Rakesh Bhutiani - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Rakesh Bhutiani
Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2016
The aim of this study was to assess environmental risk due to heavy metals such as cobalt (Co), c... more The aim of this study was to assess environmental risk due to heavy metals such as cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) in the groundwater around integrated industrial estate (IIE) Haridwar. Index of geo-accumulation (I geo) values showed Cr contamination in groundwater of both the industrial areas. The quantification of contamination index showed that anthropogenic causes were source of contamination of all metals. Contamination factor showed that contamination levels in the study area ranged from low contamination to moderate contamination. Pollution linked index (PLI) values were highest in Bahadrabad old industrial area [ Shivalik Nagar [ commercial area [ IIE Haridwar = Aneki [ RNP. Ecological risk index (ERI) was highest in Bahadrabad old industrial area [ Shivalik Nagar [ commercial area [ IIE Haridwar [ RNP [ Aneki rural area. Values of PLI and ERI showed moderate pollution and low ecological risk due to heavy metals in the study area. Study showed that although Rajaji National Park (RNP) is a protected area, it was not free of metal contamination.
Environment Conservation Journal, 2019
As we all know that water is essential to all forms of life and makes up about 70% of the human b... more As we all know that water is essential to all forms of life and makes up about 70% of the human body weight. Due to the direct link of water quality with human welfare, the quality of water is of vital concern. Industrialization plays major role in the development of a country's economy. However, these plants and industries generate hazardous by-products and discharge them directly or partially treated into the environment which contaminates the surface water, ground water and soil causing a great threat to the life of human beings, animal and plants. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to identify the potential of water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipus) and Duckweed (Lemna minor) for the treatment of industrial waste water generated from Dehradun industrial area using phytoremediation technology on the basis of different physicochemical parameters such as pH, EC, DO, ORP, Salinity, TDS, BOD, COD, Hardness and Temperature. Eichornia crassipus shows maximum decrease in pH, TDS and COD and Lemna minor shows maximum decrease in EC, ORP, Salinity, BOD and TH. In case of DO maximum decrease was observed in control experiment. During the assessment period Lemna minor was found highly efficient in comparison to Eichornia crassipus. Both water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipus) and Duckweed (Lemna minor) shows maximum removal between 1 st to 5 th day of treatment but the removal goes down as the experiment proceeds towards the end as the retarded growth of plants was observed due to toxicity of accumulated pollutants inside the palnts.
Predictive Intelligence Using Big Data and the Internet of Things, 2019
Predicting the water quality of rivers has attracted a lot of researchers all around the globe. A... more Predicting the water quality of rivers has attracted a lot of researchers all around the globe. A precise prediction of river water quality may benefit the water management bodies. However, due to the complex relationship existing among various factors, the prediction is a challenging job. Here, the authors attempted to develop a model for forecasting or predicting the water quality of the river Ganga using application of predictive intelligence based on machine learning approach called support vector machine (SVM). The monthly data sets of five water quality parameters from 2001 to 2015 were taken from five sampling stations from Devprayag to Roorkee in the Uttarakhand state of India. The experiments are conducted in Python 2.7.13 language (Anaconda2 4.3.1) using the radial basis function (RBF) as a kernel for developing the non-linear SVM-based classifier as a model for water quality prediction. The results indicated a prediction performance of 96.66% for best parameter combinatio...
Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 2021
Water Quality (WQ) modeling and forecasting are very challenging for water management bodies due ... more Water Quality (WQ) modeling and forecasting are very challenging for water management bodies due to the complex and nonlinear relationship between the parameters responsible for determining water quality. The main focus of this paper is the water quality prediction of the Ganges River by analyzing the impact of one of the critical configuration parameters of a neural network known as the learning rate. The proposed prediction model based on an artificial neural network (ANN) consists of different sets of experiments performed by comparing twelve different training functions against the variation in learning rates. A total of 360 experiments have been conducted on the dataset collected over the period 2001 to 2015 with five stations along the Ganges River in the state of Uttarakhand, India. All experiments have been conducted in MATLAB software. The ANN-based program is written in Matlab’s NN-Toolbox. As input parameters, we have used temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemic...
Environment Conservation Journal, 2017
The River Ganga (2,525 km long) is the largest area and recently granted living entity status by ... more The River Ganga (2,525 km long) is the largest area and recently granted living entity status by the court. It is the holiest That's why it is mandatory to maintain its water quality (WQ). Though, monitoring and assessment of WQ of a very challenging task. In this research work, Soft C Network (ANN) technique has been used for modelling the WQ of the Ganga based on six different training functions. Five sampling stations along this DEVPRAYAG to ROORKEE in the Uttarakhand state of India. The monthly data sets of five water quality parameters temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total coliform (TC) for the time period from 2001 to 2015 have been taken. T develop the WQ-prediction model by conducting various experiments following a neural network structure of 5 as a training goal and various training functions. Using the performance of the developed model was evaluated. The model developed with traincgp (Conjugate Gradient with Polak Ribiere Restarts) comes out to be the worst one (MSE=0.786) while the other model backpropagation) rule proved to be the best one (MSE=0.163) among others. capable of predicting WQ of the River Keywords-Artificial Neural Network (A (BOD) and Total Coliform (TC); Mean Square Error (MSE).
Polymer Journal, 2016
The idea of systems analysis and mathematical modeling for formulating and resolving river pollut... more The idea of systems analysis and mathematical modeling for formulating and resolving river pollution issues is of relatively recent vintage and has been applied widely in the last 3 decades. The present study illustrates the utility of Beck-modified Khanna–Bhutiani model (BMKB) to determine the pollution load due to the presence of organic matter in River Ganga from its course from Devprayag to Roorkee through the holy city of India, Haridwar. The study was conducted over a period of 3 years between 2010 and 2013. The study was aimed to verify the BMKB model for River Ganga. This model was simulated and calibrated through the data obtained by model by comparing it with the field data observed manually. Paired T-test were performed for dissolved oxygen (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) between the titrated value and modelled value to determine if there was any statistically significant difference between the means of respective values. The results of T-test revealed statistica...
In present study, phytochemical screening, total phenolic content, and antimicrobial activity wer... more In present study, phytochemical screening, total phenolic content, and antimicrobial activity were carried out. Extraction was performed successively with petroleum ether, diethyl ether, acetone and distilled water. Phytochemical screening indicates the presence of various phytoconstituents. Petroleum ether and diethyl ether extracts are rich in triterpenoids while acetone extract has carbohydrate, inulin, flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Diethyl ether extract has highest concentration of total phenol (48.823%) which is responsible for its excellent antioxidant activity. Antimicrobial activity was performed against four bacterial and two fungal strains by agar well diffusion method which showed that diethyl ether extract is more prominent against all strain. These results revealed that diethyl ether extract could be used as an antimicrobial agent of natural origin in pharmaceutical industry.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Recently, Water Quality (WQ) comes out to be the central point of concern all around the globe. T... more Recently, Water Quality (WQ) comes out to be the central point of concern all around the globe. The purpose of this work is to develop an automated procedure that can be used to classify the water quality of the River Ganga proficiently in the stretch from Devprayag to Roorkee Uttarakhand, India. The monthly data sets of five water quality parameters temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total coliform (TC) for the time period from 2001 to 2015 is used for this research work. The proposed method involves developing various water quality classification models using one of the concept of data mining called decision tree (DT) for evaluating the WQ classes. The experiments are conducted using Weka data mining tool. Models first developed using (60–40)% data division approach and then using (80–20)% approach of data division. Five different decision tree models are developed named J48 (C4.5), Random Forest, Random Tree, LMT (logistic model tree) and ...
The present study aims to compare the quality of soil of different region of Haridwar with refere... more The present study aims to compare the quality of soil of different region of Haridwar with reference to physicochemical and heavy metal parameters. To fulfill the objectives of present study, soil sampling was performed in forest (control site), industrial, residential and agricultural areas in and around Haridwar. Soil samples were analyzed for different physicochemical and heavy metal parameters. Values of all the studied soil parameters were found highest (an increase of 32% in temperature (16.63 to 21.64C), 121% in soil moisture (13.05 to 28.39%), 29.02% in soil porosity (37.56 to 49.03%), and 19.6% in the water holding capacity (36.22 to 43.58%), 74.18% in conductivity (0.25 to 0.40 μMhos/cm), and 203.78% in chloride (16.67 to 53.97mg/gm)) at the industrial area in comparison to other sites. During the course of the study, an increasing trend in all the parameters at all the sites was observed this may be due to the dumping of industrial solid waste and effluent. Although no ne...
Bacterial community structure is one of the essential components of aquaculture dynamics and play... more Bacterial community structure is one of the essential components of aquaculture dynamics and plays an important role in maintaining wetland health. The present work is an effort to study the structure of bacterial communities in the world’s largest sewage-fed fish farms, the East Kolkata Wetlands (EKWs), along with their predicted functional metabolic pathways and correlation with environmental variables. Sequencing data analysis revealed the abundance of genera such as Arcobacter (0–50%), Pseudomonas (0–15%), Sulfurospirillum (0–9%), Cloacibacterium (0–6%), hgcI clade (7–29%), C39 (0–9%), V6 (3–36%), Fluiivicola (1–6%) and Cyanobium (3–8%) in the EKWs. Further, water quality analysis of three treatment groups, i.e. Sewage, Sewage F-1 and Sewage F-2, revealed that dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) differed significantly and violated the standard prescribed norms (Central Pollution Control Board, CPCB, New Delhi) for fishery propa...
The Ganga River is the national river of India and recently got the right of living entity. It is... more The Ganga River is the national river of India and recently got the right of living entity. It is necessary to monitor its water quality frequently. But monitoring and assessment of a river WQ is a provocative task in ecological management. In this study, soft computing based one of the computation technique called Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to developpredictionor forecasting modelfor estimating the WQ of the river Ganga in the stretch from Devprayag to Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. Five sampling stations along this river stretch areselected. The monthly data sets of five water quality parameters temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and total coliform is usedfrom year 2001 to 2015. In developing the ANN model for the WQ prediction, the feed forward error back propagation method is used to develop predictionmodel for conducting various experimental investigationsfollowing many training parameters by adopting the neural network configurationof 5-10-...
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Sand Intermittent Filtration (SIF) is an established technology of wastewater treatment and in re... more Sand Intermittent Filtration (SIF) is an established technology of wastewater treatment and in recent years it gains renewed interest due to its simplicity and less energy requirement. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the modified filter-bed Reactor using Sand-intermittent-filtration (SIF) for the removal of physicochemical parameters viz dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total hardness (TH), calcium hardness (CaH), chloride (Cl), turbidity, total solids (TS), total dissolved solids (TDS), and total suspended solids (TSS) of the Industrial wastewater of State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand Limited (SIDCUL) at Haridwar. The experiments were performed with the composition of the filter-bed having sand and gravel in the ratio of 1:1 (Reactor I); 1:2 (Reactor II) and 2:1 (Reactor III) at the room temperature 300C. Each Reactor was categorized into A, B and C type based on depth of filter-bed (A=10 cm, B=1...
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Urbanization and industrialization enhance the degradation of the groundwater quality due to the ... more Urbanization and industrialization enhance the degradation of the groundwater quality due to the discharge of domestic and industrial effluents in the aquatic bodies or on the surface of ground either in treated or untreated form. Therefore, the present study was carried out to assess the groundwater quality at the Laksar block of district Haridwar in Uttarakhand. Groundwater samples (SS-1-10) were collected from the hand pumps of the study area. The sampling site (SS-1) was taken as control. The distance of all sampling sites from control site ranged from 6.3Km to 18.3Km. The samples were analyzed for various physicochemical parameters viz Temperature, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Solids (TS), pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Total Hardness (TH), Calcium Hardness (CaH), Chloride (Cl), Sulphate (SO4--), Nitrate (NO3---), Acidity, and Iron (Fe) for two years (2017 to 2019). The data obtained after analysis was simplified using Water quality index (WQI)...
Journal of Mountain Research
Quality of river water is of utmost important as it directly affects the life of living organism ... more Quality of river water is of utmost important as it directly affects the life of living organism including human beings. Due to increased urbanisation and industrialisation, the generation of wastewater is increased. About half of the wastewater is continuously released in partially treated or in untreated form in the fresh water bodies. Keeping this in mind the present study was undertaken to study the impacts of STP effluent on the Ganga river in Haridwar city. The wastewater and Ganga water samples were collected and analysed for temperature, pH, total solids (TS), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), DO, BOD, COD and alkalinity estimation. All the parameters of wastewater and Ganga river water was found below the standard limits except the solid concentration (TS greater than 1300mg/l and TDS greater than 900mg/l). Due to excess amounts of total solids and very low amount of dissolved oxygen, the quality of Ganga river water after confluence zone was sligh...
Environment, Development and Sustainability
The holy city of Haridwar is now emerging as a key industrial destination of the north India due ... more The holy city of Haridwar is now emerging as a key industrial destination of the north India due to the presence of IIE Haridwar. Due to increased anthropogenic activities like vehicular emissions and industrial discharges in the Haridwar region, air pollution levels has raised greatly. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine the Spatial and seasonal variations of air quality in and around IIE, Haridwar and (2) to find out the Air Pollution Index (API). For this monthly monitoring of pollutant gases (SO2 and NO2) and particulate matter (SPM and RSPM) for two years (2012 and 2013) were done at six ambient air quality monitoring locations, one at each land use area (rural/agricultural, urban residential, protected area, industrial and commercial land use). The average SPM, RSPM, SO2, NO2 in the study area were found as 86.92 µg/m3, 81.04 µg/m3, 23.23 µg/m3, 24.73 µg/m3, respectively. It was observed that the average SPM levels exceed WHO standard limit of 120 µg/m3 at IIE Haridwar during study period. The average API during study period was 50.14 which indicates light air pollution. Meteorological conditions along with the distance from sources, particularly road transportation play a major role in deciding the ambient air quality over a region.
Environment Conservation Journal
With the rapid growth of industrialization, water pollution has increased tremendously. The inade... more With the rapid growth of industrialization, water pollution has increased tremendously. The inadequate wastewater management seriously affects the environment; phytoremediation provides a low cost alternative for the waste management. Most of the waste water discharged into water bodies, disturbs the ecological balance and deteriorates the water quality. Phytoremediation provides the low cost eco-friendly method for the wastewater treatment. These are frequently in use by the large scale organisations for the treatment of the wastewater of choice. These artificial wastewater treatment systems consisting of macrophytes are dependent upon various processes like microbial, biological, physical and chemical process for the treatment of the effluent. For the current study free floating aquatic macrophytes Lemna sp. and Eichornia sp. were used to treat the effluents from dairy factory, the biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand of dairy effluent were reduced significantly after treatment with phytoremediation experiments.
Exposure and Health, 2015
Haridwar once regarded as the holiest city of India has fast assumed the garb of an industrial de... more Haridwar once regarded as the holiest city of India has fast assumed the garb of an industrial destination after the establishment of the integrated industrial estate (IIE) Haridwar in the year 2000. IIE Haridwar is flanked by the Rajaji National Park and rural/agricultural areas in addition to urban residential, commercial and other industrial areas. Five heavy metals Cobalt (Co), Chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni) and Zinc (Zn) were monitored monthly at 18 groundwater locations for a year in and around IIE Haridwar. Co was detected in 94 %, Fe in 99 % and Cr in 98 % samples; and Ni in 90 % and Zn in 99 % of the 216 samples. Co, Cr, Fe and Ni were found to exceed standard guideline limits in 196/216, 199/216, 71/216 and 147/216 samples, respectively. Two-way ANOVA showed main effects of season on concentrations of Fe and Zn. Significant correlations were identified between metal pairs Co–Cr and Fe–Zn. PCA identified two principal components, the anthropogenic pollution factor with loadings on Co and Cr and geogenic factor with loadings on Zn and Fe. HCA supported the findings of PCA and formed three clusters. Health risk assessment showed non-carcinogenic risk at all 17/18 locations due to Cr indicating adverse impact of industrial activity on human health.
The present study deals with the analysis of physico-chemical parameters of the Song River at Deh... more The present study deals with the analysis of physico-chemical parameters of the Song River at Dehradun (U.K.). In the present study various physico-chemical characteristics of Song River viz Temperature, pH, Turbidity, TS, TDS, TSS, DO, BOD, COD, FreeCO2, Acidity, Alkalinity, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium and Chloride were done. During the course of study only minor differences in physical and chemical parameters of study area were observed.
Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2016
The aim of this study was to assess environmental risk due to heavy metals such as cobalt (Co), c... more The aim of this study was to assess environmental risk due to heavy metals such as cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) in the groundwater around integrated industrial estate (IIE) Haridwar. Index of geo-accumulation (I geo) values showed Cr contamination in groundwater of both the industrial areas. The quantification of contamination index showed that anthropogenic causes were source of contamination of all metals. Contamination factor showed that contamination levels in the study area ranged from low contamination to moderate contamination. Pollution linked index (PLI) values were highest in Bahadrabad old industrial area [ Shivalik Nagar [ commercial area [ IIE Haridwar = Aneki [ RNP. Ecological risk index (ERI) was highest in Bahadrabad old industrial area [ Shivalik Nagar [ commercial area [ IIE Haridwar [ RNP [ Aneki rural area. Values of PLI and ERI showed moderate pollution and low ecological risk due to heavy metals in the study area. Study showed that although Rajaji National Park (RNP) is a protected area, it was not free of metal contamination.
Environment Conservation Journal, 2019
As we all know that water is essential to all forms of life and makes up about 70% of the human b... more As we all know that water is essential to all forms of life and makes up about 70% of the human body weight. Due to the direct link of water quality with human welfare, the quality of water is of vital concern. Industrialization plays major role in the development of a country's economy. However, these plants and industries generate hazardous by-products and discharge them directly or partially treated into the environment which contaminates the surface water, ground water and soil causing a great threat to the life of human beings, animal and plants. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to identify the potential of water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipus) and Duckweed (Lemna minor) for the treatment of industrial waste water generated from Dehradun industrial area using phytoremediation technology on the basis of different physicochemical parameters such as pH, EC, DO, ORP, Salinity, TDS, BOD, COD, Hardness and Temperature. Eichornia crassipus shows maximum decrease in pH, TDS and COD and Lemna minor shows maximum decrease in EC, ORP, Salinity, BOD and TH. In case of DO maximum decrease was observed in control experiment. During the assessment period Lemna minor was found highly efficient in comparison to Eichornia crassipus. Both water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipus) and Duckweed (Lemna minor) shows maximum removal between 1 st to 5 th day of treatment but the removal goes down as the experiment proceeds towards the end as the retarded growth of plants was observed due to toxicity of accumulated pollutants inside the palnts.
Predictive Intelligence Using Big Data and the Internet of Things, 2019
Predicting the water quality of rivers has attracted a lot of researchers all around the globe. A... more Predicting the water quality of rivers has attracted a lot of researchers all around the globe. A precise prediction of river water quality may benefit the water management bodies. However, due to the complex relationship existing among various factors, the prediction is a challenging job. Here, the authors attempted to develop a model for forecasting or predicting the water quality of the river Ganga using application of predictive intelligence based on machine learning approach called support vector machine (SVM). The monthly data sets of five water quality parameters from 2001 to 2015 were taken from five sampling stations from Devprayag to Roorkee in the Uttarakhand state of India. The experiments are conducted in Python 2.7.13 language (Anaconda2 4.3.1) using the radial basis function (RBF) as a kernel for developing the non-linear SVM-based classifier as a model for water quality prediction. The results indicated a prediction performance of 96.66% for best parameter combinatio...
Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 2021
Water Quality (WQ) modeling and forecasting are very challenging for water management bodies due ... more Water Quality (WQ) modeling and forecasting are very challenging for water management bodies due to the complex and nonlinear relationship between the parameters responsible for determining water quality. The main focus of this paper is the water quality prediction of the Ganges River by analyzing the impact of one of the critical configuration parameters of a neural network known as the learning rate. The proposed prediction model based on an artificial neural network (ANN) consists of different sets of experiments performed by comparing twelve different training functions against the variation in learning rates. A total of 360 experiments have been conducted on the dataset collected over the period 2001 to 2015 with five stations along the Ganges River in the state of Uttarakhand, India. All experiments have been conducted in MATLAB software. The ANN-based program is written in Matlab’s NN-Toolbox. As input parameters, we have used temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemic...
Environment Conservation Journal, 2017
The River Ganga (2,525 km long) is the largest area and recently granted living entity status by ... more The River Ganga (2,525 km long) is the largest area and recently granted living entity status by the court. It is the holiest That's why it is mandatory to maintain its water quality (WQ). Though, monitoring and assessment of WQ of a very challenging task. In this research work, Soft C Network (ANN) technique has been used for modelling the WQ of the Ganga based on six different training functions. Five sampling stations along this DEVPRAYAG to ROORKEE in the Uttarakhand state of India. The monthly data sets of five water quality parameters temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total coliform (TC) for the time period from 2001 to 2015 have been taken. T develop the WQ-prediction model by conducting various experiments following a neural network structure of 5 as a training goal and various training functions. Using the performance of the developed model was evaluated. The model developed with traincgp (Conjugate Gradient with Polak Ribiere Restarts) comes out to be the worst one (MSE=0.786) while the other model backpropagation) rule proved to be the best one (MSE=0.163) among others. capable of predicting WQ of the River Keywords-Artificial Neural Network (A (BOD) and Total Coliform (TC); Mean Square Error (MSE).
Polymer Journal, 2016
The idea of systems analysis and mathematical modeling for formulating and resolving river pollut... more The idea of systems analysis and mathematical modeling for formulating and resolving river pollution issues is of relatively recent vintage and has been applied widely in the last 3 decades. The present study illustrates the utility of Beck-modified Khanna–Bhutiani model (BMKB) to determine the pollution load due to the presence of organic matter in River Ganga from its course from Devprayag to Roorkee through the holy city of India, Haridwar. The study was conducted over a period of 3 years between 2010 and 2013. The study was aimed to verify the BMKB model for River Ganga. This model was simulated and calibrated through the data obtained by model by comparing it with the field data observed manually. Paired T-test were performed for dissolved oxygen (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) between the titrated value and modelled value to determine if there was any statistically significant difference between the means of respective values. The results of T-test revealed statistica...
In present study, phytochemical screening, total phenolic content, and antimicrobial activity wer... more In present study, phytochemical screening, total phenolic content, and antimicrobial activity were carried out. Extraction was performed successively with petroleum ether, diethyl ether, acetone and distilled water. Phytochemical screening indicates the presence of various phytoconstituents. Petroleum ether and diethyl ether extracts are rich in triterpenoids while acetone extract has carbohydrate, inulin, flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Diethyl ether extract has highest concentration of total phenol (48.823%) which is responsible for its excellent antioxidant activity. Antimicrobial activity was performed against four bacterial and two fungal strains by agar well diffusion method which showed that diethyl ether extract is more prominent against all strain. These results revealed that diethyl ether extract could be used as an antimicrobial agent of natural origin in pharmaceutical industry.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Recently, Water Quality (WQ) comes out to be the central point of concern all around the globe. T... more Recently, Water Quality (WQ) comes out to be the central point of concern all around the globe. The purpose of this work is to develop an automated procedure that can be used to classify the water quality of the River Ganga proficiently in the stretch from Devprayag to Roorkee Uttarakhand, India. The monthly data sets of five water quality parameters temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total coliform (TC) for the time period from 2001 to 2015 is used for this research work. The proposed method involves developing various water quality classification models using one of the concept of data mining called decision tree (DT) for evaluating the WQ classes. The experiments are conducted using Weka data mining tool. Models first developed using (60–40)% data division approach and then using (80–20)% approach of data division. Five different decision tree models are developed named J48 (C4.5), Random Forest, Random Tree, LMT (logistic model tree) and ...
The present study aims to compare the quality of soil of different region of Haridwar with refere... more The present study aims to compare the quality of soil of different region of Haridwar with reference to physicochemical and heavy metal parameters. To fulfill the objectives of present study, soil sampling was performed in forest (control site), industrial, residential and agricultural areas in and around Haridwar. Soil samples were analyzed for different physicochemical and heavy metal parameters. Values of all the studied soil parameters were found highest (an increase of 32% in temperature (16.63 to 21.64C), 121% in soil moisture (13.05 to 28.39%), 29.02% in soil porosity (37.56 to 49.03%), and 19.6% in the water holding capacity (36.22 to 43.58%), 74.18% in conductivity (0.25 to 0.40 μMhos/cm), and 203.78% in chloride (16.67 to 53.97mg/gm)) at the industrial area in comparison to other sites. During the course of the study, an increasing trend in all the parameters at all the sites was observed this may be due to the dumping of industrial solid waste and effluent. Although no ne...
Bacterial community structure is one of the essential components of aquaculture dynamics and play... more Bacterial community structure is one of the essential components of aquaculture dynamics and plays an important role in maintaining wetland health. The present work is an effort to study the structure of bacterial communities in the world’s largest sewage-fed fish farms, the East Kolkata Wetlands (EKWs), along with their predicted functional metabolic pathways and correlation with environmental variables. Sequencing data analysis revealed the abundance of genera such as Arcobacter (0–50%), Pseudomonas (0–15%), Sulfurospirillum (0–9%), Cloacibacterium (0–6%), hgcI clade (7–29%), C39 (0–9%), V6 (3–36%), Fluiivicola (1–6%) and Cyanobium (3–8%) in the EKWs. Further, water quality analysis of three treatment groups, i.e. Sewage, Sewage F-1 and Sewage F-2, revealed that dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) differed significantly and violated the standard prescribed norms (Central Pollution Control Board, CPCB, New Delhi) for fishery propa...
The Ganga River is the national river of India and recently got the right of living entity. It is... more The Ganga River is the national river of India and recently got the right of living entity. It is necessary to monitor its water quality frequently. But monitoring and assessment of a river WQ is a provocative task in ecological management. In this study, soft computing based one of the computation technique called Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to developpredictionor forecasting modelfor estimating the WQ of the river Ganga in the stretch from Devprayag to Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. Five sampling stations along this river stretch areselected. The monthly data sets of five water quality parameters temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and total coliform is usedfrom year 2001 to 2015. In developing the ANN model for the WQ prediction, the feed forward error back propagation method is used to develop predictionmodel for conducting various experimental investigationsfollowing many training parameters by adopting the neural network configurationof 5-10-...
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Sand Intermittent Filtration (SIF) is an established technology of wastewater treatment and in re... more Sand Intermittent Filtration (SIF) is an established technology of wastewater treatment and in recent years it gains renewed interest due to its simplicity and less energy requirement. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the modified filter-bed Reactor using Sand-intermittent-filtration (SIF) for the removal of physicochemical parameters viz dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total hardness (TH), calcium hardness (CaH), chloride (Cl), turbidity, total solids (TS), total dissolved solids (TDS), and total suspended solids (TSS) of the Industrial wastewater of State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand Limited (SIDCUL) at Haridwar. The experiments were performed with the composition of the filter-bed having sand and gravel in the ratio of 1:1 (Reactor I); 1:2 (Reactor II) and 2:1 (Reactor III) at the room temperature 300C. Each Reactor was categorized into A, B and C type based on depth of filter-bed (A=10 cm, B=1...
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Urbanization and industrialization enhance the degradation of the groundwater quality due to the ... more Urbanization and industrialization enhance the degradation of the groundwater quality due to the discharge of domestic and industrial effluents in the aquatic bodies or on the surface of ground either in treated or untreated form. Therefore, the present study was carried out to assess the groundwater quality at the Laksar block of district Haridwar in Uttarakhand. Groundwater samples (SS-1-10) were collected from the hand pumps of the study area. The sampling site (SS-1) was taken as control. The distance of all sampling sites from control site ranged from 6.3Km to 18.3Km. The samples were analyzed for various physicochemical parameters viz Temperature, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Solids (TS), pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Total Hardness (TH), Calcium Hardness (CaH), Chloride (Cl), Sulphate (SO4--), Nitrate (NO3---), Acidity, and Iron (Fe) for two years (2017 to 2019). The data obtained after analysis was simplified using Water quality index (WQI)...
Journal of Mountain Research
Quality of river water is of utmost important as it directly affects the life of living organism ... more Quality of river water is of utmost important as it directly affects the life of living organism including human beings. Due to increased urbanisation and industrialisation, the generation of wastewater is increased. About half of the wastewater is continuously released in partially treated or in untreated form in the fresh water bodies. Keeping this in mind the present study was undertaken to study the impacts of STP effluent on the Ganga river in Haridwar city. The wastewater and Ganga water samples were collected and analysed for temperature, pH, total solids (TS), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), DO, BOD, COD and alkalinity estimation. All the parameters of wastewater and Ganga river water was found below the standard limits except the solid concentration (TS greater than 1300mg/l and TDS greater than 900mg/l). Due to excess amounts of total solids and very low amount of dissolved oxygen, the quality of Ganga river water after confluence zone was sligh...
Environment, Development and Sustainability
The holy city of Haridwar is now emerging as a key industrial destination of the north India due ... more The holy city of Haridwar is now emerging as a key industrial destination of the north India due to the presence of IIE Haridwar. Due to increased anthropogenic activities like vehicular emissions and industrial discharges in the Haridwar region, air pollution levels has raised greatly. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine the Spatial and seasonal variations of air quality in and around IIE, Haridwar and (2) to find out the Air Pollution Index (API). For this monthly monitoring of pollutant gases (SO2 and NO2) and particulate matter (SPM and RSPM) for two years (2012 and 2013) were done at six ambient air quality monitoring locations, one at each land use area (rural/agricultural, urban residential, protected area, industrial and commercial land use). The average SPM, RSPM, SO2, NO2 in the study area were found as 86.92 µg/m3, 81.04 µg/m3, 23.23 µg/m3, 24.73 µg/m3, respectively. It was observed that the average SPM levels exceed WHO standard limit of 120 µg/m3 at IIE Haridwar during study period. The average API during study period was 50.14 which indicates light air pollution. Meteorological conditions along with the distance from sources, particularly road transportation play a major role in deciding the ambient air quality over a region.
Environment Conservation Journal
With the rapid growth of industrialization, water pollution has increased tremendously. The inade... more With the rapid growth of industrialization, water pollution has increased tremendously. The inadequate wastewater management seriously affects the environment; phytoremediation provides a low cost alternative for the waste management. Most of the waste water discharged into water bodies, disturbs the ecological balance and deteriorates the water quality. Phytoremediation provides the low cost eco-friendly method for the wastewater treatment. These are frequently in use by the large scale organisations for the treatment of the wastewater of choice. These artificial wastewater treatment systems consisting of macrophytes are dependent upon various processes like microbial, biological, physical and chemical process for the treatment of the effluent. For the current study free floating aquatic macrophytes Lemna sp. and Eichornia sp. were used to treat the effluents from dairy factory, the biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand of dairy effluent were reduced significantly after treatment with phytoremediation experiments.
Exposure and Health, 2015
Haridwar once regarded as the holiest city of India has fast assumed the garb of an industrial de... more Haridwar once regarded as the holiest city of India has fast assumed the garb of an industrial destination after the establishment of the integrated industrial estate (IIE) Haridwar in the year 2000. IIE Haridwar is flanked by the Rajaji National Park and rural/agricultural areas in addition to urban residential, commercial and other industrial areas. Five heavy metals Cobalt (Co), Chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni) and Zinc (Zn) were monitored monthly at 18 groundwater locations for a year in and around IIE Haridwar. Co was detected in 94 %, Fe in 99 % and Cr in 98 % samples; and Ni in 90 % and Zn in 99 % of the 216 samples. Co, Cr, Fe and Ni were found to exceed standard guideline limits in 196/216, 199/216, 71/216 and 147/216 samples, respectively. Two-way ANOVA showed main effects of season on concentrations of Fe and Zn. Significant correlations were identified between metal pairs Co–Cr and Fe–Zn. PCA identified two principal components, the anthropogenic pollution factor with loadings on Co and Cr and geogenic factor with loadings on Zn and Fe. HCA supported the findings of PCA and formed three clusters. Health risk assessment showed non-carcinogenic risk at all 17/18 locations due to Cr indicating adverse impact of industrial activity on human health.
The present study deals with the analysis of physico-chemical parameters of the Song River at Deh... more The present study deals with the analysis of physico-chemical parameters of the Song River at Dehradun (U.K.). In the present study various physico-chemical characteristics of Song River viz Temperature, pH, Turbidity, TS, TDS, TSS, DO, BOD, COD, FreeCO2, Acidity, Alkalinity, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium and Chloride were done. During the course of study only minor differences in physical and chemical parameters of study area were observed.