Robson R Barcelos - (original) (raw)

Papers by Robson R Barcelos

Research paper thumbnail of O sentimento do estrangeiro na esfera intelectiva e afetiva The foreigner's feeling in the inletective and affective sphere


RESUMO O presente artigo versa sobre o sentimento de estraneidade no ser humano. Em se tratando d... more RESUMO O presente artigo versa sobre o sentimento de estraneidade no ser humano. Em se tratando de ser humano, tradicionalmente se compreende enquanto seres contendo razões e emoções. Dessa forma, para melhor compreensão do sentimento do estrangeiro analisa-se seu contexto sobre a ótica do sentimentalismo moral humeano, e sobre o entrelaçamento, proposto por Husserl, entre as esferas intelectivas e afetivas. A partir desses filósofos percebe-se a convergência entre as esferas intelectiva e afetiva, assim como entre a razão e a emoção. Por conseguinte, teorias emocionais contemporâneas trazem um ganho explicativo para a compreensão do sentimento do estrangeiro diante de novos ambientes e culturas, na medida em que se percebe tanto elementos cognitivos quanto não-cognitivos. Portanto, Goldie e Husserl contribuem para a análise do sentimento de estraneidade do estrangeiro em suas diversas peculiaridades. Palavras-chave: Razão. Emoção. Sentimento moral. Estraneidade. ABSTRACT This article deals with the feeling of strangeness in the human being. When it comes to being human, it is traditionally understood as beings containing reasons and emotions. Thus, to

Research paper thumbnail of Varieties of mental states and theories of self-knowledge

Princípios: Revista de Filosofia, 2019

This article deals with self-knowledge of beliefs. There are several mental states with their own... more This article deals with self-knowledge of beliefs. There are several mental states with their own peculiarities. Desires, judgments, feelings, emotions and beliefs. The focus of the article is on the knowledge of one’s beliefs. Self-knowledge has characteristics, namely, first-person authority, aprioristic character, cognitive discriminative capacity, infallibility, omniscience, asymmetry between the first and third person and impossibility of misuse of the pronoun “I” (SILVA FILHO, 2013, p. 33, n.2). In the everyday realm of common sense, there is no doubt about the self-attribution of beliefs, but concepts are not always used correctly, that is, there is an incomplete understanding of one’s beliefs. However, does attributing rationality to the agent require knowledge of one’s beliefs? According to Coliva (2016), there are dispositional beliefs and as commitment. With respect to the first type of belief, the agent has no epistemic responsibility, with the second yes. Therefore, self-knowledge of doxastic beliefs as commitment requires rationality of the epistemic agent, because there is the epistemic responsibility of the rational agent.


Pólemos, 2019

ABSTRACT We are subject with consciousness. For this we have to have self-consciousness so that c... more ABSTRACT We are subject with consciousness. For this we have to have self-consciousness so that consciousness can exist. In this way, there is the possibility of self-knowledge of one's own mental states. Thus, the article aims at investigating the possibility of self-knowledge of one's own mental states, their applicability and consequences in relation to Kantian moral theory. Therefore, it reflects on how self-knowledge of one's own mental states and the characteristics of Kantian moral theory occur. Finally, there is the possibility of moral responsibility for one's own mental states related to Kantian morality and the method of self-knowledge of the very action of the moral agent.


Resumo: O artigo versa acerca do autoconhecimento sobre os próprios estados mentais. Considerando... more Resumo: O artigo versa acerca do autoconhecimento sobre os próprios estados mentais. Considerando os seres humanos enquanto seres racionais, neste texto objetiva-se problematizar o posicionamento do sujeito no processo do autoconhecimento, assim como realizar o estado do conhecimento acerca do autoconhecimento. Dessa maneira, Richard Moran constitui o método da transparência acerca do conhecimento dos próprios estados mentais. Tal método recebe algumas críticas do filósofo Quassim Cassam e da filósofa Brie-Gertler. Na mesma medida, ambos os autores problematizam algumas características do autoconhecimento, nas quais as críticas atingem alguns pontos estudados por filósofos brasileiros, a saber, Paulo Farias, Waldomiro Silva Filho e André Abath. Os dois últimos autores baseiam-se na metodologia de Moran e dessa forma constituem suas reflexões acerca das condições de experiência do dia-a-dia, tanto quanto sobre o entendimento incompleto dos seres humanos.
Abstract: This article is about self-knowledge on one's own mental states. Considering human as rational beings, this study aims to problematize the position of subject in process of self-knowledge, as well as to realize the state of knowledge about self-knowledge. In this way, Richard Moran constitutes the method of transparency about the knowledge of one's own mental states. Such a method receives some criticism from the philosopher Quassim Cassam and the philosopher Brie-Gertler. In the same extent, both authors problematize some characteristics of self-knowledge, in which criticism reaches some points studied by Brazilian philosophers, namely Paulo Farias, Waldomiro Silva Filho and André Abath. The latter two authors are based on Moran's methodology and thus constitute his reflections on conditions of daily life as well as the incomplete understanding of human beings.

Research paper thumbnail of União metodológica uma possibilidade de leitura e escrita filosófica - Methodological union one possibility of reading and philosophical writing

Resumo: O presente panorama político-educacional sofreu mudanças com a obrigatoriedade do ensino ... more Resumo: O presente panorama político-educacional sofreu mudanças com a obrigatoriedade do ensino de filosofia nas escolas de ensino médio do Brasil. Necessita-se pensar e re-pensar meios otimizadores do ensino de filosofia, onde leitura e escrita são os principais meios do pensamento filosófico na história. Destarte trabalhar com textos clássicos de filosofia, buscar novas metodologias eficientes ao ensino e aprendizagem filosóficos e promover a interdisciplinariedade tornam-se capitais. Assim unimos duas metodologias filosóficas para o ensino e aprendizagem de filosofia, a saber Porta (2002) e Gallo (2007). O segundo filósofo propõem quatro momentos para o filosofar: sensibilização, problematização, investigação e conceituação. Para Porta (2007) o leitor deve ser capaz traduzir e re-traduzir o texto filosófico, da seguinte forma: re-tradução semântico gramatical, re-tradução técnica, taxonomia semântica, re-tradução lógica e modalização veritativa. Durante o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência nas produções textuais dos estudantes observa-se as posições perante os autores e o esforço em defender suas crenças contra as teses. Assim os discentes clarificam seu posicionamento, ou seja, sua " modalização veritativa ". Portanto, mesmo existindo a distância temporal e linguística entre os alunos e os filósofos, isso não foi barreira para eles compreenderem o texto.
Palavras-chave: filosofia; ensino e aprendizagem; leitura e escrita; metodologia.

Abstract: This political-educational landscape has undergone changes with compulsory teaching philosophy in high schools in Brazil. Need to think and rethink optimizers means of teaching philosophy, where reading and writing are the main means of philosophical thought pervade the story. Thus work with classic philosophy texts; seek new efficient methodologies to philosophical teaching and learning; and promote interdisciplinarity become capital. So we join two philosophical methodologies for the teaching and learning of philosophy, namely Porta (2002) and Gallo (2007). The second proposes four stages to philosophize: awareness, questioning, research and conceptualization. For Porta (2007) the reader should be able to translate and re-translate the philosophical text, as follows: grammar semantic re-translation, technical re-translation, semantic taxonomy, re-translation logic and veritativa modalization. During the Institutional Program Initiation Grant to Teaching in the textual productions of the students observed the positions to the author and the effort to defend their beliefs against theses. So the students glorify their position, ie, its "veritativa modalization". Thus,
there temporal distance and language among students and philosophers, was no
barrier for them to understand the text.
Keywords: philosophy; teaching and learning; reading and writing; methodology


Este trabalho é resultado de um estudo realizado na disciplina de Fundamentos Filosóficos, Políti... more Este trabalho é resultado de um estudo realizado na disciplina de Fundamentos Filosóficos, Políticos e Sociais na Gestão Escolar ofertada no Curso de Especialização em Gestão Educacional pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Tendo em vistas a atual conjuntura política nota-se a presença de um elemento ideológico político, regido pela a teoria neoliberal, a qual afirma que o Estado é culpado pela crise estrutural da economia. Nesse sentido, a teoria neoliberal tem como objetivo principal a transformação do Estado em um Estado minimalista, ou seja, mínimo para as políticas sociais e máximo para os interesses capitalistas. O neoliberalismo, nesta perspectiva, utiliza artimanhas para redefinir o papel do Estado, a fim de que este se desresponsabilize das políticas sociais. Nesse contexto que surge a Terceira Via, como alternativa de atendimento às demandas sociais, a fim de descentralizar e desresponsabilizar o Estado de suas obrigações com a sociedade civil. Nesse sentido, cabe a todos refletirmos sobre a repercussão da ideologia neoliberal no contexto educacional, formando um pensamento crítico a respeito das políticas de compensação que vem sendo criadas no âmbito educacional, fugindo da alienação que cega as verdadeiras intenções ideológicas e as repercussões destas em nosso cotidiano. Palavras-chave: Neoliberalismo. Educação. Terceira Via.

Research paper thumbnail of Revisitando o princípio dialógico no processo da gestão democrática a partir do olhar de um diretor. MONOGRAFIA ESP. GESTÃO EDUCACIONAL

This study is part of the theme of School Management, focusing on the role of the di - rector of ... more This study is part of the theme of School Management, focusing on the role of the di -
rector of a school of public schools of Basic Education of Santa Maria, in the state of
Rio Grande do Sul. The work's goal is developed in order to understand the dialogic
principle of Paulo Freire from the look and experience of the director. Our under-
standing is that the work of the school principal is extremely complex, among the var -
ious activities is the establishment of dialogue with the school community and as
such is promoted in school life beyond its articulation with the official sectors of Edu-
cational Managemen, to ensure educational effectiveness in promoting learning and
training of students. The central question of the study was constituted in the following
problem: Because the dialogic principle Freirian appears in the PPP and the school's
internal regulations? The research was carried out through semi -structured
questionnaire with open questions, as well as analysis of the Pedagogical Policy
Project and bylaws, supported by Freire (1975, 1975a, 1979 a, 1979 b, 1982, 1987,
1992, 1997 a, 1997 b, 2001, 2004) and other. You can rethink the school, as well as
its management; i. e., it is possible gestated it as holder of emancipatory potential,
through which they can contribute to open spaces for participation within the school
organization, as the narrative given by the director.

Thesis Chapters by Robson R Barcelos

Research paper thumbnail of Autoconhecimento de crenças: empirismo, racionalismo e racionalidade.

Self-knowledge is the cognitive ability of the agent to know his or her own mental states. There ... more Self-knowledge is the cognitive ability of the agent to know his or her own mental states. There are several types of mental states, and there is a method for the knowledge of each type. The focus of this dissertation is on the knowledge of one‘s own beliefs. With this goal in mind, we present the empiricist and the rationalist approaches to the knowledge of one‘s own beliefs. Empiricist theories of self-knowledge proposes introspection as the method for the knowledge of one‘s own beliefs. However, there are issues related to the phenomenology of belief – what it is like to believe that p? The best rationalist theories of self-knowledge proposes that an agent ―look outwards to constitute her own mind and her own belief. Our final question is about the relationship between knowledge of one‘s beliefs and rationality. Burge (2013) requires that, in order to be rational, one must have self-knowledge. We argue that the kind of rationality specified by Burge is too demanding. As agents in the realm of common life, we have incomplete understanding of our own doxastic mental states, but that is not a problem for the knowledge of our own beliefs as dispositions, since they does not come from rational deliberation; nevertheless, we are responsible and our beliefs as commitments. Both kinds of belief can be known by the transparency method. We conclude claiming that the transparency method is enough for the self-knowledge of doxastic mental state and ensuring the rationality of the agent.

Research paper thumbnail of O sentimento do estrangeiro na esfera intelectiva e afetiva The foreigner's feeling in the inletective and affective sphere


RESUMO O presente artigo versa sobre o sentimento de estraneidade no ser humano. Em se tratando d... more RESUMO O presente artigo versa sobre o sentimento de estraneidade no ser humano. Em se tratando de ser humano, tradicionalmente se compreende enquanto seres contendo razões e emoções. Dessa forma, para melhor compreensão do sentimento do estrangeiro analisa-se seu contexto sobre a ótica do sentimentalismo moral humeano, e sobre o entrelaçamento, proposto por Husserl, entre as esferas intelectivas e afetivas. A partir desses filósofos percebe-se a convergência entre as esferas intelectiva e afetiva, assim como entre a razão e a emoção. Por conseguinte, teorias emocionais contemporâneas trazem um ganho explicativo para a compreensão do sentimento do estrangeiro diante de novos ambientes e culturas, na medida em que se percebe tanto elementos cognitivos quanto não-cognitivos. Portanto, Goldie e Husserl contribuem para a análise do sentimento de estraneidade do estrangeiro em suas diversas peculiaridades. Palavras-chave: Razão. Emoção. Sentimento moral. Estraneidade. ABSTRACT This article deals with the feeling of strangeness in the human being. When it comes to being human, it is traditionally understood as beings containing reasons and emotions. Thus, to

Research paper thumbnail of Varieties of mental states and theories of self-knowledge

Princípios: Revista de Filosofia, 2019

This article deals with self-knowledge of beliefs. There are several mental states with their own... more This article deals with self-knowledge of beliefs. There are several mental states with their own peculiarities. Desires, judgments, feelings, emotions and beliefs. The focus of the article is on the knowledge of one’s beliefs. Self-knowledge has characteristics, namely, first-person authority, aprioristic character, cognitive discriminative capacity, infallibility, omniscience, asymmetry between the first and third person and impossibility of misuse of the pronoun “I” (SILVA FILHO, 2013, p. 33, n.2). In the everyday realm of common sense, there is no doubt about the self-attribution of beliefs, but concepts are not always used correctly, that is, there is an incomplete understanding of one’s beliefs. However, does attributing rationality to the agent require knowledge of one’s beliefs? According to Coliva (2016), there are dispositional beliefs and as commitment. With respect to the first type of belief, the agent has no epistemic responsibility, with the second yes. Therefore, self-knowledge of doxastic beliefs as commitment requires rationality of the epistemic agent, because there is the epistemic responsibility of the rational agent.


Pólemos, 2019

ABSTRACT We are subject with consciousness. For this we have to have self-consciousness so that c... more ABSTRACT We are subject with consciousness. For this we have to have self-consciousness so that consciousness can exist. In this way, there is the possibility of self-knowledge of one's own mental states. Thus, the article aims at investigating the possibility of self-knowledge of one's own mental states, their applicability and consequences in relation to Kantian moral theory. Therefore, it reflects on how self-knowledge of one's own mental states and the characteristics of Kantian moral theory occur. Finally, there is the possibility of moral responsibility for one's own mental states related to Kantian morality and the method of self-knowledge of the very action of the moral agent.


Resumo: O artigo versa acerca do autoconhecimento sobre os próprios estados mentais. Considerando... more Resumo: O artigo versa acerca do autoconhecimento sobre os próprios estados mentais. Considerando os seres humanos enquanto seres racionais, neste texto objetiva-se problematizar o posicionamento do sujeito no processo do autoconhecimento, assim como realizar o estado do conhecimento acerca do autoconhecimento. Dessa maneira, Richard Moran constitui o método da transparência acerca do conhecimento dos próprios estados mentais. Tal método recebe algumas críticas do filósofo Quassim Cassam e da filósofa Brie-Gertler. Na mesma medida, ambos os autores problematizam algumas características do autoconhecimento, nas quais as críticas atingem alguns pontos estudados por filósofos brasileiros, a saber, Paulo Farias, Waldomiro Silva Filho e André Abath. Os dois últimos autores baseiam-se na metodologia de Moran e dessa forma constituem suas reflexões acerca das condições de experiência do dia-a-dia, tanto quanto sobre o entendimento incompleto dos seres humanos.
Abstract: This article is about self-knowledge on one's own mental states. Considering human as rational beings, this study aims to problematize the position of subject in process of self-knowledge, as well as to realize the state of knowledge about self-knowledge. In this way, Richard Moran constitutes the method of transparency about the knowledge of one's own mental states. Such a method receives some criticism from the philosopher Quassim Cassam and the philosopher Brie-Gertler. In the same extent, both authors problematize some characteristics of self-knowledge, in which criticism reaches some points studied by Brazilian philosophers, namely Paulo Farias, Waldomiro Silva Filho and André Abath. The latter two authors are based on Moran's methodology and thus constitute his reflections on conditions of daily life as well as the incomplete understanding of human beings.

Research paper thumbnail of União metodológica uma possibilidade de leitura e escrita filosófica - Methodological union one possibility of reading and philosophical writing

Resumo: O presente panorama político-educacional sofreu mudanças com a obrigatoriedade do ensino ... more Resumo: O presente panorama político-educacional sofreu mudanças com a obrigatoriedade do ensino de filosofia nas escolas de ensino médio do Brasil. Necessita-se pensar e re-pensar meios otimizadores do ensino de filosofia, onde leitura e escrita são os principais meios do pensamento filosófico na história. Destarte trabalhar com textos clássicos de filosofia, buscar novas metodologias eficientes ao ensino e aprendizagem filosóficos e promover a interdisciplinariedade tornam-se capitais. Assim unimos duas metodologias filosóficas para o ensino e aprendizagem de filosofia, a saber Porta (2002) e Gallo (2007). O segundo filósofo propõem quatro momentos para o filosofar: sensibilização, problematização, investigação e conceituação. Para Porta (2007) o leitor deve ser capaz traduzir e re-traduzir o texto filosófico, da seguinte forma: re-tradução semântico gramatical, re-tradução técnica, taxonomia semântica, re-tradução lógica e modalização veritativa. Durante o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência nas produções textuais dos estudantes observa-se as posições perante os autores e o esforço em defender suas crenças contra as teses. Assim os discentes clarificam seu posicionamento, ou seja, sua " modalização veritativa ". Portanto, mesmo existindo a distância temporal e linguística entre os alunos e os filósofos, isso não foi barreira para eles compreenderem o texto.
Palavras-chave: filosofia; ensino e aprendizagem; leitura e escrita; metodologia.

Abstract: This political-educational landscape has undergone changes with compulsory teaching philosophy in high schools in Brazil. Need to think and rethink optimizers means of teaching philosophy, where reading and writing are the main means of philosophical thought pervade the story. Thus work with classic philosophy texts; seek new efficient methodologies to philosophical teaching and learning; and promote interdisciplinarity become capital. So we join two philosophical methodologies for the teaching and learning of philosophy, namely Porta (2002) and Gallo (2007). The second proposes four stages to philosophize: awareness, questioning, research and conceptualization. For Porta (2007) the reader should be able to translate and re-translate the philosophical text, as follows: grammar semantic re-translation, technical re-translation, semantic taxonomy, re-translation logic and veritativa modalization. During the Institutional Program Initiation Grant to Teaching in the textual productions of the students observed the positions to the author and the effort to defend their beliefs against theses. So the students glorify their position, ie, its "veritativa modalization". Thus,
there temporal distance and language among students and philosophers, was no
barrier for them to understand the text.
Keywords: philosophy; teaching and learning; reading and writing; methodology


Este trabalho é resultado de um estudo realizado na disciplina de Fundamentos Filosóficos, Políti... more Este trabalho é resultado de um estudo realizado na disciplina de Fundamentos Filosóficos, Políticos e Sociais na Gestão Escolar ofertada no Curso de Especialização em Gestão Educacional pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Tendo em vistas a atual conjuntura política nota-se a presença de um elemento ideológico político, regido pela a teoria neoliberal, a qual afirma que o Estado é culpado pela crise estrutural da economia. Nesse sentido, a teoria neoliberal tem como objetivo principal a transformação do Estado em um Estado minimalista, ou seja, mínimo para as políticas sociais e máximo para os interesses capitalistas. O neoliberalismo, nesta perspectiva, utiliza artimanhas para redefinir o papel do Estado, a fim de que este se desresponsabilize das políticas sociais. Nesse contexto que surge a Terceira Via, como alternativa de atendimento às demandas sociais, a fim de descentralizar e desresponsabilizar o Estado de suas obrigações com a sociedade civil. Nesse sentido, cabe a todos refletirmos sobre a repercussão da ideologia neoliberal no contexto educacional, formando um pensamento crítico a respeito das políticas de compensação que vem sendo criadas no âmbito educacional, fugindo da alienação que cega as verdadeiras intenções ideológicas e as repercussões destas em nosso cotidiano. Palavras-chave: Neoliberalismo. Educação. Terceira Via.

Research paper thumbnail of Revisitando o princípio dialógico no processo da gestão democrática a partir do olhar de um diretor. MONOGRAFIA ESP. GESTÃO EDUCACIONAL

This study is part of the theme of School Management, focusing on the role of the di - rector of ... more This study is part of the theme of School Management, focusing on the role of the di -
rector of a school of public schools of Basic Education of Santa Maria, in the state of
Rio Grande do Sul. The work's goal is developed in order to understand the dialogic
principle of Paulo Freire from the look and experience of the director. Our under-
standing is that the work of the school principal is extremely complex, among the var -
ious activities is the establishment of dialogue with the school community and as
such is promoted in school life beyond its articulation with the official sectors of Edu-
cational Managemen, to ensure educational effectiveness in promoting learning and
training of students. The central question of the study was constituted in the following
problem: Because the dialogic principle Freirian appears in the PPP and the school's
internal regulations? The research was carried out through semi -structured
questionnaire with open questions, as well as analysis of the Pedagogical Policy
Project and bylaws, supported by Freire (1975, 1975a, 1979 a, 1979 b, 1982, 1987,
1992, 1997 a, 1997 b, 2001, 2004) and other. You can rethink the school, as well as
its management; i. e., it is possible gestated it as holder of emancipatory potential,
through which they can contribute to open spaces for participation within the school
organization, as the narrative given by the director.

Research paper thumbnail of Autoconhecimento de crenças: empirismo, racionalismo e racionalidade.

Self-knowledge is the cognitive ability of the agent to know his or her own mental states. There ... more Self-knowledge is the cognitive ability of the agent to know his or her own mental states. There are several types of mental states, and there is a method for the knowledge of each type. The focus of this dissertation is on the knowledge of one‘s own beliefs. With this goal in mind, we present the empiricist and the rationalist approaches to the knowledge of one‘s own beliefs. Empiricist theories of self-knowledge proposes introspection as the method for the knowledge of one‘s own beliefs. However, there are issues related to the phenomenology of belief – what it is like to believe that p? The best rationalist theories of self-knowledge proposes that an agent ―look outwards to constitute her own mind and her own belief. Our final question is about the relationship between knowledge of one‘s beliefs and rationality. Burge (2013) requires that, in order to be rational, one must have self-knowledge. We argue that the kind of rationality specified by Burge is too demanding. As agents in the realm of common life, we have incomplete understanding of our own doxastic mental states, but that is not a problem for the knowledge of our own beliefs as dispositions, since they does not come from rational deliberation; nevertheless, we are responsible and our beliefs as commitments. Both kinds of belief can be known by the transparency method. We conclude claiming that the transparency method is enough for the self-knowledge of doxastic mental state and ensuring the rationality of the agent.