Ramdani sururie - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ramdani sururie
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 2018
2020 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 2020
Smart home is one application of the pervasive computing branch of science. Three categories of s... more Smart home is one application of the pervasive computing branch of science. Three categories of smart homes, namely comfort, healthcare, and security. The security system is a part of smart home technology that is very important because the intensity of crime is increasing, especially in residential areas. The system will detect the face by the webcam camera if the user enters the correct password. Face recognition will be processed by the Raspberry pi 3 microcontroller with the Principal Component Analysis method using OpenCV and Python software which has outputs, namely actuators in the form of a solenoid lock door and buzzer. The test results show that the webcam can perform face detection when the password input is successful, then the buzzer actuator can turn on when the database does not match the data taken by the webcam or the test data and the solenoid door lock actuator can run if the database matches the test data taken by the sensor. webcam. The mean response time of face detection is 1.35 seconds.
Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution that can be used by the parties in litig... more Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution that can be used by the parties in litigation such as at religious courts and non-litigation at BPSK. The implementation of mediation is generally the same at both institutions. The purpose of this study was to determine the basis, implementation and effectiveness of mediation at the both. This type of research is empirical juridical approach. The sources used primary and secondary data from various related literatures and interviews with mediators. The results is: First, the legal basis for mediation in the Religious Courts is Perma Number 1 of 2016 and BPSK it refers to Perma Number 8 of 1999 which is then specifically regulated in Kepmenperindag Number 350/MPP/Kep/12/2001. Second, mediation in the Religious Courts is a procedure that must be passed before the trial. While in BPSK, mediation is the stage of the trial. Third, the effectiveness of mediation at the Bandung Religious Court is very low, based on data obtained fro...
2021 7th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 2021
The divorce certificate is a very important document because it explains the legal status of the ... more The divorce certificate is a very important document because it explains the legal status of the parties, there are obstacles with the circulation of fake divorce certificates in the community. Innovations and solutions are needed for the circulation of fake divorce certificates that can harm the community and tarnish the image of the Religious Courts. Telescope and e-Tara applications exist as a form of service to the public to be able to validate the authenticity of divorce certificates. Both applications have weaknesses, namely that they are only locally integrated with the Case Tracing Information System (CTIS) of certain Religious Courts. This study uses a conceptual approach with descriptive methods, where the data comes from secondary data with literature study data collection techniques. The results showed that the Telescope and e-Tara applications have advantages and disadvantages, but the Telescope application is better because the features to validate the authenticity of the word divorce are more complete than e-Tara. Updates and improvements are needed in the Telescope application, such as integration of a national database by connecting to the CTIS of Religious Courts throughout Indonesia so that it can be accessed nationally and a barcode feature is added so that it can scan the original divorce certificate or not.
AL-'ADALAH, 2020
The phenomenon of unregistered inter-citizen marriage has been rife in several places in Indonesi... more The phenomenon of unregistered inter-citizen marriage has been rife in several places in Indonesia. As a result of such marriages, women often have no legal power and can not obtain legal identity rights such as marriage certificates, birth certificates for their children, including material rights such as joint property and property ownership. This study examines the process of informal marriages between citizens as well as examining the extent to which the state provides legal protection to women who engage in informal marriage. The method and approach taken are normative juridical by utilizing secondary data sources in the form of legislation, books, and scientific journals. The results show that the emergence of an unregistered inter-citizen marriage is mostly due to the incompleteness of the documents needed from the country of origin of the prospective husband. To overcome this problem, the state has protected women in the form of preventive and restitutive protection women in...
2nd International Conference on Sociology Education, 2017
Conceptually, mediation is believed to be one model of court settlement in a fast, cheap and bene... more Conceptually, mediation is believed to be one model of court settlement in a fast, cheap and beneficial way for both parties. However, based on the annual report released by the Religious Courts and the District Court in several major cities in Indonesia, the success rate of mediation is still low, while cases that fail to be mediated are still high, resulting in conflict in the Court. This study aims to describe and evaluate the root of the problem of mediation success and failure in the Court, and efforts that have been made by the Courts in order to improve the success of mediation and examine the future of mediation within the judicial system in Indonesia. The research method used was formative evaluation method. The results of this study concluded that the success and failure of mediation in court was caused by the disputing parties, advocates, mediators and means. Efforts that are being made to improve the success of mediation are the provision of rewards for mediators, improving the mediation regulation in the form of Supreme Court rulings along with their technical guidance, appointing the court as a mediation pilot project, conducting mediator training for judges and for prospective judges, building cooperation with BP4 (an advisory board that guides and preserves marriage); and the prospect of mediation as an alternative to dispute resolution in court which still gives hope in light of the changing success rate of each year's mediation from each court. Thus, this study reinforces the theory of law enforcement that the mediating and supporting elements of mediation in court are caused by four elements, namely, elements of regulation, disputants, mediators, and infrastructure and facilities.
Runtuhnyya rezim pemerintahan orde baru yang dianggap sebagai biang korupsi di Indonesia, ternyat... more Runtuhnyya rezim pemerintahan orde baru yang dianggap sebagai biang korupsi di Indonesia, ternyata tidak lantas menjadikan negara ini bebas dari kasus korupsi yang merugikan negara. Kelahiran era reformasi yang disambut gegap gempita oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia justru belum menunjukkan prestasti yang gemilang dalam pemberantasan kasus korupsi. Fenomena korupsi di Indonesia perlu dikaji dan diteliti lebih lanjut dalam kerangka sosiologi hukum sebagai suatu evaluasi terhadap upaya penyelesaian kasus korupsi. Penellitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka. Perspektif struktural fungsionalisme memandang bahwa menjamurnya praktek korupsi di Indonesia merupakan tanda disfunginya hukum dalam menciptakan tujuannya yakni mewujudkan kepatuhan hukum dan keteraturan di masyarakat. Para penegak hukum turut memegang kunci suksesnya hukum di masyarakat sebab menurut kaum fungsionalisme keteraturan tercipta karena berfungsinya unsur-unsur yang saling terhubung satu sama lain.
ABSTRAK Saksi merupakan salah satu alat bukti yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu sengketa d... more ABSTRAK Saksi merupakan salah satu alat bukti yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu sengketa dan sangat menentukan untuk membuka tabir sejelas-jelasnya mengenai kebenaran pokok perkara yang disengketakan oleh kedua belah pihak. Dalam ketentuan hukum acara, saksi memiliki nilai kesaksian atau bernilai saksi sempurna apabila memenuhi syarat formil dan materil tentang apa yang disaksikan. Saksi seperti itu dinamakan saksi yang auditu sedangkan saksi yang tidak memiliki nilai kesaksian atau tidak memenuhi syarat formil dan materil kesaksian dinamakan saksi yang testimonium de auditu . Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada kajian adanya disparitas di dalam penilaian bukti saksi yang testimonium de auditu di dalam pemeriksaan perkara perceraian antara pengadilan agama tingkat pertama dan pengadilan tingkat banding. Pada Pengadilan Agama Karawang, majelis hakim mempertimbangkan bahwa saksi-saksi yang diajukan dalam persidangan sudah memiliki nilai pembuktian sekalipun keterangan yang dipero...
Divorce of Muslim families in positive law in Indonesia can only be done in religious courts. The... more Divorce of Muslim families in positive law in Indonesia can only be done in religious courts. The increasing number of divorcees each year is the issue of this research, especially to describe whether there is a chance for a religious court to facilitate divorce in Indonesia, analyze the root causes of divorce, and formulate effective strategies to prevent it. This research used a descriptive method of analysis that describes and interprets data from court archives and interview. The data shows that religious courts normatively complicate the occurrence of divorce, but empirically there is convenience because there is a default judgment (verstek) and divorce lawsuit by husband and wife. The strategy of sustaining marriage is done before marriage through marital guidance and at the time of marriage through a mediation group in the community that can be exploited by a husband and wife in conflict so that the divorce rate can be reduced.
ISD merupakan matakuliah yang masih diajarkan pada berbagai perguruan tinggi, terutama diajarkan ... more ISD merupakan matakuliah yang masih diajarkan pada berbagai perguruan tinggi, terutama diajarkan bagi para mahasiswa yang berada diangkatan pertama atau semester satu dan dua. Kehadiran buku ini semoga dapat menambah khazanah tentang Ilmu Sosial Dasar diantara buku-buku lain yang sejenis, terutama dalam buku ISD ini telah diupayakan memutahirkan data-data baru yang selama ini masih diangap kurang tersedia dalam buku lainnya. Penulis ucapkan terima kasih terutama kepada penerbit Pustaka Setia yang telah menerbitkan buku ini. Kepada beberapa teman dan keluarga penulis serta anak-anak di rumah yang waktunya telah saya curi untuk menulis buku ini, saya juga menyampaikan terimakawih. Akhirnya, kepada para pembaca khususnya para maha¬siswa, sangat dinantikan kritik dan sarannya agar mutu tulisan dalam buku ini tetap terjaga.
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 2012
This study aimed at describing the background of the birth of the policy on mediation in the Reli... more This study aimed at describing the background of the birth of the policy on mediation in the Religious of Court and to understand and identify the procedures, barriers and efforts to improve religious court settlement through mediation. The method used is descriptive research method analysis of mediation theory and implementation in the religious court. The study found a number of findings that can give significance to the development of science in the field of procedural law of religious courts, which ishlah theory that can be used as a grand theory to study dispute resolution and mediation triangle theory that can be used as an operational theory (applied theory) in seeing the success of mediation in the judiciary. As for the successful implementation of the policy of mediation can be done with a number of strategies.
Al-Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Peradilan Islam, 2020
This research is motivated by the presence of an application in marriage data collection called t... more This research is motivated by the presence of an application in marriage data collection called the Marriage Management Information System or Simkah which has begun to be applied in various Religious Affairs Offices (KUA) in West Java, especially in KUA, Jatinangor District, Sumedang. Simkah is a policy program issued by the government to be applied to KUA in district which aims to facilitate the presentation of marriage data at the KUA. The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the Marriage Management Information System or Simkah in administrative services at KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang and its effectiveness. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach, namely research that seeks to reveal and interpret developing phenomena. In this case, the researcher went directly to the field, involving KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency. The data found shows that Simkah at KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency has been implemented but is still co...
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 2017
The integrated marriage isbat is a series of activity which is jointly conducted and coordinated ... more The integrated marriage isbat is a series of activity which is jointly conducted and coordinated withinparticular time and place between the Religious Court/Court of Law, the Regional Office of CitizenshipService in a city or a district, the sub-district Office of Religious Affairs with its mobile service for givingthe marriage legalization. The integrated marriage isbat is conducted based on the rules of the SupremeCourt, Number 1 in 2015. Even though the legal basis of such integrated marriage isbat is under therules of the Supreme Court, yet the function remains the same that is the regulatory function orregelende functie for the continuity of judicature implementation. The background of the issue of theSupreme Court Rules Number 1 in 2015 is that there are so many numbers of marriages which are notregistered because of the society’s lacking access to the courts. The aim of the integrated marriage isbatis to improve the access toward legal service and to help people, especially t...
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2017
(KHI), padahal kedudukan hukum KHI bukan termasuk dalam tata urutan perundangan. Hakikat isbat ni... more (KHI), padahal kedudukan hukum KHI bukan termasuk dalam tata urutan perundangan. Hakikat isbat nikah adalah penetapan. Hal ini berarti bahwa perkawinan yang diisbatkan tetap sah karena perkawinan yang diisbatkan berfungsi administratif. Kedudukan isbat nikah merupakan bagian dari perlindungan hukum dan kepastian hukum. Kedudukan KHI yang mengatur lebih rinci tentang isbat nikah berfungsi regulatif di tengah kekosongan hukum materil peradilan agama. Selain itu, hakim dapat menentukan dikabulkan atau ditolaknya permohonan isbat nikah. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hakikat isbat nikah adalah bagian dari diskresi hukum.
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Arabic language is one of the 6 international languages recognized by the united nations, as a mu... more Arabic language is one of the 6 international languages recognized by the united nations, as a muslim except learning English we must learn Arabic language. Arabic language is the main language to read the Qur'an and good Arabic language will be minimize errors when reading the Qur'an that can cause different meanings, basic Arabic learning made using Adobe Flash CS6 shows many examples of words in Arabic and there are also exercises to test the knowledge of Arabic language that has been learned by the user, is expected with this multimedia application allows users to learn Arabic.
Al-Khidmat, 2018
Di tengah persaingan seperti sekarang ini, eksistensi pasar tradisional seolah “hidup segan mati ... more Di tengah persaingan seperti sekarang ini, eksistensi pasar tradisional seolah “hidup segan mati pun tak mau”. Stigma negatif, tempatnya becek, kumuh, kotor, semrawut, banyak copet, minim fasilitas hingga ke karakter pedagangnya yang tidak jujur, mengurangi timbangan dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu tidak sedikit masyarakat tidak peduli dengan keberadaan pasar tradisional ini, hingga banyak dari konsumen beralih ke pasar modern, yang ramah, bersih, aman, nyaman dan seabreg keunggulan lain. Padahal sejatinya pasar tradisional ini adalah urat nadi perekonomian nyata di negeri yang mayoritas Muslim ini. Visi Kabupaten Cianjur, “Cianjur Lebih Maju dan Agamis”. aksentuasi pada gerakan Cianjur Agamis yang terimplementasikan dalam aktiftas perdagangan yaitu direalisasikan pendirian pasar tradisional syariah di Kecamatan Campaka yang disingkat Pasar Syariah Campaka (PSC). Tujuan pengabdian ini: pertama, mendampingi penyusunan naskah akademik mengenai konsep pasar syariah yang langsung diimpl...
Al-Khidmat, 2019
Sharia economics has two legal basis of sharia economic systems, namely the Qur'an and the Su... more Sharia economics has two legal basis of sharia economic systems, namely the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, the laws taken from the two basic foundations in concept and principle are fixed (cannot change anytime and anywhere). The Purpose of sharia economic law counseling towards residents of Cibiru Wetan Village, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency are: a) Providing knowledge and insight to extension participants, the residents of Cibiru Wetan Village, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency related to sharia economic law material and b) Providing knowledge and insight and the skills of the counseling participants about the advantages of sharia economic law.To solve the problems that have been identified and formulated above, the counseling can run as an alternative problem solving is as follows: counseling is done with individual and classical approaches. The classical approach is carried out when giving a theory about sharia economic law and an individual approach is carried ...
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2018
This study aims to describe the causes of high divorce rates in Muslim families in West Java base... more This study aims to describe the causes of high divorce rates in Muslim families in West Java based on the decisions of the Religious Courts, and this study also aims to formulate a strategy to prevent the increase in divorce rates. This study uses descriptive analysis method with interview techniques, study documents on the decisions of the Religious Courts and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the highest cause of divorce in the mulism family in West Java is due to economic factors, there is no harmony and no responsibility. Prevention strategies for increasing divorce rates in West Java need to be done systemically from top to bottom, starting from family education before marriage and during conflicts between husband and wife. Thus, it can be concluded that the cause of the high divorce rate in Muslim families in West Java is due to a lack of commitment and knowledge of the essence of marriage, which makes the marital bond in a Muslim family fragile. The ...
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 2020
The spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared as a health and economic... more The spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared as a health and economic emergency that has an impact on social life, including Legal Aid Post services at the Indonesian Religious Courts. This study aims to analyze the types, forms, and methods of Legal Aid Post services at the Religious Courts and the level of public access to the Religious Courts during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research uses an empirical juridical method with a qualitative approach. Descriptive and exploratory analysis are carried out to identify Legal Aid Post services at the Religious Courts in providing judicial access to the public. This study also uses purposive sampling before conducting in-depth interviews with several informants. These include Religious Court employees, advocates, and Legal Aid Post officers. The results show that the case registration services at the Legal Aid Post for the Religious Courts have been carried out in various forms, namely online through the E-Cour...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 2018
2020 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 2020
Smart home is one application of the pervasive computing branch of science. Three categories of s... more Smart home is one application of the pervasive computing branch of science. Three categories of smart homes, namely comfort, healthcare, and security. The security system is a part of smart home technology that is very important because the intensity of crime is increasing, especially in residential areas. The system will detect the face by the webcam camera if the user enters the correct password. Face recognition will be processed by the Raspberry pi 3 microcontroller with the Principal Component Analysis method using OpenCV and Python software which has outputs, namely actuators in the form of a solenoid lock door and buzzer. The test results show that the webcam can perform face detection when the password input is successful, then the buzzer actuator can turn on when the database does not match the data taken by the webcam or the test data and the solenoid door lock actuator can run if the database matches the test data taken by the sensor. webcam. The mean response time of face detection is 1.35 seconds.
Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution that can be used by the parties in litig... more Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution that can be used by the parties in litigation such as at religious courts and non-litigation at BPSK. The implementation of mediation is generally the same at both institutions. The purpose of this study was to determine the basis, implementation and effectiveness of mediation at the both. This type of research is empirical juridical approach. The sources used primary and secondary data from various related literatures and interviews with mediators. The results is: First, the legal basis for mediation in the Religious Courts is Perma Number 1 of 2016 and BPSK it refers to Perma Number 8 of 1999 which is then specifically regulated in Kepmenperindag Number 350/MPP/Kep/12/2001. Second, mediation in the Religious Courts is a procedure that must be passed before the trial. While in BPSK, mediation is the stage of the trial. Third, the effectiveness of mediation at the Bandung Religious Court is very low, based on data obtained fro...
2021 7th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 2021
The divorce certificate is a very important document because it explains the legal status of the ... more The divorce certificate is a very important document because it explains the legal status of the parties, there are obstacles with the circulation of fake divorce certificates in the community. Innovations and solutions are needed for the circulation of fake divorce certificates that can harm the community and tarnish the image of the Religious Courts. Telescope and e-Tara applications exist as a form of service to the public to be able to validate the authenticity of divorce certificates. Both applications have weaknesses, namely that they are only locally integrated with the Case Tracing Information System (CTIS) of certain Religious Courts. This study uses a conceptual approach with descriptive methods, where the data comes from secondary data with literature study data collection techniques. The results showed that the Telescope and e-Tara applications have advantages and disadvantages, but the Telescope application is better because the features to validate the authenticity of the word divorce are more complete than e-Tara. Updates and improvements are needed in the Telescope application, such as integration of a national database by connecting to the CTIS of Religious Courts throughout Indonesia so that it can be accessed nationally and a barcode feature is added so that it can scan the original divorce certificate or not.
AL-'ADALAH, 2020
The phenomenon of unregistered inter-citizen marriage has been rife in several places in Indonesi... more The phenomenon of unregistered inter-citizen marriage has been rife in several places in Indonesia. As a result of such marriages, women often have no legal power and can not obtain legal identity rights such as marriage certificates, birth certificates for their children, including material rights such as joint property and property ownership. This study examines the process of informal marriages between citizens as well as examining the extent to which the state provides legal protection to women who engage in informal marriage. The method and approach taken are normative juridical by utilizing secondary data sources in the form of legislation, books, and scientific journals. The results show that the emergence of an unregistered inter-citizen marriage is mostly due to the incompleteness of the documents needed from the country of origin of the prospective husband. To overcome this problem, the state has protected women in the form of preventive and restitutive protection women in...
2nd International Conference on Sociology Education, 2017
Conceptually, mediation is believed to be one model of court settlement in a fast, cheap and bene... more Conceptually, mediation is believed to be one model of court settlement in a fast, cheap and beneficial way for both parties. However, based on the annual report released by the Religious Courts and the District Court in several major cities in Indonesia, the success rate of mediation is still low, while cases that fail to be mediated are still high, resulting in conflict in the Court. This study aims to describe and evaluate the root of the problem of mediation success and failure in the Court, and efforts that have been made by the Courts in order to improve the success of mediation and examine the future of mediation within the judicial system in Indonesia. The research method used was formative evaluation method. The results of this study concluded that the success and failure of mediation in court was caused by the disputing parties, advocates, mediators and means. Efforts that are being made to improve the success of mediation are the provision of rewards for mediators, improving the mediation regulation in the form of Supreme Court rulings along with their technical guidance, appointing the court as a mediation pilot project, conducting mediator training for judges and for prospective judges, building cooperation with BP4 (an advisory board that guides and preserves marriage); and the prospect of mediation as an alternative to dispute resolution in court which still gives hope in light of the changing success rate of each year's mediation from each court. Thus, this study reinforces the theory of law enforcement that the mediating and supporting elements of mediation in court are caused by four elements, namely, elements of regulation, disputants, mediators, and infrastructure and facilities.
Runtuhnyya rezim pemerintahan orde baru yang dianggap sebagai biang korupsi di Indonesia, ternyat... more Runtuhnyya rezim pemerintahan orde baru yang dianggap sebagai biang korupsi di Indonesia, ternyata tidak lantas menjadikan negara ini bebas dari kasus korupsi yang merugikan negara. Kelahiran era reformasi yang disambut gegap gempita oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia justru belum menunjukkan prestasti yang gemilang dalam pemberantasan kasus korupsi. Fenomena korupsi di Indonesia perlu dikaji dan diteliti lebih lanjut dalam kerangka sosiologi hukum sebagai suatu evaluasi terhadap upaya penyelesaian kasus korupsi. Penellitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka. Perspektif struktural fungsionalisme memandang bahwa menjamurnya praktek korupsi di Indonesia merupakan tanda disfunginya hukum dalam menciptakan tujuannya yakni mewujudkan kepatuhan hukum dan keteraturan di masyarakat. Para penegak hukum turut memegang kunci suksesnya hukum di masyarakat sebab menurut kaum fungsionalisme keteraturan tercipta karena berfungsinya unsur-unsur yang saling terhubung satu sama lain.
ABSTRAK Saksi merupakan salah satu alat bukti yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu sengketa d... more ABSTRAK Saksi merupakan salah satu alat bukti yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu sengketa dan sangat menentukan untuk membuka tabir sejelas-jelasnya mengenai kebenaran pokok perkara yang disengketakan oleh kedua belah pihak. Dalam ketentuan hukum acara, saksi memiliki nilai kesaksian atau bernilai saksi sempurna apabila memenuhi syarat formil dan materil tentang apa yang disaksikan. Saksi seperti itu dinamakan saksi yang auditu sedangkan saksi yang tidak memiliki nilai kesaksian atau tidak memenuhi syarat formil dan materil kesaksian dinamakan saksi yang testimonium de auditu . Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada kajian adanya disparitas di dalam penilaian bukti saksi yang testimonium de auditu di dalam pemeriksaan perkara perceraian antara pengadilan agama tingkat pertama dan pengadilan tingkat banding. Pada Pengadilan Agama Karawang, majelis hakim mempertimbangkan bahwa saksi-saksi yang diajukan dalam persidangan sudah memiliki nilai pembuktian sekalipun keterangan yang dipero...
Divorce of Muslim families in positive law in Indonesia can only be done in religious courts. The... more Divorce of Muslim families in positive law in Indonesia can only be done in religious courts. The increasing number of divorcees each year is the issue of this research, especially to describe whether there is a chance for a religious court to facilitate divorce in Indonesia, analyze the root causes of divorce, and formulate effective strategies to prevent it. This research used a descriptive method of analysis that describes and interprets data from court archives and interview. The data shows that religious courts normatively complicate the occurrence of divorce, but empirically there is convenience because there is a default judgment (verstek) and divorce lawsuit by husband and wife. The strategy of sustaining marriage is done before marriage through marital guidance and at the time of marriage through a mediation group in the community that can be exploited by a husband and wife in conflict so that the divorce rate can be reduced.
ISD merupakan matakuliah yang masih diajarkan pada berbagai perguruan tinggi, terutama diajarkan ... more ISD merupakan matakuliah yang masih diajarkan pada berbagai perguruan tinggi, terutama diajarkan bagi para mahasiswa yang berada diangkatan pertama atau semester satu dan dua. Kehadiran buku ini semoga dapat menambah khazanah tentang Ilmu Sosial Dasar diantara buku-buku lain yang sejenis, terutama dalam buku ISD ini telah diupayakan memutahirkan data-data baru yang selama ini masih diangap kurang tersedia dalam buku lainnya. Penulis ucapkan terima kasih terutama kepada penerbit Pustaka Setia yang telah menerbitkan buku ini. Kepada beberapa teman dan keluarga penulis serta anak-anak di rumah yang waktunya telah saya curi untuk menulis buku ini, saya juga menyampaikan terimakawih. Akhirnya, kepada para pembaca khususnya para maha¬siswa, sangat dinantikan kritik dan sarannya agar mutu tulisan dalam buku ini tetap terjaga.
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 2012
This study aimed at describing the background of the birth of the policy on mediation in the Reli... more This study aimed at describing the background of the birth of the policy on mediation in the Religious of Court and to understand and identify the procedures, barriers and efforts to improve religious court settlement through mediation. The method used is descriptive research method analysis of mediation theory and implementation in the religious court. The study found a number of findings that can give significance to the development of science in the field of procedural law of religious courts, which ishlah theory that can be used as a grand theory to study dispute resolution and mediation triangle theory that can be used as an operational theory (applied theory) in seeing the success of mediation in the judiciary. As for the successful implementation of the policy of mediation can be done with a number of strategies.
Al-Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Peradilan Islam, 2020
This research is motivated by the presence of an application in marriage data collection called t... more This research is motivated by the presence of an application in marriage data collection called the Marriage Management Information System or Simkah which has begun to be applied in various Religious Affairs Offices (KUA) in West Java, especially in KUA, Jatinangor District, Sumedang. Simkah is a policy program issued by the government to be applied to KUA in district which aims to facilitate the presentation of marriage data at the KUA. The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the Marriage Management Information System or Simkah in administrative services at KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang and its effectiveness. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach, namely research that seeks to reveal and interpret developing phenomena. In this case, the researcher went directly to the field, involving KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency. The data found shows that Simkah at KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency has been implemented but is still co...
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 2017
The integrated marriage isbat is a series of activity which is jointly conducted and coordinated ... more The integrated marriage isbat is a series of activity which is jointly conducted and coordinated withinparticular time and place between the Religious Court/Court of Law, the Regional Office of CitizenshipService in a city or a district, the sub-district Office of Religious Affairs with its mobile service for givingthe marriage legalization. The integrated marriage isbat is conducted based on the rules of the SupremeCourt, Number 1 in 2015. Even though the legal basis of such integrated marriage isbat is under therules of the Supreme Court, yet the function remains the same that is the regulatory function orregelende functie for the continuity of judicature implementation. The background of the issue of theSupreme Court Rules Number 1 in 2015 is that there are so many numbers of marriages which are notregistered because of the society’s lacking access to the courts. The aim of the integrated marriage isbatis to improve the access toward legal service and to help people, especially t...
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2017
(KHI), padahal kedudukan hukum KHI bukan termasuk dalam tata urutan perundangan. Hakikat isbat ni... more (KHI), padahal kedudukan hukum KHI bukan termasuk dalam tata urutan perundangan. Hakikat isbat nikah adalah penetapan. Hal ini berarti bahwa perkawinan yang diisbatkan tetap sah karena perkawinan yang diisbatkan berfungsi administratif. Kedudukan isbat nikah merupakan bagian dari perlindungan hukum dan kepastian hukum. Kedudukan KHI yang mengatur lebih rinci tentang isbat nikah berfungsi regulatif di tengah kekosongan hukum materil peradilan agama. Selain itu, hakim dapat menentukan dikabulkan atau ditolaknya permohonan isbat nikah. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hakikat isbat nikah adalah bagian dari diskresi hukum.
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Arabic language is one of the 6 international languages recognized by the united nations, as a mu... more Arabic language is one of the 6 international languages recognized by the united nations, as a muslim except learning English we must learn Arabic language. Arabic language is the main language to read the Qur'an and good Arabic language will be minimize errors when reading the Qur'an that can cause different meanings, basic Arabic learning made using Adobe Flash CS6 shows many examples of words in Arabic and there are also exercises to test the knowledge of Arabic language that has been learned by the user, is expected with this multimedia application allows users to learn Arabic.
Al-Khidmat, 2018
Di tengah persaingan seperti sekarang ini, eksistensi pasar tradisional seolah “hidup segan mati ... more Di tengah persaingan seperti sekarang ini, eksistensi pasar tradisional seolah “hidup segan mati pun tak mau”. Stigma negatif, tempatnya becek, kumuh, kotor, semrawut, banyak copet, minim fasilitas hingga ke karakter pedagangnya yang tidak jujur, mengurangi timbangan dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu tidak sedikit masyarakat tidak peduli dengan keberadaan pasar tradisional ini, hingga banyak dari konsumen beralih ke pasar modern, yang ramah, bersih, aman, nyaman dan seabreg keunggulan lain. Padahal sejatinya pasar tradisional ini adalah urat nadi perekonomian nyata di negeri yang mayoritas Muslim ini. Visi Kabupaten Cianjur, “Cianjur Lebih Maju dan Agamis”. aksentuasi pada gerakan Cianjur Agamis yang terimplementasikan dalam aktiftas perdagangan yaitu direalisasikan pendirian pasar tradisional syariah di Kecamatan Campaka yang disingkat Pasar Syariah Campaka (PSC). Tujuan pengabdian ini: pertama, mendampingi penyusunan naskah akademik mengenai konsep pasar syariah yang langsung diimpl...
Al-Khidmat, 2019
Sharia economics has two legal basis of sharia economic systems, namely the Qur'an and the Su... more Sharia economics has two legal basis of sharia economic systems, namely the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, the laws taken from the two basic foundations in concept and principle are fixed (cannot change anytime and anywhere). The Purpose of sharia economic law counseling towards residents of Cibiru Wetan Village, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency are: a) Providing knowledge and insight to extension participants, the residents of Cibiru Wetan Village, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency related to sharia economic law material and b) Providing knowledge and insight and the skills of the counseling participants about the advantages of sharia economic law.To solve the problems that have been identified and formulated above, the counseling can run as an alternative problem solving is as follows: counseling is done with individual and classical approaches. The classical approach is carried out when giving a theory about sharia economic law and an individual approach is carried ...
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2018
This study aims to describe the causes of high divorce rates in Muslim families in West Java base... more This study aims to describe the causes of high divorce rates in Muslim families in West Java based on the decisions of the Religious Courts, and this study also aims to formulate a strategy to prevent the increase in divorce rates. This study uses descriptive analysis method with interview techniques, study documents on the decisions of the Religious Courts and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the highest cause of divorce in the mulism family in West Java is due to economic factors, there is no harmony and no responsibility. Prevention strategies for increasing divorce rates in West Java need to be done systemically from top to bottom, starting from family education before marriage and during conflicts between husband and wife. Thus, it can be concluded that the cause of the high divorce rate in Muslim families in West Java is due to a lack of commitment and knowledge of the essence of marriage, which makes the marital bond in a Muslim family fragile. The ...
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 2020
The spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared as a health and economic... more The spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared as a health and economic emergency that has an impact on social life, including Legal Aid Post services at the Indonesian Religious Courts. This study aims to analyze the types, forms, and methods of Legal Aid Post services at the Religious Courts and the level of public access to the Religious Courts during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research uses an empirical juridical method with a qualitative approach. Descriptive and exploratory analysis are carried out to identify Legal Aid Post services at the Religious Courts in providing judicial access to the public. This study also uses purposive sampling before conducting in-depth interviews with several informants. These include Religious Court employees, advocates, and Legal Aid Post officers. The results show that the case registration services at the Legal Aid Post for the Religious Courts have been carried out in various forms, namely online through the E-Cour...