Regino Zamora - (original) (raw)

Papers by Regino Zamora

Research paper thumbnail of Plant–Herbivore Interaction: Beyond a Binary Vision

CRC Press eBooks, Jun 20, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of La Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de España. Síntesis de resultados

La Evaluación de Ecosistemas del Milenio de España, promovido por la Fundación Biodiversidad del ... more La Evaluación de Ecosistemas del Milenio de España, promovido por la Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Medio Rural y Marino, constituye el primer análisis que se realiza sobre el estado y las tendencias de los servicios de los ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos de España y su contribución al bienestar de sus habitantes. Los resultados presentados suministran información científica interdisciplinaria desde las ciencias de la sostenibilidad a gestores, empresas, ONG y sociedad civil sobre las consecuencias que el cambio de los ecosistemas y la pérdida de biodiversidad tiene en el bienestar humano de sus habitantes

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Research paper thumbnail of Colonization Pattern of Abandoned Croplands by Quercus pyrenaica in a Mediterranean Mountain Region

Forests, 2021

Land abandonment is a major global change driver in the Mediterranean region, where anthropic act... more Land abandonment is a major global change driver in the Mediterranean region, where anthropic activity has played an important role in shaping landscape configuration. Understanding the woodland expansion towards abandoned croplands is critical to develop effective management strategies. In this study, we analyze the colonization pattern of abandoned croplands by Quercus pyrenaica in the Sierra Nevada mountain range (southern Spain). We aimed to assess differences among populations within the rear edge of the Q. pyrenaica distribution. For this purpose, we characterized (i) the colonization pattern of Q. pyrenaica, (ii) the structure of the seed source (surrounding forests), and (iii) the abundance of the main seed disperser (Eurasian jay, Garrulus glandarius). The study was conducted in five abandoned croplands located in two representative populations of Q. pyrenaica located on contrasting slopes. Vegetation plots within three habitat types (mature forest, edge-forest and abandone...

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Research paper thumbnail of Implications of mistletoe parasitism for the host metabolome: A new plant identity in the forest canopy

Plant, Cell & Environment, 2021

Mistletoe–host systems exemplify an intimate and chronic relationship where mistletoes represent ... more Mistletoe–host systems exemplify an intimate and chronic relationship where mistletoes represent protracted stress for hosts, causing long‐lasting impact. Although host changes in morphological and reproductive traits due to parasitism are well known, shifts in their physiological system, altering metabolite concentrations, are less known due to the difficulty of quantification. Here, we use ecometabolomic techniques in the plant–plant interaction, comparing the complete metabolome of the leaves from mistletoe (Viscum album) and needles from their host (Pinus nigra), both parasitized and unparasitized, to elucidate host responses to plant parasitism. Our results show that mistletoe acquires metabolites basically from the primary metabolism of its host and synthesizes its own defence compounds. In response to mistletoe parasitism, pines modify a quarter of their metabolome over the year, making the pine canopy metabolome more homogeneous by reducing the seasonal shifts in top‐down st...

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Research paper thumbnail of Long-term monitoring of the Iberian ibex population in the Sierra Nevada of the southeast Iberian Peninsula

Scientific Data, 2020

This dataset provides long-term information on the presence of the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica ... more This dataset provides long-term information on the presence of the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica Schimper, 1848) in Sierra Nevada (SE Iberian Peninsula). Data on the abundance and demographic structure of the Iberian ibex population were compiled over the last three decades. Transects were laid out to record different variables such as the number of individuals sighted, the perpendicular distance of each group of Iberian ibex to the transect line and sex as well as age of individuals in the case of males. These data enabled the calculation of population parameters such as density, sex ratio, birth rate, and age structure. These parameters are key for Iberian ibex conservation and management, given that Sierra Nevada harbours the largest population of this species in the Iberian Peninsula. The data set we present is structured using the Darwin Core biological standard, which contains 3,091 events (582 transect walk events and 2,509 group sighting events), 5,396 occurrences,...

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Research paper thumbnail of A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: Beyond drought effects

Global and Planetary Change, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of habitat type and soil moisture on pupal stage of a Mediterranean forest pest (Thaumetopoea pityocampa)

Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of From the individual to the landscape and back: time-varying effects of climate and herbivory on tree sapling growth at distribution limits

Journal of Ecology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Demografía y crecimiento primario durante la regeneración de tres especies de pino a lo largo de gradientes climáticos

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Research paper thumbnail of Plant–Herbivore Interaction

Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Habitat selection of endemic birds in temperate forests in a biodiversity "Hotspot

Forest Systems, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Benavides etal 2015 Survival vs growth trade-off in recruitment PPEES

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolutionary ecology of carnivorous plants


Summary: This review synthesizes published data and new results concerning the evolutionary ecol... more Summary: This review synthesizes published data and new results concerning the evolutionary ecology of carnivorous plants. These diverse taxa occur in many angiosperm clades, but are united by a common ecological "niche" - botanical carnivory. Aspects of their life-history, including developmental preformation and rapid responses to nutrient additions, make some carnivorous plants well-suited for addressing basic questions in population biology, including cost-benefit analysis of resource use and allocation, demographic trends, and population forecasting. These cost-benefit analyses also suggest ways to test hypotheses regarding coexistence of plant species in resource-limited environments. Most carnivorous plants are pollinated by insects, and the conflict between using insects as pollination vectors and as prey provides new insights into ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant-pollinator assemblages. A subset of the carnivorous plants, the pitcher plants, host distinctive communities of invertebrates in their modified leaves. These "inquiline" communities have been developed as model systems for experimental studies of interspecific competition, food web dynamics, metapopulations and metacommunities, and species co- occurrence patterns and assembly rules. The rapid generation times of the inquilines allows for the explicit incorporation of evolutionary dynamics into experimental studies of ecological communities. These research foci suggest that carnivorous plants are model systems for a broad range of basic questions in evolutionary ecology. Aspects of their autecology and synecology permit investigations of fundamental ecological processes across the full range of spatial, temporal, and biological organization.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2. Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems

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Research paper thumbnail of Inicio» Vegetal (Page 4)

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Research paper thumbnail of Revisiones

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Research paper thumbnail of Functional equi 7 alence in plant-animal interactions : ecological and e 7 olutionary consequences

Anyone who begins to analyse ecological interactions has no doubt felt the sensation that each ne... more Anyone who begins to analyse ecological interactions has no doubt felt the sensation that each new interacting pair of species will offer a new outcome, so that such interactive results will invariably be species-specific. Embedded in the Linnean taxonomic tradition, the general tendency in studies on the ecology of interspecific interactions has narrowed down to a search for differences between species, more than a search for similarities that might be evident if consideration were given to shared traits, such as body size, ecophysiological responses, or life-history traits (Hay 1994, Steneck and Dethier 1994, Duarte et al. 1995). On the other hand, the study of ecological interactions has been fuelled by optimality-guided theoretical approaches predicting that evolution results in the most efficient phenotype in each environment (Solbrig 1993). Thus, the interactions where these optimal phenotypes are involved should in turn be well-adjusted and optimized, tending towards speciali...

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Research paper thumbnail of Carta del Presidente de la AEET: Ecosistemas, la revista electrónica de la AEET, un producto consolidado

Revista Ecosistemas, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecología y Evolución de Interacciones Planta-Animal

Ninguna parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la portada, puede ser reproducida, transmitida... more Ninguna parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la portada, puede ser reproducida, transmitida o almacenada, sea por procedimientos mecánicos, ópticos, químicos o electrónicos, incluidas las fotocopias, sin permiso escrito del editor. ... Se terminó de imprimir esta prImErA ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Documentación de modelos y flujos de trabajo: el siguiente reto en el manejo de información ecológica

Ecosistemas, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Plant–Herbivore Interaction: Beyond a Binary Vision

CRC Press eBooks, Jun 20, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of La Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de España. Síntesis de resultados

La Evaluación de Ecosistemas del Milenio de España, promovido por la Fundación Biodiversidad del ... more La Evaluación de Ecosistemas del Milenio de España, promovido por la Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Medio Rural y Marino, constituye el primer análisis que se realiza sobre el estado y las tendencias de los servicios de los ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos de España y su contribución al bienestar de sus habitantes. Los resultados presentados suministran información científica interdisciplinaria desde las ciencias de la sostenibilidad a gestores, empresas, ONG y sociedad civil sobre las consecuencias que el cambio de los ecosistemas y la pérdida de biodiversidad tiene en el bienestar humano de sus habitantes

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Research paper thumbnail of Colonization Pattern of Abandoned Croplands by Quercus pyrenaica in a Mediterranean Mountain Region

Forests, 2021

Land abandonment is a major global change driver in the Mediterranean region, where anthropic act... more Land abandonment is a major global change driver in the Mediterranean region, where anthropic activity has played an important role in shaping landscape configuration. Understanding the woodland expansion towards abandoned croplands is critical to develop effective management strategies. In this study, we analyze the colonization pattern of abandoned croplands by Quercus pyrenaica in the Sierra Nevada mountain range (southern Spain). We aimed to assess differences among populations within the rear edge of the Q. pyrenaica distribution. For this purpose, we characterized (i) the colonization pattern of Q. pyrenaica, (ii) the structure of the seed source (surrounding forests), and (iii) the abundance of the main seed disperser (Eurasian jay, Garrulus glandarius). The study was conducted in five abandoned croplands located in two representative populations of Q. pyrenaica located on contrasting slopes. Vegetation plots within three habitat types (mature forest, edge-forest and abandone...

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Research paper thumbnail of Implications of mistletoe parasitism for the host metabolome: A new plant identity in the forest canopy

Plant, Cell & Environment, 2021

Mistletoe–host systems exemplify an intimate and chronic relationship where mistletoes represent ... more Mistletoe–host systems exemplify an intimate and chronic relationship where mistletoes represent protracted stress for hosts, causing long‐lasting impact. Although host changes in morphological and reproductive traits due to parasitism are well known, shifts in their physiological system, altering metabolite concentrations, are less known due to the difficulty of quantification. Here, we use ecometabolomic techniques in the plant–plant interaction, comparing the complete metabolome of the leaves from mistletoe (Viscum album) and needles from their host (Pinus nigra), both parasitized and unparasitized, to elucidate host responses to plant parasitism. Our results show that mistletoe acquires metabolites basically from the primary metabolism of its host and synthesizes its own defence compounds. In response to mistletoe parasitism, pines modify a quarter of their metabolome over the year, making the pine canopy metabolome more homogeneous by reducing the seasonal shifts in top‐down st...

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Research paper thumbnail of Long-term monitoring of the Iberian ibex population in the Sierra Nevada of the southeast Iberian Peninsula

Scientific Data, 2020

This dataset provides long-term information on the presence of the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica ... more This dataset provides long-term information on the presence of the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica Schimper, 1848) in Sierra Nevada (SE Iberian Peninsula). Data on the abundance and demographic structure of the Iberian ibex population were compiled over the last three decades. Transects were laid out to record different variables such as the number of individuals sighted, the perpendicular distance of each group of Iberian ibex to the transect line and sex as well as age of individuals in the case of males. These data enabled the calculation of population parameters such as density, sex ratio, birth rate, and age structure. These parameters are key for Iberian ibex conservation and management, given that Sierra Nevada harbours the largest population of this species in the Iberian Peninsula. The data set we present is structured using the Darwin Core biological standard, which contains 3,091 events (582 transect walk events and 2,509 group sighting events), 5,396 occurrences,...

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Research paper thumbnail of A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: Beyond drought effects

Global and Planetary Change, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of habitat type and soil moisture on pupal stage of a Mediterranean forest pest (Thaumetopoea pityocampa)

Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of From the individual to the landscape and back: time-varying effects of climate and herbivory on tree sapling growth at distribution limits

Journal of Ecology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Demografía y crecimiento primario durante la regeneración de tres especies de pino a lo largo de gradientes climáticos

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Research paper thumbnail of Plant–Herbivore Interaction

Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Habitat selection of endemic birds in temperate forests in a biodiversity "Hotspot

Forest Systems, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Benavides etal 2015 Survival vs growth trade-off in recruitment PPEES

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolutionary ecology of carnivorous plants


Summary: This review synthesizes published data and new results concerning the evolutionary ecol... more Summary: This review synthesizes published data and new results concerning the evolutionary ecology of carnivorous plants. These diverse taxa occur in many angiosperm clades, but are united by a common ecological "niche" - botanical carnivory. Aspects of their life-history, including developmental preformation and rapid responses to nutrient additions, make some carnivorous plants well-suited for addressing basic questions in population biology, including cost-benefit analysis of resource use and allocation, demographic trends, and population forecasting. These cost-benefit analyses also suggest ways to test hypotheses regarding coexistence of plant species in resource-limited environments. Most carnivorous plants are pollinated by insects, and the conflict between using insects as pollination vectors and as prey provides new insights into ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant-pollinator assemblages. A subset of the carnivorous plants, the pitcher plants, host distinctive communities of invertebrates in their modified leaves. These "inquiline" communities have been developed as model systems for experimental studies of interspecific competition, food web dynamics, metapopulations and metacommunities, and species co- occurrence patterns and assembly rules. The rapid generation times of the inquilines allows for the explicit incorporation of evolutionary dynamics into experimental studies of ecological communities. These research foci suggest that carnivorous plants are model systems for a broad range of basic questions in evolutionary ecology. Aspects of their autecology and synecology permit investigations of fundamental ecological processes across the full range of spatial, temporal, and biological organization.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2. Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems

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Research paper thumbnail of Inicio» Vegetal (Page 4)

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Research paper thumbnail of Revisiones

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Research paper thumbnail of Functional equi 7 alence in plant-animal interactions : ecological and e 7 olutionary consequences

Anyone who begins to analyse ecological interactions has no doubt felt the sensation that each ne... more Anyone who begins to analyse ecological interactions has no doubt felt the sensation that each new interacting pair of species will offer a new outcome, so that such interactive results will invariably be species-specific. Embedded in the Linnean taxonomic tradition, the general tendency in studies on the ecology of interspecific interactions has narrowed down to a search for differences between species, more than a search for similarities that might be evident if consideration were given to shared traits, such as body size, ecophysiological responses, or life-history traits (Hay 1994, Steneck and Dethier 1994, Duarte et al. 1995). On the other hand, the study of ecological interactions has been fuelled by optimality-guided theoretical approaches predicting that evolution results in the most efficient phenotype in each environment (Solbrig 1993). Thus, the interactions where these optimal phenotypes are involved should in turn be well-adjusted and optimized, tending towards speciali...

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Research paper thumbnail of Carta del Presidente de la AEET: Ecosistemas, la revista electrónica de la AEET, un producto consolidado

Revista Ecosistemas, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecología y Evolución de Interacciones Planta-Animal

Ninguna parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la portada, puede ser reproducida, transmitida... more Ninguna parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la portada, puede ser reproducida, transmitida o almacenada, sea por procedimientos mecánicos, ópticos, químicos o electrónicos, incluidas las fotocopias, sin permiso escrito del editor. ... Se terminó de imprimir esta prImErA ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Documentación de modelos y flujos de trabajo: el siguiente reto en el manejo de información ecológica

Ecosistemas, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad para el Bienestar Humano. Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de España. Síntesis de resultados

La biodiversidad es esencial para la supervivencia del ser humano en la Tierra. Del buen funciona... more La biodiversidad es esencial para la supervivencia del ser humano en la Tierra. Del buen funcionamiento de los ecosistemas acuáticos y terrestres españoles y de la biodiversidad que albergan, depende en buena medida el futuro social, cultural y económico de la población, ya que constituyen el capital natural de nuestro país. El bienestar humano en España estriba, de esta forma, en la capacidad de los ecosistemas para generar servicios esenciales: agua limpia, alimentos, regulación climática, polinización, actividades recreativas, etc. Por tanto, la conservación de los ecosistemas, además de ser una res ponsabilidad ética, se presenta como una necesidad crucial, y no como un lujo, para el bienestar de la sociedad española. Desde el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino trabajamos para preservar el buen estado de los ecosistemas, restaurar su funcionalidad y garantizar el mantenimiento de los importantes servicios que prestan a la sociedad. Por ello, somos conscientes d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecología y evolución de interacciones planta animal

Editorial Universitaria, 2009

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