Usup Romli - (original) (raw)
Papers by Usup Romli
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama, Jan 2, 2023
Al-Tsiqoh : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Dakwah Islam
The development of technology and the dissemination of information in the digital era has made gh... more The development of technology and the dissemination of information in the digital era has made ghazwul fikri carried out by the West as a form of revenge on Muslims due to the defeat during the Crusade. In this regard, this study aims to understand the form of ghazwul fikri, the dangers of ghazwul fikri as a weakening of Muslim beliefs and how to protect oneself from ghazwul fikri. The literature study method was used in this research. Based on the results of the study, ghazwul fikri, or war of thought is an attempt to attack Muslims from the aspect of idealism, mindset, and image of Muslims. So to protect ourselves from this, as Muslims, we must continue to study Islamic history, examine the truth of Islamic teachings, do good deeds, form a strong personality and character of faith, increase brotherhood, unity, and unity of the people and convey Islamic teachings to the fullest to the successors of civilization. Islam in various occasions and places.
IQ (Ilmu Al-Qur'an) : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Nov 23, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman Aqidah Islam pada remaja, mengetahui ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman Aqidah Islam pada remaja, mengetahui tingkat insecurity pada remaja, dan menguji apakah terdapat hubungan antara pemahaman Aqidah Islam (X) dengan insecurity (Y) pada remaja. Hipotesis yang diajukan pada penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara pemahaman aqidah Islam dengan insecurity pada remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif asosiatif. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah 96 orang dari kalangan remaja yang berusia 12-21 tahun. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang menggunakan skala sikap model Likert, dan terdiri atas skala untuk mengukur pemahaman aqidah Islam dan insecurity. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif, juga menggunakan analisis korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Hasilnya diketahui bahwa tingkat pemahaman aqidah Islam remaja di sudah sangat baik, sementara tingkat insecurity remaja pada tingkat baik. Kemudian, pada uji korelasi diperoleh nilai r = 0,028 (p = 0,05), sehingga korelasi antara kedua variabel signifikan. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman aqidah berperan secara signifikan terhadap perasaan insecurity remaja. Pemahaman aqidah dianggap sebagai aspek penting yang mempengaruhi remaja dalam menghadapi masa-masa transisi yang sulit.
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam
There have been advances achieved in modern medicine but traditional treatment methods using cert... more There have been advances achieved in modern medicine but traditional treatment methods using certain spiritual approached have become increasingly popular in many parts of the world. Certain Sufi practices, among others, is used in medical treatment to support the healing process. Based on a case study on the practice of Sufi therapy conducted by Akang Syamsudin in the Limbangan Garut area, West Java, Indonesia this article attempts to explore the conversion process and dynamics of the development of Sufi healing. Employing a qualitative approach and Miles and Huberman landscape approach, and supported with interviews, observations, and documentation the research finds that Syamsudin’s Sufi therapy method combines physical and spiritual principles. Syamsudin’s therapeutic approach is based on the following seven factors, are: 1) belief that every disease has a cure; 2) balance and moderation are directly proportional to physical health; 3) spiritual factors dominate over physical fa...
PSIKOWIPA (Psikologi Wijaya Putra)
This study was conducted to determine the understanding of gender in Islam. The study used a quan... more This study was conducted to determine the understanding of gender in Islam. The study used a quantitative design method by distributing a questionnaire in the form of a google form to students at the University of Indonesia Education to obtain the necessary data. The sample in this study were active students at the Indonesian Education University and were Muslim. The data collection technique in this research is a questionnaire (questionnaire). The result of this study is that the average respondent already knows in general about gender, but has not studied much in terms of the Qur'an and Hadith.
Tauhid merupakan hal yang mesti ada dan landasan utama seorang muslim. Baik tidaknya identitas se... more Tauhid merupakan hal yang mesti ada dan landasan utama seorang muslim. Baik tidaknya identitas seorang muslim sangat dipengaruhi dan ditentukan oleh baik tidaknya tauhid yang ia miliki. Mengetahui pentingnya tauhid dalam kehidupan seorang muslim, sudah semestinya pendidikan tauhid harus sangat diutamakan. Pendidikan tauhid yang terjadi selama ini belum menyentuh esensi dari tauhid itu sendiri. Sehingga menjadikan terjadinya dikotomi antara ilmu-ilmu umum begitupun ilmu agama dengan nilai-nilai ketauhidan. Hal tersebut tentu tidak sejalan dengan konsep yang ditawarkan al-Qurān terkait pendidikan tauhid. Al-Qurān mampu menciptakan individu yang beriman dan senantiasa meng-Esakan Allah. Oleh karenanya al-Qurān senantiasa menawarkan konsep pendidikan termasuk di dalamnya pendidikan tauhid. Di dalam penelitian ini, peneliti berupaya menggali dan memahami konsep tersebut dengan pendekatan dan metode yang memadai dalam pengkajian ayat al-Qurān dengan menggunakan berbagai tafsir sebagai ruj...
TARBAWY : Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education, 2020
Every Muslim is encouraged to be able to read Quran. Therefore, it become the main purpose on the... more Every Muslim is encouraged to be able to read Quran. Therefore, it become the main purpose on the conduction of Islamic education, starting from primary level. Realistically, only 30% students were able to meet the objective. One of the factors is due to the inappropriate learning method being used. In this case, Bilhikmah is introduced as a method to learn Quran shortly which has been effectively proved. The training aimed to provide the Islamic primary teachers with adequate knowledge of Bilhikmah method. The considered target in this study is 75% from 40 teachers would be able to implement Bilhikmah method. However, the training involved various methods such as presentation performance, question and asking session, practice, as well as small group and individual mentorship. The result shows that all participated target (100%) succeed to comprehend the three volumes of Bilhikmah book, while practical tajweed book is mastered by 75% participants. Furthermore, the training participants are then applied Bilhikmah method on Quran learning process in their own schools.
Penelitian Pendidikan, 2013
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Guru Sekolah Dasar (JPPGuseda)
DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING MEDIA FAITH OF ICT BASED WITH THE CONCEPT OF “QURANI” ICT FOR PRIMARY SCH... more DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING MEDIA FAITH OF ICT BASED WITH THE CONCEPT OF “QURANI” ICT FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTSThis study aims to produce learning media for Akidah Akhlak class I SD in the form of ICT-based learning using the Microsoft Powerpoint Interactive application. Media development is the conversation of educational experts today, with the development of technology, it is hoped that the learning process can improve students' understanding of learning material. The inculcation of faith values based on the Al-Quran becomes a bridge for the realization of students with good achievements and good morals. This product combines Borg's research concept and the QURANI method developed by education expert Muhamad Sa'id Mursi. The content of research products refers to the 2014 curriculum for grade I elementary school students related to akidah akhlak material. The method used is based on qualitative research through the developed interactive powerpoint media product validati...
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2021
Radicalism is seen as dangerous for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. It is contradicto... more Radicalism is seen as dangerous for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. It is contradictory to Islamic values, where Islam upholds the principles of tolerance, peace, and respect for one's beliefs. Therefore, serious efforts are required from all levels of society to minimize the spread of this understanding, especially for the millennial generation. This study aims to find conceptual ideal ideas to deal with issues of radicalism through the role of (IRE) Islamic Religious Education teachers in the formal learning process at schools. This study employed a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. The study was carried out in Madrasa Aliyah (Islamic Senior High School) Maarif Tanjung Sari Sumedang. Data were collected through an interview, observation, and discussion. The data were analyzed using the interactive analysis technique. Results of the study revealed that the Islamic Religious Education teacher of MA Maarif Tanjung Sari played an important role i...
Didaktika Religia, 2021
This research aims to develop Islamic Education learning media for the material of faith in eleme... more This research aims to develop Islamic Education learning media for the material of faith in elementary schools (SD). The basis for developing learning media results from previous studies found many teachers tend to experience difficulties in using media in Islamic Islamic education learning material in elementary schools. Therefore, this research is significant to obtain an appropriate learning media formula in providing a complete understanding of the subject matter of faith in elementary school students. The research method used in this research is research and development (R & D) with the compilation of Islamic Islamic Studies learning media in elementary schools (SD), which delivers an understanding of Islamic education in faith material to get references and ease in learning. Students can also understand the material of faith efficiently and effectively through the tadaruziah waqi’iah approaches.
Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, 2020
ملخ ص يواجه عالم التعليم اليوم مجموعة متنوعة من المشكلات الجديدة التي تتطور بشكل جديد، وهذا بالط... more ملخ ص يواجه عالم التعليم اليوم مجموعة متنوعة من المشكلات الجديدة التي تتطور بشكل جديد، وهذا بالطبع يمثل تحديًللعلماء المتخصصة ف التعليم والنشطاء التربويين للعثور على أنماط تعليم شخصية متميزة. تهدف هذه بحث الرسالة العلمي ة إلى استكشاف تنفيذ تعليم الشخصية كمحاولة لمنع الإخلال بأخلاق الطلاب. إن تنمية القيم الروحية التي تتماشى مع تعاليم الإسلام أمر أساسي ووسيل ة ف بناء أخلاق وحضارة الأم ة الإسلامي ة. باستخدام الأساليب المتنوعة ، تركزت الدراسة ف مدرسة العناية الإسلامية من خلال استكشاف البيانات اللازمة من خلال تقنيات المقابلة والملاحظة والتحليل التفاعلي. تظهر الدراسة أن نجاح الأنشطة التربوية ف بناء الأخلاق يجب أن يتكامل مع عدة مكونات أساس ية وهي المناهج التعليمي ة وطرق التدريس وتقوي ة برامج نشاط التعلم ف تقوي ة الشخصية الإسلاميةAbstrak Dunia pengajaran saat ini menghadapi berbagai problem baru yang terus berkembang. Tentu saja, ini menjadi tantangan bagi para ilmuan dalam pengajaran dan aktivitas pendidikan untuk dapat menemukan tipe pengajaran kepribadian yang baik. Pe...
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama, Jan 2, 2023
Al-Tsiqoh : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Dakwah Islam
The development of technology and the dissemination of information in the digital era has made gh... more The development of technology and the dissemination of information in the digital era has made ghazwul fikri carried out by the West as a form of revenge on Muslims due to the defeat during the Crusade. In this regard, this study aims to understand the form of ghazwul fikri, the dangers of ghazwul fikri as a weakening of Muslim beliefs and how to protect oneself from ghazwul fikri. The literature study method was used in this research. Based on the results of the study, ghazwul fikri, or war of thought is an attempt to attack Muslims from the aspect of idealism, mindset, and image of Muslims. So to protect ourselves from this, as Muslims, we must continue to study Islamic history, examine the truth of Islamic teachings, do good deeds, form a strong personality and character of faith, increase brotherhood, unity, and unity of the people and convey Islamic teachings to the fullest to the successors of civilization. Islam in various occasions and places.
IQ (Ilmu Al-Qur'an) : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Nov 23, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman Aqidah Islam pada remaja, mengetahui ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman Aqidah Islam pada remaja, mengetahui tingkat insecurity pada remaja, dan menguji apakah terdapat hubungan antara pemahaman Aqidah Islam (X) dengan insecurity (Y) pada remaja. Hipotesis yang diajukan pada penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara pemahaman aqidah Islam dengan insecurity pada remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif asosiatif. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah 96 orang dari kalangan remaja yang berusia 12-21 tahun. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang menggunakan skala sikap model Likert, dan terdiri atas skala untuk mengukur pemahaman aqidah Islam dan insecurity. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif, juga menggunakan analisis korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Hasilnya diketahui bahwa tingkat pemahaman aqidah Islam remaja di sudah sangat baik, sementara tingkat insecurity remaja pada tingkat baik. Kemudian, pada uji korelasi diperoleh nilai r = 0,028 (p = 0,05), sehingga korelasi antara kedua variabel signifikan. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman aqidah berperan secara signifikan terhadap perasaan insecurity remaja. Pemahaman aqidah dianggap sebagai aspek penting yang mempengaruhi remaja dalam menghadapi masa-masa transisi yang sulit.
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam
There have been advances achieved in modern medicine but traditional treatment methods using cert... more There have been advances achieved in modern medicine but traditional treatment methods using certain spiritual approached have become increasingly popular in many parts of the world. Certain Sufi practices, among others, is used in medical treatment to support the healing process. Based on a case study on the practice of Sufi therapy conducted by Akang Syamsudin in the Limbangan Garut area, West Java, Indonesia this article attempts to explore the conversion process and dynamics of the development of Sufi healing. Employing a qualitative approach and Miles and Huberman landscape approach, and supported with interviews, observations, and documentation the research finds that Syamsudin’s Sufi therapy method combines physical and spiritual principles. Syamsudin’s therapeutic approach is based on the following seven factors, are: 1) belief that every disease has a cure; 2) balance and moderation are directly proportional to physical health; 3) spiritual factors dominate over physical fa...
PSIKOWIPA (Psikologi Wijaya Putra)
This study was conducted to determine the understanding of gender in Islam. The study used a quan... more This study was conducted to determine the understanding of gender in Islam. The study used a quantitative design method by distributing a questionnaire in the form of a google form to students at the University of Indonesia Education to obtain the necessary data. The sample in this study were active students at the Indonesian Education University and were Muslim. The data collection technique in this research is a questionnaire (questionnaire). The result of this study is that the average respondent already knows in general about gender, but has not studied much in terms of the Qur'an and Hadith.
Tauhid merupakan hal yang mesti ada dan landasan utama seorang muslim. Baik tidaknya identitas se... more Tauhid merupakan hal yang mesti ada dan landasan utama seorang muslim. Baik tidaknya identitas seorang muslim sangat dipengaruhi dan ditentukan oleh baik tidaknya tauhid yang ia miliki. Mengetahui pentingnya tauhid dalam kehidupan seorang muslim, sudah semestinya pendidikan tauhid harus sangat diutamakan. Pendidikan tauhid yang terjadi selama ini belum menyentuh esensi dari tauhid itu sendiri. Sehingga menjadikan terjadinya dikotomi antara ilmu-ilmu umum begitupun ilmu agama dengan nilai-nilai ketauhidan. Hal tersebut tentu tidak sejalan dengan konsep yang ditawarkan al-Qurān terkait pendidikan tauhid. Al-Qurān mampu menciptakan individu yang beriman dan senantiasa meng-Esakan Allah. Oleh karenanya al-Qurān senantiasa menawarkan konsep pendidikan termasuk di dalamnya pendidikan tauhid. Di dalam penelitian ini, peneliti berupaya menggali dan memahami konsep tersebut dengan pendekatan dan metode yang memadai dalam pengkajian ayat al-Qurān dengan menggunakan berbagai tafsir sebagai ruj...
TARBAWY : Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education, 2020
Every Muslim is encouraged to be able to read Quran. Therefore, it become the main purpose on the... more Every Muslim is encouraged to be able to read Quran. Therefore, it become the main purpose on the conduction of Islamic education, starting from primary level. Realistically, only 30% students were able to meet the objective. One of the factors is due to the inappropriate learning method being used. In this case, Bilhikmah is introduced as a method to learn Quran shortly which has been effectively proved. The training aimed to provide the Islamic primary teachers with adequate knowledge of Bilhikmah method. The considered target in this study is 75% from 40 teachers would be able to implement Bilhikmah method. However, the training involved various methods such as presentation performance, question and asking session, practice, as well as small group and individual mentorship. The result shows that all participated target (100%) succeed to comprehend the three volumes of Bilhikmah book, while practical tajweed book is mastered by 75% participants. Furthermore, the training participants are then applied Bilhikmah method on Quran learning process in their own schools.
Penelitian Pendidikan, 2013
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Guru Sekolah Dasar (JPPGuseda)
DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING MEDIA FAITH OF ICT BASED WITH THE CONCEPT OF “QURANI” ICT FOR PRIMARY SCH... more DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING MEDIA FAITH OF ICT BASED WITH THE CONCEPT OF “QURANI” ICT FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTSThis study aims to produce learning media for Akidah Akhlak class I SD in the form of ICT-based learning using the Microsoft Powerpoint Interactive application. Media development is the conversation of educational experts today, with the development of technology, it is hoped that the learning process can improve students' understanding of learning material. The inculcation of faith values based on the Al-Quran becomes a bridge for the realization of students with good achievements and good morals. This product combines Borg's research concept and the QURANI method developed by education expert Muhamad Sa'id Mursi. The content of research products refers to the 2014 curriculum for grade I elementary school students related to akidah akhlak material. The method used is based on qualitative research through the developed interactive powerpoint media product validati...
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2021
Radicalism is seen as dangerous for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. It is contradicto... more Radicalism is seen as dangerous for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. It is contradictory to Islamic values, where Islam upholds the principles of tolerance, peace, and respect for one's beliefs. Therefore, serious efforts are required from all levels of society to minimize the spread of this understanding, especially for the millennial generation. This study aims to find conceptual ideal ideas to deal with issues of radicalism through the role of (IRE) Islamic Religious Education teachers in the formal learning process at schools. This study employed a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. The study was carried out in Madrasa Aliyah (Islamic Senior High School) Maarif Tanjung Sari Sumedang. Data were collected through an interview, observation, and discussion. The data were analyzed using the interactive analysis technique. Results of the study revealed that the Islamic Religious Education teacher of MA Maarif Tanjung Sari played an important role i...
Didaktika Religia, 2021
This research aims to develop Islamic Education learning media for the material of faith in eleme... more This research aims to develop Islamic Education learning media for the material of faith in elementary schools (SD). The basis for developing learning media results from previous studies found many teachers tend to experience difficulties in using media in Islamic Islamic education learning material in elementary schools. Therefore, this research is significant to obtain an appropriate learning media formula in providing a complete understanding of the subject matter of faith in elementary school students. The research method used in this research is research and development (R & D) with the compilation of Islamic Islamic Studies learning media in elementary schools (SD), which delivers an understanding of Islamic education in faith material to get references and ease in learning. Students can also understand the material of faith efficiently and effectively through the tadaruziah waqi’iah approaches.
Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, 2020
ملخ ص يواجه عالم التعليم اليوم مجموعة متنوعة من المشكلات الجديدة التي تتطور بشكل جديد، وهذا بالط... more ملخ ص يواجه عالم التعليم اليوم مجموعة متنوعة من المشكلات الجديدة التي تتطور بشكل جديد، وهذا بالطبع يمثل تحديًللعلماء المتخصصة ف التعليم والنشطاء التربويين للعثور على أنماط تعليم شخصية متميزة. تهدف هذه بحث الرسالة العلمي ة إلى استكشاف تنفيذ تعليم الشخصية كمحاولة لمنع الإخلال بأخلاق الطلاب. إن تنمية القيم الروحية التي تتماشى مع تعاليم الإسلام أمر أساسي ووسيل ة ف بناء أخلاق وحضارة الأم ة الإسلامي ة. باستخدام الأساليب المتنوعة ، تركزت الدراسة ف مدرسة العناية الإسلامية من خلال استكشاف البيانات اللازمة من خلال تقنيات المقابلة والملاحظة والتحليل التفاعلي. تظهر الدراسة أن نجاح الأنشطة التربوية ف بناء الأخلاق يجب أن يتكامل مع عدة مكونات أساس ية وهي المناهج التعليمي ة وطرق التدريس وتقوي ة برامج نشاط التعلم ف تقوي ة الشخصية الإسلاميةAbstrak Dunia pengajaran saat ini menghadapi berbagai problem baru yang terus berkembang. Tentu saja, ini menjadi tantangan bagi para ilmuan dalam pengajaran dan aktivitas pendidikan untuk dapat menemukan tipe pengajaran kepribadian yang baik. Pe...