Ratih Pramitasari - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ratih Pramitasari

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Resiko Ergonomi dengan Quick Exposure Check pada Pekerja Batik Tulis Berkah Lestari, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Visikes: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, Nov 16, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Related to Tuberculosis Prevention Behavior in Pendrikan Kidul Sub-District, Semarang, Central Java 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Musculoskeletal Pain Of “Batik Tulis” (Writing) Women Worker In Berkah Lestari Batik, Bantul Using Nordic Body Map And Physical Asessment

ASEAN/Asian Academic Society International Conference Proceeding Series, Nov 10, 2018

Batik is one of the industry in Indonesia which is currently experiencing growth. In 2012 the tex... more Batik is one of the industry in Indonesia which is currently experiencing growth. In 2012 the textile industry (including batik) was 4,553 businesses. The process of making traditional batik tulis still through the manual process, the first step is mencanting (make the pattern on the fabric), pencelupan (dip for coloring), dan penjemuran (drying). The work attitude of batik workers is sitting on a small chair without backrest and doing mencanting activities for 6 hours even more. Many factors can caused the incidence of muscle pain in batik workers such as working in a wrong position or unnatural and doing activities in a monotonous position. This research is a quantitative research using cross sectional research design. The instrument used Nordic Body Map questionnaire and a physical examination to identify musculoskeletal system conditions on batik tulis workers was carried out by the physiotherapist with a palpation test. The study sample consisted of 50 workers using the total population in Batik Berkah Lestari. The characteristics of batik workers are the average age of workers 49.8 years, BMI 22.9, working period of 30.54 years. Nordic Body Map results, from 28 parts of the body, 80% of workers suffered from musculoskeletal pain in the left upper arm, with a percentage of 6% feeling very pain, 30% pain and 44% slightly pain. In the right upper arm 74% of workers suffered from it, with 40% were slightly pain, 26% were pain, and 8% were very pain. On the physical examination, 44% of batik workers experienced scoliosis and 32% had lordosis.

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Risiko Ergonomi Pada Karyawan DI Pabrik Pembuatan Minuman Kemasan, Indonesia

Visikes: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, Apr 29, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Association Between Ergonomic Risk Factors Andwork-Related Musculoskeletal Disordersin Beverage Factory Workers, Indonesia

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the major causes of illness among working age group. This cr... more Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the major causes of illness among working age group. This cross-sectional study aimed to identify prevalence of MSDs, the influences of between ergonomic riskson (MSDs) among beverage factory workers, Indonesia. This cross sectional study systematic randomly selected 309 samples from all 3 sectors of a beverage factory proportional to size of the population to response to a structured questionnaire, standardized Nordic questionnaire and physical assessment by physiotherapists. The relationships between ergonomic risk factors and MSDs when controlled covariates were assessed using multiple logistic regression. The prevalence of MSDsusing standardized Nordic questionnaire was 71.84% during the last 7 daysand58.90% for the past 12months.The prevalence of MSDs diagnosed by physiotherapist was 56.31%. The multivariate analysis identified that when control other covariatesHigh ergonomic risks on the left of shoulders were significantly increased MSDs during past 12 months (AdjOR:3.54-95%CI:1.49 to 8.37) and MSDs diagnosed by physical assessment (AdjOR:2.91-95%CI:1.30 to 6.52). High ergonomic risks on the neck lead to the increasing of MSDs during the last 7 days (AdjOR:2.15-95%CI:1.27 to 3.65), past 12 months (AdjOR:5.31-95%CI:2.53 to 11.11) and also MSDs diagnosed by physical assessment (AdjOR:4.35-95%CI:2.11 to 8.96) with all of them. Smoking and education also had influences on MSDs. Ergonomic risks had impacts on MSDs both in long and short terms with the super imposed of smoking and socioeconomic status.

Research paper thumbnail of Electronic Noses for Diabetes Mellitus Detection: A Review

2020 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic), Sep 19, 2020

New Electronic nose (e-nose) is an instrument which can be used to detect any disease based on bl... more New Electronic nose (e-nose) is an instrument which can be used to detect any disease based on blood, secret, feces, breath, and urine aroma. E-nose is developed by the scientists in the world with to conduct early detection of diabetes mellitus (DM). E-nose is an instrument consisting of hardware and software enriched with devices and recognition algorithms that contains a pattern recognition algorithm (PARC-Pattern Recognition). In addition, e -nose instruments can produce diagnose in real-time, sensitive to aroma changes and portable. Various types of e-nose instruments based on various technologies and operational mechanisms are available for early detection of diabetes mellitus. Some commonly used e-nose technologies are the use of polymer (CP) sensors, metal-oxide semiconductors (MOS), and nano-particles. E-nose devices are useful to design portable and mobile technologies as remote monitoring tools for patients who need intensive insulin control. This article is a review of the new e-nose system and algorithm, developed over the past decade, which has potential applications for early detection of diabetes mellitus. Moreover, this article discusses a review of e-noses development for early detection of diabetes, ranging from the use of sensor types, comparison of the number of sensors, using the particular characterization method, the feature matrix, the feature extraction method, and the pattern recognition method.

Research paper thumbnail of Keluhan Musculoskeletal Pada Penyelam Tradisional Dengan Metode Nordic Body Map

Journal of industrial hygiene and occupational health, Oct 27, 2020

Penyelam tradisional menjadi salah satu pekerjaan yang memiliki risiko keluhan musculoskeletal, k... more Penyelam tradisional menjadi salah satu pekerjaan yang memiliki risiko keluhan musculoskeletal, keluhan mempengaruhi produktifitas kerja dan menimbulkan penyakit akibat kerja. Musculoskeletal dapat diidentifikasi lebih cepat sehingga dapat melakukan pengendalian yang tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif analitik dengan analisis cross sectional, responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 21 penyelam tradisional, lokasi penelitian di desa Kemojan Kecamatan Karimunjawa. Penggunaan instrumen Nordic Body Map (NBM) mengidentifikasi bagian tubuh yang mengalami keluhan dan level nyeri yang dirasakan. Keluhan musculoskeletal paling tinggi di bagian pantat bawah 48,8%, betis kiri 46,4%, betis kanan 44,0%. Bagian ini memiliki keluhan tertinggi diakibatkan karena penyelam tradisional menggunakan peralatan manual dalam bekerja. Keluhan musculoskeletal tertinggi pada penyelam tradisional desa Kemojan yaitu pada bagian pantat bawah.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembangunan Green House sebagai Upaya Konservasi Tanaman Obat di Kampung Jamu Kelurahan Wonolopo

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia, Oct 11, 2022

The empowerment and construction of the Green House aims to empower the community, especially her... more The empowerment and construction of the Green House aims to empower the community, especially herbal medicine craftsmen in the Wonolopo Herbal Village, which is located in Mijen District, Semarang City Regency, Central Java Province. Most of the residents make a living through the sale of herbal medicine, as the Jamu business developed, the Wonolopo Jamu Village was named the Thematic Herbal Village in 2016 by the Mayor of Semarang. The community empowerment carried out is to build a Green House on the Medicinal Plants conservation area located in the Herbal Village, Wonolopo Village. The implementation methods used

Research paper thumbnail of Feature Selection Method to Improve the Accuracy of Diabetes Mellitus Detection Instrument

International Journal on Informatics for Development: IJID, Dec 31, 2020

The need for aroma recognition devices or often known as enose (electronic nose), is increasing. ... more The need for aroma recognition devices or often known as enose (electronic nose), is increasing. In the health field, enose can detect early diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 from the aroma of urine. Enose is an aroma recognition tool that uses a pattern recognition algorithm to recognize the urine aroma of diabetics based on input signals from an array of gas sensors. The need for portable enose devices is increasing due to the increasing need for real-time needs. Enose devices have an enormous impact on the choice of the gas sensor Array in the enose. This article discusses the effect of the number of sensor arrays used on the recognition results. Enose uses a maximum of 4 sensors, with a maximum feature matrix. After that, the feature matrix enters the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) feature extraction and clustering using the FCM (Fuzzy C Means) method. The number of sensors indicates the number of features. Enose using method for feature selection, it's a variation from 4 sensors, where experiment 1 uses 4 sensors, experiment 2 uses a variation of 3 sensors and experiment 3 uses a variation of 2 sensors. Especially for sensors 3 and 4 using feature extraction method, PCA (Principal Component Analysis), to reduce features to only 2 best features. As for the variation of 2 sensors use primer feature matrix. After feature selection, the number of features is 2 out of 11 variations. Next, do the grouping using the FCM (Fuzzy C Means) method. The results show that using two sensors has a high accuracy rate of 92.5%.

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Nelayan DI Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara

Visikes: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jul 3, 2020

Penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari kolaborasi tiga penulis. PR berkontribusi pada pengembangan p... more Penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari kolaborasi tiga penulis. PR berkontribusi pada pengembangan penelitian, pengambilan data, menganalisis hasil dan penyusunan naskah jurnal. Sedangkan penulis YSNB dan H berkontribusi pada arahan pengembangan penelitian dan penulisan naskah jurnal. Penulis PR juga bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan finalisasi dan perbaikan naskah jurnal. Seluruh penulis telah membaca dan menyetujui isi naskah jurnal untuk dipublikasikan. Corresponding author: Competing Interests : Seluruh penulis menyatakan bahwa tidak terdapat competing interest dalam penelitian, proses penulisan maupun publikasi naskah jurnal ini. ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Perkiraan jumlah kejadian hipertensi di Indonesia adalah 63.309.620 penduduk, dan angka kematian di Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh hipertensi sebanyak 427.218 kejadian. Data 20 besar penyakit dari kunjungan rawat jalan selama tahun 2019 di puskesmas Karimun Jawa, hipertensi menduduki urutan ketiga dengan jumlah 409 Pasien.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganilisis kejadian Hipertensi pada Nelayan di Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara. Metode: Jenis penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan jumlah sampel 21 nelayan yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Kemojan dengan instrument penelitian berupa tensimeter-digital yang sudah dikalibrasi dan kuesioner untuk mengetahui karakteristik responden. Pengolahan data menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji statistic yang dilakukan adalah uji normalitas data dan analisis univariate dan bivariate dengan uji fisher exact test. Hasil: Tekanan darah responden menunjukkan hasil tekanan sistole yang lebih dari normal atau lebih dari 121mmHg sebesar 81% dari total 21 responden dan 47,6% mengalami level diastole yang lebih dari keadaan normal. Kasus hipertensi pada nelayan di desa kemojan mencapai 17 dari 21 nelayan dengan prosentase 81% nelayan mengalami hipertensi. Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar Nelayan di desa kemojan mengalami hipertensi dengan prosentase 81%. Responden nelayan penyelam disarankan untuk bisa mengontrol konsumsi garam untuk mengurangi potensi resiko hipertensi dan memperbanyak konsumsi air mineral agar responden terhindar dari gangguan saluran ekskresi pada tubuh. Kata kunci: nelayan, karimun jawa, hipertensi ABSTRACT Background: The estimated number of hypertension cases in Indonesia was 63,309,620 people, while the death rate in Indonesia due to hypertension was 427,218 deaths. Data on the top 20 diseases from outpatient visits during 2019 at the Karimun Jawa Public Health Center, hypertension ranks third with 409 patients. This study aims to analyze the incidence of hypertension in fishers in the village of Kemojan,

Research paper thumbnail of Perbedaan Perilaku Safety Riding (Keselamatan Berkendara) Berdasarkan Karakteristik Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Semarang Tahun 2013

Safety riding is an effort to minimize fatality by maximizes level of safety in driving to and th... more Safety riding is an effort to minimize fatality by maximizes level of safety in driving to and the understanding of prevention and mitigation. Teenagers are a person with a lifespan of 18-23 years and an age group that has high mobility with a range of activities and tend to be unstable in driving because of the young age. The aim of the study was to analyze differences in the behavior of riding safety (road safety) based on the characteristics of students of SMA 1 Semarang in 2013. This is explanatory research with cross sectional design, samples were selected by and purposive sampling technique. The results showed that respondents who had < 1 year riding experience, age > 17 years old, choleric personality, did not have a driver license and female had better riding behavior. There was no difference of safety riding behavior based on riding experience (p-value= 0.946), age (p-value= 0.432), personality (p-value= 0.493), driving licence ownership (p-value= 0.562), and sex (p-value= 0.054). Recommendation for students are male students have to pay attention to their driving behavior, particularly not smoking and using hand phone when riding and speed up motorcycle. Female students have to do maintenance regularly for ensure their safety.

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Hygiene Sanitasi Untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Pada Pengrajin Jamu DI Kampung Jamu Kecamatan Wonolopo

Lontara Abdimas : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Jamu merupakan obat tradisional yang berasal dari alam yang bermanfaat untuk pemeliharaan Kesehat... more Jamu merupakan obat tradisional yang berasal dari alam yang bermanfaat untuk pemeliharaan Kesehatan tanpa tambahan bahan kimia. Maka jamu ini perlu adanya jaminan keamanan terutama hygiene dan sanitasinya. Perlunya pengawasan dan sosialisasi hygene dan sanitasi bertujuan agar masyarakat pengrajin jamu sadar akan standar kesehatan. Pengolahan jamu didaerah ini belum sesuai standar Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik (CPOTB). Hygiene disini diharapkan nantinya setelah memperoleh sosialisasi penyuluhan tentang pengertian dan prakteknya, maka diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan bagaimana pengertian hygiene sanitasi, pentingnya hygiene sanitasi, peran hygiene sanitasi dalam pengelolaan jamu tradisional sampai para pengrajin mampu mempraktikkannya, yaitu bagaimana saat mereka mengelolah jamu harus cuci tangan menggunakan sabun secara baik dan benar, memakai masker, menggunakan baju yang sesuai standart, selain itu juga mengajak agar para pengrajin dapat mempraktekkan mencuci ala...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Deskriptif Masalah Kesehatan Pada Nelayan di Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara

VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat

Background: Indonesian population 58.22% work in the informal sector where on average 33% work as... more Background: Indonesian population 58.22% work in the informal sector where on average 33% work as farmers and fishermen. This underlies the importance of paying attention to the informal sector in terms of occupational health. Karimun Jawa region at least 60% of the population work as fishermen and traditional divers.Method: This type of descriptive research with the aim to describe the condition of the description of health problems experienced by fishermen in Kemojan village with a sample of 21 fishermen with research instruments in the form of questionnaires, HB quick check, tensimeter, and urine color sample tests.Results: Respondent's blood pressure showed a systolic pressure that was more than normal or more than 121mmHg of 81% of the total 21 respondents and 47.6% had a diastole level that was more than normal, with 32% of respondents having higher levels of hemoglobin abnormal and 61.9% experiencing moderate dehydration.Conclusion: Respondent's blood pressure showed ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Google Form dalam Pendaftaran Ijin Usaha pada Petugas Pelayanan di Kelurahan Tanjung Mas Semarang Utara


Pandemi Covid-19 membawa berbagai macam dampak, salah satunya pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Kualit... more Pandemi Covid-19 membawa berbagai macam dampak, salah satunya pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Kualitas pelayanan publik menjadi indikator keberhasilan dalam memberikan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat seperti kecepatan pelayanan dan kesehatan baik pada petugas maupun masyarakat menjadi standar baku untuk saat ini. Di era digital pelayanan terhadap masyarakat sangat terbantukan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan pada petugas pelayanan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk mempermudah pekerjaan, pencatatan, pelaporan serta menjaga kesehatan baik pada masyarakat maupun pada petugas kelurahan di Tanjung Mas Semarang Utara. Rendahnya kemampuan dalam mengoperasional program yang ada di komputer menjadi kendala tersendiri, sehingga masih banyak pelayanan publik yang menggunakan pencatatan manual dan tidak terdokumentasi dengan baik serta tidak adanya pelaporan yang rutin sebagai bahan monitoring dan evaluasi. Berdasark...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Rumah Desa Sehat (RDS) sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Derajat Kesehatan Masyarakat di Desa Penadaran Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia, Oct 22, 2022

The Healthy Village House (RDS) is one of the programs of the Ministry of Villages, Development o... more The Healthy Village House (RDS) is one of the programs of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration. The Directorate General of Village Community Development and Empowerment has issued the RDS Technical Guidelines in 2018. The Gubug District has taken a strategic and bold step, by establishing a policy for all villages in its territory to allocate 10% of the Village Fund budget to deal with health problems in the village. Based on the results of interviews with the Penadaran Village Government, several problems were obtained related to the implementation of the Health Program in line with the Healthy Village House in Penadaran village. Implementation methods consist of, (1) Licensing the implementation of activities, (2) Equalizing the perception of activities, (3) Village Readiness Survey on the implementation of Healthy Village Houses (RDS), (4) Socialization of the Healthy Village House Program (RDS), (5) Assistance establishment of an organizational structure for the Healthy Village House (RDS) management. The results of the implementation of the outreach activity for the Development of Healthy Village Houses (RDS) as an effort to improve the health status of the community in Penadaran village, Gubug District, Grobogan Regency, have been carried out. Health cadres in Penadaran Village are 100% ready to implement the Healthy Village House. The readiness of documents for the establishment of a Healthy Village House in Penadaran Village has reached 90%. Follow-up activities need to be carried out with a grand launching of the implementation of the

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Resiko Ergonomi Pada Karyawan DI Pabrik Pembuatan Minuman Kemasan, Indonesia

Implementation of inappropriate ergonomics in worker can cause health problems. Musculoskeletal D... more Implementation of inappropriate ergonomics in worker can cause health problems. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) is one of the health problems that often occur due to improper application of ergonomics. Every step in this beverage factory mostly has the potential for ergonomic risk. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional study design. The total sample size of 309 has been systematic randomly selected from each department with proportional to size of the population. Data collection tools using BRIEFTM Survey and analyze the data with STATA. BRIEFTM figured the risk associated with posture, force, duration and incidence frequency of nine areas of the body. The results showed the prevalence of ergonomic risk occurring on the left and right sides of the elbows (73.14%). The prevalence of middle ergonomic risk on the left side and wrist is 55.99% and right side 55.02% then the left side of the shoulder is 77.02% and the right side 63.11% after being behind is 55.02...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalensi Kasus Aids Pada Pekerja DI Kota Semarang - Analsisi Data Sekunder

Latar belakang: Kasus HIV/AIDS di Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan jumlahnya meningkat dari waktu... more Latar belakang: Kasus HIV/AIDS di Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan jumlahnya meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Jumlah kasus positif HIV/AIDS sebagian besar terdapat pada kelompok usia kerja produktif yang akan berdampak negatif terhadap produktivitas perusahaan.Metode: Jenis penelitian diskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, mencatat, menganalisis dan menginterprestasikan kondisi yang sekarang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang Tahun 2018. Hasil: Kasus kematian karena AIDS pada warga Kota Semarang mencapai rasio 1:8 dibanding dengan jumlah penderitanya. Jumlah kasus AIDS tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2012 dengan 104 kasus AIDS di Kota Semarang. Berdasarkan jenis pekerjaannya, kasus AIDS paling banyak diderita oleh karyawan dengan jumlah kasus 109 penderita. Jenis pekerjaan seperti tukang parkir, pemulung, pramugara, operatorkaraoke, seniman, dan petani/nelayan menempati posisi terendah. Kasus AIDS di Kota Semarang, paling banyak ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Resiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja DI Industri Informal Pengelasan DI Kota Semarang Dengan Metode Jsa (Job Safety Analysis) As/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Manajemen

Komisi Etik Penelitian Kesehatan, Jul 9, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Mahasiswa FKES UDINUS terkait Hoax Covid-19

VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2021

Hoax news or information relating to Covid-19 affects the obstruction of efforts to contain the C... more Hoax news or information relating to Covid-19 affects the obstruction of efforts to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a descriptive study because it provides an overview or description of students' perceptions in news related to the covid-19 hoax. The results that obtained information from this study were 208 respondents or 54% of the total respondents considered hoaxes as information with no known truth, 168 respondents or 44% revealed that hoaxes related to Covid-19 were most often found or said to be hoaxes as a global elite conspiracy, 223 respondents or 58% of the total respondents received hoaxes related to Covid-19 through writing and pictures, 162 respondents or 42% of the total respondents considered that steps that could be taken to overcome the spread of hoaxes related to Covid-19 were cross-checking or clarifying first , 317 respondents or 83% thought that each party was responsible for overcoming the spread of hoaxes related to Covid-19 and 150 respond...

Research paper thumbnail of Feature Selection Method to Improve the Accuracy of Diabetes Mellitus Detection Instrument

IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 2020

The need for aroma recognition devices or often known as enose (electronic nose), is increasing. ... more The need for aroma recognition devices or often known as enose (electronic nose), is increasing. In the health field, enose can detect early diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 from the aroma of urine. Enose is an aroma recognition tool that uses a pattern recognition algorithm to recognize the urine aroma of diabetics based on input signals from an array of gas sensors. The need for portable enose devices is increasing due to the increasing need for real-time needs. Enose devices have an enormous impact on the choice of the gas sensor Array in the enose. This article discusses the effect of the number of sensor arrays used on the recognition results. Enose uses a maximum of 4 sensors, with a maximum feature matrix. After that, the feature matrix enters the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) feature extraction and clustering using the FCM (Fuzzy C Means) method. The number of sensors indicates the number of features. Enose using method for feature selection, it’s a variation from 4 sensor...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Resiko Ergonomi dengan Quick Exposure Check pada Pekerja Batik Tulis Berkah Lestari, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Visikes: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, Nov 16, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Related to Tuberculosis Prevention Behavior in Pendrikan Kidul Sub-District, Semarang, Central Java 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Musculoskeletal Pain Of “Batik Tulis” (Writing) Women Worker In Berkah Lestari Batik, Bantul Using Nordic Body Map And Physical Asessment

ASEAN/Asian Academic Society International Conference Proceeding Series, Nov 10, 2018

Batik is one of the industry in Indonesia which is currently experiencing growth. In 2012 the tex... more Batik is one of the industry in Indonesia which is currently experiencing growth. In 2012 the textile industry (including batik) was 4,553 businesses. The process of making traditional batik tulis still through the manual process, the first step is mencanting (make the pattern on the fabric), pencelupan (dip for coloring), dan penjemuran (drying). The work attitude of batik workers is sitting on a small chair without backrest and doing mencanting activities for 6 hours even more. Many factors can caused the incidence of muscle pain in batik workers such as working in a wrong position or unnatural and doing activities in a monotonous position. This research is a quantitative research using cross sectional research design. The instrument used Nordic Body Map questionnaire and a physical examination to identify musculoskeletal system conditions on batik tulis workers was carried out by the physiotherapist with a palpation test. The study sample consisted of 50 workers using the total population in Batik Berkah Lestari. The characteristics of batik workers are the average age of workers 49.8 years, BMI 22.9, working period of 30.54 years. Nordic Body Map results, from 28 parts of the body, 80% of workers suffered from musculoskeletal pain in the left upper arm, with a percentage of 6% feeling very pain, 30% pain and 44% slightly pain. In the right upper arm 74% of workers suffered from it, with 40% were slightly pain, 26% were pain, and 8% were very pain. On the physical examination, 44% of batik workers experienced scoliosis and 32% had lordosis.

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Risiko Ergonomi Pada Karyawan DI Pabrik Pembuatan Minuman Kemasan, Indonesia

Visikes: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, Apr 29, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Association Between Ergonomic Risk Factors Andwork-Related Musculoskeletal Disordersin Beverage Factory Workers, Indonesia

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the major causes of illness among working age group. This cr... more Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the major causes of illness among working age group. This cross-sectional study aimed to identify prevalence of MSDs, the influences of between ergonomic riskson (MSDs) among beverage factory workers, Indonesia. This cross sectional study systematic randomly selected 309 samples from all 3 sectors of a beverage factory proportional to size of the population to response to a structured questionnaire, standardized Nordic questionnaire and physical assessment by physiotherapists. The relationships between ergonomic risk factors and MSDs when controlled covariates were assessed using multiple logistic regression. The prevalence of MSDsusing standardized Nordic questionnaire was 71.84% during the last 7 daysand58.90% for the past 12months.The prevalence of MSDs diagnosed by physiotherapist was 56.31%. The multivariate analysis identified that when control other covariatesHigh ergonomic risks on the left of shoulders were significantly increased MSDs during past 12 months (AdjOR:3.54-95%CI:1.49 to 8.37) and MSDs diagnosed by physical assessment (AdjOR:2.91-95%CI:1.30 to 6.52). High ergonomic risks on the neck lead to the increasing of MSDs during the last 7 days (AdjOR:2.15-95%CI:1.27 to 3.65), past 12 months (AdjOR:5.31-95%CI:2.53 to 11.11) and also MSDs diagnosed by physical assessment (AdjOR:4.35-95%CI:2.11 to 8.96) with all of them. Smoking and education also had influences on MSDs. Ergonomic risks had impacts on MSDs both in long and short terms with the super imposed of smoking and socioeconomic status.

Research paper thumbnail of Electronic Noses for Diabetes Mellitus Detection: A Review

2020 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic), Sep 19, 2020

New Electronic nose (e-nose) is an instrument which can be used to detect any disease based on bl... more New Electronic nose (e-nose) is an instrument which can be used to detect any disease based on blood, secret, feces, breath, and urine aroma. E-nose is developed by the scientists in the world with to conduct early detection of diabetes mellitus (DM). E-nose is an instrument consisting of hardware and software enriched with devices and recognition algorithms that contains a pattern recognition algorithm (PARC-Pattern Recognition). In addition, e -nose instruments can produce diagnose in real-time, sensitive to aroma changes and portable. Various types of e-nose instruments based on various technologies and operational mechanisms are available for early detection of diabetes mellitus. Some commonly used e-nose technologies are the use of polymer (CP) sensors, metal-oxide semiconductors (MOS), and nano-particles. E-nose devices are useful to design portable and mobile technologies as remote monitoring tools for patients who need intensive insulin control. This article is a review of the new e-nose system and algorithm, developed over the past decade, which has potential applications for early detection of diabetes mellitus. Moreover, this article discusses a review of e-noses development for early detection of diabetes, ranging from the use of sensor types, comparison of the number of sensors, using the particular characterization method, the feature matrix, the feature extraction method, and the pattern recognition method.

Research paper thumbnail of Keluhan Musculoskeletal Pada Penyelam Tradisional Dengan Metode Nordic Body Map

Journal of industrial hygiene and occupational health, Oct 27, 2020

Penyelam tradisional menjadi salah satu pekerjaan yang memiliki risiko keluhan musculoskeletal, k... more Penyelam tradisional menjadi salah satu pekerjaan yang memiliki risiko keluhan musculoskeletal, keluhan mempengaruhi produktifitas kerja dan menimbulkan penyakit akibat kerja. Musculoskeletal dapat diidentifikasi lebih cepat sehingga dapat melakukan pengendalian yang tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif analitik dengan analisis cross sectional, responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 21 penyelam tradisional, lokasi penelitian di desa Kemojan Kecamatan Karimunjawa. Penggunaan instrumen Nordic Body Map (NBM) mengidentifikasi bagian tubuh yang mengalami keluhan dan level nyeri yang dirasakan. Keluhan musculoskeletal paling tinggi di bagian pantat bawah 48,8%, betis kiri 46,4%, betis kanan 44,0%. Bagian ini memiliki keluhan tertinggi diakibatkan karena penyelam tradisional menggunakan peralatan manual dalam bekerja. Keluhan musculoskeletal tertinggi pada penyelam tradisional desa Kemojan yaitu pada bagian pantat bawah.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembangunan Green House sebagai Upaya Konservasi Tanaman Obat di Kampung Jamu Kelurahan Wonolopo

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia, Oct 11, 2022

The empowerment and construction of the Green House aims to empower the community, especially her... more The empowerment and construction of the Green House aims to empower the community, especially herbal medicine craftsmen in the Wonolopo Herbal Village, which is located in Mijen District, Semarang City Regency, Central Java Province. Most of the residents make a living through the sale of herbal medicine, as the Jamu business developed, the Wonolopo Jamu Village was named the Thematic Herbal Village in 2016 by the Mayor of Semarang. The community empowerment carried out is to build a Green House on the Medicinal Plants conservation area located in the Herbal Village, Wonolopo Village. The implementation methods used

Research paper thumbnail of Feature Selection Method to Improve the Accuracy of Diabetes Mellitus Detection Instrument

International Journal on Informatics for Development: IJID, Dec 31, 2020

The need for aroma recognition devices or often known as enose (electronic nose), is increasing. ... more The need for aroma recognition devices or often known as enose (electronic nose), is increasing. In the health field, enose can detect early diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 from the aroma of urine. Enose is an aroma recognition tool that uses a pattern recognition algorithm to recognize the urine aroma of diabetics based on input signals from an array of gas sensors. The need for portable enose devices is increasing due to the increasing need for real-time needs. Enose devices have an enormous impact on the choice of the gas sensor Array in the enose. This article discusses the effect of the number of sensor arrays used on the recognition results. Enose uses a maximum of 4 sensors, with a maximum feature matrix. After that, the feature matrix enters the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) feature extraction and clustering using the FCM (Fuzzy C Means) method. The number of sensors indicates the number of features. Enose using method for feature selection, it's a variation from 4 sensors, where experiment 1 uses 4 sensors, experiment 2 uses a variation of 3 sensors and experiment 3 uses a variation of 2 sensors. Especially for sensors 3 and 4 using feature extraction method, PCA (Principal Component Analysis), to reduce features to only 2 best features. As for the variation of 2 sensors use primer feature matrix. After feature selection, the number of features is 2 out of 11 variations. Next, do the grouping using the FCM (Fuzzy C Means) method. The results show that using two sensors has a high accuracy rate of 92.5%.

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Nelayan DI Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara

Visikes: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jul 3, 2020

Penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari kolaborasi tiga penulis. PR berkontribusi pada pengembangan p... more Penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari kolaborasi tiga penulis. PR berkontribusi pada pengembangan penelitian, pengambilan data, menganalisis hasil dan penyusunan naskah jurnal. Sedangkan penulis YSNB dan H berkontribusi pada arahan pengembangan penelitian dan penulisan naskah jurnal. Penulis PR juga bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan finalisasi dan perbaikan naskah jurnal. Seluruh penulis telah membaca dan menyetujui isi naskah jurnal untuk dipublikasikan. Corresponding author: Competing Interests : Seluruh penulis menyatakan bahwa tidak terdapat competing interest dalam penelitian, proses penulisan maupun publikasi naskah jurnal ini. ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Perkiraan jumlah kejadian hipertensi di Indonesia adalah 63.309.620 penduduk, dan angka kematian di Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh hipertensi sebanyak 427.218 kejadian. Data 20 besar penyakit dari kunjungan rawat jalan selama tahun 2019 di puskesmas Karimun Jawa, hipertensi menduduki urutan ketiga dengan jumlah 409 Pasien.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganilisis kejadian Hipertensi pada Nelayan di Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara. Metode: Jenis penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan jumlah sampel 21 nelayan yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Kemojan dengan instrument penelitian berupa tensimeter-digital yang sudah dikalibrasi dan kuesioner untuk mengetahui karakteristik responden. Pengolahan data menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji statistic yang dilakukan adalah uji normalitas data dan analisis univariate dan bivariate dengan uji fisher exact test. Hasil: Tekanan darah responden menunjukkan hasil tekanan sistole yang lebih dari normal atau lebih dari 121mmHg sebesar 81% dari total 21 responden dan 47,6% mengalami level diastole yang lebih dari keadaan normal. Kasus hipertensi pada nelayan di desa kemojan mencapai 17 dari 21 nelayan dengan prosentase 81% nelayan mengalami hipertensi. Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar Nelayan di desa kemojan mengalami hipertensi dengan prosentase 81%. Responden nelayan penyelam disarankan untuk bisa mengontrol konsumsi garam untuk mengurangi potensi resiko hipertensi dan memperbanyak konsumsi air mineral agar responden terhindar dari gangguan saluran ekskresi pada tubuh. Kata kunci: nelayan, karimun jawa, hipertensi ABSTRACT Background: The estimated number of hypertension cases in Indonesia was 63,309,620 people, while the death rate in Indonesia due to hypertension was 427,218 deaths. Data on the top 20 diseases from outpatient visits during 2019 at the Karimun Jawa Public Health Center, hypertension ranks third with 409 patients. This study aims to analyze the incidence of hypertension in fishers in the village of Kemojan,

Research paper thumbnail of Perbedaan Perilaku Safety Riding (Keselamatan Berkendara) Berdasarkan Karakteristik Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Semarang Tahun 2013

Safety riding is an effort to minimize fatality by maximizes level of safety in driving to and th... more Safety riding is an effort to minimize fatality by maximizes level of safety in driving to and the understanding of prevention and mitigation. Teenagers are a person with a lifespan of 18-23 years and an age group that has high mobility with a range of activities and tend to be unstable in driving because of the young age. The aim of the study was to analyze differences in the behavior of riding safety (road safety) based on the characteristics of students of SMA 1 Semarang in 2013. This is explanatory research with cross sectional design, samples were selected by and purposive sampling technique. The results showed that respondents who had < 1 year riding experience, age > 17 years old, choleric personality, did not have a driver license and female had better riding behavior. There was no difference of safety riding behavior based on riding experience (p-value= 0.946), age (p-value= 0.432), personality (p-value= 0.493), driving licence ownership (p-value= 0.562), and sex (p-value= 0.054). Recommendation for students are male students have to pay attention to their driving behavior, particularly not smoking and using hand phone when riding and speed up motorcycle. Female students have to do maintenance regularly for ensure their safety.

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Hygiene Sanitasi Untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Pada Pengrajin Jamu DI Kampung Jamu Kecamatan Wonolopo

Lontara Abdimas : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Jamu merupakan obat tradisional yang berasal dari alam yang bermanfaat untuk pemeliharaan Kesehat... more Jamu merupakan obat tradisional yang berasal dari alam yang bermanfaat untuk pemeliharaan Kesehatan tanpa tambahan bahan kimia. Maka jamu ini perlu adanya jaminan keamanan terutama hygiene dan sanitasinya. Perlunya pengawasan dan sosialisasi hygene dan sanitasi bertujuan agar masyarakat pengrajin jamu sadar akan standar kesehatan. Pengolahan jamu didaerah ini belum sesuai standar Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik (CPOTB). Hygiene disini diharapkan nantinya setelah memperoleh sosialisasi penyuluhan tentang pengertian dan prakteknya, maka diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan bagaimana pengertian hygiene sanitasi, pentingnya hygiene sanitasi, peran hygiene sanitasi dalam pengelolaan jamu tradisional sampai para pengrajin mampu mempraktikkannya, yaitu bagaimana saat mereka mengelolah jamu harus cuci tangan menggunakan sabun secara baik dan benar, memakai masker, menggunakan baju yang sesuai standart, selain itu juga mengajak agar para pengrajin dapat mempraktekkan mencuci ala...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Deskriptif Masalah Kesehatan Pada Nelayan di Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara

VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat

Background: Indonesian population 58.22% work in the informal sector where on average 33% work as... more Background: Indonesian population 58.22% work in the informal sector where on average 33% work as farmers and fishermen. This underlies the importance of paying attention to the informal sector in terms of occupational health. Karimun Jawa region at least 60% of the population work as fishermen and traditional divers.Method: This type of descriptive research with the aim to describe the condition of the description of health problems experienced by fishermen in Kemojan village with a sample of 21 fishermen with research instruments in the form of questionnaires, HB quick check, tensimeter, and urine color sample tests.Results: Respondent's blood pressure showed a systolic pressure that was more than normal or more than 121mmHg of 81% of the total 21 respondents and 47.6% had a diastole level that was more than normal, with 32% of respondents having higher levels of hemoglobin abnormal and 61.9% experiencing moderate dehydration.Conclusion: Respondent's blood pressure showed ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Google Form dalam Pendaftaran Ijin Usaha pada Petugas Pelayanan di Kelurahan Tanjung Mas Semarang Utara


Pandemi Covid-19 membawa berbagai macam dampak, salah satunya pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Kualit... more Pandemi Covid-19 membawa berbagai macam dampak, salah satunya pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Kualitas pelayanan publik menjadi indikator keberhasilan dalam memberikan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat seperti kecepatan pelayanan dan kesehatan baik pada petugas maupun masyarakat menjadi standar baku untuk saat ini. Di era digital pelayanan terhadap masyarakat sangat terbantukan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan pada petugas pelayanan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk mempermudah pekerjaan, pencatatan, pelaporan serta menjaga kesehatan baik pada masyarakat maupun pada petugas kelurahan di Tanjung Mas Semarang Utara. Rendahnya kemampuan dalam mengoperasional program yang ada di komputer menjadi kendala tersendiri, sehingga masih banyak pelayanan publik yang menggunakan pencatatan manual dan tidak terdokumentasi dengan baik serta tidak adanya pelaporan yang rutin sebagai bahan monitoring dan evaluasi. Berdasark...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Rumah Desa Sehat (RDS) sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Derajat Kesehatan Masyarakat di Desa Penadaran Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia, Oct 22, 2022

The Healthy Village House (RDS) is one of the programs of the Ministry of Villages, Development o... more The Healthy Village House (RDS) is one of the programs of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration. The Directorate General of Village Community Development and Empowerment has issued the RDS Technical Guidelines in 2018. The Gubug District has taken a strategic and bold step, by establishing a policy for all villages in its territory to allocate 10% of the Village Fund budget to deal with health problems in the village. Based on the results of interviews with the Penadaran Village Government, several problems were obtained related to the implementation of the Health Program in line with the Healthy Village House in Penadaran village. Implementation methods consist of, (1) Licensing the implementation of activities, (2) Equalizing the perception of activities, (3) Village Readiness Survey on the implementation of Healthy Village Houses (RDS), (4) Socialization of the Healthy Village House Program (RDS), (5) Assistance establishment of an organizational structure for the Healthy Village House (RDS) management. The results of the implementation of the outreach activity for the Development of Healthy Village Houses (RDS) as an effort to improve the health status of the community in Penadaran village, Gubug District, Grobogan Regency, have been carried out. Health cadres in Penadaran Village are 100% ready to implement the Healthy Village House. The readiness of documents for the establishment of a Healthy Village House in Penadaran Village has reached 90%. Follow-up activities need to be carried out with a grand launching of the implementation of the

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Resiko Ergonomi Pada Karyawan DI Pabrik Pembuatan Minuman Kemasan, Indonesia

Implementation of inappropriate ergonomics in worker can cause health problems. Musculoskeletal D... more Implementation of inappropriate ergonomics in worker can cause health problems. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) is one of the health problems that often occur due to improper application of ergonomics. Every step in this beverage factory mostly has the potential for ergonomic risk. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional study design. The total sample size of 309 has been systematic randomly selected from each department with proportional to size of the population. Data collection tools using BRIEFTM Survey and analyze the data with STATA. BRIEFTM figured the risk associated with posture, force, duration and incidence frequency of nine areas of the body. The results showed the prevalence of ergonomic risk occurring on the left and right sides of the elbows (73.14%). The prevalence of middle ergonomic risk on the left side and wrist is 55.99% and right side 55.02% then the left side of the shoulder is 77.02% and the right side 63.11% after being behind is 55.02...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalensi Kasus Aids Pada Pekerja DI Kota Semarang - Analsisi Data Sekunder

Latar belakang: Kasus HIV/AIDS di Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan jumlahnya meningkat dari waktu... more Latar belakang: Kasus HIV/AIDS di Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan jumlahnya meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Jumlah kasus positif HIV/AIDS sebagian besar terdapat pada kelompok usia kerja produktif yang akan berdampak negatif terhadap produktivitas perusahaan.Metode: Jenis penelitian diskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, mencatat, menganalisis dan menginterprestasikan kondisi yang sekarang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang Tahun 2018. Hasil: Kasus kematian karena AIDS pada warga Kota Semarang mencapai rasio 1:8 dibanding dengan jumlah penderitanya. Jumlah kasus AIDS tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2012 dengan 104 kasus AIDS di Kota Semarang. Berdasarkan jenis pekerjaannya, kasus AIDS paling banyak diderita oleh karyawan dengan jumlah kasus 109 penderita. Jenis pekerjaan seperti tukang parkir, pemulung, pramugara, operatorkaraoke, seniman, dan petani/nelayan menempati posisi terendah. Kasus AIDS di Kota Semarang, paling banyak ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Resiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja DI Industri Informal Pengelasan DI Kota Semarang Dengan Metode Jsa (Job Safety Analysis) As/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Manajemen

Komisi Etik Penelitian Kesehatan, Jul 9, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Mahasiswa FKES UDINUS terkait Hoax Covid-19

VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2021

Hoax news or information relating to Covid-19 affects the obstruction of efforts to contain the C... more Hoax news or information relating to Covid-19 affects the obstruction of efforts to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a descriptive study because it provides an overview or description of students' perceptions in news related to the covid-19 hoax. The results that obtained information from this study were 208 respondents or 54% of the total respondents considered hoaxes as information with no known truth, 168 respondents or 44% revealed that hoaxes related to Covid-19 were most often found or said to be hoaxes as a global elite conspiracy, 223 respondents or 58% of the total respondents received hoaxes related to Covid-19 through writing and pictures, 162 respondents or 42% of the total respondents considered that steps that could be taken to overcome the spread of hoaxes related to Covid-19 were cross-checking or clarifying first , 317 respondents or 83% thought that each party was responsible for overcoming the spread of hoaxes related to Covid-19 and 150 respond...

Research paper thumbnail of Feature Selection Method to Improve the Accuracy of Diabetes Mellitus Detection Instrument

IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 2020

The need for aroma recognition devices or often known as enose (electronic nose), is increasing. ... more The need for aroma recognition devices or often known as enose (electronic nose), is increasing. In the health field, enose can detect early diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 from the aroma of urine. Enose is an aroma recognition tool that uses a pattern recognition algorithm to recognize the urine aroma of diabetics based on input signals from an array of gas sensors. The need for portable enose devices is increasing due to the increasing need for real-time needs. Enose devices have an enormous impact on the choice of the gas sensor Array in the enose. This article discusses the effect of the number of sensor arrays used on the recognition results. Enose uses a maximum of 4 sensors, with a maximum feature matrix. After that, the feature matrix enters the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) feature extraction and clustering using the FCM (Fuzzy C Means) method. The number of sensors indicates the number of features. Enose using method for feature selection, it’s a variation from 4 sensor...