Roman Słupek - (original) (raw)
Papers by Roman Słupek
Water Practice & Technology, 2011
Roczniki Teologiczne
W teologii fundamentalnej jednym z istotnych argumentów, przywoływanych dla uwiarygodnienia boski... more W teologii fundamentalnej jednym z istotnych argumentów, przywoływanych dla uwiarygodnienia boskiej godności Jezusa z Nazaretu, jest argument skrypturystyczny. Chodzi w nim o wykazanie, że w historycznej Osobie Jezusa z Nazaretu zrealizowały się mesjańskie proroctwa i zbawcze obietnice Starego Testamentu. Był on obecny już w autoapologii Jezusa z Nazaretu oraz w działalności ewangelizacyjnej Kościoła apostolskiego. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie na mało dotąd eksponowane historyczno-teologiczne uwarunkowania waloru motywacyjnego tegoż argumentu. Dla zrealizowania tego celu ukazano najpierw specyfikę spojrzenia na ten argument w historii i obecnie. Następnie przedstawiono trzy istotne uwarunkowania jego waloru motywacyjnego. Przywołując ten argument dla uwiarygodnienia mesjańskich roszczeń Jezusa z Nazaretu, trzeba najpierw mieć na uwadze fakt wielopostaciowości judaizmu w czasach, w których On żył. Nie mniej ważną kwestią jest właściwe rozumienie eksponowanego wypełnienia...
Pope Benedict XVI, in his Wednesday catechesis given during the Year of Faith, before reflecting ... more Pope Benedict XVI, in his Wednesday catechesis given during the Year of Faith, before reflecting on the contents of Christian Faith, he first indicated the essence of the act of Faith itself. It is not only an ordinary intellectual consensus of a person regarding particular truths about God, but it is an act of free entrusting oneself to God. Not to any God, but to the One revealed in Jesus Christ (Christocentrism of Faith) and recognized in the Church and thanks to the Church (Ecclesial nature of Faith). The Faith understood as such, although being a generous gift from God, requires also an intelligent and free response to the Revelation of God, by involving entire person.
Benedict XVI, identifying himself as "the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace", ma... more Benedict XVI, identifying himself as "the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace", makes an important contribution to the interreligious dialogue. The Pope indicates that this dialogue cannot be treated as a "temporary choice", but as the future depends on it, it is a "life necessity". The aim of the dialogue is not just simple exchange of ideas, but also seeking for truth together, in the spirit of love and respect for every human being, for his culture and spiritual tradition. In this mutual search and in-depth study of truth the Church recognizes in diverse religions these aspects, which are true and sacred and at the same time confesses, that in Jesus Christ the history of Salvation is crowned and revealed most perfectly. Interreligious dialogue according to Benedict XVI has many diverse forms. The first form is "dialogue in life", which means peaceable and full of respect existence in one space of confessors of diverse religions. Furthe...
Le Christ et l'Église: tel est le sujet choisi par Benoît XVI pour ses catéchèses du mercredi... more Le Christ et l'Église: tel est le sujet choisi par Benoît XVI pour ses catéchèses du mercredi. Il montre la vie de la foi et l'activité des Apôtres et de leurs successeurs, les grands personnalités de l'Église. De cette manière, il explique la communauté de fidèles. Selon Benoit XVI, l'Église "existe dans les personnes", "vit dans les personnes". Dans ce chemin, il développe l'ecclésiologie personnalistique. L'Église est une communauté qui est née de la rencontre du divin et des personnes humains. L'engagement dans la vie de la communauté de l'Église est né de la rencontre personnelle de Jésus Christ. Dans l'Église, la dimension personnelle de la vie est toujours associée à une dimension communautaire. Je ne deviens pas chrétien de moimême, mais je reçois le don de la foi de l'autre et c'est ainsi que je deviens membre de l'Église. Cet autre, c'est avant tout la communauté de croyants. L'ecclésiologie person...
Benedict XVI, identifying himself as “the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace”, makes an imp... more Benedict XVI, identifying himself as “the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace”, makes an important contribution to the interreligious dialogue. The Pope indicates, that this dialogue cannot be treated as a “temporary choice”, but the future depends on it, it is a “life necessity”. In development of this dialogue today there appear some obstacles. One of the main goals of the interreligious dialogue is to seek the truth together, and the essential source of numerous impediments preventing it is an erroneous way of approaching truth. It can take a form of relativism, which denies existence of any truth, or a form of religious fundamentalism that claims the right to impose it. In order to prevent interreligious dialogue from leading to religious syncretism and to confusion in those who participate in it, it is necessary to respect certain basic rules. Benedict XVI lists the following as the most important ones: rule of reciprocity, rule of keeping own identity and accepting identi...
Water Practice & Technology, 2021
Water Practice & Technology, 2011
Roczniki Teologiczne
W teologii fundamentalnej jednym z istotnych argumentów, przywoływanych dla uwiarygodnienia boski... more W teologii fundamentalnej jednym z istotnych argumentów, przywoływanych dla uwiarygodnienia boskiej godności Jezusa z Nazaretu, jest argument skrypturystyczny. Chodzi w nim o wykazanie, że w historycznej Osobie Jezusa z Nazaretu zrealizowały się mesjańskie proroctwa i zbawcze obietnice Starego Testamentu. Był on obecny już w autoapologii Jezusa z Nazaretu oraz w działalności ewangelizacyjnej Kościoła apostolskiego. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie na mało dotąd eksponowane historyczno-teologiczne uwarunkowania waloru motywacyjnego tegoż argumentu. Dla zrealizowania tego celu ukazano najpierw specyfikę spojrzenia na ten argument w historii i obecnie. Następnie przedstawiono trzy istotne uwarunkowania jego waloru motywacyjnego. Przywołując ten argument dla uwiarygodnienia mesjańskich roszczeń Jezusa z Nazaretu, trzeba najpierw mieć na uwadze fakt wielopostaciowości judaizmu w czasach, w których On żył. Nie mniej ważną kwestią jest właściwe rozumienie eksponowanego wypełnienia...
Pope Benedict XVI, in his Wednesday catechesis given during the Year of Faith, before reflecting ... more Pope Benedict XVI, in his Wednesday catechesis given during the Year of Faith, before reflecting on the contents of Christian Faith, he first indicated the essence of the act of Faith itself. It is not only an ordinary intellectual consensus of a person regarding particular truths about God, but it is an act of free entrusting oneself to God. Not to any God, but to the One revealed in Jesus Christ (Christocentrism of Faith) and recognized in the Church and thanks to the Church (Ecclesial nature of Faith). The Faith understood as such, although being a generous gift from God, requires also an intelligent and free response to the Revelation of God, by involving entire person.
Benedict XVI, identifying himself as "the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace", ma... more Benedict XVI, identifying himself as "the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace", makes an important contribution to the interreligious dialogue. The Pope indicates that this dialogue cannot be treated as a "temporary choice", but as the future depends on it, it is a "life necessity". The aim of the dialogue is not just simple exchange of ideas, but also seeking for truth together, in the spirit of love and respect for every human being, for his culture and spiritual tradition. In this mutual search and in-depth study of truth the Church recognizes in diverse religions these aspects, which are true and sacred and at the same time confesses, that in Jesus Christ the history of Salvation is crowned and revealed most perfectly. Interreligious dialogue according to Benedict XVI has many diverse forms. The first form is "dialogue in life", which means peaceable and full of respect existence in one space of confessors of diverse religions. Furthe...
Le Christ et l'Église: tel est le sujet choisi par Benoît XVI pour ses catéchèses du mercredi... more Le Christ et l'Église: tel est le sujet choisi par Benoît XVI pour ses catéchèses du mercredi. Il montre la vie de la foi et l'activité des Apôtres et de leurs successeurs, les grands personnalités de l'Église. De cette manière, il explique la communauté de fidèles. Selon Benoit XVI, l'Église "existe dans les personnes", "vit dans les personnes". Dans ce chemin, il développe l'ecclésiologie personnalistique. L'Église est une communauté qui est née de la rencontre du divin et des personnes humains. L'engagement dans la vie de la communauté de l'Église est né de la rencontre personnelle de Jésus Christ. Dans l'Église, la dimension personnelle de la vie est toujours associée à une dimension communautaire. Je ne deviens pas chrétien de moimême, mais je reçois le don de la foi de l'autre et c'est ainsi que je deviens membre de l'Église. Cet autre, c'est avant tout la communauté de croyants. L'ecclésiologie person...
Benedict XVI, identifying himself as “the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace”, makes an imp... more Benedict XVI, identifying himself as “the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace”, makes an important contribution to the interreligious dialogue. The Pope indicates, that this dialogue cannot be treated as a “temporary choice”, but the future depends on it, it is a “life necessity”. In development of this dialogue today there appear some obstacles. One of the main goals of the interreligious dialogue is to seek the truth together, and the essential source of numerous impediments preventing it is an erroneous way of approaching truth. It can take a form of relativism, which denies existence of any truth, or a form of religious fundamentalism that claims the right to impose it. In order to prevent interreligious dialogue from leading to religious syncretism and to confusion in those who participate in it, it is necessary to respect certain basic rules. Benedict XVI lists the following as the most important ones: rule of reciprocity, rule of keeping own identity and accepting identi...
Water Practice & Technology, 2021