Radka Dofková - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Radka Dofková

Research paper thumbnail of Weak and Strong Points in the Perception of Own Preparedness of Prospective Math Teachers


Research projects in the area of testing the quality of perception of own preparedness of prospec... more Research projects in the area of testing the quality of perception of own preparedness of prospective math teachers are taking place in many countries, however, a generally applicable instrument for its testing has not been found. The main goal of this article is to explicitly define the determinants influencing prospective math teachers' preparedness to teach math so that it is possible to use these areas to create a new research tool. Due to the large number of items the Mathematics Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale (Ryang 2010) was used among 121 students of the math teaching program at the Teacher Education Faculty in Olomouc. Based on the results of factor analysis areas of weak and strong points of prospective teachers' preparedness were identified. In order to get a more compact idea statistically significant difference in the respondents' answers was assessed based on their respective study groups. The results proved to be largely consistent.

Research paper thumbnail of The Responsibility for Students’ Achievements Applied to Pre-Service Elementary School Math Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Methods Using in Mathematics Primary Pre-Service Teachers Training

Research paper thumbnail of The Profile of a Freshman Year Student of a Teacher Training Course in Terms of His/Her Attitude to Mathematics

EDULEARN proceedings

It is generally assumed that the quality of teachers, and thus also that of educational processes... more It is generally assumed that the quality of teachers, and thus also that of educational processes in schools is conditioned by the quality of the students that apply for teacher training courses. There are several common features characteristic for applicants in the Czech Republic that have been established in the long run: a vast majority among them are women; a significant part of the students see their studies at the teacher training faculty only as an alternative to their preferred field of study; attitudes of prospective teachers to their profession are differentiated (based on gender, etc.), and there are regional differences among the applicants. The above mentioned claims might be complemented with those that are frequently used about teacher training courses students: teacher training courses are only their second choice, without actually aspiring to become teachers by profession. Teacher training courses are generally considered as seemingly easier, a significant part of the students do not work as teachers after graduating from the school. The goal of this contribution is to describe the attitude of teacher training students to the study of mathematics directly after starting the teacher training courses. That is why we have shown here the results of a survey carried out among 134 freshman year students in the winter semester of the 2016/2017 academic year that filled out a questionnaire probing into the following aspects of their future profession: what influenced their decision to choose the teacher training faculty the most; what advantages and disadvantages the students see in working as teachers; expectations from the upcoming years of study; if they are worried about certain mathematical disciplines; their relationship to ICT, etc. The research results are interpreted according to common characteristics such as the subjects studied, age, city of residence, etc.

Research paper thumbnail of Připravenost Budoucích Učitelů Pro Používání Digitálních Technologií Ve Výuce Matematiky

ABSTRAKT. Cílem příspěvku je analýza připravenosti budoucích učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ pro používání ... more ABSTRAKT. Cílem příspěvku je analýza připravenosti budoucích učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ pro používání digitálních technologií ve výuce matematiky. V rámci stanoveného cíle byl proveden absolutní sběr dat mezi 95 studenty Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. V rámci výzkumu byl použit dotazník vlastní konstrukce modifikován dle mezinárodního výzkumného nástroje Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M).

Research paper thumbnail of Self-Efficacy in Pre-Service Teachers of Mathematics – the Development of a New Testing Instrument in the Czech Republic

ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Profile of a Freshman Year Student of a Teacher Training Course in Terms of His/Her Attitude to Mathematics

It is generally assumed that the quality of teachers, and thus also that of educational processes... more It is generally assumed that the quality of teachers, and thus also that of educational processes in schools is conditioned by the quality of the students that apply for teacher training courses. There are several common features characteristic for applicants in the Czech Republic that have been established in the long run: a vast majority among them are women; a significant part of the students see their studies at the teacher training faculty only as an alternative to their preferred field of study; attitudes of prospective teachers to their profession are differentiated (based on gender, etc.), and there are regional differences among the applicants. The above mentioned claims might be complemented with those that are frequently used about teacher training courses students: teacher training courses are only their second choice, without actually aspiring to become teachers by profession. Teacher training courses are generally considered as seemingly easier, a significant part of t...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Ict on Student Achievement in Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Readiness to Use Digital Technologies by Prospective Primary Teachers in Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of The Responsibility for Students’ Achievements Applied to Pre-Service Elementary School Math Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of The Context of Mathematical Tasks as an Assumption of Their Successful Solution

Research paper thumbnail of Suitably Chosen Problems for the Exploration of Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Self- Efficacy

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Literacy of Primary School Pupils in the Context of International Comparisons

Research paper thumbnail of Useful E-Resources for Teaching Mathematics from the Students ́ View

The current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the need for teaching students to be... more The current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the need for teaching students to be familiar with the currently available electronic resources that will facilitate their self-study and at the same time have the required didactic potential for the use of distance learning. Also in connection with the requirement to increase the digital literacy of students in revisions of curricular documents, students should build a positive relationship with digital technologies. The paper is based on the principles of Open Education (OE) supporting the free dissemination of knowledge which, thanks to the internet, can be used quickly, free of charge, and without borders by teachers all over the world. The paper reflects educational objects for learning mathematics through the eyes of future teachers, which include digital content, while the form of content can be textual, multimedia, it can also contain software tools or teaching applications themselves.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-Efficacy in the Area of Digital Literacy Among Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers in the Czech Republic

INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Preparedness of Pre-Service Primary School Teachers for Error Handling in Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of Collaboration in Solving Mathematical Problems Online While Training Prospective Elementary School Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Tasks for the Mathematical Literacy Development in Primary Prospective Teachers Training

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical Situations as an Instrument of Prospective Primary Teacher´s Self-Efficacy Increasing in Mathematics

Trends in Education

Resumé Výukové (pedagogické) situace jsou základní jednotkou vyučovacího procesu. Matematické úlo... more Resumé Výukové (pedagogické) situace jsou základní jednotkou vyučovacího procesu. Matematické úlohy jsou takové pedagogické situace, které jsou vytvářeny proto, aby vedly k dosažení určitého učebního cíle u žáků. Ve výuce matematiky mají zvláštní význam úlohy, které bývají označované jako nestandardní. Na druhou stranu jsou to právě nestandardní úlohy, jejichž řešení je pro žáky obtížné, a proto kladou vysoké nároky na didaktické kompetence učitele. Z toho důvodu práce s tímto typem úloh může pomoci budoucím učitelům prvního stupně odbourat počáteční obavy z vlastní výuky a zvyšovat tím jejich důvěru ve vlastní schopnosti. Cílem příspěvku je identifikovat úroveň self-efficacy budoucích učitelů prvního stupně ZŠ pro výuku matematiky. Pilotního dotazníkového šetření se zúčastnilo 68 studentů prezenční formy studia programu učitelství pro první stupeň a učitelství pro první stupeň a speciální pedagogiky na pedagogické fakultě UP v Olomouci v akademickém roce 2018/2019. K interpretaci dat bylo použito základních popisných statistik. Bylo zjištěno, že úroveň vnímání vlastní účinnosti studentů odpovídá obecně uváděným výsledkům s tendencí k pozitivnímu hodnocení ve všech zkoumaných oblastech. Výsledky jsou v příspěvku komentovány vzhledem k práci s nestandardními úlohami.

Research paper thumbnail of Personality Development of Prospective Mathemathics Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Weak and Strong Points in the Perception of Own Preparedness of Prospective Math Teachers


Research projects in the area of testing the quality of perception of own preparedness of prospec... more Research projects in the area of testing the quality of perception of own preparedness of prospective math teachers are taking place in many countries, however, a generally applicable instrument for its testing has not been found. The main goal of this article is to explicitly define the determinants influencing prospective math teachers' preparedness to teach math so that it is possible to use these areas to create a new research tool. Due to the large number of items the Mathematics Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale (Ryang 2010) was used among 121 students of the math teaching program at the Teacher Education Faculty in Olomouc. Based on the results of factor analysis areas of weak and strong points of prospective teachers' preparedness were identified. In order to get a more compact idea statistically significant difference in the respondents' answers was assessed based on their respective study groups. The results proved to be largely consistent.

Research paper thumbnail of The Responsibility for Students’ Achievements Applied to Pre-Service Elementary School Math Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Methods Using in Mathematics Primary Pre-Service Teachers Training

Research paper thumbnail of The Profile of a Freshman Year Student of a Teacher Training Course in Terms of His/Her Attitude to Mathematics

EDULEARN proceedings

It is generally assumed that the quality of teachers, and thus also that of educational processes... more It is generally assumed that the quality of teachers, and thus also that of educational processes in schools is conditioned by the quality of the students that apply for teacher training courses. There are several common features characteristic for applicants in the Czech Republic that have been established in the long run: a vast majority among them are women; a significant part of the students see their studies at the teacher training faculty only as an alternative to their preferred field of study; attitudes of prospective teachers to their profession are differentiated (based on gender, etc.), and there are regional differences among the applicants. The above mentioned claims might be complemented with those that are frequently used about teacher training courses students: teacher training courses are only their second choice, without actually aspiring to become teachers by profession. Teacher training courses are generally considered as seemingly easier, a significant part of the students do not work as teachers after graduating from the school. The goal of this contribution is to describe the attitude of teacher training students to the study of mathematics directly after starting the teacher training courses. That is why we have shown here the results of a survey carried out among 134 freshman year students in the winter semester of the 2016/2017 academic year that filled out a questionnaire probing into the following aspects of their future profession: what influenced their decision to choose the teacher training faculty the most; what advantages and disadvantages the students see in working as teachers; expectations from the upcoming years of study; if they are worried about certain mathematical disciplines; their relationship to ICT, etc. The research results are interpreted according to common characteristics such as the subjects studied, age, city of residence, etc.

Research paper thumbnail of Připravenost Budoucích Učitelů Pro Používání Digitálních Technologií Ve Výuce Matematiky

ABSTRAKT. Cílem příspěvku je analýza připravenosti budoucích učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ pro používání ... more ABSTRAKT. Cílem příspěvku je analýza připravenosti budoucích učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ pro používání digitálních technologií ve výuce matematiky. V rámci stanoveného cíle byl proveden absolutní sběr dat mezi 95 studenty Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. V rámci výzkumu byl použit dotazník vlastní konstrukce modifikován dle mezinárodního výzkumného nástroje Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M).

Research paper thumbnail of Self-Efficacy in Pre-Service Teachers of Mathematics – the Development of a New Testing Instrument in the Czech Republic

ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Profile of a Freshman Year Student of a Teacher Training Course in Terms of His/Her Attitude to Mathematics

It is generally assumed that the quality of teachers, and thus also that of educational processes... more It is generally assumed that the quality of teachers, and thus also that of educational processes in schools is conditioned by the quality of the students that apply for teacher training courses. There are several common features characteristic for applicants in the Czech Republic that have been established in the long run: a vast majority among them are women; a significant part of the students see their studies at the teacher training faculty only as an alternative to their preferred field of study; attitudes of prospective teachers to their profession are differentiated (based on gender, etc.), and there are regional differences among the applicants. The above mentioned claims might be complemented with those that are frequently used about teacher training courses students: teacher training courses are only their second choice, without actually aspiring to become teachers by profession. Teacher training courses are generally considered as seemingly easier, a significant part of t...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Ict on Student Achievement in Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Readiness to Use Digital Technologies by Prospective Primary Teachers in Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of The Responsibility for Students’ Achievements Applied to Pre-Service Elementary School Math Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of The Context of Mathematical Tasks as an Assumption of Their Successful Solution

Research paper thumbnail of Suitably Chosen Problems for the Exploration of Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Self- Efficacy

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Literacy of Primary School Pupils in the Context of International Comparisons

Research paper thumbnail of Useful E-Resources for Teaching Mathematics from the Students ́ View

The current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the need for teaching students to be... more The current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the need for teaching students to be familiar with the currently available electronic resources that will facilitate their self-study and at the same time have the required didactic potential for the use of distance learning. Also in connection with the requirement to increase the digital literacy of students in revisions of curricular documents, students should build a positive relationship with digital technologies. The paper is based on the principles of Open Education (OE) supporting the free dissemination of knowledge which, thanks to the internet, can be used quickly, free of charge, and without borders by teachers all over the world. The paper reflects educational objects for learning mathematics through the eyes of future teachers, which include digital content, while the form of content can be textual, multimedia, it can also contain software tools or teaching applications themselves.

Research paper thumbnail of Self-Efficacy in the Area of Digital Literacy Among Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers in the Czech Republic

INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Preparedness of Pre-Service Primary School Teachers for Error Handling in Mathematics

Research paper thumbnail of Collaboration in Solving Mathematical Problems Online While Training Prospective Elementary School Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Tasks for the Mathematical Literacy Development in Primary Prospective Teachers Training

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical Situations as an Instrument of Prospective Primary Teacher´s Self-Efficacy Increasing in Mathematics

Trends in Education

Resumé Výukové (pedagogické) situace jsou základní jednotkou vyučovacího procesu. Matematické úlo... more Resumé Výukové (pedagogické) situace jsou základní jednotkou vyučovacího procesu. Matematické úlohy jsou takové pedagogické situace, které jsou vytvářeny proto, aby vedly k dosažení určitého učebního cíle u žáků. Ve výuce matematiky mají zvláštní význam úlohy, které bývají označované jako nestandardní. Na druhou stranu jsou to právě nestandardní úlohy, jejichž řešení je pro žáky obtížné, a proto kladou vysoké nároky na didaktické kompetence učitele. Z toho důvodu práce s tímto typem úloh může pomoci budoucím učitelům prvního stupně odbourat počáteční obavy z vlastní výuky a zvyšovat tím jejich důvěru ve vlastní schopnosti. Cílem příspěvku je identifikovat úroveň self-efficacy budoucích učitelů prvního stupně ZŠ pro výuku matematiky. Pilotního dotazníkového šetření se zúčastnilo 68 studentů prezenční formy studia programu učitelství pro první stupeň a učitelství pro první stupeň a speciální pedagogiky na pedagogické fakultě UP v Olomouci v akademickém roce 2018/2019. K interpretaci dat bylo použito základních popisných statistik. Bylo zjištěno, že úroveň vnímání vlastní účinnosti studentů odpovídá obecně uváděným výsledkům s tendencí k pozitivnímu hodnocení ve všech zkoumaných oblastech. Výsledky jsou v příspěvku komentovány vzhledem k práci s nestandardními úlohami.

Research paper thumbnail of Personality Development of Prospective Mathemathics Teachers