Roland Lami - (original) (raw)
Papers by Roland Lami
In this book, ideological confusion is explained based on the structuralfunctionalist perspective... more In this book, ideological confusion is explained based on the structuralfunctionalist perspective. Analysis of the phenomenon in question focuses mainly on the interdependence created between the "deeply-social" factors of and political discourse. This analysis is undertaken to better understand the circumstances that condition political parties on representing social categories in different social contexts and on showing the implications of political identity building based on the type of discourse used by the political actors.
In our context, the ideological confusion stems from the fact that neither of the two main partie... more In our context, the ideological confusion stems from the fact that neither of the two main parties, SP and DP fails to build an ideological (substantive) identity for itself and its electorate that is supposed to represent. Unable to build determinate social and political identities (rural or urban, liberal or conservative, cosmopolitan or nationalist, and so on), political parties mobilize the electorate mainly advocating the need for reforms, Euro-Atlantic integration processes, regardless of the implications concerning doctrinaire aspect. Thus, each of the political forces uses its discourse with elements of the Right and the Left, as a result of internal and external factors. This problem is explained based on the structural-functionalist perspective, while as method is used the method of critical analysis of the discourse to examine the qualitative data collected through the analysis of various documents.
Indeksi i Integritetit të Zgjedhjeve (IIZ) është një vlerësim i cilësisë së zgjedhjeve nga organi... more Indeksi i Integritetit të Zgjedhjeve (IIZ) është një vlerësim i cilësisë së zgjedhjeve nga organizatat e shoqërisë civile (OSHC) Shqiptare. IIZ synon të kontribuojë në përmirësimin e zgjedhjeve në Shqipëri dhe fuqizojë
përfshirjen e shoqërisë civile në proceset demokratike në vend.
Në zgjedhjet e fundit vendore OSHC-të u përfshinë në një sërë aktivitetesh monitoruese, vlerësuese dhe advokimi, duke e rritur ndjeshëm aktivizmin e tyre. Në këtë mënyrë OSHC-të morën një përgjegjësi dhe rol më të madh
në përpjekjet për përmirësimin e procesit zgjedhor dhe për konsolidimin e demokracisë në vend. Numri i OSHC-ve të përfshira në këto zgjedhje ishte më i madh se në
zgjedhje të mëparshme dhe përveç organizatave me qendër në Tiranë u
përfshinë dhe një numër organizatash që veprojnë në qytete të tjera. Mbështetja financiare për të mundësuar veprimtarinë e tyre ka ardhur pothuajse tërësisht nga donatorë të huaj. Mbështetja e OSHC-ve nga donatorë vendas mungoi pothuajse tërësisht në këto zgjedhje, megjithëse
donacionet për partitë politike nga këta donatorë arritën në shifra shumë milionëshe. IIZ vlerësoi zgjedhjet vendore të 21 Qershorit 2015 duke u mbështetur kryesisht në raporte të vëzhgimit të zgjedhjeve të përgatitura nga OSHC-të Shqiptare.
Masmediat dhe veзanлrisht televizioni, krijojnл kushte pлr lindjen e formave tл reja tл populizmi... more Masmediat dhe veзanлrisht televizioni, krijojnл kushte pлr lindjen e formave tл reja tл populizmit ose neopopulizmit. Nл kлtл kontekst, simbolizmi televiziv si gjetje estetike zлvendлson pлrmbajtjen politike. Politika nis tл pлrbлhet nga ca politikл, ca estetik dhe nga pak propagandл. Mesazhi politik ambalazhohet sipas kritereve mediatike dhe hidhet nл treg pлr konsum. Kjo prirje, e bлn problematike aspektin pлrmbajtлsor tл ligjлrimit. Jo pa arsye, termat pлrgjithлsues tл з'veshura nga pлrmbajtja doktrinare dominojnл tekstet e fjalimeve, deklaratave pлr shtyp dhe fushatat elektorale. Pikлrisht, ky fenomen, bлhet objekt analize nл kлtл punim. Abstract. Mass media, especially television, create conditions for the emergence of new forms of populism or neo-populism. In this context, symbolism created by television – considered esthetic finding – replaces the political content. The political message starts becoming a mixture of politics, esthetics and propaganda. This political message is cooked based on criteria of the media and becomes ready to be consumed in the market. The aspect related to the content of discourse becomes problematic. It is not without reason that speeches, press releases and campaign brochures are full of generalizing terms with no doctrinal content. This paper will analyze this phenomenon. Populizmi si koncept Populizmi nл vetvete, qoftл ai edhe nл versionin antipolitik, mund tл shihet si njл mлnyrл e zakonshme artikulimi tл popullit sipas Ernesto Laclau (2005:154). Tл tjerл autor, e shikojnл populizmin si njл retorikл politike qл i thjeshtлzon problemet nл maksimum dhe ofron zgjidhje tл pлrcipta pлr problemet qл shqetлsojnл grupe tл ndryshme shoqлrore. Pлr Meny & Surel (2002), " politikani populist e prezanton veten si njл njeri i zakonshлm qл i kupton njerлzit ndryshe nga elitat e korruptuara e tл paafta pлr tл qeverisur. Ai merr pлrsipлr tл pлrfaqлsojл tл gjithл tл paprivilegjuarit tл nлnvleftлsuarit apo tл papлrfaqлsuarit » (fq.14). Populistлt nл pлrgjithлsi, imagjinojnл njл botл tл thjeshtлzuar, nл tл cilлn konceptet e ndлrlikuara tл ekonomisл sл tregut, ndarjes se pushteteve, institucioneve te pavarura dhe shtetit tл sл drejtлs shpesh pлrbлjnл njл pengesл pлr plotлsimin e nevojave urgjente tл popullit. Idetл e tyre janл zakonisht tл thjeshtлzuara (Panizza, 2005). Nл qoftл se ka papunлsi, shteti duhet t'i punлsojл tл papunлt. Nл qoftл se kreditл janл me interesa tл larta, shteti duhet tл vendosл njл tavan pлr to. Nл qoftл se importet rrezikojnл prodhimin vendas, shteti duhet tл vendosл barriera ndaj tyre. Ne qofte se ka korrupsion duhen zлvendлsuar drejtuesit e institucioneve, e kлshtu me radhл. " Ndryshe nga tл gjitha
Blood feud is one of the most prominent elements of customary law that has been practiced in Alba... more Blood feud is one of the most prominent elements of customary law that has been practiced in Albania for centuries. It was an adequate tool of restoring justice while there was no independent Albanian state, but today it is a problematic extra-legal practice that negatively affects the socio-economic life of those involved in it. On the other hand, its existence undermines the very functioning of Albanian state institutions, public security and state legitimacy. Referring to systems theory, the phenomenon of blood feud is analysed here in three dimensions along which it presents itself as a problem to Albanian society: definition, control, and consensus. How can blood feud be adequately defined, so that no ambiguities and abuses result from it? How can it be controlled? How can one build consensus against blood feud as a social practice? We argue that blood feud should be defined as a legal sanction, which is also the way it is understood by those who practice it. Controlling blood feud is not a viable option if we are to hold to democratic values and human rights. Therefore, it is crucial to achieve consensus against this phenomenon, especially in those areas most affected by it. We argue that efforts must concentrate on strategies and mechanisms of trust building.
Aplikuara pranë Universitetit Europian të Tiranës. Ai ka fituar gradat Mastër në Sociologji dhe M... more Aplikuara pranë Universitetit Europian të Tiranës. Ai ka fituar gradat Mastër në Sociologji dhe Mastër në Studime Europiane nga Universiteti i Tiranës. Gjithashtu, ka përfunduar studimet doktorale në Shkenca Politike, po në Universitetin e Tiranës. Autori në fjalë ka botuar me dhjetëra artikuj në revista të njohura shkencore, kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare, si dhe ka shkruar rreth 150 artikuj në shtypin e përditshëm shqiptar. Ai është autor i librit "Njohuritë bazë të kërkimit në shkencat sociale", gjithashtu, përkthyes, në bashkëpunim me të tjerë, i tri teksteve universitare, siç janë: Sociological Theory ( George Ritzier, Douglas J. Goodman), The Bedford Guide for College Writers (X.J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, Marcia F. Muth) dhe Practical Ethics in Public Administration (Dean Geuras , Charles Garofalo).
Some distinguishable authors in the field sociology of communication such as: Watzlawick, Bavelas... more Some distinguishable authors in the field sociology of communication such as:
Watzlawick, Bavelas, Jackson (1967), Ruesch, Baterson (1951) have concluded that
deviant behavior is largely caused by lack of communication. They, argues that
psychopathology can be defined as a communication disorder.
Analyzingthephenomenoninthisperspectivetendstocontribute toexplain deviant behavior
of Albanian society during the transition period.
Many people, for different reasons, have changed residence and their previous status and
in this context have difficulties in understanding who they really are and what is their
mission in the new reality. The surrounding environment is conceptually
incomprehensible for them. For this reason, they are panicked that their sent messages
won’t be perceived by others.
This article presents an argument on the regional effects of migration on Albanian administration... more This article presents an argument on the regional effects of migration on Albanian administration-territorial reform and its consolidation. Many researchers of local politics support the thesis that an important demographic change is accompanied by a change related to the quality of service at local governance level. Compare to the western and eastern European countries, only in the early 1960s, Albania witnessed the introduction of the first regional and urban strategies. The strategy was used to limit the expansion of large towns and to encourage the development of small and medium-sized towns. Furthermore, there are a limited number of case studies based on migration data at regional level. This is why territorial reforms should often reflect on going demographic changes to minimize the effects caused by overpopulation or significant reduction of the number of population in a local unit with respect to quality of service offered to the citizen. We discuss the research question: How will the demographic development, i.e. natural development of population as well as internal migration, affect different types of Albanian regions? Furthermore, what is the impact of demographic movements on the quality of local governance?
Based on the interpretation of some regional units i.e. Tirana, Durres and Fier, it results that the demographic movements of the last twenty years in Albania have brought about some changes. For instance, in some local units, the number of inhabitants is significantly reduced, while in some other local units are overpopulated. This new reality leads to implications in economic, social and cultural aspects and most importantly we notice an increasing dependency of local government from the central government. We further claim that local and regional authorities must participate in accordance with the ‘partnership’ principle. Under these conditions, it is necessary to plan a new territorial division.
Abstract: One of the institutions that has played a very important role in the post-communist per... more Abstract: One of the institutions that has played a very important role in the post-communist period in Albania, is the International Monetary Fund (IMF). For pragmatic reasons or for guaranteeing their legitimacy, political parties have found it indispensable to cooperate with this institution. But, if we consider the role of the IMF from ideological perspectives, we would find that regardless of which party was in power (Socialist Party or Democratic Party) the respective government still has to follow its instructions and recommendations of a neoliberal nature. This behavior has prevented political parties, especially those of the left wing, to get structured from the perspective of ideological profile. For this reason, the entire discussion is mainly focused on the left-wing political perspective, as the principles of the right wing are closer to the IMF’s neoliberal philosophy, from the ideological standpoint.
% ABSTRACT% The% study% of% political% behavior% is% a% fundamental% issue% for% the% analysis% o... more % ABSTRACT% The% study% of% political% behavior% is% a% fundamental% issue% for% the% analysis% of% democratic% systems,% since% it% derives% the% choice% of% government.% This% is% why% many%researchers%have%paid%a%particular%attention%to%the%behavior%of%the%firstM time% voters.% During% these% years% a% number% of% studies% have% been% undertaken% to% identify% potential% variables% that% influence% the% behavior% of% the% electorate.% The% role% of% parents,% friends,% teachers,% school% programms,% during% adolescence% and% online% social% network,% are% ordered% as% key% factors% from% recent% research.% For% transition% democracy% countries,% like% Albania% is,% case% studies% regarding% voting% behavior%have%been%limited.%Therefore,%given%the%fact,%a%study%to%understand%the% influence% of% explanatory% variables% in% political% behavior% of% first% Albanian% voters-%was%conducted.%The%study%involved%about%280%questionnaires%and%the% survey% was% realized% in% a% period% of% 4% days.% The% survey% was% conducted% in% six% universities% in% Tirana,% such% as:% European% University% of% Tirana,% Epoka% University;% Beder% University;% Tirana% University;% Faculty% of% Social% Sciences;% University%of%Medicine%in%Tirana.%The%data%obtained%from%the%study,%confirmed% the% thesis% that% the% political% orientation% of% the% first% voters% in% suburban% areas,% affects%more%family%than%friends,%while%in%metropolitan%influences%more%group% and%online%social%networks%than%family.% #
In general, family structure and educational marketing overlap to considerable extend the prefere... more In general, family structure and educational marketing overlap to considerable extend the preferences
of graduates in the selection of their academic courses at the university. The data was collected
through a survey, from a sample of 192 first year students, who started their studies at the European
University of Tirana (UET), Albania to one particular programmer of study: Psychology, Sociology &
Anthropology, Communication and Public Relations, Communication Design, Political Science and
International Relations, immediately after their pre-university system. The survey asked questions
concerning the early period of who first stimulated them to apply to university (problem recognition),
how and when this occurred, through to the final decision of a course selection (evaluation of
The investigation of different students’ focus groups and survey present the direct, indirect and total
effects of the different variables construct their area of study. They show the weight of each variable in
the formation of the construct. The construct “influence of others”, seems to be more influenced, by
order of importance from the variables - the recommendation of secondary school teachers and the
recommendation of parents. Preliminary results indicate that students considered several criteria for
selecting an academic course, where most influential factors are parents and job prospect. This study
will help universities to promote their institutions and to have a greater knowledge about the underlying
motivations of students for furthering study in higher education and its choice process, helping
universities to improve their knowledge on how to deal with the influences that can form student
expectations and also in recruitment development strategies.
Keywords: academic marketing, choice factors, European University of Tirana, first-year students,
questionnaire, focus group.
In general, ideological labelling "left or right" of the electorate in Albania is often viewed sy... more In general, ideological labelling "left or right" of the electorate in Albania is often
viewed symbolically connected to a party or a certain leader, rather than the doctrinal content
of specific policies followed by a party. Several researchers, including Zechmeister (2001),
Mair (1990), Lippman and Dalton (1993), referring to countries with brief history of political
plurality, reach the conclusion that the ideology in these countries is often determined by the
symbolic use of the terms "left" and "right" by the political actors (i.e. representatives of
political parties) as well as by the reproduction of this symbolic in a higher degree by means
of the media than by means of the doctrinal content of the political programs. Regarding the
political behaviour in Albania, it is noticed that supporters of the two main parties, the DP
and SP, consider themselves "left" or "right" simply because they identify themselves with
the logo or the history of the party they adhere to, and do not analyse whether the programs
or policies implemented by either party are left or right concerning their content from the
doctrinal standpoint. In such a political reality, the role of the leader becomes crucial. The
electorate is reduced to a mere audience, while politics is "depoliticised", becoming an arena
of "war" between actors in individual levels. So, it is the form that overlaps the content and
not the opposite.
KEYWORDS: Conflict, Discourse, Hegemony, Leadership, Doctrine, Personalization
Social, political and economic reality in Albania has led to the debate on policy issues of left ... more Social, political and economic reality in Albania has led to the debate on policy issues of left and right specter at a specifically
theoretical and practical level. In order to shed light on the vagueness of ideological structuring of Albanian main parties, a
survey was undertaken. This survey would examine how the electorate of Tirana perceived the relation between the Albanian
politics and ideology. At the same time, the survey would assess the behavior of the voting electorate in relation to this
structuring of the Albanian political parties. The results of such a sociological research are very important because this
perception of Tirana electorate has a great impact on its voting behavior. Moreover, one third of the electorate of the Republic
of Albania lives in Tirana, having thus a very significant effect on the general opinion of the Albanian society.
Keywords: ideology, left, right, political parties, social context
In this article, ideological confusion is explained based on the structural-functionalist perspec... more In this article, ideological confusion is explained based on the structural-functionalist
perspective. Analysis of the phenomenon in question focuses mainly on the interdependence created
between the “deeply-social” factors of and political discourse. This analysis is undertaken to better
understand the circumstances that condition political parties on representing social categories in
different social contexts and on showing the implications of political identity building based on the
type of discourse used by the political actors.
Heywood (2002), Ostrogorski (2008), Michels (1915) support the thesis that the effects of elector... more Heywood (2002), Ostrogorski (2008), Michels (1915) support the thesis that the effects of electoral systems have long-term impact on the parties system, the organization of the ideological spectrum, the nature of competition and internal democracy. This paper will analyze the implications of the electoral system concerning the internal democracy of political parties. As a case study I will refer to the two major parties, Democratic Party and Socialist Party. After modifying the electoral system in 2008, components such as: procedure for selecting the MP candidates, the importance of structures regarding their proposal and approval, the rapport between the electors and the elected, the diversity of positions or opinions within leading forums as well as the role of leadership, have further worsened the level of internal democracy. These variables are examined based on two recent elections, respectively the parliamentary elections of 2009 and local elections of 2011. The methodology used in this study based on primary resource utilization and secondary
The situation in the region occasionally shows a climate of tension between populations with diff... more The situation in the region occasionally shows a climate of tension between populations with different national
identities. Social facts demonstrate that in terms of media multiculturalism, differentiation and division between ethnic
communities are increased. This has happened because each medium is mono-cultural, has its own identity, even a very
strong identity, due to its “neighbors”, TVs and radio stations associated with cultural communities sharing the same
territorial space. Under these conditions, ethnic and national communities live within a certain multicultural landscape, but
these communities as an audience, follow a number of media selected according to strict ethnical criteria. Unfortunately,
freedom of expression still does not ensure the coexistence of different national groups. It may even happen that freedom of
expression worsens this coexistence.
Keywords: Multiculturalism, Ethnicity, Semiotics, Codification, Media, Conflict
Based on theoretical perspective of some distinguishable authors in the field of sociology of com... more Based on theoretical perspective of some distinguishable authors in the field of sociology of communication, it will be intended
to defend the hypothesis that non-communication between individuals or social groups during socializing processes produces
problems related to psychosocial nature. Here, it is not the case that the actors of communication, such as “provider” and
“recipient”, face organic difficulties to capture or make their message accessible, but the fact that they do not understand the
codes through which they transmit messages and therefore misunderstand the roles as a result of miscomprehending these
messages.Exactly, this discrepancy between roles and codes of communication along the socialization process produces a
state of “stagnation” of social conventions and confusion of roles. Analyzing the phenomenon in this perspective tends to
contribute to the understanding of the Albanian context, as frequent demographic changes during last two decades, inside and
outside the territory, have led to difficulties for some social groups or individuals to be integrated into new social realities.
Liberal theories attribute an inherent value to the market as a regulator of the ratio between th... more Liberal theories attribute an inherent value to the market as a regulator of the ratio
between the demand and the offer, underestimating some essential problems. The paper
focuses precisely on this dimension. The asymmetry, created between new jobs dictated by
the market and the orientation of the demand in universities to ensure the relevant
qualifications, in many cases, gives rise to an artificial demand and an inflation of degrees.
This reality caused by market dynamism, reflects the inflationary criteria that are determined
by the employer in order to select the most qualified candidate for the job. In many cases,
there is a gap between the nature of the work position and the over-qualification of the person
who will fulfill such position. On the other hand, the cost of ensuring the qualification of the
employer is much less than the cost of benefiting from certain workplace.
KEYWORDS: Market, Liberals, Inflation of Degrees, Qualification, Cost
In this book, ideological confusion is explained based on the structuralfunctionalist perspective... more In this book, ideological confusion is explained based on the structuralfunctionalist perspective. Analysis of the phenomenon in question focuses mainly on the interdependence created between the "deeply-social" factors of and political discourse. This analysis is undertaken to better understand the circumstances that condition political parties on representing social categories in different social contexts and on showing the implications of political identity building based on the type of discourse used by the political actors.
In our context, the ideological confusion stems from the fact that neither of the two main partie... more In our context, the ideological confusion stems from the fact that neither of the two main parties, SP and DP fails to build an ideological (substantive) identity for itself and its electorate that is supposed to represent. Unable to build determinate social and political identities (rural or urban, liberal or conservative, cosmopolitan or nationalist, and so on), political parties mobilize the electorate mainly advocating the need for reforms, Euro-Atlantic integration processes, regardless of the implications concerning doctrinaire aspect. Thus, each of the political forces uses its discourse with elements of the Right and the Left, as a result of internal and external factors. This problem is explained based on the structural-functionalist perspective, while as method is used the method of critical analysis of the discourse to examine the qualitative data collected through the analysis of various documents.
Indeksi i Integritetit të Zgjedhjeve (IIZ) është një vlerësim i cilësisë së zgjedhjeve nga organi... more Indeksi i Integritetit të Zgjedhjeve (IIZ) është një vlerësim i cilësisë së zgjedhjeve nga organizatat e shoqërisë civile (OSHC) Shqiptare. IIZ synon të kontribuojë në përmirësimin e zgjedhjeve në Shqipëri dhe fuqizojë
përfshirjen e shoqërisë civile në proceset demokratike në vend.
Në zgjedhjet e fundit vendore OSHC-të u përfshinë në një sërë aktivitetesh monitoruese, vlerësuese dhe advokimi, duke e rritur ndjeshëm aktivizmin e tyre. Në këtë mënyrë OSHC-të morën një përgjegjësi dhe rol më të madh
në përpjekjet për përmirësimin e procesit zgjedhor dhe për konsolidimin e demokracisë në vend. Numri i OSHC-ve të përfshira në këto zgjedhje ishte më i madh se në
zgjedhje të mëparshme dhe përveç organizatave me qendër në Tiranë u
përfshinë dhe një numër organizatash që veprojnë në qytete të tjera. Mbështetja financiare për të mundësuar veprimtarinë e tyre ka ardhur pothuajse tërësisht nga donatorë të huaj. Mbështetja e OSHC-ve nga donatorë vendas mungoi pothuajse tërësisht në këto zgjedhje, megjithëse
donacionet për partitë politike nga këta donatorë arritën në shifra shumë milionëshe. IIZ vlerësoi zgjedhjet vendore të 21 Qershorit 2015 duke u mbështetur kryesisht në raporte të vëzhgimit të zgjedhjeve të përgatitura nga OSHC-të Shqiptare.
Masmediat dhe veзanлrisht televizioni, krijojnл kushte pлr lindjen e formave tл reja tл populizmi... more Masmediat dhe veзanлrisht televizioni, krijojnл kushte pлr lindjen e formave tл reja tл populizmit ose neopopulizmit. Nл kлtл kontekst, simbolizmi televiziv si gjetje estetike zлvendлson pлrmbajtjen politike. Politika nis tл pлrbлhet nga ca politikл, ca estetik dhe nga pak propagandл. Mesazhi politik ambalazhohet sipas kritereve mediatike dhe hidhet nл treg pлr konsum. Kjo prirje, e bлn problematike aspektin pлrmbajtлsor tл ligjлrimit. Jo pa arsye, termat pлrgjithлsues tл з'veshura nga pлrmbajtja doktrinare dominojnл tekstet e fjalimeve, deklaratave pлr shtyp dhe fushatat elektorale. Pikлrisht, ky fenomen, bлhet objekt analize nл kлtл punim. Abstract. Mass media, especially television, create conditions for the emergence of new forms of populism or neo-populism. In this context, symbolism created by television – considered esthetic finding – replaces the political content. The political message starts becoming a mixture of politics, esthetics and propaganda. This political message is cooked based on criteria of the media and becomes ready to be consumed in the market. The aspect related to the content of discourse becomes problematic. It is not without reason that speeches, press releases and campaign brochures are full of generalizing terms with no doctrinal content. This paper will analyze this phenomenon. Populizmi si koncept Populizmi nл vetvete, qoftл ai edhe nл versionin antipolitik, mund tл shihet si njл mлnyrл e zakonshme artikulimi tл popullit sipas Ernesto Laclau (2005:154). Tл tjerл autor, e shikojnл populizmin si njл retorikл politike qл i thjeshtлzon problemet nл maksimum dhe ofron zgjidhje tл pлrcipta pлr problemet qл shqetлsojnл grupe tл ndryshme shoqлrore. Pлr Meny & Surel (2002), " politikani populist e prezanton veten si njл njeri i zakonshлm qл i kupton njerлzit ndryshe nga elitat e korruptuara e tл paafta pлr tл qeverisur. Ai merr pлrsipлr tл pлrfaqлsojл tл gjithл tл paprivilegjuarit tл nлnvleftлsuarit apo tл papлrfaqлsuarit » (fq.14). Populistлt nл pлrgjithлsi, imagjinojnл njл botл tл thjeshtлzuar, nл tл cilлn konceptet e ndлrlikuara tл ekonomisл sл tregut, ndarjes se pushteteve, institucioneve te pavarura dhe shtetit tл sл drejtлs shpesh pлrbлjnл njл pengesл pлr plotлsimin e nevojave urgjente tл popullit. Idetл e tyre janл zakonisht tл thjeshtлzuara (Panizza, 2005). Nл qoftл se ka papunлsi, shteti duhet t'i punлsojл tл papunлt. Nл qoftл se kreditл janл me interesa tл larta, shteti duhet tл vendosл njл tavan pлr to. Nл qoftл se importet rrezikojnл prodhimin vendas, shteti duhet tл vendosл barriera ndaj tyre. Ne qofte se ka korrupsion duhen zлvendлsuar drejtuesit e institucioneve, e kлshtu me radhл. " Ndryshe nga tл gjitha
Blood feud is one of the most prominent elements of customary law that has been practiced in Alba... more Blood feud is one of the most prominent elements of customary law that has been practiced in Albania for centuries. It was an adequate tool of restoring justice while there was no independent Albanian state, but today it is a problematic extra-legal practice that negatively affects the socio-economic life of those involved in it. On the other hand, its existence undermines the very functioning of Albanian state institutions, public security and state legitimacy. Referring to systems theory, the phenomenon of blood feud is analysed here in three dimensions along which it presents itself as a problem to Albanian society: definition, control, and consensus. How can blood feud be adequately defined, so that no ambiguities and abuses result from it? How can it be controlled? How can one build consensus against blood feud as a social practice? We argue that blood feud should be defined as a legal sanction, which is also the way it is understood by those who practice it. Controlling blood feud is not a viable option if we are to hold to democratic values and human rights. Therefore, it is crucial to achieve consensus against this phenomenon, especially in those areas most affected by it. We argue that efforts must concentrate on strategies and mechanisms of trust building.
Aplikuara pranë Universitetit Europian të Tiranës. Ai ka fituar gradat Mastër në Sociologji dhe M... more Aplikuara pranë Universitetit Europian të Tiranës. Ai ka fituar gradat Mastër në Sociologji dhe Mastër në Studime Europiane nga Universiteti i Tiranës. Gjithashtu, ka përfunduar studimet doktorale në Shkenca Politike, po në Universitetin e Tiranës. Autori në fjalë ka botuar me dhjetëra artikuj në revista të njohura shkencore, kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare, si dhe ka shkruar rreth 150 artikuj në shtypin e përditshëm shqiptar. Ai është autor i librit "Njohuritë bazë të kërkimit në shkencat sociale", gjithashtu, përkthyes, në bashkëpunim me të tjerë, i tri teksteve universitare, siç janë: Sociological Theory ( George Ritzier, Douglas J. Goodman), The Bedford Guide for College Writers (X.J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, Marcia F. Muth) dhe Practical Ethics in Public Administration (Dean Geuras , Charles Garofalo).
Some distinguishable authors in the field sociology of communication such as: Watzlawick, Bavelas... more Some distinguishable authors in the field sociology of communication such as:
Watzlawick, Bavelas, Jackson (1967), Ruesch, Baterson (1951) have concluded that
deviant behavior is largely caused by lack of communication. They, argues that
psychopathology can be defined as a communication disorder.
Analyzingthephenomenoninthisperspectivetendstocontribute toexplain deviant behavior
of Albanian society during the transition period.
Many people, for different reasons, have changed residence and their previous status and
in this context have difficulties in understanding who they really are and what is their
mission in the new reality. The surrounding environment is conceptually
incomprehensible for them. For this reason, they are panicked that their sent messages
won’t be perceived by others.
This article presents an argument on the regional effects of migration on Albanian administration... more This article presents an argument on the regional effects of migration on Albanian administration-territorial reform and its consolidation. Many researchers of local politics support the thesis that an important demographic change is accompanied by a change related to the quality of service at local governance level. Compare to the western and eastern European countries, only in the early 1960s, Albania witnessed the introduction of the first regional and urban strategies. The strategy was used to limit the expansion of large towns and to encourage the development of small and medium-sized towns. Furthermore, there are a limited number of case studies based on migration data at regional level. This is why territorial reforms should often reflect on going demographic changes to minimize the effects caused by overpopulation or significant reduction of the number of population in a local unit with respect to quality of service offered to the citizen. We discuss the research question: How will the demographic development, i.e. natural development of population as well as internal migration, affect different types of Albanian regions? Furthermore, what is the impact of demographic movements on the quality of local governance?
Based on the interpretation of some regional units i.e. Tirana, Durres and Fier, it results that the demographic movements of the last twenty years in Albania have brought about some changes. For instance, in some local units, the number of inhabitants is significantly reduced, while in some other local units are overpopulated. This new reality leads to implications in economic, social and cultural aspects and most importantly we notice an increasing dependency of local government from the central government. We further claim that local and regional authorities must participate in accordance with the ‘partnership’ principle. Under these conditions, it is necessary to plan a new territorial division.
Abstract: One of the institutions that has played a very important role in the post-communist per... more Abstract: One of the institutions that has played a very important role in the post-communist period in Albania, is the International Monetary Fund (IMF). For pragmatic reasons or for guaranteeing their legitimacy, political parties have found it indispensable to cooperate with this institution. But, if we consider the role of the IMF from ideological perspectives, we would find that regardless of which party was in power (Socialist Party or Democratic Party) the respective government still has to follow its instructions and recommendations of a neoliberal nature. This behavior has prevented political parties, especially those of the left wing, to get structured from the perspective of ideological profile. For this reason, the entire discussion is mainly focused on the left-wing political perspective, as the principles of the right wing are closer to the IMF’s neoliberal philosophy, from the ideological standpoint.
% ABSTRACT% The% study% of% political% behavior% is% a% fundamental% issue% for% the% analysis% o... more % ABSTRACT% The% study% of% political% behavior% is% a% fundamental% issue% for% the% analysis% of% democratic% systems,% since% it% derives% the% choice% of% government.% This% is% why% many%researchers%have%paid%a%particular%attention%to%the%behavior%of%the%firstM time% voters.% During% these% years% a% number% of% studies% have% been% undertaken% to% identify% potential% variables% that% influence% the% behavior% of% the% electorate.% The% role% of% parents,% friends,% teachers,% school% programms,% during% adolescence% and% online% social% network,% are% ordered% as% key% factors% from% recent% research.% For% transition% democracy% countries,% like% Albania% is,% case% studies% regarding% voting% behavior%have%been%limited.%Therefore,%given%the%fact,%a%study%to%understand%the% influence% of% explanatory% variables% in% political% behavior% of% first% Albanian% voters-%was%conducted.%The%study%involved%about%280%questionnaires%and%the% survey% was% realized% in% a% period% of% 4% days.% The% survey% was% conducted% in% six% universities% in% Tirana,% such% as:% European% University% of% Tirana,% Epoka% University;% Beder% University;% Tirana% University;% Faculty% of% Social% Sciences;% University%of%Medicine%in%Tirana.%The%data%obtained%from%the%study,%confirmed% the% thesis% that% the% political% orientation% of% the% first% voters% in% suburban% areas,% affects%more%family%than%friends,%while%in%metropolitan%influences%more%group% and%online%social%networks%than%family.% #
In general, family structure and educational marketing overlap to considerable extend the prefere... more In general, family structure and educational marketing overlap to considerable extend the preferences
of graduates in the selection of their academic courses at the university. The data was collected
through a survey, from a sample of 192 first year students, who started their studies at the European
University of Tirana (UET), Albania to one particular programmer of study: Psychology, Sociology &
Anthropology, Communication and Public Relations, Communication Design, Political Science and
International Relations, immediately after their pre-university system. The survey asked questions
concerning the early period of who first stimulated them to apply to university (problem recognition),
how and when this occurred, through to the final decision of a course selection (evaluation of
The investigation of different students’ focus groups and survey present the direct, indirect and total
effects of the different variables construct their area of study. They show the weight of each variable in
the formation of the construct. The construct “influence of others”, seems to be more influenced, by
order of importance from the variables - the recommendation of secondary school teachers and the
recommendation of parents. Preliminary results indicate that students considered several criteria for
selecting an academic course, where most influential factors are parents and job prospect. This study
will help universities to promote their institutions and to have a greater knowledge about the underlying
motivations of students for furthering study in higher education and its choice process, helping
universities to improve their knowledge on how to deal with the influences that can form student
expectations and also in recruitment development strategies.
Keywords: academic marketing, choice factors, European University of Tirana, first-year students,
questionnaire, focus group.
In general, ideological labelling "left or right" of the electorate in Albania is often viewed sy... more In general, ideological labelling "left or right" of the electorate in Albania is often
viewed symbolically connected to a party or a certain leader, rather than the doctrinal content
of specific policies followed by a party. Several researchers, including Zechmeister (2001),
Mair (1990), Lippman and Dalton (1993), referring to countries with brief history of political
plurality, reach the conclusion that the ideology in these countries is often determined by the
symbolic use of the terms "left" and "right" by the political actors (i.e. representatives of
political parties) as well as by the reproduction of this symbolic in a higher degree by means
of the media than by means of the doctrinal content of the political programs. Regarding the
political behaviour in Albania, it is noticed that supporters of the two main parties, the DP
and SP, consider themselves "left" or "right" simply because they identify themselves with
the logo or the history of the party they adhere to, and do not analyse whether the programs
or policies implemented by either party are left or right concerning their content from the
doctrinal standpoint. In such a political reality, the role of the leader becomes crucial. The
electorate is reduced to a mere audience, while politics is "depoliticised", becoming an arena
of "war" between actors in individual levels. So, it is the form that overlaps the content and
not the opposite.
KEYWORDS: Conflict, Discourse, Hegemony, Leadership, Doctrine, Personalization
Social, political and economic reality in Albania has led to the debate on policy issues of left ... more Social, political and economic reality in Albania has led to the debate on policy issues of left and right specter at a specifically
theoretical and practical level. In order to shed light on the vagueness of ideological structuring of Albanian main parties, a
survey was undertaken. This survey would examine how the electorate of Tirana perceived the relation between the Albanian
politics and ideology. At the same time, the survey would assess the behavior of the voting electorate in relation to this
structuring of the Albanian political parties. The results of such a sociological research are very important because this
perception of Tirana electorate has a great impact on its voting behavior. Moreover, one third of the electorate of the Republic
of Albania lives in Tirana, having thus a very significant effect on the general opinion of the Albanian society.
Keywords: ideology, left, right, political parties, social context
In this article, ideological confusion is explained based on the structural-functionalist perspec... more In this article, ideological confusion is explained based on the structural-functionalist
perspective. Analysis of the phenomenon in question focuses mainly on the interdependence created
between the “deeply-social” factors of and political discourse. This analysis is undertaken to better
understand the circumstances that condition political parties on representing social categories in
different social contexts and on showing the implications of political identity building based on the
type of discourse used by the political actors.
Heywood (2002), Ostrogorski (2008), Michels (1915) support the thesis that the effects of elector... more Heywood (2002), Ostrogorski (2008), Michels (1915) support the thesis that the effects of electoral systems have long-term impact on the parties system, the organization of the ideological spectrum, the nature of competition and internal democracy. This paper will analyze the implications of the electoral system concerning the internal democracy of political parties. As a case study I will refer to the two major parties, Democratic Party and Socialist Party. After modifying the electoral system in 2008, components such as: procedure for selecting the MP candidates, the importance of structures regarding their proposal and approval, the rapport between the electors and the elected, the diversity of positions or opinions within leading forums as well as the role of leadership, have further worsened the level of internal democracy. These variables are examined based on two recent elections, respectively the parliamentary elections of 2009 and local elections of 2011. The methodology used in this study based on primary resource utilization and secondary
The situation in the region occasionally shows a climate of tension between populations with diff... more The situation in the region occasionally shows a climate of tension between populations with different national
identities. Social facts demonstrate that in terms of media multiculturalism, differentiation and division between ethnic
communities are increased. This has happened because each medium is mono-cultural, has its own identity, even a very
strong identity, due to its “neighbors”, TVs and radio stations associated with cultural communities sharing the same
territorial space. Under these conditions, ethnic and national communities live within a certain multicultural landscape, but
these communities as an audience, follow a number of media selected according to strict ethnical criteria. Unfortunately,
freedom of expression still does not ensure the coexistence of different national groups. It may even happen that freedom of
expression worsens this coexistence.
Keywords: Multiculturalism, Ethnicity, Semiotics, Codification, Media, Conflict
Based on theoretical perspective of some distinguishable authors in the field of sociology of com... more Based on theoretical perspective of some distinguishable authors in the field of sociology of communication, it will be intended
to defend the hypothesis that non-communication between individuals or social groups during socializing processes produces
problems related to psychosocial nature. Here, it is not the case that the actors of communication, such as “provider” and
“recipient”, face organic difficulties to capture or make their message accessible, but the fact that they do not understand the
codes through which they transmit messages and therefore misunderstand the roles as a result of miscomprehending these
messages.Exactly, this discrepancy between roles and codes of communication along the socialization process produces a
state of “stagnation” of social conventions and confusion of roles. Analyzing the phenomenon in this perspective tends to
contribute to the understanding of the Albanian context, as frequent demographic changes during last two decades, inside and
outside the territory, have led to difficulties for some social groups or individuals to be integrated into new social realities.
Liberal theories attribute an inherent value to the market as a regulator of the ratio between th... more Liberal theories attribute an inherent value to the market as a regulator of the ratio
between the demand and the offer, underestimating some essential problems. The paper
focuses precisely on this dimension. The asymmetry, created between new jobs dictated by
the market and the orientation of the demand in universities to ensure the relevant
qualifications, in many cases, gives rise to an artificial demand and an inflation of degrees.
This reality caused by market dynamism, reflects the inflationary criteria that are determined
by the employer in order to select the most qualified candidate for the job. In many cases,
there is a gap between the nature of the work position and the over-qualification of the person
who will fulfill such position. On the other hand, the cost of ensuring the qualification of the
employer is much less than the cost of benefiting from certain workplace.
KEYWORDS: Market, Liberals, Inflation of Degrees, Qualification, Cost