Rolf Fasting - (original) (raw)

Papers by Rolf Fasting

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusion through the concept of adapted education : a review of the Norwegian challenges

Inclusion has since the UNESCO conference in 1994, been the global denominator and ideology of mo... more Inclusion has since the UNESCO conference in 1994, been the global denominator and ideology of most western societies school policies and practises. The debate has mostly focused on how to respond to and facilitate education for the diversity of pupils within the public school. In Norway, the debate about inclusion has not captured the same attention, and instead the focus has been on how to understand and implement the principle of adapted education. The principles of inclusion and adapted education have common denominators, implying sensitivity and responsibility towards the multiplicity of pupils. In educational settings inclusion also comprises that schooling from its outset should be designed with pupils’ diversity in mind. The aim of the paper is to discuss inclusive education with a particular view to Norwegian education and special education policy and practise. The paper describes and discusses educational trends from the establishment of the Norwegian compulsory school in the first half of the 1900 sensory up to current challenges in the latter years. In the end of the paper, some current challenges regarding the implementation of an inclusive school are discussed in the light of findings showing a growing body of pupils advised to special education.

Research paper thumbnail of PP-tjenesten som inkluderingsagent: retorikk eller handling?

Psykologi i kommunen (PIK), Jun 4, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Kan skriveferdigheter måles?

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Getting behind assessment and learning in secondary school music: A case study approach

Dieser Aufsatz will versuchen, die engen Verbindungen zwischen Lehren, Lernen und Beurteilung im ... more Dieser Aufsatz will versuchen, die engen Verbindungen zwischen Lehren, Lernen und Beurteilung im Schulfach Musik zu erforschen und zu verstehen. Musikstunden in der Sekundarstufe I sind empirisch mit dem Ziel erforscht worden, gultige und zuverlassige Informationen uber Lernen und Beurteilungsverfahren im Musikunterricht einzuholen. Der Aufsatz macht geltend, dass ein derartiges Verstandnis eine umfassende Kenntnis des Phanomens der schulischen Beurteilung an sich erfordert. Zusatzlich muss das Fach Musik in der Schule kontextabhangig als Rahmenbedingung in Betracht gezogen werden, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Lehren, Lernen und Beurteilung zu verstehen. Der Aufsatz weist in der Diskussion darauf hin, dass sowohl das Phanomen der schulischen Beurteilung als auch die Kontexte, die in dem Aufsatz fokussiert werden, hochkomplexe Phanomene sind. Um die gegebene Komplexitat zu erfassen, pladieren die Autoren fur die Forschungsstrategie der empirischen Triangulation. Besonders wichtig ...

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusion through the concept of adapted education : a review of the Norwegian challenges

Inclusion has since the UNESCO conference in 1994, been the global denominator and ideology of mo... more Inclusion has since the UNESCO conference in 1994, been the global denominator and ideology of most western societies school policies and practises. The debate has mostly focused on how to respond to and facilitate education for the diversity of pupils within the public school. In Norway, the debate about inclusion has not captured the same attention, and instead the focus has been on how to understand and implement the principle of adapted education. The principles of inclusion and adapted education have common denominators, implying sensitivity and responsibility towards the multiplicity of pupils. In educational settings inclusion also comprises that schooling from its outset should be designed with pupils’ diversity in mind. The aim of the paper is to discuss inclusive education with a particular view to Norwegian education and special education policy and practise. The paper describes and discusses educational trends from the establishment of the Norwegian compulsory school in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Inkludering og tilpasset opplæring for de utvalgte?

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Different Understanding of Inclusion : Round Table Presentation

Research paper thumbnail of Leistungsbeurteilung und Lernen im Musikunterricht der Sekundarschule: Ein Fallstudien-Design

Beitrage Empirischer Musikpadagogik, Mar 20, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Different Understandings of Inclusion : Round Table Presentation

Research paper thumbnail of Cross-professional collaboration to improve inclusive education

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

Research paper thumbnail of National Assessment of Writing Proficiency Among Norwegian Students in Compulsory Schools

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2009

The paper reports and discusses a government‐initiated nationwide assessment of writing proficien... more The paper reports and discusses a government‐initiated nationwide assessment of writing proficiency among Norwegian compulsory school students. A sample‐study of 7th and 10th grade students are discussed and reported with regard to challenges in measuring writing skills in a valid and reliable manner. For the 7th graders the results showed a greater proportion of narrative texts, and in contrast to more scientific oriented texts, was assessed as “lower than expected”; however, for the 10th graders the tendency was opposite with respect to central linguistic components. Low correlations between the raters were ascertained at both levels, indicating different views among teachers as to what can be expected of students' writing proficiency. The results are discussed in relation to the usefulness of the theoretical model as a basis for assessment of writing proficiency, as well as other obstacles to constructing valid and reliable writing tests.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Adapted education: the Norwegian pathway to inclusive and efficient education

International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2012

Since the UNESCO conference in 1994, inclusion has been a major denominator in the educational de... more Since the UNESCO conference in 1994, inclusion has been a major denominator in the educational debates of most OECD countries, focusing on how to facilitate education and social interaction for the diversity of pupils. By international standards, the Norwegian education system is regarded as inclusive, but the ongoing debate and political pressure in Norway on how to increase pupils' benefit of education, challenge this understanding. This article gives a historical account of Norwegian education policy to illustrate the way inclusive education has been understood over the years. Furthermore, it presents empirical evidence showing an increasing use of special education in Norway as a basis for discussing dilemmas of the current education reform, ‘Knowledge Promotion’. The last part of the article highlights the partly contradictory aims schools and teachers are given: the aims of increasing pupils' learning and of developing inclusive schools. The outcomes of the processes involved are closely related to the standards of educational policies, how these standards are implemented and the understanding of how to develop schools that take care of and respect the variety of pupils.

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusion through the concept of adapted education : a review of the Norwegian challenges

Inclusion has since the UNESCO conference in 1994, been the global denominator and ideology of mo... more Inclusion has since the UNESCO conference in 1994, been the global denominator and ideology of most western societies school policies and practises. The debate has mostly focused on how to respond to and facilitate education for the diversity of pupils within the public school. In Norway, the debate about inclusion has not captured the same attention, and instead the focus has been on how to understand and implement the principle of adapted education. The principles of inclusion and adapted education have common denominators, implying sensitivity and responsibility towards the multiplicity of pupils. In educational settings inclusion also comprises that schooling from its outset should be designed with pupils’ diversity in mind. The aim of the paper is to discuss inclusive education with a particular view to Norwegian education and special education policy and practise. The paper describes and discusses educational trends from the establishment of the Norwegian compulsory school in the first half of the 1900 sensory up to current challenges in the latter years. In the end of the paper, some current challenges regarding the implementation of an inclusive school are discussed in the light of findings showing a growing body of pupils advised to special education.

Research paper thumbnail of PP-tjenesten som inkluderingsagent: retorikk eller handling?

Psykologi i kommunen (PIK), Jun 4, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Kan skriveferdigheter måles?

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Getting behind assessment and learning in secondary school music: A case study approach

Dieser Aufsatz will versuchen, die engen Verbindungen zwischen Lehren, Lernen und Beurteilung im ... more Dieser Aufsatz will versuchen, die engen Verbindungen zwischen Lehren, Lernen und Beurteilung im Schulfach Musik zu erforschen und zu verstehen. Musikstunden in der Sekundarstufe I sind empirisch mit dem Ziel erforscht worden, gultige und zuverlassige Informationen uber Lernen und Beurteilungsverfahren im Musikunterricht einzuholen. Der Aufsatz macht geltend, dass ein derartiges Verstandnis eine umfassende Kenntnis des Phanomens der schulischen Beurteilung an sich erfordert. Zusatzlich muss das Fach Musik in der Schule kontextabhangig als Rahmenbedingung in Betracht gezogen werden, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Lehren, Lernen und Beurteilung zu verstehen. Der Aufsatz weist in der Diskussion darauf hin, dass sowohl das Phanomen der schulischen Beurteilung als auch die Kontexte, die in dem Aufsatz fokussiert werden, hochkomplexe Phanomene sind. Um die gegebene Komplexitat zu erfassen, pladieren die Autoren fur die Forschungsstrategie der empirischen Triangulation. Besonders wichtig ...

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusion through the concept of adapted education : a review of the Norwegian challenges

Inclusion has since the UNESCO conference in 1994, been the global denominator and ideology of mo... more Inclusion has since the UNESCO conference in 1994, been the global denominator and ideology of most western societies school policies and practises. The debate has mostly focused on how to respond to and facilitate education for the diversity of pupils within the public school. In Norway, the debate about inclusion has not captured the same attention, and instead the focus has been on how to understand and implement the principle of adapted education. The principles of inclusion and adapted education have common denominators, implying sensitivity and responsibility towards the multiplicity of pupils. In educational settings inclusion also comprises that schooling from its outset should be designed with pupils’ diversity in mind. The aim of the paper is to discuss inclusive education with a particular view to Norwegian education and special education policy and practise. The paper describes and discusses educational trends from the establishment of the Norwegian compulsory school in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Inkludering og tilpasset opplæring for de utvalgte?

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Different Understanding of Inclusion : Round Table Presentation

Research paper thumbnail of Leistungsbeurteilung und Lernen im Musikunterricht der Sekundarschule: Ein Fallstudien-Design

Beitrage Empirischer Musikpadagogik, Mar 20, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Different Understandings of Inclusion : Round Table Presentation

Research paper thumbnail of Cross-professional collaboration to improve inclusive education

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

Research paper thumbnail of National Assessment of Writing Proficiency Among Norwegian Students in Compulsory Schools

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2009

The paper reports and discusses a government‐initiated nationwide assessment of writing proficien... more The paper reports and discusses a government‐initiated nationwide assessment of writing proficiency among Norwegian compulsory school students. A sample‐study of 7th and 10th grade students are discussed and reported with regard to challenges in measuring writing skills in a valid and reliable manner. For the 7th graders the results showed a greater proportion of narrative texts, and in contrast to more scientific oriented texts, was assessed as “lower than expected”; however, for the 10th graders the tendency was opposite with respect to central linguistic components. Low correlations between the raters were ascertained at both levels, indicating different views among teachers as to what can be expected of students' writing proficiency. The results are discussed in relation to the usefulness of the theoretical model as a basis for assessment of writing proficiency, as well as other obstacles to constructing valid and reliable writing tests.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers

European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed ... more The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of MultiFunk, a computer program designed to assist reading, on the reading and spelling proficiency of struggling readers. Fifty‐two below‐average readers and spellers, in grades 5, 6 and 7, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (N = 26 + 26). In addition, 114 classmates, who read normally, were included to compare changes in basic literacy development during the intervention. A pre‐test, intervention, post‐test, control‐group design was used to evaluate the effects of the software, using texts to suit the pupils’ own choices and interests. The findings indicate that computerized assistive reading has the potential to aid and support the development of basic literacy skills in a broad group of struggling readers and spellers. Issues concerning the MultiFunk text‐to‐speech technology are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Adapted education: the Norwegian pathway to inclusive and efficient education

International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2012

Since the UNESCO conference in 1994, inclusion has been a major denominator in the educational de... more Since the UNESCO conference in 1994, inclusion has been a major denominator in the educational debates of most OECD countries, focusing on how to facilitate education and social interaction for the diversity of pupils. By international standards, the Norwegian education system is regarded as inclusive, but the ongoing debate and political pressure in Norway on how to increase pupils' benefit of education, challenge this understanding. This article gives a historical account of Norwegian education policy to illustrate the way inclusive education has been understood over the years. Furthermore, it presents empirical evidence showing an increasing use of special education in Norway as a basis for discussing dilemmas of the current education reform, ‘Knowledge Promotion’. The last part of the article highlights the partly contradictory aims schools and teachers are given: the aims of increasing pupils' learning and of developing inclusive schools. The outcomes of the processes involved are closely related to the standards of educational policies, how these standards are implemented and the understanding of how to develop schools that take care of and respect the variety of pupils.