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Books by Ronald Henss

Research paper thumbnail of Gesicht und Persönlichkeitseindruck

Hogrefe Verlag, 1998

Das komplette Buch ist hier als Download verfügbar:[ more ](;)Das komplette Buch ist hier als Download verfügbar:
Das Buch war viele Jahre vergriffen. Im Juni 2020 ist eine unveränderte Neuauflage erschienen.
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit einem Gegenstand, der uns alle fasziniert, nämlich dem menschlichen Gesicht. Es beschäftigt sich mit den Eindrücken, die wir beim Betrachten eines fremden Gesichts erhalten. Dabei stehen drei Fragen im Blickpunkt: Wie hängen die verschiedenen Eindrücke, die ein Gesicht vermittelt, untereinander zusammen? Inwieweit stimmen verschiedene Beurteiler in ihren Eindrücken überein? Lassen sich Persönlichkeitseindrücke auf physiognomische Merkmale zurückführen?
Der Autor liefert einen umfassenden Überblick über den Stand der Forschung und berichtet über eigene umfangreiche Untersuchungen. Die Fülle der referierten Befunde macht dieses Buch zu einem einzigartigen Nachschlagewerk über die Erkenntnisse der psychologischen Forschung zur Gesichterbeurteilung. Durch die allgemeinverständliche Darstellung wendet sich das Buch nicht nur an das psychologische Fachpublikum, sondern auch an Personen, die beruflich mit Fragen der Personenbeurteilung zu tun haben, sowie an Personen, die sich für Fragen des Aussehens und der physischen Attraktivität interessieren. ______


Papers by Ronald Henss

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Loss, Body Height and Attractiveness Malus for Men

In a study on social perception of genetically caused hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia), f... more In a study on social perception of genetically caused hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia), facial photographs of 59 men from the estimated age range of 28 to 58 were assessed. The photos were taken from a model catalog and, when viewed objectively, the men were considerably more attractive than the average of their peers. In a supplementary experiment, 21 students assessed all the photos according to the degree of hair loss. The internal consistency was almost perfect (Cronbach's α = .99). The main experiment was conducted online in a German and an English version. Each of the 1618 participants rated a randomly selected photo on 36 personality-descriptive rating scales and estimated age, height and weight. From the ratings, the factors attractiveness, mood, family orientation, professional status, social agreeableness, emotional stability and masculine facial features were obtained. The personality factors have sufficient to very high reliability (α = .73 to .88). The items babyface and likeable were also taken into account. For all variables, the consensus among the judges is at least good, mostly high to excellent (ICC(1,k) = .75 to .98). There are no noteworthy differences between the German and English versions, nor between male and female judges, but the age of the judges has a significant influence on the factors of attractiveness, family orientation and professional status. In the case of attractiveness, the ratings become more positive as the age of the judges increases, while the opposite is true for family orientation and status. With one exception, the men were rated favorably in every respect. The exception is attractiveness and, in particular, the sexual component. Here the ratings were a downright degradation, which we refer to as an attractiveness malus for men. At the level of the judges, hair loss is the dominant variable. With increasing hair loss, men appear older, less attractive, smaller, less masculine, less intelligent and successful at work, more family-oriented, more socially agreeable, in a better mood and more likeable. At the stimulus person level, only the correlation with age and attractiveness and mood is significant. At this level, estimated height is the dominant variable. It correlates positively with attractiveness, emotional stability and masculine appearance and negatively with age, family orientation, social agreeableness, mood and being likeable. The estimated body height thus shows the mirror image of hair loss at the level of the judges. The study makes it clear how important it is to distinguish between the level of the judges and the level of the judged. The level of the stimulus person shows that the individual characteristics are of the greatest importance, but the degree of hair loss can modify the first impressions.

Research paper thumbnail of “Toupee or not Toupee?” Sic (et Non). Social perceptions of Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia)

Research paper thumbnail of Blue Screen – Blue Mood? Influence of Background Color and Attractiveness of Female Stimulus Persons on Current Mood in an Online Experiment

Research paper thumbnail of The Intelligence of Nations. National IQs and Correlates

Qeios, 2024

Intelligence is by far the most important human trait. This holds true at the level of individual... more Intelligence is by far the most important human trait. This holds true at the level of individuals as well as at the level of nations. The average cognitive performance of their inhabitants is the most important determinant of the social, cultural, and economic development of nations. The article considers cognitive ability of nations from the perspective of psychometric intelligence research, international student assessment studies, and Piaget’s developmental psychology. Based on up-to-date data, the national IQ of 205 countries is estimated. Then it is shown that national IQs are closely related to a wide range of variables from different domains of life. Overall, it is demonstrated that the central findings of psychometric intelligence research hold unchanged. A special feature is the consideration of non-linear relationships. Using a specific threshold model derived from Piagetian developmental psychology, it is shown that the importance of national IQs is greater than previously known.

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Loss, Body Height and Attractiveness Malus for Men

Qeios, 2024

In a study on social perception of genetically caused hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia), f... more In a study on social perception of genetically caused hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia), facial photographs of 59 men from the estimated age range of 28 to 58 were assessed. The photos were taken from a model catalog and, when viewed objectively, the men were considerably more attractive than the average of their peers. In a supplementary experiment, 21 students assessed all the photos according to the degree of hair loss. The internal consistency was almost perfect (Cronbach's α = .99). The main experiment was conducted online in a German and an English version. Each of the 1618 participants rated a randomly selected photo on 36 personality-descriptive rating scales and estimated age, height and weight. From the ratings, the factors attractiveness, mood, family orientation, professional status, social agreeableness, emotional stability and masculine facial features were obtained. The personality factors have sufficient to very high reliability (α = .73 to .88). The items babyface and likeable were also taken into account. For all variables, the consensus among the judges is at least good, mostly high to excellent (ICC(1,k) = .75 to .98). There are no noteworthy differences between the German and English versions, nor between male and female judges, but the age of the judges has a significant influence on the factors of attractiveness, family orientation and professional status. In the case of attractiveness, the ratings become more positive as the age of the judges increases, while the opposite is true for family orientation and status. With one exception, the men were rated favorably in every respect. The exception is attractiveness and, in particular, the sexual component. Here the ratings were a downright degradation, which we refer to as an attractiveness malus for men. At the level of the judges, hair loss is the dominant variable. With increasing hair loss, men appear older, less attractive, smaller, less masculine, less intelligent and successful at work, more family-oriented, more socially agreeable, in a better mood and more likeable. At the stimulus person level, only the correlation with age and attractiveness and mood is significant. At this level, estimated height is the dominant variable. It correlates positively with attractiveness, emotional stability and masculine appearance and negatively with age, family orientation, social agreeableness, mood and being likeable. The estimated body height thus shows the mirror image of hair loss at the level of the judges. The study makes it clear how important it is to distinguish between the level of the judges and the level of the judged. The level of the stimulus person shows that the individual characteristics are of the greatest importance, but the degree of hair loss can modify the first impressions.

Research paper thumbnail of "Toupee or not Toupee?" Sic (et Non). Social perceptions of Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia

Qeios, 2024

13 men aged between their early 30s and early 70s with full-blown male pattern baldness (male and... more 13 men aged between their early 30s and early 70s with full-blown male pattern baldness (male androgenetic alopecia) were photographed once bald and once with a high-quality, custom-made toupee. In an online experiment, one sample rated the photos according to attractiveness, another according to self-assurance and another according to health. The attractiveness ratings were extraordinarily low. The men appeared considerably more attractive with a toupee than with a bald head (effect size Cohen's d = 0.67). The women's attractiveness ratings were more negative than those of the male judges (d = 0.58). When the men wore their toupee, they were rated higher by older judges than by younger ones. The men appeared somewhat healthier with a toupee than with a bald head (d = 0.14). Overall, neither the hair status nor the sex of the judges played a role in the assessment of self-assurance. A special feature of the study is the analysis at the level of the individual stimulus persons. Under both hair conditions, each individual received higher attractiveness ratings from men than from women. In terms of self-assurance, some were rated more favorably by women and others by men. In terms of health, men and women only differed for a few targets. In line with the attractiveness stereotype "What is beautiful is good", more attractive men were judged to be more self-assured and healthier.

Research paper thumbnail of Blue Screen -Blue Mood? Influence of background color and attractiveness of female stimulus persons on current mood in an online experiment (PANAS

Qeios, 2024

In an online experiment, more than 6,000 volunteers rated women's faces according to their likeab... more In an online experiment, more than 6,000 volunteers rated women's faces according to their likeability The women were either extraordinarily attractive or of medium to low attractiveness. The background of the website was either Black, Blue, Green, Gray, Red or Yellow. Following the likeability assessments, the participants were asked to assess their own current mood using the PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule). The study was conducted in a German-language and an Englishlanguage version. An exploratory factor analysis with Oblimin rotation shows perfect orthogonality for the Positive Affects and Negative Affects (r = .01) and a reliability analysis shows excellent reliability for both scales (Positive Affects: Cronbach's α = .87, McDonald's ω =.88; Negative Affects: α = .88, ω = .89). In the case of Negative Affects, the scores show an extreme concentration at the lower end of the scale. The attractiveness of the stimulus persons has a significant but weak effect on Negative Affects (Cohen's d = 0.06). The background color of the website shows an effect on Positive Affects, but not on Negative Affects. The clear favorite is Green (for Green/Blue d = 0.15). The participants in the English-language version score higher on Negative Affects (d = 0.25). On Positive Affects, males score higher than women (d = 0.07). The older subjects score better on both scales than the younger ones (for age group comparisons, d values up to 0.46). Screen color has no notable effect on the assessment of likeability of the women's faces.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Linearity of Intelligence Effects and the Threshold Model of Formal-Operative Intelligence

Mankind Quarterly, 2021

There is ample evidence that numerous effects of intelligence are non-linear. Nevertheless, psych... more There is ample evidence that numerous effects of intelligence are non-linear. Nevertheless, psychometric research is almost exclusively restricted to the linear approach. The article presents a non-linear model, dubbed threshold model of formal-operative intelligence. The model is based on Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Using Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index as an example, it is shown that countries are only able to curb corruption if their national intelligence exceeds a certain threshold. In the lower intelligence range it does not matter whether a country is very far below or directly on the threshold. Intelligence only comes into play when the threshold is exceeded. In the context of Piaget’s developmental psychology this means: The decisive question is whether a sufficiently large proportion of the population has reached the stage of formal-operative thinking. It is shown that the threshold model has far greater explanatory power than the linear approach, and that this applies to a broad range of quite diverse variables. The importance of intelligence is much greater than many believe.

Research paper thumbnail of The Intelligence of Nations. National IQs. Update 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Social perceptions of male pattern baldness. A review

Psychosomatics + Dermatology, 2001

Key Words Male pattern baldness ⋅ androgenetic alopecia ⋅ social perceptions ⋅ face perception ⋅... more Key Words
Male pattern baldness ⋅ androgenetic alopecia ⋅ social perceptions ⋅ face perception ⋅ personality judgments ⋅ socio-cultural aspects of hair and hair loss

The paper presents a review of the empirical literature on strangers’ perceptions of male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). It also discusses some socio-cultural aspects of hair in general, and hair loss in particular.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Global Learning Crisis. Schulbesuch ist nicht gleich Lernen.

Der World Development Report der World Bank 2018 enthält zwei Botschaften, eine gute und eine sch... more Der World Development Report der World Bank 2018 enthält zwei Botschaften, eine gute und eine schlechte. Die gute lautet: Alle Länder dieser Welt haben große Anstrengungen unternommen und die Schulbesuchsquote massiv gesteigert. Von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen können heute überall in der Welt fast alle Kinder eine Schule besuchen. Die schlechte Nachricht lautet: Heute können zwar fast alle Kinder eine Schule besuchen, aber Hunderte Millionen lernen so gut wie
gar nichts. Diese traurige Tatsache wird von der UNESCO als Global Learning Crisis bezeichnet. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die beiden gegensätzlichen Aspekte, wobei der zweite Aspekt auf der Grundlage der internationalen Bildungsstudien wie PISA, TIMSS & Co beleuchtet wird. Im Anschluss daran werden die Befunde der Bildungsstudien mit den Befunden der psychometrischen Intelligenzforschung verglichen und gezeigt, dass beide praktisch nicht voneinander zu unterscheiden sind. Abschließend wird gezeigt, dass die Forderung der Agenda 2030, „Bis 2030 sicherstellen, dass alle Mädchen und Jungen gleichberechtigt eine kostenlose und hochwertige Grund- und Sekundarschulbildung abschließen, die zu brauchbaren und effektiven Lernergebnissen führt“, wobei Anforderungen moderner Industrie- und Informationsgesellschaften zugrunde gelegt werden, weltfremde Illusion ist.
Stichwörter: Global Learning Crisis, Schule, Schulbesuch, Lernen, Bildung, internationale Bildungsstudien, PISA, Intelligenz, IQ, Millenniumsziele, Agenda 2030, Lernarmut, Corona-Pandemie

Research paper thumbnail of Internet-based lay person rating of facial photographs to assess effects of a cleansing product and a decent cosmetic foundation on the attractiveness of female faces

International journal of cosmetic science, 2013

It is well established that decorative cosmetics can enhance female facial attractiveness. In thi... more It is well established that decorative cosmetics can enhance female facial attractiveness. In this study, we investigated the effects of a cleanser and a decent foundation on attractiveness of female faces. Comparative rating of a set of facial photographs by a group of lay persons revealed that the cleansing product was significantly reducing the attractiveness of the stimulus persons. Treatment with the foundation increased the attractiveness of the female faces clearly. The authors conclude that even unobtrusive cosmetic treatments like cleansers and light foundations may cause relevant changes of the attractiveness of female faces.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Dimensions of similarity of faces--a cross validation]](

Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, 1994

Using a series of three experiments, a cross-validation study on the dimensions of similarity of ... more Using a series of three experiments, a cross-validation study on the dimensions of similarity of faces was carried out. In experiment 1,100 subjects sorted two sets of facial photographs (61 men, 62 women; age range 20-60) into groups of faces similar in appearance. In experiment 2, a group of 864 subjects rated a subset of 36 male and 36 female faces on a personality differential consisting of 90 scales and a physiognomic differential consisting of 29 scales. Each judge rated a single photograph on all scales. In experiment 3, the complementary subsets of 25 male and 26 female faces were rated by a third group of 48 subjects. Each judge rated one set of photographs on eight different scales from the personality sphere. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (ALSCAL) was carried out on the similarity judgements obtained in experiment 1. Using multiple regression procedures, the ratings from experiment 2 were regressed on the coordinates of the similarity spaces. About two-thirds of the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Zur Beurteilerübereinstimmung bei der Einschätzung der physischen Attraktivität junger und alter Menschen

Research paper thumbnail of Ronald Henss: "Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand ... " Geschlecht, Alter und physische Attraktivität. ____ Teil 1: Einführung

Research paper thumbnail of Waist-to-hip ratio and female attractiveness. Evidence from photographic stimuli and methodological considerations

Personality and Individual Differences, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness. Replication and extension

Personality and Individual Differences, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Perceiving Age and Attractiveness in Facial Photographs1

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of The Big Five and Physical Attractiveness

Research paper thumbnail of Gesicht und Persönlichkeitseindruck

Hogrefe Verlag, 1998

Das komplette Buch ist hier als Download verfügbar:[ more ](;)Das komplette Buch ist hier als Download verfügbar:
Das Buch war viele Jahre vergriffen. Im Juni 2020 ist eine unveränderte Neuauflage erschienen.
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit einem Gegenstand, der uns alle fasziniert, nämlich dem menschlichen Gesicht. Es beschäftigt sich mit den Eindrücken, die wir beim Betrachten eines fremden Gesichts erhalten. Dabei stehen drei Fragen im Blickpunkt: Wie hängen die verschiedenen Eindrücke, die ein Gesicht vermittelt, untereinander zusammen? Inwieweit stimmen verschiedene Beurteiler in ihren Eindrücken überein? Lassen sich Persönlichkeitseindrücke auf physiognomische Merkmale zurückführen?
Der Autor liefert einen umfassenden Überblick über den Stand der Forschung und berichtet über eigene umfangreiche Untersuchungen. Die Fülle der referierten Befunde macht dieses Buch zu einem einzigartigen Nachschlagewerk über die Erkenntnisse der psychologischen Forschung zur Gesichterbeurteilung. Durch die allgemeinverständliche Darstellung wendet sich das Buch nicht nur an das psychologische Fachpublikum, sondern auch an Personen, die beruflich mit Fragen der Personenbeurteilung zu tun haben, sowie an Personen, die sich für Fragen des Aussehens und der physischen Attraktivität interessieren. ______


Research paper thumbnail of Hair Loss, Body Height and Attractiveness Malus for Men

In a study on social perception of genetically caused hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia), f... more In a study on social perception of genetically caused hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia), facial photographs of 59 men from the estimated age range of 28 to 58 were assessed. The photos were taken from a model catalog and, when viewed objectively, the men were considerably more attractive than the average of their peers. In a supplementary experiment, 21 students assessed all the photos according to the degree of hair loss. The internal consistency was almost perfect (Cronbach's α = .99). The main experiment was conducted online in a German and an English version. Each of the 1618 participants rated a randomly selected photo on 36 personality-descriptive rating scales and estimated age, height and weight. From the ratings, the factors attractiveness, mood, family orientation, professional status, social agreeableness, emotional stability and masculine facial features were obtained. The personality factors have sufficient to very high reliability (α = .73 to .88). The items babyface and likeable were also taken into account. For all variables, the consensus among the judges is at least good, mostly high to excellent (ICC(1,k) = .75 to .98). There are no noteworthy differences between the German and English versions, nor between male and female judges, but the age of the judges has a significant influence on the factors of attractiveness, family orientation and professional status. In the case of attractiveness, the ratings become more positive as the age of the judges increases, while the opposite is true for family orientation and status. With one exception, the men were rated favorably in every respect. The exception is attractiveness and, in particular, the sexual component. Here the ratings were a downright degradation, which we refer to as an attractiveness malus for men. At the level of the judges, hair loss is the dominant variable. With increasing hair loss, men appear older, less attractive, smaller, less masculine, less intelligent and successful at work, more family-oriented, more socially agreeable, in a better mood and more likeable. At the stimulus person level, only the correlation with age and attractiveness and mood is significant. At this level, estimated height is the dominant variable. It correlates positively with attractiveness, emotional stability and masculine appearance and negatively with age, family orientation, social agreeableness, mood and being likeable. The estimated body height thus shows the mirror image of hair loss at the level of the judges. The study makes it clear how important it is to distinguish between the level of the judges and the level of the judged. The level of the stimulus person shows that the individual characteristics are of the greatest importance, but the degree of hair loss can modify the first impressions.

Research paper thumbnail of “Toupee or not Toupee?” Sic (et Non). Social perceptions of Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia)

Research paper thumbnail of Blue Screen – Blue Mood? Influence of Background Color and Attractiveness of Female Stimulus Persons on Current Mood in an Online Experiment

Research paper thumbnail of The Intelligence of Nations. National IQs and Correlates

Qeios, 2024

Intelligence is by far the most important human trait. This holds true at the level of individual... more Intelligence is by far the most important human trait. This holds true at the level of individuals as well as at the level of nations. The average cognitive performance of their inhabitants is the most important determinant of the social, cultural, and economic development of nations. The article considers cognitive ability of nations from the perspective of psychometric intelligence research, international student assessment studies, and Piaget’s developmental psychology. Based on up-to-date data, the national IQ of 205 countries is estimated. Then it is shown that national IQs are closely related to a wide range of variables from different domains of life. Overall, it is demonstrated that the central findings of psychometric intelligence research hold unchanged. A special feature is the consideration of non-linear relationships. Using a specific threshold model derived from Piagetian developmental psychology, it is shown that the importance of national IQs is greater than previously known.

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Loss, Body Height and Attractiveness Malus for Men

Qeios, 2024

In a study on social perception of genetically caused hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia), f... more In a study on social perception of genetically caused hair loss in men (androgenetic alopecia), facial photographs of 59 men from the estimated age range of 28 to 58 were assessed. The photos were taken from a model catalog and, when viewed objectively, the men were considerably more attractive than the average of their peers. In a supplementary experiment, 21 students assessed all the photos according to the degree of hair loss. The internal consistency was almost perfect (Cronbach's α = .99). The main experiment was conducted online in a German and an English version. Each of the 1618 participants rated a randomly selected photo on 36 personality-descriptive rating scales and estimated age, height and weight. From the ratings, the factors attractiveness, mood, family orientation, professional status, social agreeableness, emotional stability and masculine facial features were obtained. The personality factors have sufficient to very high reliability (α = .73 to .88). The items babyface and likeable were also taken into account. For all variables, the consensus among the judges is at least good, mostly high to excellent (ICC(1,k) = .75 to .98). There are no noteworthy differences between the German and English versions, nor between male and female judges, but the age of the judges has a significant influence on the factors of attractiveness, family orientation and professional status. In the case of attractiveness, the ratings become more positive as the age of the judges increases, while the opposite is true for family orientation and status. With one exception, the men were rated favorably in every respect. The exception is attractiveness and, in particular, the sexual component. Here the ratings were a downright degradation, which we refer to as an attractiveness malus for men. At the level of the judges, hair loss is the dominant variable. With increasing hair loss, men appear older, less attractive, smaller, less masculine, less intelligent and successful at work, more family-oriented, more socially agreeable, in a better mood and more likeable. At the stimulus person level, only the correlation with age and attractiveness and mood is significant. At this level, estimated height is the dominant variable. It correlates positively with attractiveness, emotional stability and masculine appearance and negatively with age, family orientation, social agreeableness, mood and being likeable. The estimated body height thus shows the mirror image of hair loss at the level of the judges. The study makes it clear how important it is to distinguish between the level of the judges and the level of the judged. The level of the stimulus person shows that the individual characteristics are of the greatest importance, but the degree of hair loss can modify the first impressions.

Research paper thumbnail of "Toupee or not Toupee?" Sic (et Non). Social perceptions of Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia

Qeios, 2024

13 men aged between their early 30s and early 70s with full-blown male pattern baldness (male and... more 13 men aged between their early 30s and early 70s with full-blown male pattern baldness (male androgenetic alopecia) were photographed once bald and once with a high-quality, custom-made toupee. In an online experiment, one sample rated the photos according to attractiveness, another according to self-assurance and another according to health. The attractiveness ratings were extraordinarily low. The men appeared considerably more attractive with a toupee than with a bald head (effect size Cohen's d = 0.67). The women's attractiveness ratings were more negative than those of the male judges (d = 0.58). When the men wore their toupee, they were rated higher by older judges than by younger ones. The men appeared somewhat healthier with a toupee than with a bald head (d = 0.14). Overall, neither the hair status nor the sex of the judges played a role in the assessment of self-assurance. A special feature of the study is the analysis at the level of the individual stimulus persons. Under both hair conditions, each individual received higher attractiveness ratings from men than from women. In terms of self-assurance, some were rated more favorably by women and others by men. In terms of health, men and women only differed for a few targets. In line with the attractiveness stereotype "What is beautiful is good", more attractive men were judged to be more self-assured and healthier.

Research paper thumbnail of Blue Screen -Blue Mood? Influence of background color and attractiveness of female stimulus persons on current mood in an online experiment (PANAS

Qeios, 2024

In an online experiment, more than 6,000 volunteers rated women's faces according to their likeab... more In an online experiment, more than 6,000 volunteers rated women's faces according to their likeability The women were either extraordinarily attractive or of medium to low attractiveness. The background of the website was either Black, Blue, Green, Gray, Red or Yellow. Following the likeability assessments, the participants were asked to assess their own current mood using the PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule). The study was conducted in a German-language and an Englishlanguage version. An exploratory factor analysis with Oblimin rotation shows perfect orthogonality for the Positive Affects and Negative Affects (r = .01) and a reliability analysis shows excellent reliability for both scales (Positive Affects: Cronbach's α = .87, McDonald's ω =.88; Negative Affects: α = .88, ω = .89). In the case of Negative Affects, the scores show an extreme concentration at the lower end of the scale. The attractiveness of the stimulus persons has a significant but weak effect on Negative Affects (Cohen's d = 0.06). The background color of the website shows an effect on Positive Affects, but not on Negative Affects. The clear favorite is Green (for Green/Blue d = 0.15). The participants in the English-language version score higher on Negative Affects (d = 0.25). On Positive Affects, males score higher than women (d = 0.07). The older subjects score better on both scales than the younger ones (for age group comparisons, d values up to 0.46). Screen color has no notable effect on the assessment of likeability of the women's faces.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Linearity of Intelligence Effects and the Threshold Model of Formal-Operative Intelligence

Mankind Quarterly, 2021

There is ample evidence that numerous effects of intelligence are non-linear. Nevertheless, psych... more There is ample evidence that numerous effects of intelligence are non-linear. Nevertheless, psychometric research is almost exclusively restricted to the linear approach. The article presents a non-linear model, dubbed threshold model of formal-operative intelligence. The model is based on Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Using Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index as an example, it is shown that countries are only able to curb corruption if their national intelligence exceeds a certain threshold. In the lower intelligence range it does not matter whether a country is very far below or directly on the threshold. Intelligence only comes into play when the threshold is exceeded. In the context of Piaget’s developmental psychology this means: The decisive question is whether a sufficiently large proportion of the population has reached the stage of formal-operative thinking. It is shown that the threshold model has far greater explanatory power than the linear approach, and that this applies to a broad range of quite diverse variables. The importance of intelligence is much greater than many believe.

Research paper thumbnail of The Intelligence of Nations. National IQs. Update 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Social perceptions of male pattern baldness. A review

Psychosomatics + Dermatology, 2001

Key Words Male pattern baldness ⋅ androgenetic alopecia ⋅ social perceptions ⋅ face perception ⋅... more Key Words
Male pattern baldness ⋅ androgenetic alopecia ⋅ social perceptions ⋅ face perception ⋅ personality judgments ⋅ socio-cultural aspects of hair and hair loss

The paper presents a review of the empirical literature on strangers’ perceptions of male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). It also discusses some socio-cultural aspects of hair in general, and hair loss in particular.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Global Learning Crisis. Schulbesuch ist nicht gleich Lernen.

Der World Development Report der World Bank 2018 enthält zwei Botschaften, eine gute und eine sch... more Der World Development Report der World Bank 2018 enthält zwei Botschaften, eine gute und eine schlechte. Die gute lautet: Alle Länder dieser Welt haben große Anstrengungen unternommen und die Schulbesuchsquote massiv gesteigert. Von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen können heute überall in der Welt fast alle Kinder eine Schule besuchen. Die schlechte Nachricht lautet: Heute können zwar fast alle Kinder eine Schule besuchen, aber Hunderte Millionen lernen so gut wie
gar nichts. Diese traurige Tatsache wird von der UNESCO als Global Learning Crisis bezeichnet. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die beiden gegensätzlichen Aspekte, wobei der zweite Aspekt auf der Grundlage der internationalen Bildungsstudien wie PISA, TIMSS & Co beleuchtet wird. Im Anschluss daran werden die Befunde der Bildungsstudien mit den Befunden der psychometrischen Intelligenzforschung verglichen und gezeigt, dass beide praktisch nicht voneinander zu unterscheiden sind. Abschließend wird gezeigt, dass die Forderung der Agenda 2030, „Bis 2030 sicherstellen, dass alle Mädchen und Jungen gleichberechtigt eine kostenlose und hochwertige Grund- und Sekundarschulbildung abschließen, die zu brauchbaren und effektiven Lernergebnissen führt“, wobei Anforderungen moderner Industrie- und Informationsgesellschaften zugrunde gelegt werden, weltfremde Illusion ist.
Stichwörter: Global Learning Crisis, Schule, Schulbesuch, Lernen, Bildung, internationale Bildungsstudien, PISA, Intelligenz, IQ, Millenniumsziele, Agenda 2030, Lernarmut, Corona-Pandemie

Research paper thumbnail of Internet-based lay person rating of facial photographs to assess effects of a cleansing product and a decent cosmetic foundation on the attractiveness of female faces

International journal of cosmetic science, 2013

It is well established that decorative cosmetics can enhance female facial attractiveness. In thi... more It is well established that decorative cosmetics can enhance female facial attractiveness. In this study, we investigated the effects of a cleanser and a decent foundation on attractiveness of female faces. Comparative rating of a set of facial photographs by a group of lay persons revealed that the cleansing product was significantly reducing the attractiveness of the stimulus persons. Treatment with the foundation increased the attractiveness of the female faces clearly. The authors conclude that even unobtrusive cosmetic treatments like cleansers and light foundations may cause relevant changes of the attractiveness of female faces.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Dimensions of similarity of faces--a cross validation]](

Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, 1994

Using a series of three experiments, a cross-validation study on the dimensions of similarity of ... more Using a series of three experiments, a cross-validation study on the dimensions of similarity of faces was carried out. In experiment 1,100 subjects sorted two sets of facial photographs (61 men, 62 women; age range 20-60) into groups of faces similar in appearance. In experiment 2, a group of 864 subjects rated a subset of 36 male and 36 female faces on a personality differential consisting of 90 scales and a physiognomic differential consisting of 29 scales. Each judge rated a single photograph on all scales. In experiment 3, the complementary subsets of 25 male and 26 female faces were rated by a third group of 48 subjects. Each judge rated one set of photographs on eight different scales from the personality sphere. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (ALSCAL) was carried out on the similarity judgements obtained in experiment 1. Using multiple regression procedures, the ratings from experiment 2 were regressed on the coordinates of the similarity spaces. About two-thirds of the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Zur Beurteilerübereinstimmung bei der Einschätzung der physischen Attraktivität junger und alter Menschen

Research paper thumbnail of Ronald Henss: "Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand ... " Geschlecht, Alter und physische Attraktivität. ____ Teil 1: Einführung

Research paper thumbnail of Waist-to-hip ratio and female attractiveness. Evidence from photographic stimuli and methodological considerations

Personality and Individual Differences, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness. Replication and extension

Personality and Individual Differences, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Perceiving Age and Attractiveness in Facial Photographs1

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of The Big Five and Physical Attractiveness

Research paper thumbnail of The Big Five and beyond

Research paper thumbnail of Ob blond, ob schwarz, ob braun ... Präferenzen für Haarfarben Ergebnisse einer online Untersuchung

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligenz und Korruption. Auszug: Das Schwellenmodell der formal operativen Intelligenz.

Intelligenz und Korruption, 2020

Dies ist ein Auszug aus dem Buchmanuskript Ronald Henss: Intelligenz und Korruption. In diesem Au... more Dies ist ein Auszug aus dem Buchmanuskript Ronald Henss: Intelligenz und Korruption. In diesem Auszug wird das Schwellenmodell der formal-operativen Intelligenz eingeführt, welches die psychometrische Intelligenzforschung mit der Evolutionspsychologie und der Entwicklungspsychologie von Jean Piaget verbindet. Das Schwellenmodell hat eine wesentlich größere Erklärungskraft als die herkömmlichen Ansätze. Mit Hilfe des Schwellenmodells zeige ich, dass die Intelligenz die mit Abstand wichtigste Determinante der Korruption ist.
Der Anwendungsbereich des Schwellenmodells weist weit über die Korruption hinaus. _____ Stichwörter: Intelligenz, Korruption, Schwellenmodell, formal-operative Intelligenz, Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex, Transparency International, CPI, Corruption Perceptions Index, Intelligence, Threshold model of formal-operative intelligence.

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligenz und Korruption - Vorwort des Buches

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligenz und Korruption. Auszug: Der Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex CPI

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligenz und Korruption. Materialien: Das Schwellenmodell der formal-operativen Intelligenz

Research paper thumbnail of Ronald Henss (2019). Intelligenz und Korruption. Auszug: Das Schwellenmodell der formal-operativen Intelligenz

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligenz und Korruption Auszug Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex CPI

Die Grundannahme dieses Buches lautet: Die Intelligenz ist mit großem Abstand das wichtigste Merk... more Die Grundannahme dieses Buches lautet: Die Intelligenz ist mit großem Abstand das wichtigste Merkmal des Menschen überhaupt. Unterschiede in der Intelligenz wirken sich in nahezu allen Bereichen des Lebens aus – und das gilt auch für die Korruption. _____ Am Beispiel des Korruptionswahrnehmungsindexes CPI (Corruption Perception Index) von Transparency International zeige ich, dass die Intelligenz mit Abstand die wichtigste Determinante der Korruption ist. Ja mehr noch: Es kann keine Variable geben, die unabhängig von der Intelligenz ist und einen auch nur annähernd so großen Anteil der Korruptionsvarianz erklärt wie Intelligenz. _____ Dabei schlage ich ein neues Modell vor, das Schwellenmodell der formal-operativen Intelligenz. Dieses Modell berücksichtigt die offenkundige Nicht-Linearität der Beziehung zwischen Intelligenz und Korruption. Dadurch hat es hat eine wesentlich größere Erklärungskraft als der vorherrschende lineare Ansatz. Im Gegensatz zu den weitgehend atheoretischen Ansätzen beruht das Schwellenmodell auf gut fundierten Grundprinzipien der Evolutionspsychologie und der Entwicklungspsychologie. _____ Die Erklärungskraft des Schwellenmodells reicht weit über das Thema Korruption hinaus. Im Buch wird gezeigt, dass Korruption ist lediglich ein Anwendungsfall unter vielen ist und dass das Schwellenmodell in vielen Bereichen den vorherrschenden Ansätzen überlegen ist. _____ Der vorliegende Auszug bezieht sich auf den Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex CPI von Transparency International. _____ Stichwörter: Korruption, Korruptionswahrnehmung, CPI, Transparency International, Intelligenz, corruption, corruption perceptions index, intelligence