Richard Lorenz - (original) (raw)
Papers by Richard Lorenz
Informatore BotanIco Italiano, 2012
In South Tyrol up to now four orchid species listed in the annex II and IV of the Council Directi... more In South Tyrol up to now four orchid species listed in the annex II and IV of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC have been confirmed: Cypripedium calceolus, Himantoglossum adriaticum, Liparis loeselii and Spiranthes aestivalis. To promote conservation measures according to the habitat-directive, data on their morphology, distribution, population size, biology, ecology, status, endangerment, protection and need for further research are compiled. Whereas the southtyrolean population of C. calceolus shows to be quite stable, all three other species suffer severely as H. adriaticum, classified as Critically endangered, or are even missing since recently as L. loeselii and S. aestivalis, classified as Extinct. Important sites of C. calceolus still are not protected, they need urgent conservation measures to meet directive requirements. Sustainable managment of the known habitats of the two wetland orchid species is recommended as well as further conservation measures for openland habitats i...
Comprehensive biometric data on the morphology of the representatives of the genus Platanthera in... more Comprehensive biometric data on the morphology of the representatives of the genus Platanthera in Italy considering 8 vegetative, 14 floral and 15 reproductive traits are provided. For comparison additional data taken of P. kuenkelei subsp. atropatanica from Georgia have been included. All data have been evaluated and analysed by standard statistical methods (mean, SD, variation coefficient, min-max and quartiles) as well as by multivariate discriminant analysis. From these resulted seven differentiable taxonomic entities: P. bifolia subsp. bifolia, P. bifolia subsp. osca, P. bifolia subsp. subalpina, P. chlorantha var. chlorantha, P. chlorantha var. gselliana, P. algeriensis and P. kuenkelei var. sardoa. The newly recognized P. bifolia subsp. osca is characterized by tall plants with robust flower spike and mainly by, in comparison to subsp. bifolia, more distant and slightly divergent anthers and substitutes the latter in Southern Italy. P. kuenkelei subsp. atropatanica revealed t...
Sul versante nordovest dell’Etna è nota da cica 20 anni una consistente popolazione di un’entità ... more Sul versante nordovest dell’Etna è nota da cica 20 anni una consistente popolazione di un’entità ascrivibile all’aggregato Ophrys sphegodes s.l., ma distinta dalla specie tipica per un labello da espanso tondeggiante a fortememnte convesso e una macula ampia e spesso riccamente ornata. Classificata dapprima come O. exaltata, differisce da quest’ultima per la minore altezza, il labello arrotondato ed i sepali esclusivamente verdi; si differenzia inoltre dall’affine O. exaltata subsp. panormitana per il lbello intero ed i sepali verdi, da O. rachnitiformis subsp. archipelaghi (incl. O. mateolana e O. cilentana) per i sepali verdi e da O. garganica per i petali più stretti, la macula più ornata e le callosità basali bruno-verdastre. Approfonditi esami morfologici hanno messo in evidenza la sua distinta posizione tassonomica e hanno permesso di identificarla come nuova sottospecie: Ophrys sphegodes subsp. grassoana. Si descrivono inolte due nuovi ibridi: Ophrys exaltata Ophrys gargani...
20 genera and 51 species of orchidaceae are found in Georgia.
Due popolazioni di Serapias, studiate da oltre 10-15 anni, composte rispettivamente da circa 100 ... more Due popolazioni di Serapias, studiate da oltre 10-15 anni, composte rispettivamente da circa 100 e 20/30 individui, di probabile origine ibrida (la prima tra S. lingua e Serapias sp., la seconda tra S. lingua e S. vomeracea), possono essere considerate, per la loro marcata capacità di riproduzione vegetativa e per la loro lunga persistenza nel tempo , come popolazioni sufficientemente stabilizzate. La prima delle due popolazioni, riscontrata in territorio di Francavilla di Sicilia (ME) sembra essere morfologicamente simile a S. strictiflora, specie ovest-mediterranea, ma si distingue da questa entità per una combinazione di caratteri differenziali significativi. Questa entità viene descritta come S. francavillae spec. nov. Le piante della seconda popolazione, rinvenute sui Monti Iblei, che si presentano dal punto di vista fenetico intermedie alle specie parentali sintopiche (S. lingua e S. vomeracea), vengono descritte come S. intermedia subsp. hyblaea subsp. nov.
Compounds, 2022
This study on Barlia robertiana aims to: (1) assess whether scent is variable between populations... more This study on Barlia robertiana aims to: (1) assess whether scent is variable between populations; (2) evaluate whether scent composition may be related to geographical variables; (3) assess whether there are VOC differences during the flowering phase; and (4) assess whether there are yearly VOC variabilities. SPME sampling was used. Fourteen plants, collected along an ecological gradient, were analyzed. A multivariate analysis was performed through ordination and hierarchical cluster analysis. Compositions versus geographic distances were also analyzed using Mantel test. Seventy compounds were identified. Multivariate analyses and Mantel tests detected no correlations between VOC composition and both geographic and ecological variables. These results may suggest that there is no adaptation of floral scent to local environments. VOC compositions during the flowering phase showed a slight change but a strong variability between individuals. A huge difference was found in the pairwise...
HS-SPME-GC–MS analysis of the scent of Dactylorhiza viridis revealed the presence of verbenone (2... more HS-SPME-GC–MS analysis of the scent of Dactylorhiza viridis revealed the presence of verbenone (28.86%), caryophyllene (25.67%), β-terpineol (9.48%), and δ-cadinene (6.94%). In the scent of Dactylorhiza romana β-ocimene (18.69%), pentadecane (18.40%), α-farnesene (14.65%), and isopropyl 14-methylpentadecanoate (14.32%) were found. Dactylorhiza incarnata contained tetradecane (11.07%), pentadecane (28.40%), hexadecane (19.53%), heptadecane (17.33%), and α-cubenene (11.48%). Analysis of Dactylorhiza saccifera showed the presence of caryophyllene (17.38%), pentadecane (6.43%), hexadecane (6.13%), and heptadecane (5.08%). Finally, the aroma components found in Dactylorhiza sambucina were caryophyllene (12.90%), β-sesquiphellandrene (32.16%), 4,5-di-epi-aristolochene (10.18%).
Compounds, 2022
This study on Barlia robertiana aims to: (1) assess whether scent is variable between populations... more This study on Barlia robertiana aims to: (1) assess whether scent is variable between populations; (2) evaluate whether scent composition may be related to geographical variables; (3) assess whether there are VOC differences during the flowering phase; and (4) assess whether there are yearly VOC variabilities. SPME sampling was used. Fourteen plants, collected along an ecological gradient, were analyzed. A multivariate analysis was performed through ordination and hierarchical cluster analysis. Compositions versus geographic distances were also analyzed using Mantel test. Seventy compounds were identified. Multivariate analyses and Mantel tests detected no correlations between VOC composition and both geographic and ecological variables. These results may suggest that there is no adaptation of floral scent to local environments. VOC compositions during the flowering phase showed a slight change but a strong variability between individuals. A huge difference was found in the pairwise...
This study is part of a project devoted to determining the scent of all the orchid species presen... more This study is part of a project devoted to determining the scent of all the orchid species present in Basilicata. All the analyses were performed by using the solid-phase microextraction technique coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The scent of eight species belonging to the Orchis genus was investigated. In the case of O. anthropophora, caryophyllene, tetradecanal and hexadecanal were the main components of the aroma; in O. purpurea, 3,5-dimethoxytoluene and elemicin were found; in O. italica, caryophyllene and 4-(3-hydroxy-2-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one were found; in O. pauciflora, linalool and 1,4-dimethoxybenzene were found; in O. mascula, linalool was found; in O. quadripunctata, penta- and heptadecane were found; in O. provincialis, β-farnesene and farnesal were found; and in O. pallens, curcumene was the main product.
The SPME (Solid Phase Microextraction) analysis of the scent of H. hircinum showed the presence o... more The SPME (Solid Phase Microextraction) analysis of the scent of H. hircinum showed the presence of elemicin in the presence of a relevant amount of eugenol. The scent of the sample of H. adriaticum collected in Abruzzo showed the presence 4-amino-5-(4-morpholinylmethyl)-2-oxazolidinone, β-ocimene, decyl decanoate, and 9-tricosene as main components. The sample of H. adriaticum collected at Marsico Nuovo has an aroma where the main component was pentadecyl hexanoate, 9-tricosene, methyleugenol, tetradecane, pentadecane, and elemicin. The samples of H. adriaticum collected at Viggianello showed some similarities in the scent: the main components were 9-tricosene and methyleugenol.
Zeitschrift f�r anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 1916
Zur Berechnung des von den Molekeln wirklich eingenommenen Raumes stehen uns (abgesehen von der B... more Zur Berechnung des von den Molekeln wirklich eingenommenen Raumes stehen uns (abgesehen von der Bestimmung der Molekelradien aus der mittleren Weglange von Gasen und Dampfen und der Anwendung der Lichtbrechung und der Dielektrizitatskonstante u. a.) einige Methoden zur Verfiigung, die wegen ihres Zusammenhanges mit den nachfolgenden Ausfiihrungen iiber die Berechnung dieser GroBe aus festen Packungen angefuhrt und einer vergleichenden Betrachtung unterzogen werden miissen. Es sind die folgenden: 1. Aus der Theorie der mittleren Weglange von VAN DER WAALS folgt, daB die GFroSe b , die die Volumkorrektion daratellt, das Vierfache des von den Molekeln wirklich eingenommenen Raumes bedeutet. Bezeichnet man diesen mit ct,, SO ist also b = 4 @. Ferner folgt aus der VAN DER WAALSSChen Zustandsgleichung das Volum beim absoluten Nullpunkt zu Vo-b. Mithin ist das Verhiiltnis der Raumerfullung der Molekeln beim absoluten Nullpunkt nach VAN DER WAALS Weiter ist aber nach VAN DER WAALS das Verhaltnis des kritischen Volums zum Volum beim absoluten Nullpunkt Ee wird in dieser Arbeit wie in der vorhergehenden, der Amdruck gebraucht, Einzahl: das Volum, Mehrzahl: die Volume.
Natural Product Research, 2017
SPME-GC-MS analysis of the scent of Platanthera bifolia subsp. osca collected during the night sh... more SPME-GC-MS analysis of the scent of Platanthera bifolia subsp. osca collected during the night showed as main components lilac alcohols B, C and D and lilac aldehydes A, B and C. Other significant chemical components were linalool and caryophyllene. Some differences were found in comparison with previously reported analyses of the scent of P. bifolia and Platanthera chlorantha. The most important difference found was in the composition of the ester fraction.
ABSTRACT Orchids as indicator species are adapted to abiotic factors of habitat and have symbioti... more ABSTRACT Orchids as indicator species are adapted to abiotic factors of habitat and have symbiotic relation with soil mycorrhizal fungi and pollination mechanisms by insects. Sky exposition is lower in degraded forest as high trees are replaced by small trees and shrubs with many twigs covering underground. Intensive cut down changes forest for shibliak containing some short trees and shrubs and having higher sky exposition. Clear cutting and grazing lead to dry secondary steppe. Sky exposition reveals negative linear correlation (r = -0.767) with species density and degraded forest contains more orchid individuals in shaded understory supporting mycorrhizal fungi conservation in soil. Positive linear correlation was found between fertility and sky exposition (r = 0.412) and orchids are flowering in primary forest with high vertical structure with oldgrowing trees. Cutting forest shows negative impact on not flowering orchid populations as pollinator bees activity is depending on the density and height of the surrounding vegetation. Shibliak with open canopy contains few species and individuals of orchids. Orchids are absent in secondary steppes due to change of soil composition by influence of high illumination and grazing. Primary forest contains many rare and endemic species. Thus, conservation of orchids needs correct management of habitats protection.
Viene presentato uno studio finalizzato al censimento ed alla cartografia delle Orchidaceae della... more Viene presentato uno studio finalizzato al censimento ed alla cartografia delle Orchidaceae della R.N.O. “Oasi Faunistica di Vendicari” (SR) situata nella Sicilia sud-orientale. Lo studio, effettuato nei diversi periodi dell’anno in tutti gli ambienti della riserva, ha portato al censimento di 23 entità (tra specie e sottospecie) appartenenti a quattro differenti generi: Barlia (1), Ophrys (13), Orchis (6) e Serapias (3). Sono stati osservati anche 3 ibridi di Ophrys, di cui uno, Ophrys ×martinii nothosubsp. ragonesii Galesi & R. Lorenz (= O. bombyliflora Link × Ophrys oxyrrhynchos Tod. subsp. biancae Galesi, Cristaudo & Maugeri), descritto come nuovo per la scienza. Questa ricerca, oltre a colmare una lacuna sulle conoscenze floristiche di Vendicari, offre al visitatore, ed in particolare al turista interessato ad itinerari naturalistici, un quadro più completo sulle emergenze biologiche di una delle più interessanti riserve naturali della Sicilia.
Die Ergebnisse langjähriger Feldarbeiten und umfangreicher biometrischer Untersuchungen über die ... more Die Ergebnisse langjähriger Feldarbeiten und umfangreicher biometrischer Untersuchungen über die Gattung Dactylorhiza in Georgien werden vorgestellt. Die Eigenständigkeit von Dactylorhiza amblyoloba wird bestätigt. D. armeniaca wird erstmals für Georgien nachgewiesen. Eine zu D. incarnata gehörige Sippe wird als Unterart subsp. jugicrucis neu beschrieben. Die taxonomische Geschichte dieser drei Taxa wird eingehend dargestellt. Insgesamt werden acht Dactylorhiza-Taxa für Georgien als sicher nachgewiesen eingestuft: D. armeniaca, D. umbrosa und sechs weitere, deren terra typica in Georgien liegt, nämlich D. amblyoloba, D. euxina, D. iberica, D. incarnata subsp. jugicrucis, D. romana subsp. georgica und D. urvilleana. Ihre umfangreiche Synonymie wird zusammengestellt, die Typusdaten mitgeteilt sowie Verbreitung in Georgien, Standort, Bestand und Gefährdung erläutert. Ältere Angaben von D. osmanica und D. salina konnten nicht bestätigt werden, sie erscheinen aus arealökologischen Gründen zweifelhaft. Eine irrtümliche Angabe von D. sambucina ist zu streichen. Abschließend wird eine überarbeitete Liste der für Georgien bestätigten Orchideentaxa mit den aktuell bekannten Minima und Maxima ihrer vertikalen Verbreitung angefügt.
Detailed morphological investigations of a Platanthera-species, recently reported as new for Sard... more Detailed morphological investigations of a Platanthera-species, recently reported as new for Sardinia and the second on this island after P. algeriensis, have been carried out in comparison to central, northwest and north European P. bifolia s.l., Caucasian subsp. atropatanica and central European P. chlorantha. The results confirm its affinity to North African P. kuenkelei subsp. kuenkelei, recently shown by molecular genetic investigations carried out by the working group of Cozzolino/Naples, as well as to the Caucasian subsp. atropatanica and overall justify the attribution of both to P. kuenkelei as var. sardoa or respectively as subsp. atropatanica. This species, extremely rare in Sardinia and North Africa, is severely endangered by heavy grazing in this regions, less but still to some extent in the Caucasus too. Conservation of the Sardinian population through suitable protection measures is strongly recommended. Furthermore multivariate analysis does not confirm a recently proposed separation of European P. bifolia L. above variety level based on morphometric data.
Informatore BotanIco Italiano, 2012
In South Tyrol up to now four orchid species listed in the annex II and IV of the Council Directi... more In South Tyrol up to now four orchid species listed in the annex II and IV of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC have been confirmed: Cypripedium calceolus, Himantoglossum adriaticum, Liparis loeselii and Spiranthes aestivalis. To promote conservation measures according to the habitat-directive, data on their morphology, distribution, population size, biology, ecology, status, endangerment, protection and need for further research are compiled. Whereas the southtyrolean population of C. calceolus shows to be quite stable, all three other species suffer severely as H. adriaticum, classified as Critically endangered, or are even missing since recently as L. loeselii and S. aestivalis, classified as Extinct. Important sites of C. calceolus still are not protected, they need urgent conservation measures to meet directive requirements. Sustainable managment of the known habitats of the two wetland orchid species is recommended as well as further conservation measures for openland habitats i...
Comprehensive biometric data on the morphology of the representatives of the genus Platanthera in... more Comprehensive biometric data on the morphology of the representatives of the genus Platanthera in Italy considering 8 vegetative, 14 floral and 15 reproductive traits are provided. For comparison additional data taken of P. kuenkelei subsp. atropatanica from Georgia have been included. All data have been evaluated and analysed by standard statistical methods (mean, SD, variation coefficient, min-max and quartiles) as well as by multivariate discriminant analysis. From these resulted seven differentiable taxonomic entities: P. bifolia subsp. bifolia, P. bifolia subsp. osca, P. bifolia subsp. subalpina, P. chlorantha var. chlorantha, P. chlorantha var. gselliana, P. algeriensis and P. kuenkelei var. sardoa. The newly recognized P. bifolia subsp. osca is characterized by tall plants with robust flower spike and mainly by, in comparison to subsp. bifolia, more distant and slightly divergent anthers and substitutes the latter in Southern Italy. P. kuenkelei subsp. atropatanica revealed t...
Sul versante nordovest dell’Etna è nota da cica 20 anni una consistente popolazione di un’entità ... more Sul versante nordovest dell’Etna è nota da cica 20 anni una consistente popolazione di un’entità ascrivibile all’aggregato Ophrys sphegodes s.l., ma distinta dalla specie tipica per un labello da espanso tondeggiante a fortememnte convesso e una macula ampia e spesso riccamente ornata. Classificata dapprima come O. exaltata, differisce da quest’ultima per la minore altezza, il labello arrotondato ed i sepali esclusivamente verdi; si differenzia inoltre dall’affine O. exaltata subsp. panormitana per il lbello intero ed i sepali verdi, da O. rachnitiformis subsp. archipelaghi (incl. O. mateolana e O. cilentana) per i sepali verdi e da O. garganica per i petali più stretti, la macula più ornata e le callosità basali bruno-verdastre. Approfonditi esami morfologici hanno messo in evidenza la sua distinta posizione tassonomica e hanno permesso di identificarla come nuova sottospecie: Ophrys sphegodes subsp. grassoana. Si descrivono inolte due nuovi ibridi: Ophrys exaltata Ophrys gargani...
20 genera and 51 species of orchidaceae are found in Georgia.
Due popolazioni di Serapias, studiate da oltre 10-15 anni, composte rispettivamente da circa 100 ... more Due popolazioni di Serapias, studiate da oltre 10-15 anni, composte rispettivamente da circa 100 e 20/30 individui, di probabile origine ibrida (la prima tra S. lingua e Serapias sp., la seconda tra S. lingua e S. vomeracea), possono essere considerate, per la loro marcata capacità di riproduzione vegetativa e per la loro lunga persistenza nel tempo , come popolazioni sufficientemente stabilizzate. La prima delle due popolazioni, riscontrata in territorio di Francavilla di Sicilia (ME) sembra essere morfologicamente simile a S. strictiflora, specie ovest-mediterranea, ma si distingue da questa entità per una combinazione di caratteri differenziali significativi. Questa entità viene descritta come S. francavillae spec. nov. Le piante della seconda popolazione, rinvenute sui Monti Iblei, che si presentano dal punto di vista fenetico intermedie alle specie parentali sintopiche (S. lingua e S. vomeracea), vengono descritte come S. intermedia subsp. hyblaea subsp. nov.
Compounds, 2022
This study on Barlia robertiana aims to: (1) assess whether scent is variable between populations... more This study on Barlia robertiana aims to: (1) assess whether scent is variable between populations; (2) evaluate whether scent composition may be related to geographical variables; (3) assess whether there are VOC differences during the flowering phase; and (4) assess whether there are yearly VOC variabilities. SPME sampling was used. Fourteen plants, collected along an ecological gradient, were analyzed. A multivariate analysis was performed through ordination and hierarchical cluster analysis. Compositions versus geographic distances were also analyzed using Mantel test. Seventy compounds were identified. Multivariate analyses and Mantel tests detected no correlations between VOC composition and both geographic and ecological variables. These results may suggest that there is no adaptation of floral scent to local environments. VOC compositions during the flowering phase showed a slight change but a strong variability between individuals. A huge difference was found in the pairwise...
HS-SPME-GC–MS analysis of the scent of Dactylorhiza viridis revealed the presence of verbenone (2... more HS-SPME-GC–MS analysis of the scent of Dactylorhiza viridis revealed the presence of verbenone (28.86%), caryophyllene (25.67%), β-terpineol (9.48%), and δ-cadinene (6.94%). In the scent of Dactylorhiza romana β-ocimene (18.69%), pentadecane (18.40%), α-farnesene (14.65%), and isopropyl 14-methylpentadecanoate (14.32%) were found. Dactylorhiza incarnata contained tetradecane (11.07%), pentadecane (28.40%), hexadecane (19.53%), heptadecane (17.33%), and α-cubenene (11.48%). Analysis of Dactylorhiza saccifera showed the presence of caryophyllene (17.38%), pentadecane (6.43%), hexadecane (6.13%), and heptadecane (5.08%). Finally, the aroma components found in Dactylorhiza sambucina were caryophyllene (12.90%), β-sesquiphellandrene (32.16%), 4,5-di-epi-aristolochene (10.18%).
Compounds, 2022
This study on Barlia robertiana aims to: (1) assess whether scent is variable between populations... more This study on Barlia robertiana aims to: (1) assess whether scent is variable between populations; (2) evaluate whether scent composition may be related to geographical variables; (3) assess whether there are VOC differences during the flowering phase; and (4) assess whether there are yearly VOC variabilities. SPME sampling was used. Fourteen plants, collected along an ecological gradient, were analyzed. A multivariate analysis was performed through ordination and hierarchical cluster analysis. Compositions versus geographic distances were also analyzed using Mantel test. Seventy compounds were identified. Multivariate analyses and Mantel tests detected no correlations between VOC composition and both geographic and ecological variables. These results may suggest that there is no adaptation of floral scent to local environments. VOC compositions during the flowering phase showed a slight change but a strong variability between individuals. A huge difference was found in the pairwise...
This study is part of a project devoted to determining the scent of all the orchid species presen... more This study is part of a project devoted to determining the scent of all the orchid species present in Basilicata. All the analyses were performed by using the solid-phase microextraction technique coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The scent of eight species belonging to the Orchis genus was investigated. In the case of O. anthropophora, caryophyllene, tetradecanal and hexadecanal were the main components of the aroma; in O. purpurea, 3,5-dimethoxytoluene and elemicin were found; in O. italica, caryophyllene and 4-(3-hydroxy-2-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one were found; in O. pauciflora, linalool and 1,4-dimethoxybenzene were found; in O. mascula, linalool was found; in O. quadripunctata, penta- and heptadecane were found; in O. provincialis, β-farnesene and farnesal were found; and in O. pallens, curcumene was the main product.
The SPME (Solid Phase Microextraction) analysis of the scent of H. hircinum showed the presence o... more The SPME (Solid Phase Microextraction) analysis of the scent of H. hircinum showed the presence of elemicin in the presence of a relevant amount of eugenol. The scent of the sample of H. adriaticum collected in Abruzzo showed the presence 4-amino-5-(4-morpholinylmethyl)-2-oxazolidinone, β-ocimene, decyl decanoate, and 9-tricosene as main components. The sample of H. adriaticum collected at Marsico Nuovo has an aroma where the main component was pentadecyl hexanoate, 9-tricosene, methyleugenol, tetradecane, pentadecane, and elemicin. The samples of H. adriaticum collected at Viggianello showed some similarities in the scent: the main components were 9-tricosene and methyleugenol.
Zeitschrift f�r anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 1916
Zur Berechnung des von den Molekeln wirklich eingenommenen Raumes stehen uns (abgesehen von der B... more Zur Berechnung des von den Molekeln wirklich eingenommenen Raumes stehen uns (abgesehen von der Bestimmung der Molekelradien aus der mittleren Weglange von Gasen und Dampfen und der Anwendung der Lichtbrechung und der Dielektrizitatskonstante u. a.) einige Methoden zur Verfiigung, die wegen ihres Zusammenhanges mit den nachfolgenden Ausfiihrungen iiber die Berechnung dieser GroBe aus festen Packungen angefuhrt und einer vergleichenden Betrachtung unterzogen werden miissen. Es sind die folgenden: 1. Aus der Theorie der mittleren Weglange von VAN DER WAALS folgt, daB die GFroSe b , die die Volumkorrektion daratellt, das Vierfache des von den Molekeln wirklich eingenommenen Raumes bedeutet. Bezeichnet man diesen mit ct,, SO ist also b = 4 @. Ferner folgt aus der VAN DER WAALSSChen Zustandsgleichung das Volum beim absoluten Nullpunkt zu Vo-b. Mithin ist das Verhiiltnis der Raumerfullung der Molekeln beim absoluten Nullpunkt nach VAN DER WAALS Weiter ist aber nach VAN DER WAALS das Verhaltnis des kritischen Volums zum Volum beim absoluten Nullpunkt Ee wird in dieser Arbeit wie in der vorhergehenden, der Amdruck gebraucht, Einzahl: das Volum, Mehrzahl: die Volume.
Natural Product Research, 2017
SPME-GC-MS analysis of the scent of Platanthera bifolia subsp. osca collected during the night sh... more SPME-GC-MS analysis of the scent of Platanthera bifolia subsp. osca collected during the night showed as main components lilac alcohols B, C and D and lilac aldehydes A, B and C. Other significant chemical components were linalool and caryophyllene. Some differences were found in comparison with previously reported analyses of the scent of P. bifolia and Platanthera chlorantha. The most important difference found was in the composition of the ester fraction.
ABSTRACT Orchids as indicator species are adapted to abiotic factors of habitat and have symbioti... more ABSTRACT Orchids as indicator species are adapted to abiotic factors of habitat and have symbiotic relation with soil mycorrhizal fungi and pollination mechanisms by insects. Sky exposition is lower in degraded forest as high trees are replaced by small trees and shrubs with many twigs covering underground. Intensive cut down changes forest for shibliak containing some short trees and shrubs and having higher sky exposition. Clear cutting and grazing lead to dry secondary steppe. Sky exposition reveals negative linear correlation (r = -0.767) with species density and degraded forest contains more orchid individuals in shaded understory supporting mycorrhizal fungi conservation in soil. Positive linear correlation was found between fertility and sky exposition (r = 0.412) and orchids are flowering in primary forest with high vertical structure with oldgrowing trees. Cutting forest shows negative impact on not flowering orchid populations as pollinator bees activity is depending on the density and height of the surrounding vegetation. Shibliak with open canopy contains few species and individuals of orchids. Orchids are absent in secondary steppes due to change of soil composition by influence of high illumination and grazing. Primary forest contains many rare and endemic species. Thus, conservation of orchids needs correct management of habitats protection.
Viene presentato uno studio finalizzato al censimento ed alla cartografia delle Orchidaceae della... more Viene presentato uno studio finalizzato al censimento ed alla cartografia delle Orchidaceae della R.N.O. “Oasi Faunistica di Vendicari” (SR) situata nella Sicilia sud-orientale. Lo studio, effettuato nei diversi periodi dell’anno in tutti gli ambienti della riserva, ha portato al censimento di 23 entità (tra specie e sottospecie) appartenenti a quattro differenti generi: Barlia (1), Ophrys (13), Orchis (6) e Serapias (3). Sono stati osservati anche 3 ibridi di Ophrys, di cui uno, Ophrys ×martinii nothosubsp. ragonesii Galesi & R. Lorenz (= O. bombyliflora Link × Ophrys oxyrrhynchos Tod. subsp. biancae Galesi, Cristaudo & Maugeri), descritto come nuovo per la scienza. Questa ricerca, oltre a colmare una lacuna sulle conoscenze floristiche di Vendicari, offre al visitatore, ed in particolare al turista interessato ad itinerari naturalistici, un quadro più completo sulle emergenze biologiche di una delle più interessanti riserve naturali della Sicilia.
Die Ergebnisse langjähriger Feldarbeiten und umfangreicher biometrischer Untersuchungen über die ... more Die Ergebnisse langjähriger Feldarbeiten und umfangreicher biometrischer Untersuchungen über die Gattung Dactylorhiza in Georgien werden vorgestellt. Die Eigenständigkeit von Dactylorhiza amblyoloba wird bestätigt. D. armeniaca wird erstmals für Georgien nachgewiesen. Eine zu D. incarnata gehörige Sippe wird als Unterart subsp. jugicrucis neu beschrieben. Die taxonomische Geschichte dieser drei Taxa wird eingehend dargestellt. Insgesamt werden acht Dactylorhiza-Taxa für Georgien als sicher nachgewiesen eingestuft: D. armeniaca, D. umbrosa und sechs weitere, deren terra typica in Georgien liegt, nämlich D. amblyoloba, D. euxina, D. iberica, D. incarnata subsp. jugicrucis, D. romana subsp. georgica und D. urvilleana. Ihre umfangreiche Synonymie wird zusammengestellt, die Typusdaten mitgeteilt sowie Verbreitung in Georgien, Standort, Bestand und Gefährdung erläutert. Ältere Angaben von D. osmanica und D. salina konnten nicht bestätigt werden, sie erscheinen aus arealökologischen Gründen zweifelhaft. Eine irrtümliche Angabe von D. sambucina ist zu streichen. Abschließend wird eine überarbeitete Liste der für Georgien bestätigten Orchideentaxa mit den aktuell bekannten Minima und Maxima ihrer vertikalen Verbreitung angefügt.
Detailed morphological investigations of a Platanthera-species, recently reported as new for Sard... more Detailed morphological investigations of a Platanthera-species, recently reported as new for Sardinia and the second on this island after P. algeriensis, have been carried out in comparison to central, northwest and north European P. bifolia s.l., Caucasian subsp. atropatanica and central European P. chlorantha. The results confirm its affinity to North African P. kuenkelei subsp. kuenkelei, recently shown by molecular genetic investigations carried out by the working group of Cozzolino/Naples, as well as to the Caucasian subsp. atropatanica and overall justify the attribution of both to P. kuenkelei as var. sardoa or respectively as subsp. atropatanica. This species, extremely rare in Sardinia and North Africa, is severely endangered by heavy grazing in this regions, less but still to some extent in the Caucasus too. Conservation of the Sardinian population through suitable protection measures is strongly recommended. Furthermore multivariate analysis does not confirm a recently proposed separation of European P. bifolia L. above variety level based on morphometric data.