Ramli Ramadhan - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ramli Ramadhan
Springer eBooks, 2023
Discussions about forestry governance systems in Indonesia have always been an important area of ... more Discussions about forestry governance systems in Indonesia have always been an important area of policy and practice given the sector's outsized role in natural resources management. In recent years, the forest management system has been intimately linked to the concept of a Forest Management Unit (FMU), which was established to conduct scientifically sound forest management practices. FMUs were created in response to the historical failures of rule-based forest management and privatization, which resulted in the emergence of the notion of professional forestry. However, forest governance systems are once again changing as a result of the aftermath of Indonesia's Job Creation Act (a.k.a. Omnibus Law) and its derivative regulations. In this chapter, we apply a governance approach for assessing anticipated changes in the forestry sector. We understand governance as a process operationalized by actors, powers, and rules. Accordingly, we applied the lens of four governance modes in our analysis, which includes hierarchical governance, closed co-governance, open co-governance, and self-governance. FMUs assist the central government as a facilitating institution and provide a window into understanding ongoing forestry changes. Policy changes indicate that nongovernment actors are gaining increased access to permit-based forest use, thus potentially
Jurnal Sylva Lestari
Changes in the Social Forestry or Perhutanan Sosial (PS) scheme have been made by the Ministry of... more Changes in the Social Forestry or Perhutanan Sosial (PS) scheme have been made by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, particularly in the state-owned forestry enterprise (Perhutani) working area. A forestry partnership is one of the schemes being developed to replace the previous scheme, Community Forest Management (PHBM). However, increased PS area permits are not always accompanied by increased farmer trust and understanding of the program. This study aimed to determine the institution’s effectiveness and institutional condition in the era of PS policy, which is currently a government priority program. One of the community groups granted a management permit is the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Sumber Makmur, located in the Forest Management Unit (KPH) Malang. This study was conducted from December 2020 to March 2021 using a qualitative descriptive method as in-depth interviews and questionnaires with assessment indicators. Responden...
Gorontalo Journal of Forestry Research
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika proses penetapan Perhutanan Sosial (PS) di wilay... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika proses penetapan Perhutanan Sosial (PS) di wilayah Perhutani pasca keluarnya kebijakan Peraturan Menteri LHK No.39 tahun 2017. Penelitian dilakukan di dua kelompok masyarakat yang memperoleh ijin pemanfaatan hutan yakni KTH Tambak Baya dan LMDH Buana Mukti di KPH Garut BKPH Leles. Analisi terhadap dinamika penetapan PS menggunakan analisis teks, analisis konteks sosial, ekonomi dan politik, dan analisis pemetaan aktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan PS mendorong kelompok masyarakat untuk mengajukan ijin pemanfaatan berdasar konteks sosial, ekonomi maupun politik yang melatarbelakangi. Kehadiran aktor baru seperti Pemerintah Pusat, Pokja PPS, Sunda Hejo dan SHI mengindikasikan peran Perhutani saat ini menjadi berkurang dalam menentukan kebijakan PS di wilayah merekaKata kunci: Perhutanan Sosial, P.39/2017, Perhutani.
Potensi menurunannya debit mata air akibat alih fungsi lahan karena jumlah penduduk yang meningka... more Potensi menurunannya debit mata air akibat alih fungsi lahan karena jumlah penduduk yang meningkat merupakan salah satu dampak tidak adanya konservasi mata air. Oleh karena itu, dalam pengabdian ini kami melakukan kegiatan penanaman vegetasi / pengkayaan vegetasi (enrichment planting) di sekitar mata air dan di daerah hulu. Vegetasi yang ditanam dipilih berdasarkan tempat tumbuh dan manfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar. Jenis Multi-Purpose Tress Species (MPTS) dipilih sebagai pilihan vegetasi yang ditanam. Melihat terdapat potensi pemanfaatan digital promosi yang belum dilakukan dengan baik, meskipun sudah banyak informasi mengenai lokasi sumber umbulan, namun masyarakat banyak yang kurang tahu lokasi dan akses menuju tempat wisata. Salah satu konten strategi (content promotion strategy) yang disasar oleh tim kepada mitra pengabdian ialah dengan memanfaatkan media sosial. Hasil dari pengabdian ini yaitu tim melakukan konservasi mata air dengan melakukan penanaman bibit tanaman dan melaku...
Journal of Forest Science Avicennia
Sejak diumumkanya status pandemi di seluruh indonesia berbagai aktivitas perekonomian mulai dari ... more Sejak diumumkanya status pandemi di seluruh indonesia berbagai aktivitas perekonomian mulai dari sektor pariwisata hingga perdagangan terpaksa harus menutup usahanya karena tidak diperbolehkan melakukan aktivitas, tak terkecuali wisata pemandian air panas Cangar yang berada di area taman hutan raya Raden Soeryo hal tersebut akan berdampak terhadap valuasi serta perekonomian kawasan hal terebut juga akan berdampak secara tidak langsung terhadap pelaksanan PES. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji valuasi dan implementasi Pay Ecosystem for Services (PES) dari ekowisata pemandian air panas cangar di era pandemi serta menganalisis permasalahan ekonomi yang timbul akibat penutupan kawasan wisata pemandian air panas cangar. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dari fenomena dan kejadian yang sebenarnya terjadi di lapangan yang dihasilkan dari observasi dan quisioner. Waktu dan tempat penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2020-Januari 2021 di pe...
International Forestry Review
In 2020 Indonesia's government passed the Omnibus Law with the objective of creating more job... more In 2020 Indonesia's government passed the Omnibus Law with the objective of creating more jobs and raising foreign and domestic investments by reducing regulatory requirements for businesses. This study examines how the central government is dealing with the administrative and legislative issues caused by the new law with regard to forest management. Results reveal that while administrative decentralization appears to be occurring, when viewed through the lens of political/democratic decentralization, effective forestry decentralization is not currently taking place due to a lack of devolvement of effective power to local level representatives.
Wahana Forestra: Jurnal Kehutanan, 2021
The Social Forestry Policy (PS) in the Perhutani working area has started a new beginning towards... more The Social Forestry Policy (PS) in the Perhutani working area has started a new beginning towards the current PS implementation. The issuance of regulation P.39 / 2017 was colored by various narratives / discourses from various actors decorating the journey of the policy issuance above. Using a narrative / discourse analysis approach, this study intends to explore the narratives used by parties in the policy process and those who receive the impact of SF policies. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis within-depth interviews with selected respondents proportionally (purposive sampling). The results of the study explain that the narrative of each party is different. The narrative brought by the pro to the policy is based on the condition of the forest and the social conditions of the community around the forest that have not been successfully improved, including the PHBM program that needs to be evaluated. The IPHPS scheme provides opportunities for access and ...
Journal of Forest Science Avicennia, 2019
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) is a complex area of approximately 50,276 Ha in the mo... more Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) is a complex area of approximately 50,276 Ha in the mountainous region, covering three famous landscapes namely Mount Bromo, Tengger Caldera and Mount Semeru. Based on the Decree of the Director General of PHKA No. 68 / Kpts / Dj-VI / 1998, TNBTS zoning consists of: Core Zone 22,006 Ha; Jungle Zone 23.485,20 Ha; Intensive Use Zone 425 Ha; Traditional Use Zone 2,360 Ha; and the 2,000 Ha Rehabilitation Zone.This study aims to examine the local wisdom adopted by the community in Ngadas Village. When the research began in June-July 2019 and the research method used was a qualitative method, using the Phenomenology approach. An interesting phenomenon of research is the existence of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and closed questionnaires, observation and study of documents or literatureThe majority of Ngadas people belong to the Tengger tribe, a tribe...
Springer eBooks, 2023
Discussions about forestry governance systems in Indonesia have always been an important area of ... more Discussions about forestry governance systems in Indonesia have always been an important area of policy and practice given the sector's outsized role in natural resources management. In recent years, the forest management system has been intimately linked to the concept of a Forest Management Unit (FMU), which was established to conduct scientifically sound forest management practices. FMUs were created in response to the historical failures of rule-based forest management and privatization, which resulted in the emergence of the notion of professional forestry. However, forest governance systems are once again changing as a result of the aftermath of Indonesia's Job Creation Act (a.k.a. Omnibus Law) and its derivative regulations. In this chapter, we apply a governance approach for assessing anticipated changes in the forestry sector. We understand governance as a process operationalized by actors, powers, and rules. Accordingly, we applied the lens of four governance modes in our analysis, which includes hierarchical governance, closed co-governance, open co-governance, and self-governance. FMUs assist the central government as a facilitating institution and provide a window into understanding ongoing forestry changes. Policy changes indicate that nongovernment actors are gaining increased access to permit-based forest use, thus potentially
Jurnal Sylva Lestari
Changes in the Social Forestry or Perhutanan Sosial (PS) scheme have been made by the Ministry of... more Changes in the Social Forestry or Perhutanan Sosial (PS) scheme have been made by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, particularly in the state-owned forestry enterprise (Perhutani) working area. A forestry partnership is one of the schemes being developed to replace the previous scheme, Community Forest Management (PHBM). However, increased PS area permits are not always accompanied by increased farmer trust and understanding of the program. This study aimed to determine the institution’s effectiveness and institutional condition in the era of PS policy, which is currently a government priority program. One of the community groups granted a management permit is the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Sumber Makmur, located in the Forest Management Unit (KPH) Malang. This study was conducted from December 2020 to March 2021 using a qualitative descriptive method as in-depth interviews and questionnaires with assessment indicators. Responden...
Gorontalo Journal of Forestry Research
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika proses penetapan Perhutanan Sosial (PS) di wilay... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika proses penetapan Perhutanan Sosial (PS) di wilayah Perhutani pasca keluarnya kebijakan Peraturan Menteri LHK No.39 tahun 2017. Penelitian dilakukan di dua kelompok masyarakat yang memperoleh ijin pemanfaatan hutan yakni KTH Tambak Baya dan LMDH Buana Mukti di KPH Garut BKPH Leles. Analisi terhadap dinamika penetapan PS menggunakan analisis teks, analisis konteks sosial, ekonomi dan politik, dan analisis pemetaan aktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan PS mendorong kelompok masyarakat untuk mengajukan ijin pemanfaatan berdasar konteks sosial, ekonomi maupun politik yang melatarbelakangi. Kehadiran aktor baru seperti Pemerintah Pusat, Pokja PPS, Sunda Hejo dan SHI mengindikasikan peran Perhutani saat ini menjadi berkurang dalam menentukan kebijakan PS di wilayah merekaKata kunci: Perhutanan Sosial, P.39/2017, Perhutani.
Potensi menurunannya debit mata air akibat alih fungsi lahan karena jumlah penduduk yang meningka... more Potensi menurunannya debit mata air akibat alih fungsi lahan karena jumlah penduduk yang meningkat merupakan salah satu dampak tidak adanya konservasi mata air. Oleh karena itu, dalam pengabdian ini kami melakukan kegiatan penanaman vegetasi / pengkayaan vegetasi (enrichment planting) di sekitar mata air dan di daerah hulu. Vegetasi yang ditanam dipilih berdasarkan tempat tumbuh dan manfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar. Jenis Multi-Purpose Tress Species (MPTS) dipilih sebagai pilihan vegetasi yang ditanam. Melihat terdapat potensi pemanfaatan digital promosi yang belum dilakukan dengan baik, meskipun sudah banyak informasi mengenai lokasi sumber umbulan, namun masyarakat banyak yang kurang tahu lokasi dan akses menuju tempat wisata. Salah satu konten strategi (content promotion strategy) yang disasar oleh tim kepada mitra pengabdian ialah dengan memanfaatkan media sosial. Hasil dari pengabdian ini yaitu tim melakukan konservasi mata air dengan melakukan penanaman bibit tanaman dan melaku...
Journal of Forest Science Avicennia
Sejak diumumkanya status pandemi di seluruh indonesia berbagai aktivitas perekonomian mulai dari ... more Sejak diumumkanya status pandemi di seluruh indonesia berbagai aktivitas perekonomian mulai dari sektor pariwisata hingga perdagangan terpaksa harus menutup usahanya karena tidak diperbolehkan melakukan aktivitas, tak terkecuali wisata pemandian air panas Cangar yang berada di area taman hutan raya Raden Soeryo hal tersebut akan berdampak terhadap valuasi serta perekonomian kawasan hal terebut juga akan berdampak secara tidak langsung terhadap pelaksanan PES. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji valuasi dan implementasi Pay Ecosystem for Services (PES) dari ekowisata pemandian air panas cangar di era pandemi serta menganalisis permasalahan ekonomi yang timbul akibat penutupan kawasan wisata pemandian air panas cangar. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dari fenomena dan kejadian yang sebenarnya terjadi di lapangan yang dihasilkan dari observasi dan quisioner. Waktu dan tempat penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2020-Januari 2021 di pe...
International Forestry Review
In 2020 Indonesia's government passed the Omnibus Law with the objective of creating more job... more In 2020 Indonesia's government passed the Omnibus Law with the objective of creating more jobs and raising foreign and domestic investments by reducing regulatory requirements for businesses. This study examines how the central government is dealing with the administrative and legislative issues caused by the new law with regard to forest management. Results reveal that while administrative decentralization appears to be occurring, when viewed through the lens of political/democratic decentralization, effective forestry decentralization is not currently taking place due to a lack of devolvement of effective power to local level representatives.
Wahana Forestra: Jurnal Kehutanan, 2021
The Social Forestry Policy (PS) in the Perhutani working area has started a new beginning towards... more The Social Forestry Policy (PS) in the Perhutani working area has started a new beginning towards the current PS implementation. The issuance of regulation P.39 / 2017 was colored by various narratives / discourses from various actors decorating the journey of the policy issuance above. Using a narrative / discourse analysis approach, this study intends to explore the narratives used by parties in the policy process and those who receive the impact of SF policies. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis within-depth interviews with selected respondents proportionally (purposive sampling). The results of the study explain that the narrative of each party is different. The narrative brought by the pro to the policy is based on the condition of the forest and the social conditions of the community around the forest that have not been successfully improved, including the PHBM program that needs to be evaluated. The IPHPS scheme provides opportunities for access and ...
Journal of Forest Science Avicennia, 2019
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) is a complex area of approximately 50,276 Ha in the mo... more Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) is a complex area of approximately 50,276 Ha in the mountainous region, covering three famous landscapes namely Mount Bromo, Tengger Caldera and Mount Semeru. Based on the Decree of the Director General of PHKA No. 68 / Kpts / Dj-VI / 1998, TNBTS zoning consists of: Core Zone 22,006 Ha; Jungle Zone 23.485,20 Ha; Intensive Use Zone 425 Ha; Traditional Use Zone 2,360 Ha; and the 2,000 Ha Rehabilitation Zone.This study aims to examine the local wisdom adopted by the community in Ngadas Village. When the research began in June-July 2019 and the research method used was a qualitative method, using the Phenomenology approach. An interesting phenomenon of research is the existence of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and closed questionnaires, observation and study of documents or literatureThe majority of Ngadas people belong to the Tengger tribe, a tribe...