Rena Sari - (original) (raw)
Papers by Rena Sari
Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII, Nov 24, 2018
Energi merupakan sumber kehidupan, jika energi habis maka kehidupan akan musnah. Seiring dengan b... more Energi merupakan sumber kehidupan, jika energi habis maka kehidupan akan musnah. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di Indonesia maka kebutuhan akan energi pun semakin meningkat. Pemanfaatan dan pengembangan energi terbarukan menjadi semakin penting mengingat semakin terbatasnya sumber energi fosil atau sumber energi non-terbarukan. Saat ini pemerintah Indonesia mengembangkan sumber-sumber energi alternatif diantaranya energi panasbumi. Parangwedang di desa Parangtritis, kabupaten Bantul merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi untuk pemanfaatan energi panasbumi terlihat ditemukannya manifestasi panasbumi yaitu mata air panas. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi energi alternatif dan industri pariwisata di Parangwedang, desa Parangtritis, Kabupaten Bantul. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis geologi, analisis geofisika dan analisis geokimia, serta analisis teknis dan sosial. Stratigrafi yang terdapat di daerah penelitian secara umum tersusun oleh batuan sedimen dan sedikit batuan beku intrusi andesit disekitar utara pantai Parangtritis. Nilai intensitas magnetik yang tinggi diasosiasikan dengan endapan pasir besi yang terbentuk di pantai selatan. Analisis data magnetik didapatkan pola pada peta anomali medan magnet kontinuasi kebawah pada z=100 meter sampai z= 300 meter. Pada peta anomali medan magnet kontinuasi kebawah z=300 meter pola klosur cenderung tidak berubah, sehingga dugaan sumber panas pada daerah Parangwedang terletak pada kedalaman antara 200-300 meter. Sedangkan analisis geokimia di daerah Parangwedang untuk temperatur permukaan ( temperature cutt off) adalah 49 0 C dan temperatur suhu reservoarnya diperkirakan sebesar 115°C. Sebagai data pendukung dilakukan juga survey sosial guna mengetahui pemahaman penduduk sekitar mengenai manifestasi dan pemanfaatan panasbumi di daerah Parangwedang agar bisa dimanfaatkan dan dikembangkan oleh masyarakat dan didukung oleh pemerintah daerah kabupaten Bantul. Kata kunci : Potensi panasbumi, Energi alternatif, Parangwedang, Kabupaten Bantul
Gunung Ungaran is a volcano located in the Central Java province, Indonesia, about 30 km southwes... more Gunung Ungaran is a volcano located in the Central Java province, Indonesia, about 30 km southwest of Semarang city. This volcano has several areas with geothermal manifestations. Gedongsongo manifestation is among them. This manifestation is located on the southern slope Ungaran volcano, at 110°20‟27” Eand 07°14‟3” S. A geomagnetic survey has been done in Gedongsongo area to understand the geologic structure that controls the manifestation. The study area covers about 3.5 x 4
JIEP: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, Nov 24, 2022
LFPR is an important factor that can show how large the workforce is already working. The large n... more LFPR is an important factor that can show how large the workforce is already working. The large number of workers who do not work causes the burden of dependence to be greater. In this study, it is shown that LFPR is influenced by growth in the number of MSMEs, household consumption, and minimum wages. In data processing, an ECM (error correction model) approach is used which looks at its long-term and short-term effects. In the long term and in the short term, the growth in the number of MSMEs and the minimum wage has a significant negative effect, while household consumption has a significant positive effect simultaneously or partially, except for the minimum wage variable in the short term which has an insignificant negative effect.
Jurnal offshore : oil, facilities production and renewable energy, Jul 4, 2018
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Sebagian penduduk Desa Sambirembe, Kec. Kalijambe bekerja sebagai petani, pengusaha pengolahan ka... more Sebagian penduduk Desa Sambirembe, Kec. Kalijambe bekerja sebagai petani, pengusaha pengolahan kayu dan pekerja pengolahan kayu. Desa ini memiliki sekitar 154 pengrajin kayu yang membuat perabot rumah tangga seperti almari, kursi, meja dan lain-lain. Semua pengrajin kayu dalam pembuatannya masih menggunakan alat-alat yang sederhana. Di sisi lain, Dusun Wonosari, Desa Sambirembe, juga memiliki 25 unit usaha pengolahan kayu yang tersebar dari RT 05 yang merupakan milik perorangan. Pengolahan kayu tersebut akan menghasilkan limbah sisa berupa serbuk gergaji dari penggergajian kayu. Perkiraan jumlah rata-rata limbah serbuk gergaji adalah 2 kubik per hari. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah lingkungan dan kurangnya tempat penampungan serbuk gergaji jika pengolahan kayu menghasilkan produksi yang terus menerus. Khalayak sasaran adalah pengrajin kayu RT 05, Dusun Wonosari, Desa Sambirembe. Jumlah sasaran yang bergabung adalah 20 orang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan dua metode, yaitu metode pelati...
JIEP: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan
LFPR is an important factor that can show how large the workforce is already working. The large n... more LFPR is an important factor that can show how large the workforce is already working. The large number of workers who do not work causes the burden of dependence to be greater. In this study, it is shown that LFPR is influenced by growth in the number of MSMEs, household consumption, and minimum wages. In data processing, an ECM (error correction model) approach is used which looks at its long-term and short-term effects. In the long term and in the short term, the growth in the number of MSMEs and the minimum wage has a significant negative effect, while household consumption has a significant positive effect simultaneously or partially, except for the minimum wage variable in the short term which has an insignificant negative effect.
Sendang Village was located at Klayar Beach, Pacitan which is one of the attraction destination o... more Sendang Village was located at Klayar Beach, Pacitan which is one of the attraction destination objects. The beauty of this nature can be an attraction for travellers who vacation in Pacitan. This was the business opportunity for those around Klayar Beach. However, there were still few people being able to take advantage of these opportunities. One of the agricultural potency to be typical snack food were bananas. So far, the banana was only sold directly without being processed in advance. Based on observations, there was still too little people who polished bananas to be snacks due to the lack of public knowledge regarding how to make banana be invaluable and have high economy bargaining. The banana was usually made to sale and traditional steamed plantain. In such cases, PKM-M STKIP PGRI Pacitan team focused on mentoring banana into typical food products of Klayar Beach Pacitan, so-called “KERIS ANGKARA MURKA (Keripik Pisang Aneka Rasa Murni Klayar Pacitan)”. The meth...
Efforts to preserve the environment through reading texts in language learning representatively c... more Efforts to preserve the environment through reading texts in language learning representatively can actually give an idea of how rich human knowledge of nature is. through formal and non-formal education as a 'pocket' (base) the intellectual community needs to integrate environment-based learning in language learning. Thus, environment-based language learning can help students master language learning but also build the construction of human intelligence to interact with nature (maintain) for the benefit of the life cycle in the future. Education is a place where humans are formed to seek and collect various information that will certainly be useful for the formation and development of human cognitive (intelligence) infrastructure about many things, one of which is about ecology (environment/nature).
Teknologi pemisahan menggunakan membran adalah sebuah teknologi baru dalam pengolahan air limbah ... more Teknologi pemisahan menggunakan membran adalah sebuah teknologi baru dalam pengolahan air limbah berminyak. Efisiensi yang tinggi serta proses operasionalnya yang relatif lancar merupakan kelebihan utama yang perlu dilirik dalam pemisahan menggunakan membran. Karakterisasi membran nanofiber styrofoam sebagai filter minyak/air telah selesai dilakukan. Membran styrofoam dibuat dengan metode elektrospinning dengan konsentrasi pelarut 5 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml dan 20 ml. Selain itu, dibuat juga alat uji proses filtrasi membran. Hasil spektrum FTIR membran hasil filtrasi menjelaskan bahwa puncak serapan baru 1442,80 cm-1 menyebabkan meningkatnya sifat hidrofilik membran, pada puncak serapan 2841 cm-1 dan peningkatan puncak serapan 2926,13 cm-1 tejadi akibat terdapat kandungan air pada membran setelah pengujian. Sedangkan pada puncak serapan 2084,49 cm-1 mengindikasikan terjadi interaksi antara senyawa pada kulit jeruk (fenolik, flavonoid dan triterpenoid) dengan minyak. Sedangkan, hasil SEM mem...
PENGARUH PEMBERIAN BEBERAPA MULSA ORGANIK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL PADA TANAMAN SEMANGKA (C... more PENGARUH PEMBERIAN BEBERAPA MULSA ORGANIK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL PADA TANAMAN SEMANGKA (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard) Rena Gustina Kumala Sari (11582203741) Dibawah bimbingan Novita Hera dan Ahmad Darmawi INTISARI Tanaman semangka (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard) adalah tanaman semusim yang banyak digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman semangka yaitu dengan pemberian mulsa organik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis mulsa organik yang terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil pada tanaman semangka. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2019 sampai April 2019 di Lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) non faktorial dengan perlakuan pemberian mulsa organik terdiri yang teridri dari 4 taraf yaitu control, mulsa tandan kosong kelapa sawit, jerami padi dan ala...
Sebuah tulisan essay yang ditulis oleh penulis yang bersumber dari jurnal bahasa Indonesia
The joints of dissimilar metals have several problems because they have different mechanical prop... more The joints of dissimilar metals have several problems because they have different mechanical properties and microstructures. This problem can be solved by using laser welding because the resulting energy focus and hot zone around the welding joint is minimal. The parameters that are important in welding either using welding laser or other welding process is the current. Thus, this study examined the joint of dissimilar metals i.e low carbon steel (mild steel A36) and stainless steel (stainless steel 304) using laser welding. The result of the laser welding joint with a strong variation of current tested its mechanical properties with tensile test and seen its micro structure with photo Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Tensile test results on the current variable 410 - 440 Ampere obtained fracture is on the side of mild steel A36, while at 450 Ampere current strength obtained a fault on the laser welding joints, where the point of the break is below the point of broken mild steel ...
This study aims to examine the potential of natural tourism in Way Kanan District. This research ... more This study aims to examine the potential of natural tourism in Way Kanan District. This research uses survey method, that is intended to know the potential of nature tourism in Way Kanan Regency by looking at the location, attraction, accessibility, and tourism object facilities. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique with spatial approach, and Scorring. The results of this study show that of all these objects, each object has a different attraction, facilities, and accessibility. (1) The conclusion of the attraction to the 12 natural attractions in Way Kanan District can be seen that 65% in say interesting and 35% of them in saying very interesting. (2) Accessibility to natural attractions in Way Kanan. District 65% of tourist objects can be difficult to reach while the object that is easy to reach only 30%, and the remaining 5% said to be. (3) Meanwhile, the facility can be seen that 65% in say is incomplete and 35% of them say completed. Penelitian ini ber...
Electrification ratio in Special Distric of Yogyakarta in 2015 still under 100%, but 100% village... more Electrification ratio in Special Distric of Yogyakarta in 2015 still under 100%, but 100% villages has been electrified. It shows that several houses which far from village which has not been electrified. The alternative solution is to build a small power plant by utilizing rice husks which are quite abundant in Yogyakarta. Diesel Power Plant (PLTD) by dual fuel system studied had a capacity of 50 kVA. Dual fuel system is combin ation of diesel fuel and synthetic gas from gasification of rice husks. This study is discussed about potential of rice husks, gasification equipment design, electrical distribution, and economic feasibility studies. The results showed that 0.2% of rice husks in Yogyakarta is enough to fulfill fuel requirements of PLTD by dual fuel system. Comparison of fuel requirements in PLTD by dual fuel system is 40% or about 4.72 liters/hour of diesel fuel and 60% synthetic gas from gasification of rice husk as much as 33.19 kgs/hour. Reactor is designed to fulfill gas...
Gunung Ungaran is a volcano located in the Central Java province, Indonesia, about 30 km southwes... more Gunung Ungaran is a volcano located in the Central Java province, Indonesia, about 30 km southwest of Semarang city. This volcano has several areas with geothermal manifestations. Gedongsongo manifestation is among them. This manifestation is located on the southern slope Ungaran volcano, at 110°20‟27” Eand 07°14‟3” S. A geomagnetic survey has been done in Gedongsongo area to understand the geologic structure that controls the manifestation. The study area covers about 3.5 x 4
Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII, Nov 24, 2018
Energi merupakan sumber kehidupan, jika energi habis maka kehidupan akan musnah. Seiring dengan b... more Energi merupakan sumber kehidupan, jika energi habis maka kehidupan akan musnah. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di Indonesia maka kebutuhan akan energi pun semakin meningkat. Pemanfaatan dan pengembangan energi terbarukan menjadi semakin penting mengingat semakin terbatasnya sumber energi fosil atau sumber energi non-terbarukan. Saat ini pemerintah Indonesia mengembangkan sumber-sumber energi alternatif diantaranya energi panasbumi. Parangwedang di desa Parangtritis, kabupaten Bantul merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi untuk pemanfaatan energi panasbumi terlihat ditemukannya manifestasi panasbumi yaitu mata air panas. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi energi alternatif dan industri pariwisata di Parangwedang, desa Parangtritis, Kabupaten Bantul. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis geologi, analisis geofisika dan analisis geokimia, serta analisis teknis dan sosial. Stratigrafi yang terdapat di daerah penelitian secara umum tersusun oleh batuan sedimen dan sedikit batuan beku intrusi andesit disekitar utara pantai Parangtritis. Nilai intensitas magnetik yang tinggi diasosiasikan dengan endapan pasir besi yang terbentuk di pantai selatan. Analisis data magnetik didapatkan pola pada peta anomali medan magnet kontinuasi kebawah pada z=100 meter sampai z= 300 meter. Pada peta anomali medan magnet kontinuasi kebawah z=300 meter pola klosur cenderung tidak berubah, sehingga dugaan sumber panas pada daerah Parangwedang terletak pada kedalaman antara 200-300 meter. Sedangkan analisis geokimia di daerah Parangwedang untuk temperatur permukaan ( temperature cutt off) adalah 49 0 C dan temperatur suhu reservoarnya diperkirakan sebesar 115°C. Sebagai data pendukung dilakukan juga survey sosial guna mengetahui pemahaman penduduk sekitar mengenai manifestasi dan pemanfaatan panasbumi di daerah Parangwedang agar bisa dimanfaatkan dan dikembangkan oleh masyarakat dan didukung oleh pemerintah daerah kabupaten Bantul. Kata kunci : Potensi panasbumi, Energi alternatif, Parangwedang, Kabupaten Bantul
Gunung Ungaran is a volcano located in the Central Java province, Indonesia, about 30 km southwes... more Gunung Ungaran is a volcano located in the Central Java province, Indonesia, about 30 km southwest of Semarang city. This volcano has several areas with geothermal manifestations. Gedongsongo manifestation is among them. This manifestation is located on the southern slope Ungaran volcano, at 110°20‟27” Eand 07°14‟3” S. A geomagnetic survey has been done in Gedongsongo area to understand the geologic structure that controls the manifestation. The study area covers about 3.5 x 4
JIEP: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, Nov 24, 2022
LFPR is an important factor that can show how large the workforce is already working. The large n... more LFPR is an important factor that can show how large the workforce is already working. The large number of workers who do not work causes the burden of dependence to be greater. In this study, it is shown that LFPR is influenced by growth in the number of MSMEs, household consumption, and minimum wages. In data processing, an ECM (error correction model) approach is used which looks at its long-term and short-term effects. In the long term and in the short term, the growth in the number of MSMEs and the minimum wage has a significant negative effect, while household consumption has a significant positive effect simultaneously or partially, except for the minimum wage variable in the short term which has an insignificant negative effect.
Jurnal offshore : oil, facilities production and renewable energy, Jul 4, 2018
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Sebagian penduduk Desa Sambirembe, Kec. Kalijambe bekerja sebagai petani, pengusaha pengolahan ka... more Sebagian penduduk Desa Sambirembe, Kec. Kalijambe bekerja sebagai petani, pengusaha pengolahan kayu dan pekerja pengolahan kayu. Desa ini memiliki sekitar 154 pengrajin kayu yang membuat perabot rumah tangga seperti almari, kursi, meja dan lain-lain. Semua pengrajin kayu dalam pembuatannya masih menggunakan alat-alat yang sederhana. Di sisi lain, Dusun Wonosari, Desa Sambirembe, juga memiliki 25 unit usaha pengolahan kayu yang tersebar dari RT 05 yang merupakan milik perorangan. Pengolahan kayu tersebut akan menghasilkan limbah sisa berupa serbuk gergaji dari penggergajian kayu. Perkiraan jumlah rata-rata limbah serbuk gergaji adalah 2 kubik per hari. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah lingkungan dan kurangnya tempat penampungan serbuk gergaji jika pengolahan kayu menghasilkan produksi yang terus menerus. Khalayak sasaran adalah pengrajin kayu RT 05, Dusun Wonosari, Desa Sambirembe. Jumlah sasaran yang bergabung adalah 20 orang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan dua metode, yaitu metode pelati...
JIEP: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan
LFPR is an important factor that can show how large the workforce is already working. The large n... more LFPR is an important factor that can show how large the workforce is already working. The large number of workers who do not work causes the burden of dependence to be greater. In this study, it is shown that LFPR is influenced by growth in the number of MSMEs, household consumption, and minimum wages. In data processing, an ECM (error correction model) approach is used which looks at its long-term and short-term effects. In the long term and in the short term, the growth in the number of MSMEs and the minimum wage has a significant negative effect, while household consumption has a significant positive effect simultaneously or partially, except for the minimum wage variable in the short term which has an insignificant negative effect.
Sendang Village was located at Klayar Beach, Pacitan which is one of the attraction destination o... more Sendang Village was located at Klayar Beach, Pacitan which is one of the attraction destination objects. The beauty of this nature can be an attraction for travellers who vacation in Pacitan. This was the business opportunity for those around Klayar Beach. However, there were still few people being able to take advantage of these opportunities. One of the agricultural potency to be typical snack food were bananas. So far, the banana was only sold directly without being processed in advance. Based on observations, there was still too little people who polished bananas to be snacks due to the lack of public knowledge regarding how to make banana be invaluable and have high economy bargaining. The banana was usually made to sale and traditional steamed plantain. In such cases, PKM-M STKIP PGRI Pacitan team focused on mentoring banana into typical food products of Klayar Beach Pacitan, so-called “KERIS ANGKARA MURKA (Keripik Pisang Aneka Rasa Murni Klayar Pacitan)”. The meth...
Efforts to preserve the environment through reading texts in language learning representatively c... more Efforts to preserve the environment through reading texts in language learning representatively can actually give an idea of how rich human knowledge of nature is. through formal and non-formal education as a 'pocket' (base) the intellectual community needs to integrate environment-based learning in language learning. Thus, environment-based language learning can help students master language learning but also build the construction of human intelligence to interact with nature (maintain) for the benefit of the life cycle in the future. Education is a place where humans are formed to seek and collect various information that will certainly be useful for the formation and development of human cognitive (intelligence) infrastructure about many things, one of which is about ecology (environment/nature).
Teknologi pemisahan menggunakan membran adalah sebuah teknologi baru dalam pengolahan air limbah ... more Teknologi pemisahan menggunakan membran adalah sebuah teknologi baru dalam pengolahan air limbah berminyak. Efisiensi yang tinggi serta proses operasionalnya yang relatif lancar merupakan kelebihan utama yang perlu dilirik dalam pemisahan menggunakan membran. Karakterisasi membran nanofiber styrofoam sebagai filter minyak/air telah selesai dilakukan. Membran styrofoam dibuat dengan metode elektrospinning dengan konsentrasi pelarut 5 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml dan 20 ml. Selain itu, dibuat juga alat uji proses filtrasi membran. Hasil spektrum FTIR membran hasil filtrasi menjelaskan bahwa puncak serapan baru 1442,80 cm-1 menyebabkan meningkatnya sifat hidrofilik membran, pada puncak serapan 2841 cm-1 dan peningkatan puncak serapan 2926,13 cm-1 tejadi akibat terdapat kandungan air pada membran setelah pengujian. Sedangkan pada puncak serapan 2084,49 cm-1 mengindikasikan terjadi interaksi antara senyawa pada kulit jeruk (fenolik, flavonoid dan triterpenoid) dengan minyak. Sedangkan, hasil SEM mem...
PENGARUH PEMBERIAN BEBERAPA MULSA ORGANIK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL PADA TANAMAN SEMANGKA (C... more PENGARUH PEMBERIAN BEBERAPA MULSA ORGANIK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL PADA TANAMAN SEMANGKA (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard) Rena Gustina Kumala Sari (11582203741) Dibawah bimbingan Novita Hera dan Ahmad Darmawi INTISARI Tanaman semangka (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard) adalah tanaman semusim yang banyak digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman semangka yaitu dengan pemberian mulsa organik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis mulsa organik yang terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil pada tanaman semangka. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2019 sampai April 2019 di Lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) non faktorial dengan perlakuan pemberian mulsa organik terdiri yang teridri dari 4 taraf yaitu control, mulsa tandan kosong kelapa sawit, jerami padi dan ala...
Sebuah tulisan essay yang ditulis oleh penulis yang bersumber dari jurnal bahasa Indonesia
The joints of dissimilar metals have several problems because they have different mechanical prop... more The joints of dissimilar metals have several problems because they have different mechanical properties and microstructures. This problem can be solved by using laser welding because the resulting energy focus and hot zone around the welding joint is minimal. The parameters that are important in welding either using welding laser or other welding process is the current. Thus, this study examined the joint of dissimilar metals i.e low carbon steel (mild steel A36) and stainless steel (stainless steel 304) using laser welding. The result of the laser welding joint with a strong variation of current tested its mechanical properties with tensile test and seen its micro structure with photo Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Tensile test results on the current variable 410 - 440 Ampere obtained fracture is on the side of mild steel A36, while at 450 Ampere current strength obtained a fault on the laser welding joints, where the point of the break is below the point of broken mild steel ...
This study aims to examine the potential of natural tourism in Way Kanan District. This research ... more This study aims to examine the potential of natural tourism in Way Kanan District. This research uses survey method, that is intended to know the potential of nature tourism in Way Kanan Regency by looking at the location, attraction, accessibility, and tourism object facilities. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique with spatial approach, and Scorring. The results of this study show that of all these objects, each object has a different attraction, facilities, and accessibility. (1) The conclusion of the attraction to the 12 natural attractions in Way Kanan District can be seen that 65% in say interesting and 35% of them in saying very interesting. (2) Accessibility to natural attractions in Way Kanan. District 65% of tourist objects can be difficult to reach while the object that is easy to reach only 30%, and the remaining 5% said to be. (3) Meanwhile, the facility can be seen that 65% in say is incomplete and 35% of them say completed. Penelitian ini ber...
Electrification ratio in Special Distric of Yogyakarta in 2015 still under 100%, but 100% village... more Electrification ratio in Special Distric of Yogyakarta in 2015 still under 100%, but 100% villages has been electrified. It shows that several houses which far from village which has not been electrified. The alternative solution is to build a small power plant by utilizing rice husks which are quite abundant in Yogyakarta. Diesel Power Plant (PLTD) by dual fuel system studied had a capacity of 50 kVA. Dual fuel system is combin ation of diesel fuel and synthetic gas from gasification of rice husks. This study is discussed about potential of rice husks, gasification equipment design, electrical distribution, and economic feasibility studies. The results showed that 0.2% of rice husks in Yogyakarta is enough to fulfill fuel requirements of PLTD by dual fuel system. Comparison of fuel requirements in PLTD by dual fuel system is 40% or about 4.72 liters/hour of diesel fuel and 60% synthetic gas from gasification of rice husk as much as 33.19 kgs/hour. Reactor is designed to fulfill gas...
Gunung Ungaran is a volcano located in the Central Java province, Indonesia, about 30 km southwes... more Gunung Ungaran is a volcano located in the Central Java province, Indonesia, about 30 km southwest of Semarang city. This volcano has several areas with geothermal manifestations. Gedongsongo manifestation is among them. This manifestation is located on the southern slope Ungaran volcano, at 110°20‟27” Eand 07°14‟3” S. A geomagnetic survey has been done in Gedongsongo area to understand the geologic structure that controls the manifestation. The study area covers about 3.5 x 4