Ratna Rubiana - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ratna Rubiana
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Increasing crop productivity can do through improved cultivation technology by utilizing agricult... more Increasing crop productivity can do through improved cultivation technology by utilizing agricultural waste. This study aims to determine the development of Phytophthoralate blight deseases and yields of potato crops through the applications of tricho-compost and rice husk biochar. Trico-compost and biocharapplication on agriculture has benefits to improving soil quality, enhance crop yield, also reduce carbon and mitigate green house gas emission. Potato varieties used are Granola. Beds covered with plastic mulch, fertilizing using NPK according to recommendations, weeding weeds according to conditions, controlling pests and diseases based on Integrated Pest Control. The difference in technological treatment studied was 1) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha, 2) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha + rice husk biochar 1 ton/ha, 3) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha + rice husk biochar 2 tons/ha, and control(farmer technology without tricho-compost and without rice husk biochar). The environmental design used wa...
PENDAHULUAN Keanekaragaman hayati didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan hidup dan pergantian antara org... more PENDAHULUAN Keanekaragaman hayati didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan hidup dan pergantian antara organisme hidup dari semua sumber kehidupan. Hal ini dapat dipelajari pada berbagai tingkatan, termasuk keanekaragaman dalam spesies maupun antar spesies dalam ekosistem. Pada tingkat tertinggi, keanekaragaman hayati dapat untuk melihat semua spesies yang berbeda di seluruh bumi. Pada skala yang lebih kecil, keanekaragaman hayati dipelajari dalam ekosistem tertentu dengan mengidentifikasi organisme tertentu yang hidup di dalamnya (UNESCO 2010). Keanekaragaman hayati, termasuk jumlah, kelimpahan, dan komposisi jenis genotype, populasi, spesies, fungsional spesies, komunitas dan landskap, sangat mempengaruhi penyediaan layanan ekosistem. (Chapin et al. 1996). Penyediaan layanan ekosistem dapat berupa penyebaran benih, regulasi iklim, penyerapan karbon, pengendalian hayati hama dan penyakit tanaman, pembentukan tanah dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu 676
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal
Rubiana et al, 2018. The Assessment of Insect Diversity and Community Structure in the Former Ar... more Rubiana et al, 2018. The Assessment of Insect Diversity and Community Structure in the Former Area of Coal Mining Reclamation in Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province. JLSO 7(1): Recovery of land and ecosystems in the form of reclamation is expected to restore lost biodiversity. The success of reclamation can be seen from the recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity in it. However, the study of biodiversity on reclaimed land in Indonesia is still limited to vegetation and has not seen groups of animals especially insects. Insects have a very important functional role in the ecosystem, therefore they can be used as objects of diversity studies in the reclamation area. This study aimed to study the diversity and functional role of insects in the reclamation area. The study was conducted in the reclamation area of a former coal mine in Muaro Jambi Regency. The study area consisted of two different revegetation ages and two different plants. The method of insect collection is by installi...
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal
Rubiana et al, 2018. The Assessment of Insect Diversity and Community Structure in the Former Ar... more Rubiana et al, 2018. The Assessment of Insect Diversity and Community Structure in the Former Area of Coal Mining Reclamation in Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province. JLSO 7(1): Recovery of land and ecosystems in the form of reclamation is expected to restore lost biodiversity. The success of reclamation can be seen from the recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity in it. However, the study of biodiversity on reclaimed land in Indonesia is still limited to vegetation and has not seen groups of animals especially insects. Insects have a very important functional role in the ecosystem, therefore they can be used as objects of diversity studies in the reclamation area. This study aimed to study the diversity and functional role of insects in the reclamation area. The study was conducted in the reclamation area of a former coal mine in Muaro Jambi Regency. The study area consisted of two different revegetation ages and two different plants. The method of insect collection is by installi...
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, atas limpahan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayah-Nya, seh... more Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, atas limpahan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayah-Nya, sehingga Prosiding Seminar yang bertema: "Inovasi Pestisida Ramah Lingkungan Mendukung Swasembada Pangan" ini dapat terselesaikan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2016: Membangun Pertanian Modern dan Inovatif Berkelanjutan dalam Rangka Mendukung MEA, 2017
Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak daun tempuyung ... more Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak daun tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.). Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi
menggunakan pelarut metanol (50%, 70% 96%), etanol (50%, 70%, 96%) dan air. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil). Nilai LC50 yang dperoleh pada ekstrak metanol berturut-turut sebesar 55,53 ; 93,21 ; 238,71 ppm, ekstrak etanol 512,11; 499, 34; 247,09 dan ekstrak air sebesar 4071,25.
PENDAHULUAN Keanekaragaman hayati didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan hidup dan pergantian antara org... more PENDAHULUAN Keanekaragaman hayati didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan hidup dan pergantian antara organisme hidup dari semua sumber kehidupan. Hal ini dapat dipelajari pada berbagai tingkatan, termasuk keanekaragaman dalam spesies maupun antar spesies dalam ekosistem. Pada tingkat tertinggi, keanekaragaman hayati dapat untuk melihat semua spesies yang berbeda di seluruh bumi. Pada skala yang lebih kecil, keanekaragaman hayati dipelajari dalam ekosistem tertentu dengan mengidentifikasi organisme tertentu yang hidup di dalamnya (UNESCO 2010). Keanekaragaman hayati, termasuk jumlah, kelimpahan, dan komposisi jenis genotype, populasi, spesies, fungsional spesies, komunitas dan landskap, sangat mempengaruhi penyediaan layanan ekosistem. (Chapin et al. 1996). Penyediaan layanan ekosistem dapat berupa penyebaran benih, regulasi iklim, penyerapan karbon, pengendalian hayati hama dan penyakit tanaman, pembentukan tanah dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu 676
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands, 2018
Recovery of land and ecosystems in the form of reclamation is expected to restore lost biodiversi... more Recovery of land and ecosystems in the form of reclamation is expected to restore lost biodiversity. The success of reclamation can be seen from the recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity in it. However, the study of biodiversity on reclaimed land in Indonesia is still limited to vegetation and has not seen groups of animals especially insects. Insects have a very important functional role in the ecosystem, therefore they can be used as objects of diversity studies in the reclamation area. This study aimed to analysis the species diversity and functional role of insects in the reclamation area. The study was conducted in the reclamation area of a former coal mine in Muaro Jambi Regency. The study area consisted of two different revegetation ages and two different plants. The method of insect collection is by installing pitfall traps with five replications for 2 x 24 hours. The insect collects from the pitfall trap then identified to the morphospecies level. The results showed that most of the Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Othroptera insects were found in the reclamation area. Insect diversity is influenced by the age of reclamation. One year of reclamation has a lower species than insect age of two years. Based on the results of the analysis show that the composition of insect species shows differences at different reclamation ages. The older the age of reclamation, the composition of insect species tends to resemble the composition of insect species in the forest. ABSTRAK Pemulihan lahan dan ekosistem berupa reklamasi diharapkan dapat mengembalikan keanekaragaman hayati yang telah hilang. Keberhasilan reklamasi dapat dilihat dari pulihnya ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati yang ada di dalamnya. Namun demikian, studi keanekaragaman hayati pada lahan reklamasi di Indonesia masih terbatas pada vegetasi dan belum melihat kelompok hewan khususnya serangga. Serangga memiliki peranan fungsional yang sangat penting di ekosistem, oleh karena itu dapat dijadikan sebagai objek studi keanekaragaman pada area reklamasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis keanekaragaman spesies dan peranan fungsional serangga di area reklamasi. Penelitian dilakukan di area reklamasi bekas tambang batubara di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Lahan penelitian terdiri atas dua umur revegetasi yaitu yang berbeda dan dua pertanaman yang berbeda. Metode koleksi serangga yaitu dengan melakukan pemasangan perangkap
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
High intensity of disease infection and the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticidescause satu... more High intensity of disease infection and the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticidescause saturated fertilizer and pesticide to the land. Remediation using biochar rice husk is one of the technology to decrease fertilizer and pesticide residue. The diversity of soil insects can be used as bioindicators because of their existence dependsg on soil structure and condition. This study was aimed to study the diversity and structure communities of soil insect in potatoes on difference husk rice biochar application. The sampling of soil insects was done on potato farmer's land with four treatments i.e control (farmers' technique), trichokompos without biochar, trichokompos + biochar with dose 1 ton/ha, and trichokompos + biochar with dose 2 ton / ha. At each point a single pitfall trap was installed for two nights and then it was taken for identification. The results showed that biochar application had significant effect on the number of soil insect species (P = 0.037). The soil insect species composition pattern also showed significant differences between the four treatments (R: 0.2306, Pvalue = 0.001). This mean that the application of biochar affects the number of insects species and plays a role in the formation of soil insect diversity beta patterns.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Coffee of Liberika Tungkal Komposit (Libtukom) is a superior commodity that adapts well to the pe... more Coffee of Liberika Tungkal Komposit (Libtukom) is a superior commodity that adapts well to the peatlands in West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province. Libtukom coffee, which has a distinctive flavor, is the main source of income for the community in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency. The problems in the cultivation of Libtukom coffee include pests and diseases. This study aimed to provide information on the type of pests and diseases that attack Libtukom coffee. The study was conducted in March-September 2017. Data were obtained from direct observation (primary data) and other sources (secondary data). Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that some of the pests that attack Libtukom Coffee were coffee fruit borer, white lice, and stem borer, with intensity of mild-moderate attacks. Diseases that can infect leaves Libtukom Coffee were mainly (rust and red rust) and roots (root fungi). White root fungus attack is the main problem of Libtukom coffee in peatland, Jambi Province. Farmers generally recognize the root fungus infection, which was already found in more than 30% of the plant population.
Nature Communications, 2016
Smallholder-dominated agricultural mosaic landscapes are highlighted as model production systems ... more Smallholder-dominated agricultural mosaic landscapes are highlighted as model production systems that deliver both economic and ecological goods in tropical agricultural landscapes, but trade-offs underlying current land-use dynamics are poorly known. Here, using the most comprehensive quan-tification of land-use change and associated bundles of ecosystem functions, services and economic benefits to date, we show that Indonesian smallholders predominantly choose farm portfolios with high economic productivity but low ecological value. The more profitable oil palm and rubber monocultures replace forests and agroforests critical for maintaining above-and below-ground ecological functions and the diversity of most taxa. Between the monocultures, the higher economic performance of oil palm over rubber comes with the reliance on fertilizer inputs and with increased nutrient leaching losses. Strategies to achieve an ecological-economic balance and a sustainable management of tropical smallholder landscapes must be prioritized to avoid further environmental degradation.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi, 2016
Semut (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) merupakan taksa yang sangat peka terhadap perubahan yang terjadi ... more Semut (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) merupakan taksa yang sangat peka terhadap perubahan yang terjadi pada lingkungannya. Pada skala strata habitat yang berbeda semut telah terbukti responsif
terhadap perubahannya sehingga seringkali dijadikan bioindikator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui keanekaragaman semut pada strata habitat yang berbeda sebagai respon terhadap
transformasi lahan yang banyak terjadi di Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian dilakukan pada pada tiga strata habitat yaitu: permukaan tanah, serasah dan pohon pada empat jenis penggunaan lahan yaitu hutan primer, hutan karet, perkebunan karet dan perkebunan kelapa sawit di sekitar Hutan Harapan dan
Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas di Jambi. Pada setiap jenis penggunaan lahan, ditentukan empat plot (50 m x 50 m) untuk pengambilan sampel semut. Semut dikumpulkan dengan metode hand-collecting yang dikombinasikan dengan umpan. Jumlah spesies semut tertinggi diperoleh dari strata serasah perkebunan karet di lanskap TNBD. Semut yang paling banyak dijumpai di TNBD dan Harapan adalah semut yang menempati strata pohon sebanyak 77 spesies, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh terdapatnya serasah di dalam pohon kelapa sawit sehingga spesies semut yang berperan sebagai pengurai juga ditemukan. Jumlah spesies semut yang saling beririsan menempati strata antara serasah, tanah dan pohon adalah sebanyak 28 spesies di TNBD dan 29 spesies di Harapan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Padi, 2015
Kerusakan yang diakibatkan serangan hama tikus (Rattus argentiver) pada setiap tahunnya adalah se... more Kerusakan yang diakibatkan serangan hama tikus (Rattus argentiver) pada setiap tahunnya adalah sekitar 17 % tanaman atau setara dengan ukuran kemampuan untuk konsumsi makanan lebih dari 20 juta orang setiap tahunnya. Pada umumnya, habitat tikus adalah di permukaan tanah, persawahan, padang rumput, perkebunan dan semak belukar. Tikus seringkali melakukan migrasi untuk mencari pakan yang mencukupi. Migrasi ini bisa sampai sejauh 1-2 km dari tempat asalnya. Pemukiman, gudang maupun areal sekitar persawahan, merupakan tujuan migrasinya, oleh karena itu informasi mengenai kelimpahan tikus pada lahan pertanian yang memiliki batasan tipe penggunaan lahan yang berbeda adalah penting untuk diketahui. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari kelimpahan tikus pada berbagai tipe batasan habitat yang berbeda dengan lahan pertanian. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, Batanghari, dan Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi pada tiga tipe batasan habitat yang berbeda, yaitu lahan pertanian yang berbatasan dengan perkebunan kelapa sawit, berbatasan dengan semak belukar, dan berbatasan dengan hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total tikus tertangkap adalah 572 ekor selama 40 hari, dengan jenis kelamin jantan sebanyak 165 ekor dan 407 ekor tikus betina. Jumlah terbanyak diperoleh dari lahan pertanian yang berbatasan dengan hutan, kemudian kelapa sawit dan terakhir semak belukar. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan tikus dipengaruhi oleh batasan habitat lahan pertanian.
Land-use change causes undesirable effects such as biodiversity decline, altered community struct... more Land-use change causes undesirable effects such as biodiversity decline, altered community structure and reduced ecosystem services. Changes in species composition and disrupted trophic interactions between pests and their natural enemies may also result causing decreased ecosystem services. We studied the effects of forest habitat transformation on the community structure of ants, which include major biological control agents. We focused on four types of land use around Harapan Forest (Harapan) and Bukit Duabelas National Park (BDNP), Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia: forest, jungle rubber, rubber plantations and oil palm plantations. Four replicate patches of each land-use type were sampled, with plot sizes of 50 x 50 m at each of the 32 sites. Ants were collected by hand in combination with tuna and sugar baiting on three strata i.e. leaf litter, soil and tree. We found 104 ant species in total. Surprisingly, ant species richness per plot was not significantly different among land-use types, both in Harapan and BDNP. However, few ant species were shared among different land-use types. Forest and jungle rubber communities are relatively similar to each other (but still different), and distinct from communities in oil palm and rubber plantations. We conclude that conversion of remnant forested habitats to plantations would result in a net loss of ant species, even though ant species richness in plantations and forested habitats are similar.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Increasing crop productivity can do through improved cultivation technology by utilizing agricult... more Increasing crop productivity can do through improved cultivation technology by utilizing agricultural waste. This study aims to determine the development of Phytophthoralate blight deseases and yields of potato crops through the applications of tricho-compost and rice husk biochar. Trico-compost and biocharapplication on agriculture has benefits to improving soil quality, enhance crop yield, also reduce carbon and mitigate green house gas emission. Potato varieties used are Granola. Beds covered with plastic mulch, fertilizing using NPK according to recommendations, weeding weeds according to conditions, controlling pests and diseases based on Integrated Pest Control. The difference in technological treatment studied was 1) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha, 2) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha + rice husk biochar 1 ton/ha, 3) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha + rice husk biochar 2 tons/ha, and control(farmer technology without tricho-compost and without rice husk biochar). The environmental design used wa...
PENDAHULUAN Keanekaragaman hayati didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan hidup dan pergantian antara org... more PENDAHULUAN Keanekaragaman hayati didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan hidup dan pergantian antara organisme hidup dari semua sumber kehidupan. Hal ini dapat dipelajari pada berbagai tingkatan, termasuk keanekaragaman dalam spesies maupun antar spesies dalam ekosistem. Pada tingkat tertinggi, keanekaragaman hayati dapat untuk melihat semua spesies yang berbeda di seluruh bumi. Pada skala yang lebih kecil, keanekaragaman hayati dipelajari dalam ekosistem tertentu dengan mengidentifikasi organisme tertentu yang hidup di dalamnya (UNESCO 2010). Keanekaragaman hayati, termasuk jumlah, kelimpahan, dan komposisi jenis genotype, populasi, spesies, fungsional spesies, komunitas dan landskap, sangat mempengaruhi penyediaan layanan ekosistem. (Chapin et al. 1996). Penyediaan layanan ekosistem dapat berupa penyebaran benih, regulasi iklim, penyerapan karbon, pengendalian hayati hama dan penyakit tanaman, pembentukan tanah dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu 676
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal
Rubiana et al, 2018. The Assessment of Insect Diversity and Community Structure in the Former Ar... more Rubiana et al, 2018. The Assessment of Insect Diversity and Community Structure in the Former Area of Coal Mining Reclamation in Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province. JLSO 7(1): Recovery of land and ecosystems in the form of reclamation is expected to restore lost biodiversity. The success of reclamation can be seen from the recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity in it. However, the study of biodiversity on reclaimed land in Indonesia is still limited to vegetation and has not seen groups of animals especially insects. Insects have a very important functional role in the ecosystem, therefore they can be used as objects of diversity studies in the reclamation area. This study aimed to study the diversity and functional role of insects in the reclamation area. The study was conducted in the reclamation area of a former coal mine in Muaro Jambi Regency. The study area consisted of two different revegetation ages and two different plants. The method of insect collection is by installi...
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal
Rubiana et al, 2018. The Assessment of Insect Diversity and Community Structure in the Former Ar... more Rubiana et al, 2018. The Assessment of Insect Diversity and Community Structure in the Former Area of Coal Mining Reclamation in Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province. JLSO 7(1): Recovery of land and ecosystems in the form of reclamation is expected to restore lost biodiversity. The success of reclamation can be seen from the recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity in it. However, the study of biodiversity on reclaimed land in Indonesia is still limited to vegetation and has not seen groups of animals especially insects. Insects have a very important functional role in the ecosystem, therefore they can be used as objects of diversity studies in the reclamation area. This study aimed to study the diversity and functional role of insects in the reclamation area. The study was conducted in the reclamation area of a former coal mine in Muaro Jambi Regency. The study area consisted of two different revegetation ages and two different plants. The method of insect collection is by installi...
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, atas limpahan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayah-Nya, seh... more Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, atas limpahan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayah-Nya, sehingga Prosiding Seminar yang bertema: "Inovasi Pestisida Ramah Lingkungan Mendukung Swasembada Pangan" ini dapat terselesaikan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2016: Membangun Pertanian Modern dan Inovatif Berkelanjutan dalam Rangka Mendukung MEA, 2017
Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak daun tempuyung ... more Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak daun tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.). Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi
menggunakan pelarut metanol (50%, 70% 96%), etanol (50%, 70%, 96%) dan air. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil). Nilai LC50 yang dperoleh pada ekstrak metanol berturut-turut sebesar 55,53 ; 93,21 ; 238,71 ppm, ekstrak etanol 512,11; 499, 34; 247,09 dan ekstrak air sebesar 4071,25.
PENDAHULUAN Keanekaragaman hayati didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan hidup dan pergantian antara org... more PENDAHULUAN Keanekaragaman hayati didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan hidup dan pergantian antara organisme hidup dari semua sumber kehidupan. Hal ini dapat dipelajari pada berbagai tingkatan, termasuk keanekaragaman dalam spesies maupun antar spesies dalam ekosistem. Pada tingkat tertinggi, keanekaragaman hayati dapat untuk melihat semua spesies yang berbeda di seluruh bumi. Pada skala yang lebih kecil, keanekaragaman hayati dipelajari dalam ekosistem tertentu dengan mengidentifikasi organisme tertentu yang hidup di dalamnya (UNESCO 2010). Keanekaragaman hayati, termasuk jumlah, kelimpahan, dan komposisi jenis genotype, populasi, spesies, fungsional spesies, komunitas dan landskap, sangat mempengaruhi penyediaan layanan ekosistem. (Chapin et al. 1996). Penyediaan layanan ekosistem dapat berupa penyebaran benih, regulasi iklim, penyerapan karbon, pengendalian hayati hama dan penyakit tanaman, pembentukan tanah dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu 676
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands, 2018
Recovery of land and ecosystems in the form of reclamation is expected to restore lost biodiversi... more Recovery of land and ecosystems in the form of reclamation is expected to restore lost biodiversity. The success of reclamation can be seen from the recovery of ecosystems and biodiversity in it. However, the study of biodiversity on reclaimed land in Indonesia is still limited to vegetation and has not seen groups of animals especially insects. Insects have a very important functional role in the ecosystem, therefore they can be used as objects of diversity studies in the reclamation area. This study aimed to analysis the species diversity and functional role of insects in the reclamation area. The study was conducted in the reclamation area of a former coal mine in Muaro Jambi Regency. The study area consisted of two different revegetation ages and two different plants. The method of insect collection is by installing pitfall traps with five replications for 2 x 24 hours. The insect collects from the pitfall trap then identified to the morphospecies level. The results showed that most of the Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Othroptera insects were found in the reclamation area. Insect diversity is influenced by the age of reclamation. One year of reclamation has a lower species than insect age of two years. Based on the results of the analysis show that the composition of insect species shows differences at different reclamation ages. The older the age of reclamation, the composition of insect species tends to resemble the composition of insect species in the forest. ABSTRAK Pemulihan lahan dan ekosistem berupa reklamasi diharapkan dapat mengembalikan keanekaragaman hayati yang telah hilang. Keberhasilan reklamasi dapat dilihat dari pulihnya ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati yang ada di dalamnya. Namun demikian, studi keanekaragaman hayati pada lahan reklamasi di Indonesia masih terbatas pada vegetasi dan belum melihat kelompok hewan khususnya serangga. Serangga memiliki peranan fungsional yang sangat penting di ekosistem, oleh karena itu dapat dijadikan sebagai objek studi keanekaragaman pada area reklamasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis keanekaragaman spesies dan peranan fungsional serangga di area reklamasi. Penelitian dilakukan di area reklamasi bekas tambang batubara di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Lahan penelitian terdiri atas dua umur revegetasi yaitu yang berbeda dan dua pertanaman yang berbeda. Metode koleksi serangga yaitu dengan melakukan pemasangan perangkap
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
High intensity of disease infection and the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticidescause satu... more High intensity of disease infection and the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticidescause saturated fertilizer and pesticide to the land. Remediation using biochar rice husk is one of the technology to decrease fertilizer and pesticide residue. The diversity of soil insects can be used as bioindicators because of their existence dependsg on soil structure and condition. This study was aimed to study the diversity and structure communities of soil insect in potatoes on difference husk rice biochar application. The sampling of soil insects was done on potato farmer's land with four treatments i.e control (farmers' technique), trichokompos without biochar, trichokompos + biochar with dose 1 ton/ha, and trichokompos + biochar with dose 2 ton / ha. At each point a single pitfall trap was installed for two nights and then it was taken for identification. The results showed that biochar application had significant effect on the number of soil insect species (P = 0.037). The soil insect species composition pattern also showed significant differences between the four treatments (R: 0.2306, Pvalue = 0.001). This mean that the application of biochar affects the number of insects species and plays a role in the formation of soil insect diversity beta patterns.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Coffee of Liberika Tungkal Komposit (Libtukom) is a superior commodity that adapts well to the pe... more Coffee of Liberika Tungkal Komposit (Libtukom) is a superior commodity that adapts well to the peatlands in West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province. Libtukom coffee, which has a distinctive flavor, is the main source of income for the community in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency. The problems in the cultivation of Libtukom coffee include pests and diseases. This study aimed to provide information on the type of pests and diseases that attack Libtukom coffee. The study was conducted in March-September 2017. Data were obtained from direct observation (primary data) and other sources (secondary data). Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that some of the pests that attack Libtukom Coffee were coffee fruit borer, white lice, and stem borer, with intensity of mild-moderate attacks. Diseases that can infect leaves Libtukom Coffee were mainly (rust and red rust) and roots (root fungi). White root fungus attack is the main problem of Libtukom coffee in peatland, Jambi Province. Farmers generally recognize the root fungus infection, which was already found in more than 30% of the plant population.
Nature Communications, 2016
Smallholder-dominated agricultural mosaic landscapes are highlighted as model production systems ... more Smallholder-dominated agricultural mosaic landscapes are highlighted as model production systems that deliver both economic and ecological goods in tropical agricultural landscapes, but trade-offs underlying current land-use dynamics are poorly known. Here, using the most comprehensive quan-tification of land-use change and associated bundles of ecosystem functions, services and economic benefits to date, we show that Indonesian smallholders predominantly choose farm portfolios with high economic productivity but low ecological value. The more profitable oil palm and rubber monocultures replace forests and agroforests critical for maintaining above-and below-ground ecological functions and the diversity of most taxa. Between the monocultures, the higher economic performance of oil palm over rubber comes with the reliance on fertilizer inputs and with increased nutrient leaching losses. Strategies to achieve an ecological-economic balance and a sustainable management of tropical smallholder landscapes must be prioritized to avoid further environmental degradation.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi, 2016
Semut (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) merupakan taksa yang sangat peka terhadap perubahan yang terjadi ... more Semut (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) merupakan taksa yang sangat peka terhadap perubahan yang terjadi pada lingkungannya. Pada skala strata habitat yang berbeda semut telah terbukti responsif
terhadap perubahannya sehingga seringkali dijadikan bioindikator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui keanekaragaman semut pada strata habitat yang berbeda sebagai respon terhadap
transformasi lahan yang banyak terjadi di Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian dilakukan pada pada tiga strata habitat yaitu: permukaan tanah, serasah dan pohon pada empat jenis penggunaan lahan yaitu hutan primer, hutan karet, perkebunan karet dan perkebunan kelapa sawit di sekitar Hutan Harapan dan
Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas di Jambi. Pada setiap jenis penggunaan lahan, ditentukan empat plot (50 m x 50 m) untuk pengambilan sampel semut. Semut dikumpulkan dengan metode hand-collecting yang dikombinasikan dengan umpan. Jumlah spesies semut tertinggi diperoleh dari strata serasah perkebunan karet di lanskap TNBD. Semut yang paling banyak dijumpai di TNBD dan Harapan adalah semut yang menempati strata pohon sebanyak 77 spesies, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh terdapatnya serasah di dalam pohon kelapa sawit sehingga spesies semut yang berperan sebagai pengurai juga ditemukan. Jumlah spesies semut yang saling beririsan menempati strata antara serasah, tanah dan pohon adalah sebanyak 28 spesies di TNBD dan 29 spesies di Harapan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Padi, 2015
Kerusakan yang diakibatkan serangan hama tikus (Rattus argentiver) pada setiap tahunnya adalah se... more Kerusakan yang diakibatkan serangan hama tikus (Rattus argentiver) pada setiap tahunnya adalah sekitar 17 % tanaman atau setara dengan ukuran kemampuan untuk konsumsi makanan lebih dari 20 juta orang setiap tahunnya. Pada umumnya, habitat tikus adalah di permukaan tanah, persawahan, padang rumput, perkebunan dan semak belukar. Tikus seringkali melakukan migrasi untuk mencari pakan yang mencukupi. Migrasi ini bisa sampai sejauh 1-2 km dari tempat asalnya. Pemukiman, gudang maupun areal sekitar persawahan, merupakan tujuan migrasinya, oleh karena itu informasi mengenai kelimpahan tikus pada lahan pertanian yang memiliki batasan tipe penggunaan lahan yang berbeda adalah penting untuk diketahui. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari kelimpahan tikus pada berbagai tipe batasan habitat yang berbeda dengan lahan pertanian. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, Batanghari, dan Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi pada tiga tipe batasan habitat yang berbeda, yaitu lahan pertanian yang berbatasan dengan perkebunan kelapa sawit, berbatasan dengan semak belukar, dan berbatasan dengan hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total tikus tertangkap adalah 572 ekor selama 40 hari, dengan jenis kelamin jantan sebanyak 165 ekor dan 407 ekor tikus betina. Jumlah terbanyak diperoleh dari lahan pertanian yang berbatasan dengan hutan, kemudian kelapa sawit dan terakhir semak belukar. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan tikus dipengaruhi oleh batasan habitat lahan pertanian.
Land-use change causes undesirable effects such as biodiversity decline, altered community struct... more Land-use change causes undesirable effects such as biodiversity decline, altered community structure and reduced ecosystem services. Changes in species composition and disrupted trophic interactions between pests and their natural enemies may also result causing decreased ecosystem services. We studied the effects of forest habitat transformation on the community structure of ants, which include major biological control agents. We focused on four types of land use around Harapan Forest (Harapan) and Bukit Duabelas National Park (BDNP), Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia: forest, jungle rubber, rubber plantations and oil palm plantations. Four replicate patches of each land-use type were sampled, with plot sizes of 50 x 50 m at each of the 32 sites. Ants were collected by hand in combination with tuna and sugar baiting on three strata i.e. leaf litter, soil and tree. We found 104 ant species in total. Surprisingly, ant species richness per plot was not significantly different among land-use types, both in Harapan and BDNP. However, few ant species were shared among different land-use types. Forest and jungle rubber communities are relatively similar to each other (but still different), and distinct from communities in oil palm and rubber plantations. We conclude that conversion of remnant forested habitats to plantations would result in a net loss of ant species, even though ant species richness in plantations and forested habitats are similar.