Reinart Feldmann - (original) (raw)

Papers by Reinart Feldmann

Research paper thumbnail of Plant geographic distribution influences chemical defenses in native and introducedPlantago lanceolatapopulations

Plants growing outside their native range may be confronted by new regimes of herbivory, but how ... more Plants growing outside their native range may be confronted by new regimes of herbivory, but how this affects plant chemical defense profiles has rarely been studied. UsingPlantago lanceolataas a model species, we investigated whether introduced populations show significant differences from native populations in several growth and chemical defense traits.Plantago lanceolata(ribwort plantain) is an herbaceous plant species native to Europe and Western Asia that has been introduced to numerous countries worldwide. We sampled seeds from nine native and ten introduced populations that covered a broad geographic and environmental range and performed a common garden experiment in a greenhouse, in which we infested half of the plants in each population with caterpillars of the generalist herbivoreSpodoptera littoralis. We then measured size-related and resource-allocation traits as well as the levels of constitutive and induced chemical defense compounds in roots and shoots ofP. lanceolata...

Research paper thumbnail of Plant cover and plant-pollinator interactions in Central European grasslands (Poland/Czech Republic)

Complex socio-economic, political and demographic factors have driven the increased conversion of... more Complex socio-economic, political and demographic factors have driven the increased conversion of Europe's semi-natural grasslands to intensive pastures. This trend is particularly strong in some of the most biodiverse regions of the continent, such as Central and Eastern Europe. Intensive grazing is known to decrease species diversity and alter the composition of plant and insect communities. Comparatively little is known, however, about how intensive grazing influences plant functional traits related to pollination and the structure of plant-pollinator interactions. In traditional hay meadows and intensive pastures in Central Europe, we contrasted the taxonomic and functional group diversity and composition, the structure of plant-pollinator interactions and the roles of individual species in networks. We found mostly lower taxonomic and functional diversity of plants and insects in intensive pastures, as well as strong compositional differences among the two grassland managem...

Research paper thumbnail of A review of European studies on pollination networks and pollen limitation, and a case study designed to fill in a gap

AoB PLANTS, 2018

Anthropogenic environmental change disrupts interactions between plants and their animal pollinat... more Anthropogenic environmental change disrupts interactions between plants and their animal pollinators. To assess the importance of different drivers, baseline information is needed on interaction networks and plant reproductive success around the world. We conducted a systematic literature review to determine the state of our knowledge on plant-pollinator interactions and the ecosystem services they provide for European ecosystems. We focussed on studies that published information on plant-pollinator networks, as a community-level assessment of plant-pollinator interactions and pollen limitation, which assesses the degree to which plant reproduction is limited by pollinator services. We found that the majority of our knowledge comes from Western Europe, and thus there is a need for baseline assessments in the traditional landscapes of Eastern Europe. To address this data gap, we quantified plant-pollinator interactions and conducted breeding system and pollen supplementation experiments in a traditionally managed mountain meadow in the Western Romanian Carpathians. We found the Romanian meadow to be highly diverse, with a healthy plant-pollinator network. Despite the presence of many pollinator-dependent plant species, there was no evidence of pollen limitation. Our study is the first to provide baseline information for a healthy meadow at the community level on both plant-pollinator interactions and their relationship with ecosystem function (e.g. plant reproduction) in an Eastern European country. Alongside the baseline data, we also provide † Considered dual first authors.

Research paper thumbnail of The EU Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2017

Research paper thumbnail of Intensive grazing alters the diversity, composition and structure of plant-pollinator interaction networks in Central European grasslands

PLOS ONE, 2022

Complex socio-economic, political and demographic factors have driven the increased conversion of... more Complex socio-economic, political and demographic factors have driven the increased conversion of Europe’s semi-natural grasslands to intensive pastures. This trend is particularly strong in some of the most biodiverse regions of the continent, such as Central and Eastern Europe. Intensive grazing is known to decrease species diversity and alter the composition of plant and insect communities. Comparatively little is known, however, about how intensive grazing influences plant functional traits related to pollination and the structure of plant-pollinator interactions. In traditional hay meadows and intensive pastures in Central Europe, we contrasted the taxonomic and functional group diversity and composition, the structure of plant-pollinator interactions and the roles of individual species in networks. We found mostly lower taxonomic and functional diversity of plants and insects in intensive pastures, as well as strong compositional differences among the two grassland management ...

Research paper thumbnail of The European Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2015

This study/report was funded by and is the property of the European Environment Agency (EEA). The... more This study/report was funded by and is the property of the European Environment Agency (EEA). The opinions expressed therein are those of the Contractor only and do not represent the Agency's official position.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Makrofauna auf Kiefern- und Buchenstandorten im Mainzer Kalkflugsandgebiet : Artenspektrum der Dipteren, Biomasse und Konsumtion der Makrosaprophagen, Auswirkungen von Kalkgaben

Mikroreprod. eines Ms. Getr. Zählung : graph. Darst., Kt. Mainz, Univ., Diss., 1992.

Research paper thumbnail of Wie gewinnt die entomologische Forschung mehr Sichtbarkeit und Akzeptanz? - Das Zusammenspiel von internationalen Projekten, nationalen Initiativen (TMD), lokaler Freilandforschung und damit verbundener Öffentlichkeitsarbeit How can Higher Visibility and Acceptance of Entomological Research be Ac...

Zusammenfassung: Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden drei verschiedenartige Projekte bzw. Initia- tive... more Zusammenfassung: Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden drei verschiedenartige Projekte bzw. Initia- tiven aus dem Bereich der Biodiversitätsforschung vorgestellt, die alle einen engen Bezug zur Entomologie - meist zur Schmetterlingskunde - haben. Diese Projekte (MacMan, ALARM und TMD = Tagfalter-Monitoring Deutschland) werden zusammenfassend charakterisiert. Sie zeich- nen sich durch unterschiedliche Größe und unterschiedlichen Grad an Internationalität aus. Allen gemeinsam ist eine ausgeprägte

Research paper thumbnail of A test for correct species declaration of frog legs imports from Indonesia into the European Union

Biodiversity and Conservation, 2000

Frozen frog legs that had been shipped from Indonesia into the European Union were biochemically ... more Frozen frog legs that had been shipped from Indonesia into the European Union were biochemically compared to reference muscle samples from wild Indonesian frog populations of different species. Frozen frog leg samples only allowed for the analysis of eight allozyme loci, two of which were polymorphic. The analyses clearly showed that all frog legs, despite their initial species declaration as

Research paper thumbnail of Die Tagfalter Deutschlands

Research paper thumbnail of Getting the Public Involved in Butterfly Conservation: Lessons Learned from a New Monitoring Scheme in Germany

Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 2008


Research paper thumbnail of Grünbuch Citizen Science Strategie 2020 für Deutschland

Das vorliegende Grunbuch fur eine Citizen Science Strategie 2020 stellt die Ziele, Potenziale und... more Das vorliegende Grunbuch fur eine Citizen Science Strategie 2020 stellt die Ziele, Potenziale und Herausforderungen von Citizen Science in Deutschland dar und zeigt Handlungsoptionen fur die Entwicklung einer nationalen Strategie zur Einbindung von Burgerinnen und Burgern in die Wissenschaft auf. Dabei wird der Fokus auf drei Handlungsfelder gelegt: Die Starkung etablierter Strukturen, die Neuschaffung von Rahmenbedingungen und die weitere Integration von Cititzen Science in bestehende Konzepte durch verschiedene Masnahmen. Auserdem werden im Grunbuch vor allem auch die Ziele und Moglichkeiten ebenso wie eine Vision fur die Rolle von Citizen Science im Jahr 2020, unter anderem in Form von zehn Leitbildern, definiert. Im Vordergrund stehen auch hier die breite Etablierung, Anerkennung und Einbeziehung von Citizen Science in gesellschaftsrelevante Kontexte.

Research paper thumbnail of The European Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2017 : Technical report

Research paper thumbnail of Schmetterlinge : die Tagfalter Deutschlands : 720 farbfotos

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of different types of low‐intensity management on plant‐pollinator interactions in Estonian grasslands

Research paper thumbnail of Prinzipen einer ökologisch nachhaltigen Landnutzung in anthropogen beeinflußten Landschaften

Regeneration und nachhaltige Landnutzung, 1997

Die Okosysteme der alluvialen Walder (Auwalder) in Mitteleuropa sind ein bedeutender Teil des eur... more Die Okosysteme der alluvialen Walder (Auwalder) in Mitteleuropa sind ein bedeutender Teil des europaischen Natur- und Kulturerbes. Sie bilden die naturlichen Vegetationseinheiten an den Fluslaufen und ihren Uberschwemmungsbereichen. Auwalder sind in der Vergangenheit grosflachig durch menschliche Aktivitaten beeinflust, verandert und zerstort worden. Der heutige Bestand an Auwaldern bedarf einer europaweiten Strategie zum Schutz und zur zukunftigen Entwicklung (Gerken 1988). Die Degradation von Auwaldflachen hat viele Ursachen und ist ein Zusammenspiel von verschiedensten Faktoren. Obwohl Auenstandorte durch ihre okologischen Bedingungen in den Uberschwemmungsbereichen von Flussen eine landwirtschaftliche Nutzung erschwerten, wurde von den Menschen schon fruhzeitig versucht, die hohe Fruchtbarkeit des angeschwemmten nahrstoffreichen Bodenmaterials fur Viehweiden und Ackerbau zu nutzen. Auch die Wasserkraft der die Auwalder durchziehenden Flusse wurde in vielfaltiger Weise genutzt, wie z.B. fur Muhlen und zur Holztrift (Arnhold 1964). Der Ausbau der Flusse fur Schiffahrt und Energiewirtschaft und die Anlage von Staudammen hatte weitere schwerwiegende Eingriffe in die Auenokosysteme zur Folge. Erst durch Masnahmen zur Hochwasserfreilegung und Flusregulierung wurde eine grosflachige Umnutzung von Auwaldern fur Vieh- und Ackerwirtschaft sowie fur Siedlungsprojekte und Baumasnahmen ermoglicht. Aus diesem Grund sind an vielen Flussen die Auwalder bis auf wenige linienhafte, flusbegleitende Strukturen beseitigt worden.

Research paper thumbnail of Umweltbelastungen in der Region Leipzig-Halle-Bitterfeld und deren Bewertung

Wesentliche Grundlage der industriellen Entwicklung seit Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts ist im Raum ... more Wesentliche Grundlage der industriellen Entwicklung seit Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts ist im Raum Leipzig-Halle-Bitterfeld die Nutzung der Braunkohle als Energie- und Rohstoffbasis. Gekoppelt mit einer Reihe anderer Standortvorteile und dem technischen Fortschritt (u.a. Brikettierung der Kohle, Verfahren der Kohlechemie) kam es zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zu einer sturmischen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in diesem Gebiet. Grose Chemiebetriebe und Kraftwerke entstanden.

Research paper thumbnail of Regeneration und nachhaltige Landnutzung

Research paper thumbnail of Die Region Leipzig-Halle-Bitterfeld

Naturraume sind nach Relief-, Boden,- Binnengewasser- und Klimaeigenschaften ausgewiesene Raume, ... more Naturraume sind nach Relief-, Boden,- Binnengewasser- und Klimaeigenschaften ausgewiesene Raume, denen eine spezifische, naturliche potentielle Vegetation entspricht. Durch jahrhundertelange Naturressourcen- und Landnutzung sind Naturraume zu Kulturlandschaften verandert worden.

Research paper thumbnail of The social fabric of citizen science—drivers for long-term engagement in the German butterfly monitoring scheme

Journal of Insect Conservation

Insect conservation needs sound information on species distribution trends. Developing this evide... more Insect conservation needs sound information on species distribution trends. Developing this evidence relies-in practice-on long-term engagement of volunteers who observe and record species over large spatial and temporal scales. Many biodiversity monitoring schemes, including those for insects, are highly dependent on conservation-based citizen science programs with a long-term continuity. As these schemes are built entirely on good will, the nature of social relations and networks is pivotal to success. We assess the working mechanism of a monitoring scheme that is citizen-based as a case study. The German Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (hereafter TMD for "Tagfalter-Monitoring Deutschland") operates, as many other citizen science monitoring schemes, through an overarching national network of regional subnetworks of volunteers and a central scientific coordination. Using a questionnaire survey paired with a visual social network assessment, we investigate how participants interact within these networks and assess their motivations to engage. We characterise the functionality of this social network based on mechanism of coordination and participation, flows of information and knowledge exchange among recorders, regional and central coordinators, academic scientists and institutions. By analyzing the interactions, we show how the social network facilitates and ensures various communication modes and thereby fosters long-term engagement, stability and growth of the scheme. We identify the central role of project coordination and the importance of social relations within citizen-based monitoring programs for engagement and personal satisfaction. Based on our empirical study, we derive a set of recommendations for establishing and maintaining successful volunteer networks in insect citizen-based monitoring programs.

Research paper thumbnail of Plant geographic distribution influences chemical defenses in native and introducedPlantago lanceolatapopulations

Plants growing outside their native range may be confronted by new regimes of herbivory, but how ... more Plants growing outside their native range may be confronted by new regimes of herbivory, but how this affects plant chemical defense profiles has rarely been studied. UsingPlantago lanceolataas a model species, we investigated whether introduced populations show significant differences from native populations in several growth and chemical defense traits.Plantago lanceolata(ribwort plantain) is an herbaceous plant species native to Europe and Western Asia that has been introduced to numerous countries worldwide. We sampled seeds from nine native and ten introduced populations that covered a broad geographic and environmental range and performed a common garden experiment in a greenhouse, in which we infested half of the plants in each population with caterpillars of the generalist herbivoreSpodoptera littoralis. We then measured size-related and resource-allocation traits as well as the levels of constitutive and induced chemical defense compounds in roots and shoots ofP. lanceolata...

Research paper thumbnail of Plant cover and plant-pollinator interactions in Central European grasslands (Poland/Czech Republic)

Complex socio-economic, political and demographic factors have driven the increased conversion of... more Complex socio-economic, political and demographic factors have driven the increased conversion of Europe's semi-natural grasslands to intensive pastures. This trend is particularly strong in some of the most biodiverse regions of the continent, such as Central and Eastern Europe. Intensive grazing is known to decrease species diversity and alter the composition of plant and insect communities. Comparatively little is known, however, about how intensive grazing influences plant functional traits related to pollination and the structure of plant-pollinator interactions. In traditional hay meadows and intensive pastures in Central Europe, we contrasted the taxonomic and functional group diversity and composition, the structure of plant-pollinator interactions and the roles of individual species in networks. We found mostly lower taxonomic and functional diversity of plants and insects in intensive pastures, as well as strong compositional differences among the two grassland managem...

Research paper thumbnail of A review of European studies on pollination networks and pollen limitation, and a case study designed to fill in a gap

AoB PLANTS, 2018

Anthropogenic environmental change disrupts interactions between plants and their animal pollinat... more Anthropogenic environmental change disrupts interactions between plants and their animal pollinators. To assess the importance of different drivers, baseline information is needed on interaction networks and plant reproductive success around the world. We conducted a systematic literature review to determine the state of our knowledge on plant-pollinator interactions and the ecosystem services they provide for European ecosystems. We focussed on studies that published information on plant-pollinator networks, as a community-level assessment of plant-pollinator interactions and pollen limitation, which assesses the degree to which plant reproduction is limited by pollinator services. We found that the majority of our knowledge comes from Western Europe, and thus there is a need for baseline assessments in the traditional landscapes of Eastern Europe. To address this data gap, we quantified plant-pollinator interactions and conducted breeding system and pollen supplementation experiments in a traditionally managed mountain meadow in the Western Romanian Carpathians. We found the Romanian meadow to be highly diverse, with a healthy plant-pollinator network. Despite the presence of many pollinator-dependent plant species, there was no evidence of pollen limitation. Our study is the first to provide baseline information for a healthy meadow at the community level on both plant-pollinator interactions and their relationship with ecosystem function (e.g. plant reproduction) in an Eastern European country. Alongside the baseline data, we also provide † Considered dual first authors.

Research paper thumbnail of The EU Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2017

Research paper thumbnail of Intensive grazing alters the diversity, composition and structure of plant-pollinator interaction networks in Central European grasslands

PLOS ONE, 2022

Complex socio-economic, political and demographic factors have driven the increased conversion of... more Complex socio-economic, political and demographic factors have driven the increased conversion of Europe’s semi-natural grasslands to intensive pastures. This trend is particularly strong in some of the most biodiverse regions of the continent, such as Central and Eastern Europe. Intensive grazing is known to decrease species diversity and alter the composition of plant and insect communities. Comparatively little is known, however, about how intensive grazing influences plant functional traits related to pollination and the structure of plant-pollinator interactions. In traditional hay meadows and intensive pastures in Central Europe, we contrasted the taxonomic and functional group diversity and composition, the structure of plant-pollinator interactions and the roles of individual species in networks. We found mostly lower taxonomic and functional diversity of plants and insects in intensive pastures, as well as strong compositional differences among the two grassland management ...

Research paper thumbnail of The European Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2015

This study/report was funded by and is the property of the European Environment Agency (EEA). The... more This study/report was funded by and is the property of the European Environment Agency (EEA). The opinions expressed therein are those of the Contractor only and do not represent the Agency's official position.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Makrofauna auf Kiefern- und Buchenstandorten im Mainzer Kalkflugsandgebiet : Artenspektrum der Dipteren, Biomasse und Konsumtion der Makrosaprophagen, Auswirkungen von Kalkgaben

Mikroreprod. eines Ms. Getr. Zählung : graph. Darst., Kt. Mainz, Univ., Diss., 1992.

Research paper thumbnail of Wie gewinnt die entomologische Forschung mehr Sichtbarkeit und Akzeptanz? - Das Zusammenspiel von internationalen Projekten, nationalen Initiativen (TMD), lokaler Freilandforschung und damit verbundener Öffentlichkeitsarbeit How can Higher Visibility and Acceptance of Entomological Research be Ac...

Zusammenfassung: Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden drei verschiedenartige Projekte bzw. Initia- tive... more Zusammenfassung: Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden drei verschiedenartige Projekte bzw. Initia- tiven aus dem Bereich der Biodiversitätsforschung vorgestellt, die alle einen engen Bezug zur Entomologie - meist zur Schmetterlingskunde - haben. Diese Projekte (MacMan, ALARM und TMD = Tagfalter-Monitoring Deutschland) werden zusammenfassend charakterisiert. Sie zeich- nen sich durch unterschiedliche Größe und unterschiedlichen Grad an Internationalität aus. Allen gemeinsam ist eine ausgeprägte

Research paper thumbnail of A test for correct species declaration of frog legs imports from Indonesia into the European Union

Biodiversity and Conservation, 2000

Frozen frog legs that had been shipped from Indonesia into the European Union were biochemically ... more Frozen frog legs that had been shipped from Indonesia into the European Union were biochemically compared to reference muscle samples from wild Indonesian frog populations of different species. Frozen frog leg samples only allowed for the analysis of eight allozyme loci, two of which were polymorphic. The analyses clearly showed that all frog legs, despite their initial species declaration as

Research paper thumbnail of Die Tagfalter Deutschlands

Research paper thumbnail of Getting the Public Involved in Butterfly Conservation: Lessons Learned from a New Monitoring Scheme in Germany

Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 2008


Research paper thumbnail of Grünbuch Citizen Science Strategie 2020 für Deutschland

Das vorliegende Grunbuch fur eine Citizen Science Strategie 2020 stellt die Ziele, Potenziale und... more Das vorliegende Grunbuch fur eine Citizen Science Strategie 2020 stellt die Ziele, Potenziale und Herausforderungen von Citizen Science in Deutschland dar und zeigt Handlungsoptionen fur die Entwicklung einer nationalen Strategie zur Einbindung von Burgerinnen und Burgern in die Wissenschaft auf. Dabei wird der Fokus auf drei Handlungsfelder gelegt: Die Starkung etablierter Strukturen, die Neuschaffung von Rahmenbedingungen und die weitere Integration von Cititzen Science in bestehende Konzepte durch verschiedene Masnahmen. Auserdem werden im Grunbuch vor allem auch die Ziele und Moglichkeiten ebenso wie eine Vision fur die Rolle von Citizen Science im Jahr 2020, unter anderem in Form von zehn Leitbildern, definiert. Im Vordergrund stehen auch hier die breite Etablierung, Anerkennung und Einbeziehung von Citizen Science in gesellschaftsrelevante Kontexte.

Research paper thumbnail of The European Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2017 : Technical report

Research paper thumbnail of Schmetterlinge : die Tagfalter Deutschlands : 720 farbfotos

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of different types of low‐intensity management on plant‐pollinator interactions in Estonian grasslands

Research paper thumbnail of Prinzipen einer ökologisch nachhaltigen Landnutzung in anthropogen beeinflußten Landschaften

Regeneration und nachhaltige Landnutzung, 1997

Die Okosysteme der alluvialen Walder (Auwalder) in Mitteleuropa sind ein bedeutender Teil des eur... more Die Okosysteme der alluvialen Walder (Auwalder) in Mitteleuropa sind ein bedeutender Teil des europaischen Natur- und Kulturerbes. Sie bilden die naturlichen Vegetationseinheiten an den Fluslaufen und ihren Uberschwemmungsbereichen. Auwalder sind in der Vergangenheit grosflachig durch menschliche Aktivitaten beeinflust, verandert und zerstort worden. Der heutige Bestand an Auwaldern bedarf einer europaweiten Strategie zum Schutz und zur zukunftigen Entwicklung (Gerken 1988). Die Degradation von Auwaldflachen hat viele Ursachen und ist ein Zusammenspiel von verschiedensten Faktoren. Obwohl Auenstandorte durch ihre okologischen Bedingungen in den Uberschwemmungsbereichen von Flussen eine landwirtschaftliche Nutzung erschwerten, wurde von den Menschen schon fruhzeitig versucht, die hohe Fruchtbarkeit des angeschwemmten nahrstoffreichen Bodenmaterials fur Viehweiden und Ackerbau zu nutzen. Auch die Wasserkraft der die Auwalder durchziehenden Flusse wurde in vielfaltiger Weise genutzt, wie z.B. fur Muhlen und zur Holztrift (Arnhold 1964). Der Ausbau der Flusse fur Schiffahrt und Energiewirtschaft und die Anlage von Staudammen hatte weitere schwerwiegende Eingriffe in die Auenokosysteme zur Folge. Erst durch Masnahmen zur Hochwasserfreilegung und Flusregulierung wurde eine grosflachige Umnutzung von Auwaldern fur Vieh- und Ackerwirtschaft sowie fur Siedlungsprojekte und Baumasnahmen ermoglicht. Aus diesem Grund sind an vielen Flussen die Auwalder bis auf wenige linienhafte, flusbegleitende Strukturen beseitigt worden.

Research paper thumbnail of Umweltbelastungen in der Region Leipzig-Halle-Bitterfeld und deren Bewertung

Wesentliche Grundlage der industriellen Entwicklung seit Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts ist im Raum ... more Wesentliche Grundlage der industriellen Entwicklung seit Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts ist im Raum Leipzig-Halle-Bitterfeld die Nutzung der Braunkohle als Energie- und Rohstoffbasis. Gekoppelt mit einer Reihe anderer Standortvorteile und dem technischen Fortschritt (u.a. Brikettierung der Kohle, Verfahren der Kohlechemie) kam es zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zu einer sturmischen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in diesem Gebiet. Grose Chemiebetriebe und Kraftwerke entstanden.

Research paper thumbnail of Regeneration und nachhaltige Landnutzung

Research paper thumbnail of Die Region Leipzig-Halle-Bitterfeld

Naturraume sind nach Relief-, Boden,- Binnengewasser- und Klimaeigenschaften ausgewiesene Raume, ... more Naturraume sind nach Relief-, Boden,- Binnengewasser- und Klimaeigenschaften ausgewiesene Raume, denen eine spezifische, naturliche potentielle Vegetation entspricht. Durch jahrhundertelange Naturressourcen- und Landnutzung sind Naturraume zu Kulturlandschaften verandert worden.

Research paper thumbnail of The social fabric of citizen science—drivers for long-term engagement in the German butterfly monitoring scheme

Journal of Insect Conservation

Insect conservation needs sound information on species distribution trends. Developing this evide... more Insect conservation needs sound information on species distribution trends. Developing this evidence relies-in practice-on long-term engagement of volunteers who observe and record species over large spatial and temporal scales. Many biodiversity monitoring schemes, including those for insects, are highly dependent on conservation-based citizen science programs with a long-term continuity. As these schemes are built entirely on good will, the nature of social relations and networks is pivotal to success. We assess the working mechanism of a monitoring scheme that is citizen-based as a case study. The German Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (hereafter TMD for "Tagfalter-Monitoring Deutschland") operates, as many other citizen science monitoring schemes, through an overarching national network of regional subnetworks of volunteers and a central scientific coordination. Using a questionnaire survey paired with a visual social network assessment, we investigate how participants interact within these networks and assess their motivations to engage. We characterise the functionality of this social network based on mechanism of coordination and participation, flows of information and knowledge exchange among recorders, regional and central coordinators, academic scientists and institutions. By analyzing the interactions, we show how the social network facilitates and ensures various communication modes and thereby fosters long-term engagement, stability and growth of the scheme. We identify the central role of project coordination and the importance of social relations within citizen-based monitoring programs for engagement and personal satisfaction. Based on our empirical study, we derive a set of recommendations for establishing and maintaining successful volunteer networks in insect citizen-based monitoring programs.