Robert Letovsky - (original) (raw)
Papers by Robert Letovsky
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy eBooks, 2006
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy eBooks, 2001
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy eBooks, 2007
Québec studies, Oct 1, 1994
The 1989 takeover of the Quebec-based Steinberg retailing empire by a much smaller company, Socan... more The 1989 takeover of the Quebec-based Steinberg retailing empire by a much smaller company, Socanav Inc., was one of the most controversial business episodes in Quebec history. Not only did Socanav and its flamboyant President, Michel Gaucher, not have any prior retailing experience, but the company had nowhere near the financial resources to acquire Steinberg. However, Socanav received backing from the Quebec government's Caisse de depijt et placement, the massive fund which administers Quebecers' pension contributions. The Steinberg takeover, and the subsequent bankruptcy of the firm, triggered a debate on the role of the Caisse in promoting economic development in the province. Histoire de Steinberg L'histoire de Steinberg, Inc. a commence avec l'arrivee h Montreal de la famille Sternberg d'Hongrie, en 1911. Apres leur arrivee, le pere de famille, Vilmos, a change le nom de la famille h celui de Steinberg. Vilmos a abandonne sa famille en 1917 et sa femme, Ida, a commence une petite epicerie afin de soutenir sa famille. Son deuxieme enfant, Sam, est entre dans I'entreprise dans sa jeunesse et a bgti I'empire Steinberg, Inc. pendant une periode de presque 50 ans, soit jusqu'h sa mort en 1978. Lorsque Steinberg etait h son apogee, elle possedait 187 magasins d'alimentation sous le nom "Steinberg" ou "Miracle Food Mart" au Quebec et en Ontario avec presque 37,000 employes. En outre de ces magasins, Steinberg possedait une chaine de magasin h rayons (les magasins "M"); des magasins d'alimentation offrant une selection plus limitee (les magasins "Valdi"); des clubs d'escompte ("Club Price"); une chaPne de restaurants ("Cultures"); une chaine de magasins d'alimentation en Arizona aux hats-unis ("Smitty's Super Valu, Inc."); et un investissement de 50% des actions de Lantic Sugar Inc. Un autre actif tres important etait sa filiale immobiliere, Ivanhoe, Inc. qui etait le proprietaire de plusieurs centres d'achats et sites oh se situaient les magasins "Steinberg". Pour I'annke se terminant le 30 juillet 1988, la compagnie a enregistre des revenus totalisant 4.58 milliards dollars avec une perte pour l'annee de quelques 17 millions dollars. Malgre sa position dominante dans l'industrie de l'alimentation au Quebec et en Ontario, Steinberg avait plusieurs problemes parmi lesquels Ctait la perte pour I'annee de 1988 qui n'etait qu'un symptBme. Un probkme critique pour la compagnie etait les contrats coQteux intervenus avec les syndi
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy eBooks, 2013
For over 150 years, governments around the world have adopted various types of policy measures to... more For over 150 years, governments around the world have adopted various types of policy measures to influence not only the level but also the nature of economic activity within their jurisdictions. These measures have commonly been referred to as "industrial policy". Since the end of WW II, governments in most developed and some developing countries have oriented their industrial policy programs to promote the growth of high technology industries within their borders. Such industries are seen to offer benefits which spread throughout the national economy. Using the Quebec aerospace sector as a case study, and drawing on both secondary research and interviews with firms and government officials active in the sector, the research addresses several questions. First, why do some areas develop successful and ongoing clusters of innovative, high technology industries? Second, what has been the role of public policy, if any, in the inception and ongoing success of these clusters? Third, how has public policy in this area evolved over time, and why? The research will describe and explain the evolution of industrial policy initiatives as they have been implemented in Quebec towards the aerospace sector. In order to provide a baseline to evaluate the degree of public sector involvement, the research will also examine the province's successful pharmaceutical sector Drawing on the concept of the multi-firm production network characterized by extensive inter-firm learning, the research will describe the types of industrial clusters which can exist, and the benefits which accrue to participating firms. It will then show that the Quebec aerospace sector is indeed a successful and self-sustaining agglomeration of firms. Further, this research will suggest that public policy initiatives have had a degree of impact, if only indirect, on both the inception of and the ongoing development of the sector. Finally, the research will identify several factors, notably the ascendancy of conservative fiscal policy and the increasing importance of multilateral trade agreements, which have led to the changes in the way the public sector supports and encourages the sector.
Page 1. Teaming environmental biology and business administration seniors on green enterprise p... more Page 1. Teaming environmental biology and business administration seniors on green enterprise plans at Saint Michael's College, Vermont Valerie S. Banschbach & Robert Letovsky © AESS 2011 Abstract Business administration ...
The American Biology Teacher, 2010
This article provides both an experiment and a framework for discussion that students can use to ... more This article provides both an experiment and a framework for discussion that students can use to compare the efficiency of producing ethanol by using corn versus sugarcane as a raw material.
National Library 1+1. cana, Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bi ... more National Library 1+1. cana, Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bi bliographic Services services bibliographiques 395 Weilington Street 395. rue Wellington OttawaON K l A O N 4 OttawaON K l A W canada canada The author has granted a nonexclusive Licence ailowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or seli copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats. L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive permettant à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette thèse sous la forme de microfiche/h, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantiai extracts fkom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or othenvise de celle-ci ne doivent être impiimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation.
Case Studies in Sustainability Management and Strategy
The controversy over using food crops to produce fuel provides a new way to engage students in le... more The controversy over using food crops to produce fuel provides a new way to engage students in learning important biological concepts. We present instructor’s notes and provide information from an American Biology Teacher article we published in 2010 describing a laboratory experiment in which students investigate the process of ethanol fuel production and then integrate their scientific analysis with a discussion of the economic and environmental impacts of ethanol as fuel. This exercise is suitable for college and high school environmental studies, environmental science and biology courses. Because ethanol fuel production is based upon fermentation, students who conduct this experiment will learn about that fundamental biological process while relating that process to significant current events.
The journal of college science teaching, 2011
Multinational Business Review, Oct 1, 1997
Foreign retailers have begun to seek opportunities in the major economic centers in the People... more Foreign retailers have begun to seek opportunities in the major economic centers in the People's Republic of China. However, the second- and third-tier cities remain almost devoid of foreign retail investment. This paper outlines some of the obstacles and challenges which foreign retailers will face in order to enter the second and third-tier Chinese markets. The paper also identifies some strategic options available to foreign retail investors, including: leased space in department stores, cooperative agreements, joint ventures, franchising, and chain stores. INTRODUCTION Despite the obstacles and challenges, the People's Republic of China offers tremendous opportunities for international retailers. Foreign retailers have already been quite active in the major centers of Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, as well as in the Special Economic Zones (SEZ's). As a result, competition in these locales has increased significantly. In contrast, China's second- and third-tier cities present relatively untouched and potentially lucrative opportunities for foreign retailers. The challenges which foreign retailers face in these markets do not differ greatly from those which foreign retailers first faced when entering the major cities and SEZ's. They include dealing with the still pervasive influence of the central government, mastering the intricacies of the Chinese distribution system, and adapting to the subtleties and contradictions of Chinese consumer behavior. This paper outlines some of the obstacles and challenges which foreign retailers will have to deal with to tap into the second- and third-tier markets. The paper then discusses some of the tragic options available to foreign retailers. These options are evaluated in terms of several criteria, including what resources, if any, are provided by the local Chinese partner; the extent to which the foreign retailer can maintain control over its marketing mix and protect its trademarks against the rampant intellectual property theft which occurs in China; the degree to which name recognition can be developed among Chinese consumers; whether or not the foreign retailer must receive central government versus local approval; the degree to which the foreign partner realizes economies in purchasing, distribution and staffing; and, the extent to which the leverage of the foreign retailer is increased by having its existing retail distribution network market Chinese-made goods thus earning foreign exchange. The paper is the result of extensive meetings which the authors had with department store managers in the Shanghai-Suzhou region of China in the Spring of 1995 and secondary sources, as cited in the paper. In-depth interviews were conducted over a period of two weeks in May, 1995 with five department store General Managers and their staffs and a Chinese college professor and consultant of retailing and marketing, all located in cities outside of the SEZ of Shanghai. As well, informal discussions and observations based upon site visits in several cities in Shanghai and the area surrounding Shanghai and in Beijing provided information for this paper. These discussions suggested several avenues for secondary research, which was conducted by the authors subsequent to their return from China and which is also incorporated in this paper. Retail Trends The official Chinese economy, fueled by growing consumer demand, grew by an estimated 10.3% annual rate in the first half of 1995. While this is somewhat lower than 1994's growth rate, it is still above the govemment's target of 9-9% ("China's economy", 1995). Retail sales have grown rapidly. From June 1992 through June 1993, retail sales grew 23.6%, topping $150 (US) billion by the end of 1993. The retail market slowed in 1994 with nominal growth of only 6.1% from September 1993 to September 1994. Although retail sales picked up in 1995, they remain sluggish compared to the spectacular growth of the early 1990's. …
The case examines efforts by the Chinese government and local authorities to restore the Huiahe R... more The case examines efforts by the Chinese government and local authorities to restore the Huiahe River, a 1,000 kilometer waterway which runs through four provinces in eastern China. The river basin, covering an area of some 270,000 square kilometers, is home to almost 150 million people and represents one of the most important areas of agricultural output in China. As a result of rapid economic development, the river has, over the past twenty years, become seriously polluted. This has had dire consequences for industries that depend on the river, notably agriculture and fishing. As well, the limited groundwater supplies in eastern China have meant that surface water has always been an important source of supply for residential and industrial uses. The pollution of the Huaihe has therefore had serious public health consequences. In mid-1995, the Chinese government formally adopted an ambitious plan to restore the water quality in the river. The case is based on material gathered from...
Journal of college science teaching
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Concordia University, 2000. Includes bibliographical references.
Journal of Environmental Studies and …, Jan 1, 2011
Page 1. Teaming environmental biology and business administration seniors on green enterprise p... more Page 1. Teaming environmental biology and business administration seniors on green enterprise plans at Saint Michael's College, Vermont Valerie S. Banschbach & Robert Letovsky © AESS 2011 Abstract Business administration ...
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy eBooks, 2006
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy eBooks, 2001
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy eBooks, 2007
Québec studies, Oct 1, 1994
The 1989 takeover of the Quebec-based Steinberg retailing empire by a much smaller company, Socan... more The 1989 takeover of the Quebec-based Steinberg retailing empire by a much smaller company, Socanav Inc., was one of the most controversial business episodes in Quebec history. Not only did Socanav and its flamboyant President, Michel Gaucher, not have any prior retailing experience, but the company had nowhere near the financial resources to acquire Steinberg. However, Socanav received backing from the Quebec government's Caisse de depijt et placement, the massive fund which administers Quebecers' pension contributions. The Steinberg takeover, and the subsequent bankruptcy of the firm, triggered a debate on the role of the Caisse in promoting economic development in the province. Histoire de Steinberg L'histoire de Steinberg, Inc. a commence avec l'arrivee h Montreal de la famille Sternberg d'Hongrie, en 1911. Apres leur arrivee, le pere de famille, Vilmos, a change le nom de la famille h celui de Steinberg. Vilmos a abandonne sa famille en 1917 et sa femme, Ida, a commence une petite epicerie afin de soutenir sa famille. Son deuxieme enfant, Sam, est entre dans I'entreprise dans sa jeunesse et a bgti I'empire Steinberg, Inc. pendant une periode de presque 50 ans, soit jusqu'h sa mort en 1978. Lorsque Steinberg etait h son apogee, elle possedait 187 magasins d'alimentation sous le nom "Steinberg" ou "Miracle Food Mart" au Quebec et en Ontario avec presque 37,000 employes. En outre de ces magasins, Steinberg possedait une chaine de magasin h rayons (les magasins "M"); des magasins d'alimentation offrant une selection plus limitee (les magasins "Valdi"); des clubs d'escompte ("Club Price"); une chaPne de restaurants ("Cultures"); une chaine de magasins d'alimentation en Arizona aux hats-unis ("Smitty's Super Valu, Inc."); et un investissement de 50% des actions de Lantic Sugar Inc. Un autre actif tres important etait sa filiale immobiliere, Ivanhoe, Inc. qui etait le proprietaire de plusieurs centres d'achats et sites oh se situaient les magasins "Steinberg". Pour I'annke se terminant le 30 juillet 1988, la compagnie a enregistre des revenus totalisant 4.58 milliards dollars avec une perte pour l'annee de quelques 17 millions dollars. Malgre sa position dominante dans l'industrie de l'alimentation au Quebec et en Ontario, Steinberg avait plusieurs problemes parmi lesquels Ctait la perte pour I'annee de 1988 qui n'etait qu'un symptBme. Un probkme critique pour la compagnie etait les contrats coQteux intervenus avec les syndi
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy eBooks, 2013
For over 150 years, governments around the world have adopted various types of policy measures to... more For over 150 years, governments around the world have adopted various types of policy measures to influence not only the level but also the nature of economic activity within their jurisdictions. These measures have commonly been referred to as "industrial policy". Since the end of WW II, governments in most developed and some developing countries have oriented their industrial policy programs to promote the growth of high technology industries within their borders. Such industries are seen to offer benefits which spread throughout the national economy. Using the Quebec aerospace sector as a case study, and drawing on both secondary research and interviews with firms and government officials active in the sector, the research addresses several questions. First, why do some areas develop successful and ongoing clusters of innovative, high technology industries? Second, what has been the role of public policy, if any, in the inception and ongoing success of these clusters? Third, how has public policy in this area evolved over time, and why? The research will describe and explain the evolution of industrial policy initiatives as they have been implemented in Quebec towards the aerospace sector. In order to provide a baseline to evaluate the degree of public sector involvement, the research will also examine the province's successful pharmaceutical sector Drawing on the concept of the multi-firm production network characterized by extensive inter-firm learning, the research will describe the types of industrial clusters which can exist, and the benefits which accrue to participating firms. It will then show that the Quebec aerospace sector is indeed a successful and self-sustaining agglomeration of firms. Further, this research will suggest that public policy initiatives have had a degree of impact, if only indirect, on both the inception of and the ongoing development of the sector. Finally, the research will identify several factors, notably the ascendancy of conservative fiscal policy and the increasing importance of multilateral trade agreements, which have led to the changes in the way the public sector supports and encourages the sector.
Page 1. Teaming environmental biology and business administration seniors on green enterprise p... more Page 1. Teaming environmental biology and business administration seniors on green enterprise plans at Saint Michael's College, Vermont Valerie S. Banschbach & Robert Letovsky © AESS 2011 Abstract Business administration ...
The American Biology Teacher, 2010
This article provides both an experiment and a framework for discussion that students can use to ... more This article provides both an experiment and a framework for discussion that students can use to compare the efficiency of producing ethanol by using corn versus sugarcane as a raw material.
National Library 1+1. cana, Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bi ... more National Library 1+1. cana, Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bi bliographic Services services bibliographiques 395 Weilington Street 395. rue Wellington OttawaON K l A O N 4 OttawaON K l A W canada canada The author has granted a nonexclusive Licence ailowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or seli copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats. L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive permettant à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette thèse sous la forme de microfiche/h, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantiai extracts fkom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or othenvise de celle-ci ne doivent être impiimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation.
Case Studies in Sustainability Management and Strategy
The controversy over using food crops to produce fuel provides a new way to engage students in le... more The controversy over using food crops to produce fuel provides a new way to engage students in learning important biological concepts. We present instructor’s notes and provide information from an American Biology Teacher article we published in 2010 describing a laboratory experiment in which students investigate the process of ethanol fuel production and then integrate their scientific analysis with a discussion of the economic and environmental impacts of ethanol as fuel. This exercise is suitable for college and high school environmental studies, environmental science and biology courses. Because ethanol fuel production is based upon fermentation, students who conduct this experiment will learn about that fundamental biological process while relating that process to significant current events.
The journal of college science teaching, 2011
Multinational Business Review, Oct 1, 1997
Foreign retailers have begun to seek opportunities in the major economic centers in the People... more Foreign retailers have begun to seek opportunities in the major economic centers in the People's Republic of China. However, the second- and third-tier cities remain almost devoid of foreign retail investment. This paper outlines some of the obstacles and challenges which foreign retailers will face in order to enter the second and third-tier Chinese markets. The paper also identifies some strategic options available to foreign retail investors, including: leased space in department stores, cooperative agreements, joint ventures, franchising, and chain stores. INTRODUCTION Despite the obstacles and challenges, the People's Republic of China offers tremendous opportunities for international retailers. Foreign retailers have already been quite active in the major centers of Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, as well as in the Special Economic Zones (SEZ's). As a result, competition in these locales has increased significantly. In contrast, China's second- and third-tier cities present relatively untouched and potentially lucrative opportunities for foreign retailers. The challenges which foreign retailers face in these markets do not differ greatly from those which foreign retailers first faced when entering the major cities and SEZ's. They include dealing with the still pervasive influence of the central government, mastering the intricacies of the Chinese distribution system, and adapting to the subtleties and contradictions of Chinese consumer behavior. This paper outlines some of the obstacles and challenges which foreign retailers will have to deal with to tap into the second- and third-tier markets. The paper then discusses some of the tragic options available to foreign retailers. These options are evaluated in terms of several criteria, including what resources, if any, are provided by the local Chinese partner; the extent to which the foreign retailer can maintain control over its marketing mix and protect its trademarks against the rampant intellectual property theft which occurs in China; the degree to which name recognition can be developed among Chinese consumers; whether or not the foreign retailer must receive central government versus local approval; the degree to which the foreign partner realizes economies in purchasing, distribution and staffing; and, the extent to which the leverage of the foreign retailer is increased by having its existing retail distribution network market Chinese-made goods thus earning foreign exchange. The paper is the result of extensive meetings which the authors had with department store managers in the Shanghai-Suzhou region of China in the Spring of 1995 and secondary sources, as cited in the paper. In-depth interviews were conducted over a period of two weeks in May, 1995 with five department store General Managers and their staffs and a Chinese college professor and consultant of retailing and marketing, all located in cities outside of the SEZ of Shanghai. As well, informal discussions and observations based upon site visits in several cities in Shanghai and the area surrounding Shanghai and in Beijing provided information for this paper. These discussions suggested several avenues for secondary research, which was conducted by the authors subsequent to their return from China and which is also incorporated in this paper. Retail Trends The official Chinese economy, fueled by growing consumer demand, grew by an estimated 10.3% annual rate in the first half of 1995. While this is somewhat lower than 1994's growth rate, it is still above the govemment's target of 9-9% ("China's economy", 1995). Retail sales have grown rapidly. From June 1992 through June 1993, retail sales grew 23.6%, topping $150 (US) billion by the end of 1993. The retail market slowed in 1994 with nominal growth of only 6.1% from September 1993 to September 1994. Although retail sales picked up in 1995, they remain sluggish compared to the spectacular growth of the early 1990's. …
The case examines efforts by the Chinese government and local authorities to restore the Huiahe R... more The case examines efforts by the Chinese government and local authorities to restore the Huiahe River, a 1,000 kilometer waterway which runs through four provinces in eastern China. The river basin, covering an area of some 270,000 square kilometers, is home to almost 150 million people and represents one of the most important areas of agricultural output in China. As a result of rapid economic development, the river has, over the past twenty years, become seriously polluted. This has had dire consequences for industries that depend on the river, notably agriculture and fishing. As well, the limited groundwater supplies in eastern China have meant that surface water has always been an important source of supply for residential and industrial uses. The pollution of the Huaihe has therefore had serious public health consequences. In mid-1995, the Chinese government formally adopted an ambitious plan to restore the water quality in the river. The case is based on material gathered from...
Journal of college science teaching
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Concordia University, 2000. Includes bibliographical references.
Journal of Environmental Studies and …, Jan 1, 2011
Page 1. Teaming environmental biology and business administration seniors on green enterprise p... more Page 1. Teaming environmental biology and business administration seniors on green enterprise plans at Saint Michael's College, Vermont Valerie S. Banschbach & Robert Letovsky © AESS 2011 Abstract Business administration ...