Renate Tewes - (original) (raw)
Papers by Renate Tewes
Springer eBooks, 2015
Jede Fuhrungskraft hat ein Bild von Fuhrung. Obwohl dieses Bild meist unbewusst ist, wirkt es sic... more Jede Fuhrungskraft hat ein Bild von Fuhrung. Obwohl dieses Bild meist unbewusst ist, wirkt es sich intensiv auf ihr Fuhrungsverhalten aus. Es macht einen grosen Unterschied, ob sich eine Fuhrungskraft mit ihrer Mannschaft gemeinsam in einem Boot sitzen sieht, mit dem nur alle zusammen das nachste Ufer erreichen konnen. Oder ob sie sich als Gartnerin erlebt, die ihre Pflanzen (Mitarbeiter) giest und sie so zum Gedeihen bringt.
Berufliche Verhandlungen werden von vielen verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst. So spielt... more Berufliche Verhandlungen werden von vielen verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst. So spielt die Gesellschaft eine Rolle, deren kultureller Hintergrund sich auf die Verhandlungen auswirkt, die in diesem Land gefuhrt werden. Dieser Zusammenhang konnte in verschiedenen Studien belegt werden.
Springer eBooks, 2014
Der vernünftige Mensch passt sich der Weltan; der unvernünftige Mensch versucht, die Welt seinem ... more Der vernünftige Mensch passt sich der Weltan; der unvernünftige Mensch versucht, die Welt seinem Wesen anzupassen. Deshalb kommt jeglicher Fortschritt vom unvernünftigen Menschen.(George Bernhard Shaw, 1856–1950)
Springer eBooks, 2011
Neben der bekannten kognitiven Intelligenz, welche ublicherweise mit dem Intelligenzquotienten (I... more Neben der bekannten kognitiven Intelligenz, welche ublicherweise mit dem Intelligenzquotienten (IQ) beschrieben wird, gibt es viele weitere Formen. So studiert Daniel Goleman die emotionale Intelligenz und ermittelt einige Dimensionen emotional intelligenter Fuhrung. Um Mitarbeiter intelligent zu fuhren, sind sowohl personliche Kompetenzen wie Selbstwahrnehmung und Selbstmanagement als auch soziale Kompetenzen wie Beziehungsmanagement und soziales Bewusstsein notwendig (Goleman et al., 2003:61).
Springer eBooks, 2014
Demographic trends indicate that more people are getting older resulting in an increased demand f... more Demographic trends indicate that more people are getting older resulting in an increased demand for support with their health care issues. At the same time fewer young people are becoming nurses and job satisfaction of nurses is decreasing, leading to less intent to stay in the nursing profession. Health care is an important economic issue in Germany. In 2010 total spending on health care was €287 billion, or 11.6 % of the gross domestic product. There are 4.8 million people working in health care, meaning every ninth person is working in health care. The biggest profession in health care is nursing. For these reasons the shortage of nursing personnel is an important issue in health care politics. Professional staff development would help to alleviate this care crisis. This chapter focuses on two questions: From what mistakes of staff development in nursing can we learn? What is needed for future nursing? The following issues will be addressed. Scope for action and decision-making in nursing: It is a mistake not to take the research findings about job satisfaction in nursing seriously. The most important factor influencing job satisfaction in nursing is ownership of decision making. The less nurses are self-determined and self-controlled the more are they dissatisfied with their job. We can learn from magnet hospitals, which have implemented structural empowerment consequently for nurses. In Germany delegation of medical tasks to nurses is a current debate. For future nursing delegation of medical tasks should mean to transfer the whole activity to nursing, including diagnostic and therapeutic decision making. Leadership competence: It is a mistake not to educate leaders and junior managers in leadership at work. Future staff development has to say good-bye to the idea that leaders must be “born” and start to “make” leaders by developing leadership competencies. What we need in the future are nursing leaders who are qualified in both: management/leadership and nursing science. Knowledge about nursing science is important to enable leaders to support nursing research and the transfer of theory into practice. Leaders must be trained, junior leaders must be mentored, and the next generation of nursing leaders will be identified through a process of talent management. Interprofessional collaboration (IPC): It is a mistake to not take professional status struggles in health care seriously. In the future interprofessional collaboration should be the mission of every health care organization and should be implemented by structural empowerment of all health professionals. Interprofessional education and collaborative continuing education can be achieved via reflecting the interprofessional collaboration. The absence of true IPC leads to power status struggles and job dissatisfaction. It increases mistakes and costs. Training and continuing education: It is a mistake in German nursing not to offer the European standard of a Bachelor degree as a primary qualification. For future nursing we need a university-based education after 12 years of schooling, instead of hospital-based vocational training. For post-graduate development we need modern methods of continuing education with a focus on interprofessional education, computer-based simulation, online courses, distance learning, etc. Health and well-being of employees: It is a mistake not to focus on and invest into the health and well-being of employees. With the demographic change a huge group of employees (baby boomers) are getting old and prepare themselves for retirement. Since the next generations (generation X and generation Y) are smaller in numbers there will be fewer employees in health care. On the other hand the group of people in need of health care is growing. Health and well-being of employees in health care will be more important in the future for many reasons: 1. to make the health professions attractive for generation Y; 2. to reduce the intent to leave the job of health care professions; 3. to maintain or improve the health conditions of the health professionals. Multicultural health care professionals: It is a mistake to recruit staff from other countries without teaching them our language and our culture. Nursing shortage in Germany brings politicians and nursing management to large-scale recruiting of nurses from other countries. As we can learn from the chapter 11 about integration of nurses from overseas, learning the German language is not enough. Often Bachelor educated nurses from other countries are hired as assistant nurses, due to their language barriers. This leads to power struggles in the nursing teams, job dissatisfaction and negative team culture. In the future it will be important to learn from each other’s culture so as to enable teams with foreign nurses to work together effectively.
Journal of Nursing Management, 2017
Too busy to lead? Current challenges for German nurse leaders Nurse leaders shape health systems ... more Too busy to lead? Current challenges for German nurse leaders Nurse leaders shape health systems and health services around the world. They facilitate change, foster development and nurture staff in the interest of good patient care. While some challenges may be similar around the globe, others will be specific to certain regions. Cultural values and political traditions may also influence how nurses lead. So what is the state of nurse leadership in Germany, one of the world's largest economies, and are there any lessons to learn from the German example? Germans are good managers.. . Management and leadership are two distinct concepts (Kotter 2013). While managers focus on task achievement, leaders focus on the persons that constitute the workforce and strive to inspire, motivate, support and develop them. Germans are good managers! Compared with other cultures Germans strive to avoid uncertainty and hold a long-term orientation (Hofstede 2001). As a result they focus strongly on expert knowledge, prefer deductive to inductive approaches and reach their goals by perseverance and adjustment of traditions to changed conditions (Hofstede 2001). These cultural values are also reflected in the German health system that can be classified as the prototypical "Social Health Insurance System" and which has not seen fundamental change since its inception in the late 19th century. It operates as a "corporatist self-administration based on collective agreements between umbrella associations of sickness funds and service providers" (B€ ohm et al. 2012, p. 23). This type of system is very reliable and predictable as change needs to be rooted in broad societal consensus. At the same time significant time and effort is needed to initiate change. Perseverance is a key attribute of nurse leaders in Germany seeking to influence the political agenda and health system transformation. With a long-term vision nurse leaders over more than two decades grew support for professional self-governance that only recently led to the establishment of the first Nursing Board and compulsory registration for nurses in the first of the 16 German states. Nurse leaders have pioneered
Springer eBooks, 2015
Mitarbeiter individuell fuhren zu konnen, setzt voraus, dass Fuhrungskrafte deren Personlichkeit ... more Mitarbeiter individuell fuhren zu konnen, setzt voraus, dass Fuhrungskrafte deren Personlichkeit einschatzen konnen. Neben einigen wenigen, die das einfach „im Blut haben“, ist es fur die meisten Fuhrungskrafte hilfreich, sich mit verschiedenen Personlichkeitsmodellen zu beschaftigen. Fur grosere Organisationen bieten sich Testverfahren, wie beispielsweise der Myers-Briggs-Typenindikator an. Als besonders praktisch fur den beruflichen Alltag haben sich die Grundtypen nach Riemann sowie die Grunduberzeugungen nach Mack erwiesen. In diesem Kapitel erhalten Sie einen Einblick in diese und andere Methoden der Personlichkeitseinschatzung. In deren Anwendung erhalten Sie zwei wesentliche Aussagen uber die Mitarbeiter, welche den Fuhrungserfolg masgeblich unterstutzen, namlich das Wissen daruber, wovor der Mitarbeiter Angst hat, als auch, wie Sie ihn personlich motovieren konnen.
Springer eBooks, 2015
Jede Fuhrungskraft hat ein Bild von Fuhrung. Obwohl dieses Bild meist unbewusst ist, wirkt es sic... more Jede Fuhrungskraft hat ein Bild von Fuhrung. Obwohl dieses Bild meist unbewusst ist, wirkt es sich intensiv auf ihr Fuhrungsverhalten aus. Es macht einen grosen Unterschied, ob sich eine Fuhrungskraft mit ihrer Mannschaft gemeinsam in einem Boot sitzen sieht, mit dem nur alle zusammen das nachste Ufer erreichen konnen. Oder ob sie sich als Gartnerin erlebt, die ihre Pflanzen (Mitarbeiter) giest und sie so zum Gedeihen bringt.
Berufliche Verhandlungen werden von vielen verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst. So spielt... more Berufliche Verhandlungen werden von vielen verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst. So spielt die Gesellschaft eine Rolle, deren kultureller Hintergrund sich auf die Verhandlungen auswirkt, die in diesem Land gefuhrt werden. Dieser Zusammenhang konnte in verschiedenen Studien belegt werden.
Springer eBooks, 2014
Der vernünftige Mensch passt sich der Weltan; der unvernünftige Mensch versucht, die Welt seinem ... more Der vernünftige Mensch passt sich der Weltan; der unvernünftige Mensch versucht, die Welt seinem Wesen anzupassen. Deshalb kommt jeglicher Fortschritt vom unvernünftigen Menschen.(George Bernhard Shaw, 1856–1950)
Springer eBooks, 2011
Neben der bekannten kognitiven Intelligenz, welche ublicherweise mit dem Intelligenzquotienten (I... more Neben der bekannten kognitiven Intelligenz, welche ublicherweise mit dem Intelligenzquotienten (IQ) beschrieben wird, gibt es viele weitere Formen. So studiert Daniel Goleman die emotionale Intelligenz und ermittelt einige Dimensionen emotional intelligenter Fuhrung. Um Mitarbeiter intelligent zu fuhren, sind sowohl personliche Kompetenzen wie Selbstwahrnehmung und Selbstmanagement als auch soziale Kompetenzen wie Beziehungsmanagement und soziales Bewusstsein notwendig (Goleman et al., 2003:61).
Springer eBooks, 2014
Demographic trends indicate that more people are getting older resulting in an increased demand f... more Demographic trends indicate that more people are getting older resulting in an increased demand for support with their health care issues. At the same time fewer young people are becoming nurses and job satisfaction of nurses is decreasing, leading to less intent to stay in the nursing profession. Health care is an important economic issue in Germany. In 2010 total spending on health care was €287 billion, or 11.6 % of the gross domestic product. There are 4.8 million people working in health care, meaning every ninth person is working in health care. The biggest profession in health care is nursing. For these reasons the shortage of nursing personnel is an important issue in health care politics. Professional staff development would help to alleviate this care crisis. This chapter focuses on two questions: From what mistakes of staff development in nursing can we learn? What is needed for future nursing? The following issues will be addressed. Scope for action and decision-making in nursing: It is a mistake not to take the research findings about job satisfaction in nursing seriously. The most important factor influencing job satisfaction in nursing is ownership of decision making. The less nurses are self-determined and self-controlled the more are they dissatisfied with their job. We can learn from magnet hospitals, which have implemented structural empowerment consequently for nurses. In Germany delegation of medical tasks to nurses is a current debate. For future nursing delegation of medical tasks should mean to transfer the whole activity to nursing, including diagnostic and therapeutic decision making. Leadership competence: It is a mistake not to educate leaders and junior managers in leadership at work. Future staff development has to say good-bye to the idea that leaders must be “born” and start to “make” leaders by developing leadership competencies. What we need in the future are nursing leaders who are qualified in both: management/leadership and nursing science. Knowledge about nursing science is important to enable leaders to support nursing research and the transfer of theory into practice. Leaders must be trained, junior leaders must be mentored, and the next generation of nursing leaders will be identified through a process of talent management. Interprofessional collaboration (IPC): It is a mistake to not take professional status struggles in health care seriously. In the future interprofessional collaboration should be the mission of every health care organization and should be implemented by structural empowerment of all health professionals. Interprofessional education and collaborative continuing education can be achieved via reflecting the interprofessional collaboration. The absence of true IPC leads to power status struggles and job dissatisfaction. It increases mistakes and costs. Training and continuing education: It is a mistake in German nursing not to offer the European standard of a Bachelor degree as a primary qualification. For future nursing we need a university-based education after 12 years of schooling, instead of hospital-based vocational training. For post-graduate development we need modern methods of continuing education with a focus on interprofessional education, computer-based simulation, online courses, distance learning, etc. Health and well-being of employees: It is a mistake not to focus on and invest into the health and well-being of employees. With the demographic change a huge group of employees (baby boomers) are getting old and prepare themselves for retirement. Since the next generations (generation X and generation Y) are smaller in numbers there will be fewer employees in health care. On the other hand the group of people in need of health care is growing. Health and well-being of employees in health care will be more important in the future for many reasons: 1. to make the health professions attractive for generation Y; 2. to reduce the intent to leave the job of health care professions; 3. to maintain or improve the health conditions of the health professionals. Multicultural health care professionals: It is a mistake to recruit staff from other countries without teaching them our language and our culture. Nursing shortage in Germany brings politicians and nursing management to large-scale recruiting of nurses from other countries. As we can learn from the chapter 11 about integration of nurses from overseas, learning the German language is not enough. Often Bachelor educated nurses from other countries are hired as assistant nurses, due to their language barriers. This leads to power struggles in the nursing teams, job dissatisfaction and negative team culture. In the future it will be important to learn from each other’s culture so as to enable teams with foreign nurses to work together effectively.
Journal of Nursing Management, 2017
Too busy to lead? Current challenges for German nurse leaders Nurse leaders shape health systems ... more Too busy to lead? Current challenges for German nurse leaders Nurse leaders shape health systems and health services around the world. They facilitate change, foster development and nurture staff in the interest of good patient care. While some challenges may be similar around the globe, others will be specific to certain regions. Cultural values and political traditions may also influence how nurses lead. So what is the state of nurse leadership in Germany, one of the world's largest economies, and are there any lessons to learn from the German example? Germans are good managers.. . Management and leadership are two distinct concepts (Kotter 2013). While managers focus on task achievement, leaders focus on the persons that constitute the workforce and strive to inspire, motivate, support and develop them. Germans are good managers! Compared with other cultures Germans strive to avoid uncertainty and hold a long-term orientation (Hofstede 2001). As a result they focus strongly on expert knowledge, prefer deductive to inductive approaches and reach their goals by perseverance and adjustment of traditions to changed conditions (Hofstede 2001). These cultural values are also reflected in the German health system that can be classified as the prototypical "Social Health Insurance System" and which has not seen fundamental change since its inception in the late 19th century. It operates as a "corporatist self-administration based on collective agreements between umbrella associations of sickness funds and service providers" (B€ ohm et al. 2012, p. 23). This type of system is very reliable and predictable as change needs to be rooted in broad societal consensus. At the same time significant time and effort is needed to initiate change. Perseverance is a key attribute of nurse leaders in Germany seeking to influence the political agenda and health system transformation. With a long-term vision nurse leaders over more than two decades grew support for professional self-governance that only recently led to the establishment of the first Nursing Board and compulsory registration for nurses in the first of the 16 German states. Nurse leaders have pioneered
Springer eBooks, 2015
Mitarbeiter individuell fuhren zu konnen, setzt voraus, dass Fuhrungskrafte deren Personlichkeit ... more Mitarbeiter individuell fuhren zu konnen, setzt voraus, dass Fuhrungskrafte deren Personlichkeit einschatzen konnen. Neben einigen wenigen, die das einfach „im Blut haben“, ist es fur die meisten Fuhrungskrafte hilfreich, sich mit verschiedenen Personlichkeitsmodellen zu beschaftigen. Fur grosere Organisationen bieten sich Testverfahren, wie beispielsweise der Myers-Briggs-Typenindikator an. Als besonders praktisch fur den beruflichen Alltag haben sich die Grundtypen nach Riemann sowie die Grunduberzeugungen nach Mack erwiesen. In diesem Kapitel erhalten Sie einen Einblick in diese und andere Methoden der Personlichkeitseinschatzung. In deren Anwendung erhalten Sie zwei wesentliche Aussagen uber die Mitarbeiter, welche den Fuhrungserfolg masgeblich unterstutzen, namlich das Wissen daruber, wovor der Mitarbeiter Angst hat, als auch, wie Sie ihn personlich motovieren konnen.