners in the AgriFood sector. The control of information becomes more and more important and thus is essential for the competitive advantage for the global knowledge-based economy. This leads to the creation of competitive advantages. In this context, platforms are means that provide access to resources and facilitate interaction between partners in a collective innovation process.
espanolLa falta de una memoria estructurada y visible que apoye la estrategia argelina de potenci... more espanolLa falta de una memoria estructurada y visible que apoye la estrategia argelina de potenciamiento del conocimiento profesional y la investigacion agronomica, junto con el fraccionamiento del mapa de las empresas e instituciones de investigacion especializadas en el tema dificultan la puesta en valor de la produccion cientifica disponible y de los centros de competencia. Por lo tanto, el proposito de este estudio es pensar en como hacer visibles los resultados de la investigacion cientifica argelina para promover la mejora de la produccion agricula y el desarrollo economico. Con el objetivo de conocer mejor las necesidades y requerimientos de dicho sistema, se realizaron dos encuestas entre los investigadores y profesionales de Argelia en 2008 y 2010. Los resultados de los dos estudios recomiendan incrementar los vinculos entre el sector economico y la investigacion, y establecer un sistema de informacion con el fin de compartir conocimientos entre los dos sectores. Los result...
The objective of this study is to measure knowledge management of actors of agricultural sectors ... more The objective of this study is to measure knowledge management of actors of agricultural sectors in Algeria through two major surveys. One for professionals to analyze their information practices and the other for researchers to understand their culture of knowledge sharing in order to offer a collaborative platform, tool of development for the actors of the agricultural sector. Indeed, the actors of agricultural sector demand this collaborative tool in order to manage, to transfer and to share knowledge. They want to create this community of sharing and collaboration between research and economic sector. The construction of an information system is a tool for development and transfer of research results to the destination sector of agricultural production. Because it is better for us to propose a model of information system capable of managing intellectual capital in the Algerian agricultural sector and generate value from intellectual assets. Then, the creation of a shared space s...
La maitrise de gestion de l'information est devenue un besoin vital pour tous les secteurs d&... more La maitrise de gestion de l'information est devenue un besoin vital pour tous les secteurs d'activites. Cependant les formations dispensees en Algerie commencent a s'ouvrir vers ce grand besoin combien meme important en tics. En Algerie, l'information scientifique et technique est enseignee a travers plusieurs institutions, nous avons le Departement de Bibliotheconomie et des Sciences Documentaires d'Alger, l'Institut de Bibliotheconomie de Constantine et celui d'Oran, la Post-Graduation Specialisee en Information Scientifique et Technique du CERIST, Le Master Professionnel en Ingenierie de l'Information de l'Institut National de la Productivite et du Developpement Industriel (INPED) et la formation de l'ISIDE (Magister en Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information et du Document Electronique). Nous presenterons a cet effet la reforme des programmes des enseignements qui a permis la revision du programme officiel de licence en mettant en place ...