Rahadi Wirawan - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Rahadi Wirawan

Research paper thumbnail of Radiation shielding potential analyze of iron sand-pumice composite based on GEANT4 simulations


Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Geometri Profil Filter Terhadap Profil Berkas Radiasi

Distribusi kurva isodosis berkas sinar-g dari pesawat teleterapi Cobalt-60 ditentukan oleh kurva ... more Distribusi kurva isodosis berkas sinar-g dari pesawat teleterapi Cobalt-60 ditentukan oleh kurva dosis serap. Penggunaan filter dapat merubah distribusi kurva isodosis. Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh profil geometri filter terhadap profil berkas radiasi (geometri kurva dosis serap). Dalam penelitian ini dalakukan pendekatan model simulasi dan eksperimen. Hasil yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa geometri kurva profil dipengaruhi oleh profil geometri dan jenis bahan filter.Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh besarnya penurunan dosis serap pada pusat berkas untuk filter 1 ellips-slab (19.54 %), filter 2 wedge (31.765 %), dan filter 3 slope-slab (25.91 %). Hasil eksperimen untuk filter 1 (19.82 %), filter 2 (32.84 %) dan filter 3 (27.03 %).

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Low Frequency Vibration Generator As Seismic Sensor Calibrator with Optocoupler Counter

Design of Low Frequency Vibration Generator As Seismic Sensor Calibrator withOptocoupler Counter

Research paper thumbnail of Sensor, Teknologi dan Aplikasinya

Pendahuluan Pengembangan instrumen secara terus-menerus baik dari sisi kualitas, harga maupun kea... more Pendahuluan Pengembangan instrumen secara terus-menerus baik dari sisi kualitas, harga maupun keandalannya menjadi keharusan dalam menghadapi kemajuan teknologi dan persaingan global [1]. Kebutuhan sensor dan sistem sensor tidak hanya pada bidang industri, tapi juga merambah pada bidang lain, seperti; bidang otomotif, teknologi pengolahan, bangunan, medis, komunikasi, teknologi informasi dan bidang lainya. Para peneliti di lembaga riset maupun perguruan tinggi berlombah-lombah untuk mengembangkan sensor dan sistem sensor baru dengan prinsip dan metoda yang berbeda-beda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan otomatisasi, keamanan dan kenyamanan. Saat ini teknologi sensor telah memasuki bidang aplikasi baru dan pasar yang semakin meluas seperti otomotif [2] dan rumah cerdas (smart home) [3]. Pada waktu yang bersamaan sensor atau sistem sensor juga dituntut untuk dapat mengatasi fenomena alam, seperti; peringatan dini gempa bumi, tsunami, pemanasan global dan gunung berapi. Besaran-besaran yang...

Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of energy absorption spectrum in NaI crystal detector for multiple gamma energy using Monte Carlo method

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015


Research paper thumbnail of Response Function of Collimated Detector for Non Axial Detector-Source Geometry

Advanced Materials Research, 2013

Response function is a fundamental parameter for all detectors in order to analyze the energy dis... more Response function is a fundamental parameter for all detectors in order to analyze the energy distribution of gamma ray which undergoes scattering interaction with the material. The response functions of a 3 in. x 3 in. NaI(Tl) collimated detector for non axis detector-source geometry has been calculated using a Monte Carlo approach from GEANT4 simulation code with 0.662 MeV of mono-energetic of photon gamma ray. Collimated Pb with 4 cm thickness and 2 cm of holes diameter were employed for shielding. The source was assumed as an isotropic point source and it is placed at various positions to the detector axis. The comparison between the measured energy response functions and the simulated energy response functions after normalization were also performed in order to validate the modeling results.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of an Unknown Volume in the Material Based on Gamma Ray Scattering Using GEANT4 Simulation

Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), 2014

The energy spectrum characteristic detected as the result of gamma ray photon interaction with a ... more The energy spectrum characteristic detected as the result of gamma ray photon interaction with a material has an information that can be used to identify the material characteristics. Using a Monte Carlo code of GEANT4, the simulation study has been conducted for 0.662 MeV scattered energy from the acrylic block to investigate the existence of pores in the acrylic block. In order to verify the validity, the simulation result was compared to the measurement data. Both of the simulation prediction and measurement show the similarities of the detected spectrum.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Incoherent Gamma-Ray Scattering Potential for the Fluid Density Measurement

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014

Incoherent gamma ray scattering is a method that can be applied for the fluid parameter character... more Incoherent gamma ray scattering is a method that can be applied for the fluid parameter characterization. The aim of the present work is to study the potential usage of the incoherent gamma ray scattering measurements to evaluate the fluid density based on the Monte Carlo approach. Enlarging the density of a fluid results in a significant reduction in the intensity of the detected gamma scattering. The difference of the simulation curve slope results in the gamma transmission mode its about 0.02 compared to the experimental result.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a low cost potentiostat using ATXMEGA32

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2014

ABSTRACT Potentiostat is principal devices in modern electrochemical research especially in the i... more ABSTRACT Potentiostat is principal devices in modern electrochemical research especially in the investigation of mechanism reaction which associated with the redox chemistry reaction and other chemical phenomena. Several applications measurement is developed based on this tool such as measurement of sample concentrations, quality test of food and medicine, environmental monitoring and biosensors or development of a protein sensor. We have developed a low cost, simple and portable potentiostat with a relatively small dimension. TLC2264 op-amp and ATMEGA32 microcontroller is used to build controller circuit system. Range potential measurement of this tool is between -1600mV and +1600mV within frequency range 1Hz - 1 kHz. The developed instrument has been tested for measuring samples using different voltammetry techniques, like cyclic, square wave, and linear sweep with relative error under 2.5%.

Research paper thumbnail of SUPEL Scenario for PWR Spent Fuel Direct Recycling Scheme

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014

Study on SUPEL (Straight Utilization of sPEnt LWR fuel in LWR system) scenario for PWR spent fuel... more Study on SUPEL (Straight Utilization of sPEnt LWR fuel in LWR system) scenario for PWR spent fuel direct recycling scheme has been performed. Several spent PWR fuel compositions in loaded fuel has been investigated to achive the criticality of reactor. The reactor can obtain it criticality for 4.5 a% of UO2 enrichment with at maximum 8.0 a% of spent fuel fraction in loaded fuel. The neutron spectra become harder with the raising of UO2 enrichment in the loaded fresh fuel as well as the increasing of the fraction of spent fuel in the core.

Research paper thumbnail of Gamma backscattering analysis of flaw types and orientation based on Monte Carlo GEANT4 simulations

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2019

In this study, we modeled the effects of flaws in a solid material as three different slit types ... more In this study, we modeled the effects of flaws in a solid material as three different slit types (rectangular, rectilinear, and semicircular) and their orientations in a duralumin (aluminum alloy) plate in simulations based on 137Cs gamma backscattering. The simulations were performed using the Monte Carlo GEANT4 simulation toolkit. The simulation results showed that the shape of the slit had a small effect on the backscattering peak curve. Rotating the slit on the Y-axis and Z-axis of the duralumin plate influenced the 137Cs backscattering peak height in the energy range from 0.185 to 0.20 MeV, where the backscattering peak areas exhibited specific patterns due to the slit orientations.

Research paper thumbnail of Monte Carlo GEANT4 Simulation Approach in Analyzing Radiation Shielding Parameter of Lombok Pumice

Trends in Sciences

The linear attenuation coefficient (LAC), mean free path (MFP), half-value layer (HVL), and the r... more The linear attenuation coefficient (LAC), mean free path (MFP), half-value layer (HVL), and the radiation protection efficiency (RPE) parameters of Lombok pumice powder from 3 different regions (Ijobalit, Setangi beach, and Lingsar) have been analyzed. The radiation parameter analysis was carried out to determine the pumice that potential as a raw material of radiation shielding composite. The Monte Carlo simulation using the GEANT4 toolkit was applied to analyze those parameters using a gamma-ray transmission measurement for the photon energies of 57Co, 133Ba, 54Mn, 137Cs, 60Co, 65Zn, 22Na and 40K. The GEANT4 simulation results were compared to the XCOM theoretical calculation and show that the linear attenuation coefficient parameter has a good agreement with the XCOM results based on the determination coefficient of the correlation graph (R2 = 0.998) between those 2 approaches methods. Setangi beach pumice has a smaller LAC parameter than Ijobalit pumice and Lingsar pumice. The M...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Karakterisasi Beton Sebagai Material Pelindung Radiasi Menggunakan GEANT4 Dan Xcom

Research paper thumbnail of Electronic nose sensor development using ANN backpropagation for Lombok Agarwood classification

Research in Agricultural Engineering, 2020

The aim of the present study is the development of an electronic nose system prototype for the cl... more The aim of the present study is the development of an electronic nose system prototype for the classification of Gyrinops versteegii agarwood. The prototype consists of three gas sensors, i.e., TGS822, TGS2620, and TGS2610. The data acquisition and quality classification of the nose system are controlled by the Artificial Neural Network backpropagation algorithm in the Arduino Mega2650 microcontroller module. The testing result shows that an electronic nose can distinguish the quality of Gyrinops versteegii agarwood. The good-quality agarwood has an output of [1 –1], while the poor-quality agarwood has an output of [–1 1].

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Gas Alkohol Pada Fermentasi Ketan Berbasis Sensor TGS 2620

ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem monitoring gas alkohol pada proses ferment... more ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem monitoring gas alkohol pada proses fermentasi ketan berbasis sensor TGS 2620. Sistem monitoring terdiri dari sensor TGS 2620, modul Arduino Uno, modul Data Logger dan wadah fermentasi. Pengujian sistem menggunakan variasi ragi 0,5%, 1,0%, dan 1,5 % pada 100 gram ketan dengan waktu monitoring selama tiga hari. Sistem monitoring memiliki karakteristik akurasi pengukuran 98,33%, tingkat presisi 99,79%, warmup selama 3,75 menit, dan response time 10,83 menit. Hasil monitoring konsentrasi alkohol menunjukkan bahwa kadar alkohol semakin meningkat seiring meningkatnya kadar ragi dan waktu inkubasi. Kadar alkohol terukur antara 0,73% sampai 1,63%.Kata kunci:sensor TGS 2620; fermentasi; monitoring.ABSTRACTThis study aims to design a monitoring system for alcohol gas in the glutinous rice fermentation process based on the TGS 2620 sensor. The monitoring system consists of the TGS 2620 sensor, the Arduino Uno module, the Data Logger mod...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendalaman Konsep Fisika Menggunakan Alat Peraga Berbasis Mikrokontroler Pada Siswa Sma

SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan

ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman konsep dasar fisika melalui ... more ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman konsep dasar fisika melalui metode praktikum atau eksperimen menggunakan alat peraga serta pengenalan mikrokontroler untuk pembuatan alat peraga sederhana. Tempat pelaksanaan pengabdian di Ponpes Darul Aminin NW Aikmual Lombok Tengah. Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan yang pertama pemberian materi mengenai pendalaman konsep-konsep dasar fisika dan materi pengenalan mikrokonroler sebagai komponen alat peraga, tahapan kedua Tim PKM mendemonstrasikan penggunaan alat peraga pada materi gerak Jatuh (GJB), bandul matematis, kinematika, dan konsep konversi energi, tahapan terakhir yaitu tim PKM memberikan kesempatan peserta untuk mencoba langsung menggunakan alat peraga yang disediakan. Kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika pada siswa melalui metode eksperimen. Dengan metode ini siswa juga lebih aktif dan dapat melihat langsung fenomena fisika yang terjadi melalui pengamatan...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Kurva PDD Dan Profile Dose Berkas Elektron Pesawat Linac Varian Clinac CX

Indonesian Physical Review

Linac (linear Accelerator) is a radiotherapy device that utilizes high energy radiation to kill c... more Linac (linear Accelerator) is a radiotherapy device that utilizes high energy radiation to kill cancer cells. Every radiotherapy equipment such as Linac must be calibrated periodically. One of them is monthly quality control which aims to test the performance of Linac so that the quality of the output of the radiation beam can be guaranteed. Quality control conducted covers measurement of Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) and Dose Profile. So that in this paper we will analyze the electron beam of Linac Therapeutic Clinics Variants plane of RSUD Provinsi NTB. In PDD measurements, the Linac Variant Clinac CX electron beam energy 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15 MeV planes are used in the radiation field size 15  15 cm 2. Meanwhile, the dose profile was measured in the radiation fields 10  10 cm 2 and 25  25 cm 2 using blue phantom, (reference and field) detectors which are equipped with a computer control units (CCU) and carried out for crossline and inline directions at Dmax depth and certain depth with 100 cm SSD. The measurement results show that the greater the electron energy used, the maximum dose (Dmax) obtained is getting smaller, but the maximum dose depth increase. The measurement results are still within the tolerance range of ± 0.2. While the results of the Dose Profile measurements show a field size of 25  25 cm 2 more flatness and symmetry than a 10  10 cm 2 field both for inline and crossline directions and still within measurement tolerances limit 4.5%- 7% for flatness and  2 % for symmetry.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment Planning System (TPS) Kanker Payudara Menggunakan Teknik 3DCRT

ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hasil simulasi TPS teknik 3DCRT pada kasus k... more ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hasil simulasi TPS teknik 3DCRT pada kasus kanker payudara agar sesuai dengan standar yang diizinkan International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU). Proses TPS menggunakan program Eclipse dengan algoritma Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm. Kurva histogram dosis volume kumulatif 3DCRT dianalisis untuk mendapatkan dosis radiasi yang diterima organ at risk (OAR) paru-paru kiri, paru-paru kanan dan jantung. Hasil TPS menunjukkan dosis yang diterima OAR berada di bawah batas ambang yang ditentukan yaitu paru-paru kiri dengan mean dose 54,7 cGy yang melingkupi volume 1238,5 cm3 dan pada paru-paru kanan dosis mean dose 2113,2 cGy melingkupi volume 1474,5 cm3 serta pada jantung mean dose 96,5 cGy melingkupi volume 175,5 cm3. Simulasi TPS yang dilakukan berhasil mendapatkan data perencanaan penyinaran kasus kanker payudara yang memenuhi syarat dosis relatif yang melingkupi volume PTV yang diizinkan ICRU (volume terlin...

Research paper thumbnail of Koreksi: Karakteristik Gaharu Grynops Vertegii (Gilg.) Domke Berdasarkan Analisis Sebaran Gray Scale Level


Pernyataan koreksi untuk artikel : https://doi.org/10.29303/emj.v1i1.27

Research paper thumbnail of Distributions dose analysis for 6 MV photon beams using Monte Carlo-GEANT4 simulation


Monte Carlo is a method that widely used for calculation of particle transport in radiotherapy do... more Monte Carlo is a method that widely used for calculation of particle transport in radiotherapy dose distribution. This study was devoted to develop a linear accelerator head geometry model (LINAC) using GEANT4 simulation for 6 MeV photon beam. The geometric model of the accelerator head consists of electron sources, target, primary collimator, flattening filter, jaws, and MLC (multi-leaf collimator). The homogeneous water phantom size of 40 x 40 x 40 cm 3 was used in the simulation, 100 cm SSD (source-skin distance), and field size are 5 cm x 5 cm, 10 cm x 10 cm, 20 cm x 20 cm, and 30 cm x 30 cm. The simulation results show the peak curve energy positions are in the range 0.3 MeV-0.4 MeV and the maximum absorbed energy is about 5.9 MeV. According to the landau curve fitting the mean energy is about 0.385 MeV. The results of GEANT4 simulation show the energy spectrum has the same pattern as an energy spectrum from several experiments of LINAC head geometry. The simulation results also show the dose distribution based on beam profile and depth profile of water phantom with different fields.

Research paper thumbnail of Radiation shielding potential analyze of iron sand-pumice composite based on GEANT4 simulations


Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Geometri Profil Filter Terhadap Profil Berkas Radiasi

Distribusi kurva isodosis berkas sinar-g dari pesawat teleterapi Cobalt-60 ditentukan oleh kurva ... more Distribusi kurva isodosis berkas sinar-g dari pesawat teleterapi Cobalt-60 ditentukan oleh kurva dosis serap. Penggunaan filter dapat merubah distribusi kurva isodosis. Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh profil geometri filter terhadap profil berkas radiasi (geometri kurva dosis serap). Dalam penelitian ini dalakukan pendekatan model simulasi dan eksperimen. Hasil yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa geometri kurva profil dipengaruhi oleh profil geometri dan jenis bahan filter.Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh besarnya penurunan dosis serap pada pusat berkas untuk filter 1 ellips-slab (19.54 %), filter 2 wedge (31.765 %), dan filter 3 slope-slab (25.91 %). Hasil eksperimen untuk filter 1 (19.82 %), filter 2 (32.84 %) dan filter 3 (27.03 %).

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Low Frequency Vibration Generator As Seismic Sensor Calibrator with Optocoupler Counter

Design of Low Frequency Vibration Generator As Seismic Sensor Calibrator withOptocoupler Counter

Research paper thumbnail of Sensor, Teknologi dan Aplikasinya

Pendahuluan Pengembangan instrumen secara terus-menerus baik dari sisi kualitas, harga maupun kea... more Pendahuluan Pengembangan instrumen secara terus-menerus baik dari sisi kualitas, harga maupun keandalannya menjadi keharusan dalam menghadapi kemajuan teknologi dan persaingan global [1]. Kebutuhan sensor dan sistem sensor tidak hanya pada bidang industri, tapi juga merambah pada bidang lain, seperti; bidang otomotif, teknologi pengolahan, bangunan, medis, komunikasi, teknologi informasi dan bidang lainya. Para peneliti di lembaga riset maupun perguruan tinggi berlombah-lombah untuk mengembangkan sensor dan sistem sensor baru dengan prinsip dan metoda yang berbeda-beda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan otomatisasi, keamanan dan kenyamanan. Saat ini teknologi sensor telah memasuki bidang aplikasi baru dan pasar yang semakin meluas seperti otomotif [2] dan rumah cerdas (smart home) [3]. Pada waktu yang bersamaan sensor atau sistem sensor juga dituntut untuk dapat mengatasi fenomena alam, seperti; peringatan dini gempa bumi, tsunami, pemanasan global dan gunung berapi. Besaran-besaran yang...

Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of energy absorption spectrum in NaI crystal detector for multiple gamma energy using Monte Carlo method

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015


Research paper thumbnail of Response Function of Collimated Detector for Non Axial Detector-Source Geometry

Advanced Materials Research, 2013

Response function is a fundamental parameter for all detectors in order to analyze the energy dis... more Response function is a fundamental parameter for all detectors in order to analyze the energy distribution of gamma ray which undergoes scattering interaction with the material. The response functions of a 3 in. x 3 in. NaI(Tl) collimated detector for non axis detector-source geometry has been calculated using a Monte Carlo approach from GEANT4 simulation code with 0.662 MeV of mono-energetic of photon gamma ray. Collimated Pb with 4 cm thickness and 2 cm of holes diameter were employed for shielding. The source was assumed as an isotropic point source and it is placed at various positions to the detector axis. The comparison between the measured energy response functions and the simulated energy response functions after normalization were also performed in order to validate the modeling results.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of an Unknown Volume in the Material Based on Gamma Ray Scattering Using GEANT4 Simulation

Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), 2014

The energy spectrum characteristic detected as the result of gamma ray photon interaction with a ... more The energy spectrum characteristic detected as the result of gamma ray photon interaction with a material has an information that can be used to identify the material characteristics. Using a Monte Carlo code of GEANT4, the simulation study has been conducted for 0.662 MeV scattered energy from the acrylic block to investigate the existence of pores in the acrylic block. In order to verify the validity, the simulation result was compared to the measurement data. Both of the simulation prediction and measurement show the similarities of the detected spectrum.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Incoherent Gamma-Ray Scattering Potential for the Fluid Density Measurement

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014

Incoherent gamma ray scattering is a method that can be applied for the fluid parameter character... more Incoherent gamma ray scattering is a method that can be applied for the fluid parameter characterization. The aim of the present work is to study the potential usage of the incoherent gamma ray scattering measurements to evaluate the fluid density based on the Monte Carlo approach. Enlarging the density of a fluid results in a significant reduction in the intensity of the detected gamma scattering. The difference of the simulation curve slope results in the gamma transmission mode its about 0.02 compared to the experimental result.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a low cost potentiostat using ATXMEGA32

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2014

ABSTRACT Potentiostat is principal devices in modern electrochemical research especially in the i... more ABSTRACT Potentiostat is principal devices in modern electrochemical research especially in the investigation of mechanism reaction which associated with the redox chemistry reaction and other chemical phenomena. Several applications measurement is developed based on this tool such as measurement of sample concentrations, quality test of food and medicine, environmental monitoring and biosensors or development of a protein sensor. We have developed a low cost, simple and portable potentiostat with a relatively small dimension. TLC2264 op-amp and ATMEGA32 microcontroller is used to build controller circuit system. Range potential measurement of this tool is between -1600mV and +1600mV within frequency range 1Hz - 1 kHz. The developed instrument has been tested for measuring samples using different voltammetry techniques, like cyclic, square wave, and linear sweep with relative error under 2.5%.

Research paper thumbnail of SUPEL Scenario for PWR Spent Fuel Direct Recycling Scheme

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014

Study on SUPEL (Straight Utilization of sPEnt LWR fuel in LWR system) scenario for PWR spent fuel... more Study on SUPEL (Straight Utilization of sPEnt LWR fuel in LWR system) scenario for PWR spent fuel direct recycling scheme has been performed. Several spent PWR fuel compositions in loaded fuel has been investigated to achive the criticality of reactor. The reactor can obtain it criticality for 4.5 a% of UO2 enrichment with at maximum 8.0 a% of spent fuel fraction in loaded fuel. The neutron spectra become harder with the raising of UO2 enrichment in the loaded fresh fuel as well as the increasing of the fraction of spent fuel in the core.

Research paper thumbnail of Gamma backscattering analysis of flaw types and orientation based on Monte Carlo GEANT4 simulations

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2019

In this study, we modeled the effects of flaws in a solid material as three different slit types ... more In this study, we modeled the effects of flaws in a solid material as three different slit types (rectangular, rectilinear, and semicircular) and their orientations in a duralumin (aluminum alloy) plate in simulations based on 137Cs gamma backscattering. The simulations were performed using the Monte Carlo GEANT4 simulation toolkit. The simulation results showed that the shape of the slit had a small effect on the backscattering peak curve. Rotating the slit on the Y-axis and Z-axis of the duralumin plate influenced the 137Cs backscattering peak height in the energy range from 0.185 to 0.20 MeV, where the backscattering peak areas exhibited specific patterns due to the slit orientations.

Research paper thumbnail of Monte Carlo GEANT4 Simulation Approach in Analyzing Radiation Shielding Parameter of Lombok Pumice

Trends in Sciences

The linear attenuation coefficient (LAC), mean free path (MFP), half-value layer (HVL), and the r... more The linear attenuation coefficient (LAC), mean free path (MFP), half-value layer (HVL), and the radiation protection efficiency (RPE) parameters of Lombok pumice powder from 3 different regions (Ijobalit, Setangi beach, and Lingsar) have been analyzed. The radiation parameter analysis was carried out to determine the pumice that potential as a raw material of radiation shielding composite. The Monte Carlo simulation using the GEANT4 toolkit was applied to analyze those parameters using a gamma-ray transmission measurement for the photon energies of 57Co, 133Ba, 54Mn, 137Cs, 60Co, 65Zn, 22Na and 40K. The GEANT4 simulation results were compared to the XCOM theoretical calculation and show that the linear attenuation coefficient parameter has a good agreement with the XCOM results based on the determination coefficient of the correlation graph (R2 = 0.998) between those 2 approaches methods. Setangi beach pumice has a smaller LAC parameter than Ijobalit pumice and Lingsar pumice. The M...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Karakterisasi Beton Sebagai Material Pelindung Radiasi Menggunakan GEANT4 Dan Xcom

Research paper thumbnail of Electronic nose sensor development using ANN backpropagation for Lombok Agarwood classification

Research in Agricultural Engineering, 2020

The aim of the present study is the development of an electronic nose system prototype for the cl... more The aim of the present study is the development of an electronic nose system prototype for the classification of Gyrinops versteegii agarwood. The prototype consists of three gas sensors, i.e., TGS822, TGS2620, and TGS2610. The data acquisition and quality classification of the nose system are controlled by the Artificial Neural Network backpropagation algorithm in the Arduino Mega2650 microcontroller module. The testing result shows that an electronic nose can distinguish the quality of Gyrinops versteegii agarwood. The good-quality agarwood has an output of [1 –1], while the poor-quality agarwood has an output of [–1 1].

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Gas Alkohol Pada Fermentasi Ketan Berbasis Sensor TGS 2620

ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem monitoring gas alkohol pada proses ferment... more ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem monitoring gas alkohol pada proses fermentasi ketan berbasis sensor TGS 2620. Sistem monitoring terdiri dari sensor TGS 2620, modul Arduino Uno, modul Data Logger dan wadah fermentasi. Pengujian sistem menggunakan variasi ragi 0,5%, 1,0%, dan 1,5 % pada 100 gram ketan dengan waktu monitoring selama tiga hari. Sistem monitoring memiliki karakteristik akurasi pengukuran 98,33%, tingkat presisi 99,79%, warmup selama 3,75 menit, dan response time 10,83 menit. Hasil monitoring konsentrasi alkohol menunjukkan bahwa kadar alkohol semakin meningkat seiring meningkatnya kadar ragi dan waktu inkubasi. Kadar alkohol terukur antara 0,73% sampai 1,63%.Kata kunci:sensor TGS 2620; fermentasi; monitoring.ABSTRACTThis study aims to design a monitoring system for alcohol gas in the glutinous rice fermentation process based on the TGS 2620 sensor. The monitoring system consists of the TGS 2620 sensor, the Arduino Uno module, the Data Logger mod...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendalaman Konsep Fisika Menggunakan Alat Peraga Berbasis Mikrokontroler Pada Siswa Sma

SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan

ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman konsep dasar fisika melalui ... more ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman konsep dasar fisika melalui metode praktikum atau eksperimen menggunakan alat peraga serta pengenalan mikrokontroler untuk pembuatan alat peraga sederhana. Tempat pelaksanaan pengabdian di Ponpes Darul Aminin NW Aikmual Lombok Tengah. Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan yang pertama pemberian materi mengenai pendalaman konsep-konsep dasar fisika dan materi pengenalan mikrokonroler sebagai komponen alat peraga, tahapan kedua Tim PKM mendemonstrasikan penggunaan alat peraga pada materi gerak Jatuh (GJB), bandul matematis, kinematika, dan konsep konversi energi, tahapan terakhir yaitu tim PKM memberikan kesempatan peserta untuk mencoba langsung menggunakan alat peraga yang disediakan. Kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika pada siswa melalui metode eksperimen. Dengan metode ini siswa juga lebih aktif dan dapat melihat langsung fenomena fisika yang terjadi melalui pengamatan...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Kurva PDD Dan Profile Dose Berkas Elektron Pesawat Linac Varian Clinac CX

Indonesian Physical Review

Linac (linear Accelerator) is a radiotherapy device that utilizes high energy radiation to kill c... more Linac (linear Accelerator) is a radiotherapy device that utilizes high energy radiation to kill cancer cells. Every radiotherapy equipment such as Linac must be calibrated periodically. One of them is monthly quality control which aims to test the performance of Linac so that the quality of the output of the radiation beam can be guaranteed. Quality control conducted covers measurement of Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) and Dose Profile. So that in this paper we will analyze the electron beam of Linac Therapeutic Clinics Variants plane of RSUD Provinsi NTB. In PDD measurements, the Linac Variant Clinac CX electron beam energy 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15 MeV planes are used in the radiation field size 15  15 cm 2. Meanwhile, the dose profile was measured in the radiation fields 10  10 cm 2 and 25  25 cm 2 using blue phantom, (reference and field) detectors which are equipped with a computer control units (CCU) and carried out for crossline and inline directions at Dmax depth and certain depth with 100 cm SSD. The measurement results show that the greater the electron energy used, the maximum dose (Dmax) obtained is getting smaller, but the maximum dose depth increase. The measurement results are still within the tolerance range of ± 0.2. While the results of the Dose Profile measurements show a field size of 25  25 cm 2 more flatness and symmetry than a 10  10 cm 2 field both for inline and crossline directions and still within measurement tolerances limit 4.5%- 7% for flatness and  2 % for symmetry.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment Planning System (TPS) Kanker Payudara Menggunakan Teknik 3DCRT

ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hasil simulasi TPS teknik 3DCRT pada kasus k... more ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hasil simulasi TPS teknik 3DCRT pada kasus kanker payudara agar sesuai dengan standar yang diizinkan International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU). Proses TPS menggunakan program Eclipse dengan algoritma Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm. Kurva histogram dosis volume kumulatif 3DCRT dianalisis untuk mendapatkan dosis radiasi yang diterima organ at risk (OAR) paru-paru kiri, paru-paru kanan dan jantung. Hasil TPS menunjukkan dosis yang diterima OAR berada di bawah batas ambang yang ditentukan yaitu paru-paru kiri dengan mean dose 54,7 cGy yang melingkupi volume 1238,5 cm3 dan pada paru-paru kanan dosis mean dose 2113,2 cGy melingkupi volume 1474,5 cm3 serta pada jantung mean dose 96,5 cGy melingkupi volume 175,5 cm3. Simulasi TPS yang dilakukan berhasil mendapatkan data perencanaan penyinaran kasus kanker payudara yang memenuhi syarat dosis relatif yang melingkupi volume PTV yang diizinkan ICRU (volume terlin...

Research paper thumbnail of Koreksi: Karakteristik Gaharu Grynops Vertegii (Gilg.) Domke Berdasarkan Analisis Sebaran Gray Scale Level


Pernyataan koreksi untuk artikel : https://doi.org/10.29303/emj.v1i1.27

Research paper thumbnail of Distributions dose analysis for 6 MV photon beams using Monte Carlo-GEANT4 simulation


Monte Carlo is a method that widely used for calculation of particle transport in radiotherapy do... more Monte Carlo is a method that widely used for calculation of particle transport in radiotherapy dose distribution. This study was devoted to develop a linear accelerator head geometry model (LINAC) using GEANT4 simulation for 6 MeV photon beam. The geometric model of the accelerator head consists of electron sources, target, primary collimator, flattening filter, jaws, and MLC (multi-leaf collimator). The homogeneous water phantom size of 40 x 40 x 40 cm 3 was used in the simulation, 100 cm SSD (source-skin distance), and field size are 5 cm x 5 cm, 10 cm x 10 cm, 20 cm x 20 cm, and 30 cm x 30 cm. The simulation results show the peak curve energy positions are in the range 0.3 MeV-0.4 MeV and the maximum absorbed energy is about 5.9 MeV. According to the landau curve fitting the mean energy is about 0.385 MeV. The results of GEANT4 simulation show the energy spectrum has the same pattern as an energy spectrum from several experiments of LINAC head geometry. The simulation results also show the dose distribution based on beam profile and depth profile of water phantom with different fields.