René Rasmussen - (original) (raw)

Papers by René Rasmussen

Research paper thumbnail of Slaget om Dybbøl Banke. En øjenvidneskildring af kampen om Historiecenter Dybbøl Bankes udvidelsesplaner

Fortid og Nutid, 2000

In the first months of the new millennium, a fierce dispute raged in Sønderjylland in the press, ... more In the first months of the new millennium, a fierce dispute raged in Sønderjylland in the press, radio and TV about Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke's expansion plans. Not since the debate on the Euroregion Sønderjylland / Schleswig had the minds of Sønderjyske moved in this way, and the debate caused a stir in the nationwide media and in the press south of the border. But what was it really about? Which positions and which persons faced each other? And what has the match ended up with so far? This is explained in this article.

Research paper thumbnail of Historiske dramaer bør tage ansvar: 1864

Research paper thumbnail of Slaget om Dybbøl Banke En øjenvidneskildring af kampen om Historiecenter Dybbøl Bankes udvidelsesplaner

Fortid og Nutid Nr. 3, 2000

In the first months of the new millennium, a fierce dispute raged in Sønderjylland in the press, ... more In the first months of the new millennium, a fierce dispute raged in Sønderjylland in the press, radio and TV about Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke's expansion plans. Not since the debate on the Euroregion Sønderjylland / Schleswig had the minds of Sønderjyske moved in this way, and the debate caused a stir in the nationwide media and in the press south of the border. But what was it really about? Which positions and which persons faced each other? And what has the match ended up with so far? This is explained in this article.

Research paper thumbnail of Die dänischen National-Sozialisten in Nordschleswig 1930-1945

Demokratische Geschichte Band 16, 2004

Das Gebiet zwischen Apenrade und Sonderburg-also Sundewitt, der Bereich um die Dörfer Ullerup, Ba... more Das Gebiet zwischen Apenrade und Sonderburg-also Sundewitt, der Bereich um die Dörfer Ullerup, Baurup, Warnitz und Feldstedt war dasjenige in Dänemark, wo die Dänische Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei (DNSAP) bei den Folketingswahlen zwischen 1932 und 1943 ihre besten Ergebnisse erzielte, in Einzelfällen bis zu über 25%. Man kann mit gewissem Recht behaupten, dass der dänische Nationalsozialismus in den 1930er Jahren zu einem guten Teil ein nordschleswigsches Phänomen war. Nach der Besetzung Dänemarks am 9. April 1940 breitete es sich auch in den großen Städten aus, namentlich in Kopenhagen. Doch Nordschleswig blieb eine Hochburg der DNSAP.

Research paper thumbnail of Die dänische Minderheit in Flensburg 1864 1945

Grenzfriedenshefte 2009/3, 2009

Published in Grenzfriedenshefte 2009/3

Research paper thumbnail of En storpolitisk julefortælling

Research paper thumbnail of Da oberst Paludan-Müller opsagde abonnementet

Research paper thumbnail of Oberst S.B. Paludan-Müller og samarbejdspolitikken august 1943

Research paper thumbnail of Gustav Johannsen i Magdeburg fæstning i 1879

Research paper thumbnail of Flensborg under krigen i 1864 - oplevet af byens dansksindede

Sønderjydske Årbøger

Flensborg var i 1864 en splittet by. Et lille flertal af byens indbyggere var overvejende kongetr... more Flensborg var i 1864 en splittet by. Et lille flertal af byens indbyggere var overvejende kongetro og loyalt, mens et stort mindretal var slesvig-holstensk sindet. Begge sider fulgte krigens udvikling med spænding, men deres forhåbninger til krigens udfald gik i hver sin retning. Museumsinspektør René Rasmussen, Sønderborg Slot, følger stemningsskiftene blandt byens dansksindede indbyggere fra ængstelse og håb ved krigsudbruddet i januar til fortvivlelse og resignation i juni, da preussernes overgang til Als afgjorde krigen.

Research paper thumbnail of Claes Ahlund (Ed.), Scandinavia in the First World War. Studies in the War Experience of the Northern Neutrals. Lund, Nordic Academic Press 2012

Historische Zeitschrift, 2016

Books by René Rasmussen

Research paper thumbnail of Zwischen Grenzkonflikt und Grenzfrieden

Zwischen Grenzkonflikt und Grenzfrieden. Die dänische Minderheit in Schleswig-Holstein in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Dansk i Sydslesvig. En udstilling om det danske mindretal i Sydslesvig fra 1864 til i dag

Dansk i Sydslesvig. En udstilling om det danske mindretal i Sydslesvig fra 1864 til i dag, 2011

An exhibition catalog for the exhibition about the history of the Danish minority in South Schles... more An exhibition catalog for the exhibition about the history of the Danish minority in South Schleswig from 1864 to 2011. The exhibition was at Danevirke Museum 2011-2021

Research paper thumbnail of Front und Brücke - "Flensborg Avis" im Mächtespiel zwischen Dänemark und Deutschland 1930-1945. Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch

Front und Brücke - Zusammenfassung, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Sydslesvigs danske historie

Sydslesvigs danske historie, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Front og bro. Flensborg Avis i spil mellem Danmark og Tyskland 1930-1945

Front og bro. Flensborg Avis i spil mellem Danmark og Tyskland 1930-1945, 2005

"The freest daily newspaper in the Third Reich ..." The story of Flensborg Avis in the period 19... more "The freest daily newspaper in the Third Reich ..."

The story of Flensborg Avis in the period 1930-1945 is the story of a newspaper that is in every way unusual with a dramatic history. The daily newspaper of the South Schleswig Danish minority constituted a special foreign policy case for both Denmark and Germany - and was treated accordingly. This book is about the difficult balancing act og Flensburg Avis between Danish foreign and domestic policy and German foreign and propaganda policy; between parliamentary democracy and National Socialism - and between newspaper competition and (danish) state support.

Editor Ernst Christiansen formulated around 1930 the slogan: Front and bridge, which was interpreted as national self-assertion and international understanding. The front and bridge thought placed the Danish-German borderland very centrally as the place where German and Nordic thinking met and competed. It was the special task of the border peoples to maintain and defend their own nationality, while at the same time acting as mediators between the two neighboring peoples. One consequence of the thinking was, that Flensborg Avis for a long time was positive towards Hitler's new Germany. This led to harsh accusations from Denmark against Flensborg Avis for conducting Nazi propaganda.

Flensborg Avis was called by leading Nazi officials "the freest daily newspaper in the Third Reich". This did not mean, that the newspaper was free, but it did mean, that Flensburg Avis was granted certain special rights and thereby avoided the total coordination ("Gleichschaltung") that all other newspapers in Germany were affected by. Jacob Kronika, the newspaper's correspondent in Berlin, was a key figure in the spooky game behind the scenes of National Socialist Berlin. Local German opponents in the border country, in turn, tried to restrict Flensborg Avis' relative freedom. In the field of tension between Schleswig-Holstein, which had a border revision on the program, and the central government authorities in Berlin, which prioritized a good foreign policy relationship with Denmark, a space emerged within which Flensborg Avis could maneuver.

Research paper thumbnail of Slaget om Dybbøl Banke. En øjenvidneskildring af kampen om Historiecenter Dybbøl Bankes udvidelsesplaner

Fortid og Nutid, 2000

In the first months of the new millennium, a fierce dispute raged in Sønderjylland in the press, ... more In the first months of the new millennium, a fierce dispute raged in Sønderjylland in the press, radio and TV about Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke's expansion plans. Not since the debate on the Euroregion Sønderjylland / Schleswig had the minds of Sønderjyske moved in this way, and the debate caused a stir in the nationwide media and in the press south of the border. But what was it really about? Which positions and which persons faced each other? And what has the match ended up with so far? This is explained in this article.

Research paper thumbnail of Historiske dramaer bør tage ansvar: 1864

Research paper thumbnail of Slaget om Dybbøl Banke En øjenvidneskildring af kampen om Historiecenter Dybbøl Bankes udvidelsesplaner

Fortid og Nutid Nr. 3, 2000

In the first months of the new millennium, a fierce dispute raged in Sønderjylland in the press, ... more In the first months of the new millennium, a fierce dispute raged in Sønderjylland in the press, radio and TV about Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke's expansion plans. Not since the debate on the Euroregion Sønderjylland / Schleswig had the minds of Sønderjyske moved in this way, and the debate caused a stir in the nationwide media and in the press south of the border. But what was it really about? Which positions and which persons faced each other? And what has the match ended up with so far? This is explained in this article.

Research paper thumbnail of Die dänischen National-Sozialisten in Nordschleswig 1930-1945

Demokratische Geschichte Band 16, 2004

Das Gebiet zwischen Apenrade und Sonderburg-also Sundewitt, der Bereich um die Dörfer Ullerup, Ba... more Das Gebiet zwischen Apenrade und Sonderburg-also Sundewitt, der Bereich um die Dörfer Ullerup, Baurup, Warnitz und Feldstedt war dasjenige in Dänemark, wo die Dänische Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei (DNSAP) bei den Folketingswahlen zwischen 1932 und 1943 ihre besten Ergebnisse erzielte, in Einzelfällen bis zu über 25%. Man kann mit gewissem Recht behaupten, dass der dänische Nationalsozialismus in den 1930er Jahren zu einem guten Teil ein nordschleswigsches Phänomen war. Nach der Besetzung Dänemarks am 9. April 1940 breitete es sich auch in den großen Städten aus, namentlich in Kopenhagen. Doch Nordschleswig blieb eine Hochburg der DNSAP.

Research paper thumbnail of Die dänische Minderheit in Flensburg 1864 1945

Grenzfriedenshefte 2009/3, 2009

Published in Grenzfriedenshefte 2009/3

Research paper thumbnail of En storpolitisk julefortælling

Research paper thumbnail of Da oberst Paludan-Müller opsagde abonnementet

Research paper thumbnail of Oberst S.B. Paludan-Müller og samarbejdspolitikken august 1943

Research paper thumbnail of Gustav Johannsen i Magdeburg fæstning i 1879

Research paper thumbnail of Flensborg under krigen i 1864 - oplevet af byens dansksindede

Sønderjydske Årbøger

Flensborg var i 1864 en splittet by. Et lille flertal af byens indbyggere var overvejende kongetr... more Flensborg var i 1864 en splittet by. Et lille flertal af byens indbyggere var overvejende kongetro og loyalt, mens et stort mindretal var slesvig-holstensk sindet. Begge sider fulgte krigens udvikling med spænding, men deres forhåbninger til krigens udfald gik i hver sin retning. Museumsinspektør René Rasmussen, Sønderborg Slot, følger stemningsskiftene blandt byens dansksindede indbyggere fra ængstelse og håb ved krigsudbruddet i januar til fortvivlelse og resignation i juni, da preussernes overgang til Als afgjorde krigen.

Research paper thumbnail of Claes Ahlund (Ed.), Scandinavia in the First World War. Studies in the War Experience of the Northern Neutrals. Lund, Nordic Academic Press 2012

Historische Zeitschrift, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Zwischen Grenzkonflikt und Grenzfrieden

Zwischen Grenzkonflikt und Grenzfrieden. Die dänische Minderheit in Schleswig-Holstein in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Dansk i Sydslesvig. En udstilling om det danske mindretal i Sydslesvig fra 1864 til i dag

Dansk i Sydslesvig. En udstilling om det danske mindretal i Sydslesvig fra 1864 til i dag, 2011

An exhibition catalog for the exhibition about the history of the Danish minority in South Schles... more An exhibition catalog for the exhibition about the history of the Danish minority in South Schleswig from 1864 to 2011. The exhibition was at Danevirke Museum 2011-2021

Research paper thumbnail of Front und Brücke - "Flensborg Avis" im Mächtespiel zwischen Dänemark und Deutschland 1930-1945. Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch

Front und Brücke - Zusammenfassung, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Sydslesvigs danske historie

Sydslesvigs danske historie, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Front og bro. Flensborg Avis i spil mellem Danmark og Tyskland 1930-1945

Front og bro. Flensborg Avis i spil mellem Danmark og Tyskland 1930-1945, 2005

"The freest daily newspaper in the Third Reich ..." The story of Flensborg Avis in the period 19... more "The freest daily newspaper in the Third Reich ..."

The story of Flensborg Avis in the period 1930-1945 is the story of a newspaper that is in every way unusual with a dramatic history. The daily newspaper of the South Schleswig Danish minority constituted a special foreign policy case for both Denmark and Germany - and was treated accordingly. This book is about the difficult balancing act og Flensburg Avis between Danish foreign and domestic policy and German foreign and propaganda policy; between parliamentary democracy and National Socialism - and between newspaper competition and (danish) state support.

Editor Ernst Christiansen formulated around 1930 the slogan: Front and bridge, which was interpreted as national self-assertion and international understanding. The front and bridge thought placed the Danish-German borderland very centrally as the place where German and Nordic thinking met and competed. It was the special task of the border peoples to maintain and defend their own nationality, while at the same time acting as mediators between the two neighboring peoples. One consequence of the thinking was, that Flensborg Avis for a long time was positive towards Hitler's new Germany. This led to harsh accusations from Denmark against Flensborg Avis for conducting Nazi propaganda.

Flensborg Avis was called by leading Nazi officials "the freest daily newspaper in the Third Reich". This did not mean, that the newspaper was free, but it did mean, that Flensburg Avis was granted certain special rights and thereby avoided the total coordination ("Gleichschaltung") that all other newspapers in Germany were affected by. Jacob Kronika, the newspaper's correspondent in Berlin, was a key figure in the spooky game behind the scenes of National Socialist Berlin. Local German opponents in the border country, in turn, tried to restrict Flensborg Avis' relative freedom. In the field of tension between Schleswig-Holstein, which had a border revision on the program, and the central government authorities in Berlin, which prioritized a good foreign policy relationship with Denmark, a space emerged within which Flensborg Avis could maneuver.