Rok Črešnar - (original) (raw)
Papers by Rok Črešnar
Journal of Business Research
This article investigates the impact of individual leadership values and capabilities on producti... more This article investigates the impact of individual leadership values and capabilities on productivity outcomes in a contemporary manufacturing setting of Industry 4.0. Values are antecedents to individual leadership capabilities, yet little is known about the fundamental value-capability mechanism in developing distinctive leadership capabilities. This study attempts to address the gap in the extant literature. We examine a sample of 622 leaders to observe their impact on previously unidentified channels of productivity improvement in the new industrial environment. The findings confirm that individual leadership values strongly influence leadership capability. However, the study illustrates that it is the type of values and capabilities that are paramount to encouraging effective productivity. The scholarship offers insights into how the technology and effective leadership outcomes can be operationalized to maximize productivity in an Industry 4.0 environment.
Journal of Business Research, 2023
This article investigates the impact of individual leadership values and capabilities on producti... more This article investigates the impact of individual leadership values and capabilities on productivity outcomes in a contemporary manufacturing setting of Industry 4.0. Values are antecedents to individual leadership capabilities, yet little is known about the fundamental value-capability mechanism in developing distinctive leadership capabilities. This study attempts to address the gap in the extant literature. We examine a sample of 622 leaders to observe their impact on previously unidentified channels of productivity improvement in the new industrial environment. The findings confirm that individual leadership values strongly influence leadership capability. However, the study illustrates that it is the type of values and capabilities that are paramount to encouraging effective productivity. The scholarship offers insights into how the technology and effective leadership outcomes can be operationalized to maximize productivity in an Industry 4.0 environment.
Research Anthology on Cross-Industry Challenges of Industry 4.0, 2021
The main purpose of this chapter is to consider how can the millennials' personal values impa... more The main purpose of this chapter is to consider how can the millennials' personal values impact employee productivity in the future organizational environment of Industry 4.0. In the modern business environment, major changes are happening in many fronts. On one hand, we have the phenomenon of digitalization and Industry 4.0, and on another hand, we see that the millennials are rapidly taking over important roles and positions in those organizations that are impacted by digitalization. If we consider the notion that the new industrial revolution behind Industry 4.0 will be based on major improvements in productivity due to the mediating effect of a technological revolution, then the role of employee productivity or better say the millennials' productivity will be paramount. This chapter shows that based on deep analysis of millennials' personal values worldwide, the millennials hold prominent personal values, which correspond well with Industry 4.0 readiness and competen...
The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the integration of employeesâ... more The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the integration of employees’ competencies into the models for assessing the readiness of organizations for Industry 4.0. Transformative changes of the business environment and subsequently of the organizations caused by the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, demand from employees to have new, better, and upgraded personal and professional competencies. A growing amount of literature indicates that increasingly multicultural and multidisciplinary business environment, which is also technologically advanced, will impact the aspects of personal and professional sides of employees’ competencies the most. However, with regards to the current models for assessing the readiness of organizations, their focus largely on the technological side of the transformation and subsequently the softer people-related aspects are understated. One of those understated aspects are competencies that are not considered as an independ...
Review of Managerial Science, 2022
It is commonly held that new technologies improve the productivity of organizations. However, tec... more It is commonly held that new technologies improve the productivity of organizations. However, technology acceptance does not happen instantaneously—it depends on complementary, non-technological changes in organizational behaviour. The lack of the latter may present a barrier to technology implementation and could even result in adverse effects on productivity. This is often the case in emerging economies that are deeply embedded in mature technological frameworks and with limited readiness for the adoption of new technologies. Using data from organizations in the manufacturing sector of an emerging European economy, we empirically tested the effects of technological and non-technological factors of the organizational implementation of Industry 4.0 principles on productivity. The results of the investigation, based on structural equation modelling, reveal the positive effects of technology-related Industry 4.0 factors—such as the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, and cloud computing—on productivity. The findings also reveal that these effects are enhanced by the mediating effect of non-technological changes to business models, organizational structures and cultures, strategies, and shifts in focus regarding customers, products, and services. This study adds to the existing body of knowledge in this area by revealing the relevance of the individual channels through which transitions towards Industry 4.0 can be enhanced, using traditional manufacturing environments often neglected in studies within this research field.
Review of Managerial Science, 2022
It is commonly held that new technologies improve the productivity of organizations. However, tec... more It is commonly held that new technologies improve the productivity of organizations. However, technology acceptance does not happen instantaneously—it depends on complementary, non-technological changes in organizational behaviour. The lack of the latter may present a barrier to technology implementation and could even result in adverse effects on productivity. This is often the case in emerging economies that are deeply embedded in mature technological frameworks and with limited readiness for the adoption of new technologies. Using data from organizations in the manufacturing sector of an emerging European economy, we empirically tested the effects of technological and non-technological factors of the organizational implementation of Industry 4.0 principles on productivity. The results of the investigation, based on structural equation modelling, reveal the positive effects of technology-related Industry 4.0 factors—such as the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, and cloud computing—on productivity. The findings also reveal that these effects are enhanced by the mediating effect of non-technological changes to business models, organizational structures and cultures, strategies, and shifts in focus regarding customers, products, and services. This study adds to the existing body of knowledge in this area by revealing the relevance of the individual channels through which transitions towards Industry 4.0 can be enhanced, using traditional manufacturing environments often neglected in studies within this research field.
This study combines two main challenges for organizations today, as it examines the alignment bet... more This study combines two main challenges for organizations today, as it examines the alignment between personal values of future leaders and the values needed in the Industry 4.0 workplace. Based on the movement of the organizational environment toward a more multidisciplinary, open, collaborative and multicultural environment, we presuppose that the Industry 4.0 workplace requires a more benevolent, universally oriented and generally self-transcended leaders. Drawing upon Schwartz’s value theory, we examine the impact of Generations Y and Z’s personal values on their leadership inclination. The results from the survey of 371 young participants from Generations Y and Z reveal that self-enhancement (i.e., power and achievement), openness to change and conservation values most significantly affect leadership inclination. Meanwhile, benevolence, universalism and general self-transcendence values—cornerstones of the Industry 4.0 workplace—show negative effects on leadership inclination i...
The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readine... more The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readiness of manufacturing organizations for the implementation of Industry 4.0. The originality of the research is reflected in the exploration of the relationship between the use of the selected well-known management tools and their readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.0, which was assessed using a combination of two models—one developed by the National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) and the other by the University of Warwick. The relationship was assessed by applying structural equation modeling techniques to a data set of 323 responses from employees in manufacturing organizations. The results show that the use of six sigma, total quality management, radio frequency identification, a balanced scorecard, rapid prototyping, customer segmentation, mission and vision statements, and digital transformation is positively associated with Industry 4.0 readiness. Inversely, o...
Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy
The main purpose of this paper is to assess a possible impact millennials will have on the future... more The main purpose of this paper is to assess a possible impact millennials will have on the future business environment of Industry 4.0, based on their personal value orientations. Millennials are taking over important roles in organizations, but their personal values are significantly different from those of older generations. This paper shows that, based on the Schwartz’s value survey with N=371 Slovenian respondents, millennials are in general more inclined toward values connected to personal growth and freedom from anxiety, emphasizing self-transcendence and openness to change, than toward self-protection and anxiety avoidance, understating conservation and self-enhancement values. These cognitions can have significant implications in shaping the future business environment of Industry 4.0, as it can become more open, understanding, collaborative, accepting, and generally more supporting, thus creating the evident millennials’ effect. Even though millennials are in general well p...
Dobro pocutje zaposlenih, je kljucnega pomena za uspesnost organizacije. Za vsako organizacijo je... more Dobro pocutje zaposlenih, je kljucnega pomena za uspesnost organizacije. Za vsako organizacijo je pomembno, da natancno pozna zadovoljstvo, psihicno dobro pocutje in raven motivacije svojih zaposlenih, kajti le zaposleni, ki ima zadovoljene temeljne potrebe lahko ucinkovito doprinese dodano vrednost podjetju. Teoreticni del seminarja je namenjen teoreticnim razlagam motivacijskih, osebnostnih in cloveskih teorij, ki opisujejo kako razlicni dejavniki, vplivajo na posameznika in kaj so posledice taksnih vplivov. Na psihicno dobro pocutje zaposlenih vpliva vec dejavnikov, kateri dejavniki pa bodo imeli na posameznika najvec vpliva, pa je odvisno samo od prioritet, ki jih ima zaposleni. Vsak posameznik mora imeti za dobro pocutje na delovnem mestu, zadovoljene temeljne clovekove potrebe po Maslowu, saj edino tako lahko zadovolji visje potrebe in deluje normalno. Notranji mir in zadovoljstvo se prenasata na vsa podrocja življenja, tako zasebnega, kot družabnega ali javnega, zato notranji...
Proizvodna podjetja vseskozi vlagajo napore v povecevanje produktivnosti ljudi in proizvodne opre... more Proizvodna podjetja vseskozi vlagajo napore v povecevanje produktivnosti ljudi in proizvodne opreme oz. želijo produktivnost zadržati vsaj na zadovoljivi ravni. Raziskovali smo produktivnost in poslovne procese, ki smo jih za potrebe raziskave preucevali iz tehnoloskega vidika in vidika cloveskega faktorja oz. dela. Preucevanje koncepta produktivnosti na taksen nacin, koristi predvsem proizvodnim podjetjem, saj le-ta vecino pozornosti namenjajo tehnologiji v proizvodnji ter zaposlenim. Ugotavljamo, da avtorji s tehnoloskimi procesi najpogosteje povezujejo tehnologijo, racunalnisko proizvodnjo in avtomatizacijo. Z delovnimi procesi, ki jih povezujemo s cloveskim faktorjem, pa avtorji namenjajo pozornost razporejanju dela, merjenju dela in specializaciji. Poslovne procese je potrebno ob predlogih za izboljsanje produktivnosti pogosto spremeniti. Radikalnost sprememb poslovnih procesov pa rangiramo od tistih najmanj radikalnih, ki so zgolj izboljsanje poslovnega procesa, do bolj radika...
The Role of Knowledge Transfer in Open Innovation
The main purpose of this chapter is to examine two widely used knowledge management strategies an... more The main purpose of this chapter is to examine two widely used knowledge management strategies and propose to each strategy complementary knowledge management tools that can help to encourage innovation, especially in the future Industry 4.0. Organizations are currently facing dynamic transitional changes and are becoming increasingly knowledge-based. Knowledge is an essential driver of innovation. Therefore, strategies must be implemented to support the knowledge management process. Strategies for knowledge management can be frequently oriented towards ICT or towards interpersonal relationships. For the support of knowledge management strategy, organizations may use technologies, techniques, and methods that are often referenced to as knowledge management tools. In Industry 4.0, strategically focused knowledge management could prove to be a critical component in securing the relevant knowledge to help foster innovation. Furthermore, the implementation of knowledge management strate...
Sensors, Jun 19, 2020
The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readine... more The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readiness of manufacturing organizations for the implementation of Industry 4.0. The originality of the research is reflected in the exploration of the relationship between the use of the selected well-known management tools and their readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.0, which was assessed using a combination of two models-one developed by the National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) and the other by the University of Warwick. The relationship was assessed by applying structural equation modeling techniques to a data set of 323 responses from employees in manufacturing organizations. The results show that the use of six sigma, total quality management, radio frequency identification, a balanced scorecard, rapid prototyping, customer segmentation, mission and vision statements, and digital transformation is positively associated with Industry 4.0 readiness. Inversely, outsourcing and strategic planning are negatively associated with Industry 4.0 readiness, while lean manufacturing, which is often emphasized as the cornerstone of Industry 4.0 implementation, is not associated with Industry 4.0 readiness in our study. These findings can help organizations to understand how to consider and measure readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.0 more comprehensively and present guidelines on how the use of management tools in manufacturing organizations can foster their implementation of Industry 4.0 principles.
Sustainability, May 28, 2020
This study combines two main challenges for organizations today, as it examines the alignment bet... more This study combines two main challenges for organizations today, as it examines the alignment between personal values of future leaders and the values needed in the Industry 4.0 workplace. Based on the movement of the organizational environment toward a more multidisciplinary, open, collaborative and multicultural environment, we presuppose that the Industry 4.0 workplace requires a more benevolent, universally oriented and generally self-transcended leaders. Drawing upon Schwartz's value theory, we examine the impact of Generations Y and Z's personal values on their leadership inclination. The results from the survey of 371 young participants from Generations Y and Z reveal that self-enhancement (i.e., power and achievement), openness to change and conservation values most significantly affect leadership inclination. Meanwhile, benevolence, universalism and general self-transcendence values-cornerstones of the Industry 4.0 workplace-show negative effects on leadership inclination in the frame of the Industry 4.0 workplace. This indicates a poor fit between the values of future leaders and the values of the Industry 4.0 workplace. These findings have significant implications for human resource management in future organizations and contribute to the understanding of future leaders. In addition, the findings can help organizations to manage sustainable workings in an Industry 4.0 environment.
17th International Conference on Management, Enterprise, Benchmarking At: Budapest, 2019
The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the integration of employees'... more The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the integration of employees' competencies into the models for assessing the readiness of organizations for Industry 4.0. Transformative changes of the business environment and subsequently of the organizations caused by the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, demand from employees to have new, better, and upgraded personal and professional competencies. A growing amount of literature indicates that increasingly multicultural and multidisciplinary business environment, which is also technologically advanced, will impact the aspects of personal and professional sides of employees' competencies the most. However, with regards to the current models for assessing the readiness of organizations, their focus largely on the technological side of the transformation and subsequently the softer people-related aspects are understated. One of those understated aspects are competencies that are not considered as an independent criterion, which can help to more comprehensively determine organizations' readiness for Industry 4.0.
Naše Gospodarstvo/Our Economy, Mar 30, 2019
The main purpose of this paper is to assess a possible impact millennials will have on the future... more The main purpose of this paper is to assess a possible impact millennials will have on the future business environment of Industry 4.0, based on their personal value orientations. Millennials are taking over important roles in organizations, but their personal values are significantly different from those of older generations. This paper shows that, based on the Schwartz's value survey with N=371 Slovenian respondents, millennials are in general more inclined toward values connected to personal growth and freedom from anxiety, emphasizing self-transcendence and openness to change, than toward self-protection and anxiety avoidance, understating conservation and self-enhancement values. These cognitions can have significant implications in shaping the future business environment of Industry 4.0, as it can become more open, understanding, collaborative, accepting, and generally more supporting, thus creating the evident millennials' effect. Even though millennials are in general well prepared for the future business environment, organizations will have to, in order to retain the millennials, reshape their current organizational environment to better reflect the millennials' views.
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the utilization of management tools in Slovenian man... more The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the utilization of management tools in Slovenian manufacturing organizations and assess the readiness of those organizations for the implementation of Industry 4.0 principles. Certain management tools, such as lean manufacturing, six sigma, RFID, knowledge management, etc. are due to their digital nature especially adapted to help organizations transition to Industry 4.0. Furthermore, we propose that management tools utilization can also serve as a valid indicator of organizations' readiness for Industry 4.0. According to our survey, Slovenian manufacturing organizations are not very well prepared to adopt Industry 4.0 principles and thus, their transition could be slower, more expensive, and generally more stressful. We find that in the forefront of utilization are management tools, which aim to support process optimization, i.e. benchmarking, outsourcing, and total quality management. Tools that typically aim to support digitalization and transition toward Industry 4.0 practices, like lean production and RFID, are currently not in the forefront.
Journal of Business Research
This article investigates the impact of individual leadership values and capabilities on producti... more This article investigates the impact of individual leadership values and capabilities on productivity outcomes in a contemporary manufacturing setting of Industry 4.0. Values are antecedents to individual leadership capabilities, yet little is known about the fundamental value-capability mechanism in developing distinctive leadership capabilities. This study attempts to address the gap in the extant literature. We examine a sample of 622 leaders to observe their impact on previously unidentified channels of productivity improvement in the new industrial environment. The findings confirm that individual leadership values strongly influence leadership capability. However, the study illustrates that it is the type of values and capabilities that are paramount to encouraging effective productivity. The scholarship offers insights into how the technology and effective leadership outcomes can be operationalized to maximize productivity in an Industry 4.0 environment.
Journal of Business Research, 2023
This article investigates the impact of individual leadership values and capabilities on producti... more This article investigates the impact of individual leadership values and capabilities on productivity outcomes in a contemporary manufacturing setting of Industry 4.0. Values are antecedents to individual leadership capabilities, yet little is known about the fundamental value-capability mechanism in developing distinctive leadership capabilities. This study attempts to address the gap in the extant literature. We examine a sample of 622 leaders to observe their impact on previously unidentified channels of productivity improvement in the new industrial environment. The findings confirm that individual leadership values strongly influence leadership capability. However, the study illustrates that it is the type of values and capabilities that are paramount to encouraging effective productivity. The scholarship offers insights into how the technology and effective leadership outcomes can be operationalized to maximize productivity in an Industry 4.0 environment.
Research Anthology on Cross-Industry Challenges of Industry 4.0, 2021
The main purpose of this chapter is to consider how can the millennials' personal values impa... more The main purpose of this chapter is to consider how can the millennials' personal values impact employee productivity in the future organizational environment of Industry 4.0. In the modern business environment, major changes are happening in many fronts. On one hand, we have the phenomenon of digitalization and Industry 4.0, and on another hand, we see that the millennials are rapidly taking over important roles and positions in those organizations that are impacted by digitalization. If we consider the notion that the new industrial revolution behind Industry 4.0 will be based on major improvements in productivity due to the mediating effect of a technological revolution, then the role of employee productivity or better say the millennials' productivity will be paramount. This chapter shows that based on deep analysis of millennials' personal values worldwide, the millennials hold prominent personal values, which correspond well with Industry 4.0 readiness and competen...
The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the integration of employeesâ... more The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the integration of employees’ competencies into the models for assessing the readiness of organizations for Industry 4.0. Transformative changes of the business environment and subsequently of the organizations caused by the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, demand from employees to have new, better, and upgraded personal and professional competencies. A growing amount of literature indicates that increasingly multicultural and multidisciplinary business environment, which is also technologically advanced, will impact the aspects of personal and professional sides of employees’ competencies the most. However, with regards to the current models for assessing the readiness of organizations, their focus largely on the technological side of the transformation and subsequently the softer people-related aspects are understated. One of those understated aspects are competencies that are not considered as an independ...
Review of Managerial Science, 2022
It is commonly held that new technologies improve the productivity of organizations. However, tec... more It is commonly held that new technologies improve the productivity of organizations. However, technology acceptance does not happen instantaneously—it depends on complementary, non-technological changes in organizational behaviour. The lack of the latter may present a barrier to technology implementation and could even result in adverse effects on productivity. This is often the case in emerging economies that are deeply embedded in mature technological frameworks and with limited readiness for the adoption of new technologies. Using data from organizations in the manufacturing sector of an emerging European economy, we empirically tested the effects of technological and non-technological factors of the organizational implementation of Industry 4.0 principles on productivity. The results of the investigation, based on structural equation modelling, reveal the positive effects of technology-related Industry 4.0 factors—such as the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, and cloud computing—on productivity. The findings also reveal that these effects are enhanced by the mediating effect of non-technological changes to business models, organizational structures and cultures, strategies, and shifts in focus regarding customers, products, and services. This study adds to the existing body of knowledge in this area by revealing the relevance of the individual channels through which transitions towards Industry 4.0 can be enhanced, using traditional manufacturing environments often neglected in studies within this research field.
Review of Managerial Science, 2022
It is commonly held that new technologies improve the productivity of organizations. However, tec... more It is commonly held that new technologies improve the productivity of organizations. However, technology acceptance does not happen instantaneously—it depends on complementary, non-technological changes in organizational behaviour. The lack of the latter may present a barrier to technology implementation and could even result in adverse effects on productivity. This is often the case in emerging economies that are deeply embedded in mature technological frameworks and with limited readiness for the adoption of new technologies. Using data from organizations in the manufacturing sector of an emerging European economy, we empirically tested the effects of technological and non-technological factors of the organizational implementation of Industry 4.0 principles on productivity. The results of the investigation, based on structural equation modelling, reveal the positive effects of technology-related Industry 4.0 factors—such as the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, and cloud computing—on productivity. The findings also reveal that these effects are enhanced by the mediating effect of non-technological changes to business models, organizational structures and cultures, strategies, and shifts in focus regarding customers, products, and services. This study adds to the existing body of knowledge in this area by revealing the relevance of the individual channels through which transitions towards Industry 4.0 can be enhanced, using traditional manufacturing environments often neglected in studies within this research field.
This study combines two main challenges for organizations today, as it examines the alignment bet... more This study combines two main challenges for organizations today, as it examines the alignment between personal values of future leaders and the values needed in the Industry 4.0 workplace. Based on the movement of the organizational environment toward a more multidisciplinary, open, collaborative and multicultural environment, we presuppose that the Industry 4.0 workplace requires a more benevolent, universally oriented and generally self-transcended leaders. Drawing upon Schwartz’s value theory, we examine the impact of Generations Y and Z’s personal values on their leadership inclination. The results from the survey of 371 young participants from Generations Y and Z reveal that self-enhancement (i.e., power and achievement), openness to change and conservation values most significantly affect leadership inclination. Meanwhile, benevolence, universalism and general self-transcendence values—cornerstones of the Industry 4.0 workplace—show negative effects on leadership inclination i...
The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readine... more The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readiness of manufacturing organizations for the implementation of Industry 4.0. The originality of the research is reflected in the exploration of the relationship between the use of the selected well-known management tools and their readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.0, which was assessed using a combination of two models—one developed by the National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) and the other by the University of Warwick. The relationship was assessed by applying structural equation modeling techniques to a data set of 323 responses from employees in manufacturing organizations. The results show that the use of six sigma, total quality management, radio frequency identification, a balanced scorecard, rapid prototyping, customer segmentation, mission and vision statements, and digital transformation is positively associated with Industry 4.0 readiness. Inversely, o...
Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy
The main purpose of this paper is to assess a possible impact millennials will have on the future... more The main purpose of this paper is to assess a possible impact millennials will have on the future business environment of Industry 4.0, based on their personal value orientations. Millennials are taking over important roles in organizations, but their personal values are significantly different from those of older generations. This paper shows that, based on the Schwartz’s value survey with N=371 Slovenian respondents, millennials are in general more inclined toward values connected to personal growth and freedom from anxiety, emphasizing self-transcendence and openness to change, than toward self-protection and anxiety avoidance, understating conservation and self-enhancement values. These cognitions can have significant implications in shaping the future business environment of Industry 4.0, as it can become more open, understanding, collaborative, accepting, and generally more supporting, thus creating the evident millennials’ effect. Even though millennials are in general well p...
Dobro pocutje zaposlenih, je kljucnega pomena za uspesnost organizacije. Za vsako organizacijo je... more Dobro pocutje zaposlenih, je kljucnega pomena za uspesnost organizacije. Za vsako organizacijo je pomembno, da natancno pozna zadovoljstvo, psihicno dobro pocutje in raven motivacije svojih zaposlenih, kajti le zaposleni, ki ima zadovoljene temeljne potrebe lahko ucinkovito doprinese dodano vrednost podjetju. Teoreticni del seminarja je namenjen teoreticnim razlagam motivacijskih, osebnostnih in cloveskih teorij, ki opisujejo kako razlicni dejavniki, vplivajo na posameznika in kaj so posledice taksnih vplivov. Na psihicno dobro pocutje zaposlenih vpliva vec dejavnikov, kateri dejavniki pa bodo imeli na posameznika najvec vpliva, pa je odvisno samo od prioritet, ki jih ima zaposleni. Vsak posameznik mora imeti za dobro pocutje na delovnem mestu, zadovoljene temeljne clovekove potrebe po Maslowu, saj edino tako lahko zadovolji visje potrebe in deluje normalno. Notranji mir in zadovoljstvo se prenasata na vsa podrocja življenja, tako zasebnega, kot družabnega ali javnega, zato notranji...
Proizvodna podjetja vseskozi vlagajo napore v povecevanje produktivnosti ljudi in proizvodne opre... more Proizvodna podjetja vseskozi vlagajo napore v povecevanje produktivnosti ljudi in proizvodne opreme oz. želijo produktivnost zadržati vsaj na zadovoljivi ravni. Raziskovali smo produktivnost in poslovne procese, ki smo jih za potrebe raziskave preucevali iz tehnoloskega vidika in vidika cloveskega faktorja oz. dela. Preucevanje koncepta produktivnosti na taksen nacin, koristi predvsem proizvodnim podjetjem, saj le-ta vecino pozornosti namenjajo tehnologiji v proizvodnji ter zaposlenim. Ugotavljamo, da avtorji s tehnoloskimi procesi najpogosteje povezujejo tehnologijo, racunalnisko proizvodnjo in avtomatizacijo. Z delovnimi procesi, ki jih povezujemo s cloveskim faktorjem, pa avtorji namenjajo pozornost razporejanju dela, merjenju dela in specializaciji. Poslovne procese je potrebno ob predlogih za izboljsanje produktivnosti pogosto spremeniti. Radikalnost sprememb poslovnih procesov pa rangiramo od tistih najmanj radikalnih, ki so zgolj izboljsanje poslovnega procesa, do bolj radika...
The Role of Knowledge Transfer in Open Innovation
The main purpose of this chapter is to examine two widely used knowledge management strategies an... more The main purpose of this chapter is to examine two widely used knowledge management strategies and propose to each strategy complementary knowledge management tools that can help to encourage innovation, especially in the future Industry 4.0. Organizations are currently facing dynamic transitional changes and are becoming increasingly knowledge-based. Knowledge is an essential driver of innovation. Therefore, strategies must be implemented to support the knowledge management process. Strategies for knowledge management can be frequently oriented towards ICT or towards interpersonal relationships. For the support of knowledge management strategy, organizations may use technologies, techniques, and methods that are often referenced to as knowledge management tools. In Industry 4.0, strategically focused knowledge management could prove to be a critical component in securing the relevant knowledge to help foster innovation. Furthermore, the implementation of knowledge management strate...
Sensors, Jun 19, 2020
The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readine... more The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readiness of manufacturing organizations for the implementation of Industry 4.0. The originality of the research is reflected in the exploration of the relationship between the use of the selected well-known management tools and their readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.0, which was assessed using a combination of two models-one developed by the National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) and the other by the University of Warwick. The relationship was assessed by applying structural equation modeling techniques to a data set of 323 responses from employees in manufacturing organizations. The results show that the use of six sigma, total quality management, radio frequency identification, a balanced scorecard, rapid prototyping, customer segmentation, mission and vision statements, and digital transformation is positively associated with Industry 4.0 readiness. Inversely, outsourcing and strategic planning are negatively associated with Industry 4.0 readiness, while lean manufacturing, which is often emphasized as the cornerstone of Industry 4.0 implementation, is not associated with Industry 4.0 readiness in our study. These findings can help organizations to understand how to consider and measure readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.0 more comprehensively and present guidelines on how the use of management tools in manufacturing organizations can foster their implementation of Industry 4.0 principles.
Sustainability, May 28, 2020
This study combines two main challenges for organizations today, as it examines the alignment bet... more This study combines two main challenges for organizations today, as it examines the alignment between personal values of future leaders and the values needed in the Industry 4.0 workplace. Based on the movement of the organizational environment toward a more multidisciplinary, open, collaborative and multicultural environment, we presuppose that the Industry 4.0 workplace requires a more benevolent, universally oriented and generally self-transcended leaders. Drawing upon Schwartz's value theory, we examine the impact of Generations Y and Z's personal values on their leadership inclination. The results from the survey of 371 young participants from Generations Y and Z reveal that self-enhancement (i.e., power and achievement), openness to change and conservation values most significantly affect leadership inclination. Meanwhile, benevolence, universalism and general self-transcendence values-cornerstones of the Industry 4.0 workplace-show negative effects on leadership inclination in the frame of the Industry 4.0 workplace. This indicates a poor fit between the values of future leaders and the values of the Industry 4.0 workplace. These findings have significant implications for human resource management in future organizations and contribute to the understanding of future leaders. In addition, the findings can help organizations to manage sustainable workings in an Industry 4.0 environment.
17th International Conference on Management, Enterprise, Benchmarking At: Budapest, 2019
The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the integration of employees'... more The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the integration of employees' competencies into the models for assessing the readiness of organizations for Industry 4.0. Transformative changes of the business environment and subsequently of the organizations caused by the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, demand from employees to have new, better, and upgraded personal and professional competencies. A growing amount of literature indicates that increasingly multicultural and multidisciplinary business environment, which is also technologically advanced, will impact the aspects of personal and professional sides of employees' competencies the most. However, with regards to the current models for assessing the readiness of organizations, their focus largely on the technological side of the transformation and subsequently the softer people-related aspects are understated. One of those understated aspects are competencies that are not considered as an independent criterion, which can help to more comprehensively determine organizations' readiness for Industry 4.0.
Naše Gospodarstvo/Our Economy, Mar 30, 2019
The main purpose of this paper is to assess a possible impact millennials will have on the future... more The main purpose of this paper is to assess a possible impact millennials will have on the future business environment of Industry 4.0, based on their personal value orientations. Millennials are taking over important roles in organizations, but their personal values are significantly different from those of older generations. This paper shows that, based on the Schwartz's value survey with N=371 Slovenian respondents, millennials are in general more inclined toward values connected to personal growth and freedom from anxiety, emphasizing self-transcendence and openness to change, than toward self-protection and anxiety avoidance, understating conservation and self-enhancement values. These cognitions can have significant implications in shaping the future business environment of Industry 4.0, as it can become more open, understanding, collaborative, accepting, and generally more supporting, thus creating the evident millennials' effect. Even though millennials are in general well prepared for the future business environment, organizations will have to, in order to retain the millennials, reshape their current organizational environment to better reflect the millennials' views.
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the utilization of management tools in Slovenian man... more The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the utilization of management tools in Slovenian manufacturing organizations and assess the readiness of those organizations for the implementation of Industry 4.0 principles. Certain management tools, such as lean manufacturing, six sigma, RFID, knowledge management, etc. are due to their digital nature especially adapted to help organizations transition to Industry 4.0. Furthermore, we propose that management tools utilization can also serve as a valid indicator of organizations' readiness for Industry 4.0. According to our survey, Slovenian manufacturing organizations are not very well prepared to adopt Industry 4.0 principles and thus, their transition could be slower, more expensive, and generally more stressful. We find that in the forefront of utilization are management tools, which aim to support process optimization, i.e. benchmarking, outsourcing, and total quality management. Tools that typically aim to support digitalization and transition toward Industry 4.0 practices, like lean production and RFID, are currently not in the forefront.