Rog Palmer - (original) (raw)
Books by Rog Palmer
Populating Clay Landscapes, 2007
This book brings together, for the first time, a number of key investigations and insights into t... more This book brings together, for the first time, a number of key investigations and insights into the settlement of clay landscapes. Clay soils and geologies make up significant areas of Britain and Europe; however, until recently little archaeological investigation has been undertaken on such formations. With few archaeological surveys being conducted on clay environs, few sites are ever discovered, which re-affirms the view that claylands were unpopular landscapes in the past. This attitude towards clay has prevailed for many years and is only now beginning to be challenged by the increasing number of archaeological interventions upon clay landscapes. Not surprisingly, the more investigations that are carried out on clay soils and geologies, the more archaeology is found. As will be shown from the contributions in this book, the claylands of Britain and Europe were extensively utilised landscapes in the past, and through current ground and aerial archaeological surveys we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
Education in Aerial Remote Sensing for Archaeology
AARG Occasional Publication Series No 1 was published in April 2009. It focuses on Education in A... more AARG Occasional Publication Series No 1 was published in April 2009. It focuses on Education in Aerial Remote Sensing for Archaeology and includes the draft report of the AARG/EAC Working Group on Education, which is available for comment until the end of July 2009. The publication also has papers on the general theme of education that should be of interest to many.
Papers by Rog Palmer
Hambledon Hill, Dorset, England, Volumes 1 and 2, 2014
Brief report on the identification of a possible Neolithic causewayed enclosure from cropmarks, i... more Brief report on the identification of a possible Neolithic causewayed enclosure from cropmarks, including a description of the evidence and a discussion of other possible interpretations.
The Aerial Archaeology Research Group is an international forum for all involved in aerial photog... more The Aerial Archaeology Research Group is an international forum for all involved in aerial photography, space and airborne remote sensing, photo interpretation and mapping, archive research, field archaeology and landscape history. AARG hosts an annual conference, together with regular workshops, seminars and day schools. Members receive a biannual newsletter and preferential conference rates. Student and young‐ researcher participation at its meetings is encouraged through a generous bursary scheme. The primary mission of the Europae Archaeologiae Consilium is to support the management of the archaeological heritage throughout Europe and to serve the needs of national archaeological heritage management agencies by providing a forum for organisations to establish closer and more structured co‐operation and exchange of information.The EAC is dedicated to the exchange of information between its members about standards and best practice related to heritage
Interpreting Archaeological Topography, 2013
Antiquity, 2000
Although significant to societies at a local, regionaland national level for up to 6000 years, th... more Although significant to societies at a local, regionaland national level for up to 6000 years, the prehistoriclandscape of Avebury, Wiltshire, was formallyattributed the accolade of being 'globally important'in November 1986. At this time the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation(UNESCO) inscribed Avebury onto the growing listof World Heritage Sites (http://www.unesco.orglwhc), and along with England's most notorious prehistoricmonument,…
RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...
Il volume rappresenta il primo manuale in Italia dedicato alla ricognizione aerea a fini archeolo... more Il volume rappresenta il primo manuale in Italia dedicato alla ricognizione aerea a fini archeologici. Nella prima parte, Chris Musson espone i concetti di base, le metodologie e le applicazioni della ricognizione aerea esplorativa. In molti paesi questa tecnica di indagine ha contribuito in modo decisivo alla conoscenza del passato, aiutando a mettere in comunicazione il dato archeologico e la storia con il grande pubblico e costituendo inoltre un elemento di sensibilizzazione per la conservazione delle evidenze e dei paesaggi archeologici sempre più minacciati dalle attività edilizie, industriali ed agricole. Le conclusioni del “dialogo” tra l’archeologo aereo ed il paesaggio sottostante è conservato nelle stampe e nelle immagini digitali acquisite e archiviate dall’archeologo. Un archivio di centinaia o di migliaia di immagini ha ben poco valore se le informazioni in esso contenute non sono estrapolate attraverso il processo di interpretazione e di restituzione cartografica e ancora se la documentazione non viene organizzata in modo da renderle accessibili le informazioni a tutti i potenziali interessati. A questi argomenti è dedicata la Parte 2 del volume, Documentare il passato, redatta da Rog Palmer. Fino a pochi anni fa’ la restituzione cartografica da fotografie aeree oblique comportava grossi problemi di accuratezza metrica. Lo sviluppo negli ultimi due decenni di software dedicati consente ora di svolgere queste operazioni con semplicità, efficienza e a costi ridotti tramite l’impiego di comuni scanner da tavolo e personal computer. Attualmente le informazioni aeree acquisite sia nell’ambito di progetti ormai terminati sia in corso costituiscono una fonte perfettamente integrabile nel record archeologico. La seconda parte del volume si sofferma infine sull’utilità di far dialogare la fotografia aerea con altre fonti. A tale proposito Palmer insiste su come la simbiosi tra evidenza aerea e altri dati telerilevati, ricognizioni di superficie, scavi archeologici e fonti documentarie aumenta notevolmente le capacità dell’archeologo nella lettura delle dinamiche insediative e produttive di un territorio. La terza parte del volume intitolata Casi di studio e applicazioni di Chris Musson e Stefano Campana raccoglie esempi italiani allo scopo di illustrare usi e metodi della ricognizione aerea e della fotografia obliqua. La raccolta di fotografie proposta in questa sezione rappresenta solo una piccola anticipazione. Gli autori credono infatti questo libro sarà presto rimpiazzato o ripubblicato in un’edizione aggiornata nella quale presentare i nuovi risultati conseguiti dagli archeologi italiani nell’esplorazione e nella restituzione cartografica delle evidenze del passato. Riteniamo che col tempo questa metodologia aprirà in Italia, come è avvenuto in altre parti d’Europa, nuove prospettive, arricchendo i metodi da tempo affermati per l’esplorazione e interpretazione archeologica dei paesaggi. Nella Parte 4, In volo nel futuro, Stefano Campana insieme ad altri ricercatori, illustra la Scuola e il Workshop tenutisi a Siena nella primavera del 2001. Gli atti del convegno durato tre giorni al quale hanno partecipato più di 30 specialisti sono riproposti in forma selettiva al fine di presentare solo gli interventi rivolti a discutere le nuove metodologie di telerilevamento che saranno protagoniste degli anni a venire. Il volume si conclude con appendice tecnica e la bibliografia di riferimento per coloro che volessero approfondire gli argomenti trattati
Antiquity, 2000
Subdivided strip fields were widespread over most of lowland England before enclosure. Where data... more Subdivided strip fields were widespread over most of lowland England before enclosure. Where datable they seem to originate in the late Saxon period and their use survived into the 19th century in some places. In East Anglia and southeast England strips were usually ploughed flat, but in most of the Midlands they were cast up to form ‘ridge and furrow’. This ridging technique was once used in a central band stretching from County Durham in the north to Somerset in the southwest.
AARGnews, 2022
As a show of support for Ukraine after the illegal invasion in 2022, the WG aims to survey an are... more As a show of support for Ukraine after the illegal invasion in 2022, the WG aims to survey an area of 110x60km using images freely available on Google Earth and declassified HEXAGON satellite photographs from 1982 to produce a distribution map of identified archaeological features and database that will be accessible through an interactive ArcGIS web app. This note outlines the progress during the first six months.
AARGnews58, 2019
There is a need to archive images of archaeological sites taken by drones to ensure these potenti... more There is a need to archive images of archaeological sites taken by drones to ensure these potentially valuable records are not lost for future examination.
Knowledge-based image interpretation is a subjective process that converts the images recorded on... more Knowledge-based image interpretation is a subjective process that converts the images recorded on aerial photographs, satellite images and other remotely-sensed sources to information extracted during question-orientated examination. This contribution examines the ways that we look at photographs and how our reasons for looking will influence what we see. An example demonstrates the value of a photo reading exercise as it progresses through a series of questions that show how much information can be extracted from a single aerial image. Ways of working with photographs are noted and different levels of interpretation and mapping – and appropriate uses for these – are outlined. A final section links the results of image interpretation with other sources and shows how these can assist our understanding of the past.
The Impact of Aerial Reconnaissance on Archaeology. …, 1983
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1976
... Titre du document / Document title. Interrupted Ditch Enclosures in Britain: the Use of Aeria... more ... Titre du document / Document title. Interrupted Ditch Enclosures in Britain: the Use of Aerial Photography for Comparative Studies. Auteur(s) / Author(s). PALMER R. ; Résumé / Abstract. Mise en évidence de quatre groupes géographiques ...
Although rich in archaeological sites, the coastal slope of the Velebit Mountain Range is mostly ... more Although rich in archaeological sites, the coastal slope of the Velebit Mountain Range is mostly ar- chaeologically unexplored. Karst surface, maquis and weather conditions slow down the research and aggravate approach to known sites, as well as the discovery of new ones. Despite that, research of the mountain range has intensified in last few years, and field reconnaissance resulted in the dicovery of great number of new sites. In March 2012, aerial reconnaissance was conducted for the first time in the area of the Northern and Middle Velebit Mountains.
Archaeological remains in the area of the Velebit Mountains are today preserved as upstanding fea- tures (drystone walls and collapsed walls). Most of the sites are more clearly seen from the air because some remains are not visible due to maquis or because they lie on a karst surfce. The largest numbers of sites recorded from the air are prehistoric hillforts, whose number doubled after this research.
In addition to the discovery of new hillforts, we also revealed many features of hillforts which have not been recognized in the field until now. This resulted in many changes in the current groundplan of the localities.
With the hillforts, a number of sites are prehistoric and historic enclosures that were used for econom- ic purposes.
All data obtained within this airborne recording are processed in ArcGIS program. Photos of the sites are georeferenced and digital descriptions of the structures were made as well as digital terrain models of individual sites. The results enabled the precise mapping of all archaeological features in their land- scape and a better understanding of the changes that have taken place during the process of Romani- zation in this part of the Velebit Mountains.
An academic directory and search engine.
Populating Clay Landscapes, 2007
This book brings together, for the first time, a number of key investigations and insights into t... more This book brings together, for the first time, a number of key investigations and insights into the settlement of clay landscapes. Clay soils and geologies make up significant areas of Britain and Europe; however, until recently little archaeological investigation has been undertaken on such formations. With few archaeological surveys being conducted on clay environs, few sites are ever discovered, which re-affirms the view that claylands were unpopular landscapes in the past. This attitude towards clay has prevailed for many years and is only now beginning to be challenged by the increasing number of archaeological interventions upon clay landscapes. Not surprisingly, the more investigations that are carried out on clay soils and geologies, the more archaeology is found. As will be shown from the contributions in this book, the claylands of Britain and Europe were extensively utilised landscapes in the past, and through current ground and aerial archaeological surveys we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
Education in Aerial Remote Sensing for Archaeology
AARG Occasional Publication Series No 1 was published in April 2009. It focuses on Education in A... more AARG Occasional Publication Series No 1 was published in April 2009. It focuses on Education in Aerial Remote Sensing for Archaeology and includes the draft report of the AARG/EAC Working Group on Education, which is available for comment until the end of July 2009. The publication also has papers on the general theme of education that should be of interest to many.
Hambledon Hill, Dorset, England, Volumes 1 and 2, 2014
Brief report on the identification of a possible Neolithic causewayed enclosure from cropmarks, i... more Brief report on the identification of a possible Neolithic causewayed enclosure from cropmarks, including a description of the evidence and a discussion of other possible interpretations.
The Aerial Archaeology Research Group is an international forum for all involved in aerial photog... more The Aerial Archaeology Research Group is an international forum for all involved in aerial photography, space and airborne remote sensing, photo interpretation and mapping, archive research, field archaeology and landscape history. AARG hosts an annual conference, together with regular workshops, seminars and day schools. Members receive a biannual newsletter and preferential conference rates. Student and young‐ researcher participation at its meetings is encouraged through a generous bursary scheme. The primary mission of the Europae Archaeologiae Consilium is to support the management of the archaeological heritage throughout Europe and to serve the needs of national archaeological heritage management agencies by providing a forum for organisations to establish closer and more structured co‐operation and exchange of information.The EAC is dedicated to the exchange of information between its members about standards and best practice related to heritage
Interpreting Archaeological Topography, 2013
Antiquity, 2000
Although significant to societies at a local, regionaland national level for up to 6000 years, th... more Although significant to societies at a local, regionaland national level for up to 6000 years, the prehistoriclandscape of Avebury, Wiltshire, was formallyattributed the accolade of being 'globally important'in November 1986. At this time the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation(UNESCO) inscribed Avebury onto the growing listof World Heritage Sites (http://www.unesco.orglwhc), and along with England's most notorious prehistoricmonument,…
RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...
Il volume rappresenta il primo manuale in Italia dedicato alla ricognizione aerea a fini archeolo... more Il volume rappresenta il primo manuale in Italia dedicato alla ricognizione aerea a fini archeologici. Nella prima parte, Chris Musson espone i concetti di base, le metodologie e le applicazioni della ricognizione aerea esplorativa. In molti paesi questa tecnica di indagine ha contribuito in modo decisivo alla conoscenza del passato, aiutando a mettere in comunicazione il dato archeologico e la storia con il grande pubblico e costituendo inoltre un elemento di sensibilizzazione per la conservazione delle evidenze e dei paesaggi archeologici sempre più minacciati dalle attività edilizie, industriali ed agricole. Le conclusioni del “dialogo” tra l’archeologo aereo ed il paesaggio sottostante è conservato nelle stampe e nelle immagini digitali acquisite e archiviate dall’archeologo. Un archivio di centinaia o di migliaia di immagini ha ben poco valore se le informazioni in esso contenute non sono estrapolate attraverso il processo di interpretazione e di restituzione cartografica e ancora se la documentazione non viene organizzata in modo da renderle accessibili le informazioni a tutti i potenziali interessati. A questi argomenti è dedicata la Parte 2 del volume, Documentare il passato, redatta da Rog Palmer. Fino a pochi anni fa’ la restituzione cartografica da fotografie aeree oblique comportava grossi problemi di accuratezza metrica. Lo sviluppo negli ultimi due decenni di software dedicati consente ora di svolgere queste operazioni con semplicità, efficienza e a costi ridotti tramite l’impiego di comuni scanner da tavolo e personal computer. Attualmente le informazioni aeree acquisite sia nell’ambito di progetti ormai terminati sia in corso costituiscono una fonte perfettamente integrabile nel record archeologico. La seconda parte del volume si sofferma infine sull’utilità di far dialogare la fotografia aerea con altre fonti. A tale proposito Palmer insiste su come la simbiosi tra evidenza aerea e altri dati telerilevati, ricognizioni di superficie, scavi archeologici e fonti documentarie aumenta notevolmente le capacità dell’archeologo nella lettura delle dinamiche insediative e produttive di un territorio. La terza parte del volume intitolata Casi di studio e applicazioni di Chris Musson e Stefano Campana raccoglie esempi italiani allo scopo di illustrare usi e metodi della ricognizione aerea e della fotografia obliqua. La raccolta di fotografie proposta in questa sezione rappresenta solo una piccola anticipazione. Gli autori credono infatti questo libro sarà presto rimpiazzato o ripubblicato in un’edizione aggiornata nella quale presentare i nuovi risultati conseguiti dagli archeologi italiani nell’esplorazione e nella restituzione cartografica delle evidenze del passato. Riteniamo che col tempo questa metodologia aprirà in Italia, come è avvenuto in altre parti d’Europa, nuove prospettive, arricchendo i metodi da tempo affermati per l’esplorazione e interpretazione archeologica dei paesaggi. Nella Parte 4, In volo nel futuro, Stefano Campana insieme ad altri ricercatori, illustra la Scuola e il Workshop tenutisi a Siena nella primavera del 2001. Gli atti del convegno durato tre giorni al quale hanno partecipato più di 30 specialisti sono riproposti in forma selettiva al fine di presentare solo gli interventi rivolti a discutere le nuove metodologie di telerilevamento che saranno protagoniste degli anni a venire. Il volume si conclude con appendice tecnica e la bibliografia di riferimento per coloro che volessero approfondire gli argomenti trattati
Antiquity, 2000
Subdivided strip fields were widespread over most of lowland England before enclosure. Where data... more Subdivided strip fields were widespread over most of lowland England before enclosure. Where datable they seem to originate in the late Saxon period and their use survived into the 19th century in some places. In East Anglia and southeast England strips were usually ploughed flat, but in most of the Midlands they were cast up to form ‘ridge and furrow’. This ridging technique was once used in a central band stretching from County Durham in the north to Somerset in the southwest.
AARGnews, 2022
As a show of support for Ukraine after the illegal invasion in 2022, the WG aims to survey an are... more As a show of support for Ukraine after the illegal invasion in 2022, the WG aims to survey an area of 110x60km using images freely available on Google Earth and declassified HEXAGON satellite photographs from 1982 to produce a distribution map of identified archaeological features and database that will be accessible through an interactive ArcGIS web app. This note outlines the progress during the first six months.
AARGnews58, 2019
There is a need to archive images of archaeological sites taken by drones to ensure these potenti... more There is a need to archive images of archaeological sites taken by drones to ensure these potentially valuable records are not lost for future examination.
Knowledge-based image interpretation is a subjective process that converts the images recorded on... more Knowledge-based image interpretation is a subjective process that converts the images recorded on aerial photographs, satellite images and other remotely-sensed sources to information extracted during question-orientated examination. This contribution examines the ways that we look at photographs and how our reasons for looking will influence what we see. An example demonstrates the value of a photo reading exercise as it progresses through a series of questions that show how much information can be extracted from a single aerial image. Ways of working with photographs are noted and different levels of interpretation and mapping – and appropriate uses for these – are outlined. A final section links the results of image interpretation with other sources and shows how these can assist our understanding of the past.
The Impact of Aerial Reconnaissance on Archaeology. …, 1983
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1976
... Titre du document / Document title. Interrupted Ditch Enclosures in Britain: the Use of Aeria... more ... Titre du document / Document title. Interrupted Ditch Enclosures in Britain: the Use of Aerial Photography for Comparative Studies. Auteur(s) / Author(s). PALMER R. ; Résumé / Abstract. Mise en évidence de quatre groupes géographiques ...
Although rich in archaeological sites, the coastal slope of the Velebit Mountain Range is mostly ... more Although rich in archaeological sites, the coastal slope of the Velebit Mountain Range is mostly ar- chaeologically unexplored. Karst surface, maquis and weather conditions slow down the research and aggravate approach to known sites, as well as the discovery of new ones. Despite that, research of the mountain range has intensified in last few years, and field reconnaissance resulted in the dicovery of great number of new sites. In March 2012, aerial reconnaissance was conducted for the first time in the area of the Northern and Middle Velebit Mountains.
Archaeological remains in the area of the Velebit Mountains are today preserved as upstanding fea- tures (drystone walls and collapsed walls). Most of the sites are more clearly seen from the air because some remains are not visible due to maquis or because they lie on a karst surfce. The largest numbers of sites recorded from the air are prehistoric hillforts, whose number doubled after this research.
In addition to the discovery of new hillforts, we also revealed many features of hillforts which have not been recognized in the field until now. This resulted in many changes in the current groundplan of the localities.
With the hillforts, a number of sites are prehistoric and historic enclosures that were used for econom- ic purposes.
All data obtained within this airborne recording are processed in ArcGIS program. Photos of the sites are georeferenced and digital descriptions of the structures were made as well as digital terrain models of individual sites. The results enabled the precise mapping of all archaeological features in their land- scape and a better understanding of the changes that have taken place during the process of Romani- zation in this part of the Velebit Mountains.
An academic directory and search engine.
An academic directory and search engine.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 1977
... Article Outline. • References. Joelnoel oh Archaeological Science 1977, 4, 283290 A Computer ... more ... Article Outline. • References. Joelnoel oh Archaeological Science 1977, 4, 283290 A Computer Method for Transcribing Information Graphically from Oblique Aerial Photographs to Maps Rog Palmer a A method is outlined whereby the information on oblique aerial photographs ...